Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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73 Postings, 9051 Tage HafturlaubUmtausch

10.09.09 09:33
Der Umtausch bei der Ing-Diba ist durch, die Aktien stehen auch zum Verkauf zur Verfügung. Im Umtauschbeleg steht: "Die ursprünglichen Anschaffungsdaten wurden auf die neuen Stücke übernommen (steuerneutral)." Spesenabrechnung ist noch nicht erfolgt.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro#2675

10.09.09 09:51
Es ist nicht BCL, welche den Deal abschliesst sondern die Komeri Holding Limited’s, eine Company welche die Panguna Landeigner gegründet haben.  

20 Postings, 6164 Tage kampalo1Scap metal

10.09.09 15:41
Aha. Ich hatte es so verstanden, dass Capital Equipment Supply der Geldgeber für Komeri Holdings ist. Das JV wäre dann zwischen BCL und Komeri Holdings. Aber vielleicht hast Du auch recht...  

84 Postings, 6350 Tage MindTheGap#2676

11.09.09 09:48
Hallo Hafturlaub,

danke für die Information. Da schint sich die ING-Diba anders zu verhalten als Consors. Gibt es schon jemanden mit Informationen darüber wie die Comdirect damit umgeht? Ist ja eigentlich schon unglaublich, dass die steuerliche Behandlung einer Transaktion am Ende davon abhängen sollte, bei welhcher Bank man Kunde ist...  

177 Postings, 6275 Tage joebo@MindTheGap

11.09.09 19:45
siehe das Posting Nr. 2599 (und folgende)

Gruß joebo  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDetails zum Scrapmetal Deal

12.09.09 11:28

140 Postings, 6350 Tage pezz88ConSors und der Umtausch...

12.09.09 22:23

Ist schon mehr als merkwürdig, dass hier bei unterschiedlichen Geldinstituten völlig anders verfahren wird.  Habe mein Depot bei ConSors, dort erfolgt der Tausch auf jeden Fall nicht steuerneutral, habe darüber mehrfach mit den Kollegen von ConSors  verhandelt.

Hier das Ergebnis:  


Cortal Consors verbucht die Kapitalmaßnahme nach dem aktuellen Stand der Informationen, die uns von der Gesellschaft für Wertpapiermitteilung, vorliegen. Das bedeutet, dass ein steuerwirksamer Umtausch vorgeschrieben ist. Diese Information sollte auch anderen Banken erhalten haben, da alle Banken in Deutschland von der Wertpapiermitteilung mit den selben Daten versorgt werden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei um keinen Zwangsumtausch des Unternehmens weder jetzt noch nach Ablauf der Frist handelt, da hier keinerlei ADR?s obligatorisch umgetauscht werden. Sofern wir keine Weisung von Ihnen nach Ablauf der Frist erhalten, wird es eine obligatorische Barabfindung in Höhe vom Agent erzielten Verwertungserlöses geben....


Der Einstandskurs der neuen Aktien WKN 852652 wird mit 0,23 EUR gebucht. Der Kurs für den "Verkauf" der alten ADR?s WKN 867948 steht noch nicht fest, da dies der niedrigste Börsenkurs der WKN 852652 an einer deutschen Börse vom Vortag der Stückelieferung durch die Lagerstelle ist.


Keine Ahnung, wie sie auf einen Einstiegskurs von 0,23€ kommen...

Werde jetzt versuchen, die ADR's zur DiBa zu transferieren und dann dort zu tauschen!




286 Postings, 7041 Tage bergfex58unentdeckt

13.09.09 10:29

Es sieht so aus, als müsse über den Begriff Zwang ein Rechtsstreit entscheiden. Eine klassische Analogszenerie wäre : "entweder Du gehst raus, oder Du zahlst Praesenzsteuer".  Wundert mich ohnehin, daß hier noch keine Partei auf den Plan trat, die dieses Thema als einzigen Programmpunkt im Schilde führt. Eigentlich müßte die Linke das schultern können, denn sie hatten schon immer ein eigenartiges Verhältnis zu "Zwängen".

Dann auch noch diese Logik, den tiefsten Kurs als Kaufkurs heranzuziehen !!


6 Postings, 6342 Tage NewbocNe Meldung aus WO ;-)

13.09.09 11:43
Franca Trading GmbH
Freiwilliges öffentliches Kaufangebot
an die Inhaber von
American Depository Receipts (ADR)
Bougainville Copper Limited
WKN: 867948, ISIN: US1013952007
Die Franca Trading GmbH, Düsseldorf, bietet den Inhabern von ADR der Bougainville Copper Limited an, ihre ADR (WKN 867948, ISIN: US1013952007) zu einem Preis von 0,18 EUR je ADR zu erwerben. Dieses Angebot richtet sich ausschließlich an Inhaber, die mindestens 500 ADR andienen möchten. Das Angebot ist auf 139.000 ADR begrenzt. Sollten mehr ADR zum Kauf angeboten werden, erfolgt die Annahme in der Reihenfolge des Eingangs der Annahmeerklärungen. Das Angebot endet am 18.09.2009, 17:30 Uhr.

Aktionäre, die das Angebot annehmen wollen, werden gebeten, dies der Franca Trading GmbH, Klosterstrasse 49, 40211 Düsseldorf, Tel. 0211-5409790, Fax 0211-54097929,, mit der ebenfalls dort erhältlichen Annahmeerklärung mitzuteilen.

Die Zahlung des Kaufpreises erfolgt ausschließlich auf ein inländisches Konto. Das öffentliche Kaufangebot sowie die auf dieser Basis abgeschlossenen Kaufverträge unterliegen deutschem Recht. Dieses Angebot richtet sich nicht an Anteilsinhaber in einer Jurisdiktion, in der dieses Angebot gegen die dort geltenden Gesetze verstößt.

Düsseldorf, August 2009

Der Geschäftsführer Patrick Seidel  

382 Postings, 6350 Tage centwatchBillige abzocke

13.09.09 12:05
Das sind doch Nach ganz billiger fieser abzocke aus. So ein freches Angebot ist m.E. Sittenwidrig. Sowas sollte der Staatsanwalt verfolgen  

286 Postings, 7041 Tage bergfex58@centwatch

13.09.09 15:08
sittenwidrig ist das nicht, was da diese Fa. anbietet. Es ist einfach eine Möglichkeit, seine Dummheit zu beweisen.
Sittenwidrig ist Steuerungerechtigkeit zB.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroMine must open for economic development

14.09.09 11:56

Buka Businessman, Henry Onsa, has called on the ABG to fast track the re-opening the Panguna copper mine.

He made these comments on New Dawn FM when commenting on cocoa pod borer disease that has been confirmed in Central Bougainville.

Mr Onsa said that the disease could destroy the cocoa industry on Bougainville.

He said the only sure way to economic recovery is to open the copper mine.

He said the cocoa pod borer has completely destroyed the cocoa industry in East New Britain and, without mining, Bougainville would go backwards.

He also blamed quarantine workers for not doing enough to prevent the disease from entering Bougainville.

Meanwhile a team from the office of PNG’s Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Puka Temu, including officers from the Department of Mining has been inspecting the copper mine site at Panguna.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroNew people"s bank is open for business

15.09.09 02:57

The PNG Nationwide Micro Bank has officially opened its doors for business on Bougainville.
Speakers at the opening ceremony urged the Bougainville people to start using the bank which will operate using passbook accounts.

The bank was officially opened by the ABG Minister for Micro Finance and Economic Service and Trade, Joseph Watawi.

Mr Watawi was also the first customer to open a passbook.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPNG Power re-establishes in Bougainville

15.09.09 02:59

PNG Power re-establishes in Bougainville
The ABG side of the bargain to get a major electricity utility re-established in Bougainville has been met with the opening of the PNG Power office in Buka.

Acting CEO of PNG Power, Tony Koiri, said the ABG had met costs of K600,000 to enable PNG Power to return to Bougainville.

He said the money covered generators, staff housing and the building of the Buka office.

The building was officially opened by the ABG Acting President, Izekiel Massat.  

51 Postings, 5963 Tage VirtualNoirmannLandowners in Bougainville...

15.09.09 07:12

Landowners in Bougainville say scrap metal is being stolen from BCL  


There are reports from Papua New Guinea’s autonomous region of Bougainville that landowners in the Central district are stealing scrap metal owned by the Bougainville Copper mine.

A Post Courier journalist, Gorethy Kenneth, says she has spoken with landowners in Central Bougainville who say locals are helping themselves to premium steel and machinery from Panguna mine and selling it at a low cost overseas.

She says they’re justifying it because they own the land on which the metal is being kept.

“It’s being stolen because those things remain the property of BCL. But the way the landowners and some people in Central Bougainville, or the Panguna landowners are seeing it is many lives have been lost so they’re just helping themselves to those things, because there are machines and they’re looking for some economic means for themselves.”

Gorethy Kenneth says the Deputy Prime Minister will be travelling to the Panguna mine to look into the situation as the national government is concerned about the issue.



103 Postings, 6350 Tage DonnÖffentlicher Sex für reiche Ernte

15.09.09 16:59
Nackt in den Dschungel geflüchtet

Am Wochenende gelang dem Guru mit einem Trick die Flucht.Die Polizei in Papua-Neuguinea fahndet nach dem Anführer eines Sexkults, der Dorfbewohner mit der Aussicht auf eine reiche Bananenernte zu öffentlichem Sex verführt haben soll. Am Wochenende sollte er verhaftet werden, doch ihm gelang mit sieben seiner Anhänger die Flucht.

Der Mann, zwei seiner Frauen, drei Männer und ein kleiner Bub seien nackt in den Urwald geflüchtet, berichtete die Zeitung "Post Courier" am Dienstag. Die Behörden schicken nun weitere Exekutivbeamte in das Dorf Wau 200 Kilometer nördlich der Hauptstadt Port Moresby.

Zehnfache Ernte nach öffentlichem Sex
Dem Bericht zufolge hatte der Kultanführer den Dorfbewohnern eingeredet, ihre Bananenernte werde sich jedes Mal verzehnfachen, wenn sie Sex in der Öffentlichkeit hätten. Dem Mann werden eine Reihe von Vergehen wie Bedrohung und illegale sexuelle Aktivitäten vorgeworfen.

Vier Sicherheitsbeamte wollten den Guru am Samstagabend im Dorf Yanina stellen. Als er sie sah, verbarrikadierte er sich laut Polizeichef Adam Busil in seinem Haus. Kurz darauf stieß er eine nackte Frau vor die Tür und flüchtete dann in der allgemeinen Verwirrung.

In Goldmine verschanzt?
Ursprünglich hatten Informanten die Beamten zu einer Goldmine geführt, wo die Kultmitglieder ein Lager haben sollen. Die Minengesellschaft warnte jedoch vor einem Einsatz: Die Gruppe sei mit Pfeil und Bogen bewaffnet und verfüge über selbst gebaute Feuerwaffen.

Schließlich bekamen die Polizisten den Tipp, dass sich der Sektenführer in Yanina verstecke. Vermutlich hat er sich nun zum Lager des Kults in der Minenanlage durchgeschlagen. Auf dem Gelände waren immer wieder Sektenmitglieder gesichtet worden.

"Fühlten, dass unser Leben in Gefahr war"
Nach der missglückten Festnahme flüchteten die Beamten jedoch selbst aus Yanina. "Weil wir fühlten, dass unser Leben in Gefahr war, gaben wir Schüsse ab und zogen uns sofort aus dem Dorf zurück, weil wir eine Konfrontation vermeiden wollten", sagte Busil.

Nach Eintreffen der Verstärkung in Wau soll nun die gesamte Gegend durchkämmt und der Haftbefehl gegen den Guru vollstreckt werden. Die Regierung von Papua-Neuguinea versucht seit Jahren, in den entlegenen Stammesgebieten staatliche Ordnungsstrukturen zu etablieren.



15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroReconciliation going on - BOC AU +6%

17.09.09 07:32

Reconciliation going on
Tanis on a mission with peace ministry


A MAJOR reconciliation is underway in Panguna, Central Bougainville to start the first event for this year under the newly established peace ministry led by Minister Robert Hamal Sawa and chief executive officer Dennis Kuiai. Autonomous Bougainville Gov0-ernment president James Tanis told a press conference that the people of Panguna, especially the family of Mathew Kove and Panguna landowners, were set to reconcile before any small reconciliation can take place. He said now that he had K4 million allocated for this purpose and weapons disposal from the national government, he had to be seen to start from somewhere. “We have to start from the big one instead of going around in the circle,” Mr Tanis said. “Now it is the time to strengthen the peace work and it is time to rid the region of guns. Bougainville must reconcile after all this is the key to prosperity.” Mr Tanis praised the Peace Ministry set up recently as it would now be the designated ministry aimed at responding to post conflict issues. “The administration of Bougainville has not been designed to respond to post conflict situations and that’s why we have not moved forward in the last years,”  Mr Tanis said yesterday. “Now, with this new transitional ministry (Peace) which is designed to respond to the post conflict issues. We are now able to go forward and carry out the programs set.” He said there was now a clear demarcation and line of duty – and this office would see an effective co-ordination in all non-government organisations and other entities involved in peace building. This is because in the past years, there had been all these organisations dealing with these issues of peace but no co-ordination.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroMedium Term Commentary

17.09.09 07:48

Medium term price trend Bougainville Cop change from bearish to bullish this week. This market keeps a relative behavior lower -60.6566 than MSCI-AUSTRALIA. Volatility has been decreasing during last month.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroAutonomy to be "a bit at a time"

19.09.09 16:56


EAST New Britain Governor Leo Dion is pushing for autonomy but he has said that autonomy will come “in packages,” and not wholesale.
It shows the man has a calculated strategy. He revealed his strategy during his independence speech at the Vunamami Farmers’ Training Centre last Tuesday
while handing over cheques totalling K3.1 million.
“In my vision I see this province becoming a peaceful province, a province that people can enjoy living in, a province that you and I and our children can
proudly speak of as a prosperous and peace-loving province,” he said.
“But my vision will not come true or become a reality if the people are not adequately educated, health services are lacking, the vital infrastructures like
roads, bridges, airports, wharves and the enforcing of law and order is lacking. These are vital organs of development and areas which a visionary leader
needs to deal with adequately every day.
“This is also why I am pushing, as a visionary leader that we gain some form of autonomy in the areas of finance, administration and politics for this
province.” But Governor Dion said he knew there were sceptics who were saying autonomy was unattainable.
“I am happy to say that they are providing a challenge and making our move more worthy,” he said.
He said autonomy was the way forward, it was development and progress and it was for the future generation, that he was determined to lay a strong foundation
for East New Britain before he bowed out of politics. Mr Dion is in his ninth year as Governor of East New Britain.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroGovt must address B"ville referendum

21.09.09 02:31

The National
YOUR recent editorial asserted that next year’s referendum in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville could have enormous consequences.
In this referendum, Bougainvilleans will decide whether or not they want to become independent from PNG.
Once more, the Government and Parliament have unfortunately been complacent in the last 14 years not to address this issue.
The prospect of a referendum should be enough to jolt the “powers-that-be” from its deep slumber and immediately pass the required legislation on how best to accommodate the issue of autonomy in PNG within the context of its future development.
The editorial highlighted several scenarios with far reaching implications, why certain provinces want autonomy like Bougainville and what the Government should do to address this issue.
On the whole, the editorial reminded the Government “to treat it seriously”.  
Is it a threat?
I do not think so.
On the contrary, I see the issue of autonomy not as a threat but a positive development tool for the Government.
It can be so if approached in a rational manner with a long-term strategy of adapting levels of autonomy towards a positive outcome for the nation.  
I see the issue of autonomy, especially political autonomy as a positive development goal that should now be fully exploited and adapted as a possible future political model for a multi-cultural society like PNG.
Since the Bougainville crisis ended, successive governments have all gone to sleep on the issue of autonomy and what it should do if other provinces also seek autonomy.
The Government has no coherent national strategic policy and appropriate laws on how best to address future issues of autonomy within its national strategic policy context.
There are many reasons why certain provinces seek autonomy.
It is a form of self-government and provides the possibility to share legislative and executive powers between the National Government and the provinces.
For PNG, the contemporary relevance of autonomy has to be considered as an efficient means of conflict prevention and resolution through accommodation of the fundamental needs of national minorities within the existing provincial boundaries and as a fundamental right of national or ethnic minorities to be considered under national (and international) law.
The political system we have since Independence is badly flawed and needs to be changed as part of our national strategic plan within the next decade as it has failed Papua New Guineans.
What PNG needs is small central government in a relocated capital city, say Arona valley in the EHP.
It is time we have four self-governing autonomous regions – Papua, Highlands, Momase and New Guinea Islands – to independently develop their own regional governments under separate laws and administration structures.
Bougainville can be a part of NGI.
The autonomy issue should not necessarily be seen as a threat but a good sovereign challenge for the Government.
The Government must now take “the bull by the horns” and address the issue in a bi-partisan way in Parliament and as part of its national strategic plan.

Reginald Renagi
Port Moresby  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroAust police return plan

21.09.09 09:36


THE Australian Federal Police could be back in Papua New Guinea in large numbers next year, under a new program.
That’s from a report in the Friday Sydney Morning Herald paper quoting AFP officials saying that they will return under a new program that they’ve proposed to the Rudd
Government. The report with the headline “Federal police set to return to PNG to end reign of lawlessness” states that four years after Australia had to withdraw hundreds of its police
officers from PNG following the dramatic collapse of the Howard government’s Enhanced Co-operation Program, the AFP is preparing to go to the Rudd Government with proposals
which could lead to the deployment of 150 police over four years.
The AFP plans to do it differently this time, with an emphasis on strengthening the institutional resilience of the Royal PNG Constabulary, focusing on human resources,
finances, policy making, the national training infrastructure, and internal disciplinary systems.
Significant numbers of Australian police would go into advisory roles inside the Royal PNG Constabulary command structure in head office and in the regions, where they would
concentrate on institutional reform, rather than going into “inline” positions as they did under the Enhanced Co-operation Program fighting crime on the streets of Port Moresby.
The AFP’s proposals will be considered in the next federal budget.
The Herald also reported that AFP recognises the Enhanced Co-operation Program failed because it did not consult enough with PNG police before deploying police in the country.
As a result, PNG police felt the Enhanced Co-operation Program was being imposed on them, and they did not have any “buy in” on the mission.
This led to resentment, and eventually the Supreme Court ruled that immunities granted to Australian police were unconstitutional. This issue still has not been resolved.
Since September a small number of AFP officers have been in PNG working jointly with local police on designing a new policing assistance strategy. Fourteen AFP officers are
still in PNG. They have been talking to local police, attending meetings, and trying to understand the problems in the Royal PNG Constabulary, which is an ineffective and ageing force. It is
beset by corruption, allegations of brutality and heavy handedness, is too small for the growing population of six million, and lacks the trust of the community, the Herald
reported. Their findings are that efforts need to be directed to building the institution - which for years has been under-resourced and largely ignored by the Government - into one
strong enough to withstand political interference. Assistant Commissioner Frank Prendergast, the national manager of the AFP International Deployment Group, said: “The AFP supports the Royal PNG Constabulary findings that institutional strengthening is a mandatory requirement in order to establish a professional and sustainable police force for the people of PNG.
“Developing the relationships between the AFP and the Royal PNG Constabulary has been critical in the scoping phase to ensure that the Royal PNG Constabulary has the lead on any
future change in management program and are comfortable with future programs of support that may be provided through any new police to police arrangement.”
Police Commissioner Gari Baki and Internal Security Minister Sani Rambi could not be reached to comment on this report and confirm whether local police or the Government will be
happy to accept this new program. Morobe Governor Luther Wenge spearheaded the anti-AFP court action.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroQuick Reaction Force Deploys to Bougainville

21.09.09 22:25

Quick Reaction Force Deploys to Bougainville Island (Papua New Guinea) to Remove World War II-era Ordnance

Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC

September 21, 2009


In a response to a request from the government of Papua New Guinea, the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement’s Conventional Weapons Destruction Quick Reaction Force (QRF) will deploy on September 21 to Torokina District on Bougainville Island, part of an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea, where they will assess the potential impact of unexploded ordnance in the area, which was the scene of a protracted land battle between Allied and Japanese forces during World War II.

Abandoned and unexploded munitions have had a significant lingering effect, limiting area residents’ abilities to pursue even basic life-sustaining operations such as subsistence farming. Abandoned weapons, ammunition, and explosives scavenged from Torokina have also been used by militant groups and criminals over the years. The QRF will partner closely with the local population to find and prioritize areas for clearance so that land can be returned to productive use quickly and efficiently for area residents. The QRF will also gather data to consider future explosive ordnance clearance operations at Torokina, in cooperation with the government of Papua New Guinea and the Autonomous Government of Bougainville.

The Department of State’s QRF is a deployable team of conventional weapons destruction experts that works in concert with U.S. Embassies and host nations to respond to critical risks posed by explosive remnants of war, including cluster munitions, landmines and other types of explosive hazards. The QRF complements international humanitarian operations and post-conflict stability initiatives in the host nation, allowing them to proceed unhindered by the presence of explosive hazards.

The U.S. Department of State’s Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs manages the QRF, humanitarian mine action programs, including clearance of landmines and explosive remnants of war, survivor assistance and mine risk education, as well as conventional weapons destruction programs worldwide. More information is available at  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDetails of Reconciliations

22.09.09 14:13

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroSafety of government office in Arawa guaranteed

24.09.09 02:25

("General" Chris Uma scheint es ja kaum mehr erwarten zu können ;-))))))))))))))))))

Safety of government office in Arawa guaranteed
By Aloysius Laukai

The move by the ABG President Hon James Tanis to open an office for the President in Arawa has been welcomed.

General of the Mekamui Defence Force, Chris Uma, has issued a statement supporting the move and at the same time guaranteeing the safety of the President and his staff.

Mr Uma’s group, which has been operating outside the Bougainville Peace Agreement, called on the ABG to establish quickly in Arawa.

He said his group wholeheartedly welcomed the move and would be working closely with the ABG to establish peace and normalcy in Arawa and Bougainville as a whole.

New Dawn FM understands that discussions are taking place to reconcile Mr Uma and his team with Ishmael Toroama and his ex combatants.

The first big reconciliation will be held at Panguna when preparations have been completed.

Posted at 05:11 PM in News | Permalink | Comments (1)  

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