Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPress Release

06.08.09 08:18

Press Release
                                                                           06 August 2009
The directors of Bougainville Copper Limited announce the following results of
the company for the six months ended 30 June 2009 which have been
independently reviewed together with comparable results for six months to 30
June 2009.
The result for the six months ended 30 June 2009 was a profit of K1.8 million
compared to a profit of K0.1million for the corresponding period last year.
Although investment income and expenditure was generally consistent with the
previous period, the improved profit was largely the result of exchange gains.

Financial Results

                                                                          2009 2008
                                                                         K'000 K'000
Interest 203
Exchange gain on bank account                                              2,112                 550
Dividends 2,637
Total Income                                                               4,952 4,839
Less:  General and administration expenses                                 3,112           4,726
Profit/(loss) before taxation                                              1,840                 113
Profit before taxation                                                     1,840                 113
Income tax expense                                                             -                   -
Net profit                                                                 1,840 113
Average A$/Kina exchange rate for period                                  0.5018          0.3821
Equivalent net profit in A$'000                                             923                   43


The company is continuing its work aimed at assisting the landowner
reconciliation process.

The Directors have been advised that a decision is to be handed down in the
National Court in Papua New Guinea on the afternoon of the 13th August 2009
on the question whether the tax and penalties in dispute are required to be
paid to the Internal Revenue Commission pending the determination of thr
substantive appeal.


The Directors have not declared a dividend in respect of the six months ended
30 June 2009.


No borrowings were outstanding at year-end.

The standard proforma Appendix 4D was lodged with the Australian Stock
Exchange in accordance with official listing requirements.
By order of the Board.  

177 Postings, 6275 Tage joebolasst euch nicht verrückt machen

06.08.09 10:06
so richtig glauben konnte ich das zuerst nicht, aber tatsächlich hat meine Bank (comdirect) mir heute (6.8.) mit  Buchungstag von gestern (5.8.) die aus den ADR´s getauschten ORG´s (WKN:852652) ins Depot gestellt,

dabei hatte ich den Auftrag dazu erst letzten  Freitag (31.7.) per Post (!) weggeschickt,

also - siehe Betreff,

Kosten-Nachricht hierzu habe ich noch nicht, reiche ich ggf. nach,

Gruß joebo  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDie leicht zugänglichen Lagerstätten sind entdeckt

06.08.09 11:29

...........Ein Blick auf die Lagerstätten verdeutlicht wie sehr sich die Situation in den letzten Jahrzehnten unbemerkt von der breiten Öffentlichkeit verschärft hat: In den 80er Jahren waren 100% der neu in Produktion gebrachten Kupferminen oberflächennahe Vorkommen. Sie konnten im preiswerten Tagebau gefördert werden und waren aus geologischer Sicht einfach zu finden. In den 90er Jahren ging der Anteil der oberflächennahen Vorkommen bereits auf 60% zurück und heute liegt er nur noch bei bescheidenen 20%.

Nicht nur, dass die Masse der heute neu entdeckten Vorkommen vollständig von anderen Gesteinsschichten überlagert ist; sie liegen auch noch wesentlich tiefer und sind damit schwerer und nur unter erhöhten Kosten zu fördern. Doch selbst wenn ein neuer Erzkörper entdeckt ist, stellt der steinige Weg über die langen Genehmigungsverfahren und den teuren Minenaufbau für die Minen eine gefahrvolle und vor allem zeitintensive Strecke dar.

Zwar ist der Kupferverbrauch seit dem Beginn der Krise rückläufig, doch der langfristige Trend zu einer weltweit höheren Kupfernachfrage ist weiterhin in Takt. Mehr noch: Die aktuelle Krise kann sogar dazu beitragen, die bestehende Lücke zwischen dem aktuellem Verbrauch und den neu entdeckten Reserven zu vergrößern und damit die Situation langfristig zu verschärfen.................

Gesamtartikel : siehe Link  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroBCL ASX Invest

06.08.09 14:57

Obwohl erfreuliche Zahlen,trotzdem nur die "halbe Wahrheit" ;-)))))))))))))))))))

So beträgt alleine BCL's an der ASX angelegtes Vermögen aktuell 67.533.489 AUD

Australian Foundation Investment Company Limited (AFI)

Seite 59

Major Shareholders of the Company’s shares as at 16 July 2008 are listed below:

2) Bougainville Copper Limited 6,189,052 Shares  0.64%

Kurs 1.1.2009 4.20 AUD Dividende 13 ct

Kurs 6.8.2009  4,96 AUD

Wert:1.1.2009 25.994.000 AUD  

Wert Heute 30.697.697 AUD

Dividende: 804.576 AUD

Argo Investments Limited (ARG)

Seite 62

20 largest shareholders

3) Bougainville Copper Limited 2,977,055 Shares 0.52%

Kurs 1.1.2009 5.35 AUD Dividende 6 ct

Kurs 6.8.2009  6.51AUD

Wert: 15.927.000 AUD

Wert Heute 19.380.628

Dividende: 178.623 AUD

Brickworks Investment Company (BKI)

Seite 59

The 20 largest holdings of the Company’s share as at 31 July 2008 are listed below:
3) Bougainville Copper Limited 7,297,357 2.51%

Kurs 1.1.20091,01 AUD Dividende 8 ct  

Kurs 6.8.2009  1,16 AUD

Wert:1.1.2009  7.370.000 AUD  

Wert Heute 8.464.934 AUD

Dividende: 583.788 AUD

Milton Corporation LTD  (MLT)

Seite 45
16) Bougainville Copper Limited 538,015   0.6%

Kurs 1.1.2009 15 AUD

Dividende 0,88 AUD

Kurs 6.8.2009  16.71 AUD

Dividende (am 11 Sep) 0,35 AUD (188000 AUD)

Wert:1.1.2009 8.070.000 AUD

Wert Heute 8.990.230

Dividende: 473.453 AUD  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroBCL ASX Invest

07.08.09 04:45
"So beträgt alleine BCL's an der ASX angelegtes Vermögen aktuell 67.533.489 AUD"

Sorry.da ist mir ein Fehler unterlaufen.

Dies sind lediglich die 4 grössten bekannten Positionen des von BOC an der ASX angelegten Vermögens.

Der Gesamtbetrag dürfte also um etwas höher liegen.

Damit sind über 25% der aktuellen Marketcap durch Cash abgesichert  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroRelocation for islanders OK

07.08.09 10:30

By Peterson Tseraha

THE chairman of the Tinputz parish Carteret’s resettlement committee, Gideon Todo has lashed out at recent reports over the issue of land in the two daily newspapers.
Mr Todo said the reports were not true and biased in their contents.
He said the Tinputz parish resettlement program is under the Catholic Diocese of Bougainville for the people of the Carterets Islands.
Mr Todo said that there were no arguments over land.
He said the problem at this time was not land but money to build better houses for families to be resettled.
He said the first stage of work had been done in Tinputz.
Mr Todo said three of the five houses being built, were nearing completion and materials were being prepared for the other two and the buildings would soon be erected.
Mr Todo brushed aside the report that the Carterets Islanders were hungry and were not getting any assistance at all from the people of the Tinputz area on the mainland.
“As far as I am concerned these reports are not true because people living in immediate communities around the resettlement project site are giving food to the Carterets islanders in Tinputz,” Mr Todo explained.
Mr Todo added that the food gardens made by the Carteret islanders at the relocation site should be ready by next month.
He said these gardens were made even before the five fathers and their sons arrived in Tinputz from Carterets to begin clearing and building on the resettlement site.
Mr Todo said money earmarked for the Carterets islanders should be released to the Tuleilei Peisa organisation for the relocation programme to the mainland of Bougainville to be carried out effectively. He said the K2 million from the National Government, given in 2007, was for the immediate relocation of Carterets islanders and not for the atolls relocation as claimed by some authorities.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroAutonomous Bougainville Government Website

07.08.09 16:25

51 Postings, 5963 Tage VirtualNoirmannUS court clears way for class action

07.08.09 18:47

US court clears way for class action against big miner

Anne Davies Herald Correspondent in Washington
August 8, 2009  

A CLASS action in the United States against the mining giant Rio Tinto, in which islanders of Bougainville are seeking massive damages for what they claim were human rights abuses stemming from operations at the Panguna copper mine, has cleared a procedural hurdle and could proceed to trial within two years.  A US court ruled this week that three of the claims - war crimes, crimes against humanity and racial discrimination, allegedly committed by the company in the 1980s and '90s - should be allowed to proceed under a US law that permits foreigners to bring actions in US courts on big international crimes.  After years of litigation, the US District Court in Los Angeles ruled it was not a prerequisite for the plaintiffs, a group of Bougainville Islanders, to exhaust their legal rights in PNG. It said the alleged crimes were of such ''universal concern'' that the US would hear them under the Alien Tort Claims Act.  The case will open a chapter of history that could be as embarrassing to the Australian Government as the events surrounding the Balibo Five in East Timor.  The islanders allege that Rio Tinto appropriated their land and then developed the mine - now closed - with wanton disregard of the environment and the health and culture of the local people.  The miner defoliated pristine rainforest and bulldozed an entire mountainside, they claim, and while the mine operated, billions of tonnes of toxic waste were dumped on land and in waterways.  Rio's treatment of the indigenous people was part of a pattern of behaviour worldwide that amounted to treating non-caucasian indigenous people as racially inferior and expendable, the islanders claim.  ''The mine was an ecological disaster. It was the equivalent of an atomic bomb being dropped into their culture,'' said Shayne Stevenson, a lawyer at Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro, representing the plaintiffs.  The plaintiffs claim that damage to the island was so bad it led to an uprising and the decision of Rio and the government of PNG, which owned a 17 per cent share in the mine, to send in troops.  With help from the Australian government, the PNG government then instituted a 10-year blockade of the island, which prevented medicine and health care from reaching the population, causing at least 2000 children and many adults to die unnecessarily, the claim says.  By the time the war ended in 1999, 15,000 civilians, or 10 per cent of the island's population, had died, it says.  Central to the claim is an allegation that Rio provided support for the military and blockade efforts, which were aimed at securing its economic interests. Australia's role in the blockade is likely to come under scrutiny.  ''Rio Tinto completely rejects the allegations of wrongdoing made in the Bougainville complaint and will continue to vigorously defend the matter,'' a spokesman, Tony Shaffer, said.  



1334 Postings, 6353 Tage TraderevilUS court clears way for class action against .....

08.08.09 09:11
dies alles ist nichts neues und es sind bekannte Tatsachen.Hervorzuheben  daran ist  nach meiner Einschätzung das auch dieser Prozess jetzt endlich  in Gang zu kommen scheint.In PNG und Nachbarschaft , gibt es jede Menge Mining,Ölförderung,Gasförderung ect. mit Einverständniss und Participation der Bevölkerung.Für mich sind eigentlich nur die  wahren!!! aktuellen!!! Interessen der noch verbliebenen Kläger/Beteiligten  interresant.Ich denke hier muss man auch zwischen den Zeilen lesen.Ziel kann und wird doch nur sein das der jetzigen Realität entsprechend machbare hervorzu heben und voran zutreiben.Wie auch immer.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDas RT PNG u Australien...........

08.08.09 11:33
...........konspiriert haben sollen um auf Boug. einen Völkermord zu begehen wird sich wohl schwerlich beweisen lassen.So soll RT Druck auf die AU Regierung ausgeübt haben Schiffe u. Helikopter an PNG zu liefern.(In den Lieferverträgen war explizit definiert dass dieses Gerät nicht gegen die Aufständigen auf Bougainville eingesetzt werden darf,woran sich die PNGDF jedoch nicht hielten.)

Wenn die Klagezulassung schon 20 Jahre gebraucht hat kann sich jeder leicht die Prozessdauer vorstellen.

Ein gutes Prozessbeispiel dafür ist Bophal,obwohl dort die Verantwortung u. die Verantwortlichen von Anfang an bekannt waren. (Bhopal disaster)  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekrothe mine would be a major lifeline for the econ..

10.08.09 07:41
.........economic recovery of Bougainville.

BCL profit up in six months


BOUGAINVILLE Copper Limited has reported a profit of K1.8 million for the six months to June 30 this year.
In a statement lodged with the Australian Stock Exchange, company secretary Paul Coleman said this was compared to K100,000 profit reported in the same period of last year.
He said “although the investment and income and expenditure were generally consistent with the previous period, the improved profit was largely due to the result of exchange gains”.
The directors have not declared any dividend in respect of the six months ended June 30 this year.
Mr Coleman also said that the company would continue its work aimed at assisting landowners with the reconciliation process currently underway.
He also said that the directors of the company had been advised that a decision on the tax dispute between Bougainville Copper Limited and the Internal Revenue Commission would be handed down in the National Court on Thursday.
The decision would be on whether the tax and penalties in dispute are required to be paid to the Internal Revenue Commission pending the determination of the substantive appeal.
In the year to June 30 this year, BCL reduced its general and administrative expenses from K4.7 million to K3.1 million.
The Panguna copper/gold mine operated by Bougainville Copper Limited was shut down in May 1989 due to the militant activities and uprising.
The mine remains shut and BCL employees have been having difficulty getting access to the closely guarded mine site to assess the extent of the damage of their assets.
International accounting firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers said the company’s financial report has been prepared with the inclusion of the company’s mine assets at their January 1 1991 book value with a separate general impairment loss provision of K350 million having been made in 1991 for the value of the indeterminate level of deterioration, damage and pilferage of assets which has occurred in the period since the withdrawal of employees from Bougainville in 1990.
Meanwhile villagers in Guava, just beside the closed mine have said they would not comment on the future of the mine as it would stir more comments from the people of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
But they said the mine would be a major lifeline for the economic recovery of Bougainville.
They also said they feared scrap metal dealers would push for the reopening of the mine once all the steel structures in and around the mine was sold to scrap metal buyers overseas.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroUnity and law & order are key, says Momis

10.08.09 08:42

By Aloysius Laukai

Former Bougainville Governor, John Momis, has appealed to the Bougainville people to unite and address development issues affecting the region.

Mr Momis said the Bougainville Constitution talks about development to benefit all citizens and not just a small minority.

He said there is no need for Bougainvilleans to continue fighting each other as all grievances have been addressed in the ABG Constitution.

Mr Momis also said Bougainville must address civil stability as a priority. Without law and order the talk about investment in Bougainville will come to nothing.

He told New Dawn FM that law and order must be addressed so ordinary people can move about easily to sell their produce in markets.

The former Governor said Bougainville has many resources and a big opportunity to move forward, however its immediate task is to address the law and order problem.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroTax Dispute

13.08.09 10:08

The precise terms of the order and the amount will be determined at an
administrative appointment at 1.30pm on Friday 14th August in Port

13 August 2009
Notice Under Listing Rule 3.1 Continuous Disclosure
The National Court of Papua New Guinea today ordered the entry of
summary judgment in favour of the PNG Internal Revenue Commission
against the company for a sum which has yet to be determined but is
believed to be likely to be in the order of K45.9 million plus costs.
The precise terms of the order and the amount will be determined at an
administrative appointment at 1.30pm on Friday 14th August in Port
The judgment is comprised of primary tax Assessed by the IRC in 2003
and thereafter along with penalties and interest thereon.
Those Assessments in question have already been appealed to the
National Court of PNG in other proceedings, however today’s summary
judgment was granted on the basis that the scheme of the taxation
legislation in PNG requires disputed assessments to be paid in full
notwithstanding the existence of any appeal against those assessments.
The court held that a statutory regime of ‘pay now, litigate later’ applies;
regardless of the merits of the dispute against the assessment itself.
On initial consideration, the company’s substantive challenge to the
disputed assessments is not substantially affected by today’s ruling and
the company remains of the opinion that its contest of those assessments
will ultimately be successful.
The company is considering its position with respect to its response to the
judgment and any appeal.
Paul Coleman  

915 Postings, 6354 Tage Carlchen03ASX Mitteilung

13.08.09 10:20
von:   Bougainville Copper Limited

13 August 2009

Notice Under Listing Rule 3.1 Continuous Disclosure

The National Court of Papua New Guinea today ordered the entry of
summary judgment in favour of the PNG Internal Revenue Commission
against the company for a sum which has yet to be determined but is
believed to be likely to be in the order of K45.9 million plus costs.
The precise terms of the order and the amount will be determined at an
administrative appointment at 1.30pm on Friday 14th August in Port
The judgment is comprised of primary tax Assessed by the IRC in 2003
and thereafter along with penalties and interest thereon.
Those Assessments in question have already been appealed to the
National Court of PNG in other proceedings, however today’s summary
judgment was granted on the basis that the scheme of the taxation
legislation in PNG requires disputed assessments to be paid in full
notwithstanding the existence of any appeal against those assessments.
The court held that a statutory regime of ‘pay now, litigate later’ applies;
regardless of the merits of the dispute against the assessment itself.
On initial consideration, the company’s substantive challenge to the
disputed assessments is not substantially affected by today’s ruling and
the company remains of the opinion that its contest of those assessments
will ultimately be successful.
The company is considering its position with respect to its response to the
judgment and any appeal.

Paul Coleman
Company Secretary

Time   04:40   Tax Decision on IRC application for Summary Judgement  

sorry, mein Englisch ist nicht das beste ...
was hat das nun genau zu bedeuten?
... und kein Umsatz in  Down Under
... mit dem riieeesen Ausbruch wird es wohl diese Woche auch nix mehr ...

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro@carlchen

13.08.09 10:32
In diesem Steuerstreit zwischen BCL u. PNG geht es um die weitere Absetzbarkeit der durch die Schliessung der Pangunamine entstandenen Verluste.Dafür wurde in 07 Mr.Leahy als PNG Steuerexperte ins BCL Board of Directors berufen.

Kommt es zu einem für BOC positivem Urteil so können die dafür von BOC gebildeten Rückstellungen aufgelöst u. wieder dem Eigenkapital zugerechnet werden.(immerhin über 45 Mill. Kina,ca 12 Mill €)

8th February 2007
Appointment of a Director
The Chairman Mr. Peter Taylor on behalf of the Board of Directors of Bougainville Copper
Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. John Leahy as a director.
Mr. Leahy has university qualifications in law and has been admitted to practise law in
NSW, Australia and in PNG, he has more than 18 years experience in senior tax and
management positions in PNG. This experience includes being an AusAID expert adviser
to the Department of Finance, Assistant Collector of Taxes and the Managing Partner with
PricewaterhouseCoopers in PNG.
Mr. Leahy is the past Chairman of the Bougainville Economic Development Task Force,
past President of the Australia Papua New Guinea Business Council in PNG and is
currently a member of the National Working Group on Removing Impediments to Business
and Investment in PNG, President of the Papua Club and Secretary of the PNG Chamber of
Commerce and Industry.
Mr. Leahy is currently with Peter Allan Lowing Lawyers and is a resident of PNG.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroBCL Invest

15.08.09 10:45

Wenn die in AFI,ARG,BKI u. MLT angelegten Gelder (immerhin 67,5 Millionen AUD) von BCL nicht als "substantial Invest" bezeichnet werden,sollten die Positionen in Lihir Gold Limited and Ramu Sugar Limited also bedeutend grösser sein.Zudem machen diese Invests laut Investment Strategy nur insgesamt 80% des Gesamtinvests aus.

Approximately 80% of the company's liquid assets are now in Australian listed equities. In addition BCL has substantial investments in PNG companies, Lihir Gold Limited and Ramu Sugar Limited .                

Over the past year Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) has substantially achieved its goal of shifting the investment focus from cash deposits in Papua New Guinea to equity investments. Approximately 80% of the company's liquid assets are now in Australian listed equities. In addition BCL has substantial investments in PNG companies, Lihir Gold Limited and Ramu Sugar Limited .

The decision to invest in equities was driven by the volatile nature of the PNG economy, particularly BCL's considerable exposure to any depreciation of the kina. This investment strategy has helped BCL take advantage of the stronger Australian dollar and the stronger Australian stock market.

The strategy to invest cash in equities has continued. This is considered the best option until the future of the Bougainville assets is finalised. The Government and Bougainville parties has been made aware of BCL's willingness to resolve matters relating to Bougainville .

BCL has a strategy of investing long-term in quality investment company stocks that in turn invest in the ASX top one or two hundred companies. They are expected to return regular dividends and have the potential for capital gains in line with ASX performance and protect shareholder value. These investment companies provide a good spread of investment and cost effective expertise in equities management.

BCL has been investigating a compulsory buyback of non-marketable parcels of shares. A large number of shareholders cannot sell their shares on market because they have insufficient shares to make up a marketable parcel. Furthermore, brokerage costs would exceed the value of many smallholdings. For BCL the cost of maintaining many smallholdings exceeds the market value of the shares. There is also an unsatisfactorily high number of shareholders BCL cannot find. This means any dividend due to these shareholders must be paid to the PNG Government as unclaimed money.  

915 Postings, 6354 Tage Carlchen03ich hab sie ...

16.08.09 01:27
... meine Originale aus dem ADR-Tausch.

Bei mir ging es  -vom ersten Schreiben per e-Mail-  innerhalb von knapp zwei Wochen über die Bühne.

Und das "Schöne":
... es ist ein "Umtausch" ...  und
"... die ursprünglichen Anschaffungsdaten wurden auf die neuen Stücke übernommen (steuerneutral) ..."  
Kosten bzw Gebühren würden bisher auch noch keine abgebucht, selbst nicht die Wünsche der BoNY.

Dieses bedeutet doch wohl ... bei einem Verkauf fallen keine Steuern an (gekauft vor dem 31.12.2007) ...

weiß einer schon,  wie der Steuerstreit  (#2640 , #2641)  ausging?  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroSubstantial Shareholder

16.08.09 14:03
Auf seiner HP erklärt BCL unter ihrer Investment Strategy

"In addition BCL has substantial investments in PNG companies, Lihir Gold Limited and Ramu Sugar Limited . "

Unter dem  PNG Securities Act 1997 (the “Securities Act”) as substantial shareholders of the Company as at May 29, 2009. Under the Securities Act, a person is a substantial shareholder if they have a relevant interest in 5% or more of a class of voting share in the Company.

WENN man davon ausgehen KOENNTE  dass Peter Taylor's  Angabe "substantial investments" identisch  wäre   mit "a substantial shareholder" nach dem PNG "“Securities Act” so betrüge der BCL Anteil an Lihir Gold also Minimum 5% oder 123 429 616 Aktien à 2,60 AUD im Wert von 320 917 000 AUD (189 219 723 €)
Der Lihir GB gibt leider nur die 5 Major Shareholders an mit einer Position jeweils um die 10%

LGL Kennzahlen

Marktkapitalisierung 3.356,68 Mio EUR
Anzahl Aktien 2.468.592.328 Stk

Infos zu Ramu Sugar LTD

Ramu Sugar Ltd
Situated in the beautiful Ramu Valley on the border between the provinces of Madang and Morobe, Ramu Sugar Ltd (RSL) is a registered private enterprise, the only Papua New Guinea company specialising in sugarcane production. Sugar cane is grown on 8,500 ha, crushing over half a million tonnes in 2002. RSL meets all of Papua New Guinea’s sugar demand; the remainder is exported. In addition to sugar, RSL has 16,000 head of cattle, 4,500 ha of oil palm and 2–3,000 ha of peanuts (the latter two are new enterprises for the company as it diversifies). The Agronomy Division at RSL is responsible among other things for undertaking research to maintain the company’s operations and profitability, which includes investigating new crops and other enterprises  

129 Postings, 6173 Tage Sturmlord@carlchen03: welche bank?

16.08.09 21:01
wie hast du es beauftragt?

bei dab+dreba bislang nix.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroAnti-guns roadblock goes as people seek peace

17.08.09 06:33

Ex combatants in the Wakunai district this morning removed a roadblock [above] set up last week following the death of a youth from the area.

In removing the roadblock the Wakunai leaders petitioned ABG President James Tanis to speed up weapons destruction which they said is long overdue.

Ex-combatant leader Paul Akoitai told the President that his people destroyed their weapons during United Nations supervised destruction days and questioned why other regions are still holding on to guns and continue killing innocent citizens.

A woman leader, Esther Wade, told the President that women were happy the youths set up the roadblock with no guns. She said the youths wanted to show the government and people of Bougainville that the killing of innocent people should stop immediately. They gave away their guns and did not want to return to the dark past.

The Wakunai chiefs and ex-combatants said they want the ABG to immediately act upon three resolutions.

[1] That the Siwai people and their leaders pay compensation of 200,000 kina to the family of the deceased in three days.

[2] That the ABG leadership talk with Siwai leaders to apprehend the killer and hand him over to Bougainville Police to face the full force of the law.

[3] That the ABG immediately secure funding to reactivate the weapons disposal program under the supervision of the United Nations.

Mr Tanis commended the chiefs for supporting his move to rid Bougainville of weapons.

He said since his election he had pushed forward the process of reconciliation and weapons destruction. He wished to speed up the process of weapons destruction which has not moved in the past three years.

But he said since his election he had not received enough support from the people for weapons destruction.

Mr Tanis said that the call by the people of Wakunai was what he wanted to hear. He said the first weapons destruction occurred at Poramato in the Bana district last week and he called on communities to hold their own destruction ceremonies.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro@joebo @carlchen

17.08.09 17:17
Die Comdirect hat meine dort gehaltenen ADRs am 11.08. auf die WKN 852652 umgebucht,allerdings ist die Lieferung  trotzdem noch nicht durchgefuehrt.

Erkennen kannst du das daran dass die Stücke für einen VK noch gesperrt wären ( VK-Button hinter der Position fehlt)  

177 Postings, 6275 Tage joebo@nekro

17.08.09 17:27
völlig korrekt, genauso ist es, und deshalb läßt sich über die Gebühren auch noch nichts abschließendes sagen,

Gruss joebo  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDie BoNY..........

17.08.09 17:46
..........nimmt die Anrufe mit der Frage nach dem Tauschtermin ziemlich genervt entgegen.

Ob man da durch die (zu) grosse Nachfrage nach Orgs überrascht ist u. so langsam Hosenflattern bekommt ;-)))))))  

1528 Postings, 6350 Tage CCLSCUmtausch....

17.08.09 18:17
Ein paar Stücke habe ich auch beim S-Broker liegen. Der Auftrag wurde am 1.7. weitergeleitet, aber bis jetzt noch keine Originale in Sicht. :-)

LOL, bin echt gespannt, wann alle Anleger hier ihre Papiere in die Originale getauscht bekommen.  

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