Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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177 Postings, 6275 Tage joebo@centwatch

06.10.09 20:25
drei Punkte möchte ich doch anmerken,

zum einen handelt es sich bei dieser Deiner Anmerkung um eine Resourcen-Schätzung pro Aktie, nicht um ein Prognose für den Kurs, Kosten kommen denn auch - egal welche - hier nicht vor,
also sollte man auch nicht eine Spiegelung in den Kurs vornehmen, obwohl die perspektivisch evtl. sogar noch besser aussehen könnte, zugegeben,

des weiteren denke ich, dass die wichtigste Meldung völlig unterschätzt wird, Chris Uma ist - wie auch immer, mit an Bord,  

und drittens ist es mir ein Rätsel, wie die ESBC-Mitglieder immer noch Ihren "Präsidenten" decken,

eine Äusserung wie

"Kakaoernte in Gefahr. Seit wenigen Wochen ist auf Bougainville der sogenannte Cacoa Pod Borer eingefallen. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Art Motte, die vorzugsweise Kakaobäume befällt und die Ernte vernichtet. Uns Bougaiville Copper Anlegern könnte nichts Besseres passieren, denn Bougainvilles gesamte Wirtschaft ist von den Kakaoplantagen abhängig" (ESBC-Homepage)

ist eigentlich untragbar,

zum Tode von Kabui hat sich Eurer Chef Axel schon zu einem Mescalero-Nachruf hinreissen lassen, damals haben Ihn wohl besonnene Leute noch zurückgerufen, aber heute, keine Reaktion, schade,

pr for professionals, oder so ähnlich, man kann nur hoffen, dass es auf (in) Bogainville noch nicht allzuviele Internetanschlüsse gibt, die so etwas lesen können (müssen),

Gruß Joebo  

153 Postings, 6350 Tage Smod._.

06.10.09 22:57
Ja die Formulierung auf der E. Seite ist fürn *****

Es ist gerade jetzt sehr wichtig das zarte Pflänzchen des sich aufbauenden Vertrauens zu hüten.
So kann man es zertrampeln.

Aber ich werte das als eine Einzelmeinung und erwarte von BCL das sie behutsamer vorgehen.
Lieber ein oder zwei Jahre länger warten, als alles zerstören.
Das muss das Moto sein!

Es geht nur wenn alle dort etwas vom Kuchen abbekommen und entsprechend gestimmt sind.
Viel Diplomatie und $$$ dann klappt das auch .. . . .
Für uns alle.  

20 Postings, 6164 Tage kampalo1joebo

07.10.09 10:08
ich schließe mich joebo an, dass herr esbc-präsident einfach nur peinlich ist. das geheuchelte interesse am wohlergehen der bevölkerung ist nicht auszuhalten, mit seinem kommentar zum pod borer hat er sich demaskiert.
nekros infos hingegen schätze ich sehr.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroRio Tinto signs investment deal .........

07.10.09 20:13
..............with Mongolian govt for Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold project

Rio Tinto PLC (LSE, ASX: RIO) said it has signed an investment agreement with the government of Mongolia for the development of the Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold complex in the South Gobi region. Together with its development partner Ivanhoe Mines Ltd (NYSE, TSX: IVN), the company will assess the conditions present at the site and commence the development phase.

Production is expected to begin in 2013, with a five year ramp up to full expected production of 450,000 tonnes of copper per year and 330,000 ounces of gold.

Bret Clayton, chief executive of Rio Tinto's Copper and Diamonds group, said that Oyu Tolgoi is in line with the group’s strategy of investing in large, long life, low cost ore bodies. “While the size and grade of the existing Oyu Tolgoi ore reserves and mineral resources are already world class, we are also excited by significant exploration upside that still remains,” he said, adding: “We plan to be a partner here in Mongolia for decades to come.'

Under the terms of the investment agreement, the government will own 34 percent of Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc LLC, the license holder of the Oyu Tolgoi project.

Rio Tinto initially made a US$303 million investment in a 9.95 percent share in Ivanhoe Mines Ltd in October 2006 and has the obligation to invest US$388 million for a further 9.95 percent holding at the conclusion of an unconditional investment agreement with the Mongolian government.

Under its current agreements with Ivanhoe Mines Ltd, Rio Tinto has the right to acquire up to 43.1 percent of Ivanhoe's shares under fixed price options, with a right to further increase that interest to 46.65 per cent through market purchases.  

177 Postings, 6275 Tage joebolieber nekro, liest du überhaupt Beiträge hier

07.10.09 21:17
nun ja,

zu dieser Nachricht mag sich jeder seine eigenen Vorstellungen machen, bevor man hier postet, schaut mal sich doch mal das vorherige Geschehen hier an, oder?

ich möchte keinem zu Nahe treten, aber würde schon denken, man liest diesen Thread auch,

schwierig als ESBC-Mitglied, schon klar, aber eine eigene Meinung sollte schon sein,

Gruß joebo  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroTsunami Warnung für Bougainville

08.10.09 03:16
Updates, pls, Buka town is slowly emptied, we are up the Kubu hill waiting for what happens next!!

9.50am: A TSUNAMI watch for the Queensland coast has been cancelled but there are reports of a "big wave" heading for the Vanuatu capital Port Vila.

The Bureau of Meteorology just told The Courier-Mail its buoys in the Pacific Ocean off the Queensland coast detected no sea level rise.

The tsunami watch followed two massive earthquakes - measuring 8.1 and 7.8 on the Richter scale - that hit Vanuatu this morning.

Two earth quakes occured in Vanuatu and Solomon 15 mins later...Please warn those going to Tinputz, Arawa and Buin..Wet crossings are areas to look out. The level of the water will rise.

Areas on the east Coast of Bougainville must take precaution,Tasman Islands and the Mortlocks  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroJust spoke to someone in Arawa

08.10.09 03:34
All is good, and folks are being told to move to higher ground by the police - some have obliged.

After shocks are continuing - last one measured @ mag. 5.2 in the last hour.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroJust called UNDP Office in Buka....

08.10.09 03:35
People went to Kubu after hearing the warning....dry reef or big low tide was evident from Kubu.....

People are starting to return back to town after hearing warning been cancelled, however many are still waiting at Kubu and may return after lunch.....tide coming back,covering the reefs...

Report from Arawa town is that no tsunami has hit Arawa....  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro@joebo

08.10.09 14:19
Für Kritik bzw. Anregungen solltest du dich direkt an die ESBC wenden.

PS:Der von dir völlig zu recht beanstandete Artikel ist übrigens "entschärft" worden.  

153 Postings, 6350 Tage Smod:)

08.10.09 18:16
Es ist schon sinnvoll, dass die interessen der Aktionäre vertreten werden.
Da nur ein geringer Anteil der Aktien handelbar ist, besteht sonst die Gefahr, das wir überfahren werden :-)

Die neue Formulierung ist gut.

Danke an Nekro fürs permanente news posten.
Es gibt Hauptthreads zu Dax Aktien, da ist weniger los als hier :-)  

177 Postings, 6275 Tage joebo@nekro

08.10.09 22:00
"Für Kritik bzw. Anregungen solltest du dich direkt an die ESBC wenden.
PS:Der von dir völlig zu recht beanstandete Artikel ist übrigens "entschärft" worden."

nicht für ungut, lieber nekro, aber wieviel direkter an die ESBC könnte ich mich denn noch wenden als an Dich,
vielleicht direkt an Axel, aber der verbringt ja seine Zeit lieber damit, öffentliche Briefe an Mr. Albanese oder Herrn Ackermann zu schreiben - und auf Antwort zu warten,

es geht doch nicht nur darum, einen Artikel zu entschärfen, sondern darum, aufzuzeigen, welch´ geistiges Kind hinter solchen Artikeln steht, dieses sollte auch Dir klar sein,

natürlich sorgen sich die ESBC-Mitgleider um Ihr Investment, selbstverständlich, ich habe sicher BCL-Aktien auch nicht aus rein sozialen Aspekten gekauft,

aber die Ignoranz den Menschen dort gegenüber ist nicht akzeptabel,

und die lässt Euer Chef doch gelegentlich sehr deutlich spüren,

und er ist, selbst wenn er so denkt, noch nicht einmal profesionell genug, zu sehen, dass er damit seinem eigenen Investment schadet,  

bin übrigens erfreut zu sehen, dass es hier auch noch anders denkende BCL-Anleger gibt,

Gruß joebo  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroLandowners welcome BCL visit

09.10.09 10:41

By Eric tapakau

THE Panguna Landowners Association has welcomed the invitation of Bougainville Copper Limited executive Paul Coleman into the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Spokesman Lawrence Dav-eona said the visit by Mr Coleman was not only timely but long overdue.
Mr Coleman visited Bougain-ville at the invitation of Autonomous Bougainville Government President James Tanis who wanted to bring together all stakeholders of the Panguna mine for
a forum.
“As head of the Government of the people of Bougainville Mr Tanis has taken the issue of BCL head on instead of putting it on the side bur-ner and on behalf of the PLA executive and
the people of Panguna in general I have already congratulated him,” Mr Daveona said.
He said the Mr Tanis should be given the support of all Bougainvilleans on the way he is approaching the issue of BCL and what had transpired with respect to the major players that
resulted in the crisis. Mr Tanis’ invitation of BCL’s representative to the island must be seen as the beginning to get all major stakeholders together to try and deal with outstanding
issues. A major one that concerns the Panguna landowners is that of their outstanding compensation payments for 1989 to 1990.
Mr Daveona said executives from the association, including chairman Michael Pariu and ex-combatants knew of Mr Coleman’s visit except for landowners including his cousin brother Peter
He said Mr Kove had no right to speak for the landowners as he did not have direct ownership to land in the Panguna mining lease area.
“It is important to note here that our people must not conclude from his (Mr Coleman) visit that the ABG and Panguna landowners are planning on talking about the resumption of
mining in Panguna,” Mr Daveona said.
“The issue of resuming any mining activity anywhere on Bougainville is covered under our ABG Constitution.”  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro#2729 Vergleich Panguna zum RT "Mongoliainvest"

09.10.09 11:26
The forcast yields out of the Mongolian mine are on par with what is still anticipated to be in the Panguna orebody.  That is without exploring any more of the BCL Mining leases. The comments that I have heard about them, from mining engineers and geologists, are that they are likely to be even more fruitful. That would mean that a similar $400Bn of ore, is not impossible. (and a) some of these other locations are simply where no-one lives - inacessible mountain tops, which were not technically feasible 30 years ago. and b) a second major deposit would mean that overburden could be backfilled into the Panguna pit, rehabilitating the land - for agriculture, or for the Guava Villagers to have their own airport to land their learjets at... :-)

Big Chunks of the money go to the local people (65% windfall tax etc)...

This place is in the middle of nowhere - about 300 kms south of Ulan Bator, in the middle of nowhere... MOngolia is land-locked, so getting ore, or concentrate, or final metals out, will mean going through china or Russia - Closest sea port is probably Tianjin in China, about 700 kms away, and they will be battling the already busy trade, in and out of that port. The Port Mine access Road to Loloho is a dream, by comparision.

But, I have said this all before...  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPresident hands off policy on Panguna

09.10.09 11:36
Post-Courier, 08.10.2009


AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President James Tanis says he will not dictate the re-opening of the Panguna copper mine in Central Bougainville.
Speaking during the visit of the Bougainville Copper Limited’s (BCL) company secretary Paul Coleman, Mr Tanis said he would have nothing to do with the decision to re-open the mine.
He said his role as the president of the region was to act as a facilitator, and not to direct or force BCL or other parties concerned to re-open the mine.
Mr Tanis said the issue on the re-opening of the Panguna mine would be decided by BCL and other parties concerned.
He said as an individual, he had no conflict of interest in the development of the mine.
Mr Tanis however outlined that before the issue on the re-opening of the mine was discussed peace and normalcy must first of all prevail on the island to allow for a conducive working environment.
Mr Coleman was invited by the ABG president as a means to opening and establishing dialogue and communication with all the parties involved in the crisis to work out a final solution.
Meanwhile, three major reconciliation cere-monies will be held this month in Central Bougainville.
The first one which will be held on October 16 is scheduled to be held in Panguna.
The second and third ceremonies are scheduled to held on October 21 and 23 at Arawa.
Deputy Prime Minister Sir Puka Temu will be attending these reconciliation ceremonies.
These ceremonies will also coincide with the official opening of the President’s and Peace Ministry’s offices in Arawa.  

12846 Postings, 6477 Tage d007007007Mal ne Frage Nekro:

09.10.09 11:36
zieht der Stamm immer weiter oder warum stehen in den von Dir eingestellten Beiträgen ständig andere Städte und Länder? Wanderstamm mit Wandermiene?? Gibt ja fast alles..!?

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroVielleicht..............

09.10.09 11:38
............solltest du man nen Geographiekurs belegen ;-))))))))))))))))

oder hier:  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroLGL

09.10.09 12:20
- Market Watch

GOLD featured prominently in the news this week, after the precious metal’s spot price soared to an all-time high of $US1053.44 an ounce on the back of a weak US dollar.

Lihir Gold Limited
Code LGL
Last week's close (Kina) 6
Last trade today (Kina) 7.5
Variance  (Kina) 1.50
Variance % 25.00%

In addition BCL has substantial investments in PNG companies, Lihir Gold Limited and Ramu Sugar Limited

Leider antwortet Paul Coleman nicht auf die Frage ob das BCL "substantial investment" in Lihir der ASX Regel für  ein Substantiel Invest (5%) entspricht.

Der Wert dieses BCL Invests hat sich binnen 1 Jahres zumindest von 1.50 auf akt. 3.13 mehr als verdoppelt ;-)))  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPLA Team

09.10.09 13:47
Bei der für ende des Monats geplanten Wahl des Landownersbody haben bestimmt einige  Mitglieder des aktuellen Panguna Landowners Teams die besten Chancen gewählt zu werden.

Wunschkandidat des ESBC L. Daveona ;-))))

Prior to the above Peace & Reconciliation ceremony a combined negotiation team made up of both old and new landowners took part in a lengthy negotiations with the National Government team specifically appointed to deal with the Peace Package and the PLA team was made up of the following,

·       Mr Miachael Pariu                   Upper Tailings/Director-RMTL           Chairman
·       Mr Gregory Kopa                   Special Mining Lease                           Member
·       Mr Andrew Pisi                       Provincial Government             Member
·       Mr Philip Miriori                      Special Mining Lease                           Member
·       Mr Wendelinus Bitanuma         Upper Tailings                         D/Chairman
·       Mr Francis Kiniba                   Lower Tailings                         Member
·       Mr Lawrence Daveona            Director & Company Secretary-RMTL-Coordinator
·       Mr Anil Bakaya                       Consultant for landowners  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroThe actual Comment

09.10.09 14:50
by Anil Bakaya

Indian-Australian Investor (Pune / Melbourne)

Publisher of

published on October 9th, 2009  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroRoad Map to New BCA

10.10.09 11:42

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPG Mining Sector Inst Strengthening TA 2 (P102396)

11.10.09 14:50

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDialogue will determine if Panguna mine re-opens

12.10.09 02:12
12 October 2009

By Keith Jackson
Bougainville’s President James Tanis says he will not tell the people of central Bougainville that they must reopen the Panguna copper mine.

Speaking during a visit by Paul Coleman, Bougainville Copper’s company secretary, Mr Tanis said he would have nothing to do with the decision to reopen the mine.

He said his role as President was to act as a facilitator, and not to direct or force BCL or other parties concerned to reopen the mine. He said the mine’s future will be decided by BCL and the other parties concerned.

Mr Tanis said that before the issue was discussed, peace and normalcy must prevail on the island.

Mr Coleman was invited by the ABG president to establish a dialogue with all parties involved in the crisis.

Meanwhile, three major reconciliation ceremonies will be held this month in central Bougainville, the first one on October 16 at Panguna.

PNG’s deputy prime minister Sir Puka Temu will attend all three ceremonies.

The ceremonies will coincide with the official opening of the President’s offices in Arawa.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroBougainville elections set for next March

12.10.09 10:45

Posted at 07:29 on 12 October, 2009 UTC

The second general election for the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville has been set for March next year.

The Post Courier newspaper reports Bougainville’s acting Electoral Commissioner Reitama Taravaru as saying preparations for the 2010 elections are already underway.

Mr Taravaru says that next month a full awareness plan about the elections will be carried out, to educate people about the Limited Preferential Voting system.

The Electoral Commission will also be engaging the help of local councils of elders in updating the common rolls.

Mr Taravaru says they’ve identified areas where Bougainville will need support from the PNG Electoral Commission: mainly in communication, training, election regulations and funding.

News Content © Radio New Zealand International
PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroAU BID 100K a 0,56

12.10.09 13:41
Auch in FRA schon VOL +100K

6 Trades aus dem ASK gekauft,nach Börsenschluss dann 3 VK Orders über 2470 St a 56 ;-)))))

Trade No. Time Price Volume Value

9 4:10:50 pm 56 1 $1  
8 4:10:50 pm 56 1,269 $711  
7 4:10:50 pm 56 1,200 $672  
6 3:32:14 pm 60 3,500 $2,100  
5 11:45:58 am 60 1,500 $900  
4 10:20:55 am 60 6,000 $3,600  
3 10:01:52 am 60 800 $480  
2 10:01:52 am 59 18,200 $10,738  
1 9:59:51 am 59 800 $472  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroThere are a few facts that need to be dealt with;

12.10.09 14:51
1. BCL and PLO must talk. They are the primary parties in a conflict that culminated in creating a mess on Bougainville. The President as the elected representative is doing the right thing by "sensitising" both parties to the way forward in what should become crucial talks in mapping a way forward for Bougainville.

2. It is "TIMELY" that these parties make steps about talking to each other. It is about time they did, because everybody is sick and tired of seeing Bougainville the way it is, it is timely because we have suffered enough, lost enough lives, shed so much blood, The people deserve better than where they are today, better than where they were in 1989.  

Out of the respect of "indigenous landowners from Panguna and all the way down the lower tailings areas AND ALL BOUGAINVILLEANS who lost so much, these two parties need to talk. They owe that process and the outcome of that process to all Bougainvilleans.

3. Peter Kove is not a Panguna landowner.

4. Yes I read the website and it clearly states.."possible" recommencement.

5. The future generation of Bougainvilleans deserve a better quality of life. In order for the current generation to start building a better future for generations to come, Bougainville among other things needs to resolve the issue of Panguna, i.e,.BCL and PLO need to talk.

6. The future generations of Bougainville way forward must be plotted by a representative body such as ABG, not necessarily by views of BFM.

Dear Editor,

I refer to your Viewpoint on Thursday 8 October – Give Panguna talks a fair chance.

The agitation about the future of Panguna gold and copper mine due to the visit by Paul Coleman, the company secretary of Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL), is warranted.  Have you viewed the website of BCL?  The first line on their home page reads:

2009 is seen as the most promising year in two decades for preparatory work leading to a possible re-commencement of operations at the Panguna minesite, owned and previously operated by Bougainville Copper Limited.  See http://www.bougainv illecopper.

As stated by Peter Kove from Panguna in your newspaper on 7 October 2009,  “ many lives that were lost during the Bougainville Crisis that started because BCL showed no respect for indigenous landowners from Panguna and all the way down the lower tailings areas” obviously still stands if BCL remains so adamant about a possible re-commencement of operations at Panguna in 2009 as stated on their website.

Again on the BCL website it states that in the year 2007 a three (3) year plan was announced to develop the re-opening of the Panguna mine.  This plan has been unavailable to the public and BCL shareholders.  http://www.bougainv illecopper. pdf

Why is Paul Coleman’s visit described as “timely” by the ABG President James Tanis?  This “timely” visit is all about renewing the Bougainville Copper Agreement.  Have deals been struck with BCL and their hand picked pro-mining lobby without the consent of all land owners at Panguna?  Paul Coleman would also like to see the lifting the moratorium on exploration as BCL has seven (7) other leases.  

BCL hope to find another Panguna sized deposit (with a possible mine life of 37 years) where they can rape and plunder Bougainville as they did from 1972 to 1989.

You say give the current generation and the following ones a chance at a new life.  What do the current generation prefer? Fresh air and clean rivers or another great man made hole in the ground?  

Vikki John.  

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