Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroLeader wants Arawa to be HQ

26.09.09 15:26

By Gorethy Kenneth

BOUGAINVILLE’S Me’ekamui faction wants the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) to relocate to Arawa immediately.
The icon faction from Panguna and Central Bougainville has challenged the ABG to start moving the headquarter to Arawa, the former headquarters, before things get worse. They also gave an assurance that they will provide security when they come to Arawa.
Me’ekamui chamber of clans’ paramount council spokesman Chris Uma, speaking on behalf of the council, said the issue of the Ieta landowners closing down the wharf and the airport whenever they felt like it and demanding compensation was not healthy for the region and ABG.
“The demand by the Ieta people for the closure of the Buka wharf and the Buka Airport is a sign that Buka is a wrong location to remain as the ABG headquarters,” Mr Uma said.
“Me’ekamui has always supported the Bougainville peace process and had waited late and long for the relocation of the ABG headquarters to Arawa so we can work together to consolidate peace and sustainable development. We are confident that the people of Central and South Bougainville share the same sentiments with us on the relocation of the headquarters to Arawa.
“Me’ekamui still recognises Arawa as the Bougainville regional headquarters and Buka as the temporary one due to the crisis. The Bougainville armed conflict has now ended and we don’t see any reason why we will still maintain Buka as the ABG headquarters. We still have the responsibility to decide the final fate of Bougainville, which is independence,” Mr Uma said.
He also called on those armed groups in South Bougainville, claiming to be members of Me’ekamui and continuing to kill, to stop and prepare for independence through referendum.  

382 Postings, 6350 Tage centwatchMeekamui.....

26.09.09 19:06 da jemand katholisch geworden?????  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroWas.............

26.09.09 20:48
...........könnte fur Chris Uma u. seine Truppe vorteilhafter sein,als für die Sicherheit zuständig zu sein.So brauchen die Roadblocks nicht mal entfernt zu werden,sie können einfach zum Eingang der Mine umfunktioniert werden,ohne dass das Personal wechselt.Allerdings sollte BOC schicke Securityuniformen spendieren,für Chris Uma gerne eine mit 5***** ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))  

153 Postings, 6350 Tage Smod:0

28.09.09 17:18
So noch mal paar Scheine nachgelegt.
Durchschnitts EK 35 Cent habe ich insgesamt.
Und auch bei diesem Kauf bezahlt.

Die Dinger gehen schnell mal wieder auf 40/50 cent bei der kleinsten richtigen Nachricht... ..  

13 Postings, 5487 Tage LysogenUnwetterwarnung

29.09.09 20:37
Hallo Mitaktionaere!

Ich verbreite ja ungerne schlechte Laune, auch moechte ich nicht evtl. zukuenftige "Investoren" vergraueln; aber wer vielleicht Weitsichtig genug ist, kann u.U. am Horizont dunkle Wolken aufziehen sehen. Und zwar aus der Realwirtschaft und auch dem Finanzsektor. Was waere denn wenn demnaechst ein paar Gro(ss)pleiten anstehen. Womoeglich koennten auch noch damit verbundene Banken wieder oder neu in Schieflage geraten!?!
Wir also, wie ja schon wohl von fast jeden Zeitschriftenheini und Fernsehmoechtegernwirtschafts-schmexperten eingeredete V-Formation nicht sehen, sondern ein dickes W !?????
Dann koennte ja wohl auch unser schoener BOC kurs noch mal in den Keller gehen.
Also liebe Freunde, wie seht IHR das?

Da ich bisher nur mitgelesen habe und nie meinen Senf dazu gegeben habe, moechte ich an dieser Stelle nekro fuer den tollen Newsfloat danken, auch wenn das Timing nicht immer so gut klappt ( Boug. ist ja aber auch nicht D.) und Axel fuer seine ja fast schon legaenderen Taetigkeiten hervorheben.


153 Postings, 6350 Tage SmodKrise?!?

29.09.09 21:04
Hi Lysogen,

der Kupferpreis ist ein guter Krisenindikator:

Die Krise ist meines Erachtens bald Geschichte.
Es wird Nachwehen geben:
Inflation,  Staatsverschuldung etc.
Aber die Panik ist weg....

Bei BOC kommt es nur m.E. auf die Fragen an:
Wann Öffnung?
Unter welcher Flagge?

AUch von mir einen dicken Dank an Nekro für die permanente Sammlung der Boug. relevanten news...  

915 Postings, 6354 Tage Carlchen03"Unwetter- Lage" ...

29.09.09 21:48
hi Lysogen,

meine "Groß - Finanz - Wetterlage" sieht wohl düsterer aus.
Das, was wir hatten, war ein "Vorspiel" -die sogenannte Vorspeise-.
Das Hauptgericht kommt noch !!!
Hierbei ist halt nur die Frage, WANN (!!!)
Das kann in 3 Monaten schon sein -losgehen- ... kann aber auch erst in 2-5 Jahren zum richtigen Kollaps kommen ... und zwar wesentlich schlimmer als alles bisher dagewesene.
Was mich an BOC glauben lässt -auf laaange Sicht gesehen- und weswegen ich momentan dort hauptsächlich investiert bin, ist die Tatsache, das dort Bodenschätze real im Boden liegen, die gebraucht werden!
Ok, der Kurs kann zwischenzeitlich auch nochmals um 50 Prozent -und mehr???- absacken ... aber am Ende wird die Rechnung aufgestellt und abgerechnet. Ich habe so gesehen Zeit.
Es kann zwar auch noch einiges andere passieren, aber ich gehe davon aus, dass ich mit schwarzen Zahlen letztendlich hier heraus gehe aus diesem Investment.
Gruß in die Runde

... und ein dickes Dankeschön an Nekro und Axel für ihre Mühen

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroThe European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper

30.09.09 11:05

..........welcome that normality turns back to Arawa and the whole region.

We hope that the reconciliations that start on October 9th in Panguna will be an overwhelming success and a shining example for the whole region.

Earlier this year the ESBC made a proposal on the BCL 2009 Annual General Meeting to our board of directors of Bougainville Copper to incorporate former Me'ekamui Forces and other goodwilling Freedom Fighters into a future Mine Security Brigade in Panguna.


ESBC asked:
"Did the board discuss the economic situation of the former freedom fighters or other combatants? Do you intend giving them jobs in the mine to avoid any dissatisfaction in the future?"

Peter Taylor (Chairman of Bougainville Copper)answered:
"The Board does not discuss its deliberations publicly. However if the mine is reopened the company will give priority to employing locally, based on qualifications to do the jobs. This will hopefully include ex-combatants and others."

See also:

Today, only 4 months later, General Chris Uma made this important step to a better future for him and his men. Congratulations!

Axel G. Sturm  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPNG not affected by deadly Pacific tsunami

30.09.09 15:03

Papua New Guinea has escaped the effects of Wednesday's giant tsunami that devastated Samoa in the South Pacific.

PNG Natural Disaster Centre logistics adviser Andrew Oaego told AAP on Wednesday afternoon there had been no reports of damage to PNG's outer islands.

"We've advised the regions possibly affected to maintain a look-out and to report anything but there has been no reports of a tsunami hitting our shores," he said.

"It's good news as this morning we were on full alert," he said.

However, Oaego has warned people in PNG's north east provinces - New Ireland, Bougainville and Milne Bay Province - they could be in the tsunami's path.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroBorer can create economic & social dislocation

01.10.09 11:19

By Aloysius Laukai

The Vice Minister for Agriculture in the PNG Government, Hon Jim Simitab, says that the National Government is committed to assist the PNG Cocoa Board to combat the cocoa pod borer on Bougainville.

Mr Simitab made this undertaking at the opening of a cocoa pod borer workshop at Kuri Village Resort.

He said that the survival of the cocoa industry must be defended at all costs as cocoa is the only major revenue earner for ordinary farmers in rural areas.

He said that since the announcement of the borer’s presence on Bougainville, Prime Minister Somare has been briefed and had given a personal undertaking to help Bougainville farmers and their families who rely entirely on the industry.

Mr Simitab said that if people do not move quickly to tackle this problem it will create economic and social dislocation on Bougainville.

He said that people in East New Britain are already feeling the pinch from the effects of the borer in the Province.

Income and consumption continues to decline in East New Britain and many companies are shutting down due to no business.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroABGs 10-year education plan

01.10.09 11:21

BOUGAINVILLE’s 10-year Education Plan was launched at the Isa Beach in Buka yesterday.
As students and parents gathered, the plan was carried into the arena on a special canoe known as a “mona” symbolising the passing of education from generation to generation in the region.
Bougainville is the 14th province in the country to launch its provincial education plan.
The 10-year plan with the theme “Achieving a better future” sets out in general the vision and the goals of the Autonomous Bougainville Government towards the development and delivery of education services in the region.
Minister for Education James Marape acknowledged teachers for their commitment to the delivery of education services in the region when launching the plan.
He said the greatest legacy of development in any country was human resources, and encouraged teachers to continue the good work in educating the people of Bougainville.
Mr Marape said his Government’s plan was to launch Universal Basic Education Plan to ensure all children were in school by 2015.
He also said an estimated K10 billion was needed to rehabilitate existing school infrastructure in PNG in the next 10 to 20 years, and called on Local Level Governments to ensure that  K1 million under the district support grant be used wisely and priority given to education.  
The minister also committed K5 million to commemorate partnership between the National Government and the ABG.
Of the K5 million, K1 million would go to schools in North Bougainville, another K1 million to schools in South Bougainville, K1 million to schools in Central Bougainville, K1 million to support the EQUITV programme in the region and a further K1million to be used by the president   to further support education in the region.
Bougainville Regional Member Fidelis Semoso thanked Mr Marape and at the same time, challenged the minister  to assist the region to establish two technical schools in Bougainville.  

15 Postings, 5487 Tage Mr2111Enough planning, start implementing

01.10.09 16:08
Enough planning, start implementing
The National

COMMUNITY Development secretary Joseph Klapat on Tuesday said PNG’s development had been impeded by “misguided priorities”.
He said priorities were shuffled and shifted too often to make a real impact. How true.
With the new National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2010-50, PNG seems to have done it again – shuffled or shifted priorities.

Würde mich mal über Taten freuen, anstatt über Pläne zu lesen...der Auszug hat wenig mit Bougainville zu tun, scheint mir aber symptomatisch für diesen Teil der Erde zu sein.

Hier brauchen wir wahrscheinlich sehr viel Geduld.


15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroTourism opens door on Bougainville

01.10.09 18:09
THE tourism industry on Bougainville is growing and more tourists are crowding into this once war torn island.

Foto der ersten Touris in der (Ex) No-Go-Zone

Bird watchers ready to venture off into the mountains of the once very notorious Panguna area of Bougainville. Their visit into Panguna may prove to the rest of the world
that Bougainville is once more peace loving. They are pictured here in Panguna with their local guides. Picture courtesy of Elite Multimedia Productions.  

1334 Postings, 6353 Tage TraderevilBOC Handel ASX

02.10.09 08:59
heute wieder Handel  (35491 Stk.) und keine Kursveränderung,fast konstant seit vielen Tagen  0,6 AUD. Deckelung????????????.Hat jemand an-und Verkauf der gehandelten Stücke???  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro@Traderevil

02.10.09 10:36

Trade No. Time Price Volume Value

10 3:45:00 pm 60 10,000 $6,000  
9 3:43:50 pm 60 1,490 $894  
8 3:43:50 pm 60.5 3,982 $2,409  
7 3:15:59 pm 62 1 $1  
6 2:37:51 pm 60.5 18 $11  
5 2:23:35 pm 62 2,769 $1,717  
4 2:23:01 pm 62 10,000 $6,200  
3 2:21:55 pm 62 5,131 $3,181  
2 2:21:07 pm 61.5 1,667 $1,025  
1 9:59:57 am 61.5 433 $266  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekrocopper mining companies

02.10.09 12:05

20 Postings, 6164 Tage kampalo1Coleman in Buka

02.10.09 20:50
Paul Coleman ist derzeit auf Einladung von Präsident Tanis auf Bougainville!!!  

794 Postings, 5946 Tage upholmColeman in Buka

02.10.09 21:18
Interessante Nachricht, aber hast Du hierzu auch eine Quellenangabe???  

20 Postings, 6164 Tage kampalo1Coleman in Buka

02.10.09 21:57
Es ist eine persönliche Quelle vor Ort. Aber es wird Euch sicher bald von den Quellen der ESBC bestätigt werden. Schönen Abend noch!  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroColeman........

03.10.09 12:53 am Donnerstag nach Buka geflogen u. hatte noch vor dem Meeting mit Präsident Tanis ein Gespräch mit den Landeignern.

Dabei wird  wohl primär u.a. über die seit 89 ausstehenden Royaltys diskutiert worden sein. Ein nach den Reconciliations u. der Wahl des Landownersbody zu erwartender Geldregen für die Panguna-Landeigner wirkt dabei garantiert stimulierend ;-)))))))))))))

Die offiziellen Verhandlungen zur Wiedereröffnung werden wohl im Januar,nach dem Abschluss des 16 Mio USD Ausbildungsprogramms der Weltbank für die Bougainviller Mineral Resources Authority beginnen.

Unverkennbar die positiven Schritte der letzten Wochen/Monate

- Besuch von PNG Miningminister Puka Temu in Panguna
- Terminierung der Reconciliations in Panguna (9-30 Okt) mit anschliessender Wahl des Landownersbody
- Geplante Eröffnung einer ABG Repräsentanz in Arawa (mit anschliessender Verlegung der Hauptstadt von Buka  nach Arawa)
- Scrapmetaldeal
- Geplante Reconciliations zwischen BRA u. BRF
- "General" Chris Uma u. seine Meekamuis unterstützen den Friedensprozess von Präsident Tanis u. garantieren die Sicherheit der ABG Repräsentanz in Arawa
-De-facto Aufhebung der No-Go-Zone
- Mit Dr. Pisi wird ein Panguna Landeigner ABG Mitglied
- Einladung von Präsident Tanis an BCL Sekretär Paul Coleman zu Vorgesprächen nach Buka.

-Langfristig positiv zu werten ist auch die Einstellung des ADR Programms,obschon der Kurs dadurch etwas unter Druck geriet.

Ein Grossteil der BCL Shares wird von Langzeitinvestoren gehalten welche sich die gigantische Kurschance einer Panguna Wiedereröffnung nicht entgehen lassen wollen.Trader werden wohl erst angelockt wenn offizielle Verhandlungen von BOC per Press-relase angekündigt werden.;-))))))))))))))))  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroRohstoffwoche

03.10.09 15:55

..............So beherrschte auch in dieser Woche wieder China die Rohstoff-Medien. Zunächst einmal sorgte eine Analyse des kanadischen Investmenthauses Cannacord Capital Corporation für Aufsehen, in der von einer Angebotslücke bei Kupfer von 10 Millionen Tonnen im Jahre 2020 ausgegangen wird. Als Hauptgrund für diese Lücke zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage sehen sowohl Cannacord als auch der Minenriese BHP Billiton – na was wohl? – richtig, China!  

140 Postings, 6350 Tage pezz88ASX....

03.10.09 21:51
die Mauer ist weg!!!  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPrice Predictions

04.10.09 16:24

The bank believes the metal "may well have the greatest upside potential from current price levels in the longer term"

Posted:  Thursday , 01 Oct 2009

LONDON (Reuters) -  

Copper is likely to reach a new high by 2013 as the market moves into a deficit and further tightens in the coming years, RBS Global Banking & Markets said on Thursday.

"Copper remains our most favoured base metal," RBS said in a research note, in which it forecast an average cash copper price of $9,000 a tonne by 2013, a rise of more than 46% from the current cash MCU0 price on the London Metal Exchange. Benchmark three-month copper price MCU3 hit a record high of $8,940 a tonne in July 2008 and traded at $6,115 a tonne on Thursday.

"Copper's demand prospects are not among the best but we believe copper producers will have the most difficulty in keeping up with growing demand. We forecast an underlying market deficit by 2011 and that by 2013 it will be fast approaching pre-recession tightness," the bank said.

Copper, used extensively in construction, has doubled in price since the beginning of the year on the back of restocking from China, the world's top consumer of the metal and on expectations of a recovery in the global growth.

RBS said it also expected aluminium price to top $3,000 a tonne in 2013, close to its all-time high of $3,380 a tonne struck in July 2008, as it expected supply to tighten by 2012.

"It may well have the greatest upside potential from current price levels in the longer term," the bank said.

Gold was set to average $950 an ounce this year, RBS said, adding gold would benefit from uncertainity ahead, potential dollar weakness and anticipation of inflationary pressures.

But the bank favours palladium the most among all the precious metals, as it bets that rebounding industrial demand will keep the market in large underlying deficit.

"We forecast that the price will more than double in the next four years to $700 an ounce plus," it said. The metal XPD=, used in auto catalysts, jewellery and electronics, currently trades at $290 an ounce.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroColeman in Buka

06.10.09 09:58

AFTER more than 20 years, the management of the Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL), would finally be hearing first hand how the people on Bougainville island feel about the 10-year crisis that led to the closure of the gold mine in May 1989.

A BCL representative, company secretary Paul D Coleman, was in Bougainville last week “to see and hear for himself how the people on the ground felt about the 10-year-crisis”.

Mr Coleman was in Buka at the invitation of Autonomous Region of Bougainville President James Tanis.

“The conflict (Bougainville) must end where it started … at Panguna,” Mr Tanis declared in a statement released to the media yesterday.
He said he sees his role only as a mediator between the different factions with great stakes at the idled gold mine.

“It arose out of disputes between landowners, members of the North Solomons provincial government, the Government of Papua New Guinea, and BCL and multinational company CRA.

“Therefore, it is these stakeholders who need to be assisted to come together to end the Panguna conflict.”

Mr Tanis told Mr Coleman that as president, “my role is to ensure that these parties come together to solve the problem once and for all”.
Mr Coleman’s visit was the first for the company, after 20 years.

In his talks with Mr Tanis, the BCL official noted the willingness of the people of the region to discuss issues in an open and friendly manner.

In a statement released yesterday, Mr Coleman said he was “very pleased” to visit Bougainville at the invitation of Mr Tanis, and the people of the Autonomous Region.

“Bougainville Copper Ltd has had a long standing relationship with the people of Bougainville, and although it has been 20 years since we have been here officially, it is well known that BCL has always had an open door and a friendly welcome to anyone from Bougainville who wants to talk to us about issues of mutual interest,” Mr Coleman said.

“The Bougainville Copper Foundation has also helped to keep us in touch, through the programmes of education and other assistance which have been maintained at all times since the crisis.

“BCL has a natural interest in viewing the state of its assets in the region, and hearing from the people first hand, on the matters that concern them.
“There are many things to discuss, and it is very pleasing to be making a start on these talks, here in the Autonomous Bougainville Region, among the people.

“I thank President Tanis for having the vision and the concern for his people to initiate this meeting,” Mr Coleman said.
He also told the people there that the World Bank would be sending a representative to the island to further discuss the capacity building programme for administration of the mining industry on Bougainville.

The gold industry might be funded by the bank, which Mr Coleman said could  help facilitate the draw down of mining powers under the peace agreement.

He said this could lead all stakeholders towards the renegotiation of the Bougainville copper agreement.

“Many of the issues of interest to the people of Bougainville, and their future as an economically independent region, might well be discussed under the terms of such renegotiation,” Mr Coleman said.

“For the moment, it is pleasing to be here, and I extend my thanks to the people of Bougainville for making me welcome,” he said.

Started in 1972, the Panguna gold mine was billed as the world’s fourth largest copper mine in 1985, producing 46.5 million tonnes of ore the year before (1984).

The mine was closed by the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) in 1989, followed by a civil war.  

382 Postings, 6350 Tage centwatchBewertung Reserven

06.10.09 10:46
Man kann sich ja mal wieder den Spaß machen auf Basis der aktuellen Marktpreise die Reserven je Aktie zu berechnen.

Bei insgesamt rund 400 mio. Aktien und 1 Mrd. t Reserven sind das 2,5 Tonnen je Aktie. Unterstellt man 0,33% Kupfer pro Tonne bzw. 0,37g Gold/Tonne so kommt man auf 8,25 kg Kupfer/Aktie b. 0,925g Gold/Aktie. Bei aktuellen Marktpreisen von USD 1019/Oz und USD 5920/Tonne kommt man auf USD 48,84/Aktie für Kupfer und USD 30,24/Aktie für Gold. Insgesamt macht das USD 79,08/Aktie oder EUR 53,64/Aktie.

Damit werden die Reserven an der Börse mit 0,6% bewertet. Als grobe Daumenregel werden im Markt üblicherweise 8% angesetzt. Das daraus resultierende Kurspotential – allein bis zum Abschluss der Neuverhandlungen über ein neues BCA - kann sich jeder selbst ausrechnen (Silber, Moly und 7 weitere Lizenzen unberücksichtigt).

Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass es wie von Coleman auf Buka angesprochen zu Neuverhandlungen kommt. Zumindest ist mit dem Besuch in Buka ein weiterer Meilenstein gemacht. Allein die Ankündigung der Neuverhandlungen sollte jedoch dafür gut sein, dass die Aktie zum Leben erweckt wird.

Wollen wir hoffen, dass der Weg dorthin mit dem Abschluss der Versöhnungsfeiern, Wahlen der Landwoner, offizieller Aufhebung der No-Go-Zone und dem JSB bis Jahresende bereitet ist.  

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