Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
BOC Sellers
Price Quantity Sell Level
0.690 46 1 1
0.740 4,100 1 2
0.745 10,000 1 3
0.800 20,481 2 4
0.820 27,800 1 5
0.880 5,000 1 6
0.900 5,000 1 7
0.960 4,450 1 8
0.990 4,000 1 9
1.900 660 1 10
3.000 30,000 1 11
3.900 200 1 12
5.000 70,000 1 13
5.900 200 1 14
7.000 60,000 1 15
7.900 200 1 16
9.000 60,000 1 17
9.800 200 1 18
9.900 10,000 1 19
9.980 20,000 1 20
10.000 80,000 1 21
11.900 10,000 1 22
12.700 300 1 23
12.990 230,000 1 24
13.000 70,000 1 25
14.000 60,000 1 26
14.200 300 1 27
14.910 35,000 1 28
14.990 150,000 1 29
15.000 50,000 1 30
15.900 10,000 1 31
16.960 30,000 1 32
18.000 59,026 1 33
19.900 10,000 1 34
22.900 400 1 35
30.000 30,000 1 36
34.800 400 1 37
36.700 800 1 38
42.000 1,000 1 39
by ramunickel
A Panguna landowners’ educational awareness programme for the six mine lease areas of Bougainville has been completed, reports The National (aka The Loggers Times).
Co-ordinator Lawrence Daveona and the executives of the interim Panguna Landowners Association for the six mine lease villages carried out the awareness over six weeks.
Daveona travelled to the six mine lease area villages covering the Lower tailings, Upper tailings, Special Mine Lease area villages, Port Mine Access Road, Radovan/Uruawa and Siokate customary land on the outskirts of Arawa Town.
The programme’s aim was to educate landowners on the global financial and business consequences of resource development in Papua New Guinea and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
An international collaboration between Panguna mine lease area stakeholders and M.Cam-a finance corporation based in the US with operations throughout the world-created a presentation entitled “Global financial literacy: A basic analysis of financial structures effecting asset development in PNG and Autonomous Bougainville”.
The intention was to recognise the urgency of creating an informed dialogue for the consideration of the Bougainville copper and related lease areas.
It was conducted by Dr David Martin, CEO of M.Cam.
Martin’s final information sessions began at the Panguna mine site with several local landowners in attendance.
He provided detailed information with respect to the corporate structure of Bougainville Copper Ltd and a review of the supra-constitutional nature of the Bougainville copper agreement drafted during Australian administration prior to independence.
The presentation showed the complex corporate structure designed to enrich foreign investors while providing minimal economic or social value to the country and the region.
It also highlighted the need for landowners to be fully aware of all economics of resource development including financing corporations, asset holding and leasing corporations, and other developer-related companies.
Martin said many of these operator-affiliated companies shielded financial and physical assets from legal liabilities and damages within PNG.
The awareness also went into the no-go zone areas where the team met with the leader of Mekamui Defence Force, Chris Uma.
Daveona and his organisers are currently planning to expand their awareness to other parts of Bougainville using the University of PNG students and other interested stakeholders throughout the country.
Daveona said the awareness which originally was to target the six area villages have received overwhelming support to be extended to all parts of Bougainville.
THE Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission is already set for polling in two weeks time with more than 30,000 polling and counting officials ready for operation sthroughout the country.
And the PNGEC will be providing more than 9800 polling places and more than 4, 700 polling teams now all ready to go when polls are announced on June 23, 2012.
Further, there are more than nine million papers that the PNGEC is printing because during polling, all eligible voters will receive two ballot papers — one for their Open Electorate and one for their Province. With around 4.3 million on each Roll, some 9 million ballot papers will be printed and distributed.
Chief Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen in his brief to the Diplomatic and Foreign Missions detailed that the PNGEC would not be as well prepared for the 2012 General Election without the significant support provided by the Government of Australia, Government of New Zealand, China for the provision of translucent ballot boxes and also from Republic of Korea (South Korea) for donation of laptops, United States of America and many more not mentioned.
“The PNGEC will be providing more than 9800 polling places, Mr Trawen said. There will be more than 4700 polling teams and there will be approximately 30,000 polling and counting officials,” he said.
“The PNGEC would not be as well prepared for the 2012 General Election without the significant support provided by the Government of Australia. This support commenced in April 2000 and has been unfailing ever since. It has totalled some AUD50 million.
“Three phases of support have been provided under the AusAID funded Electoral Support Program – ESP3 is presently in place and that team helping us to run a good election in 2012. More recently the Australian Civil Corps (ACC) has provided assistance across the full range of election activities. I am deeply indebted to Australia for its continued support.
“I also want to place on record my thanks to other donors not named. New Zealand has assisted with funding the Media Centre and shipping arrangements around Milne Bay and Bougainville; to China for the provision of translucent ballot boxes and also from Republic of Korea (South Korea) for donation of laptops.
Alles auf !
PETER O’Neill will return as Prime Minister to serve his first full term as Papua New Guinea’s head of Government after the general election, according to a public opinion poll.
This is among other interesting election predictions based on the results of a nationwide public opinion poll conducted between the last quarter of 2011 and first quarter of 2012 by PNG’s only public opinion poll company, Mell Research & Marketing Consultants owned by Michael Mell.
“Our public opinion poll strongly predicts that the O’Neill-Namah Government will return to power after the national election,” Mr Mell told the Post-Courier yesterday (see advert on page 20 for details).
“Our poll further predicts that Mr O’Neill’s People’s National Congress party will muster the numbers required to return him as Prime Minister and his deputy Belden Namah’s PNG Party will also muster the numbers to again make him Deputy Prime Minister,” he said.
Mr Mell said the only major threat to the current coalition Government returning to office is if “there is an open fight” between Mr O’Neill and Mr Namah over who should become Prime Minister.
“If the O’Neill-Namah partnership remains as strong as it has been in the last 10 months during the remainder of the campaign and polling periods and up to the formation of Government, the public can be rest assured that the current coalition Government will return,” he said.
“Our poll predicts that both Mr O’Neill’s People’s National Congress and Mr Namah’s PNG Party will win the most seats, followed by their coalition partners, (Don Polye’s) THE Party and (William Duma’s) United Resources Party,” Mr Mell said. He also said “a little over 50 per cent” of sitting MPs will retain their seats.
On Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, Mr Mel said: “If the Chief was a young man and was contending for the Prime Minister’s post, the recent political impasse would have a large impact on his election to propel him back into Government.
“But this is not going to happen and even the newly-appointed National Alliance leader (Patrick Pruaitch) will be nowhere near to becoming a prime ministerial candidate.
“The political impasse has been the result of Somare’s indecisiveness as to who among his sons would replace him as National Alliance leader and subsequently become Prime Minister.
“The Grand Chief and his NA party executive have failed miserably to perform the most important strategic political move to ensure a smooth transition of leadership and this will hurt them during the polls and formation of the new Government.”
Copper is range-bound after hitting a 2012 low this week, and cautious optimism is nudging bargain hunters to shore up the red metal. Looking ahead, investors are expecting to benefit from China’s latest rate cut, which should boost demand in the world’s biggest copper-consuming country. There is also growing speculation that the Federal Reserve may step in to support the still fragile economic recovery, potentially offsetting sluggishness in the manufacturing sector. Hopes that Europe will unveil another stimulus plan that could spur greater need for base metals worldwide are also rising.
The People’s Bank of China’s benchmark one-year deposit rate was cut by 0.25 percent to 3.25 percent, while its one-year lending rate was cut to 6.31 percent. Banks will be able to offer a 20 percent discount on the benchmark lending rate. The rate cut, the first since 2008, is expected to increase corporate investments as well as personal spending in China, which accounts for over 40 percent of the world’s copper market.
The Chinese rate cut had only a mild impact on base metal prices, but they are expected to follow the lead of global stock markets, which rose on the news. China’s monetary easing provides welcome relief, as the world’s largest economy continues to show signs of weakness.
Two straight months of decline in demand for US core capital goods such as heavy machinery and computers rattled market confidence earlier this week. The Department of Commerce reported that the figure fell 2.1 percent in April from the previous month, having dropped 2.3 percent in March. Factory orders fell 0.6 percent in April overall.
Indeed, on Thursday Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told members of the Joint Economic Committee that Europe’s economic woes in particular may put US economic recovery at risk. At the same time, however, investors are expecting more stimulus from the Fed, especially through bond-buying. Bernanke stated that “[a]s always, the Federal Reserve remains prepared to take action as needed to protect the U.S. financial system and economy in the event that financial stresses escalate.”
Bernanke’s sentiments were echoed on Wednesday by both Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President John Williams and the Atlanta regional Fed President Dennis Lockhart, who both stressed the Fed’s readiness to take action in the event of economic downturn.
Investors will continue to monitor the situation in Europe closely, especially as the European Central Bank stated that it is ready to take measures as needed to step up growth, and will keep close tabs on the G20 summit meeting in Mexico that begins on June 18, the day after elections in Greece.
In late afternoon trade Thursday, COMEX copper for July delivery was down 0.1 percent at $3.37 a pound.
Company news
The sovereign wealth fund of Qatar has raised its holding in Xstrata (LSE:XTA) to over 10 percent, making it the second-largest shareholder in the company after Glencore International (LSE:GLEN). Analysts widely believe that Qatar will support Glencore’s bid for Xstrata when it comes up for a vote at Xstrata’s July shareholder meeting.
Ivan Glasenberg, the CEO of Glencore, has invested $15.5 million for 2.9 million shares in his own company, bringing his stake to nearly 16 percent. Glasenberg funded the acquisition through the $110 million in dividends secured from existing shares in the company.
Chinalco Yunnan Copper Resources (ASX:CYU) reported that its joint venture with Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO,NYSE:RIO,LSE:RIO) has identified high-grade copper as well as zinc and molybdenum sulphides at its Candelabro project in Chile.
Wenn ich mir seine HP durchlese :
unter anderem in:M.CAM Financel
If you are a bank or credit provider, M·CAM can offer a variety of innovative capital solutions including intangible asset-backed collateral enhancements. These products provide you an independent confidence that secondary markets exist and are accessible should intangible asset collateral require liquidation. For your own balance sheet or reserve capital management, our analytic and actuarial expertise can allow you to reassess credit risk for borrowers who have non-traditional assets supporting their businesses....
liest sich das ja sehr interessant.
Also ein Dünnbrettbohrer scheint mir der Dr. nicht gerade zu sein ;D))))
Statt eines unfundierten Rundumschlags hätte man sich auch z.B. vorab mit Martin in Verbindung setzen, bzw. Daveonas Einladung nach Bougainville annehmen können. ;-)))
Wer sagt denn dass m-cam nicht z.B. im Auftrag von RIO die Lage Vorort peilt (z.B. um eine aussergerichtliche Einigung im US-Courtcase zu erzielen)?
(Das tagelange Seminar für die Lo`s ist ja wohl unter Beteiligung des alten Bekannten LD abgehalten worden.)
Desshalb ist es doch erst einmal von hoher Priorität zu wissen, für wen diese Fa. jetzt tätig ist, ohne es aber gleich zu bewerten. ;D)))))
dann ahndelt es sich um eine Zukunftswerkstatt, ähnlich der Org. "Bilderberger", Club ofRome..und ähnlicher.
Was immer Dr. Martin dort anstellt, es sind die Mächtigen dieser Welt, die ihn dorthin entsandt haben.
Über das Ziel können wir lange rätseln....wir weden nicht dahinterkommen
Chairman Dr. David Martin Interviewed on BBC World Service- Business Daily
Date: Thu, 06/07/2012
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA- Dr. David Martin was interviewed on BBC World Service's Business Daily discussing the "patent wars".
Patents in the balance: in the wake of a series of high-profile and highly expensive lawsuits between the world's top technology firms, we speak to an American patent expert. David Martin, chairman of the analysis firm M-Cam, tells us the legal instruments meant to protect innovation are actually holding it back.
To Listen To The Interview: