Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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1335 Postings, 6516 Tage Traderevil@tbhomy #11698....

13.06.12 14:12
........Ich kann jedem Interessierten nur raten, SICH SELBST über das Unternehmen und die Chancen zu informieren. Und wer dazu in der Lage ist, sollte bei einem größeren Invest VORHER einmal Verantwortliche der BOU-Opposition vor Ort kontaktieren. Könnte ggfls. interessant sein. ;-)

Einige User in diesem Thread sind zudem für die Qualität der Postings nicht gerade sehr berühmt auf Ariva........

Hochinteressant diese Hinweise. Aber jetzt mal Butter bei die Fische und nicht den Schwanz einziehen: Was meinst du genau 1. mit den Verantwortlichen der BOU-Opposition (oder ist PNG O. gemeint)... und 2. einige User....
Was weist du mehr als das was die meisten hier wissen ?

Vielen Dank im voraus für eine Aufklärung in diesen Fragen. ;D)))  

933 Postings, 4728 Tage LOFPNichts weiß er, so hart das auch klingt.

13.06.12 14:20
Einfach nur wichtig tun. Du wirst keine fundamentale Antwort bekommen.
Alle wissen was, aber gleichzeitig auch nichts.
Man kann aktuell nur abwarten, so wie auch 2007 und 2008.
Der Kurs ging damals auch zurück und 2 Jahre seitwärts.
Ich vertraue Axel Sturm und dem ESBC!!!
Er macht einen hervorragenden Job...Nur mal so!  

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroMittlerweile dürfte es schwer werden,.........

13.06.12 14:20
...........noch Opposition gegen BOC zu finden, nachdem man auch bei den Meekamuis nur noch das $$$ Zeichen in den Augen erkennen kann.;-)))))))

31878 Postings, 5455 Tage tbhomyAlle wissen was, aber gleichzeitig auch nichts.

13.06.12 14:29
s. Post#11702. Wenn das so ist, war meine Einschätzung wohl korrekt.  

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroAlle wissen was, aber gleichzeitig auch nichts.

13.06.12 14:43
Am besten von allen informiert dürften wohl die Landowners der Pangunamine sein.Und die wissen nach L.D`s "avarness campain" der letzten Monate nun genau welches Schätzchen sich in ihrem Grund u. Boden befindet.Darum auch der Vorstoss im ABG Parlament.
"He stated that the ownership of mineral resources is usually claimed by the State or the Crown, and in the case of Bougainville the customary traditional landowners own the minerals which is protected by section 23 of the Bougainville constitution and recognised by Article 26 of the United Nations Convention."

Die von den Lo`s auf ihrer HP veröffentlichten Berechnungen für den Betrieb der  Pangunamine,an welcher BOC vor kurzem noch eine 21 jahrige Lizenzverlängerung  von O`Neill  erhielt.

302 Postings, 6508 Tage sellongoodnews.

13.06.12 15:00
"Bitte ASX-Boards als Quelle nutzen. "

War doch schon Antwort genug. Heiße Luft, sonst nix.  

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroNo liquor ban on B’ville

14.06.12 02:52

NO liquor ban will be imposed for Bougainville during the election period.
However, the Bougainville Police have issued a stern warning to Bougainvilleans who consume alcohol to act responsibly and to refrain from consuming alcohol in public places.
Buka Police Station Commander Sergeant Emmart Tsimes, when issuing the warning, also added that betelnut vendors would also not be allowed to overnight at the seaside betelnut market, the reason being that the market place was being used for the illegal sale of home-brew and marijuana and is also being used for gambling and prostitution.
Meanwhile, Mr Tsimes has cautioned the general public on the circulation of fake K100 notes. He said police became aware of the fake K100 notes after some bottleshop owners fell victim. Investigations on the matter are continuing.
He has appealed to anyone who may have information on the person or persons responsible for the production of these fake notes to contact Buka Police on 973 9733.

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroRio Tinto " off the podium "?

14.06.12 12:51

666 Postings, 5939 Tage havannaMining activities to begin on B’ville

14.06.12 19:34

Es ist schön zu lesen, dass auf Bougainville das Thema auf der Agenda steht, bisher ist aber nur ein Antrag gestellt worden, nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Wer stimmt über diesen Antrag ab? PNG? Bin gespannt ob für Bougainville eine Ausnahme gemacht wird(siehe folgender Textauszug), wenn das mal schwarz auf weiß feststeht, wäre das ein großer ERFOLG.

He stated that the ownership of mineral resources is usually claimed by the State or the Crown, and in the case of Bougainville the customary traditional landowners own the minerals which is protected by section 23 of the Bougainville constitution and recognised by Article 26 of the United Nations Convention.  

Ich sehe den Auftrag des Unternehmens M-Cam vertreten in der Person von Dr. David Martin darin, für einen Dritten einen Fuss in die Tür zu bekommen und sich "Freunde" auf der Insel zu machen. Kommt es später zu Verhandlungen mit BCL hat besagter Dritter eine vermeindlich gute Ausgangslage um sich Explorationsrechte auf Bougainville zu sichern.


15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroAutonomy awareness

15.06.12 09:18


THE Division of Autonomy Implementation and Monitoring of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, has been busy running awareness workshops on the drawdown of powers and functions from the National Government.
Firstly to Bana district and then to Buin and Siwai in South Bougainville. The Siwai awareness workshop was held today and end tomorow at Panakei whil the Buin workshop will be on 17-18 the Buin Secondary School Assembly hall.
The awareness was jointly initiated by the Division of Autonomy implementation and Buin and Siwai districts administration.
According to the initial report compiled by Senior Program officer Kotrifa Nanopa and obtained by the Post-courier, the workshops were organized for several important reasons and they were:
A follow up on the main awareness workshop on the drawdown of powers and function held in June 2011 in Arawa and assist where necessary to improve the two districts awareness programs  

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroUphold rights and interests of resource owners

15.06.12 10:42

Sir Julius: Uphold rights and interests of resource owners
The National, Friday 15th June, 2012

NEW Ireland governor Sir Julius Chan wants the State and resource landowners reviewing development and compensation packages derived from mining projects to uphold the rights and interest of Papua New Guineans on benefits and business development.
Campaigning for his People’s Progress Party, Sir Julius said PNG was proving to be one of the world’s richest areas in extraction of minerals, oil and gas but it was too easy for bureaucrats and representatives of the people to lose sight of the core beneficiaries, which were the landowning groups and host provinces.
Sir Julius fought and successfully reclaimed millions of kina outstanding from mineral royalties and mining project grants under the Lihir memorandum of agreement.
He said the state had a bad record of keeping its commitments under the MoAs, making people missing out in benefits.
He said he was aware that due processes of review and negotiation for several mining projects were under way, including the Lihir Integrated Benefits Package/MoA review and wanted to remind PNG that a motion was before the Parliament to review the mining laws in the country to give greater benefits to landowning groups.

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroABG day to be commemorated

15.06.12 11:05

By Tapo Tovilu

Tomorrow will mark Seven years since the inception of the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
The people of Bougainville will commemorate the day throughout the region with various activities and programs.
Tomorrow will also be a public holyday giving time for family and friends to get together to commemorate the day.
It was on this day in 2005 when Bougainville gained its Autonomy and started its long road to referendum and independence.

2909 Postings, 5036 Tage ZockerklausMusterhafte Bodenbildung

15.06.12 11:33
überlege ob ich hier auch mal einsteige. Nekro dürfte es freuen wenn hier mal die Zocker mitspielen !?


703 Postings, 6342 Tage Tom0001#11697 @Nekro

15.06.12 15:57

933 Postings, 4728 Tage LOFPIch kaufe auch nochmal nach

15.06.12 16:06
Werde aber am Sonntag Nacht in Sydney an der großen roten Säule knabbern! ;-)
Referenzkurs ist 0,52...Beste Grüße und schönes WE für alle  

933 Postings, 4728 Tage LOFPDie Psychologie! ;-)

15.06.12 17:59
Immer wieder erstaunlich und verblüffend, wie wenige Leute antizyklisch handeln!?
Wenn man sich das Volumen 2011 bei BCL anschaut und im Vergleich 2009 und heute, sieht man immer das Gleiche. Hoher Umsatz wenn die Aktie steigt und wenn Sie fällt oder ganz tief steht, verkauft fast Keiner, aber zu kaufen trauen sich auch nur die Wenigsten!?
Warum nur ist das so!? Auf was warten die Menschen?
Entweder ich habe Interesse an einem Wert und kaufe wenn er tief steht, egal was geschrieben steht oder gesagt wird oder ich lasse es. Der Meinung bin ich.
Kaufe Sonntag Nacht 20000 Stück zur Eröffnung in Sydney. Order wurde eingestellt.
Vielleicht trauen sich ja noch ein paar Andere, die rote Säule in Sydney verschwindet dann mal wieder zufällig und der Kurs beginnt bei 0,50 Cent zu drehen!?
So, jetzt ist Wochenende.
Beste Grüße und erholt euch  

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekrom-cam

17.06.12 22:35 FOB

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroNamah up against Grand Chief

18.06.12 07:45


Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare will defend his East Sepik Regional and will receive more 30,000 votes and will become Prime minister in a coming National Alliance-led government.
This was what the Chief said while addressing a crowd of National Alliance supporters at Kapore in West New Britain on Saturday last the weekend.
However, that was not what Deputy Prime minister and member for Vanimo Green Belden Namah believed.
At Nahavio at the same time on Saturday, Mr Namah told a huge crowd that the Chief will trail at fourth or fifth place and will lose his seat and he will become Prime minister of Papua New Guinea when PNG Party forms the next government.
Both leaders were visiting to support their respective party-endorsed candidates.
Aware of each other’s presence in the province, rivalry criticisms and remarks were made against each other. At Kapore, Somare told the people in his initial remarks,” NA is not dead…and Somare is not dead”, he said.
The Grand Chief said he had told the Vanimo Green people Namah was a prisoner for six years and added it was “Somare” who got Namah out of jail under his Power of Mercy when he was Prime minister.
In explaining the political impasse that transpired, he told the people Namah, O’Neill, Don Polye and others were part of his cabinet but saw there was plenty of food on the table and wanted to eat it quickly.
At Nahavio, unaware of the negative remarks made about him by the Grand Chief at Kapore, Namah told his supporters that he was jailed for six years for the love of the people of Bougainville.
He said Julius Chan had made a decision on 27th of May 1997 to import African mercenaries to wipe out the entire race at Bougainville. And as captain of Special Forces unit during that time he had used his power to close parliament for the safety of his people and was jailed. Namah believed he was predestined by God to lead the nation into prosperity and likened his leadership to that of Joshua, a captain in the Israelite army who was used by God to lead the people of Israel into the Promise Land.
He said this season is for young and vibrant leaders to lead the nation and that past leaders were only interested in developers. “The season for “lapun-lapun’ leadership has expired,” Mr Namah said.

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroNamah made chief in Buka

18.06.12 08:33

DEPUTY Prime Minister Belden Namah was made a chief in Buka over the weekend.
Bougainville Regional MP Fidelis Semoso received him with high accord together with his Party officials.
Namah is making a second trip to Bougainville this time, to Central and South Bougainville with several leaders including Regional MP Semoso and his other PNG Party entourage.
The welcome reception for Namah into Bougainville was somewhat contradictory to the statement released by Mr Michael Laimo last week, who said that Belden Namah was not welcome in Bougainville.
Mr Namah and his team, had unknowingly arrived on Bougainville soil on Friday, June 15th, to learn that it was the 7th anniversary for the region since gaining autonomy.
It was an emotional time for Mr Namah as he recalled 15 years before, how as a young soldier he had assisted the people during the Sandline Crisis in 1997.
“I’m really touched. It’s really an emotional trip for me. The last time I set foot here was in 1996 and after that the crises happened in 1997… I am just very happy to see the people moving around freely and the reception and I feel like crying.
“After serving in Bougainville, I have learnt one thing; that Bougainvilleans are very beautiful people. I want to thank the Member for North Bougainville Mr Fidelis Semoso, Governor Mr Louta Atoi and Acting President Patrick Lisira for welcoming me”, Mr Namah said.
He added that previous successive governments neglected funding to Bougainville and that the O’Neill-Namah government was the first since the peace treaty to have allocated a budget of K100m. Mr Namah said he was happy that the Prime Minister Mr Peter O’Neill had listened to the cries of the people of Bougainville, particularly the President, Governor and the three members. The entourage were then led to the Bel Isi oval where Mr Namah continued to express his love for the people of Bougainville and challenged them to vote for the Bougainville Regional seat candidate Mr Lohial Nuau and also endorsed Regional member Fidelis Semoso as a Pro PNG Party candidate.
At the Hagogohe sports oval, the Acting President Patrick Lisira, on behalf of the President Father John Momis, said he was happy to have the Deputy Prime Minister as a special guest during their 7th anniversary celebrations.
“Mi givim bikpela luksave na welkam long Deputi Praim Minista na Jamie Maxtone-Graham, na long ol skul insait long Buka district na long olgeta Bougainvilleans( I want to extend a big welcome to Deputy Prime Minister and Mr Jamie Maxtone-Graham and to the participating schools in Buka district and to all Bougainvilleans”, Mr Lisira said.
Mr Lisira told the people that the reason for celebrating the anniversary is because a lot had happened for the region, especially in the delivery of basic social services such as schools, health services and infrastructure.
He also said the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Government (ABG) were able to maintain peace for the last seven years which was a big achievement for them.
Mr Lisira thanked the Deputy Prime Minister on behalf of the President and the people for what he did in 1997 during the Sand line Crises.
The highlight of the visit was when a chief from one of the four clans, the Nawen clan, presented two live pigs to Mr Namah and also presented him with a traditionally woven necklace to officially initiate the Deputy Prime Minister as a Chief with a new name, Belden Harin Namah, Harin meaning ‘warrior’.
Mr Namah then presented the people with K270, 000 cash. Two hundred thousand kina to the organisers of the welcome reception at the airport, K50, 000 to the participating schools and groups at the Hagogohe community, K10, 000 to the church and K10, 000 to the Bougainville Boxing club in preparation for the Pacific Games.


15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroKupfer: Aufwärts-Kurslücke zum Wochenstart

18.06.12 10:21

933 Postings, 4728 Tage LOFPKeine Stücke bekommen

18.06.12 10:25
Obwohl ich Limit 0,66 in Sydney eingegeben habe!?
Sehr merkwürdig!  

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekro@LOFP

18.06.12 17:31
Da scheinst du nicht der Einzige zu sein

(silverphil) 14/06/12 15:27

why can i not buy the shares on offer on e trade for boc??

666 Postings, 5939 Tage havannaSpeech by Hon. Chief John Momis...

18.06.12 17:51
... president of Bougainville, minister for intergovernment affairs & autonomy implementation – speech notes & key messages
Date: 15 June 2012
Quelle: Radio New Dawn, 18.6.2012

The Bougainville Peace Agreement was signed on 30 August 2001. 3 pillars of the Peace Agreement are Autonomy, Referendum and Weapons Disposal. Commitments of the Peace Agreement have been incorporated into the 2004 Bougainville Constitution.

Bougainville’s Constitution is home-grown and gives Bougainville the right to assume increasing control over a wide range of powers, functions, personnel and the natural and physical resources of Bougainville.

The Autonomous Bougainville Government was formed in 2005 and is a separate and independent political institution from that of the PNG National Government. The Autonomous Bougainville Government has an Executive Council (e.g. Cabinet) and its Parliament has full legislative authority to make laws subject to the Constitution.

In August 2012 this year, the Peace Agreement will be 11 years old. A Referendum on Bougainville’s future political status is now potentially only 3 years away (window of timing being 2015 – 2020).

So given today’s celebrations – it is a good time to have a “stock-take” – where are we at?
The Peace Agreement was a joint and collaborative exercise and the platform to resolve the Bougainville Crisis and to secure lasting peace for all people by peaceful means. The Peace Agreement and its obligations are between 2 parties – the Independent State of PNG and the leadership of Bougainville representing the people of Bougainville. As with any agreement or contract which is legally binding on 2 parties, each party must perform and deliver on its promises and commitments to give full and proper effect to the agreement.
The Government and Administration of Bougainville continues to strive and do the best it can do for its people

There have been successes, and like any new system, organization and change there have also been some failures.
Generally, Bougainville is still very dependent on the goodwill and support of foreign aid donors and whilst we are grateful for those contributions over the years, we are realistic that that cannot last forever.

As Bougainville tries its best to continue to honor the spirit, intention and commitments of the Peace Agreement – it appears that the other main party is not.
Some people are saying that PNG does not understand the Peace Agreement. Some people are saying PNG is not honoring its commitments in the Peace Agreement. Some people are even saying that PNG is in breach of its Peace Agreement commitments.
As President of Bougainville, I say that I am frustrated and tired that the blame for lack of real progress and standards for Bougainvilleans is falling at the steps of our Parliament and levied at the Bougainville Administration.

In fact, the reality is that barriers are constantly put in the way of the Peace Agreement and autonomy implementation because PNG is not taking its commitments seriously. Let me just give you a few clear examples that support my view in terms of the Peace Agreement obligations:
- The administration of Bougainville is entitled to an annual unconditional “restoration and development grant” of K15million to cover its operations, including transferred powers and functions as drawdown occurs – this grant has not been forthcoming.
- Bougainville is entitled to annual “conditional intervention grant of K 100 million” for the next 5 years to be spent on projects jointly approved by the ABG and the National Government. Although the first K100million has been approved in both the 2012 National Budget and the ABG Budget – this has not been forthcoming and now we are over half way through year.
- There is a Joint Supervisory Body for the Bougainville and National governments for consultation, to deal with autonomy implementation and disputes – in the last 6 months, PNG has either cancelled or not turned up to a meeting.
- Negotiations in relation to Bougainville’s share of commercial fisheries resources from its waters have been stalled again; and even then, the potential outcome from these negotiations will not likely reflect a fair and equitable process or distribution.
- Lastly, in February 2011 key Bougainville Divisions signed Memoranda of Understanding with their National Department counterparts for the drawdown of functions and powers from PNG to Bougainville. Now 18 months later, there is only one ABG Division that has advanced the process of drafting a Bougainville law to formalize drawdown. This whole process has been slow and undermined by lack of resources, engagement between parties and commitment to the MOU obligations.

It is my view that these types of barriers continue to undermine the Peace Agreement and undermine the real intention and potential of autonomy for Bougainville. Let me ask you – how would you feel if you entered into an agreement and the other party was simply ignoring or avoiding the obligations and commitments of that agreement

I want to take this opportunity to say that the dream and possibility of true autonomy is not only good for Bougainville, but it is good for the nation of Papua New Guinea. But we cannot do it alone and at the very least Bougainville seriously needs the resources and funding committed through the peace making process to actually realize the goals and give long lasting effect to the peace and security envisaged by an autonomous arrangement.

Lastly, I think it needs to be made clear that “autonomy” is something quite different to “independence”. The best analogy is to say that autonomy is a type of self-determination and self-governing arrangement but still within the umbrella of another nation, in this case PNG. The notion of independence speaks for itself and is a subject matter and far more important debate for another day.

However, what I will say is that I sincerely hope that proactive steps and a concentrated effort can be made by both parties to honor the Peace Agreement as a matter of urgency. This is because I do not want to see our people continue to be disillusioned or become dispirited by the lack of true autonomous arrangements for Bougainville. It is of paramount importance that the people of Bougainville experience full autonomy in accordance with the spirit of the Bougainville Peace Agreement so that they would have a real choice when the referendum is held between 2015 and 2020.
During the period leading up to referendum 2015-2020 the National Government and ABG cannot afford to leave any stone unturned in their joint effort to create capacity for good governance, fiscal self reliance, rule of law, sustainable development, democratization and equitable distribution of power, goods and services.

Concluding Remarks
The Bougainville crisis has more or less reduced us to basic humanity; however, the Bougainville Peace Agreement offers us a unique opportunity to rise out of the ashes of the destruction to build an egalitarian society in which the dignity of the human person and the common good of all is promoted and defended. And so with gratitude and optimism every Bougainvillean must take on the challenge and with great passion collaborate with others to liberate ourselves from all kinds of impediments as we empower ourselves to become active agents of change and development and not mere passive recipients of goods and services. Out of all peoples of Papua New Guinea, we Bougainvilleans have been favoured with the rare and unique opportunity to create a fully autonomous government with the added right to determine our ultimate political status through a referendum whether to be an independent nation or remain an integral part of Papua New Guinea as a fully autonomous region. We have an indispensable role here, so let us not shirk our noble privilege; for if we do the whole “experiment” will fail and we will be the losers, living with the detrimental consequences of our failure.  

15645 Postings, 6517 Tage nekroMomis bringt es auf den Punkt

18.06.12 19:30
PNG dito die kleptokratische Somareregierung ist für die dauernden Verzögerungen verntwortlich.Die Bouggys warten doch nur auf das GO (Drawdown of Miningpower)

Dieser Hemmschuh wird hoffentlich bei den nächste Woche anstehenden Parlamentswahlen definitiv beseitigt.

Gewinnt wie allgemein erwartet O`Neill (u. steht dieser zu seinem Wort) so könnte der BIGBOCBANG noch in diesem Jahr eingeläutet werden ;-))))))

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