Stans Energy heavy rare earth Prod. 2012
Stans Energy Corp (TSX-V: HRE, OTCQX: HREEF)(‘Stans’ or ‘The Company’) has granted on October 23, 2013, an aggregate of 1,100,000 incentive stock options to directors of the company. 500,000 of these options have been granted to Mr. Rodney Irwin for the assumption of responsibilities of the role of Interim President and CEO. Each stock option entitles the holder to purchase one common share of The Company for $0.15 per share until October 23, 2018. All options granted and any common shares issued upon the exercise of the options will be subject to a statutory four-month hold period expiring February 23, 2014. The option grant was approved by the board of directors on October 23, 2013 and is subject to regulatory approval.
Hat soeben wieder "nur" 150.000 gekauft. Gestern zu Handelsschluß 93.000 .
Now it is obvious for everyone: virtually there is no a majority coalition in the Kyrgyz Parliament. There is a
... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 28.10.13 18:38
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, ggf. Link-Einfügen nutzen
dem artickel folgend soll die größte bank im staatlichen besitz kirg. privatisiert werden. und wenn die kohle eingesackt wurde? was dann? wieder verstaatlichen? die Wissenschaft irrt - es gibt tatsächlich perpetum mobiles :)
die Sache wird immer kurioser. aber ich schau es mir an und hoffe das alles gut wird...
Moskau ist für uns zuständig und es ist kaum davon auszugehen, dass dieser fort aufgebaute Druck nicht in Kirgistan wirken wird. Es dürften m. E. durchaus Köpfe rollen. Hab mich soeben mit Kollegen abgestimmt. Wir kommen zum Schluss, dass der Schritt von Stans in Art und Zeitpunkt absolut korrekt bzw. zwingend ist. Es geht nun darum, das bestätigt auch David per Skype, den Kirgisen Feuer unterm Hintern zu machen, damit wir
a) endlich ein geordnetes Verfahren ohne weitere Verzögerungen erhalten und
b) selbst bei positivem Ausgang (> Lizenzzuerkennung) wir nicht im späteren Verlauf weitere Steine in den Weg gelegt bekommen. Möglichkeiten gäbe es beim Erfindungsreichtum unserer kirgisischen „Freunde“ sicherlich genügend.
Die News von Stans sind nicht ganz glücklich formuliert, doch mit den zusätzlichen Richtigstellungen von David wird die Sache rund. Es geht um eine dauerhafte Drohgebärde, damit das „monkey business“ – so David – endlich aufhört. Das Verfahren (> arbitration) soll demnach selbst bei einem raschen Einlenken der Kirgisen nicht aufgegeben werden.
Gruß, Mad.
Okay - Arbitration ist im Gange
die Welt wartet auf die seltenen Erden und nicht auf Stans.
Geht die Sache gut sind wir fein raus. Deswegen hätte ich die jüngste Nachricht gerne vor einem Jahr gelesen. Kommen wir aber nicht in die Pötte juckt es später kein Schw... was mit uns und unser Mine wird.
Sollte das Bild etwas abrunden.
‘We want to develop our mine’ — Stans Energy’s Chairman discusses International Arbitration and the Kutessay II Rare Earth Project.
November 5, 2013 — Tracy Weslosky, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of InvestorIntel interviews Rodney Irwin, Chairman and interim President and CEO of Stans Energy Corp. (TSXV: HRE | OTCQX: HREEF) to discuss Stans Energy’s most-recent announcement that the company has commenced international arbitration against the Government of Kyrgyzstan to reclaim its mining license to the past-producing Kutessay II Rare Earth Project that it acquired in 2009 from the Kyrgyz Republic. In May 2011, Stans completed the purchase of the Kashka Rare Earth Processing Plant, the same plant that previously refined rare earths from Kutessay II ores. Kashka was the only hard-rock plant that produced all rare earth elements outside of China. On September 16th, Stans Energy announced that a Kyrgyz court ruled against Kutessay II’s previous license holder, citing that the Chinese company that claimed ownership of the mine had no legal claims to the license.
Tracy starts, “We have a huge audience of Stans Energy shareholders on InvestorIntel and everyone wants to know: what’s happening with arbitration? You won your case, but what’s happening today?”
“We still feel that we need a more cooperative Kyrgyz government on side,” explains Ambassador Irwin. “So we’ve decided to go to international arbitration. First, if necessary, to get our money back. But really our intention is to have a ‘stick’ to encourage cooperation from the government because we still want to develop our mine.”
Tracy asks, “I’ve read your background and you’ve been an ambassador to a number of Eastern European countries. If anyone could lead arbitration, you certainly could. Can you tell me why you selected Moscow?”
“We think Moscow is a good selection for two reasons,” Ambassador Irwin explains. “The first is, it’s cheaper and will cost us less money; the second, the process will proceed quickly, much more quickly that it might in other arbitration courts.”
Tracy discusses former Stans Energy Corp. President and CEO, Robert Mackay (who had to resign in September due to health problems), and his vision to turn Kutessay II into a producing rare earth mine; and asks Ambassador Irwin how Stans Energy intends on fulfilling the former President and CEO’s dreams. “Well, one of the key pieces of that, in addition to getting the mine back into operation, is the processing plant that goes with it,” says Ambassador Irwin. “The processing plant is a separate project and is not caught up in our mining license issues with the Kyrgyz government. So Stans Energy is continuing with prep work to get that processing plant back into operation because it is extremely valuable to the company. That might leads us, at some point, to the possibilities of processing rare earths for other people.”
Regarding the timeline for arbitration, Ambassador Irwin comments: “We think that the timeline will be short, meaning a matter of months, not a matter of years. And we think that is very important because we want to get on with it. Our real intention is to get the Kyrgyz government to realize that this is a good project; it’s very good for the Kyrgyz economy, for employment. We have the support of local villagers, who see that there are jobs here. We think that we will start to get good political support — and that’s really what we’re working on. We are talking to as many people as we can locally. One very encouraging sign has been that there is a new governor for the region where our mine is, who has taken an interest in us. In fact, he has toured the mine site. I’m going back to Moscow and Bishkek this week to meet with the governor; to tell him what it is we want to do and to get him onside. That, we think, will be very momentous in terms of convincing the central government that we have good political support — and that’s important.”
Zeitpunkt: 06.11.13 07:20
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Regelverstoß
> David Mortimer on October 31, 2013 at 1:49 PM said:
Does anyone know if this is a good move?
> Tracy Weslosky on October 31, 2013 at 3:19 PM said:
David – I perceive it to be an excellent move and I was quite impressed by Rodney Irwin in our interview yesterday. I asked the Stans team to provide me with a more official response and this is from an email I received today: "Stans Energy remains committed to developing Kutessay II and resuming production. We have assembled a world class team of experts who not only have decades of experience in the processing of Rare Earth Oxides, these experts have actually realized saleable goods from the mineralization contained in Kutessay II. Management has made the decision to pursue international arbitration for several reasons.
1. To provide the Kyrgyz government with stern motivation to resolve the ongoing court case quickly
2. To establish a USD$ liability amount to ensure that the company is dealt with fairly moving forward
3. To protect our shareholders regardless of outcome in the Kyrgyz court system.
International Arbitration allows for a third party to provide a fair, balanced and independent view point on often complicated and intricate situations. Stans" 100% success rate in all court cases it has been involved in, only reinforces the fact that the company is committed to long term sustainable development of a world class asset that will serve the interests of all stakeholders – both the local community, our shareholders and international firms looking to secure non-Chinese sources of rare earth elements."
I think you will be equally impressed when we post this interview by early next week.
> siehe #3622 (
Innerhalb welcher Zeit wird hier mit einem Verfahren mit Urteil gerechnet?
Hat hier jemand irgend ein Wissen oder gar Erfahrung?
Gegenfrage: Wieviele kyrg. Einwohner könnten durch fähiges Management u. Verabredungstreue einem Job in der mining industry nachgehen bzw. wieviele Menschen haben dort schon ihren Job verloren?!?!!!
Der Artikel ist nicht einmal die halbe Wahrheit. Eher eine Farse
Das wird uns langfristig zugute kommen!
Almazbek Atambayev: I am against nationalization of Kumtor
“The Parliament is ready to support the initiative of the President of Kyrgyzstan – to nationalize Kumtor,”
in Kirgisien..... Investoren gehen gerichtlich vor....
Stans Energy arbitration team will be led by Professor Igor ZENKIN, recognized as one of the leading experts on International Trade Disputes within Russia and the former Soviet Republics. Prof. Zenkin is an arbitrator of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris. He is also included on the list of arbitrators of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, as well as of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The arbitration which was brought by Stans and its subsidiaries will take place under the Convention for the Protection of Investor's Rights to which Kyrgyzstan is a signatory and will be heard in the Arbitration Court at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Notice of arbitration has been served against the Government of Kyrgyzstan and will be available on the Company's website in the coming weeks.
Mr. Rodney IRWIN, Chairman of the Board and Interim President, states "We are disappointed in the Kyrgyz government's lack of action in quickly resolving the outstanding claims. The impact of the recent court action has frozen all development at the project site. Under international law these actions constitute compelling grounds for the Company to seek damages in order to protect the interests of its shareholders"...
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31 OCT 2013 ==>