Rakuten wesentlich besser als Rocket
According to the company, the equity portion of the funding round was three times oversubscribed.
The new funds will be invested in developing its software product for insurance brokers and further internationalisation. PremFina operates a SaaS solution and funds the upfront payment of an insurance premium to an insurer and collects monthly instalments plus a fee from the insured party.
1 February 2017
PremFina is the Uber of the £8.5 billion premium finance industry. By adopting PremFina’s technology-led platform, brokers can significantly increase their returns by funding part or all of their premium finance book, or they can access PremFina’s funding. Whatever model they choose, PremFina brokers enjoy flexibility, choice and control over their premium finance offering that is not currently available to them.
Rakuten Invests in Bedding Manufacturer airweave
Tokyo, September 19, 2017-Rakuten, Inc. today announced that it will underwrite a capital increase by third party allotment of about 1.2 billion yen with mattress and bedding manufacturer airweave Inc. The move will see Hiroshi Takasawa, who oversees Rakuten’s investment business at Rakuten Capital and serves as Managing Executive Officer and investment company president, appointed as an outside director of airweave Inc.
Airweave has used revolutionary materials to bring innovation to the bedding industry and create new markets for mattress pads and other products. In addition to selling artificial down duvets and bed mattresses, it has in recent years been involved in various new initiatives in the global bedding market, such as offering a smartphone sleep app that measures the quality of sleep.
- Membership grows to record 15 million
The growth rate in Rakuten Card’s gross transaction value has been greater than 20% year-over-year for five successive quarters. In contrast, the average annual growth rate in the credit card service industry in Japan is 8.8% year-over-year *1. This is the first time in Japanese credit card history that annual gross transaction value for a propriety card has reached JPY 6 trillion.
Während bei Amazon die Verdrängung - häufig unter Missachtung geltender Wettbewerbs-, Arbeits- und Sozialgesetze - im Mittelpunkt steht, sieht das Rakuten-Modell eine Zusammenarbeit mit den Händlern vor, was vor allem der asiatischen Mentalität besser entspricht.
Aber auch in Europa regen sich immer mehr Stimmen, die sich die permanenten Gesetzesbrüche von einigen US-Riesen wie Facebook, Google oder Amazon nicht mehr gefallen lassen wollen. Und es wird meines Erachtens dieser neuen Form der Kolonialisierung ein Ende zu bereiten.
Meines Erachtens ein Vorteil für Firmen, die wie Raktuen auf Konsens und Zusammenarbeit setzen.
One of the fortunate beneficiaries of this phenomenon is Japan’s largest online shopping mall Rakuten Ichiba. Their B2B2C e-commerce platform global and internet services company Rakuten—which also operates the popular cross-border site known as Rakuten Global Market—saw sales triple in 2017 compared to the same period in 2016.
r, jeder 2. Beschwert sich nach dem Einkauf, Lockvogelangebote ohne Ende, Preise werden nicht gehalten, unkontrolliert tummeln sich zweifelhafte Verkäufer auf der Plattform, miese Gutschein Aktionen jederfaule Trick ist gut um bei Preisvergleichen oben zustehen . Noch nie hat eine Plattform so schlechte Kundenbewertungen bekommen,
Da ist selbst Alibaba ein Lichtblick, von JD.com oder Amazon ganz zu schweigen.
Geht mal bei ideale auf die Bewertung oder kauft selbst ein.Dann versteht ihr dasKGV von Ca. 10
ELEKTRONIK Produkt auswählen.... fast immer steht Rakuten an erster Stelle..das dicke Ende kommt dann meistens mit der Bestellung.
Linda trippel dich auf die Seite...dann kannst du Rakuten in action sehen....Du wendest dich mit Grauen ab.
Wie gesagt KGV hat seine Berechtigung
The e-commerce company is the other major investor in the Dubai-based ride hailing company along with Saudi Telecom.
Zeitpunkt: 29.03.18 11:20
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung vermutet, anderenfalls bitte widersprechen
Zeitpunkt: 29.03.18 11:20
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung vermutet, anderenfalls bitte widersprechen
Rakuten to Enter into Pet Insurance Business
- Reached Agreement to Acquire Shares of Pet Insurer MottoGyutto -
Tokyo, March 22, 2018 - Rakuten, Inc. has reached an agreement with CAS Capital Fund No.6 (managed by CAS Capital, Inc.) for the acquisition of all of its outstanding shares of MottoGyutto Small Amount & Short Term Insurance (MottoGyutto), which specializes in pet insurance, and make it a wholly owned subsidiary. The new company is planned to be named Rakuten Small Amount & Short Term Insurance.
MottoGyutto is a small amount and short term insurance company that provides coverage for family pets (dogs and cats) that require treatment or surgery at a veterinary hospital. It has expanded its business across pet shops where insurance can be purchased at that same time as a pet, and now operates both online (since 2016) and offline sales channels.
year=2018&month=3&category=corp fintech
Meines Erachtens deckt dieser Bereich schon mehr als die Marktkapitalisierung von Rakuten ab.
E-Commerce in Japan
Japan is currently one of the World’s fastest growing e-commerce markets. Some factors attributed to this rapid growth include the single language culture, developed economy, and highly urbanized population. There are three major players in the Japanese e-commerce market while a continued rise of m-commerce, transactions completed via mobile device apps, brings more options and expands on the C2C environment. This coupled with a developed distribution infrastructure and small country size for convenient and expedient delivery will ensure Japan’s rate of e-commerce growth will only continue. From 2018 to 2022 it is expected that the annual growth rate for revenue will be 6.2% and that Japan will remain one of the top 5 largest e-commerce markets in the world.
Barcelona-based on-demand logistics platform Glovo expands further into the South American market, this time setting up operations in Brazil.
The Spanish startup lands in its fourth Latin American market after having started operations in Chile, Peru and Argentina. The company will deliver local gastronomic products, among other services, Kippel01 reported on Tuesday.
Glovo will now have operations in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to offer distribution for local bars and restaurants, as well as products from florists, electronics, pharmacies and neighborhood markets.
Zeitpunkt: 29.03.18 11:19
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Unterstellung
Zeitpunkt: 29.03.18 11:19
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Unterstellung
We’re continuously seeking partners that can enhance the in-app experience for our engaged and global audience. We have launched our Chat Extension with GAMEE, a mobile gaming pioneer that enables and encourages gamers to partake in small, quick gaming experiences that you can play in Viber by playing solo games or directly in chat to take on your friends. GAMEE’s games are easily shareable and highly engaging.
With over 2 billion game plays, GAMEE’s approach to social gaming across platforms has struck a chord with mobile users and was a seamless fit with our app. Viber users now have access to over 70 games directly within our chat environment, which gives another great reason to spend more time within the app. Oh and the results are quite good.
But in other markets it says it has done better. It has a 73 percent penetration in Central and Eastern Europe and 76 percent in Russia; 59 percent in Southeast Asia; 44 percent in the Middle East/North Africa; and 45 percent in Australia/New Zealand.
Could all that change? Given the popularity of the large group chat features of the other messaging apps, Viber could be hoping this launch will drive more active usage of the app, and maybe new users. By essentially creating Communities around interests and giving them the ability to be as big as the app’s own user base, it gives Viber (and Rakuten) a play at presenting itself less as a messaging app, and more as a social network.
Use of transmission towers, utility poles, telecommunication towers and other equipment would allow for efficient infrastructure investment
Tokyo, March 27, 2018 – Rakuten, Inc. today announced that it has decided to utilize the transmission towers, utility poles, telecommunication towers and other infrastructure of The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. in establishing a network of base stations for its Mobile Network Operator (MNO) business, if its frequency band allocation is granted.
If Rakuten’s frequency band allocation is granted, the company plans to make use of Kansai Electric Power’s transmission towers, utility poles, telecommunication towers and other infrastructure in and around Japan’s Kansai region for its base station locations.
https://global.rakuten.com/corp/news/press/2018/...&category=corp ec
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