Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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703 Postings, 6178 Tage Tom0001Kontraindikator

07.05.09 21:41
ich bin entzückt! Immer wenn der Paarhufer ins Spiel kam, gingen die Kurse nach oben.

;o) Tom  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroEin weiterer Schritt der Versöhnung ;-)))

08.05.09 02:42

Un pas de plus vers la paix et la réconciliation sur l’île de Bougainville, dans la région autonome de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée - Les factions belligérantes du district notoire de Wisai ont accepté de déposer les armes et de ramener la paix dans leur région. Les commandants du Mouvement de libération Wisai et Mekamui ont même accepté de se serrer la main et de mastiquer quelques noix de bétel tous les deux. Willie Masiu, chef de Wisai, a indiqué au quotidien le Post-Courier que le processus de réconciliation est entamé et qu’une cérémonie coutumière complète aura lieu dans un mois.

Ein weiterer Schritt zu Frieden u. Versöhnung auf der Insel Bougainville in der autonomen PNG Region.Die Fraktionen des Distriktes Wisai haben zugestimmt ihre Waffen niederzulegen und den Frieden in ihre Region zu bringen.Die Komandanten der Bewegung für Befreiung und die Mekamuis haben zugestimmt sich die Hände zu reichen und zusammen einige Betelnüsse zu knabbern ;-))  Willie Masiu,Chef der Wisai erklärte dem Post Courier dass die Versöhnung begonnen hat und eine komplette traditionelle Zeremonie in einem Monat stattfinden wird.  

382 Postings, 6349 Tage centwatchAha, Mr. 100K a 42 ist wieder aufgetaucht....

08.05.09 10:20
Aha, Mr. 100K a 42 ist wieder aufgetaucht....

Mit den Versöhnungsfeiern/Entwaffnung und dem dann hoffentlich bald folgenden JSB Meeting könnte das Ende der Durststrecke erreicht sein. Eine Einladung zur Besichtigung der Mine könnte den Kick-off für die Rückkehr von BOC auf den Investorenradarschirm darstellen....  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBOC-Kurs/Substanzwert

08.05.09 13:24
300 Mio USD Marketcap/30 Mia USD Substanz-

Kurs-Substanzwert-Verhältnis 0,10

Wenn man wie unten beschrieben ein K/S/V von 0,50-0,70 als KZ annimmt ist also noch genug Potential vorhanden ;-)))))

Quadra Mining: Kursziel von 18,00 CAD bekräftigt
22.04.2009 | 17:29 Uhr | Rainer Hahn (EMFIS)
RTE Stuttgart - ( - Nach einem Bericht der kanadischen Financial Post ist Analyst Tom Meyer von Raymond James trotz der jüngsten verwässernden Finanzierung sehr bullish für die Aktien des kanadischen Kupfer- und Goldproduzenten Quadra Mining Ltd. (ISIN CA7473191012). Meyer habe seine Kaufempfehlung ("strong buy") und sein Kursziel von 18 kanadischen Dollar pro  Aktie erneut bestärkt.

Quadra habe erst vor Kurzem die Übernahme der Centenario Copper Corp. abgeschlossen, was das Unternehmen nach Ansicht von Meyer zu einem führenden, mittelgroßen Kupferproduzenten mit verbesserten Liegenschaften und einer verbesserten geografischen Streuung mache. Sobald Centenarios Franke-Projekt in Produktion gegangen sei, werde Quadra über drei aktive Minen in politisch stabilen Ländern verfügen.

Nach Ansicht des Experten würden die Quadra-Aktien derzeit mit einer Kurs-Substanzwert-Verhältnis von 0,21 gehandelt, während der Durchschnittswert für mittelgroße Kupferproduzenten bei 0,50 liege. Das Kursziel von 18 Dollar gehe von einem Wert von 0,70 aus, den Meyer nach Anpassungen für Liquidität und Risiko für gerechtfertigt halte. Dennoch habe Meyer seine Substanzwertschätzung zu Quadra auf Grund der jüngsten Finanzierung in Höhe von 86,6 Millionen Dollar von 30,29 auf 25,89 CAD je Aktie gesenkt. Meyer rechne für 2009 mit einem Kupferpreis von 2,31 US-Dollar pro Pfund.  

103 Postings, 6349 Tage Donn0,01

08.05.09 18:14
@Nekro:  K-S-V:  0,01 (!) Potential daher ca. 20 €


15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroSorry,da hast du natürlich recht...........

08.05.09 19:23
.........was eine Null so ausmacht ;-)))))))))))))))))))  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroSale upsets landowners

11.05.09 03:08

Govt must stop the sales

By Peterson Tseraha

LANDOWNERS and chiefs in the Tinputz area of North Bougainville are upset over the purchase of plantations in the area by a group of foreign individuals and some prominent Bougainvilleans.
In a meeting held at the Tinputz administration centre last week, the land owners and chiefs are aggrieved that there has been no consultation with them as land owners by a group who call themselves the “Bougainville Group” before they went ahead to purchase the plantations from the liquidators and Westpac Bank, who are the current title holders to the said plantations in the Tinputz district.
The land owners and the chiefs said such actions could have drastic effects and derail the peace process on Bougainville.
Although the land owners have occupied most of the plantations after the Bougainville crisis, they are aware they will have to negotiate with Deloitte and Westpac Bank to acquire these plantations through legal means.
The landowners and chiefs are calling on their government, the Autonomous Bougainville Government, to assist them by immediately finding ways to put a stop to this plantations sale so that the titles to these plantations remain with Deloitte and the Westpac Bank.
In this way the land owners can deal directly with the liquidator in regards to the payment and the transfer of titles to lands on these plantations to the original land owners.  

382 Postings, 6349 Tage centwatchZeitplan...

13.05.09 09:59
Könnte ein möglicher Zeitplan so aussehen?

Ende Juni: Versöhnungsfeiern/Wahlen Landowner
Juli: JSB Meeting
Ende Juli: Einladung Minenbesichtigung
Ende August: Minenbesichtigung + Bekanntgabe Start ausführliche Machbarkeitsstudie
September/Oktober: Einladung zur Neuverhandlung BCA
November/Dezember: Beginn Verhandlungen BCA (im Dezember soll das Weltbank-Trainingsprogramm für die Mineral Resources Authority abgeschlossen sein)
Ende März: Abschluss Verhandlungen BCA; unterschriftsreifes BCA
April: Tanis-Wahlkampf mit BCA-Entwurf + grober Investitionsplan von BOC
Mai: Parlaments- und Präsidentschaftswahlen mit Volksabstimmung bzgl. BCA

Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Tanis im Wahlkampf mit leeren Händen dastehen will. Daher braucht er nicht nur ein unterschriftsreifes BCA, sondern auch ein Paket, das den Nutzen einer Mineneröffnung für die gesamte Bevölkerung darstellt; hier muss BOC seine Hausaufgaben machen

Würde also heißen: Durststrecke bis Versöhnung/Wahlen/Removal Roadblocks abgeschlossen sind. Wenn das alles erfolgreich ist, Position weiter ausbauen (wer noch Lust und Kohle hat), denn dann ist die Einladung zur Minenbesichtigung zu erwarten, was in meinen Augen den Startschuss für die Kursrally darstellt.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroLjd

13.05.09 10:39
Sorry for not getting back to you for a long while as our email at the Parliament has been down for quite some time. It is back on now.

.........Für die Panguna Mine lease families living in Port Moresby ist am Donnerstag ein Meeting als Vorbereitung auf die Reconciliations u. Wahlen geplant.

.......u. weiter:Our new President has been helping us a lot and he has informed me two weeks ago that he has set aside another K1 Million  for our reconciliations.

...... will send you whatever next week after we complete our discussions this week.


Dein Zeitplan könnte genauso hinkommen.

Ich denke dass das Weltbanktraeningsprogramm für die Mineral Resources Authority aktuell nicht nur  "Trockenübungen" veranstaltet sondern dass dort schon konkret am neuen BCA gearbeitet wird.

Als Vorlage dient der Mining (Bougainville Copper Agreement) Act 1967
in welchem "nur" die Zahlen sowie die Umweltschutzbestimmungen upgedated werden müssen.Gute Chancen als Vorsteher der MEA sollte Sam Akoitai als Ex-PNG-Miningminister haben ;-))))))  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekro.....Startschuss für die Kursrally......

13.05.09 10:42
........scheint schon jemand zu erwarten,zumindest was das AU Orderbuch angeht ;-)))))))))

BOC Sellers

Price Quantity

0.785 7,000  
0.790 5,601
0.830 1,785  
0.895 10,000  
0.995 8,050
1.000 12,000  
2.200 120,000  
3.000 50,000
3.500 100,000  
4.800 166,000  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroResource Ownership and Benefit Sharing Arrangement

15.05.09 02:45

Sir Julius calls on Govt to ‘give back’

FORMER prime minister and New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan has called on the National Government to give wealth back to resource owners.
“The national goals and principles of our Constitutions have eroded all the rights to protection from unjust deprivation of property, equality of citizens, enforcement of guaranteed rights and freedoms, fair compensation, development principles and natural justice.
“We must review and overhaul the development strategy and reform our vision to lift the majority of our people from the abyss of poverty to a level of opportunity by recognising their rights to benefit from their ancestral land, top, bottom and under water.
“The State reserves the right to compulsory acquire land, water and development for public interests,” Sir Julius said in his statement to Parliament on the motion of “Resource Ownership and Benefits Sharing Arrangements”.
He said in the Mining Act of 1992, the State unilaterally took control of the extractive resources industries, including minerals, oil and gas.
He said ownership of the land was also the heart of the societies and cultures that had existed in PNG for thousands of years.
“But despite this, Government passed the Mining Act (1992) and this single piece of legislation has done more than any other act to make a mockery of equity and justice in our country,” Sir Julius said.
He explained that the Mining Act 1992 did two things.
First, the National Government set itself up as the owner of all minerals on land or under the sea within the boundaries of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
Secondly, this meant that the State, and, specifically, the Minister responsible for Mining, had sole and incontestable authority to grant the right to explore and mine within the boundaries of the country.
“In effect, the National Government has set itself up as the sole and omnipotent owner of all minerals on land, under the land and under the sea.
“And for some reason, no one seems to feel this is unusual or misdirected.
“I call on all Members to help reverse this imbalance – let’s turn the tide and take a bold step forward in a new path, leading to a new level of opportunity for the majority of our rural population.
“And I hope we can stand together today to support this motion and get the Government to move swiftly to introduce the changes proposed to revolutionise our economic vision providing a new beginning for greater participation of the majority of our people and resource owners,” Sir Julius said.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekro@centwatch: Zeitplan...

15.05.09 10:55
........the elections should be held in the next 3 weeks.

Then the elected leaders should attend the JSB meeting in Manus which according to Lawrence is scheduled for June.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroPNG's climate change refugees feel curse

15.05.09 13:06

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroU.S. Clears Chinalco"s Deal With Rio Tinto

16.05.09 12:12

Rio Tinto and Aluminum Corp. of China obtained U.S. clearance for a deal that would give the Chinese company an 18% stake in the miner, but the transaction still faces some opposition.

Rio Tinto shares, which had declined this week, rose Friday as the miner reaffirmed its commitment to the alliance with the Chinese company, also known as Chinalco, and downplayed the possibility of a rights issue to raise capital.

Earlier this year, the Anglo-Australian miner was backed into a corner by heavy debt, frozen credit markets and tumbling commodity prices. The proposed sale to state-owned Chinalco of assets and bonds that convert into stock offered management a way out.

Three months later, Rio remains under pressure, and the deal has raised concerns among some investors and politicians. Some analysts say they are sensing less enthusiasm for the deal from Rio.

Rio says it remains fully committed. In the past week, new Chairman Jan du Plessis has been talking to analysts and investors in the U.K. in an attempt to shore up support for the $19.5 billion Chinalco deal.

Mr. du Plessis has said he won't present a deal that shareholders aren't likely to bless, which may lead to revisions, including possibly opening up the convertible-bond portion to other investors or scrapping it.

Some Rio investors in the U.K. have criticized the Chinalco deal, arguing that it violates their right to participate in any share sales. The appreciation of Rio shares has also made the convertible-bond portion of the deal appear increasingly sweet for the Chinese.

But given the 35% rally in Rio shares since the Chinalco deal was announced in early February, investors could lose out if the company were to launch a rights issue, which would likely be priced at a deep discount to the current price.

In Sydney on Friday, Rio's shares rose 7.4% to 61.88 Australian dollars ($47.05).

The Foreign Investment Review Board in Australia, where many of Rio's assets are based, is likely the true arbiter of the pending Chinalco deal. Its opinion is expected next month.

Rio voluntarily sought clearance from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, given Chinalco would have an indirect stake in a copper mine in Utah. The approval follows approvals in March from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the German Federal Cartel Office.

—Jeffrey Sparshott contributed to this article.
Write to Robert Guy Matthews at and Dana Cimilluca at  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroTanis opens roadside market

18.05.09 11:44

ABG President James Tanis opened a new roadside market at Tearuki, Tinputz, earlier this month. The new market was funded by North Bougainville MP Michael Ogio, who is also Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology. Mr Tanis said the market, known as Kona, would provide a means for the women within the area to earn money through the sale of their garden produce. He said the market would not only be used by the people of Tinputz, but also by the people of Bougainville when travelling to and from Arawa and Buka. He said the market house would be used by the travelling public as a shelter during the rainy season. When rivers near Tinputz flood their banks and vehicles were unable to cross, passengers would use the building to stay overnight.  

12846 Postings, 6476 Tage d007007007Da ist ja mein Sparbuch spannender, Nekro!

18.05.09 20:49

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroTax collections approved for Councils of Elders

19.05.09 02:55

By Aloysius Laukai

The President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Hon James Tanis, has announced that the Bougainville Executive Council has approved the long awaited head tax rule, meaning that all established Councils of Elders can now tax citizens of the province.

This rule makes it legal for all Councils of Elders to collect head taxes.

Mr Tanis said the approval was made in accordance with Part 10 of the Bougainville Council of Elders Act 1996 subsection 2 of the Council of Elders Head Tax (Enabling) Act 2006. He said he was happy to announce that the rule has been approved to enable the collection of much needed taxes.

Earlier this month, Buka Combined Council of Chiefs chairman, Joseph Gatana, questioned why the ABG was slow in approving the collections.

Mr Gatana said Councils in Buka had been waiting patiently for approval so they could finalise budgets and other policies to raise funds from head tax and trade store licences.

New Dawn FM understands this now puts to rest questions of the legality of Councils of Elders collecting head taxes.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroSouth Bougainville news updates

19.05.09 11:16
Mr. Koike finally left Tonu and the U-vistract camp. When Koike left Tonu the Buka guys left as well.
Today the Buin bra committee was suppose to go to Tonu to sign an mou given by the U-vistract but there were some things that the Buin guys did not agree so instead they decided to have a meeting in Buin Town today.

Bougainvilleans and especially the Panguna Landowners did not miss the boat.

Instead they and their/our concerns were conveniently ignored, and or
avoided by the ship. We could only do so much with the little we had by way
of manpower, knowledge of the industry, knowlege of policies etcetra.
Capacity to participate must a priority for us all, with ABG insuring that
it's population is capable. I am hopeful that we can, and will make up for
this time around.

Given that land is our only inheritance from our families, what SIR J is
proposing is a honest way of dealing with investors. Hindsight must be taken
advantage of in our case. We have the opportunity to so in Bougainville.

Lets be positive, open minded and not too hard on ourself.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroArchbishop Tutu launches Truth and Reconciliation.

20.05.09 02:48

by Rowan Callick

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has launched in Honiara a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Solomon Islands – which is modelled closely on the body he chaired in South Africa after the apartheid regime fell.

Solomon Islands collapsed into chaos and violence from 1997-2003, chiefly as a result of conflict between gangs from the islands of Malaita and Guadalcanal, during which it was widely dubbed a “failed state.”

More than 100 people were killed – including seven members of the Anglican Melanesian Brothers order - and 20,000 were displaced in the fighting.

The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) led by Australia then intervened, at the invitation of the fraught Solomons government. Australia is paying $A 500,000 towards the cost of the new commission.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Tutu flew in to Honiara in late April and launched the commission in front of an audience of thousands at the Lawson Tama stadium.

He said: “There are many places around the world where there is conflict, but after a while peace comes. We in South Africa just want to say to you, if it can happen in our country, it can and will happen here.”

The 77 year old Anglican bishop also spoke at a conference named Winds of Change that brought together former fighters from Malaita and Guadalcanal, the latter being the island of the capital, Honiara.

Speakers also came from neighbouring Bougainville , where a fierce civil war raged in Papua New Guinea in the decade to 1997, and from other countries.

Prime Minister Derek Sikua said: “Archbishop Tutu is an advocate for human dignity whose tireless efforts have helped millions of people around the world. His presence here this week will inspire Solomon Islanders to help to heal old wounds caused by the violence and civil unrest. It represents a turning point in our efforts to move away from bitterness and resentment, and to create a shared future as a unified nation.”

Sam Iduri, the Minister for National Reconciliation and Unity, said the presence of Archbishop Tutu “provides us confidence and hope. We know that we are not alone in confronting our past.”

The Anglican church has the largest number of followers in Solomon Islands , with one in three of the half million total population – reinforcing Archbishop Tutu’s fame and respect there.

There are five Truth and Reconciliation commissioners. Three are Solomon Islanders: Caroline Laore, a UNICEF worker and former senior public servant, and a graduate of Deakin University in Victoria, George Kejoa, a former Finance Minister and now church worker, a graduate of the University of PNG , and the Rev Sam Ata, dean of the Anglican cathedral in Honiara , and a doctor of the Melbourne College of Divinity.

Two commissioners are from overseas: Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi, a senior chief in Fiji , a former judge, and vice president of Fiji until deposed by the military after the most recent coup, and Sofia Macher, a human rights activist from Peru with extensive experience of such reconciliation processes.

Many gang members have been jailed since the intervention of RAMSI – led at first by Nick Warner, now Australia ’s Secretary for Defence – restored law and order. Former prime minister Sir Allan Kemakeza served five months in jail last year for ordering an attack on a Honiara law firm.

But David Tuhanuku, the deputy secretary of the commission, says that the nation now “needs a process to find out the underlying causes” of the conflict.

The commission, expected to interview thousands of witnesses, will begin its work in about two months. The government expects it to take one year – but is prepared to extend the term for a further year.

Rowan Callick is Asia-Pacific editor of The Australian  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroTalks to finalise NIP, ABG reconciliation.........

20.05.09 02:51
...........ceremonies in Arawa ;-)))))))))

Talks to finalise NIP, ABG reconciliation ceremonies in Arawa
RECONCILIATION ceremonies between the people of New Ireland province and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville have been reopened with the consultative process for the second phase.
A ministerial delegation from Buka was in Kavieng at the weekend for discussions on the proposal to hold the reconciliation ceremonies.
The ceremonies will coincide with the islands’ regional governors conference and the fourth anniversary of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville next month.
The Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs, Joseph Watawi, and Chief Simon Bremen met with officials from the administration and the New Ireland provincial government to discuss tentative programmes and logistics of involving the islands’ governors in the ceremonies that they were proposing to hold in the central Bougainville township of Arawa.
Mr Watawi said at the meeting in Kavieng, the process of reconciliation was initiated by the late president Joseph Kabui and New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan.
The meeting was to identify details of practical steps to firm up the final phase of the reconciliation process in line with the April 21 invitation letter from new ABG president James Tanis to Sir Julius and the people of New Ireland.
The Kavieng meeting agreed to establish a working committee that would identify the traditional and customary symbolic acts and protocols unique to both provinces as well as to the people of the provinces.
The meeting also set out to determine the venue – whether it would be Buka or Arawa.
However, it was clear that the ABG anniversary was being organised to happen in the centrally located township of Arawa.
In a statement released from Port Moresby yesterday, Sir Julius said New Ireland would co-operate fully to encompass the true spirit of unity and reconciliation begun by the late president, and the commitment by Mr Tanis’ new government to bring it to conclusion.
Sir Julius said the full status of reconciliation could not be completed if elements of the agreed principles were not met.
He said he admired the determination shown by the new leadership and the president to capture the previous president’s vision and complete what the late Joseph Kabui had set out to do.
Sir Julius described the late president as a warrior of principles who offered his hand of friendship.
The late president had met with Sir Julius and the people of New Ireland for the reconciliation ceremony on May 4 last year and offered a second phase to cement the renewed friendship after the Bougainville conflict.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroTanis u. Chan auf einer Linie ;-))))

20.05.09 11:33
Die Reconciliations zwischen Bougainville und New Ireland bzw. James Tanis u. Julius Chan (der als PNG Premier in den 90 ern die Sandline Söldner engagiert hatte um Bougainville zu "befreien" ) und nach dem missglückten u. abgeblasenen Einsatz zurücktreten musste,ist wieder mal ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung.

Dass dazu die neben der Panguna Mine gelegene Ex und auch wieder zukünftige Hauptstadt Arawa gewählt wurde hat mehr als nur Symbolcharakter.

Auch Governor Chan hat Unabhängigkeitspläne für seine PNG Provinz New Ireland.Auch diese Provinz liegt,genau wie B' ville auf dem pazifikischen Feuergürtel und ist sehr reich an Bodenschätzen.

Da kommt es nicht von ungefähr dass Chan in diesem Monat einen Vorstoss im PNG Parlament gestartet hat in dem er verlangt den Mining ACT von 1992 zu revisieren so dass die unter der Erde und dem Seeboden liegenden Bodenschätze nicht dem PNG Staat,sondern den Provinzen gehören müssten.

Für das nächste geplante JSB Meeting im Juni in Manus hat Tanis also jetzt in Chan einen weiteren starken Verbündeten.

Auch eine Reconciliation auf Provinzniveau dürfte ein starkes Signal für die anderen noch geplanten lokalen Versöhnungen sein. ;-))))))))  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroSir J: Give people their dues

20.05.09 15:00

Mit seiner gestrigen  Forderung im PNG Parlament nach einer "review of the Mining Act and payment of mining and royalty dues via an independent agency of government such as the MRDC and not the Government itself."
entspricht Chan auch genau den Forderungen der Panguna Landeigner ;-))))

MINING provinces are being asked to consider a revolutionary new formula for determining and accessing their cut in the mining projects operating in their provinces.
In a bold move single-handedly on the floor of Parliament yesterday, the New Ireland Governor, Sir Julius Chan, urged the provinces to support his motion calling for a review of the Mining Act and payment of mining and royalty dues via an independent agency of government such as the MRDC and not the Government itself. Sir Julius suggested that of all the funds due from mining revenues, mining provinces, LLGs and landowners be given their cut, and of the remaining funds, 50 per cent be deposited into a reserve fund to be managed by a reputable financial institution outside PNG for future generations.
He proposed that the remaining 50 per cent be sliced to give the province of origin of the mineral sales one third and the remaining two-thirds be shared among the provinces.
Sir Julius proposed the new changes in his statement on “Resources Ownership and Benefits Sharing Arrangements” that seeks to give recognition to the people in mining provinces by offering them a bigger cut in the mining revenues to compensate for the environmental and social impacts of these projects.
Sir Julius said: “The imbalance in the distribution of benefits from extraction activities is a world phenomenon and for too long, those who own the land where resources are extracted have suffered far too many negative impacts and receive far too few of the benefits from such activities.”
He said: “We must reverse 33 years of independence, the locusts have eaten.
“We must shift the wealth of the nation from the government to the hands of the resource owners.
“The wealth of our nation must be in the hands of our people, this then is the pinnacle of what democracy defines the people’s government.”  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroProvince to present proposal

21.05.09 11:13

Hier wird Bougainville u. New Ireland eine Vorreiterrolle für alle 18 PNG Provinzen spielen.Die Zustimmung aller rohstoffreichen Distrikte u. Landeignerclans kann als sicher gelten.

IT has been revealed that authorities in Waigani are expecting and ready to receive East New Britain’s proposal for greater provincial autonomy.
Provincial Administrator Akuila Tubal said this when accepting a copy of the Autonomous Government Proposal Package (AGPP) from the chairman of the ENB Autonomy Committee, Sir Ronald ToVue.
Sir Ronald and his committee members made a special presentation of the document to the acting governor Boniface Setavo and Mr Tubal after a special committee meeting on Tuesday morning.
Mr Tubal said Chief Secretary Margaret Elias had personally assured him that the Central Agency Coordinating Committee (CACC) was expecting the ENB delegation to present and brief the committee on the package for screening and deliberations before it has presented to the National Executive Council.
Mr Tubal said East New Britain would be the first province in the country to present a document direct to the CACC.
He said there was political support within the political circles at the national level and believed things would work out for the province.
Acting governor Setavo commended the committee for their commitment and hard work over the seven years.
He said the committee was made up of prominent leaders in politics, the church and community who had also contributed to past successes of the province.
“Some of us are riding on the successes that you have built in the past.
Some of you were instrumental in shaping the political foundations of our country and government and some of us are riding on the successes that you have built in the past,” said Mr Setavo.
“On behalf of the government, I accept this document which will become a property of the East New Britain Government and whether you are a Tolai, a Baining or a Pomio, what has been done is for the good of all the tribes of East New Britain and perhaps the whole of PNG.
“It charts the way for people to fully participate and develop themselves. It has created the benchmark for the province to move forward,” Mr Setavo said.
The approval by ENB Provincial Executive Council (PEC) of the Autonomous Government Proposal Package (AGPP) signalled the end of phase one of the province’s quest for greater autonomy. Sir Ronald ToVue told members of the PEC that a lot of work was still to be done.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroSir Julius Chan

21.05.09 11:21

1219 Postings, 7213 Tage FortunatusDie Kursentwicklung...

21.05.09 11:27
...seit Threaderöffnung (-30%) sagt ja alles über diese Aktie.

Jeder der sein Geld in ein Sparbuch gesteckt hat, konnte eine herausragende Outperformance erzielen.

Man sollte sich wirklich überlegen, ob man seine Fehler aus der Vergangenheit nicht korrigiert, und einfach verkauft.

Ich halte die Aktie für tot. M.E. wird sie die nächsten Jahre ohne nennenswerte Ausschläge als Underperformer abschließen.

Mein Tipp: Verkaufen, solange Ihr noch rauskommt.  

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