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15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroTime to rebuild our island from the ashes says Tan

14.04.09 21:02

Time to rebuild our island from the ashes says Tanis
By Aloysius Laukai

I have just returned from Panguna and the Kieta district where the last of the so called original Mekamui have agreed to join the peace process at the latest meeting in Arawa with the President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, James Tanis.

At the meeting, Mekamui Commander Chris Uma and his senior leaders agreed to work with the Government. They asked the ABG to accommodate their group under the chief system adopted under the Bougainville Constitution. This paved the way for further discussion between the two parties.

The group were the original Mekamui established by former President the late Francis Ona which had dissociated themselves from other Mekamui movements in parts of Central and South Bougainville.

The meeting with the ABG delegation was the first to be held openly with the media also covered everything including presentations.

 ABG president James Tanis praised the Mekamui for their support and called on all Bougainvilleans to support the Bougainville leaders.

He said Bougainville must now rise from the ashes and rebuild the entire island.

He said the move by the remaining Mekamui group has now removed all obstacles that have been blocking the development of Bougainville because of factional uncertainties.

The ABG President declared 2009 as the year of resurrection of Bougainville.

Mr Tanis has now travelled to Port Moresby to accompany Michael Somare on a visit to the Republic of China. They leave Port Moresby on Thursday.

Photo: President James Tanis (left) with Vice President Exekiel Masat and Communication Minister Robert Hamal Sawa about to board the flight to Port Moresby [Aloysius Laukai]

666 Postings, 5775 Tage havannaPhoenix aus der Asche

14.04.09 21:26
Time to rebuild our island from the ashes says Tanis

Tja wie er das wohl schaffen will ;-)  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroKupfer +5,83%....

14.04.09 23:38
....auf 4649 USD/T

Auch der Reisemarathon von Präsident Tanis beginnt laut den letzten Zeitungsberichten so langsam Früchte zu tragen.Am Osterwochenende haben die Pangunalandeigner ein Komitée von 7 Männern und 2 Frauen auf die Beine gestellt,das jetzt "quickly" die Wahlen des "Landownerbody" vorbereiten soll.Paralell dazu sollen auch die restlichen noch ausstehenden Reconciliations in der Pangunaarea und "eventuell" in ganz Bougainville abgehalten werden.

Zeitgleich wurde in Arawa eine Uebereinkunft mit Chris Uma und seinen "Senior Leaders" erreicht mit der Regierung zusammenzuarbeiten.Darin wird auch den Meekamuis ein Status als Gruppe unter dem in der B'viller  Konstitution vorgesehenen "Chief System" zuerkannt.Dies macht den Weg frei zu direkten Verhandlungen zwischen ihnen und dem ABG.Dieses Meeting war das erste seiner Art welches öffentlich im Beisein der Medien stattfand.

So ist Tanis seinem Jahresmotto " to rebuild our island from the ashes " und wir BCL Aktionäre dem unseren "to reopen the Pangunamine" wieder einen Schritt näher gekommen. ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Auch der Kupferpreischart,als Vorläufer zum BCL Kurs ist auf dem richtigen Weg.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBOC AU + 4,1% BID 0,775 AUD (0,425€)

15.04.09 08:16
Der AUD hat sich seit Jahresanfang von 0,49 auf akt. 0,54855 € entwickelt

382 Postings, 6349 Tage centwatchWahlen und Versöhnung bis zum nächsten JSB....

15.04.09 09:20
....dann wollen wir mal hoffen, dass die Wahlen und die Versöhnungsfeiern bis zum nächsten JSB-Meeting Juni/Juli über die Bühne sind, das sollte doch eigentlich machbar sein.

Meines Erachtens besteht beim nächsten JSB-Meeting - sofern Tanis die Hausaufgaben Wahlen Landeigner / Versöhnung / Entwaffnung erledigt hat - wirklich die Chance aud handfeste Ergebnisse.

Man könnte beispielsweise offiziell beschließen, BOC zur Minenbesichtigung einzuladen, oder noch besser die Verhandlungen über das neue BCA aufzunehmen - das wär´doch was.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroFragen und Anregungen der ESBC zur HV 2009

15.04.09 13:55

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroOffice of the Chief Executive Officer

16.04.09 01:06

The Buka Port is re-opened for operations as of today (Thursday 16/04/09) following the closure of the facility last week due to landowner threats to staff, property and facilities.    

PNG Ports Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Brian Riches made the decision to re-open the port after agreement with authorities and the Autonomous Bougainville Administration.    

It is agreed that a concerted effort will be made to establish dialogue with the land owners and the Autonomous Bougainville Administration (ABA) with a view towards resolving such complex issues permanently.

In re-opening the Port, PNG Ports Corporation’s Management like to thank the Autonomous Bougainville Administration and various other mediators for their assistance in resolving the impasse and in allowing the Port to reopen. Mr. Riches asks that the landowners to sort out their internal issues and identify the legitimate landowner group or establish a single body for further negotiations with their claims. He also requested a retraction all the threats as detailed in their correspondence and accordingly provide in no uncertain terms, as best practically possible, a  guarantee that in re-opening the port no attempts or threats to disrupt operations be levelled against any staff or PNG Ports at the port of Buka. He asked that all future negotiations to be done in a professional manner through the proper channels.

PNG Ports Corporation’s Management sincerely apologise to the good people of Buka for the closure and again wishes to thank  the efforts of the ABA in trying to resolve this difficult issue and further advise the people of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, its business houses, Shipping Agents and other Port Users that the Buka Port is now fully operational.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroAU RT 0,80 AUD +5,3% 0,436 €

16.04.09 02:29

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroKupfer 4856 USD (+4.45%)

16.04.09 08:26

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBougainville rocked

16.04.09 11:28
Top Stories // Thursday, April 16, 2009          


Papua New Guinea rocked by strong quake: USGS

Time is GMT + 8 hours
Posted: 16-Apr-2009 09:51 hrs

Meteorological officials check a seismograph screen in Jakarta. A quake with a magnitude of 6.0 struck the remote Papua New Guinea island of Bougainville, the US Geological Survey has said, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
  A quake with a magnitude of 6.0 struck the remote Papua New Guinea island of Bougainville Thursday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
The quake hit at 10.43am local time (0043 GMT) 153 kilometres (95 miles) west-southwest of Arawa, in central Bougainville, at a depth of 44 kilometres, the USGS said.
"At this stage no information has been received of any damage or tsunamis, that sort of thing," said local seismologist Lawrence Anton.
"I don't think we would be expecting anything serious like a tsunami or big damage," Anton told AFP.
The tremor was a "typical interaction of the Solomon plate and the Pacific plate", he added.
Papua New Guinea sits on the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire," where continental plates meet. The region is frequently rocked by earthquakes. — AFP
A quake with a magnitude of 6.0 struck the remote Papua New Guinea island of Bougainville Thursday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
The quake hit at 10.43am local time (0043 GMT) 153 kilometres (95 miles) west-southwest of Arawa, in central Bougainville, at a depth of 44 kilometres, the USGS said.
"At this stage no information has been received of any damage or tsunamis, that sort of thing," said local seismologist Lawrence Anton.
"I don't think we would be expecting anything serious like a tsunami or big damage," Anton told AFP.
The tremor was a "typical interaction of the Solomon plate and the Pacific plate", he added.
Papua New Guinea sits on the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire," where continental plates meet. The region is frequently rocked by earthquakes. — AFP A quake with a magnitude of 6.0 struck the remote Papua New Guinea island of Bougainville Thursday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
The quake hit at 10.43am local time (0043 GMT) 153 kilometres (95 miles) west-southwest of Arawa, in central Bougainville, at a depth of 44 kilometres, the USGS said.
"At this stage no information has been received of any damage or tsunamis, that sort of thing," said local seismologist Lawrence Anton.
"I don't think we would be expecting anything serious like a tsunami or big damage," Anton told AFP.
The tremor was a "typical interaction of the Solomon plate and the Pacific plate", he added.
Papua New Guinea sits on the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire," where continental plates meet. The region is frequently rocked by earthquakes. — AFP A quake with a magnitude of 6.0 struck the remote Papua New Guinea island of Bougainville Thursday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
The quake hit at 10.43am local time (0043 GMT) 153 kilometres (95 miles) west-southwest of Arawa, in central Bougainville, at a depth of 44 kilometres, the USGS said.
"At this stage no information has been received of any damage or tsunamis, that sort of thing," said local seismologist Lawrence Anton.
"I don't think we would be expecting anything serious like a tsunami or big damage," Anton told AFP.
The tremor was a "typical interaction of the Solomon plate and the Pacific plate", he added.
Papua New Guinea sits on the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire," where continental plates meet. The region is frequently rocked by earthquakes. — AFP

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroEntsteht ein "Kupfer-Standard" für das weltweite..

17.04.09 14:41

Dieser Artikel,im Kontext mit dem Besuch von PNG Präsident Somare in Begleitung von B'ville Präsident James Tanis auf Staatsbesuch in China könnte auch bei BCL für eine Ueberraschung gut sein.RT u. Chinalco warten immer noch auf die Zustimmung Australiens zu der geplanten Beteiligung.

Der B'viller John Momis,PNG Prime Minister in 85 und während 34 Jahren MP ist der aktuelle PNG Botschafter in China.In 06 hatte er Korea suggeriert doch ein Angebot für BCL abzugeben.

382 Postings, 6349 Tage centwatchTrip nach China

17.04.09 17:51
Der China-Trip in der Konstellation Tanis/Somare/Momis ist in der Tat interessant. Geht es um Leases ausserhalb des BOC-Territoriums oder gerade um die BOC leases, allen voran Panguna? Man könnte sich ja diverses vorstellen, ein Kaufangebot an Rio für den gesamten von Rio gehaltenen Teil. Eine Anschubfinanzierung für Panguna, im Gegenzug attraktive Zinsen plus Aufstieg zum JV-Partner in den anderen BOC-Lizenzgebieten. Ich glaube nicht, dass unmittelbar nach dem Trip etwas Konkretes rauskommt, aber die Fühler sind von Seiten PNG/AGB ausgestreckt und nur zwecks For Fun war dieser Trip bestimmt nicht. Egal was rauskommt, sobald eine Lösung/Transaktion zu BOC rauskäme, würde das den wahren Wert der Aktie ans Licht befördern - habe ich nichts dagegen. PNG/Landowner sitzen, was die BOC Aktien betrifft, mit uns im gleichen Boot. Von daher sollten sie alle an einem hohen Aktienkurs interessiert sein - und Rio natürlich auch. Umso wichtiger, dass Tanis die Entwaffnung/Versöhnung in der Panguna Region rasch hinbekommt. Wenn ein Kaufangebot kommt, würde es mich wundern, wenn Rio nicht mehr als die damals von Pritzker gebotenen USD 7 (spekuliert wurde über ein Angebot zwischen USD 3 - 7 je Aktie) verlangen würde. Mir soll´s Recht sein. :-)  

51 Postings, 5962 Tage VirtualNoirmannDeute ich das richtig...

18.04.09 15:54
...dass seit 2. April der "Vanguard Specialized Funds-Vanguard Precious Metals And Mining Fund" mit 2 Millionen Stück eingestiegen ist?  

382 Postings, 6349 Tage centwatchDie 2 mio. Stück...

18.04.09 17:06
....hält Vanguard schon seit ewigen Zeiten. Vanguard ist grundsätzlich ein Index-Tracker; da BOC in den Indizes drin ist, haben sie diese Position.  

51 Postings, 5962 Tage VirtualNoirmannAlles klar

18.04.09 17:41

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroReconciliation process continues into central B...

20.04.09 09:20

AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President James Tanis is continuing his peace mission into the central region of Bougainville.
Last Tuesday, Mr Tanis travelled to Arawa and Panguna and parts of the region for more peace talks with members of various factions and people in those areas.
Mr Tanis and his team recently returned from Arawa where he met with former members of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army.
During a meeting, the former fighters expressed their desire for peace within the area.
They are now preparing for a big reconciliation ceremony tentatively scheduled for June.
Chairman of the working group known as “Domangtamp” Ishmael Toroama said they wanted to reconcile with families and relatives of the people – soldiers and innocent men, women and children – killed during the crisis.
During this trip, Mr Tanis will meet members of the Me’ekamui army under the command of Chris Uma.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekro12:29 pm Chairman"s Address to Shareholders

20.04.09 09:24

382 Postings, 6349 Tage centwatchHV-Rede

20.04.09 09:55
Mein erster Eindruck bzgl. HV-Rede bzw. Präsentation:

Grundsätzlich positiv:

Klares Bekenntnis zu Mining
Minging kann profitabel gestaltet werden
Lob/Anerkennung für Tanis
BOC geht in die Offensive: Awareness Programm; Unterstützung Entwaffnung/Versöhnungsfeiern/Landowner
Kostenschätzung konservativ
Upside Moly, 7 leases, Haldengeröll
Diskussion Wiedereröffnung gewinnt an Dynamik

Grundsätzlich eher negativ

Min. 4 Jahre bis Wiedereröffnung
USD 3.8bn Wiedereröffnung, wenngleich konservative Annahmen
Only modest net present value

Ich glaube, dass BOC bei der Bewertung der Profitbailität nicht den Eindruck erwecken wollte, dass die Bäume in den Himmel wachsen bzw. die Wiedereröffnung ein Selbstläufer ist; das würde auch die Verhandlungsposition schwächen. Daher dürfte bei den Kosten Luft nach unten bestehen, während beim Erlöspotential allein aufgrund der gestiegenen Metallpreise weiteres Potential besteht. Insgesamt kann man zufrieden sein, BOC geht in die Offensive und macht seine Hausaufgaben.  

915 Postings, 6353 Tage Carlchen03HV 2009 u Präsentation ...

20.04.09 10:34
...  wie Centwatch schon sagte, das sieht doch schon mal gut aus, selbst die Präsentation (wobei da nun aber ja nicht "die Welt" drin steht ...).
Wenn man nun tatsächlich (was ich nun sehr hoffe) auch Öffentlichkeitsarbeit macht und die Eröffnung aktiv vorantreibt, so kann ich auch noch einige Tage warten.
Hoffen wir das beste ...
... und hoffen wir, das die "Drückerei" bald aufhört ...  

138 Postings, 5656 Tage sonne798BOC ist immer noch ein schäppchen ...

20.04.09 13:12
wenn man die Aussagen vom GV 2009 näher anschaut:
- Throughout 2008 the company has maintained its strategic plan which has as its main objectibe a return to
  profitable mining on Boungainville, for the benefit of all stakeholders.
- ... there have been several significant developments.
- President Tanis ha committed himself to reconciliation and weapons disposal.
- Estimates (USD 3,8 Billion) for capital required were made at the height of the mining boom
- BCL has 7 granted tenements.....
- The outlook for redevelopment continues to improve.
- An awareness program is beeing initiated for all stakeholder on the implications of a re-start of mining.
- usw.....

Ich bin einverstanden, dass die Wiederherstellungskosten hoch sind, doch ist das Potential enorm. Die Börsen-
kapitalisierung ist nur gerade ca. EUR 160 Mio.. Die Auesserungen von BCL sind klar u. deutlich - Mining wird kommen, dies steht ausser Zweifel.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroZusätzliche Details zum AGM...........

20.04.09 17:10
..........vom ESBC Korrespondenten finden die Mitglieder jetzt in ihrer Mailbox ;-)))))))))))))

382 Postings, 6349 Tage centwatchQ&A ist online...

20.04.09 18:33

51 Postings, 5962 Tage VirtualNoirmannHut ab...

20.04.09 18:54
...das ging ja dieses mal flott :)  

51 Postings, 5962 Tage VirtualNoirmannSchade...

20.04.09 19:05
am meisten hätte mich ja die Antwort auf die vollständige(!!!!!!) Frage 15 interessiert.

"In diesem Zusammenhang: Hat der Vorstand und/oder die Firma Hatch das vorhandene aktuelle Bild- und Videomaterial, das die ESBC auf ihrer Homepage sowie auf YouTube veröffentlicht haben, gesichtet und ausgewertet? Wenn ja: Welche Erkenntnisse sind daraus gewonnen worden?"

Den Teil haben sie wohl gekonnt ignoriert?!  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroJetzt..........

20.04.09 22:01
brauchen nur noch die guten Vorsätze der Landeigner in die Realität umgesetzt zu werden ;-))))))))))))

THE Panguna mine landowners on Bougainville have finally been allocated some money to hold reconciliation ceremonies among themselves. This has been one of the outstanding issues that has continued to hold back the review into the Bougainville Copper Agreement to take place. The Bougainville Autonomous Government allocated K100,000 for the late Francis Ona's principal landowning families to come reach a compromise in their differences. "In honour of the late President of Me'ekamui the people through their chiefs in the Ioro electorate of the Region have come together and persuaded the Panguna landowners that to support the ABG's drive for peace through out the Autonomous Region of Bougainville it is appropriate that the landowners must now show their genuineness by fulfilling the requirements of reconciliations," said principal landowner Lawrence Daveona.

"The agreed process to follow for these reconciliations is firstly to have family to family and clan to clan reconciliation for the families of the Panguna mine lease areas especially from the Special Mining and the Port Mine Access Road leases. "The second phase will be to move out of the lease areas and reconcile with the communities from the wider Kieta or Nasioi communities as these communities suffered from the fallout of the crisis as a result of the actions of the Security Forces that were brought in by the National Government to quell the rebellion."

He said the final stage of the landowner's reconciliations would involve reconciling with the rest of the people of Bougainville through their elected representatives and to coordinate this reconciliation program the landowners have decided to set up a Landowner's Reconciliation Committee (LRC) under the chairmanship of their Member of the Region's Parliament Dr Benedict Pisi. During their preliminary discussions on the reconciliation it was agreed that prominent leaders who were instrumental in persuading the landowners' cautions in this struggle will be call upon to explain their part as to why they had such a part to play in the early stages and which as a result the crisis erupted.

The names of these leaders, both political and church are known by the landowners who feel that these people deserted them as soon as the crisis erupted and developed into a full scale confrontation which as a result the landowners bore and suffered the consequences. Mr Daveona said the landowners understood this as a mammoth task and that it would cost a lot of money to properly carry it out and they would be calling on the National Government and Bougainville Cooper Limited having been the major players for injustices caused to the landowners over the 17 years of the mining operations in Panguna to come good with their contributions to match what ABG has already allocated.

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