Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroArawa is the official capital of bougainville.....

08.06.09 07:59

Buka leaders challenged to build the peace
By Tom Kathoa

Members of the ABG House of Representative and leaders from North Bougainville have been challenged to maintain the lead as peace builders.

The ABG President, Hon James Tanis, issued the challenge in his meetings with people and leaders of the buka island constituencies of Tonsu and Peit at the weekend.

President Tanis appealed to North Bougainville leaders to forget their differences and continue the good work of bringing peace and stability to the whole of bougainville.

He commended the people of North Bougainville, particularly Buka, for providing a good environment and a temporary home for the region’s headquarters.

The President said while he works to reconcile the different warring factions in the Central and Southern Regions, Buka people must continue with economic activities to sustain the people’s livelihood.

People must not relax but continue to work hard to improve their business and other economic activities.

The relocation of the provincial capital back to Arawa town will affect business growth on Buka Island.

Arawa is the official capital of bougainville. Buka is being used temporarily because the people of this region were the first to return to peace and normalcy.  

2180 Postings, 5654 Tage Goethe21Das ist hier ja mal wohl der

08.06.09 16:39
GROEßTE DUMMPUSH THREAD DEN ES GIBT....nur weil nekro diese wertlosen Papiere als Lebenswerk sieht wird hier gepushed ohne Ende.
Gibt mehr als genug Papiere aus dem gleichen Sektor die eine mehr als 10000% hingelegt haben.
Alle die hier investieren wollen weil nekro hier so eine super Werbung macht sollten sich mal die deutlich besseren Alternativen angucken!!!!

2180 Postings, 5654 Tage Goethe21letzte Empfehlung von 2005 :D:D

08.06.09 16:46
das sagt ja mal alles....
den mist will keiner haben daily - Bougainville Copper reine Spekulation
11:30 15.09.05

Für die Experten von " daily" ist ein Investment in die Bougainville Copper-Aktie (Profil) reine Spekulation.

286 Postings, 7040 Tage bergfex58Begriff: wirtschaftliche Spekulation

09.06.09 04:18
aus Wiki:
Spekulation bezeichnet in der Wirtschaftssprache kurzfristige Investitionen, die aufgrund höherer Risiken meist eine höhere Rendite haben (lat. speculor: ich erspähe). Die Spekulation ist dadurch abgrenzbar von der langfristigen, strategisch geplanten Investition. Wird die Spekulation mit Fremdkapital finanziert, spricht man auch von gehebelter Spekulation.
Zitat Ende.

Demzufolge ist ein Investment in BOC keine Spekulation, da nicht kurzfristig. Man beachte auch den Hinweis mit der Risiko/Rendite-Relation. Der Bodenschatz ist gegeben, nicht vermutet. Sein Wert ist zwar volatiler als der einer Währung, aber langfristig stabiler, nicht so inflationsanfällig ( besonders aktuell derzeit !). Ich würde den Begriff "strategisch" durch "fundamental" ersetzen.
Auch würde ich es bereits als empirisches Wissen einstufen, daß sich die infrastrukturellen Probleme der Region weder durch Copravermarktung noch durch lokale Bad-Banker wie die U-Vistract-Urheber beheben lassen.

Auch Maßnahmen wie Kühlschrank füllen oder Heiöl bevorraten haben keinen spekulativen Charakter im wirtschaftlichen Sinn.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroSir Ronald: Say yes to request for autonomy

09.06.09 11:23

51 Postings, 5962 Tage VirtualNoirmannLest we forget: Panguna Mining

09.06.09 11:29

20 Postings, 6348 Tage Dagobert1975Löschung

09.06.09 17:40

Zeitpunkt: 09.06.09 20:29
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBougainville workshop to help with............

10.06.09 10:42
..............women landowner woes

Posted at 03:36 on 10 June, 2009 UTC

Female landowners from throughout the autonomous Bougainville region in Papua New Guinea are attending a workshop aimed at helping them take leadership over their land.

A two-day workshop this week at Buka Hospital is a partnership project between the New Zealand based Pacific Cooperation Foundation, Bougainville’s Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency and the Papua New Guinea Environmental Law Centre.

The Chief Executive of the PCF, Meg Poutasi, says the customary landowners, all of whom are women, often lack the knowledge and skills to be able to assert their land ownership rights, both under the law and in land disputes.

“Part of the two-day workshop is around negotiation skills as well, to lift your skills around how you can negotiate with people who are prepared to offer you a lease and how you can formalise arrangements as well. So really just an information gathering and skill building session about how to get the most out of the situation that exists.”
Meg Poutasi says she hopes the workshop will also lead to women to standing as political candidates.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBougainville women landowner workshop ends

11.06.09 07:36

Posted at 04:41 on 11 June, 2009 UTC

The first workshop aimed at empowering women landowners to assert their ownership rights has concluded in the autonomous region of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea.

The two-day event was a joint project between the Pacific Cooperation Foundation, the Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency and the Environmental Law Centre.

The Executive Director of Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency, Helen Hakena, says in the past men have exploited women’s rights as landowners under the matrilineal law but they have now been equipped in taking leadership and negotiating in potential land disputes.

“This training will not only empower our women by helping them to make informed decisions but to assert their ownership rights as well. And to raise the awareness about the importance of being involved in local decision making processes. This workshop is the first of its kind and the women are so happy that they are gaining a lot of very important information.”
Helen Hakena says there are now plans to form a council to support the women.

News Content © Radio New Zealand International
PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroGlobal financial crisis hits Bougainville projects

12.06.09 05:08

By Aloysius Laukai

The Minister for Finance and Treasury, Mathias Salas, has said Bougainville is facing a financial shortfall due to the international recession.

Mr Salas was responding to allegations made by the member for Peit, Lawrence Bele, who questioned why funded projects were being delayed. Mr Bele said he was very concerned at the number of incomplete projects in his constituency because of the late release of funds from the Treasury.

The Minister for Finance said that by this week the Government would finalise the first instalment of K4.4 million for projects for this year.

Mr Salas said due to the global financial crisis, the PNG Government would have a shortfall of about K500 million in this year’s budget, which is affecting funds coming to Bougainville.

On the issue of awarding of project contracts, the Minister said his Ministry was “just a mere clerk” who looks after the funds and does not get involved in awarding contracts.

Mr Salas also said that it was also up to the individual members to follow up small projects.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroAuxiliary police to merge with Police Service

12.06.09 05:09

By Aloysius Laukai

The Acting President and Police Minister, Hon Ezekiel Masat, says that the ABG and the New Zealand Police have plans to fit the Community Auxiliary Police Network (CAPS) into the Bougainville Police Service.

Mr Masat made these remarks when answering questions raised in Parliament by the Member for Siwai, Michael Komoiki, who wanted to know when the CAPS would go on payroll instead of receiving an allowance every three months.

Mr Masat said that although the Community Auxiliary Police were doing a great job in villages, getting them into the payroll would cost the ABG big money which it does not have at the moment.

He said the ABG and the New Zealand Police running the CAPS program on Bougainville are constantly reviewing the work and are looking at ways of merging the two systems when the time is right.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroAm neuen Bougainville Copper Agreement.......

12.06.09 05:20
..........wird also heimlich still u. leise gearbeitet. Offiziell handelt es sich dabei um das 10 Mill USD  Weltbankprogramm zum Training der B' viller MRA, (Mineral Resources Autority) welches im Dez 09 abgeschlossen werden soll.;-)))))))))))))

MP worried about conflict of interest in copper
By Aloysius Laukai

The Minister for Natural Resources, Dr Benedict Pisi, yesterday denied any Cabinet involvement in the review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement.

He was responding to questions by the former Vice President and Member for Mahari, John Tabinaman, who wanted to know who was reviewing the Bougainville Copper Agreement and who authorised the involvement of outside personnel to work on the agreement.

Mr Tabinaman was very critical of these people who he said were operating in their own interests in the Bougainville Copper Agreement.

Dr Pisi said that if the ABG was involved it would include all the stakeholders, landowners, the ABG and off course the people of Bougainville.

On the question of whether the Cabinet supports the work of the Bougainville Resources Development Corporation, the Minister said that the BRDC was a government/private sector partnership and that it was up to the BRDC to prove to the people of Bougainville that  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroNew Ireland & Bougainville people reconcile

15.06.09 07:08
By Aloysius Laukai
The Governor of New Ireland and former Prime Minister, Sir Julius Chan, this morning said he was happy to set foot again on Bougainville after many years of conflict on the island.
As Prime Minister, Sir Julius engaged the Sandline mercenaries to fight in Bougainville and today’s big reconciliation ceremony is designed to end the ill feeling created at that time between the people of New Ireland and Bougainville.
Last year a similar ceremony was held in Kavieng. Today’s ceremony was held in Buka.
Sir Julius was welcomed by the regional member for Bougainville, Hon Fidelis Semoso, the ABG Vice President, Hon Ezekiel Masat, and members and ministers of ABG.

Ieta and Malasang traditional groups welcomed the delegation from New Ireland into Buka Town for the reconciliation ceremony at the Hutjena Sports ground.
There were two ceremonies to welcome first the Maimais who came by ship and another delegation that arrived later on Air Niugini. The group who came by boat arrived at Buka main wharf at eight o’clock to be welcomed by chiefs and dancers from Ieta village.

A peace ceremony was performed at the wharf between the chiefs and the Maimais. Paramount Chief for Ieta John Nalei welcomed the group to Buka island and told them they had nothing to fear as the people of Bougainville have been waiting for this ceremony to happen.

In his welcome address, Mr Semoso assured Sir Julius that peace and normalcy has taken place on Bougainville adding that he had nothing to fear whilst in the province.

Sir Julius thanked the people of Bougainville for the traditional welcome performed for him and his delegation.

All of today’s ceremonies were carried live on New Dawn FM.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroMonday 15 June is Bougainville inauguration day

15.06.09 07:13

By Aloysius Laukai
Next Monday 15 June has been declared a public holiday to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the Inauguration of the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
In making the announcement, Acting Chief Administrator, Patrick Koles, said the holiday does not affect emergency health services, which will continue to operate.

Mr Koles said the public holiday is for Monday only and that work will recommence at 0745 hours Tuesday 16 June.

Meanwhile, Suir Council of Elders chairman, Benny Primus, today voiced his disappointment on how the fourth anniversary celebrations have been handled. He told New Dawn FM that people in the rural areas were not informed or asked to contribute to the celebrations.

He said it was sad to see that people in the rural areas left out of activities planned throughout the weekend to commemorate the anniversary  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroArawa is the capital, so get used to it says VP

15.06.09 10:45

Logisch dass  mit der Wiedereröffnung der Pangunamine auch das wirtschaftliche Zentrum und die Hauptstadt von Bougainville nach Arawa in unmittelbare Nähe zur Mine verlegt wird. Dann hat auch die No-Go-Zone ausgedient. ;-)))))))))))

By Aloysius Laukai
Arawa is the legally declared capital of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville according to ABG Vice President, Hon Ezekiel Masat. Mr Masat says Arawa remains the capital, no matter how people see it.
Mr Masat was speaking in Parliament when announcing the names of members who would be part of a six-person Parliamentary Special Committee to gauge the views of the Bougainville people on where the capital would finally be established.
He warned the members that some hard decisions have to be made to start the ball rolling towards a referendum for Bougainville. He said that for the ABG to get extra support from donors it must make a firm decision on the capital.

The Autonomous Bougainville House of Representatives took more than an hour to debate the location. Education Minister, Michael Otoroa, said it was getting difficult to find land for the expansion of Buka Town, which had no room for expansion and other practical problems.

Mr Masat also said the Constitution guarantees the establishment of regional governments and he called on the Buka Council of Elders to spell out their stand on a regional government for north Bougainville.

Posted at 02:41 PM in News | Permalink | Comments (0)  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroNew B"ville appointments

15.06.09 10:59

Auch die von Kabui wegen ihrer Kritik an dem Inv. Deal aus dem Parlament entfernte Francisca Semoso ist wieder mit von der Partie ;-)))))))))))

THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville Vice-president Ezekiel Masat has been appointed chairman of the Parliamentary Committee in the region’s capital. The appointment of Mr Masat, together with other committee members, was announced by the leader of Government Business Joseph Watawi during the House of Representatives meeting last Wednesday. The other members are Jeffery Nabuiai (deputy chairman), Dominic Itta, Patrick Nisira, Mathias Salas, Francisca Semoso, Thomas Pataku, Taihu Pais, Alfred Bakate and Leo Revasi. The committee’s role is to conduct a regional consultation from the public on the views of the location of the capital of Bougainville.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroPisi denies allegations

16.06.09 08:08

THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville’s minister for natural resources Dr Benedict Pisi has denied any cabinet involvement in the review of the copper agreement. Dr Pisi was responding to questions raised by former vice-president, and Member for the Mahari constituency, John Tabinaman. Mr Tabinaman wanted to know who was reviewing the Bougainville copper agreement and who authorised the involvement of an outsider to work on the agreement.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekro#2337

16.06.09 13:31
Der Mining (Bougainville Copper Agreement) Act 1967

wird von den Spezialisten der Weltbank also überarbeitet.

Die Forderungen der Panguna-Landeigner sind seit der Veröffentlichung ihres "Landowners-Proposal" bekannt.

Sam Akoitai,als Panguna Landeigner,Ex PNG Miningminister u. Ex BCL Mitarbeiter, dem in der neuen Bougainviller Mineral Resources Authority wohl eine Schlüsselrolle zukommen wird ist genau der richtige Mann am richtigen Ort um das New BCA voranzutreiben. Ein ABG "Cabinet involvement" würde da nur stören ;-))))))))))))))))  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroReport No. 43256-PG.........

16.06.09 14:19
....nach Anfrage bei der WB wieder Online ;-))))))))))))))))

Document of
The World Bank
Report No. 43256-PG
April 2 1,2008

This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the
performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World
Bank authorization  

666 Postings, 5775 Tage havannaPanguna Landeigner

16.06.09 21:23
Sind die Forderungen der Panguna Landeigner schon offiziell?
Wenn ja könntest du die wichtigsten Änderungen hier kurz zusammenfassen?

Danke dir!  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroDas "Landowners Proposal" wurde schon in 07.......

16.06.09 22:17
.........veröffentlicht u. am 01.03.09 geupdatet.

Die WB arbeitet im Rahmen ihres MRA Trainingsprogramms am neuen BCA, wobei BCL als "Berater" involviert ist.

Erst wenn die Landeigner mit ihren "Reconciliations" fertig sind und ihren "Landowners Body" gewählt haben beginnen die "offiziellen Verhandlungen" an denen PNG, ABG,BCL u. Landeigner teilnehmen.

In #2338 wurde über eine "grosse Reconciliation" zwischen den Inseln Bougainville u. New Ireland bzw. Chan u. Tanis berichtet,dass permanent einzelne Reconciliations zwischen Landeignern  stattfinden wird in der lokalen Presse überhaupt nicht erwähnt.

Gut möglich dass der "Markt" anlässlich eines JSB Meetings urplötzlich mit der Veröffentlichung der Unterschrift eines New Bougainville Copper Agreement (incl. Uebertragung der PNG Shares ans ABG) überrascht wird, ohne dass die Mehrheit der Anleger von Verhandlungen überhaupt etwas mitbekommen hat. ;-)))))))))))))  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroIRC and ABG team up to encourage tax compliance

17.06.09 09:20
Nach der Wiederinbetriebnahme der Pangunamine u. den daraus sprudelnden Steuereinnamen werden diese Veranstaltungen wohl obsolet ;-)))))))))

THE Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) and the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) have discussed ways to encourage tax compliance and raise additional revenue to support development in the autonomous region.
These discussions took place during a week-long series of tax and customs awareness sessions conducted in Buka and Arawa recently.
IRC delegation leader and commissioner for tax Dr Alois Daton said IRC would assist the ABG administration in its revenue collection efforts.
“The region, like others throughout the country, has problems with compliance,” Dr Daton said.
“A key role of the IRC is to educate the taxpayers.
“Most people are willing to pay taxes but many do not know how to comply; they do not know how to fill in the forms.
“That is why we are conducting the awareness for the taxpayers,” Dr Daton said.
“It is very important for the people of Bougainville that they get the opportunity to understand the tax and customs system and to support it, so that their government can generate the revenue required to fund development projects and provide vital services for the people.”
There was a good turnout of people comprising business house representatives, Government officials, the public and school students during the awareness sessions at the Kuri Village Resort and Hutjena Secondary School in Buka and various places in Arawa, where many questions were asked.
Topics discussed included goods and services tax, income tax, salary and wages tax and customs.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroAutonomy celebrated at Hutjena

17.06.09 09:42


JAMES Tanis stands with a big smile on his face as he delivers his speech to a huge crowd at the Hutjena oval in Buka and in front of the Deputy Prime Minister and foreign dignitaries.
He had a reason to smile because it was Bougainville’s fourth anniversary since gaining autonomy in 2005.
People from all over Bougainville including women representatives, chiefs and ex-combatants packed in and braved the wet weather to attend this important occasion which was hosted at the Hutjena oval in Buka.
Straight after the reconciliation ceremony on Saturday between New Ireland and Bougainville the fourth anniversary was celebrated on Monday. The program began with the arrival of the Deputy Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Puka Temu who went in straight for breakfast hosted by the ABG at the Kuri Village Resort in Buka.
Present at the celebrations were Sir Julius Chan, New Ireland Governor, Deputy Prime Minister Sir Dr Puka Temu, South Bougainville MP Steven Pirika, Member for Namatanai open Byron Chan, Police Commissioner Gary Baki, Bougainville regional member Fidelis Semoso outgoing Bougainville Affairs Secretary Bill Dihm, who is now PNG’s High Commissioner to New Zealand, representatives from the Australian High Commission and also officers from the Japanese and Chinese embassies in Port Moresby. The celebration also showcased the handing over of two home-made rifles by the South Bougainville MP Steven Pirika to Mr Baki, as part of the member weapons disposal initiative.
In his speech, Sir Puka announced the National Government’s commitment of K4 million to the ABG and also a school truck to Bougainville’s biggest school Hutjena Secondary.
President Tanis thanked foreign countries like Australia and Japan and the European Union for their continued help and support to Bougainville.
A challenge came from women’s representative Ludwina Dake, who challenged ABG members that they had been monitored by the women folk on Bougainville and that they have to talk real autonomy and not to play on peoples blood that was lost in the crisis.
The celebration was coloured with groups from all over Bougainville including a group from Nissan who are traditional cousins to the New Irelanders.
They were presented with a traditional shell money by the New Irelanders,and also a group from the Tasman and Mortlock islanders who were led by their member Taehu Pais.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroGovt committed to B"ville

18.06.09 05:23

PRIME Minister Sir Michael Somare said peace-building and restoration of essential services remain the National Government’s priorities for Bougainville.
Sir Michael was speaking on the eve of the ABG’s fourth anniversary and said the National Government was committed to greater dialogue with the ABG and working together for the restoration and rehabilitation of services on Bougainville.
“When the newly-elected ABG President James Tanis came to Port Moresby to see me in January, we both made this public commitment to keep working together to renew the partnership for peace-building on Bougainville.”
He said the Joint Supervisory Body (JSB), made up of national and Bougainville leaders, endorsed this commitment a month later in February.
“The National Government is firmly committed to implementing the spirit of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the National Constitutional Laws which give it legal effect,” Sir Michael said.
He said the Government welcomed and supported the positive steps Mr Tanis and other leaders had taken to promote weapons disposal and reconciliation, lowering the barriers of distrust and restoring services around Panguna to make peace-building truly Bougainville-wide.  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBig men gather to mark Bougainville anniversary

18.06.09 13:41

Nach der Visite von James Tanis mit Michael Somare in China gab es auf Bougainville Diskussionen darüber dass Tanis aus ABG Mitteln aus dem gegebenen Anlass 2 neue Anzüge finanziert wurden.

Hätte er den auf diesem Photo getragenen Anzug angehabt,so wäre die Reise möglicherweise ein noch grösserer Erfolg geworden ;-))))))))

Photo: A great picture by Aloysius Laukai of former PNG Prime Minister Sir Julius Chan and Bougainville President Hon James Tanis

Newly knighted Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Sir Dr Puka Temu, headed a large crowd of dignitaries at the recent celebrations to mark the fourth anniversary of the Autonomous Bougainville Government.

Sir Puka represented Prime Minister Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, who was unable to attend because of heavy work commitments.

Also present were PNG Minister for Internal Security Hon Sammy Rambi, Police Commissioner Gary Baki, former Prime Minister Sir Julius Chan and the Member for Namatanai Hon Bryon Chan, the last two in Bougainville for a reconciliation ceremony.

There were also representatives of Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, the United Nations and AusAid. Many Bougainvilleans and friends took part in both the Reconciliation and Anniversary ceremonies.  

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