Patriot Scientific der Highflyer 2006
New York, NY -- April 10, 2007 -- The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office has granted the Public Patent Foundation's ("PUBPAT") formal request to review a patent held by Patriot Scientific Corp. (OB: PTSC) that the company, which boasts of "primarily focusing on deriving revenue from licensing patents", is widely asserting against producers of computer microprocessors. In its February filing, PUBPAT had submitted prior art that the Patent Office was not aware of when reviewing the application that led to the issuance of the patent (U.S. Patent No. 5,809,336) and described in detail how the prior art invalidates the patent. In response, the Patent Office has now found that PUBPAT's filing indeed raised "substantial questions" regarding the validity of the Patriot Scientific patent.
Despite no longer making any product or service itself, Patriot
Scientific is asserting the patent against those that produce or
distribute microprocessors, either alone or with a computer. Patriot Scientific's assertion of the patent has included the filing of infringement lawsuits and the sending of over 150 letters threatening litigation. PUBPAT challenged the patent because Patriot Scientific's aggressive assertion of it is causing substantial public harm by threatening to levy additional costs on the production of microprocessors, which could make every computer Americans buy more expensive. Having now granted PUBPAT's request to review the patent, the Patent Office will turn to decide whether the patent deserves to exist or not.
"We are very pleased that the Patent Office has agreed with us that there are indeed significant questions regarding with the validity of the Patriot Scientific patent," said Dan Ravicher, PUBPAT's Executive Director. "This is the first strong step towards ending the harm being caused to the public by the company that is little more than a corporate front for contingency fee patent attorneys to sue and threaten
productive members of society."
Copies of the U.S. Patent Office's Order Granting PUBPAT's Request for Reexamination of the patent Patriot Scientific is widely asserting against microprocessors can be found at
Daniel Ravicher, Executive Director Public Patent Foundation
(212) 796-0570
About the Public Patent Foundation
The Public Patent Foundation ("PUBPAT") is a not-for-profit legal
services organization working to protect the public from the harms caused by the patent system, particularly the harms caused by undeserved patents and unsound patent policy. PUBPAT provides the general public and those specific persons or businesses otherwise deprived of access to the system governing patents, with representation, advocacy, and education. To be kept informed of PUBPAT News, subscribe to the PUBPAT News List by either sending an email with "subscribe" in the subject line to or by visiting
"In response, the Patent Office has now found that PUBPAT's filing indeed raised "substantial questions" regarding the validity of the Patriot Scientific patent"
grundliegende Fragen bezüglich des Patentes hat, wer hat den dann bei den Leuten geschlafen als das Patent erteilt wurde ??
Also ich hoffe das diese Knalltüten das schnellstmöglich klären, nicht das aufgrund dieser Pupat Geschichte die Gerichtstermine in Texas ins stocken geraten......
habe mal so bischen rumgestöbert ,und habe festgestellt das die wirklich einige Patente umgekippt haben,,15105.html
denke das sie mit PTSC keine probleme haben werden die Patente als ungültig zu erklären.Zumal man eigentlich seitens PTSC es auch irgendwie bestätigt bekommt,das hierzu keine Stellungnahme kommt :(
Denke werde meine 60k shares vor der us eröffnung loswerden,ist mir zu unsicher geworden die sache...Lang lebe Pohl.
Wünch alles Aktionären alles gute
bin nicht der grund dafür das die aktie heut 12%runtersackt..und in Amiland ein blutbad geben wird....
also denk ma darüber nach......
Danke Dir für diese Info.....sonst hätt ich heute richtig Geld verloren......
Da ich allerdings seit 0,11 drinnen bin...hab ich ja noch etwas Glück und gehe mit ein wenig Plus raus...
Danke Dir...
Würde Dich gerne als Danke zu einem Bier einladen !
Wie kann ich Dich kontaktieren ?
sehr gute zeitplanung .passt genau richtig kurz vor den zahlen am 16.04?
jetzt kann pohl zaubern was er will.und 5 Lizenznehmer auf einmal verkünden,was nützt das schon.
frage mic hnoch,womit ptsc geld machen will,wenn bald die Patente für ungütig erklärt werden.auf ignite?
oder riecht es hier nach totalverust?
Alles nur gedanken,ohne fakten
muss nicht sein aber kann,,oder wird?
nun..den bier kannst dir auch sparen.
oder kannst dir mit dem geld bald 200 Ptsc aktien kaufen :)
alles jute
die meldung kam gestern nachbörslich..
wie ernst ist denn nun die PubPatmeldung zu nehmen ?
heisst das jetzt das AUS von Patriot ?
oder haben die noch andere Patente?
'This review was expected. Pubspit is conducting their own little war with PTSC... too bad they can't participate in the review. This announcement is a non issue... my only concern is that Judge Ward could delay the trial until the review is complete, a process that might take as long as 22 months. I doubt he will, but it is within the realm of possibilities.
Angst frisst Gier ebenso, die Amis wuerden doch sofort reagieren.
Ariva intra offensichtlich noch kein Handel, bis vor 5 Min. zumindest.
für dich ,,betrachte einfach das datum. :)
PUBPAT REQUEST TO REEXAMINE PATRIOT SCIENTIFIC MICROPROCESSOR PATENT GRANTED BY U.S. PATENT OFFICE: Government Agency Determines \'Substantial Questions\' Exist Regarding Patent Licensing Company\'s Widely Asserted Patent
New York, NY -- April 10, 2007 -- The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office has granted the Public Patent Foundation\'s ("PUBPAT") formal request to review a patent held by Patriot Scientific Corp. (OB: PTSC) that the company, which boasts of "primarily focusing on deriving revenue from licensing patents", is widely asserting against producers of computer microprocessors. In its February filing, PUBPAT had submitted prior art that the Patent Office was not aware of when reviewing the application that led to the issuance of the patent (U.S. Patent No. 5,809,336) and described in detail how the prior art invalidates the patent. In response, the Patent Office has now found that PUBPAT\'s filing indeed raised "substantial questions" regarding the validity of the Patriot Scientific patent.
Despite no longer making any product or service itself, Patriot Scientific is asserting the patent against those that produce or distribute microprocessors, either alone or with a computer. Patriot Scientific\'s assertion of the patent has included the filing of infringement lawsuits and the sending of over 150 letters threatening litigation. PUBPAT challenged the patent because Patriot Scientific\'s aggressive assertion of it is causing substantial public harm by threatening to levy additional costs on the production of microprocessors, which could make every computer Americans buy more expensive. Having now granted PUBPAT\'s request to review the patent, the Patent Office will turn to decide whether the patent deserves to exist or not.
"We are very pleased that the Patent Office has agreed with us that there are indeed significant questions regarding with the validity of the Patriot Scientific patent," said Dan Ravicher, PUBPAT\'s Executive Director. "This is the first strong step towards ending the harm being caused to the public by the company that is little more than a corporate front for contingency fee patent attorneys to sue and threaten productive members of society."
Copies of the U.S. Patent Office\'s Order Granting PUBPAT\'s Request for Reexamination of the patent Patriot Scientific is widely asserting against microprocessors can be found at PUBPAT > Patriot Scientific Microprocessor Patent.
Kurstaxe ffm 0,32/0,35
WKN Börse Kurs Trade Vol. Tages Vol. Zeit Datum Bid Bid Vol. Ask Ask Vol. T.hoch T.tief Vortag Diff. Änd. Realtime
899459 FRA realtime 0,38 5.000 1.185.554 12:49 11.04.2007 0,36 50.000 0,39 50.000 0,44 0,36 0,45 -0,07 -15,56% ja
Da brauch man kein Hellseher zu sein.
Da ich mittlerweile drei Dividenden bekommen habe und mein EK deutlich unter dem aktuellen Kurs liegt, schaue ich mir das Schauspiel ziemlich relaxed an.
Jetzt wird ordentlich short gegangen , ist doch klar.
Pubat hat weder Recht bekommen noch ist sonst irgendetwas signifikantes passiert, ausser das man trotz aller Unkenrufen zum Trotz noch mal günstig einsteigen oder nachlegen kann.
Ich werde noch abwarten und dann entscheiden was ich mache.
Eine Frage hätte ich?
Hast du dich extra wegen dieser Meldung bei Ariva angemeldet??
Du bist ein wahrer Ritter.
Damit hast du dein Intermezzo in diesem thread schon beendet.
Bewusste Falschaussagen um daraus Kapital zu schlagen,...bye,bye Bernd das Brot!
Damit hast du dein Intermezzo in diesem thread schon beendet.
Bewusste Falschaussagen um daraus Kapital zu schlagen,...bye,bye Bernd das Brot!