Kursziel 1 USD bis 31.12.2010

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Neuester Beitrag: 04.01.11 11:19
Eröffnet am:11.07.10 14:23von: sekko1982Anzahl Beiträge:8.308
Neuester Beitrag:04.01.11 11:19von: louisanerLeser gesamt:788.025
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:152
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23601 Postings, 6512 Tage Chalifmann3Es wird keine Verlängerung der Nasi-Frist geben

16.08.10 08:15
.. denn YRCW verstösst gegen die Minimun bid Price rule
und da werden keine Ausnahmen gemacht,so:

What's up Mr.Zollars ?,
we need a reversesplitt !
Will you burn down our' dollars ?,
and leave us with bullshit ?

My broker says don`t worry this stock is not a dog. Just shorts and MM`s screwing with the stock. This stock has leading technology he says. Nothing can go wrong. It`s smooth sailing from here. Oh man isn`t that what they said about the Titanic? Oh my God I`m on a frikken dogship to Hell! My broker says don`t worry short squeeze coming. Too many shorts. Oh man why does there have to be so many shorts? Why do they all have to be so mean? Why do they always drive my stocks down? What did I ever do to them? My broker says they will get theirs. They got theirs alright. They got their profits. Short squeeze coming! What a bunch of crap! The only shorts squeeze I ever get is when my wife makes me wear those darn bikini briefs. Bikini briefs suck. I hate shorts! I bet my wife is a short.I think my wife shorts this stock everyday just so she can whoop my ass when I get home. ! And who are these MM`s people screwing with my stock? Who do these people think they are? What are they? Has anyone ever seen them? What does M&M stand for?I close my eyes at night and all I can see are these these people dressed in colorful candy coated outfits chuckling while they are screwing with my money and my mind. I hate M and M`S. Melts in your mouth not in your hand! What kind of scam was that?MM`s, shorts, my broker and this stock suck. Where are we going from here? I`ll tell you where we are going. Straight down!

Chalif Suckin' hell  
Angehängte Grafik:

124 Postings, 5868 Tage Cäsar 1964Bei der Sache bleiben,

16.08.10 08:18
wäre schon angenehm wenn man in den foren mal bei der sache
bleiben würde und nicht immer seitenweise dümmliches gelaber lesen
müsste, natürlich sol man hinterfragen und beide seiten durchleuten,
aber bitte sachlich und ohne diese anfeindungen, verleumdungen oder
beleidigungen, lasst es einfach mal sein und setzt euren verstand ein,
danke im vorraus.

gruß cäsar

danke an die personen, die immer so fleisig  ihre informatioen an uns andere
hier weiterleten, vielen dank  

1537 Postings, 6561 Tage Olly Dkann es sein

16.08.10 09:39
das bis jetzt noch keine einzige Aktie über Frankfurt gehandelt wurde?
Zumindest zeigt mir mein Comdirect dies so an?  

1420 Postings, 5535 Tage madoldBörse FFM = technisches Problem

16.08.10 09:41
Nach Auskunft der comdirect-Hotline hat die Börse in Frankfurt gerade ein technisches Problem. Man arbeitet mit Hochdruck dran, so die Aussage. Es gibt weder Real-Time-Kurse noch online Handel. Wer unbedingt handeln möchte, muss ausweichen.  

936 Postings, 6239 Tage albayolly

16.08.10 09:42

1537 Postings, 6561 Tage Olly Dalb & mandold

16.08.10 09:47

1537 Postings, 6561 Tage Olly Dzumindest läuft der handel

16.08.10 10:17
in Frankfurt bzw. Deutschland sehr sehr schleppend.
Nach Millionenumsätzen der letzten Tagen und Wochen scheint irgendwie die Luft raus zu sein, zumindest im Moment.  

14 Postings, 5315 Tage instant_callDito.

16.08.10 11:18

645 Postings, 5357 Tage Bohne123Der deutsche Kurs

16.08.10 11:23

 ist doch sowieso Bockwurst. Warten wir mal ab, was die Amis heute Nachmittag veranstalten.



3407 Postings, 5511 Tage C_P_Moin allerseits ;o)

16.08.10 11:35
Ich hoffe, Ihr hattet ein schönes Wochenende.

@bgab, Dein Posting #3434. Nach aktuellem Stand, kann ein Konkurent durchaus über 20% der Anteile erwerben, denn es wurden etwa 14% von Institutionellen abgestoßen, warum, entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis, mag sein, dass die vor Bekanntgabe der Zahlen abgestoßen wurden. Wenn jetzt ein Mitbewerber z.B. 21% erwerben sollte, könnte er ein Angebot zur Übernahme von weiteren Anteilen abgeben, damit ist er auch berechtigt, die Bücher einzusehen. Er könnte eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung anstreben und das Unternehmen damit kontrollieren. Was da im Moment läuft, kann ich noch nicht ganz nachvollziehen, aber es müssten langsam Pflichtmitteilungen rauskommen, wer seine Bestände reduziert und wer sie erhöht oder aufgebaut hat.  

732 Postings, 6239 Tage Armin71ups

16.08.10 11:47

immerhin hälrt ups auch einen gANZEN sCHWUNG AN aKTIEN


283 Postings, 5329 Tage dodgePension

16.08.10 12:15

283 Postings, 5329 Tage dodgeLink

16.08.10 12:37

 Der Link funzt nicht richtig darum voller Text

The Next Pension Bailout

Congress is gone for August—heaven be praised—but that hasn&#39;t stopped unions from quietly mobilizing to push through a big new priority this fall: a pension bailout. Big Labor is going Code Red on the issue, in the face of a looming accounting change that would force companies to confront the Ponzi-style nature of multi-employer pension plans.

We wrote in June about this class of some 1,500 union-run retirement vehicles, in which companies across an entire industry pay into a single pension pool. Hundreds of these multi-employer pools are badly underfunded, thanks to years of labor funneling money into new pay and benefits, rather than into the funds for retirees.

The big problem with these plans is that when one company in the pool goes out of business, the other companies remain on the hook for the cost of the plan. These spiraling liabilities inspired Pennsylvania Senator and Big Labor favorite Bob Casey to introduce legislation to cordon off "orphaned" pensions—those for which an employer has stopped contributing or withdrawn from the plan—and drop them on the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

The PBGC is already significantly underfunded and taxpayers are its ultimate backstop. Yet the Casey bailout could dump as much as $165 billion in new liabilities on the PBGC, while multi-employer plans would get a clean bill of health. What a deal.

This cause has taken on new political urgency, and no less than Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin has endorsed the bill. The reason for the rush is new rules that may soon be issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the green-eyeshade outfit that dictates how companies keep their books. Those proposed rules would expose the multi-employer time bomb.

Here&#39;s why. In 1980 an amendment to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act established the principle that any company in a multi-employer plan had a right to assume that other members would pay in perpetuity. Those that did not, and left the plan, were required to pay a "withdrawal penalty" to make the plan whole. This is fine in theory, though in reality these penalties have rarely covered the true cost of withdrawal, which means liabilities for remaining companies have continued to grow.

As plan obligations climb, and a mediocre stock market has reduced fund assets, more companies are running for the exits. Most notably, UPS was willing pay a remarkable $6.1 billion in 2007 to flee its plan. FASB&#39;s new rules are likely to acknowledge this new corporate reality, and they would in effect require companies to assume that they must pay the withdrawal penalty, and therefore to include that liability on either an income statement or balance sheet.

Ouch. Many companies have withdrawal liabilities that exceed their assets, and the result would be a painful reckoning. The accounting changes would also embarrass Big Labor, exposing its pension promises as bankrupt and perhaps leading to wholesale reform of multi-employer plans. One labor law firm, Groom Law Group, sent out an SOS in July, announcing its intention to form a group to fight the FASB rules, which it noted would put unions under "increased pressure at the bargaining table to decrease contributions and cut benefits." Anything but that.

Thus the election year urgency to pass the Casey bill. If Democrats could shift orphan company pensions to the taxpayer, the liabilities for the remaining companies would fall dramatically, and the multi-employer scheme could continue. Unions and employers could keep promising current workers fabulous pay and benefits, without which they have little chance of stemming their continuing decline in membership.

The losers? Those would be existing retirees in multi-employer plans, who were also promised such benefits but whose pensions would now be dumped on the feds. Even under Mr. Casey&#39;s bill, payouts to current retirees would be limited to $21,000 a year—a fraction of what workers expected to receive.

If this all sounds like it could never pass, keep in mind this is the most willful Congress in modern history. Congress just completed paying off the teachers unions with $10 billion, and unions will put enormous pressure on Democrats to pass the pension bailout before they lose their huge majorities.

Many companies with multi-employer plans such as the trucking firm YRC Worldwide (organized by the Teamsters) are joining the union lobby effort, and more than a few Republicans could go along. The outrageous all too often becomes the inevitable with this Congress, and it will again unless taxpayers raise a ruckus.


1760 Postings, 5553 Tage jonzweitKursverlauf

16.08.10 14:16
wenn heute Abend der Kurs nicht anzieht, schmiert er Morgen ab...nur ne Meinung
aber es kommt ja oftmals Anders als man denkt  

283 Postings, 5329 Tage dodgeIch bleib COOL

16.08.10 14:35
hat sich bei mir schon mehrmals ausgezahlt.
Zuletzt heute morgen bei einer schweizer Firma PPHN  

3407 Postings, 5511 Tage C_P_Wenn ich mir die Seite der Institutionellen

16.08.10 14:45
so anschaue, frage ich mich, was da vor sich geht. Keine Veröffentlichung über Anteilsveränderungen, aber die institutionelle Beteiligung wurde um weitere 20% auf nunmehr etwa 29% herunter gefahren. Ganz groß unter den abgebenden Institutionellen war JPMC, BoA, Credit Suisse, Lonestar, Blackrock und die DeuBa.
Wird da evtl. doch eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung vorbereitet? Denn bei dem Volumen wäre der Kurs ohne entsprechende Käufer längst bei unte 0,10$. Das waren immerhin 33% der gesammten Aktien, also keine Kleinigkeit. Ich bin mal gespannt, was da die nächsten Tage kommt.


3407 Postings, 5511 Tage C_P_Pre-Market mit über 8% im Plus

16.08.10 15:03
Hat ja nicht viel zu bedeuten, aber ich vermute (beweisen kann ich es nicht), dass da eine Mega-Umschichtung stattfindet, jetzt erklären sich auch die riesen Umsätze der letzten Tage. Nur, was kommt jetzt?  

3396 Postings, 5505 Tage janferHey,

16.08.10 15:07
jammert mal nicht rum. Super News aktuell! Das Ding wird heute richtig rennen.

YRC Worldwide Establishes Strategic Relationship with Austin Ventures through the Sale of YRC Logistics
Yrc Worldwide ( NASDAQ :YRCW)
Intraday Stock Chart

Heute : Monday 16 August 2010
Click Here for more Yrc Worldwide Charts.

YRC Worldwide Inc. (Nasdaq: YRCW) today announced that it completed the initial closing on the previously announced sale of a portion of YRC Logistics. The gross proceeds for the transaction were approximately $38.7 million of which YRC Worldwide received $33.6 million at the initial closing with an additional $2.3 million placed in escrow for further closings of foreign entities over the coming months, and $2.8 million was placed in escrow for indemnification purposes.

All of the multiemployer pension funds that are parties to the company's pension contribution deferral agreement ("CDA") agreed to amend the CDA. The CDA amendment provides for certain terms in the company's most recent amendment to its credit agreement to be effective, including the retention of 100% of the proceeds from the sale of YRC Logistics.

YRC Worldwide will retain its two China-based joint ventures. The company will continue to offer its customers complimentary logistics solutions through its strategic relationship with Austin Ventures, which is created by a comprehensive commercial services agreement between the parties.

YRC Worldwide Inc., a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Overland Park, Kan., is one of the largest transportation service providers in the world and the holding company for a portfolio of successful brands including YRC, YRC Reimer, YRC Glen Moore, New Penn, Holland and Reddaway. YRC Worldwide has the largest, most comprehensive network in North America, with local, regional, national and international capabilities. Through its team of experienced service professionals, YRC Worldwide offers industry-leading expertise in heavyweight shipments and flexible supply chain solutions, ensuring customers can ship industrial, commercial and retail goods with confidence. Please visit yrcw.com for more information.  

236 Postings, 5329 Tage märz1978Nein C_P_ eine neue Mitteilung ist raus gekommen!

16.08.10 15:08
YRC Worldwide Establishes Strategic Relationship with Austin Ventures through the Sale of YRC Logistics
Yrc Worldwide ( NASDAQ :YRCW)
Intraday Stock Chart

Heute : Monday 16 August 2010
Click Here for more Yrc Worldwide Charts.

YRC Worldwide Inc. (Nasdaq: YRCW) today announced that it completed the initial closing on the previously announced sale of a portion of YRC Logistics. The gross proceeds for the transaction were approximately $38.7 million of which YRC Worldwide received $33.6 million at the initial closing with an additional $2.3 million placed in escrow for further closings of foreign entities over the coming months, and $2.8 million was placed in escrow for indemnification purposes.

All of the multiemployer pension funds that are parties to the company's pension contribution deferral agreement ("CDA") agreed to amend the CDA. The CDA amendment provides for certain terms in the company's most recent amendment to its credit agreement to be effective, including the retention of 100% of the proceeds from the sale of YRC Logistics.

YRC Worldwide will retain its two China-based joint ventures. The company will continue to offer its customers complimentary logistics solutions through its strategic relationship with Austin Ventures, which is created by a comprehensive commercial services agreement between the parties.

YRC Worldwide Inc., a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Overland Park, Kan., is one of the largest transportation service providers in the world and the holding company for a portfolio of successful brands including YRC, YRC Reimer, YRC Glen Moore, New Penn, Holland and Reddaway. YRC Worldwide has the largest, most comprehensive network in North America, with local, regional, national and international capabilities. Through its team of experienced service professionals, YRC Worldwide offers industry-leading expertise in heavyweight shipments and flexible supply chain solutions, ensuring customers can ship industrial, commercial and retail goods with confidence. Please visit yrcw.com for more information.  

1420 Postings, 5535 Tage madoldGewerkschaften

16.08.10 15:08
Geht man von der Macht der Gewerkschaften aus, dann steht die Obama-Regierung mächtig unter Druck. So ist es gut möglich (siehe News von Dodge #3563), dass die Pensionsproblematik zugunsten von Unternehmen wie YRCW gelöst wird. Mag sein, dass diese News in den USA für Hoffnung sorgt.  

3407 Postings, 5511 Tage C_P_@März und @Janfer

16.08.10 15:14
Danke, hatte ich noch nicht entdeckt, aber trotzdem hat jemand die 33 - 34% der Aktien übernommen und darüber gibt es noch keine Pressemitteilung. Gut, der Deal mit Austin ist in trockenen Tüchern. Aber ich schaue etwas über den Tellerrand und frage mich, was mit den von den Institutionellen veräusserten Scheinen passiert ist. Zu dem aktuellen Kurs haben die bestimmt nicht verkauft. Da MUSS etwas hinter den Kulissen laufen.  

924 Postings, 5322 Tage excellentbuyding ding ding - los gehts, erst mal alles rot

16.08.10 15:36
so der tag beginnt, die woche beginnt - und ich erhoffe mir eine unglaubliche woche!

die stimmung in den staaten ist unverändert, wir sind gleich mal schön im plus... klar endlich ist der deal durch, nebenbei werden auch noch mal schön die pensionen angesprochen (diesbezüglich glaube ich nicht an weitere infos bis zu den Q3 zahlen) - aber das sind ja nun nicht so wirklich NEWS ;-)

was ich sehr positiv sehe, denn was kommt hier erst, wenn wir endlich erfahren wie es bezüglich listing etc. weiter geht!?!?  

1013 Postings, 5413 Tage bart_2kzum 3ten mal die 30ziger angetestet....

16.08.10 16:02

283 Postings, 5329 Tage dodgeNasdaq

16.08.10 16:27

Nasdaq plus , Dow rappelt sich hoch....


2337 Postings, 6420 Tage sekko1982Einfach zurücklehnen

16.08.10 16:40
und den weiteren newsflow abwarten. Alles andere (insbesondere steigender Kurs) kommt dann von alleine!


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