Kursziel 1 USD bis 31.12.2010
Zeitpunkt: 09.08.10 17:52
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 4 Tage
Kommentar: Einstellen eines zuvor gelöschten Postings - 3. Mal
Danke Elba!!
ich hoffe es kommt jetzt nichts über ein Split..
Egbert Prior wurde in den Jahren 1996 bis 2001 einem breiten Publikum bekannt, als er in Fernsehauftritten die marktengen Aktien an der Technologiebörse Neuer Markt propagierte. In diesem Zusammenhang geriet er in den Verdacht des Insiderhandels und der Kursmanipulation.
Item 1A. Risk Factors
If we are unable to meet the continued listing requirements of NASDAQ, our common stock currently listed on the NASDAQ may be delisted which would have an adverse effect on the market liquidity for our common stock. The NASDAQ’s continued listing requirements provide, among other requirements, that the minimum bid price of our common stock not fall below $1.00 per share for 30 consecutive business days. On March 3, 2010, we received from the NASDAQ a notice of non-compliance with the minimum bid price requirement and we have a grace period of 180 calendar days, or until August 30, 2010, to regain compliance with this requirement. In order to regain compliance, the closing price of our common stock must be $1.00 or greater for a minimum of ten consecutive business days during the 180-day grace period. On February 17, 2010, we received shareholder approval of an amendment to our certificate of incorporation that permits our board of directors to effect a reverse stock split within a range from 5:1 to 25:1 at anytime prior to February 17, 2011. Our board of directors continues to evaluate the timing of a reverse stock split, and at this time, has not finalized a date. Assuming the closing price of our common stock price is not above $1.00 for ten consecutive business days by August 30, 2010, we expect to receive a delisting notice from NASDAQ. If we receive a delisting notice from NASDAQ, we would intend to request a hearing with NASDAQ to present a plan of compliance. The request for a hearing will stay the delisting of our common stock. We expect that a hearing would be scheduled 30 to 45 days after NASDAQ receives our request for a hearing. There can be no assurance that an exception would be granted to extend the period we have to regain compliance with the NASDAQ marketplace rules and our common stock will not be subject to delisting. Delisting of our common stock would have an adverse effect on the market liquidity of our common stock and, as a result, the market price for our common stock could become more volatile. Further, delisting also could make it more difficult for us to raise additional capital.
Das gefährlichste ist, wenn Dumme fleißig werden
Sieht immo nicht so gut aus.
*** 16:00 US/Conference Board, Beschäftigungsindikator Juli
Was meint ihr? Werden wir die heute noch knacken? :-)
@ Trader - mit dem Pusher Thread stimme ich dir voll zu, aber meine Ansage steht.....
hier haben alle angst vor deinem i..... niveau zzzzzlöl
du scheinst echt ein niveau problem zu haben mei gutster lol
und prahlen, ja das Gerücht hat sekko in den Thread geworfen, das ist genau so unwahr als das der Dollar kommen wird..... muah
So Ende, wie gesagt mit Lemmingen möchte ich ungern diskutieren oder längere Gespräche führen.....
lemminge und morgen sprichst du mit mario brothers du ärmster.....löl