Bitcoins der nächste Monsterhype steht bevor!
Dass was du da beschreibst sind mehr oder weniger Einzelfälle aber eben im gesamten Kontext nicht feststellbar.
So wurde der Handel in China Beispielsweise verboten, doch hat dies bislang nicht dazu geführt, dass in China der Handel mit Bitcoin abreißt. Im Gegenteil, der Handel mit Bitcoin floriert weiterhin stark.
Beispiel Russland, dort ist der Handel mit Bitcoin verboten. Zwar besteht hier ein Verbot seit Anfang 2014 und führte dies auch zu einem deutlichen Rückgang der Handelsvolumen in RUR, doch sind die Handelsvolumina seither stetig gestiegen und haben letztendlich das Ausgangsniveau annähernd wieder erreicht, Tendenz weiter steigend.
D.h. es ist bislang nicht belegbar, dass man den Handel mit Bitcoins durch Verbote nachhaltig unterdrücken kann. Im Gegenteil, ein jedes Verbot sorgte bislang dafür, dass Ausweichsmöglichkeiten gesucht und gefunden wurden.
Bezüglich Banken, da kann ich nur dazu raten, entsprechend Banken zu wechseln, Angebote gibt es ja genug davon. Ferner sind es eher Probleme derer, die mit Bitcoin spekulieren und entsprechend hohe Umsätze verbuchen. Jene die Bitcoin kaufen und halten, haben damit bislang keine Schwierigkeiten.
Ich halte dieses ganze Spekulieren dieses Kaufen/Verkaufen um Euro-Gewinne zu erzielen für unsinnig, denn das hat mit der Alternative Bitcoin wenig am Hut, sondern ist eher der Versuch auf dem Rücken des Bitcoin einmal mehr Euro-Profit machen zu können. Damit tut man genau dass, was man dem alten System ankreidet, nämlich strebt man nach Reichtum und Profit und eben nicht nach einer Alternative.
Kannte ich nicht, musst ich googlen
Vollständig ist es
"Hör auf dem schnellen Dollar nachzurennen und mach was Vernünftiges mit deinem Leben! Schaffe etwas, statt davon zu leben, was andere kaufen und verkaufen!"
Du meinst "Wall Street"!?
Jahr 1987
Ein sehr guter Film, er zeigt die Finanzwelt wie sie funktioniert und wir haben bis heute nichts daran geändert! Blase für Blase, Wirschaftskrise für Wirtschaftskrise
fast 20 Jahre später :)
"Mittagessen? Nur Flaschen essen zu Mittag!" auch sehr gut ;)
der klassiker, also pumpt die Finanzmärkte hoch
"Geld schläft nie, Kumpel!"
da sind wir gerade
"Wenn dir der Feind überlegen ist, geh ihm aus dem Weg! Ist er zornig, reize ihn! Und wenn er ebenbürtig ist, kämpfe! Und falls nicht, teile mit ihm und fang von vorne an!"
ein Zitat noch das ist aber genug
"Wenn der Mensch in den Abgrund blickt, dann sieht er da eine gähnende Leere. In diesem Moment entdeckt der Mensch seinen eigentlichen Charakter. Und der ist dann auch seine Rettung vor dem Abgrund."
By establishing the itBit Trust Company through the New York State Department of Financial Services, itBit is regulated to the highest degree, offering a level of customer care superior to any other Bitcoin company. itBit has been working with regulators, legislators and leaders across the financial services industry to develop this game-changing solution.
Sheila Bair
Former Chairman of the FDIC
Senator Bill Bradley
Former U.S. Senator of New Jersey and Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee
Robert Herz
Former Chairman of Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB)
What is a Trust Company?
A trust company is a legal entity that acts as an agent or trustee on behalf of a person or business entity for the purpose of administration, management and the eventual transfer of assets to a beneficial party. itBit is able to accept clients from all 50 U.S. states via our New York State issued Trust Charter. This Charter is observed in local statute across the country and outlines the Custodial standard of care that we provide to all customers.
itBit is building next-gen digital currency products and services by combining Silicon Valley innovation with Wall Street expertise.
Make Bitcoin Trading Easy and Affordable
Built by Wall Street professionals, itBit delivers an institutional-grade exchange with all of the key trading and account management features that serious investors demand. Our fee structure includes the opportunity for both commission-free trades and trading credits.
Operate 100% Compliant in All Jurisdictions
One of itBit’s core principles is establishing and maintaining regulatory compliance within all jurisdictions we operate--a key point of differentiation from our competition. itBit’s stringent Anti-Money Laundering/Know Your Customer (AML/KYC) program ensures that clients trade in a trusted environment.
Deliver 24-Hour Customer Support with Global Presence
With offices in New York and Singapore, itBit has a strong footprint in two of the most important financial and regulatory centers. Our global presence allows us to offer clients around the clock support.
Offer Bank-Level Security
100% of customer bitcoins are stored in offline cold wallets. itBit also employs multi-factor authentication, multiple layers of DDoS attack mitigation and conducts third-party cybersecurity audits to ensure a safe and uninterrupted online trading experience.
Empower Investors through Education
At itBit, we recognize that education is foundational to intelligent decision making. Our team is passionate about the transformative power of Bitcoin and is eager to share their insights and expertise. itBit’s educational resources cater to everyone from bitcoin enthusiasts to seasoned traders.
Our Story
itBit’s story dates back to 2010, when Bitcoin was a new concept and priced at just five cents. That summer, several seasoned investors in New York began exploring this potentially groundbreaking alternative asset. After mining and trading bitcoin for a few months, the transformative nature of Bitcoin and its underlying technology became clear.
Over the next two years, the market for bitcoin grew rapidly—but the infrastructure to support this growth was unable to keep pace. These investors set out to build a system they themselves needed: a bitcoin exchange that could operate at the same level of sophistication as a traditional global financial exchange. In 2012, itBit was born in Bitcoin-friendly Singapore.
With $5.5 million of funding, itBit launched in November 2013 offering an exchange that meets the highest standards in regulatory compliance, trading performance and customer security. itBit has gained a loyal following and become a popular bitcoin trading platform in Asia and Europe.
In May 2015 itBit opened its doors to the world’s largest bitcoin market - the United States. By establishing the itBit Trust Company, with oversight from the New York State Department of Financial Services, itBit is proud to be able to accept customers across the United States.
itBit has closed on an additional $25M in Series A funding and added three new prominent independent board members—Senator Bill Bradley, former FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair and former FASB Chairman Robert Herz—underscoring our commitment to oversight and transparency.
itBit continues to uphold its commitment to excellence, regulatory compliance and customer service—so we can provide you, the bitcoin trader, with the best experience and highest standards.
in New York
soviel zu der Panikmacherei des nicht mehr handeln könnens :)
Price at the time this article was written is: US$235.69
Last week the article began with:
“The indicators continue to remain in neutral territory. This move still appears to have limited upside and appears to be topping out as volume and momentum have not followed the price higher and many of the indicators have flattened out.
While there have been some improvements in price in the short term, nothing has changed as far as the long-term trend goes. The price broke through 240 only to come back down and now sits right below the 50-day EMA, which once again is proving to be big resistance. If price were able to break above and hold right, 250-255 looks like it would be the top of this move. The weight of the evidence says this move should not be trusted and is nothing more than a countertrend rally. This could change if the indicators and volume were to confirm an upward price move.”
This continues to be the case. The price had a move to break nicely above the 50 day EMA but could not hold and has since retracted. The trading range continues to get tighter and a move should be expected very soon one way or the other.
More good news has continued to come in and not much in the way of bad news (Nasdaq OMX using the bitcoin blockchain, and others looking to use the technology including Honduras), and yet the price continues to be less and less reactive.
The good news continues to be discounted, which generally isn’t indicative of a move higher. On the other hand, there’s an old adage which applies here:
“Never short a dull market.”
A week after the announcement by the Central Bank of Denmark to abolish the printing of cash by 2016, Peter Bofinger, a German economist and member of the German Council of Economic Experts, made a similar proposal to the German federal government. He said:
“Stand up for the abolition of cash, since coins and bills are obsolete and only reduce the influence of central banks.”
In an interview with the German magazine and news site Spiegel, Bofinger, an economics professor at the University of Würzburg, stated, “In today’s technical possibilities, coins and notes are in fact an anachronism. Just remember how much time is wasted everyday searching for spare change or waiting for the cashier.”
As the only proponent of Keynesian economics in the Council of Economic Experts, Bofinger explained in the interview that abolishing cash would make it much easier for central banks to control payments and enforce its monetary policy.
Although Germany has a substantially low credit card penetration rate compared to other European nations, a group of Canadian banking experts called Pacnet Services, stated that Germany “is one of the worldwide leaders in B2C e-commerce sales, ranked fifth place internationally.”
Moreover, Ecommerce Europe, an association representing more than 25,000 companies selling products online, reported that “the country is one of the three dominant e-commerce industries in Europe, at $50 billion euro net worth, roughly US$66 billion. 6.4 percent of traditional retail purchases now occur online in the country.”
According to reddit comments however, debit cards are far more popular than credit cards in Germany. The majority of e-commerce shoppers link their debit card to e-wallets and transact using mobile platforms. One redditors stated, “Everyone in Germany uses cash! Most shops don't even accept cards. It's one of the most cash-driven economies left in the developed world,” and another said, “Well, here in Germany credit cards aren't as popular as debit cards. A lot of places don't accept credit cards anymore.”
Pacnet explained that both shoppers and merchants in Germany’s e-commerce industry use bank-managed office credit transfers and e-wallets instead of credit cards.
gestern erst diskutiert, hier liest doch einer das Forum mit
Aber ich bin dabei!!
Mehr Unabhängigkeit und einen Freien Markt! :)
Wir handeln lieber nach dem Motte "Was der Bauer nicht kennt, frisst er nicht."
CCEDK says only one other exchange globally - Bit-x - currently offers the card, which can be used on any certified exchange and is available in dollars and euros and funded instantly by the crypto balance of each customer.
Bitcoin Debit NanoCard
Users will be able to use the Bitcoin Debit NanoCard to pay for goods and services in restaurants and shops as well as online. They can also be used at ATMs worldwide. It requires no verification, allowing users to remain anonymous.
CCEDK CEO, Ronny Boesing, said he was proud the company had been able to establish a partnership with Bit-x and be able to offer a project such as this after only a year of existence. He also surmised that the reason for the “NanoCard” name being used is “to differentiate a card for Crypto currency users” compared to their conventional gold card offering.
CCEDK CEO, Ronny Boesing
Unlike other bitcoin or prepaid cards in the market, however, the Bitcoin Debit NanoCard takes bitcoin funds directly from the user’s wallet at the exact moment payment or cash is needed. Boesing:
“It is an innovative and revolutionary game-changer to the world of crypto currency.”
He also added that it has huge potential to disrupt the money transfer industry, offering low fees and real-time transactions. More new features and special projects are also expected from CCEDK in the coming months, including a three-month period of commission free trading.
“We have also introduced a new feature offering users the possibility of reduced trading fees based on trading activity, and it is possible to reach as low as 0.01% in trading commission,” he said.
Bitcoin Debit ‘NanoCard’
NuBits and other crypto support
CCEDK is also planning to implement other digital currencies that will also be supported on the card in addition to bitcoin.
“The ones getting a first shot at this will be the currencies supporting the exchange with liquidity, the way a currency like Nubits has done successfully so far,” he said, adding:
“We expect therefore to offer Nubits as the first cryptocurrency to be supported by the Debit NanoCard MasterCard and then other currencies on the exchange like BitUSD, NXT and LTC.”
In the meantime, other coins can be exchanged for bitcoin on the exchange.
Generally, Boesing believes the card will reduce the friction of going from crypto to fiat, enabling seamless transactions in fiat from customers’ crypto balances. Signups are taking place now for the card, which will undergo integration into the exchange during the next four weeks before being delivered to users in mid-June.
In einigen Ländern sind Bitcoins bereits komplett verboten. Und dieser Regulierungs- und Verbotstrend gegen Bitcoin wird sich fortsetzen.
Wie definierst du die Rechtmäßigkeit des Bitcoin? Wie definierst du die Rechtmäßigkeit von Sauerstoff? Woran glaubst du, einen Trend gegen Bitcoin zu erkennen?
In dem Artikel über Ripple, den du gepostet hast, steht auch klar drinnen: “ein echtes digitales Bargeld und ein System, das alle Teilnehmer gleich behandelt, muss dezentral sein. Ripple dagegen ist, trotz einiger offenen Bauteile, ein System, das um die Firma Ripple Labs kreist. Und damit haben die Behörden einen Ansprechpartner, um ihren Willen durchzusetzen.”
Immer mehr Benutzer der Fidorbank werden derzeit wegen Gewerblichkeit die Bankkonten komplett gekündigt. Oder sie bekommen direkt Post von der Bafin.
Dass Privatkonten bei gewerbsmäßigem Handel gesperrt oder gekündigt werden, ist doch normal. Gilt übrigens nicht nur für gewerbsmäßigen Handel mit Bitcoins, sondern auch für gewerbsmäßigem Handel mit allem Kinderspielzeug über ebay. Wird Kinderspielzeug auch bald verboten werden? Wird ebay auch bald verboten werden?
In Deutschland sind Bitcoin Steuerpflichtig was den Handel mit Bitcoin ziemlich unattraktiv macht und für die Steuererklärung wird man bei höheren Gewinnen einen guten Steuerberater brauchen.
In Deutschland ist so ziemlich alles steuerpflichtig was den Handel von so ziemlich allem unattraktriv macht und für die Steuererklärung wird man sich bei höheren Gewinnen auch einen Steuerberater leisten können. Es wird auch bald den ersten Bitcoin ETF geben (nein nicht illegal, sondern von der FINRA genehmigt), der den Handel mit Bitcoin für herkömmliche Depotinhaber zugänglich machen und auch die steuerliche Behandlung stark vereinfachen wird.
Natürklich gibt es dann immer die Möglichkeit auf illegale Tor-Darknets oder Underground Foren auszuweichen und dort Bitcoins per Proxy zu tauschen. Ich hab auch nicht das Gegenteil behauptet.
Allerdings ist das alles andere als Komfortabel, nicht für jeden Computerdau zu verstehen und man begeht sogar eine Straftat wenn man im falschen Land wohnt oder im falschen Darknet aktiv ist.
Im falschen Land bekäme man die Todesstrafe für folgenden Satz: „Kim Jong Un ist doof“
Steuerhinterziehung ist klar illegal.
Trivialität. Nullaussage!
Eben das gleiche was der Uli Hoeneß auf seinen Schweizer Konten gemacht hat.
Verbrecher aufgeflogen und bestraft. Gut so!
Irgendwie muss man die Euros ja auch zu Bitcoins tauschen können und man hinterlässt Spuren beim Überweisen oder der Zahlung per Kreditkarte.
Wer über Bitcoins Steuern hinterzieht, der muss damit rechnen, aufzufliegen. Wo ist das Problem?
es gibt keinen Unterschied.
World’s first ‘bitcoin tracker’ goes live on a regulated exchange
XBT Provider has become the first issuer of the world’s first Bitcoin tracker to be traded on a regulated exchange. The company, which is a public limited liability company incorporated under Swedish law, says this will make it easy for entities and individuals to trade in bitcoin.
XBT Provider:
“We are proud to offer the world’s first “Bitcoin tracker” to be traded on a regulated exchange. By enabling this easy and secure way to invest in Bitcoin we hope to have eliminated the boundaries that earlier prevented individuals and companies from being able to actively invest in what we believe to be the future of money.”
Ireland’s CurrencyFair has raised $10.6M to expand P2P currency exchange
In what has been interpreted as a sign of growing interest in Europe’s financial tech scene, Ireland’s CurrencyFair has raised $10.6 million in a round that was led by U.K.’s Octopus Investments.
CurrencyFair CEO, Brett Meyers:
“The money transfer sector has seen a lot of attention recently, with customers beginning to realize the high fees charged by banks when sending money internationally.”
Mexican bitcoin exchange Volabit launches ‘Whatsapp Personal Assistant’
Volabit, a Bitcoin startup based in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, has launched a service that pays your phone bills, utilities, and other expenses with bitcoin through a computer bot. The payment is done with the help of the social networking app, Whatsapp.
Relationship expert, Dr. Jochen Konrad thinks bitcoin is a topic men should avoid on the first date
Relationship expert, Dr. Jochen Konrad has advised men to avoid Bitcoin related topics on the first date. On his tours, the dating expert believes that Bitcoin does not stimulate the imagination of women. Nevertheless, he himself is a Bitcoin fan and even accepts payment in digital currency for his books.
Dr. Jochen Konrad:
"I think bitcoin should not be discussed by guys, because that doesn't really stimulate the imagination of women or deliver any emotional cues. I would only recommend even talking about it, when she already shows an interest in technical topics – or asks how the hell he just paid for coffee."
A Proposal to have Auditable Bitcoin Wallets
Some developers led by Oleg Andreev have proposed auditable wallets in a whitepaper. This is expected to prevent the possibility of hackers hiding backdoors behind seemingly random data. The new feature will apply to both specialized hardware and general-purpose computers running wallet software.
Oleg Andreev:
“Hardware Bitcoin wallets are obvious targets for backdoors. We propose a unified method of auditing any wallet for presence of potential backdoors or bugs. The specification also applies to software wallets executed by general-purpose computers, although these may be more challenging to audit.”
File hosting service Ziddu integrates bitcoin wallet
File hosting service Ziddu has integrated a bitcoin wallet into its platform. While the service is free, users can sell their content to other users. This creates the need for a micropayment service, which is where bitcoin comes in.
The Bitcoin wallet feature will further differentiate Ziddu from similar services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.
Danish Exchange Unveils Next-Gen Bitcoin Debit ‘NanoCard’
Danish virtual currency bourse the Crypto Coins Exchange Denmark ApS (CCEDK) has announced a launch of its next-generation payment card, the MasterCard-backed Bitcoin Debit NanoCard. Unlike other bitcoin or prepaid cards in the market, however, the Bitcoin Debit NanoCard takes bitcoin funds directly from the user’s wallet at the exact moment payment or cash is needed. CCEDK CEO, Ronny Boesing:
“It is an innovative and revolutionary game-changer to the world of crypto currency.”
Danish Exchange Unveils Next-Gen Bitcoin Debit ‘NanoCard’
Honduran Gov't to Build Land Registry Initiative on Bitcoin Blockchain
The government of Honduras will partner with Houston-based Bitcoin 2.0 startups Factom and Epigraph to build a land registry database for the Central American nation using the Bitcoin blockchain. Factom president Peter Kirby emphasized the need for a secure method of registering land in a country such as Honduras. Kirby told Rueters:
"In the past, Honduras has struggled with land title fraud. […] The country's database was basically hacked. So bureaucrats could get in there and they could get themselves beachfront properties."
2015 might be the year of the Bitcoin start-up 21 Inc. The record-holder for the most well-financed Bitcoin company in history, 21 Inc.’s $116 million venture capital treasure chest is now starting to bear fruit. Today, 21 Inc. has released plans for their new and revolutionary Bitcoin mining chip called the 21 BitShare, according to the Wall Street Journal.
The Age of Mobile Mining is About to Begin
smartphones21 Inc has a very innovative view of the future called “embedded mining”. In this company model, consumer devices like smartphones will be mining Bitcoin silently in the background while receiving small distributions from a managed pool of bitcoin earnings. This evolving vision of the future leads to a new “infinite stream of digital currency,” creating a growth of micro-transactions. This model will facilitate a new form of digital commerce and interconnectivity that the current traditional financial system can only dream of.
“Bitcoin will ultimately be seen as a fundamental system resource on par with CPU, bandwidth, hard drive space and RAM,” states Mr. Srinivasan in the company’s blog. It’s a notion of “Bitcoin for convenience, not profit.”
Also read: IBM and Federal Reserve Want to Create a Bitcoin Knock-Off
The company looks to make the bulk of its profits from chip sales, but also sees a model where they share the mining profits with users. A profit-sharing program can work as a subsidy for users over the long-term, helping to pay for expensive technology.
“The iPhone’s subsidy model allowed a reduced upfront price point, allowing millions of people to get started with a smartphone without a down-payment. We believe the 21 BitShare chip will enable a new generation of bitcoin-subsidized devices to help get the next 1 billion online,” said a 21 Inc. spokesperson.
In other news, 21 Inc., is also announcing that former Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers will be joining their advisory board. Also, tech industry superpower Cisco Systems Inc. and Mark Templeton are new 21 Inc. investors.
Also read: IBM and Federal Reserve Want to Create a Bitcoin Knock-Off
der Wettbewerb hat begonnen :)
Germany might be the next country to take definitive steps towards the removal of hard currency. The economist Peter Bofinger has been campaigning for the abolition of cash in Germany.
His primary merits for the removal of hard currency apparently targets the markets for undeclared work, those earning a little cash in hand and wanting to avoid declaring this and being taxed. And allegedly Bofingers proposals would dry out the drugs market. This is assuming that people trading in illicit markets would simply not choose something else to use for barter.
unsere Disskusion geht um die Welt UND DAS IST GUT SO!!
DigitalBTC, an Australia-based digital payments company, has agreed to form a joint venture company (JVC) to distribute and market a remittance product, AirPocket. The beta launch will begin in the second quarter of this year.
DigitalBTC, which is trading on the Australian Securities Exchange as Digital DC Limited, described AirPocket as a disruptive new technology product targeting the significant and established remittance market. The U.S. to Latin America remittance market is estimated to be $84 billion.
The joint venture will target the remittance sector in the Latin American and Caribbean markets. The joint venture will establish commercial agreements with third parties.
The ‘Uber’ of remittance
AirPocket addresses the problem of how to provide the recipient cash at best rate possible with the least fees. It is like the “Uber of remittance,” according to DigitalBTC.
AirPocket can lower costs because it uses the bitcoin block chain, which dramatically reduces infrastructure costs.
The company will seek partnerships with banks, telecom providers, retailers and distribution networks. The company expects to achieve broader consumer appeal, awareness and usage for AirPocket by working through third parties.
DigitalBTC will hold at least 75 percent interest in the JVC, and its equity partners will have up to a 25 percent stake based on mutually agreed performance criteria. The equity partners include Sanjay Santhanam, Juan Carlos Barrera and William Witenberg. Jorge Nicolau will hold a seat on the advisory board.
Also read: Bitcoin as a medium of exchange: Domestic remittance use case
A quality joint venture team
“The quality of the joint venture team provides strong validation of the commercial potential for AirPocket and I’m confident they are the right people to execute the business strategy in Latin America and the Caribbean and capitalize on the huge potential to disrupt the multi-billion dollar remittance market,” said Zhenya Tsvetnenko, executive chairman of DigitalBTC.
Bitcoin Shop Inc. has invested $1.5 million in Spondoolies-Tech Ltd., an Israel-based bitcoin mining company. The investment follows the announcement that BTCS and Spondoolies plan to merge. The investment marks the first step of the merger.
The two companies will create the first publicly-traded company to produce bitcoin transaction verification equipment. It will also deploy bitcoin mining resources.
BTCS purchased a 6.6 percent equity interest in Spondoolies. It receives exclusivity rights and pricing for current and future Spondoolies products as well as a $1 million breakup fee should the merger not consummate.
The investment was based on a pre-money valuation of about $21.2 million.
Spondoolies makes its mark
Based in Kiryat Gat, Israel, Spondoolies-Tech is a developer of bitcoin transaction verification servers. It began in 2013. Spondoolies has shipped thousands of servers to customers worldwide in the last year.
Upon closing the merger, the parties will equally share the dilution resulting from BTCS’ April 22, 2015 financing. Charles Allen will be the entity’s CEO and chairman. Guy Corem, Spondoolies CEO and co-founder, will serve as a board member and executive officer. Yuval Rozen will be the BTCS CFO.
The merger is subject to conditions, including satisfactory completion of diligence and execution of agreements.
Allen said the planned combination of the two companies represents a new force in the evolving block chain.
“This is a powerful merger as the technologies of the two companies are clearly very complementary and stand to produce immense revenue growth while delivering value to customers, shareholders and employees,” he said.
BitPesa launched its international money transfer in Kenya last year with the goal of expanding the service to the rest of Africa, something the company has slowly been working toward. Besides its remittance product, the company operates an exchange in Kenya and Ghana but Tanzania is the first country the startup has expanded its international money transfer service into.
Like Kenya, Tanzania is a mobile money hotspot and an ideal country for BitPesa. The nation has a population of more than 43 million people, and, according to a 2014 study by industry group Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA), has 31.8 million registered mobile money accounts. Tanzania received $317 million in remittances, $15 million of which came from Kenya, in 2012, according to a World Bank study.
BitPesa’s service allows anyone to send money to any Tanzanian phone number and charges a flat 3 percent on all its transfers. The service also promises the money will arrive instantly.
A Competitive Market
BitPesa will be joining a number of other companies that offer domestic (from city to rural) and international remittances in the country. Tanzania already has more than six mobile money operators who offer money transfer services to anyone in the country, and operators such as M-Pesa, who have partnered with Western Union, offer international mobile remittances.
nice story
Since last week’s report bitcoin prices fell back into the $230’s. Prices have been consolidating with lots of sideways action. There have been some quick flash crashes last week with the markets rebounding to normal levels.
The first crash was on 05/14/15, within the span of a couple of minutes prices fell from $237 to $232 and instantly rebounded to $238. A second attempt to dump on the markets happened the next day as prices fell to $233 and within minutes bounced back up to normal. Then on 05/16/15 prices tested support at around $234 yet again with a slower recovery but eventually peaked to $238.
This level of price action shows that buying pressure is still strong in the markets. Usually a dump of several thousand coins can trigger a series of stop orders and panic selling. Typically this would send prices into the $220’s and perhaps lower.
Current support is around $234 which is the 23% level on a fibonacci retracement, setting $300 as the high and $213 as the low.
All the Wall Stret trading has created a bullish sentiment and bears are proceeding with caution. There have been a couple of really bad bear traps over the past few weeks that may have taken a bite out of a some portfolios.
Trading volume has been low over the past few days as traders are hesitant to take a position on this sort of chop. The markets could go in either direction and the pressure is building. I anticipate that the next move may be really volatile.
Bitcoin-Presseschau #66
Sie sind hier: Blog » Bitcoin-Presseschau #66
17. Mai 2015 Friedemann Brenneis Hinterlasse einen Kommentar
Die Bitcoin-Presseschau fasst jeden Sonntag die wichtigsten Informationen, Entwicklungen und Links aus dem Bereich Bitcoin und digitales Geld zusammen. Für die Woche vom 11. bis 17. Mai 2015 mit folgenden News und Themen:
New York Times will wissen, wer Satoshi Nakamoto sei
Ethereum-Gründer Vitalik Buterin im Interview
ChangeTip nun auch bei Soundcloud möglich
Nasdaq testet Blockchain-Handel
Venezuelas Inflation erreicht fast 100 Prozent
Honduras will Grundbuch über Blockchain verwalten
Über die Geschäftsmodelle von Coinsbase, Circle & Co.
Xapo zieht aus Datenschutzgründen nach Zürich
Obama holt Bitcoin-Professor ins Weiße Haus
Greek FinMin’s scandalous propaganda in favor of Bitcoin (see video)
Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis is fast rising as a guru of ‘iconic’ economies following Proto Thema’s expository account of his relationship with Singaporean Tembusu Systems where he retained the post of adviser even after becoming Greeces’ finance chief.
Three videos created on April 15, 2015, by Dr. Kostas Mouratidis from the Department of Economics of the University of Sheffield feature Varoufakis speaking in favor of Bitcoins, a type of digital crypto-currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.
Part of what he says:
“There is no need to pay commission. There is no need to pay debt to any banker. There is an absolute democracy and those who are in fear of manipulation of money by central banks or bankers feel involved in a monetary system which is released from these dangers. Each tool can be used for good and evil purposes. Let us not forget that in Europe the European Central bank produced the 500-euro banknotes. I do not think that you and I have used them often. They are the notes that drug dealers especially love. Does it mean that the European central bank created these notes for drug dealers?”