Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
Irgendwie scheint sich die Aussi Aversion nicht nur auf BOC sondern auf ganz PNG zu beziehen ;-))))
"He said when he bought the asset in 2005 the Australian market failed to support the company, with the general reaction that “PNG is a basket case and the last place they’ll invest”.
“In all the time I’ve walked the streets of North America I rarely get asked about sovereign risk in PNG, corruption, the ability to do business, but as soon as I talk to an Australian investor, the first thing I get asked is, it must be unsafe up there — how do you get around?”
Marengo added to its team of expertise last month, appointing experienced international mining executive Louis Gignac to its board as a non-executive director and chairman-elect.
“Louis is highly regarded, with a good track record and, as a mining engineer, his job has been building mines,” Emery says.
“He has some good wins under his belt . . . we are building a powerful little team.”
As with all juniors, Emery complains that the company’s market capitalisation is well below where it should be, which he says is because of the scepticism in the Australian market about the region and the project.
......... There is this sense that we won’t be able to pull this off, but my attitude to that is, you just wait and see, guys, he says.
That credibility gap will close very quickly, probably in the next six months, then things will move quickly...........
übersetzt etwa:
..........."Es ist so ein Gefühl, dass wir nicht in der Lage sein werden , dies zu schaffen, aber meine Haltung dazu ist, man muss nur warten und sehen, Jungs", sagt er.
"Die Glaubwürdigkeitslücke wird sich sehr schnell schließen, wahrscheinlich in den nächsten sechs Monaten, dann werden die Dinge schnell zu bewegen sein ..........
Ein Sinneswandel dauert bekanntlich seine Zeit, doch der wird garantiert kommen wenn die ersten belastbaren Ergebnisse auf dem Tisch liegen.Momenta wird die temporary Mining Policy vorbereitet welche die Verhandlungen über die Wiedereröffnung der Pangunamine unabhängig vom "drawdown of Miningpower" einleiten kann u. in der Dez. Sitzung des ABG verabschiedet werden soll.
Meanwhile, a two-day mining workshop was currently underway in Arawa.
The workshop, which started yesterday, was to get views from all stakeholders to legislate a temporary Mining Policy which would be presented in the next ABG parliament sitting scheduled to be held in December.
Ich habe gerade eine Order auf Tradegate aufgegeben und schwupps wird der Geldkurs 1/10 Cent über meinem Limit taxiert. Das ist nicht das erste Mal, dass mir das passiert.
wie es aussieht kaufe ich heute wieder einsam aund alleine
New post on Papua New Guinea Mine Watch
Big changes coming to PNG Sustainable Development Program if new government has its way
by ramunickel
Frik Els |
Radio Australia reports Peter O'Neill, Prime Minister of Papau New Guinea, has demanded that Anglo-Australian giant BHP Billiton grant PNG control over appointments to the board of the PNG Sustainable Development Program Ltd. (PNGSDP).
"I think BHP should take its leave at some stage. I'd rather it be sooner than later. BHP has to learn that it has to move on," O'Neill said.
PNGSDP was formed in 2002, when BHP Billiton divested its 52% shareholding in Ok Tedi Mining Limited.
PNGSDP currently holds assets worth $1.4 billion including a 63% stake in the massive Ok Tedi copper and gold mine which is nearing the end of its life. The PNG government owns the rest.
PNG Mine Watch reports PNGSDP is considering buying into Xstrata's Frieda River copper and gold project by bringing the PNG government on board.
Xstrata in June said it was looking for a buyer of its 82% interest in the Frieda River, not saying anything more than the decision is part of an "ongoing review of operations."
The Swiss miner has spent more than $250 million on the project and is walking away from one of the richest copper-gold deposits on the planet.
Frieda River – described as Ok Tedi "30 years ago" – boasts a resource of about 12 million tons of copper and 18.5 million ounces of gold and is only 70km north of the Ok Tedi mine.
PNGSDP already owns a small stake in Frieda River via its shareholding in explorer Highlands Pacific which it acquired in June this year.
In June-July PNG held its eighth election since independence from Australia in 1975. O'Neil was caretaker PM during the transition.
ramunickel | October 30, 2012 at 3:44 pm | Tags: BHP, Frieda river, Highlands Pacific, Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea, PNGSDP, Xstrata | Categories: Papua New Guinea | URL:
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Quelle: Post Courier, 30.10.2012
The Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) now has a peace, security and weapons disposal strategy to address a key pillar of the Bougainville Peace Agreement on Autonomy Implementation and Weapons Disposal. The Weapons Disposal strategy was passed by the Bougainville Executive Council on October 11, in Buka, Bougainville.
This is the first time since the signing of the Bougainville Peace Agreement in 2001 that the ABG has in place a plan to address the disposing of firearms used during the Bougainville conflict — spanning over a decade that claimed more than 15,000 lives.
The strategy will guide all stakeholders towards achieving the Bougainville Peace Agreement requirement to dispose of allegedly more than 2,000 firearms that are believed to still be in the possession of former combatants.
Vice President of the ABG, Patrick Nisira who provides leadership to the initiative expressed his appreciation for the commitment shown by the various levels of Government to contribute to the operation of the strategy to rid the communities of the growing threats of arms. “We have come a long way consolidating this mechanism; it is the outcome of wider consultations, and a new focus on community-driven approach to peace with security and arms disposal enforcement”.
Nisira said the Peace and Security and Weapons Disposal strategy grants ownership of the Peace Building Process to the local communities and encourages an all-inclusive participatory concept to the process.
The plan also ensures that the weapons issue is approached through co-ordinated and elective integration programmes devised to empower community confidence with a more interactive and systematic approach to fostering and sustaining development.
“In the past we have lacked a structure to guide the overall implementation of the Peace Process. With the new structure, the ABG will manage these implementation activities within a guided process,” he said. “This strategy is action oriented to mitigate increased crime, carry out a government and community joint strategy on weapons disposal and effectively address weaknesses that may be identified in long term security and law and order enforcement mechanisms.”
Nisira added that the new strategy is more integrated — capturing peace building, socio-economic and political integration, resource governance and more importantly the security and elimination of arms from the region.
The new approach is community-driven. It promotes collective responsibility (Government and citizens) for security, with relevant institutional and legislative backing provided by the autonomous government.
Nisira acknowledged all stakeholders who had assisted in the development of the strategy and urged that they contribute to the implementation of the guidelines set out. This strategic approach encourages equal participation from all levels of Government; the ABG, National Government, ex-combatants, donor partners and the civil society,” he said.
He especially thanked United Nations Development Program Bougainville mission for playing an instrumental role in the design of the strategy and urged that they continue to support in maintaining regular technical assistance for the full implementation and actualisation of the strategy.
November 12 and 13 Port Moresby: BCL Meeting of Board of Directors
Er kommt sicherlich nicht ohne guten Grund...
Prime Minister Peter O'Neill sorgt sich um die unkontrollierte Einreise von zweifelhaften Geschäftsleuten über die Flughäfen Aropa (Arawa) und Buin.
Mehr auf !
Brief Biography
Mr. Jean-Sebastien Jacques is Non-Executive Director of Palabora Mining Company Limited. Mr. Jacques is currently President of International Operations within the Rio Tinto Copper group. He has experience in the metal and mining industry and in the management of international teams. He has held several senior positions including group strategy director for TATA Steel and corporate development and strategy director for Corus group. Mr. Jacques holds a Master of Science with honours from Ecole Centrale Paris.
RIO hat das hochkarätigste BCL Board of Directors seit der Minenschliessung in Stellung gebracht, der beste Beweis dass man sich auf die Wiedereröffnung der Pangunamine vorbereitet.Eine der Hauptforderungen von BOC, die Sicherheitslage (Weapons Disposal) wird vom ABG mit Unterstützung von AU u. der UNO soeben aktiv angegangen.
Flughafen Aropa wird ausgebaut, Strassen instandgesetzt,BCL Repräsentanz in Arawa gebaut,B`viller permanente Verhandlungsdelegation in POM installiert,Lo`s Vertretung ist operationell,usw.usw.usw................
Nur noch eine Frage der Zeit bis zum BIGBOCBANG ;-)))))))
Hierbei geht es um eine Grundsatzfrage,
-Wem gehören die Rohstoffe unter der Erde, dem Staat, oder den Landbesitzern?-
Mr. Jean-Sebastien Jacques ist mit seinen 40 Jahren wohl eine Persönlichkeit die BOC auch in die kommenden Jahre führen kann. Ist er der Mann, der irgendwann das Zepter übernehmen wird/soll und wird dafür bereits jetzt positioniert???????
Comments welcome !!!!
Wenn PT nicht mit baldigen großen Veränderungen rechnen würde wäre er möglicherweise schon im Ruhestand.
08 August 2013 Report (Interim)
19 July 2013 Report (Quarterly)
25 April 2013 Report (Quarterly)
29 March 2013 Report (Annual)....ziemlich früh
26 February 2013 Report (Prelim)
22 January 2013 Report (Quarterly)
by mekamui
By Tapo Tovilu
The son of one of Bougainville’s grate leaders, Francis Ona has come out openly on his position on the issue of the planed reopening of the Panguna mine.
In a press release yesterday the Minister for Planning in the Meekamui Government Stanley Ona openly stated that his people and the Government of Meekamui will not allow any scheme to re-open the Panguna mine.
He also added that current media reports of the discussions into the re-opening of the Panguna mine are damaging to all parties and unless serious conditions are met there will be no mining of Panguna.
He says that if the ABG would like to re-open the Panguna mine serious negotiations and discussions must be made first.
He added that many lives were lost in their struggle for human rights and their fight for freedom and such should be avoided in the future.
mekamui | October 31, 2012 at 11:07 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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Das kann falsche Hoffnung schüren. Weiterhin abwarten also...
Die sind doch nur Geldgeil, nichts anderes.
Ernst nehmen muss man Sie aber, und folglich sollte man Ona einfach mit ins Boot nehmen.
Warum das anscheinend bisher nicht passiert, ist mir nicht klar.
Von hier aus scheint alles so einfach, komisch das das alles nicht schneller umgesetzt werden kann.
Trotzdem bin ich positiv, weil die Meekamuis grundsätzlich nicht nein sagen, sondern lediglich Kohle sehen wollen.
Man wird sich einigen, denn sonst bekommen die M. gar nichts und das wollen Sie wohl auch nicht.
Die pokern halt.
Wer jetzt weiter verkauft ist mir aber unklar.
PM concerned about Hurricane Sandy
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has expressed concern at the enormous damages caused by Hurricane Sandy, which struck a vast area of the United States of America.
Mr O’Neill conveyed this concern and best wishes on behalf of the government and people of Papua New Guinea to the Administration and the people of the United States.
“Our thoughts are with the families who have lost loved ones as a result of this tragedy,” he said.
Mr O’Neill said the extent of the damages was almost impossible to comprehend and he added his best wishes to the authorities who will now have the demanding task of supporting home owners and businesses that have been impacted to restore the nation’s vital infrastructure.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of the United States and especially the residents of the East Coast communities, as they rebuild their lives after this tragic and destructive event,” Mr O’Neill said.
Die Auswirkungen in den usa wo der Strom vielfach völlig veraltet überirdisch transportiert wird, werden deutlich und auch das hier ein Handlungsbedarf gigantischen Ausmaßes besteht um den Strom Transport sicherer zu machen.
Sicherer wird dies aber nur durch das verlegen von Kupferkabeln in die Erde.
Also auch hier wie bei uns (Stichwort Energiewende) eine zusätzliche verstärkte Nachfragesituation nach dem begehrten Rohstoff Kupfer.
fürs Mining auf Bougainville...
Terminlich wurde hier Dezember oder März avisiert....
Aus der Erfahrung heraus lässt sich sagen, dass eigentlich immer das spätere Datum Relevanz besaß, teilweise wurde dies noch um den Faktor 2 oder 3 nach hinten verschoben.
Fazit: Imho kommt Bougainville jeden Tag ein Stück voran und die jüngsten Vereinbarungen zwischen PNG und ABG sind ermutigend. Die finanziellen Hilfen werden auch die Infrastruktur auf der Insel vorantreiben....
...der Big-Boc-Bang (in Form der Aufnahme offizieller Verhandlungen) sollte jedoch meiner Meinung nach nicht vor Sommer / Herbst 2013 erwartet werden....
Vielleicht sogar erst 2014.
Entsprechend kann man jeden Monat ein paar Stücke gemütlich ins Körbchen legen und sich keinen Stress machen. Abstimmungen auf Hotcopper und der ganze Mist bringt 0 in Richtung BOC-Aktienkurs. Imho sind jegliche Publicity-Anstregungen vergebene Liebesmühe.
Einzig PNG, ABG und BOC schaffen fakten - und darauf haben wir als Shareholder 0,0 Einfluss!!!