Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
by Chris Sloley Nov 05, 2012 aP 14:29
Euro Stars A-rated manager Evy Hambro has warned that the mining industry is at risk due to a lack of coherent long-term planning when it comes to material supply.
In an investor note entitled ‘Mind Your Mine! Metals Challenges and Opportunities’, which was penned by Hambro, co-manager Catherine Raw and analysts from the natural resources team at BlackRock, there was a bleak outlook for resource heavy industries.
Hambro said short term price volatility had caused some of the issue, with markets such as China pricing on a much more immediate basis than other markets.
He said: ‘Prices for bulk commodities, such as coal and iron ore, where once agreed upon quarterly or even annually.’
‘These days, many are priced daily on the spot market. For the Chinese market the trend is cargo by cargo and day by day. This can create a disconnect between long-term supply planning and demand.’
Hambro said this scenario does not bode well for industries dependent on having long-term understanding of how supply will change, for example in the steel industry. Although, in most cases, Hambro said, the market can overcorrect.
‘This would be bad news for consumers if not for one balancing factor that has plagued mining throughout history: oversupply. This capital-intensive industry has a penchant for producing.’
‘This works well when prices rise, but really hurts when they fall. In other words, miners are at risk of killing their own industry.’
Weaker players die
The BlackRock natural resources team added that the mining sector tends to operate in a different way to other sectors when faced with pricing pressure.
‘In most industries, weaker players die. This sets the stage for less competition and more pricing power for the survivors.'
'In mining, the terminally ill are picked up for cents on the dollar. And the buyers crank up production again because their cost base is so low.’
Elsewhere in the note, Hambro and his team said there is likely to be a slowing in capital expenditure mainly driven by shareholder demand. The BlackRock team said investors are now focused on gaining a dividend and having miners ‘preserve their firepower’.
BCL weis genau wie gut sie im Rennen liegen mit der Wiedereröffnung. Wenn sie es nicht wissen , dann verkaufen sie halt die Minenrechte. Das alles wird am 13. November 2012 entschieden.
........address at the China mining conference and exhibition
Minister for Mining Byron Chan will deliver the keynote address at the Ministerial Forum session at the China Mining conference held in Tianjin, China on today.
Minister Chan will highlight the immense mineral and exploration prospects and opportunities in PNG and provide assurance to the investment conference that Papua New Guinea is a secure mineral investment destination.
“Asia and particularly China is having a profound impact on the way business is being conducted globally. This is where mining investment and exploration funds are sourced to develop the resource sector globally and I am leading a delegation from PNG to position ourselves to be able to attract these investment funds here at one of the largest international premier mining events worldwide”.
Minister Chan is also scheduled to hold bilateral discussions with his Chinese counterpart Minister for Natural Resources to discuss prospects for technical assistance and cooperation between China and PNG to further enhance the development of the mining and exploration sector through the exchange of knowledge, skills and technology. The Minister is expected to witness the signing of the first of such technical cooperation between the China Geological Survey and the MRA Geological Survey. Among other cooperation activities, the MOU will allow for a comprehensive assessment of the mineral potential of PNG. This information is currently vague and once developed will no doubt enhance our understanding and appreciation of the country’s mineral potential.
The Minister will also update his Chinese counterpart on the operations of the Ramu nickel project and the opportunity to develop additional impact projects such as infrastructure to service both the mine and the Madang province as a whole.
The Oneil-Dion Government now has a full five year term and we are committed to enhancing the responsible development of PNGs exploration and mining sector. As Minister responsible for Mining, I will be introducing amendments to Parliament on the reviews to the mineral policy and legislations to position PNG to be competitive globally in the mineral sector. Some of these changes will include the following –
1. Consideration to increase tenure of exploration licences to 3 or 5 year terms.
2. Introduction of mining retention licences to enable developers to apply for land that will be required for their purpose.
3. Expeditious processing of tenement applications within a specified time frame that will be internationally competitive.
4. Social mapping and landowner identification to be included as a legal requirement.
The Minister will also be introducing additional policy on relocation, offshore mining, coal seam methane and geothermal. Additionally, the Minister confirmed that further work is being done to improve outlook on fiscal provisions, equity, royalty and compensation. Work is in progress on many of these additional policy initiatives to be delivered over the next 6-12 months.
This is the 3rd year in a row that the MRA has organized participation at the China mining conference and already there are indications that Chinese interest in the mineral sector in PNG is high evidenced by the number of official meetings that Hon Byron Chan has held since arriving in Tianjin over the last 2 days.
“Mining continues to be the driving force of the PNG economy and it is important that the government is out here at investment forums such as this to attract new investors into the mineral sector”.
Prior to China, Minister Chan also delivered a similar keynote address at the Ministerial forum for the Asia Indaba mining conference in Singapore which was held from October 29-31.
by mekamui
I have travelled to PNG, Tabubil and Lihir and lately we talked with the three landowner associations in Guadalcanal province where there is the first and only Mine in the Solomon Islands.
Up in Ok Tedi, the biggest development that I saw is the road from Kiunga to Tabubil. I was told that before the mine was up at Tabubil there was no road and the people from those areas walked for days to Kiunga for basic needs. Kiunga town was a small government station. These days it is a busy and bigger town because it has become the Mining Port.
In Lihir it is the same story, it was a government station before the project. Now it’s a busy island with a modern hospital and daily air service to the island from other major centres in PNG and Australia. In Gold Ridge, the wife of the chairman of the mining area told us that she is happy with the project because she now has a permanent house; before she lived in a leaf house.
In my Island yes the only development I see is the road to the mine site in Panguna which links the people from the Panguna area with the rest of Bougainville, otherwise they would walk for hours and days up and down the mountains. The conflict which started as Landowners differences, sharing of royalties and not reviewing the mining agreement became the war for Independence.
When the mine finally closed down in May 1989, the PNG security forces were fighting the offensive war to re-open the mine as their main objective. On the ground Bougainvilleans fought a defensive war for no more mining and breaking away from the rest of PNG.
Bougainvilleans are saying no to mining, for the simple reason that mining can come later, after the Independence, so that all the revenue from the mining will develop Bougainville and not go to PNG. As one writer stated in his article for the grassroots, Bougainvilleans think and believe that Panguna Kina developed Waigani and other parts of PNG.
This in fact is true because the PNG national government took the biggest cake; we will see that when we are independent the biggest cake will float around the island itself and that Promised Land someone talks about will come. But my instinct tells me that this is the Promised Land we are living in now, when the mine re-opens it will be wasteland.
mekamui | November 6, 2012 at 12:05 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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das einzige was mich von dir trennt: die lassen die Minenrechte verfallen, wenn sie nicht zum Ziel kommen
MINING continues to be the driving force of Papua New Guinea’s economy and it is important for the government to attend investment forums to attract investors.
This is according to the Minister for Mining Byron Chan (pictured) at the China Mining Conference and exhibition yesterday.
He said Papua New Guinea is a secure mineral investment destination because of the immense mineral and exploration prospects and opportunities in the country.
“Asia and particularly China are having a profound impact on the way business is being conducted globally.
“This is where mining investment and exploration funds are sourced to develop the resource sector globally and I am leading a delegation from PNG to position ourselves to be able to attract these investment funds here at one of the largest international premier mining events worldwide,” Chan said.
He held discussions with his Chinese counterpart – minister for Natural Resources – to discuss prospects for technical assistance and cooperation between China and PNG to further enhance the development of the mining and exploration sector through the exchange of knowledge, skills and technology.
Chan updated his Chinese counterpart on the operations of the Ramu nickel project and the opportunity to develop additional impact projects such as infrastructure to service both the mine and the Madang province.
He also witnessed the signing of the first of such technical cooperation between the China Geological Survey and the Mineral Resource Authority’s (MRA) geological survey which will allow for comprehensive assessment of the mineral potential of PNG.
Once the assessment is completed, it will enhance the understanding of the country’s mineral potential.
A sign of peace
Quelle: Post Courier, 6.11.2012
KONNOU constituency in the Buin district of South Bougainville has always been viewed by many as an area where lawlessness is always rife. This is due to the ongoing war in the area between the Me’ekamui soldiers, Buin Freedom Fighters (BFF), the Wilmo force and other factions that were formed in the area.
However, that in-fighting is now a thing of the past with the restoration of peace and normalcy in the area. This follows a significant breakthrough in the form of a reconciliation ceremony held towards the end of November last year. During that event, all the factions engaged in battle including the Me’ekamui soldiers converged at Mogoroi village to settle their disputes.
The occasion was a milestone achievement because it was the first time for these groups to come face to face with their enemies.
Many of these former combatants are now involved in church activities and have already started visiting communities in Bougainville to conduct church-outreach programs.
Another event signifying the return of peace was a trip taken by the former combatants from Konnou to Lae, Morobe Province yesterday. The group was led by the former Cocoa and Coconut Research Institute’s (CCRI) accountant and chairman of the Konnou peace and reconciliation committee, Chris Mota. These former combatants are traveling to Lae to witness the ordination of a priest from Tabago in Buin.
gewürzt mit den guten Nachrichten und in Erwartung des Treffens nächster Woche kann man schon gespannt sein ob der Kurs mal Richtung 2 AUD geht
Also auf viele grünen Balken im Orderbuch. ;-)
Warum sollte jemand in Frafu oder bei Tradegate dann 0,57 geben?
Nur weil es die Händler gerne hätten?
zudem wird ein Grossteil der Kleinanleger die hohen Kauf- und Verkaufsgebühren bei einem Kauf in AU meiden wollen....
zudem viele Kleinanleger sich nicht die Mühe machen die Preise der Währungen zu checken ...
Gründe gibt es genug, Käufer aber keine .....
2 AUD halte ich in 2012 für illusorisch. März 2013 KÖNNTE mal was passieren. Aber die paar Monate... :-)
Details auf !
Wird BCL jetzt ausgebremst ???
Die Landowners haben sich unmissverständlich ausgedrückt "We want BCL back" möchten aber die PNG Mininggesetze dahingehend geändert sehen dass "the resources bilong to the people" Für diese Ansicht gibt es mit Miningminister Chan eine starke Unterstützung.
Damals sagte O Neill zu dieser automatischen Vertragsverlängerung:
"... on the question of the current mining lease agreement provisions, it would be useful to work together to review the 21-year automatic clause and find legal means to remove it. (am 25.11.2011 im Post Courier erschienen Titel - Bougainville Mining lease expires-)
Mal schaun, ob da nicht noch ein "unexpected" kommt...
Wenn ich mir den Punkt " the possible Panguna Mine ownership concepts" anschaue, dann könnte da einiges an Zündstoff dahinter stecken.
Hier nochmals der aktuelle Text:
PRESIDENT of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Chief Dr John Momis has been invited to attend an urgent mining meeting in Port Moresby this Saturday (November 10th, 2012).
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the issue on the possible reopening of the Panguna Mine.
This meeting has been organised by the National Minister for Petroleum, Oil and Gas, William Duma, Bougainville Affairs Minister and South Bougainville MP Steven Pirika Kamma, Communication and Information Minister and Central Bougainville MP Jimmy Miringtoro and Bougainville Regional MP Joe Lera.
The issues that will be discussed during this meeting include;
► The possible Panguna Mine ownership concepts.
► The benefit sharing models available for consideration by ABG and the National Government on the Panguna Mine.
► Options for possible mine developers from Brazil, Venezuela to see and consult with possible South American based developers.
► Other issues relating to mining.
According to the copy of the invitation letter which was given to President Momis by Mr Lera, the above issues that will be discussed is another alternative that the ABG and National Government can consider other than the one with BCL which the ABG is currently pursuing.
Mr Lera said this is an opportunity for the National Government and the ABG to explore other mining options available to PNG through partnership with other mining companies in other countries especially South America.
ABG Mining Minister Michael Oni and ABG Finance Minister Albert Punghau are also expected to accompany Mr Momis to this meeting.
Wieso sollte man ein solches Pulverfass zünden? Wieso spricht PNG ständig von Investoren aus dem Südamerikanischen Bereich? Sind da schon schwarze Koffer hin und her gewandert?
Ebenso dürfte dann BCL vor Gericht ziehen und auf Jahre hinweg würde sich keine Schaufel Erde in der Mine bewegen.
Genau das würde passieren und das weiß das ABG. PNG scheint da noch nicht richtig genordet zu sein.
Zeitpunkt: 08.11.12 09:20
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
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Zeitpunkt: 08.11.12 09:20
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Derartige Aussagen bitte immer mit einem Link im Posting belegen.