Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
.................from Wafi-Golpu gold and copper huge
Radio NZ
Papua New Guinea"s Prime Minister says the potential benefits for the country from the Wafi-Golpu gold and copper resource are huge.
Peter O"Neill was speaking ahead of today"s visit to Morobe province deposit accompanied by the chairman of the Wafi-Golpu Project co-developer Harmony Gold, Patrice Motsepe.
In recent days, South Africa-based Harmony, along with its joint venture partner Newcrest Mining, announced the deposit could support a mine worth 9.8 billion US dollars.
PNG"s government has an option to take up to a 30% stake in the mine.
The newspaper, The National, reports Mr O"Neill saying work underway on the Lae sea port and his government"s plan to upgrade key roads that link the project to the port will greatly enhance production.
In his meeting with Mr Motsepe, the Prime Minister is expected to discuss PNG"s fiscal and regulatory regime, and the involvement of provincial government and landowners in resource projects.
FORMER combatants in South Bougainville will soon be establishing their ex-combatants association.
The decision to form this organisation follows a meeting which was organised by the South Bougainville former combatants and held on September 20 in Buin, South Bougainville.
This former combatants association will be formed to assist in addressing law and order issues arising in the area.
An interim executive is already in place to oversee the formation of this association.
Former BRA commander Thomas Tarii and Michael Komoiki were elected as the interim chairman and interim vice chairman of this association.
Further discussions on the formation of this association will again be discussed this Friday at the Buin district office.
The former combatants’ corporate plan and other social issues affecting South Bougainville will also be discussed during this meeting.
The current law and order issue in Bougainville will also be discussed during the meeting.
South Bougainville’s former combatants’ representative in the Bougainville House of Representative, Michael Laita is now calling on the constituency members from South Bougainville in the Bougainville House of Representatives to also attend the meeting.
An invitation has also been given to the Bougainville Regional MP Joe Lera to also attend.
Meanwhile, former combatants in the area have voiced concerns that they also want to be involved in any discussions concerning the Bougainville Copper Agreement review.
They said they want to be considered as a party to the on-going dialogue between the landowners, the ABG and BCL.
BOUGAINVILLE House of Representatives Speaker Andrew Miriki will soon be advised on the ABG President Chief Dr John Momis’ decision to do a reshuffle in the Bougainville Executive Council.
The two ministries that were affected are the Ministry for Community Development, Women, Youth and Churches and the Ministry for Culture and Tourism.
Former Minister for Community Development, Women, Youth and Churches and women representative for South Bougainville, Rose Pihei was moved to the Culture and Tourism portfolio.
Mrs Pihei takes over the responsibility following the death of the former minister and member for Rau the late Joseph Egilio.
Member for Eivo/Torau Melchior Dare now takes over the Community Development, Women, Youth and Churches ministry.
Mr Momis while advising Mrs Pihei on the reshuffle said: “This change was necessitated by the need to improve the ministerial responsibilities in directing the two divisions, Community Development, Women, Youth and Churches and Culture and Tourism to achieve the objectives of the Government by mobilising the youth, women and churches to work together, to build a fair and just society and to promote tourist attractions to overseas tourists,” Mr Momis said.
He added that the ABG wants to generate much needed revenue for the Government and income for the people of Bougainville.
The same message was also conveyed by President Momis to Minister Melchior Dare.
“As Ministers, we are required to demonstrate solidarity in Cabinet/BEC. I have every confidence in you as ministers that you will provide creative and proactive leadership through your respective divisions,” President Momis said.
He also congratulated both ministers on their new appointments.
The Bougainville Constitution requires that when the appointments are finalised, the President then advises the Speaker of the Bougainville House of Representatives on the appointments of the members of the Bougainville Executive Council.
The letter of notification of the appointments to the Speaker, the Instruments of Appointments and the Determination of portfolio responsibilities are then published in the Bougainville Gazette.
Peter O"Neill was speaking ahead of today"s visit to Bougainville province deposit accompanied by the chairman of the Panguna Project developer Bougainville Copper,Peter Taylor
In recent days, Australia based RIO TINTO, along with its chinese joint venture partner announced the deposit could support a mine worth 50 billion US dollars.
PNG"s government has an option to take up to a 30% stake in the mine.
The newspaper, The National, reports Mr O"Neill saying work underway on the Loloho sea port and his government"s plan to upgrade key roads that link the project to the port will greatly enhance production.
In his meeting with Mr Taylor, the Prime Minister is expected to discuss PNG"s fiscal and regulatory regime, and the involvement of provincial government and landowners in resource projects.
#13155 von wem ist die Aussage???
#13156 wieso chinesische Joint venture Partner
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du hast lediglich den u.a. text mit BOC ersetzt. finde das nicht schön, da es bei dem einen oder anderen leser hier falsch interpretiert werden kann (by the way: es stehen kumuliert aktuell 65.000 stück auf der briefseite an allen deutschen börsen gemeinsam).
Papua New Guinea"s Prime Minister says the potential benefits for the country from the Wafi-Golpu gold and copper resource are huge.
Peter O"Neill was speaking ahead of today"s visit to Morobe province deposit accompanied by the chairman of the Wafi-Golpu Project co-developer Harmony Gold, Patrice Motsepe.
In recent days, South Africa-based Harmony, along with its joint venture partner Newcrest Mining, announced the deposit could support a mine worth 9.8 billion US dollars.
PNG"s government has an option to take up to a 30% stake in the mine.
The newspaper, The National, reports Mr O"Neill saying work underway on the Lae sea port and his government"s plan to upgrade key roads that link the project to the port will greatly enhance production.
In his meeting with Mr Motsepe, the Prime Minister is expected to discuss PNG"s fiscal and regulatory regime, and the involvement of provincial government and landowners in resource projects.
#13156 ist die heutige Meldung Radio NZ #13151 als Fiction auf BOC u. Boug.
"wieso chinesische Joint venture Partner"
Weil die Chinesen schon öffentliches Interesse an BCL bekundet haben u. jetzt schon einer der Hauptaktionäre bei RIO Tinto sind
Auch bei einer Finanzierung der Wiedereröffnung der Pangunamine durch Vorwärtsverkäufe von Kupfer,Gold u. Silber bietet sich die Option "Chinesen" geradezu an ;-)))))))))))))
Ausserdem sollte jeder, der den Thread verfolgt auch heute morgen #13151 gelesen haben.Die Ahnlichkeiten im Text sollten also allen schon aufgefallen sein ;-)))))
Vieviel davon sich beim JSB Meeting konkretisiert wissen wir in 2 Wochen.
So wie Chavez vorgeht,da ist mir das Expected Unexpected in PNG aber allemal lieber. ;-))))
wenn der termin überhaupt statt findet.
dann geht es noch weiter runter und wir warten...
ich denke, peru hat bei den aussies auch den boc-kurs beeinflusst.
warten wir auf januar 2013 :-)
aber im anderen fall .... ist alles möglich :-)
dann ändert sich das Wetter oder es bleibt wie es ist.............
Was sind das denn für Frustaussagen?
Wer von den hier Investierten an die Story glaubt hält seine Anteile und wartet ab.
Wer an fallende Kurse glaubt sollte jetzt verkaufen und später bei entspr. Meldungen
ggfs. günstiger zurückkaufen.
Ja ! Die Börse kann so einfach sein. - Wenn da nicht die Gefahr böser Überraschungen wäre...........................................................
Da verjagt ein ganzes Inselvolk die einzigen Investoren auf der Insel, haut dessen teure Anlagen zu Klump und tötet den einen oder anderen Arbeiter. Und nun glaubt man dort auf der Insel, der blutig Gescholtene kommt einfach so zurück, investiert erneut Milliarden und alles ist wieder gut?
Und das Mutterland sagt sich, "nee, ihr bösen Leute von der Eiseninsel, da will ich mehr Positives von euch sehen, sonst lassen wir euch weiterhin an der langen Hand verhungern; sind doch eure Kinder, die da auf Tonnen von Kupfer und Gold verrecken".
Und das Inselvolk blickt es immer noch nicht. Selbst die seltenen Auszahlungen vom Mutterland werden auf Jahre gestreckt, weil es eben Jahre braucht, bis man hier aufwacht. Derweil wird weiterhin bitterarm gelebt und schnell gestorben.
Was für ein bizarrer goldener Käfig!
THE negative impact of climate change is being felt in many parts of Bougainville, resulting in the Bougainville Disaster and Emergency Services being stretched to its funding limits to meet the increased number of requests for relief assistance.
The Disaster and Emergency office’s monthly report, highlights that in September alone, relief supplies had been distributed to the following districts badly affected;
* Selau – 75 bales of 20 kg rice
* Pororan – 445 bales of rice
* Atolls – 2210 bales of rice
* Melelup (Tosuit village and surrounding areas) – 222 bales of rice
* Torokina – 500 bales of rice
* Amun – 85 bales of rice.
Funding for the relief assistance was sourced through the Office of the Chief Administrator.
The chief administrator is also the chairman of the Disaster Committee.
Meanwhile, the Disaster and Emergency services through the office of the LLG has established 13 District Disaster Committees to manage disasters in each of the respective districts.
The committee comprises the Executive Manager as chairman of the committee and includes respective Council of Elder’s chairmen, the Officer in Charge of Health, Technical Services and Police as members and other NGOs as co-op members of the committee.
Time(AEST) Price Volume Value
14:40:12 0.7500 2,000 1,500
14:37:23 0.7500 9,000 6,750
14:27:14 0.7500 3,731 2,798
14:27:14 0.7500 5,269 3,952
14:26:27 0.7500 1,000 750
11:04:06 0.7200 5,000 3,600
10:24:15 0.7050 4,000 2,820
10:24:15 0.7100 1,000 710
10:10:43 0.7100 4,000 2,840
10:10:43 0.7100 1,000 710