Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
Quelle: Post Courier, 20.9.2012
THE REMAINS OF ANTHONY ANUGU, former South Bougainville MP - were finally dug up and handed over to his children by the Panguna people - showing a positive step in the reconciliation process.
This reconciliation process shows of one of the 5 key areas the ABG is embarking on. The other key areas are Weapon disposal, good governance, referendum and Autonomy.
The late Anthony Anugu was taken hostage by members of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) in 1990, after a meeting with the National Government Authorities in Honiara. This meeting, among other issues that time, was intended to return the basic services to South Bougainville. His colleagues’ graves are still to be dug up.
Regional peace co-ordinator Jude Aris said uniting their people in Bougainville was crucial as it would create an environment of peace, stability and development.
“There are outstanding reconciliations that needed to be done in the next 5 years. About 1400 reconciliations are yet to be done throughout the region – as it would need a substantial amount of funding by Autonomous Region of Bougainville of Government (ABG),” Mr Aris said.
He said the high impact reconciliation ceremonies, particularly in the Panguna area, Buin and Siwai have also being prioritised. “Former ABG presidents –Joseph Kabui and James Tanis have done a significant progress and we need to continue with them,” he said.
One of the major reconciliation ceremonies being planned for this week is between the ABG president, John Momis and the Tinputz ex–combatants when they took Mr Momis hostage and taken up to Panguna in 1997. The ceremony will be held at Tinputz this week. Chiefs from Buin representing Mr Momis have arrived in Buka and are due to travel to Tinputz for the occasion.
It is interesting that Sir Rabbie Namaliu,a BCL Board Member is from Kokopo and was an MP from Kokopo in PNG's National Parliament for more than 20 years perhaps.
Jeweils 1 kleinen Kommentar dazu schreiben wäre wohl nicht verkehrt ;-)))
THE NATIONAL government annual K500 million reconciliation payment to Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) with the first K100 million given by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill paved forward negotiations on the re-opening of the Panguna mine which still in progress with many positive achievements and changes already taking place.
ABG President John Momis said during the recent ABG Parliamentary sitting this month, much work has already been done in preparing the ABG and landowners to negotiate the future of the Panguna mine.
President Momis said 98 percent work on the preparation of the initial six landowner associations has already been completed, with the Rorovana Association still awaiting its certificate of incorporation.
An interim landowner organisation known as the United Panguna Resource Owners Association (UPROA) has also been established with the appointment of interim executives comprised of executives of the initial six landowner associations, as well as the additional three landowner associations that were approved by the Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) early this year.
Mr Momis said that a joint delegation comprising of officers from both the ABG and the PNG National Government also completed their two weeks scoping mission in and around the Panguna mining areas.
The purpose of this two weeks survey was to determine what was actually in Panguna and
Apart from this studies on the conditions of the people affected and impacted by the Panguna mine operations and other kinds of detailed studies required were also conducted.
A joint coordination committee will receive the report of the scoping mission and then develop and approve terms of references for the detailed baseline studies that would be required to be undertaken on behalf of the parties to the negotiations.
He also revealed that three regional forums have already been planned for the latter part of this year in the three regions of North, Central and South Bougainville.
The aim of this forum is to inform the people of Bougainville on what the government is doing regarding negotiations on the possible reopening of the Panguna mine.
It is understood that there are plans to have the mine re-opened as soon as possible to support the ABG government’s economic development strategy and fiscal self-reliance.
But I don't worry about the share price too much. Stock markets are irrational.
Thanks and regards,
Zitat: A joint coordination committee will receive the report of the scoping mission and then develop and approve terms of references for the detailed baseline studies that would be required to be undertaken on behalf of the parties to the negotiations.
He also revealed that three regional forums have already been planned for the latter part of this year in the three regions of North, Central and South Bougainville.
-> Schön, dass die Dinge ihren Weg gehen. Die Formulierungen legen aber nahe, dass noch einiges organisatorisch und studientechnisch aufgearbeitet werden muss, bevor die konkrete Verhandlungsphase beginnt. Sprich nach meiner Interpretation wird die Übertragung von Mining Power und/oder der BOC-Aktien von PNG an ABG und Landowner noch mindestens 6-12 Monate auf sich warten lassen. Entsprechend ist beim anstehenden JSB nicht mit Knallernews zu rechnen - und alle interessierten Investoren können noch gemütlich weitere Shares einsammeln...
Der Markt scheint es ähnlich zu sehen - die von mir jüngst skizzierte Situation der Bollinger scheint eher nach unten aufzuklappen...
Auch wenn es immer das Land of the Unexpected ist, aber Geduld wird hier weiterhin gefragt sein und dabei werden wir auch die uns schon bekannten Kursschwankungen wieder sehen, wobei der Druck nach unten momentan zweifelsfrei größer zu sein scheint.
Aber da die mittel- und langfristige Perspektive stimmt, ist es mir persönlich (fast) egal, wenn es hier noch dauert. Muss ich dafür nun eigentlich 3 Euro ins Phrasen-Schweinderl stecken? ;-))
Um bei dem für 2015 geplanten Referendum über die Unabhängigkeit Bougainvilles die "fiscal self-reliance." zu erreichen darf man keine Zeit mehr verlieren.
"Sprich nach meiner Interpretation wird die Übertragung von Mining Power und/oder der BOC-Aktien von PNG an ABG und Landowner noch mindestens 6-12 Monate auf sich warten lassen."
Diese Uebertragungen sollten schon beim letzten JSB Meeting stattfinden u. sind schon mehr als 1 Jahr überfällig.
"He also revealed that three regional forums have already been planned for the latter part of this year in the three regions of North, Central and South Bougainville."
Für diese Forums wäre es zweifellos von grossem Vorteil weinn dabei kommuniziert werden könnte dass die BCL Shares u. Miningpower sich dann schon im Besitz Bougainvilles befinden.
Somit könnten die Vorbereitungen zur BCA Review sofort nach dem JSB Meeting beginnen.
Fakt ist dass sowohl O`Neill & Momis als auch die Lo`s Pro Reopening sind, so etwas ist bei einem solchen Grossprojekt wohl weltweit einmalig.
Lassen wir uns einfach vom nächsten "Unecpected" überraschen. ;-)))))))))
Nur BLABLA ????????
BOUGAINVILLE Regional MP Joe Lera has outlined his plan that he will be using the bottom up approach to revolutionise Bougainville’s Top-Up political system.
This is because he believes that it will lead to Bougainville achieving its referendum.
Mr Lera’s vision which he plans to achieve during his term as the Bougainville Regional MP is “to develop people to build a nation’’.
Mr Lera is currently visiting the 13 districts of Bougainville to introduce his five-year service strategy which was designed to achieve his political agenda.
The document highlights his actions within the domain of PNG development Vision 2050 and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville’s (AROB) Autonomy Project identified in the Vision 2050 and Bougainville 2002 Peace Agreement and the Autonomy Roadmap to 2015 Referendum.
“To drive this vision, the 300,000 people of Bougainville must be educated, basic Government infrastructure be improved and economic projects established to empower people to take part in the development of Bougainville,” Mr Lera said.
The plan outlines 25 projects that can help achieve Independence for Bougainville and to set the tone in his first 100 days.
Mr Lera has already secured funding for the following activities;
* Communicate his programs, nMeeting with three open members and ABG to outline areas of responsibility and mobilise resource to target critical infrastructure;
* Meeting with development partners;
* Identify and visit three high impact projects in the three regions;
* Negotiate extra budgetary funds for three towers in the economic heartlands of the three regions;
* Make statement and advertorial on the Korepovi – Laruma – Wakunai corridor road, Wisai – Kongara arterial road and Atolls expedient project;
* Trade skills scholarships;
* Establish strategic management mechanism in Port Moresby and ARoB and;
* Planning for 2012 bottom up planning meetings in January, Peace Agreement Audit for 2013 major meeting.
Mr Lera is now calling on all Bougainvilleans to work with him to implement his vision which will also provide a roadmap to achieving Bougainville’s political future.
Mr Lera has so far visited five constituencies in Buka Island and Selau in North Bougainville.
He has also visited Aita and Arawa in the Central Region to communicate his five-year plan and mobilise people to be partners in development.
He will be visiting South Bougainville next week.
POLICE in Arawa in Central Bougainville have arrested a married woman after she was alleged to have raped three young boys last Friday.
According to the Arawa police station commander, senior sergeant Herman Birengka, the woman from Kopani village in the Kieta district had lured the boys with K20 before forcing them to have sexual intercourse with her.
Mr Birengka said they have brought the woman to the Meri Safe Haus in Arawa to stay there because there is no cell for women at the Arawa police station.
He said police are still waiting for the three boys to come forward and give their statements before police can proceed with their next course of action.
Mr Birengka said once all the investigations were completed, and depending on the evidence available, police would charge her for rape.
Meanwhile, Arawa police are still hunting for the driver of a vehicle which had overturned while speeding down the Premier Hill in Kieta resulting in the death of one of the passengers on Independence Day.
Mr Birengka said the vehicle, a Toyota Landcruiser, had gone off the road and overturned five times as it rolled down the mountain side.
The driver of the vehicle was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident.
Five other passengers who were also on the vehicle were admitted to the Arawa Hospital but have already been discharged.
Mr Birengka said once police apprehended the driver they would charge him for dangerous driving, causing death.
The National, Wednesday 26th September 2012
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville will reserve retail business for locals only, according to a new government policy.
ABG President John Momis recently announced that no foreigners would be allowed to operate retail shops on Bougainville, giving locals the opportunity to venture into business.
It will also encourage the business houses to fix prices on wholesale basis. Currently business obtain goods from Port Moresby and then mark up prices.
The ABG wants to avoid problems experienced in other parts of the country where foreigners dominate the business sector leaving locals little chance to compete.
Reports given by Commerce Minister Wilfred Komba in parliament indicated that the Bougainville import-export group would be liquidated because of differences between certain businessmen based in Port Moresby.
Momis said if foreigners continued dominating the retail business in Bougainville, they would be asked to leave.
The commerce division has listed businesses which should be reserved for Bougainvilleans only.
When the Panguna mine is re-opened, all supermarkets and retail outlets will be run by Bougainvilleans only,” he said.
Das Ziel dieser Foren ist die Menschen in Bougai zu informieren was die Regierung tut ,bezüglich Verhandlungen der möglichen wiedereröffnung pgmine.
Beinhaltet für mich dass die Verhandlungen Ende des Jahres schon laufen:-)
Aber Interpretationsspielraum gibt's anscheinend genug.
MINING Minister Byron Chan told Nakuwi landowners of the Hidden Valley gold mine and Morobe Provincial Government leaders that the mining laws of Papua New Guinea will be changed.
Mr Chan said the law would be changed to reflect the land ownership rights of Papua New Guineans so that they did not miss out on benefits derived from such projects in their areas.
However, he qualified his statement by saying that the changes in the law would not take place tomorrow but over a period of time and would reflect the economy of the world and the country.
Mr Chan and Harmony Gold executives Johannes van Heerden, chief executive officer for South East Asia based in Australia; Mashego Mashego, executive director of Harmony Gold, South Africa; and Jaco Bosholf, executive of Harmony Gold South Africa, who were in Winima village on Monday to witness the hand over of Benefit Sharing Agreement and Special Support Grant projects.
They were put to task by Nakuwi landowner group chairman Rex Mauri and Morobe’s Deputy Governor Morokoi Gaiwata on behalf of the landowners.
The Minister said the law would be changed over time and would reflect the needs of the landowners but would also take into consideration the prevailing conditions of the world economy and especially the status of the Asia Pacific economy.
Mr Chan said this would ensure that the developers of oil, gas and mineral projects were not disadvantaged.
Mr Mauri asked Mr Chan, the State of PNG and the developers for an increase in their royalties from two percent to five percent so that the landowners could meaningfully participate in the project and spinoff business activities.
He also asked for the mining lease at Hidden Valley to be changed to Special Mining Lease (SML) which had broader benefits for landowners.
Mr Gaiwata asked for amendments to be made to the relevant laws regarding landowners only owning what was on top of the soil and down to six feet and not anywhere else under the land or sea.
He asked Mr Chan to change the law so that landowners could own everything from the top of the soil right down and across to where the ore body ended.
Mr Mauri also asked Mr Chan to inform all mining companies to respect landowners and ensure that they did not unnecessarily miss out on opportunities that would have positive impact in their lives and that of their children.
Mashego Mashego, a black South African and the Executive Director of Harmony Gold in South Africa, who flew all the way from there to witness the BSA and SSG projects, said Harmony Gold had a social obligation to ensure that landowners in places they did business in did benefit from the project.
Mr Mashego said from the boardroom in South Africa, they were constantly asking whether they were making a difference in the lives of landowners where they did business and he came to Winima at Wau, Bulolo District in Morobe Province to see firsthand if benefits were flowing to the landowners.
“We are here to understand the dynamics and not only understand it but to deliver,” he said.
He said MMJV was here to stay in Morobe Province and they were committed.
The National, Thursday 27th September, 2012
THE K6 billion loan sought by the government from China has been agreed to in principle with some issues yet to be formalised, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill says.
He said negotiations were continuing between the government and the Exim Bank officials in China on the loan.
He was replying to queries by The National yesterday on details such as interest rate, the duration of the loan repayment and how the loan was going to be repaid.
An agreement had been reached between the two parties during O’Neill’s recent trip to China.
The loan is more than half of the country’s 2012 budget of K10 billion, although the 2013 budget is expected to be higher.
O’Neill said the K6 billion loan was only agreed to in principle.
He said the processes of how the loan was going to be repaid, how long it would take to repay it and the repayment rates were issues yet to be agreed on before he could make them public.
O’Neill said the loan was to be used to overhaul the nation’s deteriorating infrastructure such as roads, seaports, airports plus infrastructure for energy and communication.
O’Neill did not say how the state was going to repay the loan although it is understood it is relying on revenues to be collected from the PNG LNG project and other avenues.
He said the loan was necessary to improve public services after 37 years of independence.