Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
The National
Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill this week reaffirmed his government’s commitment to supporting the mining industry.
In his first visit to the Hidden Valley gold mine and Wafi-Golpu project in Morobe, O’Neill said it was very important to have good strong partnerships in place to become successful, especially in the mining industry.
O’Neill, along with his entourage comprising mining minister Byron Chan and high level officials, toured Hidden Valley in the first leg.
Accompanying them were Harmony Gold Mining chairman Patrice Motsepe, chief executive Graham Briggs and executives, provincial government officials and landowners.
Some of the highlights pointed out by Hidden Valley’s general manager Bevan Jones included the tailings storage facility, a first of its kind in PNG, where any tailings or waste from the processing plant were stored in the facility and not released in the environment.
O’Neill was then shown the 4.5km overland conveyor (OLC), the longest in the world that transported ore bodies from the crusher to the mill.
He was also shown environment monitoring mechanisms set in place to monitor the mine’s environmental footprint , including water quality monitoring along the river systems, and sediment reduction improvement programmes.
“Getting briefs is one thing but coming to see what you are doing is very encouraging,” O’Neill said.
“To see a joint venture working closely with the landowners and people is an example of what can be achieved if all partners are working to make a project like this a success.”
O’Neill said the government would continue to support Hidden Valley and the upcoming Wafi-Golpu project by giving its full attention to supporting infrastructure and projects in the Bulolo district such as the Lae to Bulolo-Wau highway.
Motsepe said that Harmony was confident of building a partnership with landowners, stakeholders and the government.
“Our success, the success of Harmony and its partner (Newcrest), depends on the success of the local people and the success of the government as a whole,” he said.
After Hidden Valley, O’Neill visited the Wafi-Golpu project, where he was shown around the camp and drill locations.
He was given a brief presentation on the ore reserves of Wafi and Golpu developments and a rundown on how the projects were being planned out until production.
O’Neill also visited the Wafi-Golpu health clinic, run by the Wafi-Golpu project nursing staff and two government aid post orderlies.
“I’m very pleased to see this sub-health centre providing medical services to the people,” he said.
“This is what we want to see throughout PNG, strong partnerships with the local people.”
O’Neill told a small number of village people who came to see him that Wafi-Golpu was a big project and would take a while to develop.
He appealed to them to work together with the government and the mining venture to ensure benefits reached every stakeholder.
IN 1989 A GROUP OF DISGRUNTLED LANDOWNERS from Panguna hosting the giant Bougainville Copper Mine embarked on a violent sabotage of mine infrastructure.
Many reasoned that the violence was a failure on the part of the company and the government of Papua New Guinea to address outstanding landowner grievances. Chief among these grievances was the view that the original agreement that gave effect to the establishment of the Panguna Copper Mine project was due for review. This agreement was made while PNG was still a colony of Australia.
But, just as plans of the need to renegotiate and review the agreement were being swivelled through the political and bureaucratic machinery of the government and the company, an undercurrent of inter-landowner tensions was swirling on the horizon. And before any amicable solution could be reached to defuse the situation the disagreements flared into a violent conflict between the landowners themselves and the company.
It is widely accepted within post-conflict discourse that the tension and conflict was perpetuated by a combination of intergenerational differences between the elderly and young landowners and a range of different factors perceived by the locals to be the source of their exploitation and marginalisation. (...)
zur vollständigen Meldung:…
Im März war PNG mitten im Wahlkampf,zudem war auch die Staatskrise O`Neill / Somare auf ihrem Höhepunkt u. der Veranstaltungsort Arawa ohne genügend Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten war extrem schlecht gewählt so dass ein canceln des Meetings schon fast vorprogrammiert war.
In den vergangenen 6 Monaten hat sich die Situation jedoch dramatisch verbessert.
-Mittlerweile sitzt O`Neil fest im Sattel, ist erklärtermassen miningfriendly, hat Boug. seiner vollen Unterstützung versichert u. die chronische Geldknappheit des ABG durch eine 100 Mill. Kina Ueberweisung beendet.Auch der O`Neill/Somare Zwist wurde beigelegt
-Ein permanenter ABG Staff mit Office in POM ist für die zukünftigen JSB Meetings bis zur Independance zuständig, beide Delegationen haben zudem in Buka das JSB während einer Woche vorbereitet.
-Nach 23 Jahren kam es zwischen BCL u. LO`s zum ersten Arbeitsmeeting in Buka, einheimische Mitarbeiter sind mit dem Bau einer BOC Repräsentanz in Arawa u. mir Sondierungen in Panguna beschäftigt.
-Die BCL Leases wurden von O`Neill verlängert.
-Peter Taylor erklärt beim AGM dass BCL "Ready to Go" ist.
-Reconciliation zwischen Momis u. LO`s (u. diverse andere Reconciliations)
-Treffen von Peter O`Neill mit GG Ian Kemish nach dessen "Visit to Panguna..."
-Die Meekamuis bieten sich an für die Sicherheit in süd Boug. (Buin) zu sorgen
-Die 4 Boug. MPs erklären zum Wohle der Insel ab jetzt zusammenarbeiten zu wollen.
-Rio Tinto delegiert Jean-Sebastien JACQUES ihren ausgewiesenen Spezialisten im aufstarten von Coppermines zu BCL.
-Die Weltbank erklärt die B`viller MRA operationell.
Wegen der JPM& Co Tricksereien wurden alle diese positiven Entwicklungen in keinster Weise im Kurs eingepreist, ganz im Gegenteil, seit dem kleinen Hype in Erwartung des März JSB verlor BOC ca. 30%.
Fazit: Die Chancen standen in den letzten 25 Jahren noch nie so gut dass beim JSB Meeting am 17 Oct DER DURCHBRUCH erreicht wird. ;-))))))))))))
-die Umsätze stark steigen und täglich Millione von Shares gehandelt werden,nur dann kann man JPM das Handwerk legen-wenn JPM überhaupt was mit dem niedrigen Kurs zu tun hat-
-ich glaube eher die wollen den Kurs bis zur Überragung niedrig halten
-das Orderbuch sieht ja inzwischen auch sehr gut aus
Habe mich schon auf ASX angemeldet aber das schaffe ich nicht...:(
Aloysius Laukai | New Dawn
MDF Panguna commander, Moses Pipiro has requested his people to be rehabilitated first before any development for Panguna is discussed.
Mr.Pipiro said that his people in and around Panguna must be educated so that they can be in a better to decide the type of development they want for their area.
He was speaking in Panguna this morning during the special meeting with Panguna landowners and the Regional member for Bougainville, Joe Lera.
The meeting was attended by Panguna district administration staff, chiefs, women, youths and the general public.
THE recent handover of the remains of the former South Bougainville MP, the late Anthony Anugu, by the people of Panguna to his children in Siwai, signifies a major step towards peace and unity in Bougainville.
The remains of the late Anugu, was finally exhumed and handed over to his children by the Panguna people–showing a positive step in the reconciliation process, one of the five key areas the ABG is embarking on.
The other key areas are weapons disposal, good governance, referendum and autonomy.
The late Anthony Anugu was taken hostage by members of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) in 1990 after a meeting with national government authorities in Honiara, that was intended, amongst other issues, for the return of basic services to South Bougainville.
His colleagues’ graves are still to be unearthed.
Regional Peace Coordinator, Jude Aris, said that uniting the people of Bougainville was crucial as it would create an environment of peace, stability.
‘‘There were outstanding reconciliations that needed to be done in the next five years. About 1400 reconciliations are yet to be done throughout the region – as it would need a substantial amount of funding by ABG,” Mr Aris said.
He said that the high impact reconciliation ceremonies were particularly in the Panguna, Buin and Siwai areas.
“Former ABG Presidents, the late Joseph Kabui and James Tanis, have achieved significant progress and we need to continue with that,” he said.
One of the major reconciliation ceremonies being planned for this week, is between ABG President John Momis and former combatants from Tinputz, who had taken Mr Momis hostage in Panguna in 1997.
The ceremony will be held at Tinputz this week.
Chiefs from Buin representing President Momis have arrived in Buka and are due to travel to Tinputz for the occasion.
Das spricht für sich... 2 Reconciliations pro Woche - dann ist man ja in 14 Jahren schon fertig, lol.
Aber im Ernst: Man sieht die Fortschritte im Kleinen. Das JSB wird hoffentlich dann auch wieder Fortschritte im Großen dokumentieren.
Ich freu mich jedenfalls darauf und bin gespannt! Denn, es gibt keine Alternative für den wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung der Region...
Doch: Stillstand und weiterer Rückschritt. Und zuletzt ist es auch eine Frage der zeitlichen Perspektive. :-)
Schaun mer mal, ob das JSB-Meeting a/ in diesem Monat überhaupt stattfindet und b/ relevante Ergebnisse hervorbringt. Wünschenswert wäre es, aber das (Börsenleben) ist ja bekanntlich kein Wunschkonzert. Wie unser hier im Thread mitlesender und gesperrter User falke mit seinen Pennystock-Pushs à la ROK, ALF und Co immer wieder erleben muss. Hallo falke! ;-))))
Aber zurück zu den Reconciliations: Natürlich wird das alles noch dauern, die Frage ist doch aber nur, welche Key-Reconciliations abgehalten sein müssen, bevor es einen offiziellen Startschuss für die Wiedereröffnung gibt. Es werden m.E. keine 1.400 sein. Und während dann die weiteren Studies und Infrastrukturarbeiten an der Mine laufen, dann können von mir aus auch noch die restlichen Schweinchen für die letzten verbliebenen Versöhnungsfeiern parallel geschlachtet werden.
Vielleicht erinnert sich noch jemand an das 1e Treffen der 6 LO Clans in Buka.Momis konnte nicht daran teilnehmen weil seine Reconciliation mit den Los noch nicht abgeschlossen war.
Die für uns interessanteste wird zweifellos die BOC/BOUG/Lo`s sein.
Rio plans to cut costs after saving $0.5b
Mining giant Rio Tinto plans to cut costs further after making annual savings of A$500 million.
Despite continuing short-term market volatility, the global miner said its business remained healthy.
Rio is planning further cost reductions in operating, evaluation and sustaining capital costs.
Chief executive Tom Albanese said while significant stimulus efforts had been announced in China, the US and Europe, the impact on Rio Tinto’s markets was uncertain.
“Given this, and the considerable price fluctuations in recent times, we are somewhat more cautious on the outlook over the next few quarters,” Mr Albanese said in a statement.
“Our business remains resilient in this environment and our operations are performing better than our peers, reflecting our consistent strategy of running long-term, cost-competitive operations.”
The company aims to maintain its single A credit rating by driving cost reductions.
Rio also lowered its estimates for Chinese gross domestic product growth this year to below eight per cent as economic growth in China moderates.
The company said the short-term macroeconomic outlook remained volatile while increasing urbanisation in emerging markets meant the longer-term picture was positive.
Rio Tinto expects China's stimulus packages to take effect progressively after the Chinese leadership change.
Iron ore prices had partially recovered after a period of rapid decline, but they would remain volatile in the near future, the company said.
Analysis by the company suggested that around 100 million tonnes of primarily Chinese iron ore production had become unprofitable and there was also evidence that a large proportion of this had already been curtailed.
Rio Tinto expects to achieve a cumulative annual growth rate for copper of 13 per cent between 2011 and 2015.
Vermute, dass das JSB nicht stattfindet am 17.10. Wäre der Termin fixiert, dann wäre er in Presse .