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After months of causing headache for Chief Justice Injia and his family, Somare is seated next to O'Neil and they're trying to form the next government.
Our favourite Sandaun Sniper aka Belden Namah must be asking himself why he bothered to storm the Supreme Court premises to make a citizen's arrest of Injia.
Court staff must be wondering why had been put through all the stress and anxiety.
Port Moresby residents might be wondering what all the strikes and protests were all about.
I wonder what those Policemen and Soldiers are thinking. Traipela kros bin kamap long wanem as tru - what were the police fights and mutinies for. You guys were just pawns in the political machinations of the elite.
The behaviour of O'Neil and Somare plus the other amigos who have banded together, can best be described as the epitome of selfishness. They drew the nation and it's people through so much chaos only to be in bed together again.
I did not vote in these elections. Elections are a facade and what has now transpired is proof of that. Both O'Neil and Somare won by astronomical margins so don't tell me the bullshit that "I need to vote in order to see good leaders".
So what's going to happen? We're stuck between a wall and a hard place. Or are we?
What you're seeing is a product of the Western Colonial Legacy, the colonial model of development that left behind government system that does not represent the best interest of a majority of Papua New Guineans.
There is a saying "noken pul long kanu long wanpla sait tasol" - don't just paddle on one side of the canoe. The canoe that is the nation of Papua New Guinea is being paddled from one disaster to another based on the colonial model of development. They imposed upon us systems that are clearly failing to deliver the desired results for our people.
A group of people in rural Pomio sent away polling officials. They recognize that this western colonial model of development is elitist and serves the interests of elites. The elite of this country or any other country would not want to change this colonial model because that would mean is them losing their positions of privilege.
So whether it's O'Neil or Jesus it really doesn't matter who becomes Prime Minister unless you Address the root of all evil - the western model of development. In fact, if Jesus was to be in charge, he wouldn't use the western colonial model so why should we Papua New Guineans religiously follow a flawed system.
I am not writing this post to try and influence the outcome of who becomes PM. I believe in addressing the root of the problem which is the western colonial model of development, as opposed to nipping the buds, may they be political chaos, corruption or public service incompetence. All these are symptoms of a cancerous model of development that's eating up the soul of our people.
What sort of system produces such so called leaders? Don't blame PNG culture, coz for 50 000 years before the Europeans came, things were done differently.
Namah: I will form govt
The National, Wednesday 25th July, 2012
PNG Party leader Belden Namah yesterday headed for his party camp in East New Britain confident he will lead the formation of the new government after writs are returned on Friday.
Namah, the Vanimo-Green River MP, was deputy to Peter O’Neill in the recent government.
He told a crowd after he was declared winner in his electorate on Sunday in Vanimo town that he would be the next prime minister of the country, and the first for West Sepik province.
“I will become the first prime minister from this province and I also broke the record for Vanimo-Green when I became the first to win the seat for two consecutive terms,” he said.
Namah, whose camp in Kokopo will last for two weeks, described himself as the “best horse in the field”.
He is confident of beating O’Neill in the race for the top post in the “lobbying and horse trading”.
“The staggering figure of new members being declared for PNC does not worry me much because I know I will have more MPs joining me after counting that is still going in PNG,” he said.
“I’m the favourite horse on the field. I will beat everybody................
Wie immer in PNG: Man kann garnicht mit ALLEM rechnen,nicht mal mit dem GEGENTEIL davon. ;-)))))))))))) noch längst nicht gegessen.Das Geschachere fängt doch erst an ...
Ja, genau, und es dauert nicht mehr lange, dann wünschen wir uns wieder a happy new year in der Hoffnung, dass 2013 auch mal etwas gänzlich und umwerfend unexpected POSITIVES geschieht ...
... dass O`Neill seine Roadmap Boug. betreffend wird durchsetzen können.
Das ist das what you expect --- würdest Du Dich wundern, wenn auch diesbezüglich wieder mal "the unexpected" einträte???
Werde jetzt erstmal für einige Tage die Sonne genießen, schöne Restwoche!
Ich fahre auch in die Sonne ab Freitag und wünsche uns allen trotzdem ein "expected", obwohl auch ichallmählich daran zweifle.
wenn ich das stimmungsaufundab hier so beobachte wird mir klar, dass deren Strategie wahrscheinlich aufgeht und die immer mal wieder günstig von frustrierten Anlegern einsammeln. sehr interessant...
Ich denke trotzdem, für 99,9% der in BOC Investierten trifft nach meiner Einschätzung :
..... wenn ich das stimmungsaufundab hier so beobachte wird mir klar, dass deren Strategie wahrscheinlich aufgeht und die immer mal wieder günstig von frustrierten Anlegern einsammeln. sehr interessant...
wohl kaum zu. Die alte Börsenweisheit >> hin und her macht Taschen leer << haben wohl gerade die BOC´ler verinnerlicht und lassen sich nicht durch (positive-neutrale-negative) Neuigkeiten irgendwelcher Art verunsichern. Das ist auf jedenfall mein Eindruck. ;D)))))
O’Neill declares . . .
New Govt in place
CARETAKER Prime Minister Peter O’Neill declared yesterday afternoon that a new government is now in place. This comes as three senior Highlands leaders – Don Polye, Anderson Agiru and Peter Ipatas – publically supported O’Neill’s bid to form government with his People’s National Congress party.
The three leaders were also backed by Our Development Party Leader Sir Puka Temu and two Independents – new Mendi MP De Kewanu and Wabag MP Robert Ganim.
Sir Puka congratulated Mr O’Neill saying the coalition partners had made a deal to go into the elections and return to form government.
“The people of Papua New Guinea have granted the mandate to PNC and very little politics must come into play,” Sir Puka said.
Mr O’Neill claims to have over 56 members – 22 from his PNC Party and the rest from recent coalition partners.
“We now have an overwhelming majority of more than 56 members,” Mr O’Neill said. “Now you have a government in place. The Parliament will be recalled seven days after the return of writs for a new government.”
Yesterday’s moves followed the historic occasion on Tuesday of three former Prime Ministers – including Sir Michael Somare, Sir Julius Chan and Paias Wingti – humbling themselves to back Mr O’Neill as Prime Minister. This they did as a remarkable show of leadership in the best interests of the country.
THE Party leader and Kandep MP Don Polye who had previously set his sights on the top job has now also joined hands with the PNC Party to form a new government.
“You realise that I put up my hands up to form government in the event that the current Prime Minister (Mr O’Neill) did not have the numbers to form government,” Mr Polye said.
“I was one of those who put their hands up and at this stage the election results shows that PNC Party was favored by the voters and they obviously have the numbers and under the laws will be invited to form government.”
Mr Polye said THE Party was a key player in the formation of the current government and gave its best shot in the elections, polling very well though the Party is only four months old.
“PNC Party has been given overwhelming mandate by the people to govern and instead of political power-play we have to put the interest of the country first,” said Mr Polye.
“I accept defeat. Although I advocated that I will form government… now we accept the fact that we do not have the numbers.”
Polye’s THE Party’s five MP’s-elect, including female member Dellilah Gore, left for Alotau yesterday to join the camp. Loujaya Toni, Lae Open’s female member-elect is already in camp.
The Peoples United Assembly with four MP’s-elect under Mr Agiru and Mr Ipatas’ two People’s Party members-elect will be traveling into Alotau today.
Other coalition members already in camp are National Alliance (5), People’s Progress Party (6), Social Democratic Party (2), People’s Democratic Movement (1), United Party (1), Indigenous People Party (1), Our Development Party (1), New Generation Party (1) and Independents (4).
............with Peter Turner, Chairman of the Board and MD of BCL ................
Coalition set to decide on Namah
PNG Party leader and caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah is set to be sidelined from the current coalition group that has pledged to support Peter O’Neill as Prime Minister and form the next government for the new 2012-2017 term of Parliament.
The writing is now on the wall; Mr Namah and his party will have to convince the coalition partners who have now aligned themselves with Mr O’Neill and his PNC Party and have consolidated their numbers in the last three days.
Unlike all other political parties that have freely come forward to offer support for Mr O’Neill to be the next Prime Minister, the leader of the PNC said the decision to welcome back Mr Namah lies with decisions to be made at discussions with all coalition partners.
The question was brought up yesterday after Mr O’Neill declared to the country that a new government is now in place with more than 56 members either already camping in Alotau or will arrive there today or tomorrow.
“Belden Namah is the leader of a well respected Party and they make decisions in the interest of their Party,” Mr O’Neill said. He said all the party leaders who have come forward to join his group wanted stability, unity and reconciliation.
“We want to provide a stable government for the people of Papua New Guinea,” Mr O’Neill said. The Prime Minister - when pressed whether he will accept Mr Namah and his party back – reiterated that the current coalition partners already in the group will have to make that decision.
“The decision (to welcome Mr Namah) is not mine alone (to make); all the other coalition partners must be consulted for a decision,” Mr O’Neill said.
The Prime Minister-elect also revealed that the three former Prime Ministers who have come forward to back him - Sir Michael Somare, Sir Julius Chan and Paias Wingti - are already Governors of their respective provinces and will not be considered for ministerial portfolios.
“They are already governors in their respective provinces. I don’t think they are looking for jobs,” Mr O’Neill said.
On the outcome of the elections of five Independents, Mr O’Neill said it is a good sign that people are now accepting political party structures.
But he qualified that by adding: “Independents are okay but sometimes they cause instability in government.”
Time(AEST) Price Volume Value
15:48:46 0.8400 200 168
1 4 2:12:06 pm 86.5 1 $1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 3 2:12:06 pm 86.5 7,178 $6,209
3 2 2:12:06 pm 86.5 2,821 $2,440
4 1 11:59:59 am 84 90 $76
Click for BOC course of trades today
26 July 2012
260712Suspension till tomorrow.
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the Bougainville Regional seat elimination has been further suspended until tomorrow Friday midday,27th July,2012.
This was announced by the Returning officer for North Bougainville Marchelin Kiarei this afternoon.
He told scrutineers and remaining counters and the public that the Electoral Office could not pay the counters today resulting in the extension of the suspension from yesterday night.
This however would exceed the official return of writs which is the 27th July 2012.
The Png electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen has extended today the return oof writs by one week.
After the announcement at the counting centre, Southern Regional Police Commander, Superitendant PAUL KAMUAI said that the continous delays was causing unnecessary burden to everyone including the officials and something must be done to complete the process once and for all.
He said South Bougainville Police were still providing security whilst other regions have scaled down their manpower.
Superitendant Kamuai said that this was also proving too much for his team.
Meanwhile, nearly all the service providers since polling and now counting are yet to be paid.
Gehen alle Parteien darauf ein so wäre das der Start zum BIGBOCBANG, und das noch vor dem nächsten JSB Meeting, sogar die BCA Review wäre damit schon quasi vorweggenommen. ;-)))))))
Details im FOB
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Der Sinn vom FOB besteht darin allen interessierten BOC Aktionären Einblick in z.T. auch vertrauliche Dokumente zu geben, welche z. B. kurz vor der Veröffentlichung stehen oder auch über Initiativen zu berichten,die hinter den Kullissen stattfinden.Dass dabei auf die Verschwiegenheit der Mitglieder grösster Wert gelegt wird versteht sich wohl von selbst.
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