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..... die haben aber auch überall ihre Finger drin!!!!
Zulassung : Erster Kupfer-ETF verzögert sich weiterDie US-Zulassungsbehörde braucht mehr Zeit, damit sich Befürworter und Kritiker äußern können. JP Morgan hatte Ende 2010 erstmals angekündigt, einen ETF, der Kupferbarren im Portfolio hält, auflegen zu wollen.
JP Morgan hatte Ende 2010 erstmals angekündigt, unter dem Namen JPM XF Physical Copper Trust einen physisch besicherten Kupfer-ETF, der Kupferbarren im Portfolio hält, auflegen zu wollen. Ebenfalls zu dieser Zeit hatte Blackrock Pläne für einen Kupfer-ETF bekannt gegeben. Im Juni dieses Jahres hatte JP Morgan bei der SEC beantragt, den Fonds an der NYSE Euronext listen zu dürfen.
Doch beide Produkte sind immer noch nicht auf dem Markt. Das dürfte auch daran liegen, dass sich in den vergangenen Monaten mehrere Rohstoff-Analysten, Kupferverbraucher und -händler kritisch zu den Plänen geäußert haben. Sie befürchten, dass der geplante Kupfer-ETF die Schwankungen des Kupferpreises verstärken könnte. In dieser Woche hatte sich schließlich der erste Politiker zu Wort gemeldet: Der demokratische US-Senator Carl Levin hatte die SEC in einem Brief dazu aufgefordert, JP Morgans Kupfer-ETF nicht zu genehmigen.
Die Kritiker argumentieren, dass der ETF bei starkem Interesse der Investoren Kupfer kaufen müsse, um das Kapital der Anleger in das Metall zu investieren. Dies könnte den Preis nach oben treiben. Sollten die Investoren plötzlich ihr Interesse an Kupfer verlieren und ihre ETF-Anteile verkaufen, könnte dies zu einem plötzlichen Preissturz auslösen. Befürworter halten dagegen, dass der Portfoliobestand des Fonds vermutlich nur einen Bruchteil des weltweiten Kupfervorkommens ausmachen würde. Die übrigen bislang verfügbaren Finanzprodukte auf Industriemetalle wie Kupfer, Aluminium, Zink und Nickel basieren auf Futures. Dadurch entwickeln sich deren Preise teilweise ganz anders als die Metallpreise am Spotmarkt - oft zum Nachteil der Anleger.
Der JPM XF Physical Copper Trust wäre der erste ETF, der Kupferbarren im Portfolio hielte. Zwar gibt es mit dem ETFS Physical Copper des Londoner Anbieters ETF Securities bereits seit Dezember 2010 ein Finanzprodukt, das direkt in physisches Kupfer investiert. Da es sich dabei jedoch um ein Derivat und nicht um einen ETF handelt, dürfen viele institutionelle Anleger aufgrund interner Richtlinien nicht in den ETFS Physical Copper investieren.
Deshalb und weil sich Anleger im Zuge der Finanz- und Staatsschuldenkrise vermehrt für Sachwerte interessieren, rechnet JP Morgan mit einem starken Interesse an seinem Kupfer-ETF. Anders als bei Industriemetallen gibt es auf Edelmetalle eine Vielzahl physisch besicherter Produkte. Denn aufgrund der höheren Preise pro Tonne bei Gold, Platin, Silber und Co. sind die Lagerkapazitäten, die zur Verwahrung der Portfoliobestände nötig sind, geringer als bei Industriemetallen. Das macht es für die Anbieter einfacher, entsprechende Produkte aufzulegen.
Verwirrend sind dabei schon für den Aussenstehenden die vielen unterschiedlichen Vorwürfe gegenüber BOC (die mit der Schliessung der Mine in den 80zigern zu tun haben ) auf der eine Seite, anderer seit´s ist so etwas eigentlich unvorstellbares , in unseren Tagen,in 2012 noch immer Realität.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Addressing our image problem
Papua New Guinea has featured regularly in the international media in the last couple of weeks, and unfortunately, the coverage has been mostly negative.
The sole exception has been the recent positive reports on the national election in a few Australian and New Zealand media outlets such as the ABC and Radio New Zealand International. This was particularly the case after the initial problems with the common rolls, delayed polling and early poll-related violence receded and the elections got into full swing.
Last week’s Hevilift helicopter crash in which two Australians and a New Zealander died understandably received widespread coverage in Australia and New Zealand. The story featured prominently for nearly a week as the search for the missing crew continued until the discovery of their bodies in the Gulf province.
Media outlets ranging from the online edition of the prestigious Time magazine in the United States to newspapers in countries such as Pakistan, have been including stories from PNG in their coverage.
The story that has attracted the most interest is the arrest of a large number of alleged “cannibal cult” members in the interiors of Madang province.
This story has generated a lot of fascination in the international media, not least because of the alleged “penis soup” and human brain diet of the cult’s followers. One celebrity news and gossip website in the US,, had a field day with the story. Under a section titled Wacky, Tacky and True, it headlined the story “Papua New Guinea Cannibals Murder Sorcerers, Make D**k Soup’’.
The following is an extract from the website’s derisive report: “Mmm, mmm ... What the heck!? Vigilantes in Papua New Guinea are murdering sorcerers and eating their penises in soup!!! We’ve heard of Chicken Soup for the Soul... but D**k Soup for the Witch Hunter??
“There aren’t enough licensed medical examiners in PNG because they’re paying sorcerers to determine causes of death.
“Sadly, most don’t take American Express but you can pay in poonani! “One arrested vigilante admitted: ‘We ate their brains raw and took body parts such as livers, hearts, penis and others back to the hausman (traditional men’s houses) for our chief trainers to create other powers for the members to use.’ Uhhh ... Of course you did. “One local cop was happy to share more deets on the vigilante operation.
He said: “These people never kill sorcerers in broad daylight, mutilate and eat sorcerers’ flesh, livers and hearts or make soup from the penis of sorcerers.”
“No offense to our lovely PNG readers, but Groupon will have to offer one HECK of a special before we ever vacay there!!’ The above report illustrates why PNG continues to suffer from an image problem in the international community. One such article does more damage than a hundred positive stories about the
country’s natural beauty or the people’s hospitality.
Of course there is no point in shooting the messenger. There would be no story if the cult’s alleged activities did not happen in the first place. Full stop. It is de rigueur for the media to pounce on bizarre happenings from around the world and serve them to its voyeuristic audiences.
Contrast the website’s story with the following exchange this week between a Sydney Morning Herald reader and the paper’s travel writer, Michael Gebicki.
The reader writes: “I’ve nursed a long fascination with Papua New Guinea and, in particular, its various tribal cultures. “I’m planning a trip that includes the highlands and a cruise along the Sepik River and perhaps some of the islands. “However, I have nagging worries about personal security for travellers.
“Am I right to be concerned, and how can I make sure that I travel safely in this part of the world?’’
Gebicki’s reply, under the headline “Fascination deserved, dangerous image is not’’, reads: “Our neighbour is painted as mad, bad and dangerous by the media, yet the image is largely undeserved.
“While it’s true Port Moresby has a crime rate that requires a high degree of caution, the capital city ranks low on the country’s list of attractions, and there is no compelling reason for visitors to spend even a single night there.
“You do need to visit Papua New Guinea on a tour organised by a reputable operator ...
“I have travelled extensively in Papua New Guinea during eight visits since the mid-1980s.
“The only time anything untoward happened was in the market in Madang, where a photographic flash was removed from my backpack, which I’d probably left gaping.
“The culprit was a young bloke, who was tackled by a woman stallholder and given a thorough tongue lashing before the flash was returned to me.’’
Gebicki’s assurance will undoubtedly encourage the letter writer and other potential visitors to cast aside their concerns and make the trip to the land of the unexpected.
But when they get there, it is the responsibility of every Papua New Guinean to make sure they do not encounter any nasty surprises.
Tens of thousands of tourists visit PNG each year from all corners of the globe. More than 99% of them experience the breathtaking scenery, the awesome culture and the hospitality of the people.
Yet, it is the isolated rape of an expatriate tourist or the hold-up of a cruise ship passenger that makes the news internationally. The obvious solution is to ensure that such unfortunate events do not befall our visitors. For that to happen, we must start by treating our own countrymen as our brothers and sisters, not as strangers or enemies from a different tribe, clan or province.
Charity, courtesy and civility all begin at home. A single act of kindness can make a world of difference.
Sanjay Bhosale, a former associate editor of The National, is a Canberra journalist.
"People"s National Congress (PNC), the party headed by Prime Minister Peter O"Neill, is heading that way as it goes into camp to form the new government." ;-)))))))))
QUIET Alotau is going to become the focus of Papua New Guinea in the days ahead.
For the first time, the Milne Bay capital is going to host one of the biggest political gatherings in domestic politics because the People"s National Congress (PNC), the party headed by Prime Minister Peter O"Neill, is heading that way as it goes into camp to form the new government.
According to reports coming from Milne Bay, party followers and the local executives are working around the clock to make sure that the visitors enjoy their stay and when they leave for the first sitting of the new Parliament, a new Government will be in place by then.
"We will be going down to beautiful Milne Bay on the weekend. All our new Members of Parliament and those who are leading in their respective electorates are going down," Prime Minister Peter O"Neill told Post-Courier.
Mr O"Neill is confident that he will form government and his coalition partners in the current Government will back him.
"Our people have spoken, they know the government they want," Mr O"Neill said, adding that this is reflected in the support the PNC is getting throughout the country in this election.
Mr O"Neill is confident of forming the new Government because seven of his PNC Party candidates have won their elections and the party has 20 candidates leading the race in electorates throughout the country.
"Our numbers is boosted with the inclusion of James Lagea, the new member of Kagua Erave. He is the first independent MP who is joining us," Mr O"Neill said, adding that the new member was following the wishes of his people.
He said the results from the election are very obvious and that is that Papua New Guineans were supporting the current government.
Mr O"Neill said he was not disturbed by reports that political parties were offering huge sums of money to the new members of parliament to get them to join them.By 6pm yesterday, PNC had seven declared MPs, followed by the Peoples Progress Party with four, Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party with three, National Alliance with three, PNG Party with two, Peoples United Assembly with two and United Resources Party, Peoples Party, Social Democratic Party, New Generation Party, Melanesian Liberal Party and Pangu Party with one each. Two independent candidates were also declared winners.So far 29 new Members of Parliament have been declared and more were expected to be declared in the days ahead."Our people believe in the policies we have initiated over the last few months we are in Government. We intend to continue with what we are doing," Mr O"Neill said.While Mr O"Neill is taking his party to Alotau, the Triumph Heritage Empowerment (THE) Party is heading to Kokopo, in East New Britain Province. For a new party, THE has not done badly for it had picked up three winners already and was leading in 13 other seats around the country.Party leader Don Pomb Polye is confident of forming government and has invited independent MPs and minor political parties to join THE in creating a new beginning for PNG.The political horse trading has begun and major political parties will be going into camp starting this weekend to strategise in a bid to muster the numbers needed to be in the running to form the new government for 2012-2017.According to reports, some winning candidates who have been endorsed by certain political parties may abandon their official parties and have started negotiating with some of the major political parties to join them.Sources have told the Post Courier that certain winning candidates, including independents, have already started to make their moves to join other parties, including caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah"s PNG Party. The sources say the political parties mostly affected are those that have failed to financially support their candidates during the five-week campaign period.A political source also confirmed that Southern Highlands Governor and leader of People"s United Assembly, Anderson Agiru, and Enga Governor and leader of People"s Party, Peter Ipatas, are already in talks with one of the major coalition parties of the O"Neill-Namah government."Candidates endorsed by Pangu Party and People"s Progress Party leading in their respective seats are also in talks with the same party, including a few from Prime Minister Peter O"Neill"s People"s National Congress Party," a source said.However, this could not be independently verified by either the respective leaders or executives of Pangu, PPP and PNC parties last night.A source said leader of Our Development Party, Sir Puka Temu, who is currently leading in his Abau Open seat, is also in talks with the same party, as well as member-elect for Kandrian Glouscester and leader of Coalition for Reform Party, Joseph Lelang.Political differences between caretaker Prime Minister O"Neill and his brother Highlands MPs, notably with Hela Governor Anderson Agiru and Enga Governor Peter ipatas – if he wins – may come into play.The differences resulted from a fall out with Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare and his National Alliance Party over the leadership issue that precipitated the constitutional crisis of 2011/2012.The pre-election agreement between O"Neill"s PNC and Namah"s PNG Party to enter the 2012 polls as partners to form the new government has not been strictly observed and both parties could look to reconciling with one or more parties in the last Somare government to form the government.But the Organic Law on Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates is clear. Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen will advise the Governor General to call on the party with the biggest number of endorsed winning candidates to form the government. This means that the leader of this party is the legal candidate for the post of Prime Minister.But the catch is whether the party that the Governor General invites to form the government will have the numbers needed on the floor of Parliament when the crucial vote is taken.
Among other scenarios, PNG could have a hung Parliament, but this remains to be seen. That"s why the period leading up to the return of writs on July 27 and mid-August when parliament convenes for its inaugural 2012-2017 session to elect the Prime Minister is crucial for major political parties and how they manage to woo MPs and political parties for possible political marriages of convenience.
PNC 13 (O`Neill)
PP 2
Bloß gut das ich in "Harte Werte" investiert habe!!
auch hier zeigt sich die drastische Unterbewertung von BOC
The total value of the uptick transaction (shares * price) is then added to the Money flowsvalue. A downtick from the previous transaction is considered distribution or “negative”money flows. The total value of the downtick transaction (shares * price) is subtracted from the money flows value. Any transaction done at the same price as the previous one as no impact and is not included. Money Flows charts indicate the cumulative money that has flowed into or out of the security during the time period chosen. Price action is measuredon the left-hand side of the scale and the cumulative money flow on the right-hand scale.
The underlying premise of money flows is that price ultimately follows money. Birinyi does not categorize money flows as a technical indicator; rather he states that money flows are evidence of the accumulation or distribution of a stock based on some future fundamental event. When price and moneyflows do not move in sync, this is called a "divergence." Theory suggests that a divergence can last for only a short period of time before it is reconciled, hence providing a possible opportunity to buy or sell.A positive divergence occurs when price falters but money continues to move into the stock. This is generally described as “buying on weakness”.A negative divergence occurs when price continues to rise in the face of declining moneyflows. This is generally described as “selling on strength”.When price and money flows move higher in tandem, “better buying” is seen, where as“better selling” is used to describe where price and money flows are both moving lower
Damit lässt sich auch der MONEY FLOWS etwas deckeln ;-))))))))))
... Milliardenbeträge für irgendwelche Bankenrettungen raus, die setzen andere Prioritäten - und das für weniger Geld ...
Wenn die 300k Säule stehen bleibt, wird der Kurs wohl nochmal dorthin zurückfallen.
Der Käufer wird wohl wieder bedient.
Warten wir ab...
mal Ehrlich, eine 250.000 EUR Order für alle Sichtbar ins OB?!
vielleicht ist das aber staatenubergreifend auch am einfachsten so zu handeln?
jedenfalls will der der sie reinstellt, dass sein Kauf sichtbar ist und das würde jemand der so günstig wie möglich kaufen möchte eben nicht machen.
ich denke auch es wird zu dem Preis bedient werden, was Schwachsinn ist. das zufällig gleichzeitig so große Käufer und Verkäufer auftreten die nur warten, so große Umsätze abzuladen/ zu kaifen
andere Meinungen?
Kein Umsätze börslich....
Party Declared
PNC 20 (O`Neill)