Ballard Power Systems lebt noch (Wieder)
7. AUGUST 2013
CEP Hyundai ix35
Die Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) Fuhrpark hat zwei Millionen Kilometer (1.240.000 Meilen) seit 2005 bedeckt - und ohne größere Zwischenfälle. Die Autos sind zuverlässig und macht Spaß zu fahren, berichten die zahlreichen Kunden, die die Prüfung der Brennstoffzellen-Fahrzeuge sind. Die fast 100 Brennstoffzellen-Autos, die derzeit auf der Straße als Teil des Projekts sind: Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse F-Cell, Ford Focus Fuel Cell, Honda FCX Clarity, Toyota FCHV-adv, VW Tiguan HyMotion und Audi Q5 HFC Fahrzeuge . Im Juli 2013 wurden zwei Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell Autos der CEP Fahrzeugflotte aufgenommen. Die Fahrzeuge werden auf der CEP Ereignisse sein - zum Beispiel bei der deutschen Regierung Open Days am 24. und 25. August in Berlin.
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Habt ihr heute gesehen|
TESLA steht jetzt auf 117 € ...
Da wird Ballard auch in 2-3 Jahren stehen, da bin ich mir sicher, die sind sehr viel breiter aufgestellt...
Was mein ihr?
Wenn ich mir den 10-Jahres-Chart von Ballard Power ansehe, kann ich eine solchen Entwicklung nicht erkennen. Der einzige "Lichtblick" liegt 7 Jahre zurück als der damalige US-Präsident Busch in seiner Antrittsrede eine massive Unterstützung der Brennstoffzellentechnik ankündigte - die Aktie stieg damals auf knapp 8 € und seitdem durchschreiten wir das "Tal des Jammers" ohne einen konkreten Lichtblick.
8 Aug 2013
fuel_170Twelve more companies have joined up to the US Energy Department’s H2USA public-private partnership scheme, which looks to advance hydrogen infrastructure and support transportation energy options for the US market.
The programme launched on 13 May, with 13 founding members, including leading car manufacturers Hyundai, Mercedez-Bens, Nissan and Toyota.
It has since attracted further uptake in the partnership with Chrysler, General Motors and Honda joining forces, as well as a number of national laboratories and others.
The H2USA’s launch meeting, taking place this week at the Association of Global Automakers offices in Washington, will attempt to develop and organisational framework and strategy to promote the commercial introduction and adoption of fuel cell electric vehicles in the US through successful hydrogen infrastructure integration.
Four working groups within the scheme have been formed to report on moving the infrastructure forward, concerning hydrogen fueling stations, market support and acceleration, financial infrastructure and a locations roadmap.
Geoff Budd of ITM Power, an energy storage company and a founding member of H2USA, said, ‘We will be very much involved in helping to map out the US’ strategy for the adoption of hydrogen infrastructure and will be able to share global experience from our membership of similar organisations in the UK, Germany, France, Switzerland and Denmark.’
Recent advances in fuel cell and hydrogen technologies have drawn the first wave of commercially-available hydrogen cars. Automotive fuel cell costs have fallen by over 35 per cent since 2008 and by more than 80 per cent since 2002, while the amount of platinum required in cells has fallen by 80 per cent since 2005, significantly lowering costs.
Copyright © 2013 NewNet
Tags: Association of Global Automakers, H2USA, hydrogen, ITM Power
09 AUG 2013
Hyundai Chino CA
The California Energy Commission (CEC) has awarded Hydrogen Frontier, Inc. a $3 million grant to build a new 100% renewable hydrogen refuelling station for fuel cell electric vehicles. Once complete, the station will be able to produce at least 100 kilograms of hydrogen per day, enough to dispense approximately 6,000 to 9,000 vehicle fill-ups annually, offering both 350 bar and 700 bar refuelling. The station will have the capability to produce hydrogen on-site through water electrolysis and the required energy will be purchased from a renewable energy provider.
The station, situated at a testing facility for Hyundai America Technical Center, Inc., will be located at the site of an existing hydrogen station originally constructed in 2005 to support Hyundai's fuel cell vehicle fleet. On top of the $3 million rebuilding project funded by the CEC grant, additional funding provided by partners Hydrogen Frontier Inc., Powertech and ITM Power will go toward upgrading the facility to meet the latest industry standards for hydrogen generation, storage and dispensing.
The station is scheduled for completion in October 2014, at which point the refuelling station will open to the public for the first time. The facility will increase the existing hydrogen refuelling network in California and will be the first publicly accessible hydrogen refuelling station in San Bernardino County.
"Hyundai has been supporting governments, energy companies and other organizations globally to develop an easily accessible and affordable hydrogen infrastructure," said Dr. Sung Hwan Cho, president, Hyundai America Technical Center, Inc. "With world-class partners like Hydrogen Frontier and the support of the California government, we are expanding the hydrogen refuelling infrastructure and taking one more step toward mass production of a fuel cell electric vehicle."
Production of the Hyundai Tucson Fuel Cell began at the company's Ulsan manufacturing plant in Korea in January 2013, making Hyundai the first automaker to begin commercial production of a hydrogen-powered vehicle. The first complete car rolled off the assembly line on February 26, 2013. Hyundai is investigating potential demand for the Tucson Fuel Cell Vehicle in the U.S. market, particularly in California, where most of the hydrogen refuelling infrastructure development has taken place.
"Hydrogen Frontier Inc. is excited to work with this innovative group of companies for this unique opportunity," said Daniel Poppe, vice president, Hydrogen Frontier Inc. "This was our first hydrogen station in 2005 that we were asked to contribute to. Now, less than 10 years later, we get to do a complete comprehensive update of that same site."
The development of hydrogen refuelling stations, such as the Chino facility, is crucial to the success of fuel cells in the marketplace. In California today, there are eight public stations, and 17 more are in development. The goal is to have 68 stations in place to support the larger rollout of the vehicles in the next few years.
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... die Brennstoffzellen-Technologie ist für die Mobilität uninteressant geworden.
... sehe wenig Potential.
Aufgrund welcher Entwicklungen/ Geschäftsfelder sollte der Titel explodieren oder zumindest deutlich steigen? Impulse? Ich sehe keine.
Fakt ist, Langfristprognosen sind für den Kübel...
Betrachtet man die Marktlage und die Zukunft (rein vom Automobilsektor), hängt das Bestehen und die Preisbildung von Ballard davon ab, mit welchem Automobil-Konzernchef der CEO von Ballard "einen draufmachen" geht und ihn von einer Partnerschaft im großen Stil überzeugt.
Die Problematik liegt im Öl, solange dies nicht knapp wird oder die Regierungen die Richtungen vorgeben, werden Ölmultis die Alternativenenergien immer drücken..
Ich sehe es realistisch, bin selbst Maschinenbauer ... Sollte die Wasserstoffproduktion sich extrem verbilligen (Elektrolyse - benötigt Strom), welches nur durch die Bereitstellung von Billigstrom möglich ist oder geringfügig durch Prozessoptimierung, wird die Wasserstofftechnologie Hand und Fuß fassen.
Kernfusion... Sollte in Zukunft die industrielle Nutzung von Fusionsreaktoren möglich sein, welche noch in den Kinderschuhen steckt, haben wir das weltweite Energieproblem gelöst. Die Problematik liegt bis dato im Punkto Werkstoffe und deren Temperaturbeständigkeit, da das Plasma, welches sich im Reaktor bildet, Temperaturen von über 100 Millionen Grad annimmt.
Im besten Fall, sind dreistellige Kurse möglich, wenn die Technologie Hand und Fuß fasst, derweilen halte ich Kurse von ~10Euro/stk. realistisch, da der Optimismus gegeben ist und Ballard schon gezeigt hat, wie schnell Sie nach oben klettern kann.
Ich will keinesfalls hier mit dieser Nachricht allwissend wirken, wollte nur meine Sicht der Dinge hier darstellen.
Hoffen wir auf ein erfolgreiches Q3 und Q4 2013 und folgende...
Schönen Montag Morgen werte Leser!
Grüße Matt
even 10 mio shares short are nothing of importance/influence in relation to the quantity of shares outstanding and the daily float....Before the announcements of the financings and the VW-deal the short position could have been much higher as there clearly might be sceptics about Ballard´s future...But today: Ballard´s future is very bright and dramatic in my view as the fuelcell is accepted as the power-technology of the future....and hydrogen in many forms is there in huge/unlimited quantities...On the other side: if there would be a short-position the same way it was with TESLA ( for a time about 35 Mio shares short of 77 mio shares free-float and about 115 mio outstanding.....) that would be the basement for the perfect squeeze when good news hit the market.....but 30,40, 50 mio shares short is in US $-terms (US $ 60,80,100 mio) is not so much for a big hedge/Tiger/short-fund but to get these quantities....seems to be very unrealistic....But there always can be an interest, hedging existing stakes from Investcorp or from the some pressure from this side ...but that has - im my view - always only short-term-impacts to the stock-price developement.....Plus: with US $ 2 share the downside risk is limited...but the upside potential - with good news in the back.....much higher..
Die Zukunft der Mobilität wird elektrisch.
Nur woraus der Strom gewonnen wird,muß noch geklärt werden.