Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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Neuester Beitrag: 07.03.25 12:30
Eröffnet am:29.09.07 14:50von: nekroAnzahl Beiträge:25.579
Neuester Beitrag:07.03.25 12:30von: Fuchsbau24Leser gesamt:6.357.554
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:2.778
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933 Postings, 4724 Tage LOFPOB

20.07.12 08:23

1158 Postings, 6513 Tage sumoeyund sie haben noch genügend Stücke

20.07.12 08:34
wer auch immer will das der Kurs nicht steigt

Aber der Tag wird kommen!!!!  

33 Postings, 4617 Tage winkewinkeLasst doch den Market Maker seine Kurse machen...

20.07.12 08:45
wie er will. Wenn er meint, auf dem aktuellen Kursniveau auch durch Verkäufe Gewinne machen zu können, ist das doch seine Sache. Stücke zum leihen gibts bestimmt mehr als genug. Es würde mich zuminest nicht wundern, wenn Rio oder PNG mit sec lending ein kleines Zusatzgeschäft betreibt, so lange die mine außer betrieb ist. auf unsere paar stücke kommt es da gar nicht an (drum bringt es mE auch nichts, einen eintrag ins aktienregister zu forcieren)

Das entscheidende Element an der Story ist doch die Wiedereröffnung; kommt die nicht sind BOC faktisch null wert, kommt sie dagegen (was ich erwarte) dann sind sie eben 10 - 15 AUD wert.  

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroder nächste '"interessante", monotone Quarterly...

20.07.12 08:46
Trotzdem gibt es etwas sehr interessantes darin ;-))))))))))))))

Price sensitive: Yes

Das hat der gute Paul wohl mit dem verwechselt welcher fertig in der Schublade liegt und noch auf Veröffentlichung wartet hehehe ;-)))

521 Postings, 5216 Tage xxxraphaelxxxkaufen oder verkaufen

20.07.12 09:34
vielleicht wollen auch nur ein paar Leute die Aktien günstig von png kaufen... und machen sich die eigenen Taschen voll. so lange da keine anderen Käufer sind, geht das schön günstig...  

461 Postings, 6509 Tage Longwilli#12280

20.07.12 09:47
und vielleicht haben die auch einen Deal, das der Aktienkurs ein definiertes Level bis zu einem definiertem Zeitpunkt oder bis zu einem definiertem Ereignis nicht übersteigen darf.

In deutlichen Worten formuliert hieße das, das ein niedriger Kurs eine gewisse Garantie hat, unabhängig davon wieviele gekauft werden und unabhängig davon wie gut die Nachrichtenlage ist oder noch wird. Strategische manipulierte Kursbildung also.

Ein bessers Einstiegsszenario gibt es nicht.  

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroBreakaway Gap???

20.07.12 10:01

Breakaway Gap

This type of gap can occur at the completion of a significant pattern. A breakaway gap gives a strong signal that the market has started a new trend or phase of a trend. This gap has more significance if it is left unfilled, and should remain ?unclosed? to have validity. On an upside gap, the high of the previous bar (the gap low) is considered to be strong support. On a downside gap the low of the previous bar is considered to be strong resistance.

1.Breakaway gaps are seen as patterns are completed and stops are triggered, the market may be receiving a ?shock?.
2.Breakaway gaps can be used as support or resistance as orders will be left at these levels to cut losses or initiate trades.
3.Once the breakaway gap is confirmed (the gap holds on a test) the trend move should be strong.

Runaway Gap

Once the trend is underway prices may leap forward to form a gap or even a series of gaps. This may have some strong volume associated with it. The runaway gap offers the same support and resistance studies that the breakaway gap does.
1.The runaway gap sometimes occurs in the middle of the trend move and can be a ?measuring gap?.
2.The runaway gap occurs as the trend gathers more ?believers?, new funds flow into the market to re-enforce the trend.
3.The runaway gap also occurs as ?stale? longs or shorts cut their positions and take their losses. This can be on the back of news, shocks to supply/demand, or simply too much ?pain? in existing positions.Exhaustion Gap

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroPNC extends lead in PNG election

20.07.12 10:11
Posted at 02:32 on 20 July, 2012 UTC

The People’s National Congress of Papua New Guinea’s caretaker Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has extended its overall party lead in progressive vote counts for the general election.

The PNC is ahead in 29 of the 111 seats in PNG’s parliament, including eight of the 32 declared results so far.

The next best placed party remains the Triumph Heritage Empowerment, or THE, party ahead in 14 while independents lead in 15.

Meanwhile, the only female candidate to have a lead, Delilah Gore of the THE party, has extended her lead in the Sohe Open seat.

She has passed 4-thousand votes, a lead of 1170 over sitting member Anthony Nene with the seat due to go down to third preferences.

News Content © Radio New Zealand International

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroWürde mich mal interessieren..............

20.07.12 10:26
.........wieviele von den in D umgesetzten Shares ihren Weg nach AU finden um dort morgen wieder mit 10% Gewinn unter 1$ zu deckeln? ;-)))))))

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroAU- Grösstes VOL seit 13/04/2010

20.07.12 10:47
...........dem canceln des ADR Programms.

02/03/2010 75
03/03/2010 89,7
04/03/2010 210,5
05/03/2010 93,2
08/03/2010 1204,1
09/03/2010 68,3
10/03/2010 10
11/03/2010 23
12/03/2010 167
15/03/2010 337,2
16/03/2010 189,4
17/03/2010 132
18/03/2010 98,5
19/03/2010 35,3
22/03/2010 46,8
23/03/2010 1035,6
24/03/2010 455,1
25/03/2010 56,5
26/03/2010 23
29/03/2010 30
30/03/2010 7,5
31/03/2010 #NA
01/04/2010 65,2
02/04/2010 #NA
05/04/2010 #NA
06/04/2010 18
07/04/2010 110
08/04/2010 391
09/04/2010 487,8
12/04/2010 9,5
13/04/2010 581,2§

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroExakt bis auf 1 AU$.............

20.07.12 10:55
...........hat man den Kurs ansteigen lassen bevor das deckeln begann. ;-)))))

Today: 20-Jul-2012

Time(AEST) Price Volume Value Condition Codes

16:10:47 0.9000 2,500 2,250
16:10:47 0.9000 4,000 3,600
16:10:47 0.9000 7,758 6,982
16:10:47 0.9000 3,744 3,370
16:10:47 0.9000 6,314 5,683
16:10:47 0.9000 2,184 1,966
15:59:01 0.9200 500 460
15:58:56 0.9200 500 460
15:58:43 0.9100 2,000 1,820
15:56:41 0.9200 998 918
15:53:03 0.9300 500 465
15:49:40 0.9300 606 564
15:49:10 0.9300 10,000 9,300
15:47:08 0.9300 7,800 7,254
15:46:56 0.9050 5,000 4,525
15:46:48 0.9200 1,000 920
15:46:31 0.9300 1,594 1,482 XT
15:42:53 0.9400 989 930
15:42:53 0.9400 2,000 1,880
15:29:44 0.9300 6,406 5,958
15:29:44 0.9400 829 779
15:29:44 0.9400 5,000 4,700
15:29:44 0.9400 765 719
15:29:44 0.9400 2,000 1,880
15:08:36 0.9750 99 97
15:08:36 0.9750 176 172
15:08:25 0.9700 100 97
15:06:08 0.9600 500 480
15:05:20 0.9550 976 932
15:05:20 0.9550 1,024 978
14:37:56 0.9400 5,000 4,700
14:22:57 0.9400 204 192
14:18:29 0.9700 4,288 4,159
14:12:45 0.9800 798 782
14:12:45 0.9800 79 77
13:55:27 0.9800 672 659
13:55:27 0.9800 328 321
13:37:59 0.9800 55 54
13:37:59 0.9800 672 659
13:15:19 0.9700 10,000 9,700
13:13:27 0.9700 10,000 9,700
13:12:20 0.9700 2,500 2,425
13:11:34 0.9700 52,400 50,828
13:11:16 0.9750 4,086 3,984 XT
13:11:16 0.9800 1,914 1,876 XT
13:03:08 0.9850 42 41
12:55:19 0.9850 652 642
12:55:19 0.9850 148 146
12:52:25 0.9850 300 296
12:35:59 0.9800 8,086 7,924
12:35:59 0.9800 4,414 4,326
12:23:53 0.9800 5,586 5,474
12:23:53 0.9800 6,981 6,841
12:23:53 0.9850 2,433 2,397
12:23:20 0.9950 2,000 1,990
12:23:20 0.9950 500 498
12:23:08 0.9850 2,567 2,529
12:23:08 0.9900 818 810
12:23:08 0.9900 515 510
12:17:32 0.9950 1,500 1,493
12:17:29 0.9950 1,000 995
12:09:04 0.9800 3,019 2,959
12:09:04 0.9800 565 554
12:09:04 0.9800 716 702
12:08:15 1.0000 256 256               ab hier wurde dann gedeckelt
12:08:15 0.9900 7,744 7,667
12:07:05 0.9900 1,256 1,243
12:06:58 0.9900 1,000 990
11:59:14 0.9850 3,000 2,955
11:58:49 0.9850 10,000 9,850
11:58:35 0.9850 7,000 6,895
11:58:35 0.9850 3,000 2,955
11:56:12 0.9850 2,000 1,970
11:52:20 0.9800 3,000 2,940
11:52:20 0.9800 1,000 980
11:50:42 0.9700 10,000 9,700 vk ins bid
11:46:38 0.9800 4,000 3,920
11:46:38 0.9800 6,000 5,880 XT
11:44:51 0.9700 5,000 4,850
11:44:42 0.9700 3,500 3,395
11:44:42 0.9700 1,350 1,310 XT
11:44:42 0.9700 962 933 XT
11:28:52 0.9700 727 705
11:27:13 0.9700 3,700 3,589
11:26:01 0.9650 20,750 20,024
11:25:24 0.9650 10,000 9,650
11:25:24 0.9600 4,250 4,080 XT
11:25:18 0.9400 30,000 28,200
11:25:18 0.9350 3,000 2,805 vk ins bid
11:25:18 0.9350 10,000 9,350 vk ins bid
11:25:18 0.9350 2,000 1,870 vk ins bid
11:21:31 0.9500 4,000 3,800
11:21:31 0.9400 15,000 14,100
11:21:31 0.9300 2,000 1,860
11:21:31 0.9300 3,000 2,790
11:14:07 0.9100 2,000 1,820
10:38:03 0.9000 3,000 2,700
10:38:00 0.9000 10,000 9,000 XT
10:14:17 0.9000 5,000 4,500 XT
10:12:38 0.9000 10,000 9,000

1158 Postings, 6513 Tage sumoeyund das deckeln war letztens schon einmal

20.07.12 11:18

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroLo`s

20.07.12 11:43
If one were to gauge the predominant desire of the PNG electorate it is free education and free health care for all; this is something that the recent elections have shown.

This can be an expensive exercise with a high financing need. But it is doable if:

- there are more training colleges set up for teachers, nurses and doctors
- education is cost effective on a per person basis

- there is less emphasis on overseas scholarships for the brightest few and greater emphasis on the vast majority to be educated within Bougainville
- there is vocational training and skills development, again within Bougainville
-more employment for Bougainvilleans from mining and other spin off businesses

A museum and a shrine of rememberance to honour the ones who passed away in the conflict could also be achieved within a reasonable budget,

521 Postings, 5216 Tage xxxraphaelxxxist doch echt ein wunder

20.07.12 11:58
das der Kurs so niedrig ist.
vor zwei Jahren musste viel teurer eingekauft werden.
aus meiner Sicht ist boc ein klarer kauf. alles unter 1,50 AUD ist ein Schnäppchen.  

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroBoug macht Druck ;-)))))))))))))))

20.07.12 12:18

Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat

Bougainville considers court action against PNG government over unpaid funds

Whoever takes over as Prime Minister in Papua New Guinea after the post-election political horse-trading is finished will have a lot on his plate.

Bougainville considers court action against PNG government over unpaid funds (Credit: ABC)

Not the least is a financial settlement of money owed to the Autonmous Government of Bougainville under the Bougainville Peace Agreement.

The PNG government has promised Bougainville 100 million kina a year - equivalent to 42 million Australian dollars - in funding for essential programs.

But, despite repeated requests, it has not paid up.

Bougainville's President, John Momis, says if the new Prime Minister does not pay up he will have to consider court action.

Presenter: Jemima Garrett

Speaker: John Momis, President of the Autonomous Government of Bougainville

 Listen here !  

MOMIS: we still haven't got the 100 million that the National government promised, for this year 100 million. That money hasn't come yet. We don't seem to know why the national government ..they don't seem to tell us. We have had delegations going to meet, senior bureaucrats going to Port Moresby to meet with the National Planning Office, with the Treasury and we still don't have any satisfactory answer. So we are at a loss as to what we need to do now. Maybe we need professional people to bring us together in a sort of a mediation process and if that doesn't work we may need to have some adjudication that needs to be done and, if that fails, I guess we just have to go to court. But we are waiting for the election results and the formation of the new government, for me to make that last visit to Port Moresby because we are frustrated. We don't understand. Nobody seems to tell us exactly why they are not releasing the money and, as far as we are concerned, it is a breach of a contract. Bougainville Peace Agreement is not just an agreement, it is a contract between two governments.

GARRETT: You have had people in Port Moresby, recently, talking about this issue. Were they able to get any satisfaction?

MOMIS: No! No! No satisfactory outcome.

GARRETT: so what immediate action do you want from the Papua New guinea government that will be formed once the electoral process is finished?

MOMIS: Well, I want to go and meet with the new Prime Minister and put it straight to him that we believe they have seriously breached a contract, especially in view of the fact that …you know for many, many years Bougainville made the lion's share, you know, paying a big contribution to the national purse and we don't understand why they are still subjecting us to this way of not giving us a direct answer. We have wasted seven months.

GARRETT: Just what impact is this lack of funding having on your government and the people of the region?

MOMIS: Massive detrimental impact. We are not a normal situation. We are just coming out of the Bougainville Crisis. We need money for weapons disposal, for reconciliation, for dealing with law and order problems. We are dealing with an administration that lacks capacity. We have to build capacity. Even the autonomous government House of Representatives, it doesn't have the capacity and so on and so forth. So it is making a massive detrimental impact on our effort to (?inaudible ) Bougainville for good governance, for rule of law, respect for law and order, especially in preparation for the refendum (On Independence from Papua New Guinea) from 2015 to 2020.

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroInteresse steigt kontinuierlich ;-))))))

20.07.12 12:29
Die 10 meistgelesenen Beiträge heute:

BOC Platz 6

Mal sehen welche Börsenzeitung u.BB als 1 die Nase vorne hat und auf den fahrenden Zug aufspringt.

Hätte der engl. Profithunter u.bis jetzt einziger BB der BOC covert u. empfiehlt (Beste Posi in deren Musterdepot:BOC) Wind von dem Durchbruch bekommen,so hätte das heutige wöchentliche Up-date mit einem strong buy rating schon für eine viel grössere Nachfrage gesorgt. ;-))))))))

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroFB

20.07.12 13:01
Facebook Mitglieder sollten den Link auch auf ihrer HP posten ;-)))

521 Postings, 5216 Tage xxxraphaelxxxdas war 2008

20.07.12 13:34
On a conservative price earnings ratio of 12, that would value the shares at US$29.88 or A$31.17. That target is a lot higher than we had estimated and translates into a potential gain of 2,414% on the price of A$1.24 at the time of writing! And the company owns several additional licences on the island as well – so there could be additional upward potential beyond that.

This isn’t going to happen overnight though. And nothing is ever guaranteed – especially in Bougainville. But if things play out as we believe they will, we could bank the biggest gains that we have ever made in Profit Hunter’s history.

Our contact tells us that there is now a three-step plan in effect. Step one aims to get all, or most, of the 510 local landowners to sign the proposal. Secondly, to win support for the draft from a majority of ABG MPs. Finally, to attend the planned joint supervisory board meeting in July and win backing for the proposal. They have obviously got their work cut out for them…

The coming months are going to be very exciting for everyone who holds shares in this company. Reaching each off those three milestones should provide a further boost to the share price. And the mid- to long-term potential on this share remains huge.

As a subscriber to Profit Hunter you would have access to this and all our other investment recommendations.

At present we’re looking at one African company we think can do very well as it involves a small company that holds all the cards in a huge oil deal – involving the biggest super-powers and billions of dollars…

If gains of 122% (and that’s just for starters) are of interest to you… learn more about Profit Hunter opportunities right now


Manraaj Singh
Profit Hunter  

1158 Postings, 6513 Tage sumoeytwitter

20.07.12 14:59
bitte ein pos. Sternchen geben

p.S : HC Thread jetzt auch auf Twitter ;-)))))  

1158 Postings, 6513 Tage sumoeygerade 8k gekauft,ask bleibt unverändert

20.07.12 15:11
bin mal gespannt wann die Böcke laufen dürfen  

1158 Postings, 6513 Tage sumoeyder Euro verliert weiter,und das stark

20.07.12 15:20

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroDr, M.

20.07.12 17:15
im FOB Thread ;-))))

15645 Postings, 6513 Tage nekroKupfer.............

20.07.12 18:51
"Die Produzenten stehen vor großen Herausforderungen durch Produktionsausfälle bei großen Minen, sinkende Mineralisierungen bei schon produzierenden Minen, Verzögerungen beim bau von neuen Minen und Schwierigkeiten beim Erschließen von wirklich großen neuen Projekten."

Hinsichtlich neuer Minen hat Freeport aber eine positive Nachricht. So ist die Climax Molybdän-Mine im zweiten Quartal in Produktion gegangen. Im kommenden Jahr soll die Produktion dann auf bis zu 20 Mio. Pfund gesteigert werden. Damit kann Freeport die aktuell bestehenden Rückgänge in diesem Segment mehr als ausgleichen.

Nach dem starken Kursrückgang zuletzt haben jetzt aber die neuen Bilanzdaten nicht für einen weiteren Rückgang gesorgt. Das macht doch Hoffnung für die weitere Entwicklung.

14459 Postings, 5602 Tage pandabärchenLöschung

20.07.12 23:31

Zeitpunkt: 21.07.12 07:06
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers



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