Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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Allerdings verstehe ich den Zusammenhang zwischen David und kennecott nicht.
Eine Wiedereröffnung ohne fly in/fly out wie von Momis gefordert bedeutet z.B.dass alleine um Arava kurzfristig Unterkünfte für ca 10000 Bauarbeiter geschaffen werden müssen.
Welchen Impakt ein solches Mega-Bauvorhaben auf die ökonomie von Bougainville haben wird lässt sich am besten ermessen indem man das Buch Bougainville Copper - The_Establishment of a Copper Mine durchblättert. Dort ist das gesamte Bauvorhaben im Detail beschrieben.
Damit wird Bougainville (wieder) zu einer der reichsten Inseln im gesamten Pazifikraum.
Somit wird auf einen Schlag die finanzielle Unabhängigkeit von PNG erreicht,die politische Independance nach dem geplanten Referendum wäre dann nur noch eine Formsache.
Fast in allen Erdteilen der Welt laufen die Anlieger Sturm gegen die Eröffnung von neuen Minen, in Bougainville u. speziell in Panguna ist das genaue Gegenteil der Fall. ;-)))))))
Operating cost from goods and services from Bougainvilleans 187 mill. USD
Royalties mill. USD141
Tax 460 mill. USD
Dividends 205 mill USD
Heute habe ich die Kontountrelagen an Cortal C. zurück geschickt (mit Postidentverfahren).
Mal sehen wie es mit der "Bedienungsanleitung" klappt.
To those who have accepted the invitation to attend the PBA meeting scheduled for this coming saturday 21st July 2012, please note that the meeting has been rescheduled to Saturday 11th August 2012, at the same time and venue.
The reasons are because I have a major submission due on Sunday 22nd July (as part of my MBA assessment) and also a few projects and tests due between the 23rd and 27th July and my final term exams from the 31st July to 3rd August 2012.
I can't afford to spare anytime to prepare the minutes and financial reports if the meeting were to be held this Saturday.
However, once these are out of the way, then I should be freed from the 4th August to attend the meeting and present the Financial Reports.
Thanks all for your understanding and please, do attend the meeting!
Interim Secretary/Treasurer
Updated 19 July 2012, 18:15 AEST
Landowners are meeting on Papua New Guinea's island of Bougainville to pave the way for the return of mining giant Rio-Tinto.
Bougainville Landowners speak out on latest moves with Rio Tinto mine (Credit: ABC)
Rio's Panguna copper mine was the spark that ignited a decade-long civil war which left thousands dead and the economy of the island on its knees.
Two decades on, there is a growing consensus among landowners about re-opening the mine.
Presenter: Jemima Garrett
Speakers: John Momis, President of the Autonomous Government of Bougainville
Chris Damana, interim chairman of the Panguna Landowners Association
Bernadine Kiraa, Chairwoman of the Panguna Lower Tailings Landowers Association
GARRETT: Reconciliation is now the name of the game between landowners and Bougainville Copper - the Rio Tinto subsidiary that owns the Panguna copper mine.
It has been a long hard road.
Landowners have been holding talks among themselves and with the Autonmous Bougainville government for more than 2 years.
Earlier this month, there was something of a breakthrough - a three-way meeting between landowners, the Autonomous Bougainville government and Bougainville Copper.
Bernadine Kirra, is Chairwoman of the 3000 strong landowner group that suffered most during mining - the lower tailings landowners.
KIRAA: The meeting with BCL was a step forward. it was a very good meeting because we agreed at once some decisions that BCL has to meet before it decides to come to Bougainville.
GARRETT: And what is thew feeling amongst the women and the other landowners. do they want to see the mine re-opened, eventually?
KIRAA: Uh, yeah! Most people in mine-affected areas and all of Bougainville, we would very much want BCL to come back.
KIRAA: To help us with our economical recovery on Bougainville.
GARRETT: Bougainville's President John Momis says the meeting with BCL was very significant.
MOMIS: It was the first time that all the landowners were represented in the group that talked with us. In the past we had other big meetings but not all landowner groups were represented. But this time it was good.
GARRETT: And did the landowner groups include mekamui and some of the landowner groups that have been hostile to Bougainville copper?
MOMIS: The landowner groups represented all the groups that have been listed as the legitimate landowners, which includes Mekamui, of course, yes.
GARRETT: Were you surprised at the broad representation of landowners that turned up for the meeting?
MOMIS: I was not completely surprised. I was very happy because we had been doing a lot of work, the administration has been doing a lot of work liaising and talking with the landower groups and insisting that landowners must come to an agreement to work together.
GARRETT: Bougainville President John Momis.
Landowners took charge of the agenda at the meeting with Bougainville copper.
Chris Damana, Interim Chairman of the key umbrella group, the Panguna Landowners Association, says the BCL representative aquitted himself well.
DAMANA: Mr Paul Coleman, during our 13 agendas that we presented, gave us a positive ..all of them positively answered us. BCL will come and re-open the mine but need to tidy up a lot of things before they come and re-open the mine. We all agree that BCL will come back because they have learned their mistake. We have learned our mistake and, maybe, we can start on a new slate.
GARRETT: So the landowners want to see the mine re-opened?
DAMANA: Of course we need Panguna mine to re-open, definitely!
GARRETT: Landowners told Bougainville copper that before any more moves could be made towards formal negotiations for the re-opening of the mine the company must take part in a reconciliation ceremony and pay what is known as belcol money.
Respecting tradition is crucial to the success of future talks.
This week, landowners have been holding a series of meetings to draw up some instructions so that BCL gets it right.
DAMANA: We are discussing it now, this morning, in a meeting. we want to put it in black and white to BCL because as you know BCL will see it from the Western cultural perspective. we see it from the Melanesian cultural perspective so we need to explain properly to BCL what this belcol money is and what will meet our purpose, that BCL will do before we go into serious talkings with BCL.
GARRETT: Chris Damana, interim Chairman of the umbrella organisation, the Panguna landowners Association.
Landowners are still discussing exactly what the belcol should entail.
Bernadine Kiraa, from the lower tailings landowners association does not want to pre-empt the outcome, but she is clear on what her people want.
KIRAA: We really want something that will benefit the whole of Bougainville but, especially myself, I am really looking for BCL to build maybe some good schools for a better standard and maybe better hospitals for Bougainville for a start because we really have a problem with good standard of education and the health facilities here on Bougainville at the moment is very low.
GARRETT: If the mining does go ahead, would all of Bougainville benefit or would it only be the landowners from around the mine?
KIRAA: No, No, this time we are looking from a different perspective. All people of Bougainville should benefit because they have all suffered due to the landowners conflict so we are looking forward to a new complete agreement that will benefit all of Bougainville.
Auch bei den "Belcol" stehen Vernünftige Punkte wie Schulen und Krankenhäuser zur Debatte kein Wort von Geldbeträgen in Millionen/Milliarden Höhe
Hier wird offen vom Mining mit BCL gesprochen und keinen interessierts
Aber wenn ich zurückdenke, habe wir vor 2 Jahren auf solche News gewartet und uns in den schönsten Farben ausgemalt wie sich das auf den Kurs auswirken würde.... aber das der Kurs auf der Stelle verharrt - damit hatte wohl keiner gerechnet!
Aber jetzt kann es nicht mehr all zu lange dauern bis der Knoten platz, wahrscheinlich dann aber mit aller Macht ;-)
Vielleicht schreiben die nochmal einen neuen Artikel wenn die neue und vorallem gute Nachrichten zur Wiedereröffnung bekommen. Ich habe aber keinen Ansprechpartner, wie machst Du das?
habe mal die News von Radio Australia
in HotCopper eingestellt.
Ich bitte um STARS......
I love stars and Böcke....
Danke Tom.....und wenn die Aussies aufwachen sollen sie mal BÖCKE ordern...