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By Aloysius Laukai
..........................will be done at Hutjena on Buka island.
In making the announcement last week, Bougainville Electoral Manager, REITAMA TARAVARU said that they had to resort to having counting in Buka because the Electoral Commission was short on experienced manpower to cover the three regions.
He said putting them in one area would make it easy for the team for supervision purposes during the counting.
MR. TARAVARU said during the past it was difficult to communicate with counting centres in Arawa and Buin resulting in a lot of unnecessary pressures to staff.
Counting for South Bougainville Open will be at the Hutjena United Church Hall whilst the Central and North Bougainville Open seats will be counted at the Hutjena Secondary School hall.
Counting will start on Monday 9th July, 2012.
bitte voten
All indications are that it will be an O'Neill Namah government returned and if this happens the smart money is on negotiations moving more rapidly and mobilising on the panguna mine issue.
I noted buying up to 78c a couple of days ago. In those purchases there was no thought of trying to wait for the shares to meet their bid.
They were buyers meeting the seller at higher prices.
This is an indication that a few people are now wanting to make a move and grab what they can. There are not many around. Short selling may continue but I don't think that will stop a sharp rise in sp if O'Neill/Namah are re elected and a stable government is formed.
A rainbow is now forming through the mist and I think at the end of it lies a huge pot of gold for the lucky few that have remeined patient or that have had the foresight to snap up what they can now, even though there are not many left.
The National, Thursday 05th July, 2012
PETER O’Neill is assured of retaining his Ialibu-Pangia seat in a landslide victory, making him the first MP to be confirmed for the new parliament.
Although some boxes from the electorate are yet to be counted, the caretaker prime minister was safely in front last night polling 29,512 votes and should safely secure the 50%-plus-one majority in the first count. He needs to get more than 30,598.
Hundreds of people, gathering outside the counting centre at the Momei Oval in Mendi, have been chanting his name and calling on counting officials to declare him the winner.
But returning officer Michael Ariando said they could not declare him the winner although he had almost reached the required number of votes.
Ariando said all the boxes had to be opened and votes counted before a formal announcement of the winner was made.
O’Neill could not be reached for a comment last night but the general secretary of his People’s National Congress party Jonathan Oata said O’Neill’s performance at the polls was expected.
“The people wanted O’Neill to return to parliament unopposed because he is the prime minister,” Oata said in a statement.
“But the seven candidates defied the wishes of their people, and the result is showing very clearly.
“The people of Ialibu-Pangia are speaking through the ballot in a very resounding manner.”
It is O’Neill’s third term as the Ialibu-Pangia MP.
In 2007, he also polled more than 50% of primary votes to win outright.
He was first elected to parliament in 2002, ousting Roy Yaki by a similar majority.
The closest to O’Neill are independent candidate Raphael Noipo on 3,780 votes and Eke Lama on 3,735.
Ariando said about 25 ballot boxes from Pangia and Kware had been disputed and locked away.
A total of 72 ballot boxes have been counted.
Meanwhile, the ballot boxes for Nipa-Kutubu were awaiting a decision by the Electoral Commission before they could be counted.
Similarly in the Imbonggu open seat, the Piambil Two box and the Tona box have been disputed and locked away in the container.
A rainbow is now forming through the mist and I think at the end of it lies a huge pot of gold for the lucky few that have remeined patient or that have had the foresight to snap up what they can now, even though there are not many left.
Zitat Ende
Oh - wie schön, fast wie im Märchen!
Ich freu mich.
Ich kaufe heute Nacht in Sydney zu 0,70 und stelle Limitorders in Sydney zu 0,66 und 0,68 ein, in der Hoffnung, dass noch irgendjemand verkauft.
Fakt ist, dass es wieder vermehrt zu Käufen aus dem Ask kommt und O`Neill gewinnen wird. O`Neill treibt den Kurs...Warten wir ab, ob es so weiter geht!?
here is no doubt even with this proposal that there is a huge off the chart upside to BOC.
There is a lot of work to get it there.
The thing that people are overlooking however is trying to accumulate BOC shares when they move will be near on impossible. Who would want to give these shares away at 3,4,5 bucks if a formal agreement is reached and signed off on by all parties??
There will be no chance to accumulate, the time would have passed the second the ink dries on the agreement.
I am trying to still sneak some at high 60's now, got some yesterday and might even buy those ones at 70c this morning.
The fact is these could be a set and forget, a put them in the top drawer and forget about them... but one day they will mine, its too big a resource not to, and when they do the price will not be 27 bucks it will be 47 or 87 or whatever it is depending on the time frame it takes.
Point is if you can invest money you don't need, I did redraw on home loan for 40k on the slow boat 30 year loan trick in the knowledge that one day the return on this will pay off my home.
The rate of increase in BOC shares v interest on my loan which will be tax deductible is huge!
The National, Friday July 6th, 2012
IALIBU–Pangia MP Peter O’Neill has retained his seat after passing the 50%-plus-one target yesterday.
He had tallied 32,424 votes after count 82 at 1pm. His rivals were way behind – Eke Lama second on 5,252 and Raphael Noip on 5251.
Officials said 46,289 votes had been counted with 25 ballot boxes in dispute. But it is understood that they contained less than 15,000 ballot papers, which officials said were mostly from areas which supported O’Neill.
Returning officer Michael Ariando said the undisputed ballot boxes had all been counted while the 25 disputed boxes would have to be cleared by the Electoral Commissioner.
The 25 boxes – five from Kewabi, five from Kaware, five from East Pangia and 10 from South Wiru local level government – were alleged to have been hijacked.
Counting for the other electorates in the province continues at a very slow pace. Counting in the past seven days started around 11am and finished around 4pm.
Meanwhile, 81 boxes for the Nipa, Nembi Plateau and Poroma were cleared for counting yesterday.
As of count 36, Steven Andayo was leading with 4,473, Kossy Sororo on 3,810, Tony Kila on 3,334, Philemon Embel on 2,332, Stanley Wap on 2,273, Jeffery Komal on 2,119 and David Ongol on 2,015.
In Mendi open, Pastor Isaac Joseph was leading with 8,052, Terry Gaso on second place with 7,025, Maso Hapon on 6,107, De Kewano on 6,072, Michael Nali on 5,680 and Steven Mendopo on 2,235.
Sitting MP James Lagea was leading with 8,754 votes in Kagua-Erave open, David Basua on 4,042, Albert Noria on 3,781, Komeali Ropa on 3,256, Japhet John Yano on 2,446 and Nemo Yalo on 1,846.
MP Francis Awesa is leading with 5,905 in the Imbonggu open seat, followed by Pila Niningi on 5,623, Steven Temo on 2,884, Pias Aopea on 1,752 and Cedrick Kengi on 1,732.
For the regional seat, PNC candidate William Powi is leading with 12,622 votes followed by independent candidate Joe Kobol on 10,567, lawyer Vincent Mirupasi on 6,495, Jerry Kiwai on 5,991 and Sylvester Komba on 4,597.
PEOPLES National Congress Party leader Peter O’Neill is the country’s first MP re-elected into parliament.
While he is yet to be formally declared by the Returning Officer, Mr O’Neill secured 32,424 votes or 50 per cent Plus One absolute majority on the first count. Mr O’Neill led from count 1 and after 82 boxes were counted he scored the 32,424, with his nearest rival being Eke Lama 5252 and Raphael Noipo on 5251 votes respectively.
He also becomes the first to retain his seat on the first count. “I am now re-elected for the third term and I thank everyone for their support.”
Mr O’Neill said the next major challenge as member-elect for Ialibu-Pangia is to ensure elections are concluded in an orderly manner.
He said late yesterday that the other major challenge is for PNC to take the lead in the formation of a new government that the people of Papua New Guinea wanted and have elected. In a new twist candidates who have challenged him have gone to court seeking to declare a failed election for Ialibu-Pangia. Mr O’Neill called on the candidates from Ialibu-Pangia to respect the peoples wishes which they had expressed through the ballot. “All they have to do is go to Pangia or Ialibu and ask if they chose their leader. The answer will be obvious. The public asked the candidates not to contest, they did not listen, now the people have spoken through the ballot.” Mr O’Neill is very confident of returning with the numbers to form the next government as early results indicate that PNC candidates are doing well in the early stages of counting.
Former SHP administrator William Powi leads the Southern Highlands count, sitting MP for Imbonggu Francis Awesa is in front and David Basua is running third in Kagua-Erave electorate.
In the new Hela Province, Tari-Pori and chairman of Hela Transitional Authority James Marape is leading comfortably and Petrus Thomas is not far behind on third place for Koroba- Kopiago Open seat.
In Manus sitting MP Job Pomat is leading the race and his candidate for Manus Regional Charlie Benjamin is running a close second to sitting MP and Governor Michael Sapau.
Mr O’Neill’s PNC Party has fielded a total of 89 candidates in the 2012 elections with 26 of the candidates are sitting members of parliament leading into the polls.
The Prime Minister declined to comment further on any future partnership as he said it is too early to make such statements but his line is always open for talks.
Wer die Wahlen verfolgt erkennt dass PNG effektiv "nix auf die Reihe" bekommt.
Independence ist also die viel bessere Option für Bougainville als von diesem Chaotenhaufen regiert zu werden. ;-))))))
Momis Vorschlag ein ABG Gremium im PNG Parlament zu plazieren um das nächste JSB Meeting vorzubereiten ergibt so durchaus Sinn. ;-)))))
Da stelle ich den Ort der Heimbörse wirklich in Frage!?!
>Panguna mine related issues were the main agendas of a meeting to day between the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Panguna Landowners Association and Bougainville Copper Limited.
>This is the first time, all three parties have engaged in discussions related to the Panguna Mine and the Bougainville Copper Agreement.
> In his opening remarks this morning, Bougainville President Chief John Momis urged that all parties work in unity to achieve the best outcome of the meeting.
>He added that the three parties must be transparent and honest in their collaborative effort to reach an understanding.
>BCL representive Paul Coleman said in response that BCL was conscious of the issues that need to be discussed with the ABG and the landowners of Panguna.
>He assured that every issue would be taken into account and he added that even if not all issues are resolved at least BCLwould be in a position to address these issues.
>The meeting ended this afternoon with resolutions that would be released to the media on Monday
Auch sieht man an dem Treffen das hinter den Kulissen fleissig verhandelt wird,und eine Frage wie;wird die Panguna überhaupt wieder mal eröffnet ?stellt sich mMn niht mehr,es geht nur noch um das wann.
Wenn die Ergebnisse gut sind und erst nach Börsenschluss veröffentlicht werden, dann ist evtl. Montag die letzte Möglichkeit in Sydney günstig einzusteigen!!!!