Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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Warum sollte denn PNG tatsächlich irgendwelche Mac htbefugnisse an Bougainville abgeben?
Ich jedenfalls glaube an nichts mehr!
sollte dieses thema durch sein, denke ich, brechen die dämme
aber wenn dieser plötzlich doch kommt, werden wir überrascht und freuen uns trotzdem, oder!?
Interpretation aus:
Das Scheitern ist Vergangenheit - für mich stehen alle Zeichen* auf ala Nekro: BICBOCBANG!!
- Wahlen o.k.
- LOs bereit
- Uma bereit
- ABG bereit
- BCL bereit
- MRA bereit
- Weltbank bereit
- Registrierung bereit
- Momentum bereit
- Relative Stärke bereit
- Chart bereit
- 200Tage Durchschnitt bereit
- Stochastik bereit
- MACD bereit
- Suppenschüssel bereit
- J.P. Morgan bereit
- ich bereit
schöne "analyse", aber mir ist eigentlich ziemlich egal, ob das jetzt scheitert oder nicht. ich gehe nach wie vor von 2015 aus und von produktionsbeginn 2020. ich finde, damit bin ich gar nicht so negativ. die brauchen halt nur was länger....
kann man ja verstehen, es geht um seeehr viel geld, da muss der ein oder andere schon mal was länger nachdenken :-)
So jetzt genug gequatscht - muss noch meine Kündigung aufsetzen:-)
Sehr schöne „Analyse“ @Tom. Du bist ein kluger Kopf
Alles ist „bereit“, wirklich alles – wirklich alles – nichts, was nicht bereit ist! Morgen geht’s los … oder übermorgen … oder Freitag … oder so. BICBOCBANG!!!
Morgen … übermorgen … oder Freitag … oder so … verändert sich also nun endgültig unser Leben.
Begeben wir uns am besten bereits heute mit der Vorstellung, wie sich ein erwünschter Zustand anfühlt, in diese neue Realität und leiten eine Veränderung ein.
Und wenn wir uns spätestens morgen vor dem Aufstehen den Tag ausmalen, wie wir ihn uns wünschen, wenn wir uns in ihn hineinfühlen, begeben wir uns vom Zustand des Überlebens in den Zustand des Schöpfers. Wenn Gehirn und Geist sich durch Gedanken verändern, ist Erfahrung geschehen – und dann verändert sich das Leben - und zwar sofort, und zwar morgen!
In Anlehnung an
Wie wir alle wissen, haben in den vergangenen Jahren bereits viele Bougainviller und Papuaner die chiropraktische Praxis Dr. Joe Dispenza in Rainier aufgesucht. Auch sie sind seit langem bereit. Sie warten nur noch auf … ähm … auf … den Startschuss eben. Oder haben sie ihn etwa überhört? Haben wir alle ihn überhört? Egal – wer den Schuss noch nicht gehört hat, ist selber schuld. Spätestens morgen oder übermorgen geht’s los.
Sollte ich mich irren @Tom, was den Zeitplan angeht, bitte ich um Korrektur. In diesem Falle wäre ich dankbar für eine kluge Terminierung der „neuen Realität“ durch einen klugen Kopf, damit auch ich zum richtigen Zeitpunkt eine Veränderung einleiten kann, damit auch ich mir vor dem Aufstehen den Tag ausmalen kann, wie ich ihn mir wünsche, damit auch ich endlich frohen Herzens singen kann:
„2 x 3 macht 4
Widdewiddewitt und Drei macht Neune !!
Ich mach’ mir die Welt
Widdewidde wie sie mir gefällt…“
Ach, wie heißt noch gleich dieses Syndrom … ?
"melde ebenso wie kollege ski (erneut) bedenken wegen der übertragung an. es hat schon wegen weniger gekracht"
es hat schon gekracht.
kommt die Botschaft, zur Sicherheit nochmal:
es hat schon gekracht.
und nun wird wieder gelacht.
schöne nacht.
Widdewiddewitt und Drei macht 0,90 AU$ !!
Aber es tut mir Leid, ich weiss auch nicht wie das Syndrom heißt, aber es fühlt sich super an:-)
Ich geb ihm mal einen Namen: BOCPHORIE
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill is poised to retain the Ialibu-Pangia Open seat with a landslide victory over his rivals.
Mr O’Neill is expected to reach the threshold figure of 30,598 today or early tomorrow for the Electoral Commission to declare him winner.
Under the Limited Preferential Voting system, once a candidate tallies over 50 percent of primary votes (first preference votes), that candidate is declared winner outright.
If no candidate tallies 50 percent or more after the primary vote count, the elimination process is triggered. Candidates with the least number of votes are eliminated, and their second or third preference votes distributed until a winner is declared.
After count 57 last night, Mr O’Neill had polled 23,368 votes (38 percent of total votes). He now needs only 7230 votes to reach the threshold and win. None of the other seven candidates have polled even half of the votes Mr O’Neill has amassed.
Independent candidate Raphael Noipo is a distant second with 3780 votes, followed by Eke Lama on 3735 votes.
This will be Mr O’Neill’s third term as Ialibu-Pangia MP when he is declared. In the 2007 General Elections, Mr O’Neill polled over 50 per cent of primary votes to win outright under the LPV system.
He was first elected to Parliament in 2002, when he ousted then incumbent Roy Yaki by a similar majority.
Mr O’Neill is the leader of the People’s National Congress party. The party is expected to do well in Southern Highlands and Hela provinces.
Es geht ja dabei auch um Geld (finanzielle Resourcen).
Selbst wenn es hier einen "Vertrag" gibt, über den wohl auch AUS (mit)wacht, werden die doch keinen Krieg mit PNG anzellteln, nur damit der Vertrag eingehalten werden kann (Krieg = Druck, welcher Art auch immer).
Letztlich käme ein solches Vorkommnis nur anderen Mächten/Staaten zugute.
Ich wünsche es uns dennoch wirklich und aufrichtig, dass es anders kommt und der BOCBOCBANG so bald als irgend denkbar stattfinden wird.
Ich gönne es wirklich jedem, der in BCL investiert ist. Auch ich bin nicht unwesentlich investiert.
Aber es ist auch Tatsache, wie es der Engländer sagt: "keep on dreaming!"
THE Gulf LNG Project undertaker InterOil Corporation has added former Prime Minister Sir Rabbie Namaliu and Samuel Delcamp, former Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer of the Fuller Foundation to its Board.
InterOil announced in a statement at the weekend that in keeping with good corporate governance practices, the Board also decided to separate the roles of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
Dr Gaylen Byker was appointed Chairman of the Board. Phil Mulacek will continue as Chief Executive Officer.
In addition to serving as Papua New Guinea Prime Minister from 1988 until 1992, Sir Rabbie served as Speaker of the National Parliament between 1994 and 1997.
Prior to this, Sir Rabbie was Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade from 1982 until 1984 and has held several other senior government posts since his first election to parliament in 1982.
An independent Non-Executive Director of Perth-based Marengo Mining Limited, Sir Rabbie has also been Chairman of the Board of directors of the publicly listed investment firm Kina Asset Management Ltd. since 2008.
He is also a member of the PNG Institute of Directors.
Sir Rabbie has chaired InterOil’s PNG Advisory Committee since August, 2011.
Samuel L. Delcamp has more than 40 years of investment experience. He served as Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer of The Fuller Foundation, a public charity, for 24 years.
Mr Delcamp was instrumental in founding the organisation and overseeing the growth in its assets under management from $4 million to more than $600 million.
Mr Delcamp has additionally served as Director and President of MBM Partners, Inc., an unregistered investment advisor.
During his tenure as a director since 1997, Dr Byker held roles as lead independent director, chair of the Board’s Compensation, Nominating and Governance committees and membership of its Audit and Reserves committees.
Dr Byker has practiced law and served as Head f Commodity Indexed Transactions and Financings at Chase Manhattan Investment Bank and Banque Paribas.
He was also co-head of commodity derivatives at Phibro Energy and a partner of Offshore Energy Development Corporation.
Dr Byker retired from his role as President of Calvin College, a leading North American education institution, on June 30th which has afforded him the time to undertake the enhanced role with InterOil.
Der geht überall dahin wo es Entwicklungspotential gibt. :-))))
siehe BCL;sy=tpl&code=BOC#tabs
also sind knapp 2 AU Jahresvol short ;-))))))))))))))))
Morumbi hat mit der Exploration auf den ihnen von den Landeignern vergebenen Lizenzen das Miningmoratorium im April faktisch schon ausser Kraft gesetzt.(Mit der Zustimmung des ABG)
"The lodging of the first ELR has brought a focus on the urgent need by the ABG Administration to implement the capacity in the form of Mining Policy and procedures to implement the EL Registration process. In the meantime Isina Resource Holdings Ltd. has indicated that it will begin a pre-exploration program including stream sediment sampling and geological mapping in April, 2012."
Nach meinen Recherchen war der Handel heute wie folgt:
Realtime Übersicht
PG0008526520 Name:
Bougainville Börse:
Realtime Kurs/
Kurszusatz +/-
in % Datum/
Uhrzeit Realtime
Bid/Ask Volumen
Bid/Ask Tages-
Hoch/Tief Eröffnung Schluss-
kurs Vortag Jahres-
Hoch/Tief Handels-
0,607 EUR
-1,78 % 04.07.12
10:28:37 0,57 EUR
0,608 EUR 30.000
20.000 0,607
0,60 0,60 0,618 0,796
0,50 6.500
Letzte 3 Umsätze
Kurs Volumen Uhrzeit
0,607 EUR
1.000 10:28:37
0,60 EUR
500 10:22:29
0,60 EUR
5.000 08:00:34
Liege ich falsch oder was?
By Aloysius Laukai
The Bougainville Electoral office has finally secured the MV Bougainville Atolls to do polling run for the Atolls district of Bougainville.
A senior officer from the Bougainville Electoral office told New Dawn FM that the ship MV Bougainville Atolls will arrive in Buka this Thursday and immediately take is polling teams to the Atolls.
According to the Bougainville Electoral Manager REITAMA TARAVARU polling in the Atolls will take five days.
And according to the new program for polling in the Atolls, polling would end on Tuesday 10th July 2012.
Copper took a beating in the second quarter, falling over 9 percent from the previous quarter as global worries about Europe’s sovereign debt crisis continued to rise. The red metal did, however, bounce back from its 2012 low at the end of June when European leaders agreed to give Eurozone nations easier access to emergency funds. These factors, together with hopes for greater economic stimulus from China and steady gains in US growth, are keeping analysts broadly upbeat about copper’s outlook.
Copper reached its year-to-date low of $3.26 a pound in early June as worries about the spillover effects of a financial meltdown not only in Greece, but also in Spain and Italy, escalated. In addition, the first rate cut by China’s central bank since 2008 sparked worries that the Chinese economy is more vulnerable than expected. Yet copper enjoyed its biggest one-day rally in seven months on the last trading day of the quarter, gaining over 4 percent on news of the latest European deal, which will help banks recapitalize by giving them direct access to bailout funds from the European Stability Mechanism.
Chinese rate cut, mixed bag of US data
While the People’s Bank of China’s decision to cut its benchmark one-year deposit rate by 0.25 percentage points to 3.25 percent in early June was expected, the first rate cut since 2008 nonetheless initially struck fear in the hearts of many analysts who worried that the state of the Chinese economy was worse than expected. Given that the country accounts for over 40 percent of global copper consumption, China’s appetite for the red metal is a key price driver. Expectations have since improved in anticipation of Beijing taking measures to continue propping up any slack in continued growth.
In the United States, the Federal Reserve’s decision to extend Operation Twist, its bond-buying program, was welcomed by commodities investors as the program lowers longer-term borrowing costs. Also on a positive note, a number of indicators suggest that the US economy is in better shape now than previously expected. This is particularly true for the housing sector; in May, single-family home sales rose 7.6 percent to reach a two-year high of 369,000 units. However, hopes that the Fed would introduce a new round of quantitative easing to jump start growth were quashed in the second quarter, and investors remain cautious about the US housing market and employment situation, especially as jobless claims still remain close to their 2012 high.
Corporate developments
As commodities prices across the board slumped in the second quarter, BHP Billiton (ASX:BHP,NYSE:BHP,LSE:BLT) and Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO,NYSE:RIO,LSE:RIO) said they would hold off approving mega-projects for the next few months as shareholders’ disgruntlement over the mining giants’ financial performance grew. JP Morgan expects BHP to delay the expansion of its $20 billion Olympic Dam copper and gold project for another three or four years. Analyst Lyndon Fagan stated in early June that “of all the major projects in the growth pipeline for BHP and Rio Tinto, the Olympic Dam expansion has the least attractive risk- return trade-off.” Rio Tinto’s CEO Tom Albanese said that he recognizes investors’ need for better returns, but also stressed that the company needs to put money into its projects. Together, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton are expected to account for about one-third of overall capital investment in the mining sector worldwide this year.
Yet even as Rio Tinto struggles to meet shareholders’ demands, it is expected to remain committed to developing its Oyu Tolgoi copper mine in Mongolia, which will produce about 8 percent of the world’s total copper output once it begins production next year. Rio Tinto and other mining companies heavily invested in Mongolia have been closely monitoring the country’s elections at the end of June, in which no group won a majority. Nonetheless, the opposition Democratic Party has expressed confidence about being able to form a ruling party, and investors will be focused on how the new government will use profits from its mineral wealth, which is estimated at $1.3 trillion.
Qatar Holding‘s call for better returns means that Glencore International (LSE:GLEN) continues to struggle in its $30 billion bid for Xstrata (LSE:XTA). The government of Qatar owns 11 percent of total shares in Xstrata through its investment fund, and has demanded 3.25 new Glencore shares for every Xstrata share. The current offer is for 2.8 shares.
Q3 and FY 2012 outlook
Looking ahead, many investors expect an upturn in the global economy, which in turn will drive up copper demand. So while Goldman Sachs lowered its third quarter price target to $8,000 per metric ton from $9,000 a ton, it expects the market to be balanced this year as supply tightens.
“Given continuing disappointments in the supply growth of oil and some of the key base metals, this moderate pace of world economic growth is sufficient to tighten markets during the second half of this year, creating the need for higher prices to balance supply and demand,” Goldman stated.
TD Securities‘ head of commodity strategy, Bart Melek, is also upbeat about base metals and commodities in general. He expects “better commodity prices in the final three months of 2012 and into 2013,” and believes that “the key catalysts are – a rising probability of outright US balance sheet expansion (Treasury, MBS, agency paper purchases), Chinese monetary/fiscal stimulus and the authorization of some sort of direct sovereign debt purchasing.” He added that “consumption of materials associated with industrial fabrication should all improve as a result, lifting prices. Those commodities with weak supply fundamentals such as copper and palladium should benefit most.”
Similar sentiment was echoed by Rio Tinto CEO Albanese, who told investors in Sydney in early May that “the next five years [are] going to be a supply story; the last five years [have] been a demand story. I am not sure the economic forecasters have cottoned on to that observation yet.”
Certainly, the government of Australia is upbeat about the outlook. The Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics expects overall natural resource exports to reach a record $209 billion for 2012 to 2013, with particularly strong copper exports rising 10 percent from current levels.
“Despite the uncertainty surrounding the outlook for some European economies, Australia’s export volumes for most commodities have remained strong throughout 2011–12, while prices for many commodities have remained at elevated levels relative to historical norms,” said Professor Quentin Grafton, the bureau’s executive director and chief economist.
Securities Disclosure: I, Shihoko Goto, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.