American Lithium: Insider Verkauf am 7.2.2023
On the 7th of February, Andrew Bowering sold around 300k shares on-market at roughly CA$4.37 per share. This transaction amounted to 8.0% of their direct individual holding at the time of the trade.
This was the largest sale by an insider in the last 3 months.
This was Andrew's only on-market trade for the last 12 months." Quelle:
Aber insider Verkäufe gibt es immer wieder nur zählt für mich Bloomberg und guru Fokus als quelle eine "" ist glaube ich nicht der richtige platz für sowas .
Man muss sich im klaren sein das die Volumina in Deutschland dermassen gering sind das man durchaus den kursbeinflussen kann .
was mich aber stört an dem Wert ist das auser Maydorn es niemand wirklich auf dem Radar hat , ich halte Maydorn nicht gerade für seriös einer seiner Geschäftspartner ist Bernd Förtsch der in der Zeit des Neuen Marktes front running betrieb er empfahl in der 3 Sat Börse freitags aktien die er selbst am drauffolgenden montag abstieß mit enormen gewinnen die er selbst ausgelöst hatte , daher meide ich eine Maydorn
es gibt eine erste Bewertung der gestern frisch veröffentlichten PEA des TLC-Projektes von American Lithium – und die ist eindeutig: „Dieses Projekt ist eines der Projekte mit den niedrigsten Betriebskosten auf der globalen Kostenkurve, die es in unserem Branchenbericht gibt“, urteilen die Analysten von Echolon Capital Markets. Der Grund hierfür sei das Magnesiumsulfatvorkommen, das parallel zum Lithium gefördert werden kann. Zwar sei auch das reine Lithiumprojekt mit Produktionskosten von 7.443 Dollar pro Tonne hochprofitabel, aber wenn man die zusätzlichen Erlöse des Magnesiumsulfats mit berücksichtige, dann sinke der Produktionspreis für das Lithium auf nur noch 817 Dollar pro Tonne – ein geradezu spektakulär niedriger Wert. Das Magnesiumsulfatvorkommen sei „ein unerwarteter Bonus“ für das Projekt und mache es hochprofitabel, so Echolon. Und weiter: „Diese PEA positioniert das TLC-Projekt von American Lithium fest unter den führenden potenziellen Lithiumproduzenten in Nordamerika.“ 591 Millionen Dollar Cashflow – pro Jahr! Wenn man sich die Werte der PEA ansieht, dann kann man beim TLC-Projekt ohne Übertreibung von einer echten Goldgrube sprechen. Der jährliche Cashflow wird sich gemäß der PEA vor Steuern auf 684 Millionen Dollar belaufen, nach Steuern sind es immer noch 591 Millionen Dollar. Bei diesen Werten kann man davon ausgehen, dass ein potenzieller Käufer für das TLC-Projekt sogar den vollen Nettokapitalwert von 3,26 Milliarden Dollar bezahlen müsste, eher sogar noch mehr. Sehr konservative Berechnung Und tatsächlich wird der Cashflow sogar noch weitaus höher sein, denn in der PEA wird ein sehr moderater Lithium-Verkaufspreis von 20.000 Dollar pro Tonne verwendet. Aktuell kostet eine Tonne Lithiumcarbonat auf dem Spotmarkt in China aber rund 70.000 Dollar. Viele langfristigen Abnahmeverträge werden derzeit mit Preisen um 60.000 Dollar abgeschlossen. Wo bleibt die Reaktion der Aktie? Dass die Aktie von American Lithium gestern (und auch heute) nicht auf die exzellente PEA reagiert hat, dürfte zwei Gründe haben: Erstens der starke Anstieg der Aktie in den vergangenen Wochen, der dann doch den einen oder anderen Anleger zu Gewinnmitnahmen verleitet hat (Sell on good news). Zweitens wird es einfach etwas dauern, bis am Markt ankommt, wie gut – und profitabel – das TLC-Projekt wirklich ist. Auch wenn dauert, American Lithium muss zwingend neu bewertet werden.
American Lithium to Fast-Track Completion of Pre-Feasibility Study for Falchani
Appoints DRA Global as Lead Engineer and Plans Near-Term Update of PEA
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, March 6, 2023 – American Lithium Corp. (“American Lithium” or the “Company”) (TSX-V:LI | NASDAQ-AML| Frankfurt:5LA1) is pleased to announce that it has appointed DRA Global (“DRA”) as lead engineer to coordinate completion of a Pre-Feasibility Study (“PFS”) on the Company’s Falchani Lithium Project in Southern Peru (“Falchani”).
As part of this process, Stantec Consulting Ltd. (“Stantec”) will also prepare an updated mineral resource estimate on Falchani which will involve the reclassification of existing resource categories, as well as including new drill data from the recent hydrology drilling which commenced in August 2022.
The Company also announces that it has restarted additional hydrology drilling at Falchani, with full support from the local communities. This drilling is part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) that was commenced in August 2022.
The first step towards completing a PFS will involve updating the Company’s existing Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) for Falchani, which is expected to expedite the PFS process. The work required to update the PEA started in the second half of 2022 with a focus on incorporating Sulphate of Potash and Cesium by-products, which are expected to provide a valuable contribution to the project economics. It will also incorporate the updated mineral resource data being prepared by Stantec.
As announced in June 2022, work by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (“ANSTO”) validated Sulphate of Potash as a viable and important by-product at Falchani. ANSTO is now focused on adding Sulphate of Potash and Cesium circuits to the overall flow sheet, while maintaining / increasing the impressive lithium extraction rates and battery grade purity. It is anticipated that this work will be finalized in the near term.
Finally, the PEA will also be updated to reflect the material increase in lithium carbonate pricing since the original report published in early 2020, which used a $12,000 per tonne LCE price. Recent studies on other lithium projects globally have used up to US$24,000 per tonne LCE reflecting material price rises in the commodity over the last 2 years and anticipated long-term pricing. Higher pricing is even more applicable to Falchani given the potential to precipitate battery grade lithium carbonate through its flow sheet.
Simon Clarke, CEO of American Lithium stated, “We are very pleased to accelerate PFS work at Falchani through the appointment of DRA Global to drive completion of what we believe will be a very robust update to the existing PEA and to fast-track completion of the PFS process. Falchani is a unique, large-scale lithium deposit on which a lot of exploration and development work has already been done. We have been able to build on this through ongoing work at ANSTO and the launch of the EIA in August of last year. At the same time, we are delighted to be able to restart drilling at the Project, and the fact that the deposit is open in several directions gives us confidence in our ability to materially expand the mineral resources at Falchani. The existence of other key targets in the area surrounding Falchani with similar surface expressions, continues to fuel our belief that there are additional deposits on our concessions.”
Qualified Person
Mr. Ted O’Connor, P.Geo., Executive Vice President of American Lithium, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release.
American Lithium to Fast-Track Completion of Pre-Feasibility Study for Falchani
Appoints DRA Global as Lead Engineer and Plans Near-Term Update of PEA
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, March 6, 2023 – American Lithium Corp. (“American Lithium” or the “Company”) (TSX-V:LI | NASDAQ-AML| Frankfurt:5LA1) is pleased to announce that it has appointed DRA Global (“DRA”) as lead engineer to coordinate completion of a Pre-Feasibility Study (“PFS”) on the Company’s Falchani Lithium Project in Southern Peru (“Falchani”).
As part of this process, Stantec Consulting Ltd. (“Stantec”) will also prepare an updated mineral resource estimate on Falchani which will involve the reclassification of existing resource categories, as well as including new drill data from the recent hydrology drilling which commenced in August 2022.
The Company also announces that it has restarted additional hydrology drilling at Falchani, with full support from the local communities. This drilling is part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) that was commenced in August 2022.
The first step towards completing a PFS will involve updating the Company’s existing Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) for Falchani, which is expected to expedite the PFS process. The work required to update the PEA started in the second half of 2022 with a focus on incorporating Sulphate of Potash and Cesium by-products, which are expected to provide a valuable contribution to the project economics. It will also incorporate the updated mineral resource data being prepared by Stantec.
As announced in June 2022, work by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (“ANSTO”) validated Sulphate of Potash as a viable and important by-product at Falchani. ANSTO is now focused on adding Sulphate of Potash and Cesium circuits to the overall flow sheet, while maintaining / increasing the impressive lithium extraction rates and battery grade purity. It is anticipated that this work will be finalized in the near term.
Finally, the PEA will also be updated to reflect the material increase in lithium carbonate pricing since the original report published in early 2020, which used a $12,000 per tonne LCE price. Recent studies on other lithium projects globally have used up to US$24,000 per tonne LCE reflecting material price rises in the commodity over the last 2 years and anticipated long-term pricing. Higher pricing is even more applicable to Falchani given the potential to precipitate battery grade lithium carbonate through its flow sheet.
Simon Clarke, CEO of American Lithium stated, “We are very pleased to accelerate PFS work at Falchani through the appointment of DRA Global to drive completion of what we believe will be a very robust update to the existing PEA and to fast-track completion of the PFS process. Falchani is a unique, large-scale lithium deposit on which a lot of exploration and development work has already been done. We have been able to build on this through ongoing work at ANSTO and the launch of the EIA in August of last year. At the same time, we are delighted to be able to restart drilling at the Project, and the fact that the deposit is open in several directions gives us confidence in our ability to materially expand the mineral resources at Falchani. The existence of other key targets in the area surrounding Falchani with similar surface expressions, continues to fuel our belief that there are additional deposits on our concessions.”
Qualified Person
Mr. Ted O’Connor, P.Geo., Executive Vice President of American Lithium, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release.