Anglo Aluminum Corp.

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1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicAnglo Aluminum Corp.

20.07.10 22:20
Formerly Navasota Resources

Könnte ein Big Player im Bauxit ( Aluminium ) Geschäft werden. Wird in die Timeline der Rohstoff Explorer aufgenommen.

SymbolTSX Venture: ALU

Share Structure:

Issued & Outstanding   80,949,285
Options                          7,564,928
Warrants NIL
Fully Diluted                88,514,213


$ 2,525,873 by the end of period January 31, 2010.

Current liabilities: $ 248,930 January 31, 2010

Optionen Seite 18 auf dem financial statement, hier sieht man die Optionen vom Management, welche bei höheren Kursen liegen. Die meisten können bei dem Bereich $0,22, bei $0,32 und bei $0,60 liegen. Daraus schließt, auch das Management geht von höheren Kursen aus.

Neustes Sedar Filing vom 15 Juni:

Projekte mit dem dazu ausgerechneten Metallwert. Die Berechnungen wurden mit der aktuellen Shareanzahl erstellt. Die aktuellen Metallpreise werden bei jeweiligem Projekt dazugeschrieben. Kosten lieben noch keine vor, da noch keine aktuelle Machbarkeitsstudie vorliegt.

Anglo Aluminum hat 3 Projekte, wovon bei 2 noch gebohrt wird. Hier das Koba Projekt:

Projekt Koba:

Resourcen Bauxit/Aluminum:

Inferred 63,342,000t bei Graden von 43.81% gibt recoverable Metal 27,750,130t
Indicated 343,183,000t bei Graden von 42.78% gibt recoverable Metal 146,813,687t

Price $/lb - 0,63 was einem Preis $/kg 1,39 entsprechen würde.

Inferred Metallwert: $38,542,495,823  
Indicated Metallert: $203,911,329,157

Resourcen Iron Ore Pellets

Inferred 63,342,000t bei Graden von 26.76% gibt recoverable Metal 16,950,319t
Indicated 343,183,000t bei Graden von 27.83% gibt recoverable Metal 95,507,829t

Price $/t - 68.20

Inferred Metallwert: $1,156,011,769
Indicated Metallwert: $6,513,633,931

Resourcen Titanium

Inferred 63,342,000t bei Graden von 2.44% gibt recoverable metal 1,545,545t
ndicated 343,183,000t bei Graden von 2.40% gibt recoverable metal 8,236,392t

Preis $/kg - 7.30

Inferred Metallwert: $11,282,477,040
Indicated metallwert: $60,125,661,600

Anlgo Aluminum hält 100% an dem Projekt wobei mit der Regierung Guinea ausgehandelt wurde 50% an potentielle Investoren verkaufen zu können.

Gesamtprojektwert: $321,531,609,320
Bei den aktuellen Shares wären das: $3,935.27 je Share

• Existing railway line approximately 16km from the site.
• Modern mining regulatory system

• 1,064km2 situated in the Boke Bauxite Belt of north west Guinea.
• The Boke Bauxite Belt hosts the world's largest and highest quality bauxite deposits with grades of 40% to    60% aluminium oxide.
• The permit area is directly surrounded by several of the world's major bauxite miners.
• Three refineries have been proposed for construction in the Boke Bauxite Belt in the next 5 years, all of    which will be within close proximity to the Anglo Aluminum permit area.


es sitzt auch einer von Alcoa mit an Bord.


hier ist rauszulesen, dass:

Bauxit: die Bauxitvorräte Guineas werden auf etwa 10 Milliarden Tonnen geschätzt. Das ist fast die Hälfte der Weltvorräte. Auch die größte Tagebaustätte der Welt für Bauxit befindet sich in Boké. Obwohl das Land der zweitgrößte Bauxitlieferant ist, stellt es wegen Energiemangels nur 2 % des Aluminats her.

An der Süd-Westlichen Landesgrenze zu Guinea wurden große Bauxit Vorkommen in der Region Boe aufgefunden und exploriert. Die Regierung des Landes Guinea-Bissau hat mit einem angolanischen Bergbauunternehmen Verträge zum Abbau und Export des Bauxit Vorkommens in Boe im Jahr 2008 abgeschlossen.

Den Rest könnt ihr selber nachforschen, wenn ihr wollt und ich euer Interesse mit dem rießigen vorkommen erweckt habe.

Beste Grüße


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1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicAluminium Nachfrage

12.10.10 15:04
The Aluminum Industry has begun to show signs of stability in recent months. One of the fundamental factors for the turnaround in the aluminum industry has been the continued production discipline demonstrated by China. From 2002 to 2008, China had been a net exporter of aluminum, but has since become a net importer. In fact, The Chinese Government recently announced that restrictions on power that will come into place in an attempt to rein in

steigt wieder an.

Beste Grüße


1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicWir dürfen uns freuen, Anlgo

28.10.10 17:23

in Kanada schon $0,30 :)

Hier die neue Corporate Presentation:


Beste Grüße


Keine Empfehlung für irgendwas !

1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicPräsentation vom Oktober

29.10.10 11:09

Ich hab Sie mir nochmal genauer angesehen. So gefällt einiges:

•Guinea is one of the largest bauxiteproducers in the world.

•Guinea hosts 30% of the global bauxite resources.

•Boke Bauxite Belt host the world’s largest and highest quality bauxite deposits with grades of 40 -60% alumina.

Alle drei Projekte von Anlgo Aluminum liegen innerhalb von anderen Projekten der "Großen" wie BHP, Rio Tinto, China Investment und viele mehr. Seite 13 in der Präsentation.

- Die PEA (preliminary economic assessment) für das Koba Bauxite Projekt ebenso für das Koumbia Projekt ist in Arbeit. Dürfte bei den riesen Ressourcen wohl positiv ausfallen.

- Eine neue Ni 43-101 ist in Arbeit (für das Koba Projekt).


Beste Grüße



1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicAlu Outlook!

29.10.10 15:34

Nachfrage und Angebot über die nächsten Jahre. Nachfrage sollte zunehmen.

Interessanter Beitrag aus dem stockhouse Board:

Hathor connection is Director - Andriyko Herchak, C.A. Yes,  I understood there were people from Hathor who were suppose to be  buying a while back, but I don't know if they bought any?
  This run  up today could be a few things. Recent powerpoint on ALU's website  mentioning Ivan Anich and Merve Thede have joined Alu as advisors, plus  we already have Russell Williams as director. These three have over 100  years combined bauxite experience with Alcoa, and I believe one of them  is still working for HATCH. This is ONE HELL OF A BIG ENDORSEMENT!
It  could also be recent announcements by some countries like INDIA, Middle  East, China, Brazil that they will be spending trillions on  infrustructure.
Maybe we are in talks about a sale or joint venture?
Billions of dollars already announced sitting on the side lines waiting for Guinea to finish their election.
Lots of news due out shortly, this rise in our share price today could be anticipating something good!
SMG  Guinea Nov.23 to Nov. 25 2010, All the big companies will be there, you  can bet our guys will have lots of meetings lined up.
I think we are getting close to take off! It would be great if Guinea comes through on Nov.7th with the election.

Beste Grüße


1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicÜberblick Guinea

31.10.10 11:46

China, Brasilien, Indien... Investitionen in Milliardenhöhe in Guniea's Infrastruktur, Schaffen von Jobs. Sichern von Rohstoffressourcen, Aluminium, Öl und Diamanten.

Im Mangagement von Anglo Aluminum sitzen 3 von Alcoa, wir werden sehen, inwieweit Anglo Aluminum seinen Platz in Guinea einnehmen wird. Entweder wird das Projekt verkauft, oder mit einem Joint venture in Produktion gebracht. Das Multi-Milliarden Dollar Projekt wird nicht spurlos an den Investoren vorbei gehen.


Beste Grüße



Aus dem stockhouse von gwylim, er macht super Arbeit !

Guinea has been under the spotlight for all the wrong reasons, Habib Hahn

Guinea  has been under the spotlight for all the wrong reasons - coups, counter  coups and controversial elections. But this is a country which holds  the largest boxite reserves in the world used in aluminum production. It  also has large iron ore deposits and has mining giants clamoring to  invest in the country. Lerato Mbele caught up with Habib Hahn, Vice  President of Strategic Sector Economies for Guinea at the African  Leadership Retreat currently taking place in Johannesburg to discuss  political risk and investment in the country's mining sector.
Anglo Aluminum Corp. has iron ore permits too, and Uranium, and 14 base metal permits

Anglo  Aluminum acquired the Mamou-Dalaba project through an agreement to  purchase 100% of the issued share capital of Societe Guineenne de Fer et  de Bauxite (SGFB), a local Guinean company that holds the 4  Mamou-Dalaba bauxite permits.  SGFB also holds 14 base metal and 4 iron  ore permits in the Beyla and Kankan areas, and 3 uranium permits in the  Beyla area in south-eastern Guinea.  Coffey will complete an initial  assessment on these permits, as well.

Bessonders der letzte Satz, mit den iron ore permits, Uran und 14 base metal permits gefällt mir sehr an Anglo Aluminum!!


1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicMrd Projekt wurde noch größer :)

04.11.10 09:52

Dinge gehen ihren Lauf !!

Mit dieser Resourcenerweiterung von 46% ist das Koba Projekt ein Weltklasse riesen Bauxite Deposit, an dem kein Investor vorbei kommt. Damit hat Anglo es geschafft. Außerdem noch 14 weitere Projekte.

Also jetzt wird es eng, wenn man noch nicht drin ist :)

Es gibt nun nicht mehr zu sagen, außer "fuck ich hab zu wenig von den Shares"


Beste Grüße

Euer Bio

943 Postings, 5916 Tage Alfgolf2bist Alleinunterhalter

04.11.10 15:06
aber wieder einmal Wahnsinn was Du da rausgekrmt hast....

das ist echt CA jetzt schon wieder 26% im Plus.....

aber wie wir ja wissen gibt es kein Neid..würg:)

Gratuliere Dir....vielleicht vielleicht, wenn es mir überkommt, probier ichs mal aus über Cortalconsors in kananda zu ordern::))


1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogic#21

05.11.10 11:45
Viel Glueck!


Beste Grüße


1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicHi there investors from stockhouse board

07.11.10 16:58

Hi oleblue, gwylim, glenn3 and the others. I like your posts and your information about anglo aluminum and the government of new guinea.

I saw that you're following this board and my calculations for anglo aluminum. I also saw, that you are thinking about the calculations and the share price.

Now I would like to show you the newest calculation with the new drillings update from the koumbia deposit and the koba deposit. The calculations are based with the latest metalprices for Bauxite / lb and without costs, because we haven't any. Costs will be added in the feasibility study or the preliminary feasibility study which is currently under way.

Just start:

Koba project (bauxite, iron ore pellets and titanium):

Bauxite/ Aluminum with indicated resources of 501,000,000 mil tonnes @ grades of 42.9 % is recoverable metal of 214,929,000 mil tonnes. Price USD / lb is about $0.63. Price USD / t is about $1,388.91. This price $1,388.91 from the market with the recoverable metal  214,929,000 mil tonnes is about: $298,517,521,360 (this is the metal value for indicated resources bauxite)

Bauxite / Aluminum with inferred resources of 65,100,000 mil tonnes @ grades of 43.69% is recoverable metal of 28,442,190mil tonnes. Price USD / t of $1,388.91. This price with recoverable metal is about: $39,503,706,158 (this is the metal value for inferred resources bauxite).

Iron Ore pellets with indicated resources of 501,000,000 mil tonnes @ grades of 27.81 is recoverable metal of 139,328,100 mil tonnes. Price USD / t is about $68.20. This price with the recoverable metal of 139,328,100 is about: $9,502,176,420 (this is the metal value for indicated resources iron ore pellets).

Due to this calculations Inferred iron ore metal value in short form  is: $1,194,755,562

Titanium metal value indicated is: $83,356,380,000 (with market price of 7,050.00 and grades of 2.36%).

Titanium metal value inferred is: $11,290,293,000

Due to this calculations the gross project value inferred and indicated is about: $443,364,832,500

This amount divided with the current shares outstanding (82mio shares) is a gross project value per share of : $5,406.00 USD/share

This was the Koba project with the full 100% own, there is an arrangement with the government of new guinea to sell 50% to a potential investor and 50% to the government. $5,406.00 divided with 2 is about : $ 2,703.00 USD/share without costs!!

Now the koumbia project only indicated resources available:

Indicated Bauxite resources of 129,800,000 mil tonnes @ grades of 48.4% is recoverable metal of about 62,823,200 mil tonnes. This multiplied by the market price is about: $87,255,912,175 metal value.

Indicated iron ore pellets metal value is: $1,752,767,280 (grades of 19.8%)

Indicated titanium metal value is: $35,688,510,000 (grades of 3.9%)

The gross project value of koumbia is about: $124,697,189,455

USD/share : $1,526.18

This calculations are as mentioned above without all types of the costs, because they will follow with the feasibility study.

But we all can see, this is something really big and it will be huge. The koumbia deposit is just a little drilled and we can expect  additional updates and expands(raises) of the resources. Altough they have 14 additional projects with titanium, and a lot more different ore's.

Please look over my bad english and my grammar I'm just learning :)

I hope to hear some interesting posts and information in the stockhouse board in future.

Kind regards,


1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicin Kanada schon

08.11.10 17:12
$ 0,50 !!!

Ultra :)

ich meld mich jetzt bis $0,86 nemme.

Beste Grüße


1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogic#24

16.11.10 13:03
Anglo Aluminum Corp. (TSX VENTURE:ALU) is pleased to announce positive results from the initial drill campaign on its 100%25-owned Mamou-Dalaba Bauxite Project in Guinea, West Africa. The regionally-focused program consisted of 48 auger-type drill holes totalling 519 metres spaced at 1,200 metres along a series of bauxitic plateaus in the
ich kann mein Versprechen doch nicht einhalten, mich erst bei $0,86 wieder zu melden, da Anglo Aluminum mit den neuesten Nachrichten in eine andere Liga katapultiert wird.

Die neuste Nachricht lässt darauf schließen, dass Anglo nach dem Drillprogramm an der Mamou Dalaba Property seine Bauxitereserven auf über 1 Billion tonnen anwachsen werden, diese Nachricht muss man nicht mehr kommentieren. Rio tinto, BHP und alle großen werden nun die Augen auf Anglo Aluminum gerichtet haben.

In Neu Guinea waren gerade Wahlen, fällt alles positiv aus, auch mit den Elections, dann steht einem Kursfeuerwerk hier nichts mehr im Wege.  Riesen Bauxiteressourcen zu 100% von Anlgo gehalten, das ist schon ne Hausnummer. Die Berechnung mit derzeitigen Ressourcen seht ihr in Post #23.

Beste Grüße


Quelle :  siehe Link

1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicWahlen sind vorbei

16.11.10 20:33

die ersten Wahlen in Guinea seit 50 Jahren ý

Danke an stockhouse und glenn, ebenso gwylim für die News:

Guinea Declares Conde Winner in First Free

No apology required. The fact that there was a electoral process and a  winner is a great first step for Guinea. I agree that this will be  beneficial for ALU and other  investment and Guinea. The country has  been governed by individuals who have been influenced by  France, who's  record in regions of Africa speaks for itself. It will take time to  purge the system of this idealism, but this is an historic first step. I  hope that the next week will pass peacefully and we see positive  action  in investments.
Great news release today !!! Our resource  just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I'd be very surprised if we have  not been on someones radar for some time and this news should reinforce  the strategic importance of these holdings. Will b interested in share  price and volume action. There are very low volumes available for sale @  these prices which imples to me that most know what they have and the  potential. The recent volume and appreciation may have been partially  anticipating this news release and  not just the election, so would not  be surprised if price does not jump, but hope I'm wrong.
Thanks again Gwylim for your contributions to this board!


Genau meine Meinung, Anglo hat nun eines der größten Bauxitevorkommens der Welt:

I compared these results to our Koba results and they are very close to most of the Koba results. Some of M-D's
highlight holes  include 15 metres assaying 43.79% Al2O3, 10 metres of 41.53% Al2O3, and 8 metres of 46.81% Al2O3 . They  don't get much better than these. They are very thick and right at the  surface, making them very profitable to mine. Next step I guess is to  get our PEA results out, the BIG BOYS will want to see them, then  hopefully we can get a listing on the HONG KONG Stock Exchange as we  diffently need to attract more investors! I'm very surprised at the lack  of interest in our stock after two good pieces of news today! Guinea  elects first President in 50 some years, and Anglo Aluminum Corp. has  probably showed us we will probably end up with well over 
in total once the Mamou-Dalaba has been completely drilled off and a 43-101 has been completed!  ANGLO ALUMINUM CORP. has probably one of the largest bauxite resources in the WORLD!





Bin kein Anlageberater und diene nicht dazu. Posts stellen eigene Meinung dar

1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicDie Tür wird nun

17.11.10 15:24

für ausländische Investoren geöffnet, der Weg ist geebnet und frei für Anlgo, auch wenn die politischen Entscheidungen noch ein viertel Jahr in Anspruch nehmen werden.

Bericht nach den Wahlen:

for Guinea's mines? Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:13pm GMT

DAKAR  Nov 16 (Reuters) - Reforming Guinea's mining industry will be high on  the to-do list for president-elect Alpha Conde, who will need revenues  from the resource sector to develop the impoverished West African state.

Guinea  is the world's largest exporter of the aluminium ore bauxite -- with  about a third of the world's known reserves -- and also holds vast iron  ore riches that have attracted billions of dollars in planned  investments from companies such as Vale and Rio Tinto.

Guinea's  election commission this week named veteran opposition leader Conde the  winner of the Nov. 7 election with 52.5 percent of the vote.

Here are some questions and answers about what a Conde presidency means for Guinea's mining sector:


If  Guinea completes the transition to civilian rule and relative stability  following years of chaos, it will open the door to new foreign  investment aimed at speeding development of its mineral resources.

But  competition for Guinea's huge iron ore deposits will also pave the way  for the government to rewrite the mining code and review contracts to  improve the state's share of revenues, which could be good for Guinea  but potentially tough on miners.

"I would expect him to pit big  mining interests from rival countries like France, China, the United  States and Russia against each other," said Lydie Boka, an analyst at  Strategico.

Conde, like his defeated rival Cellou Dalein Diallo,  has said he will review a slew of contracts signed during junta rule by  firms such as Brazil's Vale, Australia's Rio Tinto and Aluminum Corp of  China to ensure they are fair to the state.

Analysts are mixed on whether Conde will be tougher in the review than Diallo would have been.

On  the one hand, Conde is keen to boost the state take from miners, many  of whom anticipated a Diallo win. But on the other, he is perceived as  closer to Energy Minister Mahmoud Thiam, whose signature is on many of  the deals.

Analysts said small resource companies are more at risk  from the review than the larger ones, whose contribution to state  revenue is higher.


There  are a few major disputes in Guinea's mining sector that Conde's  government will need to resolve. Perhaps the biggest involves Rio's  Simandou iron ore concession, billed as the world's largest undeveloped  deposit.

In the final days of President Lansana Conte's rule in  2008, Guinea said Rio was too slow to develop Simandou, stripped off two  of its four Simandou blocks and gave them to BSGR, which is controlled  by Israeli billionaire diamond trader Beny Steinmetz.

In April  2010, BSGR signed a deal with Vale, the world's biggest miner, to  explore the blocks, lending its project some heft, even though Rio  claimed it still has rights to them.

Energy Minister Thiam said  earlier this year that Rio has until February 2011 to formally give up  the two blocks or risk losing the rest of its Simandou concession.

Industry  insiders have said Conde has appeared closer than Diallo to Thiam's  line on this dispute, meaning that pressure will remain on Rio to  surrender the blocks if it wants to develop any part of Simandou.


The  other major dispute is over RUSAL's Friguia alumina refinery, which a  Guinean court last year ruled was purchased by the Russian company  unlawfully. Guinea has also said RUSAL owes $860 million in back taxes.

The  Friguia refinery is backed by French investors, and Conde is personally  close to former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner --  circumstances some analysts suggest could lead Conde to be less harsh on  RUSAL than Diallo might have been.

However Chris Melville of Menas Associates said Thiam's influence could come to the fore here too.

"There  is a consensus ... among both the candidates and within the  transitional government to accept the approach that has been taken by  Energy Minister Mahmoud Thiam, and it would be politically difficult for  Conde to break with that," he said.


Analysts  have said Guinea's mining code has not been updated since the 1990s,  leaving the country ill-equipped to negotiate appropriately with foreign  mining companies seeking to exploit its resources.

It is possible that Guinea's review of contracts will have to wait until the mining code is updated.

While  Conde is likely to try to update the mining framework, there are some  fears that his inexperience in government -- he has been an opposition  politician since the late 1950s -- could lead to a protracted period of  policy confusion.

"The more immediate problem is the lack of  policy direction, of not knowing what the policy framework is," said  Sebastian Spio-Garbrah of DaMina Advisors.

(Editing by Jane Baird)

© Thomson Reuters 2010 All rights reserved

Beste Grüße und viel Erfolg


1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogic?

06.12.10 13:17
Wer kauft da in Berlin 25% teurer, als der Schlusskurs in Kanada?

Einer der nicht rechnen kann, oder einer der es sehr eilig hat einige Shares zu bekommen, egal was es kostet....

Das dürfte demnach interessant werden.

Sollten wir beobachten.


1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicBioLogic unterhält BioLogic :)

14.12.10 12:48

Lack of bauxite resources to hinder aluminium projects


One  will not fail to notice the convergence of thoughts of our mines  minister B K Handique and Klaus Kleinfeld, CEO of the world’s largest  producer of the white metal, Alcoa, on the long-term demand and price  outlook for aluminium. Both believe the use of aluminium, favoured for  its light weight, malleability and recycling qualities, will continue to  grow strongly through 2020. This will ensure the shifting of balance of  supply and demand in favour of aluminium makers.

It is not  comforting that while we have ownership of the world’s fifth-largest  bauxite resources of well over three billion tonnes, including  recoverable reserves in excess of 2.5 billion tonnes, and our economy is  growing at close to a double-digit rate, the per capita aluminium  consumption remains a low 1.3 tonnes. But, as we have seen in recent  times, especially in the case of China, the metal use of an economy  rises significantly when infrastructure and construction development is  given a place of pride in the growth programme.
When Handique says  our aluminium production will take a major leap to five million tonnes  by 2015 from 1.3 million tonnes now and demand, then, will not trail  supply, he is sure about the metal finding increasingly greater  application in the earlier mentioned two sectors and also in transport.  However, the electrical sector will account for the largest share of  aluminium use, unlike in developed economies.

The building  of nuclear power plants and our ambition to build aircraft locally are  the other potentially large white metal use outlets. In fact, as  Kleinfield says, a growth industry like aerospace will need more and  more aluminium globally.

Let’s take a count of how India will  become a producer of five million tonnes of aluminium in another five  years. After all, aluminium is a long gestation industry, particularly  because here it necessarily involves establishment of mines linkages.  Not only the Niyamgiri fiasco, of which the victim is the Vedanta group,  but every other bidder for bauxite deposits, be it in the government or  the private sector, will invariably be subject to the test of patience  and excruciating delays in getting mines allotment and related  clearances.

One which has come up trumps in the patience test and  has built three greenfield smelters with a capacity of 359,000 tonnes  each and two alumina refineries of 1.5-million-tonne capacity each is  Hindalco. At the same time, the country’s leading copper-to-aluminium  group is expanding the capacity of its Hirakud smelter to 360,000 tonnes  from 155,000 tonnes. Hindalco Chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla says the Rs  40,000-crore investment will make the group, including Novelis, owner  of 1.8 million tonnes of aluminium capacity.

The central  government-owned National Aluminium Company (Nalco) has quite a few  capacity development ideas to be realised in the country and abroad.  But, Nalco Director B L Bagra makes us understand that the first one to  get off the ground will be the third-phase expansion at its existing  sites to lift capacities of the smelter, refinery and power complex to  630,000 tonnes, three million tonnes and 1,700 Mw, respectively. To  build the second greenfield smelter in Orissa, the company needs support  of the state administration in acquiring new deposits and identifying a  site alternative to Jharsuguda, where it has been denied access on  environmental grounds.

According to Handique, the country will  need 10 million tonnes of aluminium by 2020. If supply of this order is  to be had from local sources, then Orissa, where the country’s major  portion of bauxite is found, and Andhra Pradesh will have to work as  true facilitators of aluminium capacity development. Globally, large  physical stocks, idle high-cost capacity waiting for recommissioning on  the back of sufficient recovery in aluminium prices and some large new  smelters getting commissioned outside the West will explain why  aluminium is now selling at over 30 per cent discount to the July 2008  record prices. Aluminium is, however, doing a lot better now than the  time when the industry was brought to its knees in the wake of the  damaging recession.

Kleinfeld tells Financial Times that as we go  forward, it will become increasingly difficult to “find new high quality  mines to produce bauxite and sites for new refineries”. Is he not  suggesting that electricity availability and its cost will be important  determinants of smelter sites? Electricity constitutes up to 40 per cent  of the cost of making aluminium. This explains why Nalco is looking at  several offshore sites where the power cost for building smelters is  low. Indonesia, where coal-fired electricity comes cheap, should be  Nalco’s first overseas outing, provided everything falls in place.

Access  to good bauxite deposits and low cost power are compelling  considerations for Alcoa to take 25.1 per cent ownership of Ma’aden  aluminium project in Saudi Arabia. A $10.8-billion venture, the project  scope includes four-million-tonne bauxite mining, a 1.8-million-tonne  refinery, a 2,400-Mw power complex and a 740,000-tonne smelter.  Kleinfeld is right; capital will not hinder an aluminium project in  future, but scarcity of bauxite resource and ideal sites well could.




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1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicWarten auf die PEA

23.12.10 13:01

tick tock und dann,

"blue sky"




1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicAlcoa

13.01.11 11:11

reanimiert 3 Raffinerien:

as Aluminum Advances   Jan 9, 2011 9:01 PM PT

Alcoa Inc.,  the largest U.S. aluminum producer, may post its highest earnings in  nine quarters after the commodity’s price neared levels last seen before  the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in 2008.

The  company will report fourth-quarter net income of 19 cents a share after  trading today, compared with a 28-cent loss a year earlier, according to  the average of 15 analysts’ estimates in a Bloomberg survey. That would  be the New York- based company’s biggest profit since the third quarter  of 2008, when commodity prices began to tumble. 

Aluminum Makers Ride Price Increases

Market Updraft Is Likely to Continue as Demand Climbs in Housing, Transportation Sectors; China Cuts Back on Production

Alcoa to restart three smelters




1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicIn Guinea wird nach Investitionen geschaut

13.01.11 11:22

The  two countries have been trying to re-launch bauxite mining project in  Boé, an extension of the Boké reserves in Guinea Conakry, improve the  port of Buba and the railroad.

These projects, Africa Monitor reported, may soon have the involvement of Chinese companies.

Chinese  mining company Chinalco is one of the most active in the region in  searching for bauxite, the basic raw material for aluminium production,  and is wrangling for concessions with Brazil’s Vale, particularly in  neighbouring Guinea Conakry.

According to Africa Monitor, Bauxite  Angola is currently 90 percent Angolan-owned and 10 percent owned by  Guinean public and private investors.

Asprebras, which is  responsible for construction of the port of Buba and its respective road  and rail links, is a consortium made up of Brazilian company Odebrecht  and Angolan companies. (macauhub)





23 Postings, 4990 Tage Magnus78un was wird nun

11.03.11 05:14

521 Postings, 5254 Tage Schabo04@all

19.03.11 11:14
Hallo zusammen,

Bin jetzt auch dabei, kann ja nicht mehr lange dauern bis zur PEA und bei diesem Potential kann man nichts falsch machen


1841 Postings, 5981 Tage BioLogicGott

24.03.11 17:29
Wasn hier passiert... Von 300 % plus auf 40 % !

Boerse sucks...

165 Postings, 5329 Tage archimedizum Thema Investitionssicherheit

05.05.11 11:04
Neuer Deal zwischen Guinea und Rio Tinto
700 Mio. US$ für Beendigung des Disputs / Eisenerzförderung soll 2015 beginnen / Von Dieter Grau

Conakry (gtai) - Guineas Ankündigung, das Bergbaugesetz des westafrikanischen Landes zu revidieren, scheint Rio Tinto Ende April 2011 motiviert zu haben, einen neuen Deal mit der Regierung in Conakry einzugehen. Der australisch-britische Bergbaukonzern hat damit einen zweijährigen Disput über die Simandou-Eisenerzmine beendet. Gegen eine Zahlung von 700 Mio. US$ werde Rio Tintos 10 Mrd. US$-Projekt nicht von aktuellen und zukünftigen Änderungen des Mining-Codes berührt, verlautete aus gut informierten Kreisen.

521 Postings, 5254 Tage Schabo04News Private Placement

09.05.11 20:52
News Release
May 5, 2011
Anglo Aluminum Increases Size Of Private Placement Offering
VANCOUVER, BC - Anglo Aluminum Corp. (the "Company") announces that further to its news release of April 19, 2011, it has increased the size of its previously announced non-brokered private placement from 2,000,000 units (the "Units") to up to 2,660,000 Units at a price of $0.25 per Unit for aggregate proceeds of up to $665,000. As previously announced, each Unit will consist of one common share in the capital of the Company and one share purchase warrant (a "Warrant"). Each Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one additional common share at a price of $0.35 per share for a period of one year from the completion of the private placement.

In accordance with applicable securities legislation, all securities issued will be subject to a hold period of four months and a day from the date of completion of the offering. The proceeds of the private placement will be used by the Company to advance its Koba Bauxite Project, located in the Republic of Guinea, West Africa, and for general working capital.

For more information, please visit: or contact Jim Gillis at 250-374-7377.

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Anglo Aluminum Corp.  

521 Postings, 5254 Tage Schabo04News

25.10.11 21:41
Bellzone Mining plc and Anglo Aluminum Corp.: Third Party Access to 300 MTPA Infrastructure in Guinea
KAMLOOPS, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 24, 2011) - Bellzone Mining plc (AIM:BZM) ("Bellzone" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with Anglo Aluminum Corp (TSX VENTURE:ALU) regarding the latter's access as a third party commercial user of the port and rail infrastructure being developed by China International Fund Limited ("CIF") for Bellzone's 100% owned Kalia Mine Project in Guinea, West Africa.

Anglo Aluminum Corp ("Anglo") is a Canadian TSX-Venture Exchange listed company (trading symbol "ALU") that is developing bauxite resources in Guinea. Anglo has conducted Aster image analysis and preliminary exploration drilling at Mamou Dalaba in the south of Guinea and this supports historical data that shows the project area has the potential to host large bauxite deposits. Anglo is also planning additional resource drilling in early 2012.

Bellzone signed an infrastructure accord ("the Accord") with the Republic of Guinea in June 2010, which became law in August 2010, for the exclusive right to complete the technical and economic feasibility studies for the rail and port infrastructure required to transport and export iron ore from its Kalia Project.

In relation to the agreement reached by Bellzone with CIF, the infrastructure will be developed through Kalia Horizon Minerals Pte Ltd ("KHM"), a CIF subsidiary in which Bellzone has a 10% carrying interest. KHM received funding of US$40 million from CIF to conduct the nearly completed infrastructure feasibility studies for the 300mtpa multi user rail and deep water port located at Matakan at Ile de Kabak.

Nik Zuks, CEO of Bellzone stated: "The signing of the tripartite MOU with Anglo demonstrates the commitment of CIF, through KHM, to allow third party use on the rail and port infrastructure that is being developed. This facility will accelerate the development of resource projects that will bring significant benefits to Guinea."

Jim Gillis, CEO of Anglo Aluminum commented: "With infrastructure agreements in place, the development of bauxite mining at Mamou Dalaba is a step closer to being realised, and we look forward to working closely with all parties to bring this to fruition."

Alain Fanaie, CEO China Sonangol, speaking as the representative for CIF, said: "The development of this port and rail corridor represents a new milestone for the mining industry, and it will create further value for Guinea."

Editors' notes: About the infrastructure:

The Accord provided Bellzone with:

Exclusive access rights over the identified 300 km rail route and Matakan port site at Ile Kabak, 50 kilometres south east of Conakry, for the 30 month duration of the Accord from August 2010
30 months to complete feasibility studies and finalise the infrastructure convention
An agreement that the Republic of Guinea will facilitate all administrative processes that contribute to the optimal completion of the feasibility studies
A Certificate of Exclusive Build, Operate and Transfer ("B.O.T.") Dealer on signing of the infrastructure convention
Development of the 300 million ton per annum capacity rail and port facility, available for third party use, is on schedule:

Socioeconomic and Environmental Impact Assessment studies ("SEIA") and ("EIA") awarded in December 2010 are progressing well and are due for completion in November 2011.
Design options for the multi-berth port layout at Matakan at Ile Kabak have been completed and the detailed feasibility study report is due for completion in Q1 2012, after receiving final oceanographic and meteorological surveys, which are approximately 80% complete.
Land survey work has been completed.
The dual track, 300mtpa rail route alignment has been finalised with all topographic survey and geotechnical assessments completed.
Final optimisation to minimise construction times and overall costs is progressing.
The detailed rail feasibility study report is expected to be completed in Q4 2011.
About Bellzone Mining Plc

Bellzone Mining plc is an exploration and resource development company with iron ore and nickel / copper permits in the Republic of Guinea, West Africa.

Kalia Mine

The Company's flagship project, the Kalia Mine Project, is planned to commence production in 2014 and be producing iron ore and iron ore concentrate at a rate of 50 million tonnes per annum in 2018. The Kalia Mine Project has a 6.16 billion tonnes magnetite JORC resource and an oxide JORC resource of 193 million tonnes. A Supergene BIF JORC resource of 92.5 million tonnes at 36.5% Fe has been delineated and shows the potential to upgrade to produce 37 million tonnes of 63% Fe material. The oxide and Supergene BIF resources have been established from just 10.5% of the 55km2 of the mapped surface oxides on the Kalia permit. Drilling results and internal estimates indicate that the Kalia Mine Project has the potential to host more than 10 billion tonnes of magnetite and 2 billion tonnes of oxide.

CIF – Project, Financing & Infrastructure Partner

Bellzone has a Definitive Agreement ("Agreement") with China International Fund Limited ("CIF"). The Agreement gives CIF right of first refusal to purchase the Kalia Mine Project's production at market rates and CIF commits to providing Bellzone commercially related funding for the development of the Kalia Mine Project.

The Agreement contains CIF's commitment to fund and build commercially operated rail and port infrastructure that will enable Bellzone to export production from the Kalia Mine Project. The infrastructure is being developed by Kalia Horizon Minerals Pte Limited, an entity that is 90% owned by CIF with Bellzone having a 10% carried interest.

The Agreement provides for Bellzone to be the most favoured customer with permanent priority access.

Forécariah JV

Bellzone and CIF also have fully funded a joint venture to undertake the accelerated exploration and development programme at CIF's Forécariah iron permits that lie between 30 and 80 kilometres from the Guinea coast. Production is scheduled to start in Q1 2012 with an initial production rate of 3-4 mtpa of oxide ore, ramping to a rate of 10 mtpa in 2013.

Other activities

Bellzone has completed a mapping and surface sampling programme identifying highly prospective targets at its Sadeka Nickel/Copper Project. A VTEM aerial survey is currently being conducted to further define areas for a targeted drilling programme.

Bellzone has acquired the rights to buy 70% of Compagnie Miniere de L'Ouest Africain SA, incorporated and holding tenements in Mali. The company is undertaking geological studies on the tenements which are prospective for iron ore before making an investment decision.

Ab out China Sonangol and China International Fund Limited ("CS Group")

CS Group is headquartered in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, and has investment footprints in 3 continents and more than 20 countries.

The primary activities of CS Group is in oil, gas and mineral exploration and production, commodities trading and is also globally active in real estate and infrastructure development, where in particular, through China International Fund, it has participated in the rehabilitation and development of new and existing transport infrastructure in Angola such as New Luanda International Airport, where it is envisioned to be a major airport hub in West Africa, and rehabilitated main railways in Angola. CIF has also constructed 3 large scale logistics base in Angola, as the logistical backbone to support its infrastructure and industrial implementation and development program, consisting cement and brick production plants, sand and stone quarries, as well as production of industrial materials such as steel sheets and plastic pipes.

With the strengths of its experience in large scale infrastructure development in Africa, CS group is in the position to accelerate the iron ore exploration and production with its Joint Venture partner Bellzone Mining PLC.

CS Group has a vision for Africa. This vision is, through South-South cooperation, where in partnership with private industry and with the government, CS Group will develop public transport infrastructure such as road, rail, seaports and airports to improve connectivity and accessibility, as well as public utilities, agriculture, aqua culture, public housing, construction materials, mining and oil and gas projects, where its commercial objectives are aligned with the needs of countries to develop the economy and improve, ultimately, the living standards of the people.  

1724 Postings, 5354 Tage Arriba1Anglo Spinn out und news

01.08.12 18:16

Meldung bereits vom April.

und neu  Renewal beantragt

Should the reorganization complete as planned, shareholders of Anglo will become shareholders of Africa Bauxite Corporation. The proposed reorganization is intended to maximize shareholder value and liquidity, as well as create operating efficiencies.

Aktionäre von Anglo werden demnach anschliessend Aktionäre von  
Africa Bauxite Corp.


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