Küchen WG hat sich geeinigt !

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119 Postings, 5609 Tage PartisanKüchen WG hat sich geeinigt !

30.05.09 18:39

Was das Essen auf der Feier angeht,will man es einmal exotisch haben,und weil die Vegetarier sowieso aussterben,hat der Außenseitervorschlag des Partisanen in der geheimen Abstimmung gewonnen :

We proudly present.....  

Meat, milk and Mongolia:

A stroll down any Mongolian residential street is usually the first introduction to a visitor of the savoury odours of the traditional meals of this country. If you are invited into somebody's ger (or traditional tent dwelling) or apartment, you will probably have an opportunity of tasting buuz, khuushuur and bansh. These Mongolian national meals are made with minced meat seasoned with garlic or onion (it can be anything from mutton to beef to camel to horse to gazelle) covered with flour and steamed in boiling water, fried in oil and boiled in water. For many visitors to the country the vast quantities of meat consumed can at first be surprising. But it is not long before a visitor finds their favourite Mongolian food, be it buuz, khuushur or a number of other treats. A Canadian living in Ulaanbaatar once told me, "the Mongolian national food contains a lot of meat, but I like the buuz."  The hierarchy of foods in the Mongolian diet The meat-dependent diet arises from the need for hearty food to stave off the cold and long winters. Traditionally nomadic herders, Mongolians have for centuries been dependent on mostly animal products for their dietary staples. Now after over nine years of transition, the traditional diet has been used as a shield against hunger and for the wealthy, subject to the influence of imported foreign foods and cuisine. When the Russians pulled the plug on Mongolia's aid in 1991, the economy went into a severe crisis. For many Mongolians it was their first experience of serious hunger. The staple traditional diet of meat, milk and flour saw many people through this crisis, when food imports from the former Soviet Union dropped off.  

Mongolians traditionally have turned to foods that are high in protein and minerals, relying less on more seasonable foods like vegetables and fruits. This means a diet heavy on meat and dairy products, the latter when sour in the summer time thought to clean the stomach. It isn't just about meat though. Mongolians do also eat cereal, barley and natural fruits and plants native to the country.  

Out of necessity Mongolians have found creative and ingenious ways to use the milk of all five of the domestic animals in the country: sheep, cattle, goats, camels and horses. Orom is the cream that forms on top of boiled milk; aaruul are dried curds and can be seen baking in the sun on top of gers in the summer; eetsgii is the dried cheese; airag is fermented milk of mares (female horses); nermel, is the home-brewed vodka that packs a punch; tarag, is the sour yogurt; shar tos, melted butter from curds and orom, and tsagaan tos, boiled orom mixed with sometimes flour, natural fruits or eesgii. The method of drying the dairy products is common in preparing them. The Mongolians prepare enough dairy products for the long winter and spring.  

The traditions of using, producing and preparing these foods are stronger outside the main cities, where the population is more reliant on the vast herds for food. B. Baljmaa (Mongolians generally use their first names), a dietitian and nutritionist at the National Nutrition Research Centre, says there is a genetic compatability for the food.

"Before 1992 there wasn't much research in this area. But now we know from our research that Mongolians are better able to absorb foods with more acid. So, traditional food should be kept in the country."

Since 1997 Mongolians have seen a substantial increase in the variety and quantity of imported foods, many of which were only thought of as exotic 10 years ago. Since the start of 1999 the Soviet-style market stalls now compete against western-style supermarkets, with trolleys and shelves proudly saying "Made in Mongolia." In markets like Dalai Eej, Dorvon Uul, Food Land and Mercury it is possible to buy delicious prepared and canned foods, candies, biscuits, and unknown and unused before by Mongolians, products like oranges, bananas, plums and American chickens.  

On top of the canteens and cafes serving Mongolian food, there are now many restaurants, canteens, bakeries and tea shops which serve meals from Russia, Italy, India, China, Japan, Korea, England, France, Senegal and Turkey. Most of these restaurants are located in the capital, Ulaanbaatar. Mongolians have taken to the new tastes. "I think Mongolians like roasted chicken and fish when they go to the foreign sit-down restaurants, and hot dogs and pizzas in the fast foods shops," says I. Narantsetseg and her husband J.Battulga. Both were dining in the Seoul restaurant, and are happy they can go out for food: "it is a very good thing that there are opening a lot of restaurants where friends and family can go and enjoy food in comfort."

Isobe Hiroshi, manager of Seketei, a high-end Japanese restaurant, told me "only 20 per cent of our customers are Mongolians. The vast majority of our clients are foreign, especially Japanese people who are working and traveling here. I think Mongolians have still not grown used to sushi and sashimi, the raw fish prepared in our restaurant. But I hope we will welcome more and more Mongolians in the future."  

The traditional diet in the cities is more changed, more european. And with comes its own dangers for Mongolians says the Nutrition Centre's Baljmaa:

There is a big problem of importing poisonous foods....  


For more information,what maybe will be cooked,test the link...



Gibts in Dresden Umland Murmeltiere ????

Die sollen am leckersten sein.



19233 Postings, 6514 Tage angelaminteressanter vorschlag unseres veganischen

30.05.09 18:44

22764 Postings, 6061 Tage MaxgreeenBeim ersten Überfliegen las ich

30.05.09 18:50
"Küchen WG wurde gereinigt !  

119 Postings, 5609 Tage PartisanMan muß sich den Gegebenheiten anpaßen

30.05.09 18:52
hat meine Mamma immer gesagt,
und da dieses Treffen nun mal in der Tundra stattfindet,
da fand ich das naheliegend.
Ein paar Ziegen wirds schon geben,sonst bringt die Murphy mit,
der wird ja kaum selber mit den Murmeltieren zusammen in der Milchkanne landen wollen...

Das solltest sogar du hinkriegen,
also mal Anleitung in Kurzform:

Ziege,Hammel oder eben Murmeltier/Meerschweinchen abmurksen,
NICHT ausbluten laßen,daß muß im Tier bleiben,
dann das Vieh auseinanderschneiden,wie ist im Prinzip egal,Verwendung findet alles,bis auf die Gallenblase (die können wir ja für rituelle Anläße später am Abend vielleicht noch gebrauchen),

Ziegenmilch in die Milchkanne,das kleingeschnitte Fleisch und Innereien dazu und da wirft man dann erhitzte steine hinein,
so 'ne Art Steppen - Dämpf Technik,
ich geh mal davon aus,daß man das iin Sachsen auch sonst ähnlich macht.

Und das wars dann schon.  

19233 Postings, 6514 Tage angelames gab hier früher mal einen an board, der

30.05.09 18:55
landete letztlich im rosa kleidchen in herdecke während der rest sich in berlin kaputtlachte. weiß nicht mehr so genau, ob das mit irgendwelchen rezeptvorschlägen zusammenhing. wie ich da jetzt drauf komme, weiß ich erst recht nicht mehr.  

22764 Postings, 6061 Tage Maxgreeenwichtigste sächsische Spezialität darf NIE in der

30.05.09 18:59
Küche fehlen, sonst droht Ärger.  
Angehängte Grafik:
senf-mittelscharf.jpg (verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern

119 Postings, 5609 Tage PartisanDa muß ich nächstes Mal genauer schauen

30.05.09 19:05
in der Sächsischen Küche,
ob ich da sowas seh....Senf aus Sachsen,klingt zumindest

diesmal legt der Sonderagent XYSupermouse Kampfmontur an,
das mit dem Rosa Kleidchen,das passiert mir kein Zweites mal,
dafür wirde der Ente noch ordentlich der Bürzel gebürstet....

Ist da eigentlich ein Baggerlochj in der Nähe ?
Wäre schön,zum schwimmen,
und zum abtauchen....  

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