MANAS CEO Dr Becker Wall Street Reporter Interview

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14 Postings, 6231 Tage PlatoiconMANAS CEO Dr Becker Wall Street Reporter Interview

09.11.07 13:00


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News for 'MNAP' - (CEO of Manas Petroleum Discusses Big Potential in Albanian Oil Project and Current Undervaluation of Stock Price With Wall Street Reporter)  NEW YORK,

Nov 8, 2007 (PrimeNewswire via COMTEX) --

Wall Street Reporter recently interviewed Dr. Alex Becker, CEO of Manas Petroleum Corp. (OTCBB:MNAP).  

He explains the company's Production Sharing Agreements with the Albanian Government. The interview can be listened to or downloaded now at  In reference to the company's 3,000 square kilometers in Albania, Alex Becker, CEO of Manas Petroleum Corp. tells WSR, "We believe the potential in Albania will be much, much bigger than what we had in our Kyrgyz property."  

Regarding the current undervaluation of the company's share price, Dr. Becker points out, "Right now, our share price is reflected mainly by our Kyrgyz property."  

Highlights of the Interview:  

* The company's two Production Sharing Agreements with the Albanian government.  

* Substantial infrastructure at the company's Albanian project, including pipelines leading to a 10,000-barrel-per-day refinery.  

* The security provided by the Albanian government, which is in the process of joining the European Union.

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2544 Postings, 6329 Tage Hräswelgrmal ne Auffrischung........

05.04.11 19:08
BAAR (SCHWEIZ), 16. November 2010.

Manas Petroleum Corp. (OTCBB: MNAP) (Manas) freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass es seinen vierteljährlichen Bericht für das dritte Quartal 2010 in Form 10-Q bei EDGAR und SEDAR eingereicht hat. Das vollständige Dokument kann unter oder unter abgerufen werden.


Die Nettoeinnahmen beliefen sich in den neun Monaten, die am 30. September 2010 zu Ende gingen auf 65.530.401 $; im selben Zeitraum des Jahres 2009 gab es einen Verlust von 18.792.985 $. Diese Steigerung ist vor allem auf drei Komponenten zurückzuführen: Erstens verzeichnete Manas aus dem Verkauf seines Tochterunternehmens in Albanien einen Gewinn von 57.850.918 $. Zweitens stieg der Wert von Manas Investition in Tochterunternehmen, wie etwa Petromanas Energy Inc., in diesem Zeitraum um 13.635.118 $. Drittens musste Manas aufgrund von Änderungen beim Zeitwert von Warrants in den neun Monaten, die am 30. September 2009 zu Ende gingen, Gebühren in Höhe von 10.592.637 $ bezahlen. Für jene neun Monate, die am 30. September 2010 zu Ende gingen, meldete Manas aufgrund von Änderungen beim Zeitwert von Warrants einen Gewinn von 533.223 $.

In den neun Monaten, die am 30. September 2010 zu Ende gingen, gingen die Betriebsausgaben von 7.426.013 (im selben Zeitraum des Jahres 2009) auf 6.099.437 $ zurück. Dies ist ein Rückgang von 18 % oder 1.326.576 $. Dieser Rückgang ist vor allem auf die niedrigeren Personal- und Verwaltungskosten zurückzuführen.

Liquidität und Kapitalressourcen

Die Bilanz des Unternehmens belief sich am 30. September auf 3.318.465 $. Die aktuellen Aktiva stiegen auf insgesamt 3.986.616 $ und die aktuellen Passiva beliefen sich auf 428.543 $, woraus sich ein Netto-Betriebskapital von 3.558.073 $ ergibt (Stand: 30. September 2010). Zudem waren 25.000.000 der 200.000.000 Stammaktien von Petromanas Energy Inc., die sich im Besitz von Manas befinden, per 30. September 2010 frei handelbar. Am 30. September 2010 belief sich der Marktwert dieser frei handelbaren Aktien auf 8.750.000 $.

Das Geschäft läuft gut

Die konsolidierten Finanzausweise wurden bereits mit der Annahme erstellt, dass unser Geschäft weiterhin gut laufen wird.

In den drei bzw. neun Monaten, die am 30. September 2010 zu Ende gingen, verzeichnete Manas Nettoeinnahmen von 9.618.213 bzw. 65.530.401 $. Die Nettoeinnahmen in den drei Monaten, die am 30. September 2010 zu Ende gingen, sind in erster Linie auf eine Steigerung des Zeitwerts der Investitionen des Unternehmens in Petromanas Energy Inc. zurückzuführen, die sich auf 10.700.583 $ belaufen. Die Nettoeinnahmen in den neun Monaten, die am 30. September 2010 zu Ende gingen, sind in erster Linie auf den Gewinn aus dem Verkauf eines Tochterunternehmens für 57.850.918 $ sowie auf die daraus resultierende Steigerung des Zeitwerts dieser Investition um 13.653.118 $ zurückzuführen.

Der Nettoverlust belief sich bis 30. September 2010 auf insgesamt 218.475 $. Die Cashflows, die für betriebliche Angelegenheiten verwendet wurden, beliefen sich bis 30. September 2010 auf insgesamt 30.706.027 $.

Der Barbestand belief sich am 30. September auf 3.318.465 $. Die aktuellen Aktiva stiegen auf insgesamt 3.986.616 $ und die aktuellen Passiva beliefen sich auf 428.543 $, woraus sich ein Netto-Betriebskapital von 3.558.073 $ ergibt (Stand: 30. September 2010).

Das Management prognostizierte, dass Manas 8.280.000 $ benötigt, um seine geplanten Betriebe in den kommenden zwölf Monaten finanzieren zu können, und dass es nicht davon ausgeht, dass es eine zukünftige Finanzierung von externen Quellen benötigt, um seine Verpflichtungen bis Oktober 2011 erfüllen zu können. Um die Betriebe über Oktober 2011 hinaus fortsetzen zu können und seine Strategie zur Entwicklung seiner Aktiva umzusetzen, werden laut Manas weitere Finanzierungen erforderlich sein.

Jüngste Entwicklungen


In den ersten neun Monaten des Jahres 2010 setzte Petromanas Energy Inc., an dem Manas eine Beteiligung von 32,29 % besitzt, seine Explorationsarbeiten in Albanien fort.

Der Erwerb von technischen/seismischen Daten von 105 Kilometern in Block E in Albanien wurde am 10. November 2010 abgeschlossen. Dies wurde durchgeführt, um die strukturelle Definierung der Grundstücke West Rova, Rova und Papri fortzusetzen, und ergänzt die bestehenden 1.300 Kilometer, die von Albpetrol und Coparex erworben und von DWM Petroleum AG teilweise bearbeitet wurden. Die neuen seismischen Daten entsprechen der Mindestarbeitsverpflichtung des ersten Explorationszeitraums des Produktionsbeteiligungsvertrags für die Blöcke D und E.

Zudem erstellte Petromanas Energy ein seismisches Programm für die Blöcke 2 und 3, um die strukturelle Definierung der Grundstücke South Shpiragu 1 und South Shpiragu 2 sowie für Krasi fortzusetzen.

Die neue Seismik in den Blöcken 2 und 3 wird mit dem bestehenden Shpiragu-Bohrloch verbunden, um auf den South-Shpiragu-Grundstücken einen Zusammenhang zwischen Zeit und Tiefe zu ermitteln.

Kirgisische Republik

Das Joined Stock Company South Petroleum Company, an dem Manas eine Beteiligung von 25 % besitzt, setzte seine geologischen Untersuchungen auf fünf Konzessionsgebieten fort. Im dritten Quartal 2010 lag der Schwerpunkt der technischen Interpretationsarbeiten auf Folgendem:

DANK Tuzluk: Neuverarbeitung und Integration der im Jahr 2010 erworbenen seismischen Daten und Kartierungen in den Grundstücksgebieten Chkalovsk und North Auchi;
regionale Kartierung des Grundstücks Tajik bis zum Konzessionsgebiet Tuzluk und darüber hinaus.

Die Highlights der Arbeiten im dritten Quartal 2010 in der Niederlassung in Bishkek beinhalten:

keine Gesundheitsschäden oder Unfälle;
laufende Administrationsarbeiten in den SPC-Niederlassungen in Bishkek und Jalalabat;
Kommunikation mit dem Geologieministerium und dem Gouverneur von Batken;
Beauftragung von DANK LLC mit der Neuverarbeitung der seismischen Daten (Konzessionen Tuzluk und Soh);
Digitalisierung alter geologischer Daten: alte Bohrberichte und seismische Daten;
Integration der aktuellen geologischen und geophysikalischen Daten;
Überprüfung der Konformität sämtlicher vorherigen Dienstleistungs- und Lieferverträge und Anwendung im Jahr 2011;
Arbeiten durch Versorgungslinien: Kasachstan, China nach Kirgisistan usw;
Zollerklärungsprozesse und Verfahrensanforderungen;
Überprüfung und Kommentierung der neuen Gesetzesentwürfe bezüglich Suboil, Licencing, Somon Oil PSA usw.;
Überprüfung der Steuergesetze und deren Anwendbarkeit auf SPC-Betriebe;
Unterstützung bei der Erstellung des PSA-Entwurfs für Somon-Tajik;
Unterstützung bei Meetings in Dushanbe über die PSA: Übersetzung von Dokumenten und Meetings;
allgemeine Überprüfung und Analyse der aktuellen politischen Lage in der Kirgisischen Republik;
sämtliche SPC-Lizenzierungsabkommen in den lokalen Grundbüchern registriert.

Erstellung von Briefen und Anträgen für das Geologieministerium bezüglich der Vertagung von SPCs Arbeitsverpflichtungen von 2010 aufgrund der Instabilität im Land;
Vorbereitung von SPCs Jahresbericht bezüglich aller Konzessionsgebiete von SPC für das Geologieministerium begonnen;
Bohrungen 2010 ausgesetzt in erster Linie aufgrund der Kostenkontrolle von Bohr-Management-Beratern im Land.


Somon Oil, an dem Manas Petroleum eine Beteiligung von 90 % besitzt, setzte seine Arbeiten im dritten Quartal 2010 fort. Diese Arbeiten beinhalten:

Sicherheit: kein Zeitverlust oder Verletzungen;
Erstellung und Integration der technischen Datenbank im Gange;
Produktionsbeteiligungsabkommen finalisiert und bei den tadschikischen Behörden eingereicht;
Meetings mit dem tadschikischen Energieministerium und der Geologiebehörde;
kein Erwerb von seismischen Daten;
Verarbeitung von insgesamt 468,6 Kilometern zu 40 % abgeschlossen;
Verarbeitungsprojekt beinhaltete die Neuverarbeitung von etwa 120 Kilometern von 2007/08 zur Integration in den Datensatz 2010 des südlichen Konzessionsgebiets;
Interpretation neuer seismischer Untersuchungen und Integration in die Kartierung; Abschluss von letzten Kartierungen; Definierung für Ende Oktober geplant;
Gespräche mit potenziellen Betreibern über das seismische Projekt sowie über Untersuchungsspezifikationen sind im Gange;
technische Beschreibung von Chkalovsk an Somon Oil geliefert;
Projektsynthese in Dushanbe;
Untersuchung aller geplanten Bohrstandorte (Chkalovsk #1, North Auchi #1, Macatau #1);
Bohrplanungen für Chkalovsk #1 (prop), North Auchi #1 (prop);

o geologische und geophysikalische Prognose;
o vorläufige technische Bohrplanung;
o vorläufiges Bohrbudget.

Die Qualität der seismischen Daten ist im Allgemeinen gut bis hervorragend. Ziele in Zusammenhang mit der Definierung (bohrbereiter Status) der Grundstücke Chkalovsk und North Auchi werden voraussichtlich erreicht, nachdem die endgültigen Verarbeitungs- und Kartierungsarbeiten abgeschlossen wurden.

Ziele in Zusammenhang mit der Definierung im Gebiet West Digmai scheinen zu diesem Zeitpunkt enttäuschend zu sein, doch der selbe Teil des Datensatzes ist hinsichtlich der Gebiete Yangiabad und Maiti äußerst viel versprechend. Neben dem ersten Programm im Nordwesten des Konzessionsgebiets sind auch die Linien von hoher Qualität (Felddaten und erste Halden), die für das Verständnis der technischen Probleme von großer Bedeutung sind.


Gemäß einem Abkommen vom 29. Januar 2010 werden wir unsere Beteiligung an unserem Projekt in Chile für sämtliche Betriebskosten, die wir bis dato in dieses Projekt investiert haben, sowie für den Erlass aller zurzeit ausstehenden und zukünftigen Verpflichtungen in Zusammenhang mit dem Projekt abtreten. Die Übertragung unserer Beteiligung an diesem chilenischen Projekt auf die neuen Eigentümer wurde vom chilenischen Ministerium genehmigt und unterliegt nun einer Genehmigung der neuen Parteien.


Ein aus Geologen und Geophysikern bestehendes Team der Niederlassung des Unternehmens in Ulaanbaatar begann mit der Neuinterpretation der bestehenden geologischen Daten und plant eine Gravitätsuntersuchung, die in Kürze stattfinden soll. Dies soll den Standort von Linien für das seismische Programm auf den Blöcken 13 und 14 weiter definieren, das etwa 300 Kilometer Luftlinie umfassen wird. Ein Umweltschutz- und Sanierungsplan, der vom Umweltministerium genehmigt werden muss, wird zurzeit erstellt.

Auf den Ölfeldern Zuunbayan und Tsagaan Els wurden die Daten von insgesamt 451 bestehenden Bohrlöchern entnommen. Sämtliche Bohrdaten wurden zur Analyse von internationalen Experten vom Russischen und Mongolischen ins Englische übersetzt.

Am 10. November 2010 meldete Manas den Abschluss des seismischen Erwerbsprogramms 2010 für die Blöcke 13 und 14. Das Unternehmen beabsichtigt, die zusätzlichen, 300 Kilometer umfassenden seismischen 2D-Daten zu verwenden, um seine technische Datenbank zu erweitern und seine Chancen, ein erfolgreiches Explorationsbohrloch zu bohren, zu verbessern. Nach der Interpretation des vollständigen Datensatzes, wird das Unternehmen entscheiden, ob es bereit ist, ein oder mehrere Explorationsbohrlöcher zu bohren oder seismische 3D-Daten zu erwerben, um die Bohrstandorte detaillierter definieren zu können. In Abhängigkeit dieser Entscheidung hofft Manas, im Jahr 2011 mit dem ersten Bohrloch beginnen zu können..............................

Roger Jenny
Corporate Secretary
Manas Petroleum Corp.
Bahnhofstr. 9, P.O. Box 155
CH-6341 Baar, Switzerland
Telefon: +41 44 718 1030
Fax: +41 44 718 1039

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage Hräswelgrmore

05.04.11 19:10
Manas Petroleum Corp. announces the completion of seismic acquisition on block 13 & 14 in Mongolia
BAAR, SWITZERLAND, November 10, 2010

Manas Petroleum Corporation (OTCBB: MNAP) ("Manas") is pleased to announce that the seismic acquisition on blocks 13 & 14 has been completed without incident. The Chinese contractor DQE International Tamsag (Mongol) LLC acquired 300 km of 2D seismic, representing 100% of the total seismic program 2010 on blocks 13 & 14. Manas expects that the processing of the data will be completed by the end of December 2010.

Manas intends to use the additional 2D seismic data to improve its technical database and its chance of drilling a successful exploration well. After interpretation of the full dataset, Manas will decide whether it is ready to drill one or more exploration wells or that it needs to acquire 3D seismic to define the drilling prospects in better detail. Depending on this decision, Manas hopes to spud the first well in 2011.

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage Hräswelgrand more

05.04.11 19:11
Manas Petroleum Corporation Announces Public Offering
BAAR, SWITZERLAND, February 03, 2011.

Manas Petroleum Corporation (OTCBB:MNAP) ("Manas" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has filed a registration statement on Form S-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission and a Preliminary Prospectus with the securities commissions in all of the provinces of Canada except Quebec, for a proposed public offering of common shares ("Common Shares") to raise a minimum of $20,000,000 and a maximum of $30,000,000 at a price per Common Share to be determined closer to the closing date of the offering, which has yet to be scheduled.

The Company has entered into an engagement letter with Raymond James Ltd. in which Raymond James Ltd. has agreed to act as lead agent in the offering on a "reasonable commercial efforts" agency basis. The Company has granted to Raymond James Ltd. an over-allotment option, exercisable for a period of 30 days from the closing of the Offering, to place such number of Common Shares as is equal to 15% of the Common Shares sold in the Offering on the same terms as the Offering.
The Offering is subject to certain conditions, including completion of a due diligence review by the agent, the listing of the Common Shares on the TSX Venture Exchange, regulatory approvals and final, formal documentation.

The Company hopes to close the Offering in late March or early April of 2011, and it intends to use the net proceeds of the Offering to fund its exploration and development programs in Mongolia, for working capital and general corporate purposes.
The registration statement and the preliminary prospectus relating to the offering of these securities has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the securities commissions in all of the provinces of Canada except Quebec, but these have not yet become effective. The securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted prior to the time the registration statement and the preliminary prospectus becomes effective. This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of, the securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such an offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such state or jurisdiction
A preliminary prospectus containing important information relating to these securities has been filed with securities commissions or similar authorities in certain jurisdictions of Canada. The preliminary prospectus is still subject to completion or amendment. Copies of the preliminary prospectus may be obtained from Raymond James Ltd., c/o Sonny Mottahed, Investment Banking, telephone (403) 509-0532. There will not be any sale or any acceptance of an offer to buy the securities until a receipt for the final prospectus has been issued.

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage Hräswelgrand the last.......

05.04.11 19:13
Financial and Operations Update for the Year ended December 31, 2010
BAAR, SWITZERLAND, March 21, 2011.

Manas Petroleum Corp. ("Manas") (OTCBB: MNAP) is pleased to report that it has filed on EDGAR and on SEDAR its annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010. The complete document can be viewed at either or

Results of Operations
For the year ended December 31, 2010, we had net income of US$74,442,353 as compared to net loss of US$21,618,015 for the year ended December 31, 2009. This increase in our net income is mainly attributable to non-operating income, which includes a gain from sale of subsidiary of US$57,850,918 and a gain in the fair value of investment in associate (Petromanas Energy Inc.) of US$25,851,061.
For the year ended December 31, 2010, our operating expenses decreased by one percent to US$9,421,318 from US$9,501,901 reported for the same period in 2009. For the year ended December 31, 2010, while we incurred lower personnel costs and lower administrative costs, we recorded higher exploration costs and higher consulting fees.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
Our cash balance as of December 31, 2010 was US$1,736,571. Our shareholders' equity as of December 31, 2010 was US$71,723,484. As of December 31, 2010, total current assets were US$2,191,848 and total current liabilities were US$477,001, resulting in net working capital of US$1,714,847. In addition, of the 200,000,000 common shares of Petromanas Energy Inc. held by us, 25,000,000 were freely tradable as of December 31, 2010. On December 31, 2010, the market value of these freely tradable shares was approximately US$9,997,000.

Going Concern
Based on our business plan for the next 12 months, we anticipate that we will need US$8,660,000 to fund our operations.
Given our net working capital plus our freely tradable shares of Petromanas Energy Inc., we do not expect that we will need additional funding from external sources to cover our monthly burn rate of approximately US$340,000 and minimum work commitments before February 2012.
In order to fund our operations beyond February 2012, we believe that we will need further financing. These funds have to be raised either through external sources, or via the sale of common shares of Petromanas Energy Inc.

As of February 2, 2011, we filed a registration statement on Form S-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission and on February 1, 2011, we filed a preliminary prospectus with the securities commissions in all of the provinces of Canada except Quebec, for a proposed public offering of common shares to raise a minimum of US$20,000,000 and a maximum of US$30,000,000 at a price per share to be determined in the context of the market.

The registration statement and the preliminary prospectus relating to the offering of these securities have not yet become effective. The securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted prior to the time the registration statement and the preliminary prospectus become effective. This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of, the securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such an offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such state or jurisdiction

A preliminary prospectus containing important information relating to these securities has been filed with securities commissions or similar authorities in certain jurisdictions of Canada. The preliminary prospectus is still subject to completion or amendment. Copies of the preliminary prospectus may be obtained from Raymond James Ltd., c/o Sonny Mottahed, Investment Banking, telephone (403) 509-0532. There will not be any sale or any acceptance of an offer to buy the securities until a receipt for the final prospectus has been issued.

Developments in 2010

In 2010, we began to re-interpret existing geological data and plan for a gravity survey. This was to further define the location of lines for the recently completed seismic campaign on Blocks 13 and 14, in which we acquired approximately 300 linear km of seismic data. Also, we collected data from a total of 451 existing wells drilled in the Zuunbayan and Tsagaan Els oil fields area and in prospects. All well data was translated from Russian and Mongolian into English for analysis by international experts.
On August 31, 2010, we entered into a contract with DQE International Tamsag (Mongol) LLC, a subsidiary of CNPC Daqing Petroleum, for the acquisition of 300 km of 2D seismic on Blocks 13 and 14 for an aggregate total of US$1,050,000, payable according to a specific schedule. We were required to provide a bank guarantee over the outstanding amount, which is to be reduced according to the same schedule.
On November 10, 2010, we announced the completion of the 2010 seismic acquisition program for block 13 and 14 without incident. We intend to use the additional 300 km of 2D seismic data to improve our technical database and our chance of drilling a successful exploration well. After interpretation of the full dataset, we intend to decide whether we are ready to drill one or more exploration wells or we need to acquire 3D seismic to define the drill prospects in better detail. Depending on this decision, we hope to spud the first well in 2011.
Our plans for 2011 call for the acquisition of another 833 km (517.6 miles) of data at a cost of approximately US$3.35 million, including 303 km (188.3 miles) on Block 13 and 530 km (329.3 miles) on Block 14.

Pursuant to an agreement with DANK Scientific Industrial Firm (Kazakhstan), Somon Oil Company acquired 250 km of 2D seismic in the Western license area. The seismic acquisition work commenced on February 13, 2010 and was completed on June 4, 2010.
During the first six months of 2010 we acquired an aggregate of 220 km of 2D seismic in the Novobod-Obchai Kalachi and North-West license areas (104 km recorded in March 2010, 105 km recorded in May 2010, 11 km recorded in June 2010 and survey complete June 4, 2010). The seismic acquisition that commenced in the southern license areas (and locally across the Kyrgyz-Tajik border) on February 13, 2010 was completed on June 4, 2010.
We believe that our objectives relating to definition (to drill ready status) of the Chkalovsk and North Auchi prospects are likely to be met following final processing and mapping, on current indications. Objectives relating to lead definition in the West Digmai area appear disappointing at this stage, however, the same part of the dataset is encouraging with respect to the Yangiabad area (additional prospectivity). Lines additional to the initial program in the North-West license area are of good quality (field data and initial stacks) and have been valuable in terms of the contribution to understanding the technical issues and prospectivity in the area.
Technical database compilation and integration is ongoing.
The results have been submitted, together with a draft of a production sharing agreement, to Tajikistan's Geological Agency and its Ministry of Energy.
First analysis of the data from the 2010 seismic program confirmed the existing prospects (two prospects are now considered mature for drilling) and reconnaissance data has revealed several large undrilled structures in the Northwest license. During the last few months of 2010, CJSC Somon Oil Company focused on drafting a drill program for a wildcat well at the Chkalovsk structure in the Bobodjon Gafurovskiy region. It has submitted drilling location data to the government and has submitted an application to the regional government requesting the allocation of a four hectare site on which it can locate a drilling rig and field camp.
During the last few months of 2010, representatives of CJSC Somon Oil Company have continued to negotiate the terms of a proposed production sharing agreement with the government. The final production sharing agreement is expected to include a proposed work program. We continue to negotiate the form of the production sharing agreement with various interested agencies of the government of Tajikistan. We believe that the finalization and ratification of the production sharing agreement is the last hurdle in order for Santos International Ventures Pty Ltd. to exercise its farm-in option.

Kyrgyz Republic
CJSC South Petroleum Company contracted the Kazak seismic crew, DANK Scientific Industrial Firm (Kazakhstan), to perform further seismic work. As part of the Tajik seismic program, around 20 km of 2D seismic lines reaching into the Kyrgyz license area were acquired in the first quarter of 2010. CJSC South Petroleum Company fulfilled its seismic commitment in the Tuzluk license area for 2010.
In April of 2010, Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev resigned and a provisional government assumed control of the country during a period of violent political unrest. A state of emergency was declared in June, 2010, and CJSC South Petroleum has temporarily suspended drilling operations in the country.

On February 24, 2010, our wholly-owned subsidiary, DWM Petroleum AG, completed the sale of all of the issued and outstanding shares of its subsidiary, Manas Adriatic GmbH, to Petromanas Energy Inc., a British Columbia incorporated in 1998 (formerly known as WWI Resources Ltd.). Through DWM Petroleum AG, we own approximately 31.7% of the common shares of Petromanas Energy Inc.
Petromanas Energy Inc. now owns all of the outstanding shares of Petromanas Albania GmbH (formerly Manas Adriatic GmbH). Petromanas Albania GmbH owns a 100% interest in three onshore oil and gas production sharing contracts containing six licenses located in Albania.

Pursuant to an agreement dated January 29, 2010, we agreed to assign our interest in our Chilean project in exchange for a return of all of the operational costs that we have invested in this project to date and relief from all currently outstanding and future obligations in respect of the project. The transfer of our participation in this Chilean project to the new owners has been approved by the Chilean ministry and is now subject to approval by the parties.

About Manas Petroleum Corp.

Manas Petroleum is an international oil and gas company with primary focus on exploration and development in South-Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Mongolia. In Albania, Manas participates in a 1.7 million acre exploration project through its equity interest in Petromanas Energy Inc., a Canadian public company. In Kyrgyz Republic, Manas has signed a US$54 million farm-out agreement with Santos International Holdings Pty Ltd., a subsidiary of Australia's third largest oil and gas company. In addition to the development of its Kyrgyz Republic project, Santos is developing the company's neighboring Tajikistan license under an option farm out agreement. In Mongolia, Manas owns record title to the two Production Sharing Contracts covering Blocks XIII and XIV through its wholly-owned subsidiary DWM Petroleum AG, but 26% of the beneficial ownership interest in these blocks is held in trust for others.

For further information please contact:

Roger Jenny
Corporate Secretary
Manas Petroleum Corp.
Bahnofstr. 9, P.O. Box 155
CH-6341 Baar, Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 718 1030
Fax: +41 44 718 1039

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrSo richtig überzeugend...........

10.04.11 07:41 der Kurs momentan nicht!


2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrSo das Listing an der TSX ist perfect!!

07.05.11 17:59
Manas Petroleum Corporation Announces Completion of Public Offering and TSX-V Listing
BAAR, SWITZERLAND, May 06, 2011.

Manas Petroleum Corporation (TSXV:MNP, OTCBB:MNAP) ("Manas" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion this morning of a public offering (the "Offering") of units (the "Units") pursuant to a long form prospectus filed in all of the Provinces of Canada except Quebec and a registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form S-1 in the United States. In the Offering, Manas sold a total of 44,450,500 Units at a price of U.S.$0.50 per Unit for aggregate gross proceeds of U.S.$22,225,250. Each Unit consisted of one share of common stock in the capital of the Company and one common share purchase warrant (each a "Warrant") and each Warrant entitles the purchaser to purchase one additional common share until May 6, 2014 at a purchase price of U.S.$0.70 per share.

Raymond James Ltd. acted as agent in the Offering. As consideration for its assistance, Manas paid to Raymond James a cash commission equal to 6.75% of the gross proceeds of the Offering and reimbursed Raymond James for expenses. In addition, Manas issued to Raymond James agents' warrants that entitle Raymond James to purchase up to 1,333,515 shares of the Company's common stock at a purchase price of U.S.$0.60 until May 6, 2013...................................

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrMal wieder wa aktuelles bei Manas.

10.07.11 23:39

Was ist Grund für den rapiden Anstiegs am Ende des Freitagshandels?

Auf der HP gibts ne aktuelle Presentation.

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrNEWS!

12.07.11 18:30
CJSC Somon Oil begins Seismic Program in the Republic of Tajikistan
BAAR, SWITZERLAND, July 12, 2011.

Manas Petroleum Corp. ("Manas") (TSX&#8208;V: MNP; OTCBB: MNAP) is pleased to announce the commencement of the second seismic survey on CJSC Somon Oil Company's WEST and NORTH WEST licenses in the Republic of Tajikistan. This program includes up to 774 km of 2D seismic survey, which up to 115 km will be acquired over the WEST license and up to 659 km will be acquired over the NORTH WEST license. An additional 24 km will extend across the Kyrgyz&#8208;Tajik border into Manas' Tuzluk license in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Somon Oil, a 90% owned subsidiary of DWM Petroleum AG, signed the agreement for Seismic Services with the Tajikistan branch of the Kazakh company, DANK Scientific Industrial Firm ("DANK"), on June 29, 2011. DANK has extensive experience in the hydrocarbon exploration industry
performing seismic work in the larger Caspian region. DANK also performed Somon's seismic survey in 2010. The seismic work will be conducted with vibrators, airguns (a significant volume of the data is to be acquired across the Karakum Reservoir, for the first time), with the remainder utilizing dynamite as a source.

This seismic survey is being carried out to improve the quality of the existing prospect data, and hence increase the chances of success of the exploratory wells to be drilled upon completion and interpretation of the new seismic data. The first well is anticipated to be spudded at the end of the first quarter of 2012.

Santos International Ventures Pty Ltd ("Santos International")., a wholly owned subsidiary of Santos Ltd., has an option to farm&#8208;in to Somon Oil pursuant to an option agreement signed between DWM Petroleum AG, Santos International (and others) on December 10, 2007. The Production Sharing
Agreement has yet to be ratified and remains one of the hurdles for Santos exercising the option.Prior to exercise of that option, Santos International has agreed to provide preliminary discretionary funding towards the costs of the abovementioned seismic, although binding fully funded commitments are not intended to arise until exercise of the option. Once exercised, it is intended that (subject to further agreement on terms), Santos International will fully fund the seismic survey and that these costs will be credited to the total funding commitments to be agreed."

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage Hräswelgr....

04.08.11 22:39
Manas announces increases of compensation

BAAR, SWITZERLAND, Aug. 4, 2011, 2011 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --


Manas Petroleum Corp. ("Manas") (TSX-V: MNP) (OTCBB: MNAP) is pleased to announce that, effective June 1, 2011, it has increased the compensation of its directors and officers as part of an ongoing effort to provide retention incentives and to reflect increases in the rate of inflation.

The old and new compensation arrangements are as follows:

The annual compensation of Heinz J. Scholz, Executive Director and Chairman, has been increased to US$189,000 from US$180,000. The annual compensation of Michael Velletta, Executive Director, has been increased to US$151,200 from US$144,000. In addition, Mr. Velletta annually receives US$24,000 for office expenses. The annual compensation of Werner Ladwein, Director, has been increased to US$21,000 from US$20,000. The annual compensation of Richard Schenz, Director, has been increased to US$21,000 from US$20,000. The annual compensation of Peter-Mark Vogel, Chief Executive Officer and President, has been increased to US$214,200 from US$204,000. The annual compensation of Ari Muljana, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, has been increased to CHF 168,000 (approximately US$200,789) from CHF 160,000 (approximately US$191,227). The annual compensation of Roger Jenny, Senior Finance Manager and Corporate Secretary, has been increased to CHF 162,000 (approximately US$193,618) from CHF 120,000 (approximately US$143,420). Mr. Jenny's income was adjusted pursuant to his written employment agreement.

In addition, effective August 1, 2011, Manas will pay compensation to its officers and directors in Swiss francs (CHF) at a conversion rate of US$1.00 equaling CHF 1.00. Manas took this decision in light of the recent devaluation of the US dollar and the effect that has had on its officers and directors, none of which is a U.S. resident. By changing the currency of compensation to the Swiss franc, which is the standard currency of its head office, Manas has restored the intended levels of compensation.

About Manas Petroleum Corp.

Manas Petroleum is an international oil and gas company with primary focus on exploration and development in South-Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Mongolia. In Albania, Manas participates in a 1.7 million acre exploration project through its equity interest in Petromanas Energy Inc., a Canadian public company. In Kyrgyz Republic, Manas has signed a US$54 million farm-out agreement with Santos International, a subsidiary of one of Australia's largest oil and gas companies. In addition to the development of its Kyrgyz Republic project, Santos is developing the company's neighboring Tajikistan license under an option farm out agreement. In Mongolia, Manas owns record title to the two Production Sharing Contracts covering Blocks XIII and XIV through its wholly-owned subsidiary Gobi Energy Partners GmbH, but 26% of the beneficial ownership interest in these blocks is held in trust for others.

To view this news release in HTML formatting, please use the following URL:

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrFinanzreport Q2

11.08.11 19:59

11094 Postings, 6413 Tage sirusLöschung

12.08.11 12:23

Zeitpunkt: 14.08.11 13:14
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Provokation



2544 Postings, 6329 Tage Hräswelgr....

15.08.11 16:46^MNAP&p=0&t=23&dm=0&vol=1

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrDümmliches hoch und runter getaxe in FFM und STU..

16.08.11 11:46
alles ohne Umsatz somit reine Spielerei..............keine Ahnung was das darstellen soll.

SK in US gestern 0,27$ entspricht ca. 0,187€.................

11094 Postings, 6413 Tage sirusLöschung

18.08.11 19:34

Zeitpunkt: 19.08.11 12:18
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Bitte nicht provozieren.



2996 Postings, 6198 Tage IceRipperJa sirus ...

19.08.11 00:28
... sieht so aus, manche lernen es nie :-)

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrNews

08.09.11 21:56
Manas Retains Investor Relations Consultant
BAAR, SWITZERLAND, September 6, 2011.

Manas Petroleum Corp. ("Manas") (TSX-V: MNP; OTCBB: MNAP) is pleased to  announce that, effective September 1, 2011, it has retained Brisco  Capital Partners Corporation ("Brisco") to provide investor relations  and corporate communications services.
Brisco is a Calgary, Alberta, based consulting firm managed by Scott  Koyich, an investor relations professional with over 15 years of  experience providing investor relations services for public companies.   Manas has retained Brisco pursuant to a written agreement providing for a  six month term beginning on an effective date of September 1, 2011.   Pursuant to this agreement, Brisco will assist the Company at trade  shows, liase with the investment community and assist with the  organization and presentation of roadshows.  Manas has agreed to pay to  Brisco a monthly retainer of $10,000 plus approved expenses and it has  granted options to purchase 500,000 shares of common stock at an  exercise price of US$0.225, being the closing price, last sale of the  day on August 31, 2011, on the OTC BB; these options are to vest in  three installments on the sixth, twelfth and eighteenth months following  the effective date of the agreement........................................

Manas is looking forward to working with Brisco to broaden awareness of its business and its properties.

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrNews

24.09.11 07:04


Manas Announces Results of Annual and Special Meeting of Stockholders

BAAR, SWITZERLAND, September 23, 2011.

Manas Petroleum Corp. ("Manas"or the "Company") (TSX-V: MNP; OTCBB: MNAP) is pleased to announce the results of its Annual and Special Meeting of Stockholders held September 22, 2011, which was attended, in person or by proxy, by shareholders holding 75,821,050 shares, or approximately 44% of the shares entitled to vote at the meeting.

At the meeting, Heinz J. Scholz, Michael J. Velletta, Dr. Richard Schenz and Dr. Werner Ladwein were elected to the Board of Directors, the appointment of BDO AG as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm was ratified, the Company's 2011 stock option plan was adopted and the proposal to issue 2,000,000 shares to Dr. Werner Ladwein was approved. However, because the proposal to increase authorized capital from 300,000,000 common shares to 500,000,000 common shares required the affirmative vote of more than 50% of the voting power and because only 44% of the voting power was present at the meeting in person or by proxy, this last proposal was not approved.

At a meeting of the Board of Directors held immediately following the shareholder meeting, the Company's Board of Directors approved the issuance of an aggregate total of 9,100,000 stock options to four directors, two officers and one employee, none of whom is a U.S. Person. Of the total, the Company granted options to purchase 4,000,000 shares to Dr. Werner Ladwein, 1,000,000 shares to each of Heinz Scholz, Michael Velletta, Dr. Richard Schenz, Peter-Mark Vogel and Ari Muljana, and one hundred thousand shares to an employee in its Swiss executive office. All of these stock options are for a term of ten years from the date of grant, have an exercise price of US$0.215 (being the closing share price, last sale of the day on September 21, 2011, on the OTC BB), and vest in four equal installments over 24 months, with installments vesting at six months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months after the date of grant..................................

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrNew Company-Presentation

27.11.11 01:42

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrSuccessful Completion of Seismic Campaign 2011 in

01.12.11 19:29

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrDie nächste News............

02.12.11 17:48

Manas Retains Investor Relations Consultant to broaden European investment community BAAR, SWITZERLAND, December 2, 2011.

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage Hräswelgroh wow Manas lebt..................

31.01.12 21:37^MNAP&p=1&t=23&dm=0&vol=1

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrFarm Out Agreement mit Royal Dutch Shell.......;-)

09.02.12 16:13


BAAR, SWITZERLAND, February 9, 2012.
Manas Petroleum Corp. (“Manas”) (TSX‐V: MNP; OTCBB: MNAP) today announced that on February
9, 2012 Petromanas Energy Inc. has secured Shell as JV partner for selected Albanian assets.
Manas, through its subsidiary DWM Petroleum AG owns 31.7% of the issued and outstanding shares
of Petromanas.
Petromanas Energy Inc. (“Petromanas” or the “Company”) today announced it has entered into a
definitive farm out agreement (the “Agreement”) with a wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch
Shell plc (“Shell”), whereby Shell will farm into the Company’s rights on onshore exploration Blocks 2‐
3 (the “Blocks”) comprising approximately 852,000 acres onshore Albania. Under the terms of the
Agreement, Shell will acquire a 50% participating interest in the Blocks in exchange for payments and
carried costs up to US$50.3 million. Petromanas will continue to act as operator of the Blocks.
“We are very pleased to have Shell as a joint venture partner. They bring exceptional technical
capabilities and substantial resources to our new relationship,” said Mr. Glenn McNamara, CEO of
Petromanas. “We believe that partnering with a global leader like Shell provides a validation of the
potential of our Albanian assets and the exploration work we have completed to date. Our 2012
drilling program remains unchanged and is moving ahead as planned from a position of enhanced
strength and we expect the addition of a further seismic program to accelerate the exploration and
development of the Blocks.”
Under the terms of the Agreement, Shell would carry Petromanas on the following items: a work
program up to US$22.5 million in the first exploration period and subject to entering into the second
exploration period, a second exploration well. Any potential excess costs of the work program over
the carried amounts shall be jointly paid by both parties in proportion to their participating interest.
In addition, Shell will pay a cash consideration for a total amount of US$16.3 million, of which US$11
million is refundable to Shell should Petromanas secure a partner for the other Petromanas blocks
during the current exploration period.
The Agreement is subject to customary closing conditions including the receipt of all necessary
regulatory and government approvals..........................................

2544 Postings, 6329 Tage HräswelgrSchöner Film zum Thema Manas und Mongolei.........

14.02.12 12:33

6206 Postings, 5112 Tage Italymasterbei so einem spread

12.04.12 18:41
kauft doch absolut NIEMAND !!!  

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