Härtere Geschütze gegen Kursverluste auffahren,Ray
Aktie wie eine Festung im Sturm,
könnte sich als "sicherer" Hafen für Anleger in schwierigen Zeiten entpuppen.
News - 26.07.07 19:40
Raytheon hebt nach unerwartet starkem Halbjahr Ausblick fürs Gesamtjahr
BOSTON (dpa-AFX) - Der US-Rüstungskonzern Raytheon hat nach unerwartet starken Zuwächsen bei Umsatz und Gewinn im zweiten Quartal seinen Ausblick fürs Gesamtjahr angehoben. In den Monaten April bis Juni habe der Konzern 5,42 Milliarden US-Dollar umgesetzt nach 4,97 Milliarden Dollar ein Jahr zuvor, teilte das Unternehmen am Donnerstag mit. Von Thomson Financial hatten nur mit einem Anstieg auf 5,3 Milliarden Dollar gerechnet.
Der Überschuss aus fortgeführtem Geschäft stieg um 29 Prozent auf 356 Millionen Dollar oder 79 Cent pro Aktie und lag damit ebenfalls über der Analystenschätzung von 68 Cent. Nicht berücksichtigt wurde dabei der Erlöse aus dem Verkauf der Tochter Raytheon Aircraft in Höhe von 986 Millionen Dollar. Für das Gesamtjahr peilt Raytheon nun einen Gewinn je Aktie von 3,05 bis 3,20 Dollar an. Zuvor waren 2,85 bis 3,00 Dollar angestrebt worden./FX/fj/he
Quelle: dpa-AFX
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RAYTHEON CO (NEW) 54,90 -0,45% NYSE
September 11, 2007 12:13 PM ET
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RTN Trade 60.30 +0.66§
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-- Raytheon Co., a technology and weapon systems provider to governments throughout the world, said Tuesday it expects more sales to Middle East and Asia countries in the next three years, thanks in part to the stronger petrodollar and the perception of a more intimidating China.
Currently, the Waltham, Mass., company (RTN) receives between 18% to 19% of its revenue from overseas sales, Chief Executive William Swanson said at a Morgan Stanley conference. That could climb to as much as 25% over the next 5 years, he said.
"The Middle East now has the money with petrodollars to upgrade their defense systems, and it looks like the (Bush) administration is going to give them the capability to acquire this equipment," he said.
Raytheon's Patriot missile system remains in high demand, with Japan showing more interest following China's successful use of a missile to destroy an orbiting satellite last January, Swanson said. Taiwan and South Korea are also showing a greater interest in Raytheon's products, he said.
"Across the world...things are lining up better," Swanson said, adding Raytheon currently does business in about 80 countries.
"In a global sense, our growth has been organic, and I see that continuing," he said. "We're in the right markets."
Additionally, Swanson said the upcoming U.S. military "reset," when old and destroyed equipment used during the Iraq occupation are replaced, will be a "big number" for the company.
wo hört's denn auf und wo fängt's an mit der Moral:
Sag'mir einen Aktiennamen und ich finde Dir zu 97% den Zusammenhang mit Waffen/Kriegs/Ausbeutung/Unterdrückung.
Selbst bei versch. "ökologischen/ethisch" korrekten Anbietern in der BRD ist dies nicht gewährleistet.
Deutsche Aktien= pauschal leben die von der Zusammenarbeit ...mit ...China
Wer ist am Tag des desasters auf dem platz des Himmlischen frieden nach China zum Wirtscahfts deal gereist...der D Bundeskanzler
Wer arbeitet für Gazprom ...der D Bundeskanzler
..etc etc
Airbus saubere Lfz marke...baut mit billig verkaufter Elektronik...aus der Wehrtechnik
Der Superhammer überhaupt Condé Nestlé liefert an ...Afrika...stellen in denen das Militär die Ware übernimmt
Volkswagen begründet seinen ursprünglichenn "start-up" auf was ????
BMW hat seine Existenzgründung und Einstieg wem zu verdanken??????
Wen man im Glashaus sitzt (mich miteingeschlossen)...dafür pfeifen hier auch die blauen Bohnen.....;-)
viel Glück
das ein jeder sich selber morgens in den Spiegel sehen kann......
TUCSON, Ariz., and TEWKSBURY, Mass., Sept. 28, 2007 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company components built under contract to The Boeing Company, the prime contractor for the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system, played key roles in the destruction of a ballistic missile target during GMD's latest successful flight test conducted Sept. XX by the U.S. Missile Defense Agency.
The Raytheon-built Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) intercepted the ballistic missile target in space over the eastern Pacific Ocean. The Raytheon-developed Upgraded Early Warning Radar (UEWR) at Beale Air Force Base, Calif., successfully tracked the target system for approximately 15 minutes during its flight downrange to the intercept point several hundred miles west of California. The Raytheon-developed X-Band Radar (XBR), the primary payload of the Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX), actively participated in this test by tracking, discriminating and assessing the target.
While in flight, the EKV received target updates from the In-Flight Interceptor Communication System and performed a star shot to calibrate its own position. The EKV observed the target complex with its advanced multi- color infrared seeker and successfully selected the target from other objects in space. During the end game, as the target grew in the seeker's field of view, the EKV selected the aimpoint and maneuvered for a direct, lethal hit.
As the primary ground-based sensor for this mission, the UEWR successfully acquired, tracked and classified the target system, providing critical targeting data to the system under test. The UEWR achieved all mission objectives as it continues its flawless support to GMD flight tests and path to Air Force operational acceptance.
Positioned in the eastern Pacific Ocean, the XBR initiated track on the target complex and collected valuable data, which will be used to hone algorithms for future flight tests. The radar achieved all mission objectives. This test marks the third successful mission that the Sea-Based XBR has participated in since last September.
"This highly successful test of the GMD system once again demonstrates Raytheon's systems performance and reliability," said Louise Francesconi, Raytheon Missile Systems president. "The test clearly demonstrates the maturity of our technology and our ability to provide this critical capability to the nation."
"The XBR and UEWR demonstrated exceptional performance in this critical test of U.S. missile defense capability," said Pete Franklin, vice president, National & Theater Security Programs for Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (IDS). "This latest exercise confirms the radars' ability to gather information necessary to support an intercept."
The test marked the second time an operationally configured ground-based interceptor was launched from an operational GMD site at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. The target was launched from Kodiak, Alaska.
Designated Flight Test Ground-based Midcourse Defense-03a (FTG-03a), the test included a planned intercept of the target as one of its objectives. Other objectives included the EKV's ability to successfully detect, track,
discriminate a target in space and communicate with ground-based sensors, and included participation of the SBX in the test.
This test again demonstrated the system's capability to launch a ground- based interceptor and perform EKV separation and delivery of the EKV to the desired point in space and time.
Raytheon is a major subcontractor to The Boeing Company, the prime contractor for the GMD program, providing the EKV, UEWRs and the XBR.
Continuing the Raytheon heritage with UHF phased array radars, the Beale UEWR program upgrades existing PAVE PAWS and Ballistic Missile Early Warning System radars by adding missile defense capabilities while retaining missile warning and space surveillance missions. As key sensors for the Missile Defense Agency's Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS), UEWR and SBX provide midcourse target detection, tracking, and assessment for the GMD portion of the BMDS to protect the U.S. from ballistic missile attacks.
Raytheon Integrated Defense System is upgrading UEWRs at Beale Air Force Base, Calif., and Fylingdales, U.K., under a subcontract to Boeing. Raytheon IDS is also upgrading the UEWR at Thule Air Base, Greenland, under a separate Missile Defense Agency contract awarded in April 2006.
Raytheon Company, with 2006 sales of $20.3 billion, is a technology leader specializing in defense, homeland security and other government markets throughout the world. With a history of innovation spanning more than 85 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration and other capabilities in the areas of sensing; effects; and command, control, communications and intelligence systems, as well as a broad range of mission support services. With headquarters in Waltham, Mass., Raytheon employs 73,000 people worldwide.
Raytheon's earlier hit-to-kill successes with the GMD program occurred Oct. 2, 1999; July 13 and Dec. 3, 2001; March 15 and Oct. 14, 2002; and Sept 1, 2006.
The EKV has its own infrared seeker, propulsion, communications, discrimination algorithms, guidance and control system, and computers to support target selection and intercept decisions in the end game of the intercept mission. The EKV is the intercept component of the Ground Based Interceptor (GBI), the weapon element of the GMD system. As part of the payload, Raytheon also builds and delivers the booster adaptor, which provides the EKV interface for the Orbital booster. The adaptor provides EKV with power, communication and environmental protection prior to eject. Raytheon i
Raytheon Co. (RTN) Monday said the Navy directed the company to proceed with a satellite communications program worth nearly $1 billion.
The Waltham, Mass., defense giant said the decision comes after the government reviewed a protest by Harris Corp. (HRS) and reaffirmed the original award decision that Raytheon offered the best value solution to the customer.
Raytheon in May was named the winner of the three-year Navy Multiband Terminal development competition and was awarded the contract with a cumulative value of $960 million.
WASHINGTON, Oct 1 (Reuters) - The U.S. Defense Department on Monday told Congress it planned to sell the Australian government up to $40 million of weapons built by Raytheon Co (RTN.N: Quote, Profile, Research) and General Dynamics Corp (GD.N: Quote, Profile, Research).
The proposed sale covers 2,400 General Dynamics Modular Artillery Charge Systems (MACS), 250 M982 Excalibur projectiles and 28 portable Excalibur fire control systems, built by Raytheon, said the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
The agency, which oversees major arms sales, said the sale would enhance Australia's defensive capabilities and increase its ability to carry out joint missions with the United States.
Congress has 30 days to block the sale, although such actions are rare. (Reporting by Andrea Shalal-Esa)
Raytheon Receives $150 Million Contract With U.S. Army to Upgrade Patriot Equipment
Defense contractor Raytheon Co. said Monday it has received a $150 million contract from the U.S. Army to upgrade Patriot missile equipment.
The initial contract is for the upgrade of one battalion, consisting of four "fire units" of Patriot hardware.
The upgrades are part of the Army's "Pure Fleet" modernization program, which is designed to bring all Patriot equipment to Configuration 3 status from Configuration 2.
Raytheon will provide hardware upgrades to four Patriot radars, engagement control stations and launchers. Work will be conducted at the company's Integrated Air Defense Center in Andover, Mass.
Raytheon shares rose 78 cents to $64.54