Uran Forum
UEC unter 3,20 €.
Trau mich aber nicht wirklich nachzukaufen...
TradeTech zum Spotmarkt, Mar 07 2023:
" A total of 19 transactions involving 2.3mlbs U3O8 were recorded in February, up from 2mlbs in January....."
Aus dem soeben veröffentlichtem Jahresergebnis 2022 von UUUU:
" During Q4-2022 and Q1-2023, the Company purchased a total of 301,052 pounds. of U.S.-origin U3O8 on the spot market for a weighted-average price of $50.08 per pound."
(da haben sie mal eben schnell knapp 3,5 Mio. USD verdient:
" In January 2023, the Company completed the sale of 300,000 pounds of U.S.-origin U3O8 to the U.S. Uranium Reserve realizing total gross proceeds of $18.47 million, or $61.57 per pound ...")
Aus dem Conference Call von UUUU am 11.03.2023:
" ...We're also going to sell in the second and third quarter 260,000 pounds at a price between about $54 and $58 per pound. Those are contract sales. Those are contract sales that start the beginning of our contract sales that cover a span of 8 years. ..... We're also seeking long-term uranium supply agreements at higher prices ..... "
"S.763 - A bill to prohibit the importation into the United States of unirradiated low-enriched uranium that is produced in the Russian Federation or by a Russian entity, and for other purposes."
Das ist jetzt der dritte, soweit ich weiß, und bei keinem gab es eine Abstimmung, weder im Senat noch im House ....
In der EU auch nicht anders, aber von den USA könnte man da mehr Konsequenz erwarten.
March 14, 2023
" Accident Tolerant Fuel: Westinghouse ADOPT Fuel Achieves Regulatory Approval, Moves Closer to U.S. Deployment "
"Disclaimer: As of the publication date of this report, Kerrisdale Capital Management, LLC and its affiliates
(collectively, “Kerrisdale”), have short positions in the stock of Uranium Energy Corporation (the
“Company”). Kerrisdale stands to realize gains in the event that the price of the stock decreases. Following
publication, Kerrisdale may transact in the securities of the Company. All expressions of opinion are
subject to change without notice, and Kerrisdale does not undertake to update this report or any
information herein. Please read our full legal disclaimer at the end of this report."
Schon irgendwie lächerlich, dass so etwas erlaubt ist. Die können das Unternehmen schlecht schreiben und sich dann im Anschluss die Taschen voll machen. Aber 2,6 Euro definitiv kein schlechter Einstiegskurs ;)
Bewiesen ist ja bis dato noch nichts, weder die Schlüssigkeit der von Kerrisdale gemachten Aussagen, noch die von SRC dagegen gehaltenen Vermutungen. Aber da kann es noch gewaltig "krachen", in beide Richtungen.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Kanada, 27. März 2023