silverado goldmines (867737)

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851 Postings, 6614 Tage meluWednesday, July 11, 2007

12.07.07 19:50
positiv,bald wissen wir mehr

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bingaman Unveils Bipartisan Plan to Turn Back Global Warming

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today introduced bipartisan legislation designed to stop the advancement of global warming while protecting the U.S. economy and American consumers.

Watch Video
The measure, which is cosponsored by Senators Arlen Specter (R-PA), Tom Harkin (D-IA), Ted Stevens (R-AK), Daniel Akaka (D-HI) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), is an economy-wide mandatory cap-and-trade program that limits the amount of harmful greenhouse gases that can be emitted.

Specifically, the bill would set an annual target on the amount of carbon that could be put into the atmosphere, and allow firms to buy, sell and trade carbon credits. It also would provide incentives that promote a gradual but decisive transition to new, lower-carbon technologies.....  

851 Postings, 6614 Tage meluSeht euch oben auch das video an wo

12.07.07 20:00
bingaman von benötigten signifikanten Investitionen in neue Technologien und derer Entwicklumg redet .


266 Postings, 6585 Tage GrünHornthe time for action is now.

13.07.07 00:03
Prima news melu. Habe mir das video angesehen.

Nägel mit Köpfen noch in diesem Sommer ? Was meinst Du ?

Garry steht doch sicher schon lange ganze vorne in der Reihe für solche Gelder.

Der soll sich da jetzt nur nicht überholen lassen.

Sonst ist es wie früher bei Aldi. Wer zu spät wegen der Angebote kommt geht leer aus.

Da hoffen wir doch mal das unser Kugelblitz weiterhin alles richtig macht und von niemandem ausgebremst wird.

Die letzte halbe Stunde beim US Handel war ja recht vielversprechend.

All die Ausgestiegenen werden sicher bald wieder dabei sein wollen.

Gutes nächtle.


154 Postings, 6736 Tage Jones2Antwort von Silverado

13.07.07 08:42

Hi J.

Thank you for your email.  Both our gold projects and fuel project continue
to advance.  An update on the gold project should be out fairly soon.
Silverado continues to pursue the advancement of both the lode gold and
placer gold operations.

The Mississippi fuel project is moving forward with the permitting phase
underway.  Coal to liquid fuel interest is still strong in America and will
continue to receive support. However there will be bumps along the way.


Bob Dynes

Nichts großartig Neues, aber immerhin eine Antwort.

Interna ausplaudern ist ja auch nicht erlaubt.
Die Aktionäre hätten dann einen Vorteil gegenüber anderen.  

361 Postings, 6615 Tage northface84thx jones...

13.07.07 08:58
... ich bekomme leider keine antwort von silverado. ;)

mich würde mal interessieren, wie der baufortschritt der produiktionsanlage ist?

gruß an alle silverados  

11123 Postings, 7195 Tage SWayNorthface gib einfach die News von gestern

13.07.07 09:02
bei google Übersetzung ein dann hast Du die Antwort, bzw. hast Du sie auch jetzt schon.
Doppelt und dreifach beantworten, warum sollten sie es tun ?!

Schöner Abend gestern. Dann kann es ja weitergehen heute...  

361 Postings, 6615 Tage northface84@sway

13.07.07 09:06

hatte ich überlesen, sry.

btw: ich bin dem englischen schon mächtig  

574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotoniSilverado hat keine andere Wahl als zu steigen

13.07.07 10:36
Wenn alles steigt siehe MonatsChartbetrachtúng Gold,Öl,Nasdaq

ps.stelle mir echt die frage woher all die Gelder kommen, aber das gehört nicht zu diesem thread  
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chart.png (verkleinert auf 86%) vergrößern

266 Postings, 6585 Tage GrünHornmoin Toni, wieder voll dabei ?

13.07.07 10:58
Oder überwiegen doch noch die Zweifel ?


266 Postings, 6585 Tage GrünHornniedrige widerliche Demonstration

13.07.07 11:09
einen niedrige widerliche Demonstration des Kohle-Wasser Kraftstoffs (LRCWF).

= a low rank coal-water fuel (LRCWF) demonstration commercial plant

Ich liebe diese Übersetzungen :-)

Evtl. hat unser Freund (der Spezialist mit den Wasserstandsmeldungen wenn es runter geht) all seine Infos aus diesen Übersetzungsprogrammen.

Hier mal die komplette Übersetzung :

Grafschaft, die vorwärts mit Silverado Vereinbarung bewegt

Durch Laura Sandiford
Der Choctaw Plaindealer

Das Beantragen ein Darlehen des Kapital-Zugang Programm-(KAPPE) dient als der erste Hauptschritt, der vorwärts Choctaw County von den Inspektoren zur Bewegung mit der Vereinbarung zwischen die Grafschaft und Silverado grünen den Kraftstoff unternommen wird.

Nachdem es ein Protokoll-von-Verstehen in spätem Dezember unterzeichnet hatte, genehmigte das Brett der Inspektoren eine Bewegung, um ein KAPPE Darlehen vom Zustand zu beantragen, der nicht $1 Million übersteigen soll. Silverado grüner Kraftstoff erstattet das KAPPE Darlehen, eine alaskische gegründete Firma zurück, die einen niedrige widerliche Demonstration des Kohle-Wasser Kraftstoffs (LRCWF) kommerziellen Betrieb auf ungefähr 14 Morgen in der Choctaw-Grafschaft an den roten Hügeln Eco Plex errichtet und laufen läßt.

In der Vereinbarung ist die Grafschaft für das Errichten des Außengehäuses des Service verantwortlich und Silverado stellt die niedrige Grundlage für die Struktur zur Verfügung. Das Oberteil des Gebäudes kann möglicherweise nicht die Gesamt$1 Million erfordern, und die Grafschaft bittet nur um die Menge, die sie vom Zustand benötigt, sobald sie anerkannt ist.
Als Teil der Vereinbarung Silverado stellt grüner Kraftstoff mindestens 45 Angestellte an und gibt den Choctaw-Grafschaftbewerbern Vorausgehen.

Silverado verursacht einen Demonstration Service mit der Zielsetzung der drehenkohle, gewonnen durch Red Hills Grube, in einen beständigen Flüssigbrennstoff. Das LRCWF, das durch den Prozeß verursacht wird, soll die Antwort zur Energie Amerikas und zur Ölkrise.

Entsprechend Garry L. Anselmo, Präsident Silverado der grünen Kraftstoffe, führt das Entwickeln eines verwendbaren alternativen Kraftstoffproduktes zu weniger Abhängigkeit auf Rohöl.

Das Projekt hat Aufwendungen von $26 Million über eine Zeitdauer von drei Jahren mit Silverado Green Fuel Inc. (SGF) Ausgangß13.1 Million in der Maschinerie und in der Ausrüstung nach Beendigung eines Service investierend zur Folge.

Die Aufbauphase des Projektes wird festgelegt, um 24 Monate zu dauern, sobald sie anfängt. Das Brett genehmigte den Anwendungsprozeß während einer Sitzung am Montag, Juli 2. Sie nehmen Zustimmung des KAPPE Darlehens an ungefähr 60 Tagen vorweg und werden dann vorwärts mit dem Errichten der Struktur umziehen.

Die Firma leistet seine erste Monatsmiete zur Grafschaft innerhalb 15 Tage des Durchführens des KAPPE Darlehenprojektes und bedeutet, daß die Grafschaft nicht lokale Kapital in das Zurückerstatten des Darlehens investieren muß. Sobald der KAPPE Anleiheschuldservice erfüllt ist,IST die Grafschaft damit einverstanden, den Service an SGF für nicht mehr als $100 zu verkaufen, wenn die Firma den Service kaufen möchte.


8524 Postings, 7337 Tage sts091280das ist mein weekly wunschszenario nächste Woche

13.07.07 11:35
mal schnell die 38er und die 0,1 $ knacken
und dann auf zum nächsten Test der unteren Begrenzung des Aufwärtstrends vom Oktober
und gleichzeitig noch der obere resist (siehe letzte Kerze im Chart)

Was sagt ihr dazu ? ;-)

greets sts  
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unbenannt.png (verkleinert auf 72%) vergrößern

574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotonibin ja sozusagen voll

13.07.07 11:36
ausgestiegen, mit 20K (10K davon sind SWAY)noch drin der Ehre wegen! Kaufe nur zwischen 0,055-0,025€ erneut ein!

ein Kaufsignal bei 0,096$ würde mich vielleicht aber auch wieder locken!
Was mir halt im Hinterkopf steckt ist dieser 25zig Wochen Zyklus...

Und das Volumen bestätigt noch nicht eine Trendwende in meinen Augen, das sind nur kleine Trader die eine Chance auf ner Trendwende sehen, aber ich lache mir jetzt schon einen wenn heute ein volumen von 8-10mill zu sehen ist und nen Schlußkurs über 0,10$
Ich gönne es allen langatmigen Investierten vom ganzen Herzen...

ps. für mich gilt dann, man kann nicht bei jeder Kegeltour dabei sein!

574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotonizu 6811

13.07.07 11:53

Dein Chart zeigt eine 50% Chance

Macd u. RSI sind bereit für long

Die SMAs aber nicht u. vergleiche die Voluminas an die beiden Marken!

Es ist kein Grillwetter draußen aber bei Silverado schon, kommt der Bulle oder der Bär auf den Grill das ist hier die spannende Frage...  
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chart.png (verkleinert auf 72%) vergrößern

574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotonium die 50% long mal zu erhöhen

13.07.07 12:26
Schulter Kopf Schulter und sts du bekommst deine grüne Candle!

ps. wie weit er fallen kann derzeit sieht man ja auch deutlich, also schlimmer kann es nicht mehr kommen, die -30% da tststs  
Angehängte Grafik:
chart.png (verkleinert auf 82%) vergrößern

574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotonispinnerei ist soetwas nicht

13.07.07 12:33
2006 im oktober entdeckte ich es mal im Gold, das war wie aus dem lehrbuch!!!

die Kopflänge mal 2 genommen ergibt dann das Ziel nach oben!!!  
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chart.png (verkleinert auf 81%) vergrößern

574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotoniZiel bei eintreffender SKS bei Silverado

13.07.07 12:40
ca. 0,246$


266 Postings, 6585 Tage GrünHornna dann fühl Dich mal auf die Schulter geklopft.

13.07.07 12:55
Bewertungen darf ich zur Zeit für Dich nicht abgeben. Sorry.  

574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotonimir ist ein fehler unterlaufen

13.07.07 17:02
unzwar bei der skalierung
seit gestern besteht das longsignal... sorry

double top breakout im P&F Chart

hm 15K zu 0,068 in Frankfurt
5K zu 0,074 in Stuttgart, toll die Kegeltour wird zu teuer!  
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266 Postings, 6585 Tage GrünHornWasn das fürn Volumen ?

13.07.07 19:55
So richtig traut sich da ja doch noch keiner. Schade.

Bleibt alles wie gehabt.

Ohne konkrete News steigt kaum einer ein.

Aber glücklicherweise auch kaum noch einer aus.


266 Postings, 6585 Tage GrünHornWas ist in 2 Wochen ?

13.07.07 20:01
Wenn ich aus dem Urlaub zurück bin ?

irgendetwas zwischen 0,03 und 0,3; wetten ? ;-)

Also haltet die Ohren steif und drückt unserem Garry weiterhin die Daumen.

Bis denne.


574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotonidann mal nen schönen Urlaub

13.07.07 20:36
kannst ja nen Verkaufsauftrag bei 0,3€ machen!


851 Postings, 6614 Tage melu@Grünhorn Auch einen schönen Urlaub wünsch

13.07.07 23:36
ich dir .
Es müsste schon ein wirklich aus der Rolle fallender Quartalsbericht werden wenn wir die 0.085 - 0.095 Begrenzungen verlassen sollten.Und der Senat wird wohl auch nicht ohne Urlaub auskommen.
Also , wird es wohl die nächsten Wochen noch ruhig bleiben

(ausser Garry macht keinen Urlaub uns buddelt unser Gold frei)

ps. wollte auch mal was schreiben ,denn immer wenn wir glauben es passiert nichts ,war bald die Hölle los. Nun , auch ich werde dieses Jahr zum erhohlen ein paar Tage in die Berge fahren ,aber nur um frische Luft zu schürfen und kein Gold ,das überlasse ich den Spezialisten .

Bis auf weiteres liebe Grüsse an alle Investierten

so long  

11123 Postings, 7195 Tage SWayGold Recovery and Processing Operation

16.07.07 13:04
Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. - Gold recovery started at Nolan

Monday July 16, 6:00 am ET

   FAIRBANKS, AK, and VANCOUVER, July 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -

   Gold Recovery and Processing Operation

Over 670 ounces of nugget gold have already been recovered since the start of sluicing operations in late June of this year. These nuggets were pulled from the top two nugget traps alone of the wash plant and ranged in size from 1/10 ounce to 12.4 ounces per piece. Over 18,000 loose cubic yards of pay dirt (stockpiled from the past winter's mining of the Mary's East and Swede Channel) will be processed through the wash plant by the end of August, 2007. Total gold recoveries and related financial numbers will be released as available during the balance of the season.

Placer Gold Exploration

During March and April, company drilling on the Nolan property discovered an entirely new zone of placer gold which has been named the Jack London bench. Additional drilling later this year will test the viability of actual open pit mining of this new bench. Further drilling was also conducted in an area between the Mary's East/Swede Channel Deposits and the Top Notch Prospect. Out of the 130 drill holes completed during this year's first-phase of placer exploration, 40% show the presence of gold, ranging from 0.001 to 0.055 troy ounces of gold per bank cubic yard. The company intends to do more placer drilling later this summer.

Lode Gold Exploration

Since May 2007, Silverado Gold Mines has been aggressively exploring for a lode gold and antimony deposit on its Nolan property using an extensive soil sampling and geophysical campaign. Over 420 soil samples have been sent to ALS Chemex in Fairbanks for analysis. The 229 samples analyzed to date show a distinct arsenic and antimony anomaly on the eastern part of the Solomon Shear trend. Arsenic anomalies are strong indicators for the presence of gold. The highest concentration of gold in these soil anomalies exists in the area north of Smith Creek where soils are much thinner than other parts of the Solomon's Shear Trend and therefore gold is more readily detectable. Here, Silverado Gold Mines undertook backhoe trenching in 2006 and discovered 16 antimony-quartz veins over a width of 192 feet. The highest gold result was 0.83 ounces gold per ton and the highest antimony assay was 46% (see press releases from January 22, 2007 and January 29, 2007). Silverado Exploration teams will continue with the soil sampling campaign until September.

Along with the soil sampling campaign, Silverado Gold Mines is conducting an extensive very low frequency - electromagnetic (VLF-EM) ground geophysical survey to identify structures such as shear zones, faults, and veins that occur within the bedrock. Geo-physical exploration with the VLF-EM survey will continue until September. The coincident soil and geophysical anomalies indicate the likely presence of gold antimony mineralization.

Trenching Programs

In addition to the above two surveys (VLF-EM and soil) Silverado recently conducted an extensive trenching program to complement the exploration trenching conducted in 2006 (see press releases from January 22, 2007 and January 29, 2007). During June and July, 2007 three backhoe trenches were excavated, totaling 290m (951.5ft), to further investigate the gold bearing antimony-quartz vein systems previously identified in 2006.

This year's trenching confirmed the north-eastward continuation of the three zones that contain antimony-gold-quartz veins identified in 2006. A total of 107 combined select chip and channel rock samples were collected during the trenching program and submitted to ALS Chemex in Fairbanks for analysis. Assays are pending.

A fourth trench, 38m (124.7ft) in length, was dug south of Smith Creek, in the old Workman's Bench pit, located within in the south-westward extension of the Solomon Shear trend. This trench exposed the largest antimony veins discovered in the area to date, with widths up to 24 cm (9.8 inch). A total of 15 channel rock samples were collected and submitted to ALS Chemex for analysis. Out of these 15 samples, 7 tested greater than the 1% upper detection limit for antimony and are now being quantitatively assayed for total antimony. In addition, five of these 15 samples show gold values ranging from 0.01 to 0.12 ounces of gold per ton.

Several potential drill targets in this area within the Solomon Shear trend have been identified by the gold, arsenic and antimony soil anomalies; the structural trends identified by the VLF-EM surveys; the results of backhoe trenching; and structural geological field mapping. Lode exploration drilling is scheduled to start in two weeks.

This press release was prepared by Dr. Karsten Eden, Certified Professional Geologist; who is a qualified person as defined under the standards of Canadian National Instrument policy 43-101.

About Silverado:

Silverado is an international company focused on Gold and a new environmentally friendly Fuel Technology. Silverado has gold properties located throughout Alaska which include the 100% owned Nolan Placer Gold Mine. Silverado is also entering the construction phase of an environmentally friendly low cost strategic fuel demonstration facility. Silverado's Green Fuel will be produced from low-rank coal and turned into a environmentally friendly oil substitute. Silverado Green Fuel Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of its publicly traded parent, Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. For more information about Silverado Green Fuel Inc., please visit and the parent public corporation,

This Release may contain, in addition to historical information, forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based on management's expectations and beliefs, and involve risks and uncertainties. These statements may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from the results implied herein. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements made in this Press Release.

CONTACT: SILVERADO GOLD MINES LTD., Mailing Address, 505 1111 W. Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6E 4M3, CA, Toll Free: (800) 665-4646 or (604) 689-1535, Fax: (604) 682-3519,,; Field Address, 3180 Peger Rd, Ste 270, Fairbanks, AK, 99709-5485, USA


574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotoniAbend

16.07.07 23:12
Schlußkurs man endlich wieder über der 200tage Linie!
Volumen bleibt aus, aber er haut trotzdem nach oben hin ab...

sieht gut aus, auf jeden!  
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11123 Postings, 7195 Tage SWayQuarterly Report ist da...

17.07.07 09:26


Quarterly Report



The information in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including statements regarding Silverado's capital needs, business plans and expectations. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties regarding the market price of gold, availability of funds, government regulations, common share prices, operating costs, capital costs, outcomes of gold recovery activities and other factors. Forward-looking statements are made, without limitation, in relation to operating plans, property exploration and gold recovery activities, availability of funds, environmental reclamation, operating costs and permit acquisition. Any statements contained herein that are not statements of historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as "may", "seek", "should", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict", "potential" or "target", the negative of such terms or other comparable terminology. Actual events or results may differ materially. In evaluating these statements, you should consider various factors, including the risks outlined below, and, from time to time, in other reports Silverado files with the Securities Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). These factors may cause actual results to differ materially from any forward-looking statement. Management disclaims any obligation to publicly update these statements, or disclose any difference between its actual results and those reflected in these statements. The information constitutes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.



Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries Silverado Gold Mines Inc. and Silverado Green Fuel Inc. (collectively referred to herein interchangeably as the "Company" and "Silverado") is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties in the State of Alaska. Precious metals, primarily gold, is the main interest. Silverado has more than 35 years of experience in all aspects of the gold mining industry, from grass-roots exploration, to state of the art mining and processing technologies, for both lode and placer gold deposits. The primary focus is presently on the continued exploration of the Nolan Gold Project, located 175 air miles north of Fairbanks, Alaska. These plans include exploration for both lode gold deposits and placer gold deposits at the Nolan Gold Project. The exploration activities include lode diamond drilling and trenching, geochemical and geophysical surveys, placer rotary drilling, and placer test mining work carried out as part of Silverado's exploration programs.

Silverado holds interests in four groups of mineral properties in Alaska, as described below:

1. Nolan Gold Property; a Nolan Test Mining - Swede Channel & Mary's East
b. Nolan Lode and Placer Exploration
2. Hammond Property;
3. Eagle Creek Property; and
4. Ester Dome Property.

As an exploration stage company, all of the properties are presently in the exploration stage. Silverado does not have any commercially viable reserves on any of the properties, and there is no assurance that commercially viable mineral deposits exist on any of the mineral properties. Further exploration will be required before a final evaluation of the feasibility of commercial mining on any of the properties is determined. There is no assurance that further exploration will result in a final evaluation that determines a commercially viable mineral deposit exists on any of the mineral properties.

At the Nolan Placer Gold Mine, the nature of all deposits encountered to date are small (4,000 to 10,000 bank cubic yards) but high grade in nature. Silverado mines them, processes the gold bearing gravels and sells this gold even though the criteria for a proven reserve has not been met. There are many profitable mines in the U.S. and Canada today that have no proven "reserves".

II. LOW-RANK COAL WATER FUEL Silverado has been working for six years through its Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel (Green Fuel) division on the development of "Green Fuel", a non-toxic liquid fuel product derived from sub-bituminous and lignite coal. In its finished form the fuel is a non-toxic, non-hazardous environmentally friendly strategic (liquid) fuel. The primary focus of the Company is presently to secure financing to proceed with the establishment of a demonstration facility in Mississippi designed to document the combustion characteristics of Green Fuel and to obtain "scale-up" parameters for the building of a full scale commercial production facility. A successful demonstration project could lead to the construction of a commercial production facility to manufacture the low-rank coal water fuel as a replacement for oil fired boilers and utility generators.


Management's plan of operation for the next three months through the remainder of the fiscal year is discussed below:



a. The Nolan Test Mining - Swede Channel and Mary's East

During the second quarter of this fiscal year, exploration and mining utilizing underground retreat mining methods concentrated on the removal and stockpiling of the remaining sections of the Swede Channel for summer processing. The Swede project, completed by the middle of January 2007, yielded a stockpile of 8,963 loose cubic yards (LCY) from the remaining Swede Channel. Furthermore, in early January 2007, crews installed a portal into Mary's East to begin an underground drift into the Mary's East deposit. By late March 2007, this horizontal opening utilizing the same equipment used for the Swede Channel, resulted in an additional stockpile of 9,357 LCY of gold-bearing gravel. The combined Swede and Mary's East stockpiles of 18,320 LCY will be processed at the existing sluice plant location, which was installed in 2006. Sluicing operations during 2007 will be turn key as the necessary equipment, pipelines and pond systems remain in place from 2006 operations.

While there is no assurance that either the Swede Channel or the Mary's East test mining projects will recover gold with a value greater than the costs associated with extraction and processing, Management expects this year's recovered gold value could be greater than the costs associated with extraction and processing. Gold recovered from the Swede stockpile in the summer of 2006 is still being sold, and it appears that it could have a value greater than the costs associated with its extraction and processing. As for the 2007 stockpile of 18,320 LCY, a stockpile that is more than double than that of 2006, and whose sampling results predicted good grades, the expected gold recovery value may exceed costs associated with extraction and processing because this year's costs will be relatively lower than those of 2006 levels, and waste muck is only 20% of 2006 levels.

b. Nolan Lode and Placer Exploration

The Company plans to continue with exploration at the Nolan Lode and Placer properties within the Nolan Gold Project. The objective of this geological exploration program is to further define both lode and placer gold occurrences in order to provide a basis for future exploration activities and test-mining activities at the Nolan Gold Project. Silverado's lode exploration work is intended to increase Silverado's geological knowledge on the Solomon Shear Trend and other lode gold occurrences on the properties.

Silverado plans to spend approximately $900,000 during the next three months on its exploration activities connected with the Nolan Gold Project. It is anticipated approximately $250,000 will be spent on gold recovery and related activities, and $650,000 will be spent on exploration activities, including a placer drilling program and continued exploration for lode gold occurrences. The placer drilling will be concentrated along the left limit of Nolan Creek to explore south of the Mary's East and Swede Channel deposits. In-fill drilling will take place within the area between the Mary's East and Swede Channel and the Topnotch Prospect. All of the targets are well above the elevation of Nolan Creek.

The actual amount that Silverado spends on exploration will depend on the actual amount of funds that it has available for exploration. While the costs of exploration and test mining may be offset by recoveries from gold sales, these recoveries may not exceed the costs of Silverado's exploration programs and test mining activities.

Silverado does not have any commercially viable reserves on any of its properties that comprise the Nolan Gold Project or any of its other properties. As Silverado has not established commercially viable reserves on the Nolan Gold Project, there

is no assurance that any recoveries of gold from test mining activities will be sufficient to pay for the full cost of exploration. There is no assurance that the Silverado's test mining activities will result in a final evaluation that a commercially viable mineral deposit exists on any of the Company's mineral properties that comprise the Nolan Gold Project.


Annual rentals will be paid to keep the mining claims in good standing.

This Property will require additional funding from the Company. If funding is acquired, there is no guarantee that a commercial gold-bearing placer deposit will be developed. If a gold bearing deposit is developed, additional funding will be required to mine the deposit, and until a feasibility study is completed, there is no guarantee that the deposit will be profitable to mine.


The Number One Vein on this property was the lode quartz gold structure that was mined commercially for antimony in the past.

Annual assessment work will be completed on the property to keep the mining claims in good standing. Assessment work will be focused on the Northwest part of the claim block, where drilling and trenching has defined an intrusive host rock, thought to be a sill, containing low grade gold, silver and antimony mineralization. If funding permits, the Company will design a drilling program to further investigate the gold and by-product mineral distribution of the intrusive.

Completing the 2007 work plan will be contingent on available funding. Even if funding becomes available, there is no assurance that a commercial gold-silver-antimony deposit will be defined. A commercially viable economic mineral deposit has not been defined on the property, and there is no assurance that a commercially viable economic mineral deposit exists on the property.


Reclamation work to complete the closure of the Grant Mill Tailings Pond is expected to be done during the summer of 2007. This pond is filled to capacity, and will be capped and decommissioned after final approval of the tailings pond closure plan is received from State of Alaska regulatory agencies.

Furthermore with respect to other areas on this property, several large scale projects have been proposed over the past ten years, but deferred either as a result of poor market conditions or due to internal decisions that favored shifting financial and manpower resources to the Nolan Gold Project.

There is no assurance that a commercially viable mineral deposit exists on any of Silverado's mineral properties. If one or more commercially viable mineral deposits do exist, they are likely to be gold or antimony lode deposits. Geo-technical work has begun to find a source or sources of the nugget gold and discoveries have been made. Silverado's newly purchased diamond drill is expected to be ground drilling by late July. Further exploration will be required before a final evaluation as to the economic and legal feasibility of mining the Nolan or any of Silverado's properties is determined. There is no assurance that further exploration will result in a final evaluation that a commercially viable mineral deposit exists on any of Silverado's mineral properties.


Management anticipates spending approximately $500,000 during the current fiscal year on continued work to seek funding from the United States federal and state governments in connection with the establishment of the $26,000,000 demonstration Green Fuel facility in Mississippi.

While there are no assurances that financing will be obtained, Silverado has begun the construction permitting process and will continue with other permit applications.


Silverado has not entered into any off-balance sheet arrangements that have or are reasonably likely to have a current or future effect on the Company's financial condition, changes in financial condition, revenues or expenses, results of operations, liquidity, capital expenditures or capital resources that would be material to investors.


Critical accounting policies (the policies Management believes are the most important to the presentation of Silverado's financial statements and require the most difficult, subjective and complex judgments) are outlined in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.  

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