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851 Postings, 6614 Tage melu3 , 7 , 9 July 07

09.07.07 16:35

851 Postings, 6614 Tage meluMeinte die Research Reports

09.07.07 16:39
(Direkter Link nicht verfügbar)  

857 Postings, 6689 Tage TAN101Wissen die Ami's mehr als wir?

09.07.07 17:00
Es gehen ja richtige Stückzahlen über den 'Tisch'!  

2 Postings, 6578 Tage LB8002SLGLF

09.07.07 17:18
Seit 03.07 habe ich von glaubwürdiger Quelle 4 Kauf-Empfehlungen bekommen. Was liegt effektiv in diesem Nest?  

2 Postings, 6578 Tage LB8002LeoCH

09.07.07 17:19
Seit 03.07 habe ich von glaubwürdiger Quelle aus Canada 4 Kauf-Empfehlungen bekommen. Was liegt effektiv in diesem Nest?  

11123 Postings, 7195 Tage SWayNen Eimer mit Green Fuel, nen Topf mit Gold,

09.07.07 17:26
ein Sack mit Antimon und vermutlich eine gigantische naked short Position.


574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotoniAbend Liebe Leut

09.07.07 20:42
Kurs in germanski ist mal wieder nen witz...

Also im Goldpreis hat sich heute was feines getan, der AbwärtsTrend ist gebrochen!!!

das sollte Silv. stützen...  
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574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotonies staut sich auf jedenfall

09.07.07 20:54
was auf...

Richtung Norden zu 70%!

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5 Postings, 6453 Tage wysongcjAhhhh Lieber Deutschland!

09.07.07 23:21

I really do miss it there in Germany.  I was last there in 1996 and really need a reason to go back! 

 Anyway, I'm glad I found this German Silverado fan site.  It makes me feel a lot better to know I'm not the only one throwing the dice out there on this one.  I'm not an expert investor by far, but this little gamble sounded like it had great potential and like I stated before, "It sure beats the odds at the casino!" 

Anyway,  Today, (I don't know why I like to update everyone with my business)  I put some more Silverado shares in my wallet.  It looks like I'm now at 146,158 shares with an average of $0.086/share.  

Now, I know I don't have the millions of shares everyone else has, but I started late :-) 


Wish me luck! 

PS:  If anyone has an idea on what price we could be looking at in about a year's time, please let me know ;-)   Also, what milestones do we need to pay attention to in the upcoming besides the vote for CTL? 


5 Postings, 6453 Tage wysongcjAhhhh Lieber Deutschland!

09.07.07 23:21

I really do miss it there in Germany.  I was last there in 1996 and really need a reason to go back! 

 Anyway, I'm glad I found this German Silverado fan site.  It makes me feel a lot better to know I'm not the only one throwing the dice out there on this one.  I'm not an expert investor by far, but this little gamble sounded like it had great potential and like I stated before, "It sure beats the odds at the casino!" 

Anyway,  Today, (I don't know why I like to update everyone with my business)  I put some more Silverado shares in my wallet.  It looks like I'm now at 146,158 shares with an average of $0.086/share.  

Now, I know I don't have the millions of shares everyone else has, but I started late :-) 


Wish me luck! 

PS:  If anyone has an idea on what price we could be looking at in about a year's time, please let me know ;-)   Also, what milestones do we need to pay attention to in the upcoming besides the vote for CTL? 


3024 Postings, 7645 Tage MathouHi yasongcj

09.07.07 23:47
It is difficult to find an accurate price which silverado would have in exactly one year.

As you might know there are some different aspects. The potential is based on Green Fuel, Gold, Antimon and perhaps (maybe for a short term invest) the naked short positions.

"Don't touch"
That is my opinion with this share. I also have not very much shares, nearly similarly as you have. I know one of a very rich and successful business man from the US. What he told me changed my investments completely. He said: If you invest in a company that you have tested for good stay long. Long in this case was every time 9 years.

Especially for me I have the opinion that it is worth to invest in Silverado for such a long time. Regardless my vision with this share, I’ will sell a part of my invest if this part is as worth as that that I have invested before. That's my must strategy and I'm sure I'll have to cry sometimes because I followed this strategy.

Please let us talk again in one year about this issue. Perhaps the share price is the half of today, but maybe we're on the way to the sky, nobody knows.

Good Night


11123 Postings, 7195 Tage SWaygrosses Tennis,

10.07.07 12:34


allow me since burns might have missed your post. he has all the pumpers on ignore and there are so many posts from them he might not have seen yours.

you ask excellent questions."

nurmalso, wenn man jemanden bei Ragingbull auf ignore hat sieht man seine Posts GAR NICHT, ergo müsste ja nur airplane posts zu sehen sein. *rofl*

Die sind so dumm das ich das gar nicht beschreiben kann aber irgendwie lustig, wie sie immer weiter machen egal wie oft man ihnen nachweisst das sie lügen. Irgendwie glaube ich fast die haben eine Agenda und werden dafür bezahlt. *g*  

266 Postings, 6585 Tage GrünHornFrankfurter Verhältnisse.

10.07.07 19:00
Hallo zusammnen.

Gestern noch über 4 Mio gehandelt. Jetzt 2 Std. vor Schluß noch nicht einmal ne halbe.

Kurse über 0,09 haben es sehr schwer. Wohingegen Kurse um 0,08 - 0,085 immer starken

Absatz haben.

Meine Theorie:

Genauere news übers Sieben kommen erst raus wenn sich Garrys Amigos im positiven Fall ausreichend eingedeckt oder im Negativen ausreichend abgestossen haben.


851 Postings, 6614 Tage meluSqueezing clean fuels from U.S. coal

10.07.07 19:26
Lowell Miller is director of the Office of Sequestration, Hydrogen and Clean Coal Fuels in the U.S. Department of Energy

Squeezing clean fuels from U.S. coal
By Lowell Miller
Originally published July 10, 2007

"You can't get blood out of a stone," the saying goes. But if liquid fuels are the lifeblood of the transportation sector, then technology and economics have combined to disprove that old saw. You can get blood out of a stone - specifically, diesel and other transportation fuels out of coal, at a price competitive with oil-derived fuels.....


266 Postings, 6585 Tage GrünHornNochmal: Frankfurter Verhältnisse.

10.07.07 19:39
Kaum zuende getippt, da verdoppelt sich doch tatsächlich der Umsatz.

Also wenns denn hilft ;-)

Frankfurter Verhältnisse.
Frankfurter Verhältnisse.
Frankfurter Verhältnisse.
Frankfurter Verhältnisse.
Frankfurter Verhältnisse.
Frankfurter Verhältnisse.
Frankfurter Verhältnisse.
Frankfurter Verhältnisse.
Frankfurter Verhältnisse.  

266 Postings, 6585 Tage GrünHornkönnen wir die 0,85 endgültig verabschieden ?

11.07.07 12:09
Nach drei Tagen gestern mal kein Abrutschen auf die 0,85 $, noch nicht einmal kurz vor Handelsschluß und das bei geringem Volumen.
Wäre doch eigentlich ideal für Shorties gewesen den Kurs zu drücken.
Evtl. haben die jedoch frustriert feststellen müssen, dass der Kurs nicht mehr so einfach unter 0,085 bzw. 0,08 zu drücken ist, weil dann immer ordentlich aufgesammelt wird.

Es gibt zwar immer noch keine Käufer oberhalb von 0,093 aber scheinbar will auch keiner mehr seine Stücke billig abgeben.

Der Abwärtstrennt ist nun hoffentlich gebrochen.

Wenn ich nicht schon so fett investiert wäre, würde ich heute mal was riskieren.


266 Postings, 6585 Tage GrünHornoh wie wär das schön : - ), 0,85 : - )

11.07.07 12:11
0,085 natürlich.  

574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotonibuy & sell marken

11.07.07 13:19
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574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotonidie chance ist da! sie muß nur genutzt werden

11.07.07 13:23

574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotonizurückhaltung?

11.07.07 18:35
bitte um Auflösung... des kleinen Dreiecks!

Grüne Wochen oder Schwarzer Sommer...  
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154 Postings, 6736 Tage Jones2Es wird weiter geforscht ! Eine Frage der Zeit !

12.07.07 11:16
Das dominierende Grunderdöl ist, was wir sind heute, es sind das leistungsfähigste (Kraftstoff),“ Davis Anmerkungen verwenden. „Es ist ein Frage der Zeit, wie ich es sehe, bis die zwei (Erdöl-Leistungsfähigkeit und Kohle-zuflüssigkeit Kraftstoff-Leistungsfähigkeit) werden gleich.“

Diese Leistungsfähigkeit Gleichheit resultiert aus dem stetigen Rückgang des vorhandenen Erdöls und die erhöhte Leistungsfähigkeit des Kohle-zuflüssigkeit Kraftstoffs, der aus Forschern' Bemühungen resultiert, sagt er.

Source: University of Kentucky

   Released: Tue 03-Jul-2007, 16:00 ET
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Coal-to-Liquid Researchers Are Ahead of National Debate
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As the national debate over energy independence intensifies, researchers at the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research are refining methods to convert coal into liquid fuel.  

University of Kentucky video
Dr. Burt Davis of the University of Kentucky discusses Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis.

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Newswise — From Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" to heated Congressional debates about federal tax incentives for new alternative fuels, the issue of coal's place in supplying America's energy and fuel needs has taken on added importance in recent months.

A research institute at the University of Kentucky, though, has been exploring ways to increase the efficiency of converting coal to liquid fuel well in advance of national discussions of the process.

At the UK Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER), Burt Davis is refining the process to identify ways to reduce or capture carbon dioxide generated by the Fischer-Tropsch method of converting coal to diesel and other products, such as paraffin and chemicals for making plastics.

"We’ve been doing Fischer-Tropsch research for 15 years. In the last five years, interest in general has picked up," particularly by private companies," says Davis, the center’s associate director and its chief researcher on clean fuels.

"We’ve done testing for 25 companies, both large petroleum companies and small startup companies," he says.

"North America is one of the world’s largest coal-reserve regions. Its petroleum is declining, but coal is still the largest resource. If the United States is to become independent from foreign sources of petroleum, it has to make it from oil shale, coal or both. We have about equal amounts of reserves of oil shale and coal, at the current rate of usage, to be able to generate petroleum substitutes for the United States for the next 200 years," Davis says.

"The dominant reason petroleum is what we use today is, it’s the most efficient (fuel)," Davis notes. "It’s a matter of time, as I see it, until the two (petroleum efficiency and coal-to-liquid fuel efficiency) become equal."

That efficiency equality will result from the continuing decline of available petroleum and the increased efficiency of coal-to-liquid fuel that results from researchers’ efforts, he says.

Rodney Andrews, the center’s acting director, says CAER’s focus places the university among the leaders of researchers seeking fuels to provide energy independence.

"We’re looking at new catalyst systems and new process systems to make the process be more efficient (and) be more effective, and to better control what products are made," Andrews says.

Since it opened in 1977, CAER has performed research seeking cost-effective, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly ways to use coal and carbon.
However, the low cost of oil and gasoline discouraged energy companies from seeking alternative fuels. As the cost of oil and gasoline has risen to record levels in the last few years, interest in alternative fuels has emerged, generating renewed interest in ongoing research in processes such as coal-to-liquid.

UK is one of several universities – most situated in states with large coal reserves – engaged in research to discover the best ways to convert coal to liquid.

"One of the concerns coming out right now is CO2 emissions. When you convert carbon-rich coal into a more hydrogen-rich diesel fuel, you produce carbon dioxide... You don’t want to produce any more than you have to," Andrews says.

Andrews says UK researchers are considering ways to capture carbon dioxide for injection into oil wells to increase pressure and reduce the costs of pumping petroleum from existing American reserves. Such methods of carbon dioxide sequestration also trim the impact of greenhouse gases on the environment.

Andrews notes the process – which was based on formulas developed by two German chemists in the 1920s – is already proven to be successful, both scientifically and commercially.

"It’s been used in South Africa for several decades," Andrews says.

Alles eine Frage der Zeit.


8524 Postings, 7337 Tage sts091280wenn man von den zwei eingezeichneten supports bzw

12.07.07 14:15
resist's ausgeht und sich das im 6 jahreschart betrachtet. Dann würde mann jetzt long gehen ;-)))

greets sts  
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154 Postings, 6736 Tage Jones2neuer Zeitungsbericht

12.07.07 16:09
Thursday, July 12, 2007

County moving forward with Silverado agreement

By Laura Sandiford

The Choctaw Plaindealer

Applying for a Capital Access Program (CAP) Loan will serve as the first major step taken by Choctaw County Supervisors to move forward with the agreement between the County and Silverado Green Fuel.

After signing a memorandum-of-understanding in late December, the Board of Supervisors approved a motion to apply for a CAP Loan from the state that is not to exceed $1 Million. Silverado Green Fuel will repay the CAP Loan, an Alaskan based company, which will locate and operate a low rank coal-water fuel (LRCWF) demonstration commercial plant on approximately 14 acres in Choctaw County at the Red Hills Eco Plex.

In the agreement the County is responsible for building the outer shell of the facility and Silverado will provide the base foundation for the structure. The shell of the building may not require the total $1 million, and the county will only request the amount it needs from the state once it is approved.  
As part of the agreement, Silverado Green Fuel will hire at least 45 employees and give precedence to Choctaw County applicants.

Silverado will create a demonstration facility with the objective of turning coal, mined by Red Hills Mine, into a stable liquid fuel. The LRCWF created through the process is said to be the answer to America's energy and oil crisis.

According to Garry L. Anselmo, President of Silverado Green Fuels, developing a useable alternative fuel product will lead to less dependence on crude oil.

The project entails expenditures of $26 million over a period of three years with Silverado Green Fuel Inc. (SGF) investing an initial $13.1 million in machinery and equipment upon completion of a facility.

The construction phase of the project is scheduled to take 24 months once it begins. The board approved the application process during a meeting on Monday, July 2. They anticipate approval of the CAP Loan in approximately 60 days and will then move forward with building the structure.

The Company will make its first monthly lease payment to the county within 15 days of completing the CAP loan project, meaning that the County will not have to invest local funds into repaying the loan. Once the CAP loan debt service is satisfied, the County agrees to sell the facility to SGF for no more than $100 if the company wishes to purchase the facility.  


11123 Postings, 7195 Tage SWayJetzt gehts los,

12.07.07 16:15
Bid 0,093 Ask 0,092

da wird doch nicht wer nervös werden ? ;)  

574 Postings, 6879 Tage tornadotonisagte ich zu 70% wird es nun steigen

12.07.07 18:10
Hm... ich will mehr Volumen sehen! Damit die Trendwende bestätigt wird
Aber sieht gut aus...  
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