silverado goldmines (867737)

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17202 Postings, 6635 Tage MinespecLöschung

25.04.07 10:21

Zeitpunkt: 25.04.07 12:20
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Bashversuch



11123 Postings, 7200 Tage SWayHoffentlich bleibt es schön warm, sonst kriechen

25.04.07 10:27
morgens immer so unglaublich viele Nacktschnecken über den Radweg und man muss ständig Slalom fahren um nicht Schnecken-Tartar in seinen Schutzblechen spazieren zu fahren. Das riecht dann ganz schön übel wenn es richtig heiss wird (könnte ich mir jedenfalls vorstellen).  

11123 Postings, 7200 Tage SWayserious attempt to replace oil must include coal

25.04.07 11:15
(Wusstet Ihr eigentlich das der von Silverado entwickelte Prozess fast völlig ohne Beigabe von Chemikalien und anderen Zusatzstoffen auskommt ?)

Environmental groups, energy board battle over liquefied coal

By: Jean Chemnick
April 24, 2007 05:23 PM EST

Congressional determination to change America's energy portfolio has sparked a fierce debate over what constitutes clean energy. On the transportation fuels front, the question is whether liquid coal should be admitted to the exclusive club of energies that could benefit from federal efforts to wean the nation off foreign oil and clean up the environment.

The coal industry, unions and the Department of Defense say that any serious attempt to replace oil must include coal, because the resource is so plentiful in the United States. To support their message, they are deploying coal-state governors, military officials and lobbyists to Capitol Hill to meet with members. Their opponents, environmental groups, say they are playing defense, trying to convince a Democratic Congress with both green and coal-state sympathies that liquid coal emits enough carbon to speed up global warming.

Coal is liquefied when it is brought to a very high temperature, becomes gas and is then combined with chemicals to make a fluid that functions like gasoline. The process was invented in the 1920s by two German chemists, Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch. Currently, it's used heavily in South Africa.

The struggle over whether -- and how -- to foster a similar industry in this country is not tied to any single piece of legislation. Such amendments could be attached to a variety of bills now moving through Congress. Alice McKeown, who is in charge of the Sierra Club's efforts combating coal liquefaction, said the issue really gained momentum this year. She said her group hadn't anticipated being in the middle of this scrimmage so early, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's commitment to pass an energy bill by summer has spurred activity in several committees, making it necessary to keep an eye on all of them.

In the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Craig Thomas (R-Wyo.) is expected to offer an amendment that adds liquefied coal to a bill that would increase the current renewable fuels standard; under this law, a certain amount of fuel used for transportation must come from renewable fuels, such as ethanol. As introduced by committee chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), and ranking member Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.), the measure focuses only on biofuels, but Domenici and several other members have expressed support for broadening the standard to include liquefied coal.

Bills to stimulate commercial interest in liquefied coal have been introduced in the House by Geoff Davis (R-Ky.), with energy and air quality subcommittee chairman Rick Boucher (D-Va.) as a co-sponsor, and in the Senate by Jim Bunning (R-Ky.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.). The latter came largely from the recommendations of the Southern States Energy Board, an interstate compact representing the coal-rich South and Caribbean territories, said its director, Kenneth Nemeth.

The board's wish list includes guaranteed military purchase of liquefied coal fuel, a reflection of the Pentagon's interest in the commodity. The Air Force is in the process of certifying its entire fleet to use liquefied coal, a process that will cost $142 million and is scheduled to finish in 2010. Air Force Assistant Secretary William C. Anderson said he has been recruited by coal-state delegations to sing liquefied coal's praises.

"The Air Force needs sovereign air power," he said, and that requires a domestic supply of fuel that cannot be interrupted by terrorists or unfriendly governments.

The private sector is going to the mat for liquefied coal, too. Seven lawmakers spoke at the launch of the Coal to Liquid Coalition on March 28, which was held on Capitol Hill. Spearheaded by the National Mining Association, the group is a consortium of unions, corporations and associations that either are connected to the coal industry or are big fuel users. Carol Raulston, spokeswoman for the National Mining Association, said the coalition had touched base with a lot of people on Capitol Hill, including Bunning and Obama.

All this has proved a bit unnerving to some environmentalists, who three months ago celebrated the inauguration of a Democratic Congress with considerable fanfare. Now they are seeing some of their best friends on other issues jumping on the coal-to-liquid bandwagon. Sierra Club spokesman Josh Dorner said the issue was particularly tough because coal-state Democrats, such as Boucher and Rahall, want to make sure their states play a role in any energy legislation.

"It is one of the biggest defensive plays we're doing," he said. "This is possibly the worst energy choice we could make, in terms of its impact on global warming."

Green advocates cite an Environmental Protection Agency report released this month that showed that even if current technologies are used to capture and sequester carbon dioxide created during the coal liquefaction process, the fuel's well-to-wheel greenhouse gas emissions would be nearly four percent higher than those of conventional gasoline. Without those technologies, the EPA found that coal-to-liquid fuel emitted more than twice as much carbon as what Americans get at gas pumps now.

Raulston of the National Mining Association said none of the prospective producers in the coalition plan to build plants without carbon mitigation. Industry advocates say technological advances in the works now could be ready when the first coal-to-liquid plants open for business in five or six years.

The Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council aren't convinced, and they're busy trying to bring Capitol Hill over to their way of thinking. The Sierra Club is writing letters and meeting with lawmakers and their staffs, McKeown said. It also signed on to a Natural Resources Defense Council ad campaign that ran in Roll Call earlier this year, called "How to Give Americans Bad Gas."

While acknowledging the two groups cannot spend nearly as much money as the opposition, McKeown said the facts of the issue are on their side.

"If we got worried about all the money, we wouldn't be around," she added.

8541 Postings, 7255 Tage kleinlieschenhoppla - grad erst gesehen -

25.04.07 17:37
jetzt werden 672 Mio. Aktien bei comdirect angezeigt -
mir sind noch 638 in Erinnerung.
Hab ich die Ankündigung über die Ausgabe von 34 Mio.
neuen Aktien verpennt?

Gruß kaa-äll  

157 Postings, 6982 Tage thomas82stimmt, hab auch noch die 638 mio

25.04.07 19:36
in erinnerung. silverado dürfte wieder die druckmaschine angeworfen haben.


474 Postings, 6620 Tage Erbseplushm na ganz super

25.04.07 19:52

851 Postings, 6619 Tage meluoder einige Reserveshares verkauft haben ?

25.04.07 19:55
und der Kurs zieht auch an ,hängt das vielleicht zusammen ?  

851 Postings, 6619 Tage melu650,060,052

25.04.07 20:19

For the quarterly period ended: February 28, 2007
outstanding:  650,060,052 common shares (2006: 630,785,052)  

11123 Postings, 7200 Tage SWayAlles eine Frage des Potentiales.

25.04.07 21:30

Ab und an muss man auch Sicherheiten hinterlegen um Bestimnungen zu erfüllen. Ich mache mir keine Sorgen, ganz im Gegenteil. Habt Ihr eine Frage zum Vorgang ruft einfach bei Silverado an, der Anruf ist umsonst und ansonst gilt immer noch, :"Wenn Gold ist was glänzt und brennt was wie Öl aussieht" sind wir auf dem absolut richtigem Weg.

Die Zukunft ist Silverado.  

851 Postings, 6619 Tage meluAbsolut , sway Apr. 25, Choctaw County

25.04.07 22:26
is making its own way

640 000 000 , 650 000 000 oder  670 000 000  , ist doch egal
!Hauptsache es tut sich was.

Apr. 25, 2007

By Laura Sandiford
The Choctaw Plaindealer

(Cutline) Keynote speaker, Nick Walters, explained Choctaw County has all the ingredients needed to continue flourishing economically.

He said, "In my time as Rural Development Director I found there are two types of communities, those that wait to be helped and those that help themselves by making things happen. The communities that make things happen are the kind that are successful"
He used the example of the recently reopened steel mill and deal with Silverado Green Fuel as examples of making things happen within Choctaw County.

" Choctaw County is not waiting on someone to come along and help. The leaders of this community made an active decision to make things happen. Energy is a big issue with a lot of attention being drawn to it right now and now the County is in a position to capitalize on the Silverado opportunity."

Dent provided an update pertaining to Silverado Green Fuel. During his update he showed a recap of Silverado Green Fuel groundbreaking event at the Red Hills Ecoplex and stated how hard local community representatives, including the Board of Supervisors, Red Hill's Mine delegates, and numerous others, worked to bring the economic development of Silverado to Choctaw County.


8541 Postings, 7255 Tage kleinliescheninteressantes patt

25.04.07 22:59
Type Value Conf.
resist. 0.17 2
resist. 0.16 2
resist. 0.14 10 <--
supp 0.13 10 <---
supp 0.12 2
supp 0.12 2
supp 0.11 5
supp 0.10 3
supp 0.09 4
supp 0.09 2
supp 0.07 8
supp 0.07 4
supp 0.06 2

Gruß - kaa-äll  
Angehängte Grafik:
candle.png (verkleinert auf 77%) vergrößern

1254 Postings, 6972 Tage LichtblickGefühlsausdruck nach KL chart

26.04.07 00:48
es geht morgen, dh. heute hoch!  

3024 Postings, 7650 Tage Mathougenau das dachte ich LB

26.04.07 00:51
fehlt nur noch ein Charti der die (abgekühlten?) Indis reinstellt  

8541 Postings, 7255 Tage kleinlieschenkann mal bitte ein Charti

26.04.07 09:33
die abgekühlten Indis reinstellen? Danke!

Gruß kaa-äll ;-)  

8524 Postings, 7342 Tage sts091280SLGLF: Short Interest DN 89.0% to 28.4K in Apr 07

26.04.07 09:40
TUESDAY , APRIL 24, 2007 06:12 PM
According to new short interest data from, short interest for Silverado Gold Mines Ltd (OTCBB: SLGLF) DECREASED 89.0% to 28,374 shares for the month ended mid-April, 2007.

SYMBOL             MARCH           APRIL          CHANGE       %CHANGE  DAYS/COVER
--------   -------------   -------------   -------------  ------------  ----------
SLGLF            258,264          28,374        -229,890       -89.01%           1
Based on SLGLF's 20-day average daily share volume of 4,331,795, it would require approximately 1 day(s) of buying to cover this short interest.  

3024 Postings, 7650 Tage Mathouähm - Indis = Indikatoren

26.04.07 09:42
Bilder zu Indern, Indianern und sonstige Bildchen dürfen auch reingestellt werden...

...wenns denn auch um Silverado geht

moin auch  

8524 Postings, 7342 Tage sts091280hier habt ihr abgekühlte indis

26.04.07 09:47
allerdings daily basis !!  
Angehängte Grafik:

8524 Postings, 7342 Tage sts091280abgekühlte indis die 2. ;-)

26.04.07 09:49
und nochmal wohlgemerkt auf daily basis abgekühlt !  
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8524 Postings, 7342 Tage sts091280Und nochmal die gleichen Indis im weekly

26.04.07 09:54
Angehängte Grafik:

8524 Postings, 7342 Tage sts091280die 2. weekly

26.04.07 09:54
Angehängte Grafik:

8541 Postings, 7255 Tage kleinlieschenstairway to heaven

26.04.07 10:03
wenn das so weiter geht,
dann steht slglf in 5 Jahren bei 1 €

und erst in 50 Jahren bei 10 €


also mach mal hinne - soviel Zeit habbich nicht mehr ;-)

Gruß kaa-äll  
Angehängte Grafik:

8541 Postings, 7255 Tage kleinliescheneinen habbich noch -

26.04.07 10:18
der USA-Kurs titscht seit Mitte Januar
immer von der 38-Tage-Linie ab :-)

Gruß kaa-äll
Angehängte Grafik:

427 Postings, 6758 Tage 18prozentchoctaw indian princess

26.04.07 10:35

hab sonst keine indianer gefunden die was mit silverado zu tun haben : )  
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474 Postings, 6620 Tage ErbseplusHehe :-D

26.04.07 10:58

427 Postings, 6758 Tage 18prozentaber jetzt wieder zum thema

26.04.07 11:35
neues dreieck!!!

und lacht nicht über meine billigen paint grafiken!  
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