Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
this Annual General Meeting.
A Rio Tinto executive, Mr Adam Burley, has been appointed to fill a casual vacancy
on the board and will be required to stand for election at this meeting.
In conclusion, let me assure you that the vision to return to active exploration and
profitable, sustainable mining remains, and, I am pleased to say, with the active
support from local stakeholders to which I have earlier referred.
This company faces the coming year with enthusiasm for the tasks ahead, and
anticipates good progress toward the vision of reopening the mine.
Page 99 Major Shareholders
The 20 largest registered holdings of ordinary shares and unsecured convertible notes as at 19 July 2013 are listed below: Ordinary Shares Shares Held %
4) Bougainville Copper Limited 4,757,570 Shares 0.46%
In AU stand das bid/ask 0,367/0,387
Wenn sich keiner von euch die 10k in Frankfurt zu 0,365 schnappt,
dann werde ich es heute noch tun.
...wüßten wie eng der Markt hier tatsächlich ist (vorausgesetzt unsere ´Deckler ®´ ändern ihre Vorgehensweise) dann würde der Druck wie in einem Dampfkessel bei Energiezufuhr, rasend schnell ansteigen . ;-))))
Immer auf der Lauer, vielleicht ordert ja mal ein unbedarfter Kleinanleger unlimitiert den man so abzocken kann. ;-)))))))
Updated 7 May 2014, 8:49 AEST
Rio Tinto has voted down a proposal for the appointment of an independent jurist to investigate its subsidiary Bougainville Copper's involvement in the civil war on Bougainville Island during the 1990's.
Rio Tinto votes down plan for inquiry into Bougainville civil war (Credit: ABC)
The proposal - along with recommendations that the company should sign up to three international human rights and environmental sustainability standards - was put by a group of concerned shareholders at Bougainville Copper's annual meeting in Port Moresby.
Afterwards Jemima Garrett spoke to Managing Director Peter Taylor who opened the meeting with his update on BCL's talks with landowners, and at regional and national government level.
by ramunickel
BCL: Mine to involve all parties
Ancilla Wrakuale | Post Courier
THE Panguna mine in Bougainville will only reopen after a wider engagement with all parties concerned, says Bougainville Copper Limited.
The company, in its annual general meeting in Port Moresby yesterday, said they are now in the process of talking to all stakeholders including landowners, ex-combatants, community leaders, the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the national Government.
BCL board chairman Peter Taylor told shareholders in that the company is putting together a customary reconciliation process known as bel kol to pursue reconciliation.
Through this process he said BCL is hoping to establish a presence in the former mining township of Arawa.
He said the Joint Panguna negotiation coordination committee (JPNCC) consisting of government, landowner and company representatives is working on that.
He said the bel kol process is a critical path to resuming access to the mine site and other related areas.
Mr Taylor said the reconcilliation may take place this year.
"As a gesture of good will, the company will make a significant contribution, towards vocational training upgrades, village literacy programs and malaria mitigation," Mr Taylor said.
"After the bel kol ceremonies, in which the BCL management will participate, three different memorials will be erected.
"Furthermore, more detailed studies, such as the pre-feasibility study and a feasibility study are required to confidently determine the potential economic viability of re-opening the mine.
"Only upon completion of those studies will the board be sufficiently informed to take a decision whether or not to open the mine and commencement of construction.
Mr Taylor said the ABG is steadfast in its commitment to achieving wider consensus needed among all Bougainvilleans to allow BCL should their technical studies demonstrate a viable business, to make a return to mining at Panguna.
Meanwhile, BCL recorded a profit of K6.8 million for 2013, compared with a planned loss of K10.4 million in the last reporting period.
"The result comes after a write-back of a provision of K8million.
Mr Taylor said tax dispute legal fees continue to be a drain on the revenue.
The National aka The Loggers Times
ATTORNEY-General Kerenga Kua says there will be revolutionary changes to mining and petroleum laws to ensure that maximum benefits flow to landowners and the people of Papua New Guinea.
He told Parliament yesterday, in a no-holds barred reply to a question from Kabwum MP Bob Dadae, that the people of this country had been taken for a ride for too long by resource developers and things must change.
East Sepik Governor and former Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare concurred with Kua and said 5% of all mining and petroleum projects must be given to landowners and that should be non-negotiable.
Dadae had asked how it was that people owned land, State owned resources below the ground, but when the developer came in it owned everything.
Kua said it was strange that landowners and the people had to pay for equity in resource projects which had cost “billions” of kina over the years.
“This is a question that has bothered generations of leadership in this Parliament,” he said.
“It’s a situation where the government owns the resources of PNG but somehow, somewhere along the way, it loses that ownership and has to buys its way back into it again.
“That has been the problem for which we’ve not been able to find a solution.
“We’ve not been able to identify the costs for that loss, but the good thing now is we are on the way to undoing that that inequity which has cost this country over the last 40 years, billions of kina in total loss.
“It begins with the State owning the mining or petroleum resources under the ground for and on behalf of the people of this country.
“The State, on behalf of the people, will give exploration licences to people who want to explore. When you give the development licence, you forfeit your ownership along with it.”
Kua said that all this must stop.
“The government is in the process of earnestly working on it so that we deal with it systematically,” he said.
“I’ll be damned at how we allowed this law to continue in this State for so long. We lose our ownership and no compensation flows in our direction as well.
“We retain continued ownership. You (developer) develop it at your cost.
“We don’t have to be forced to borrow from IPIC to buy back what has always been ours, we don’t have to be forced to borrow from UBS to buy back what has always been ours.”
Er meinte auch, dass diese Studies ziemlich teuer wären.
Ich meine mal, dass die Mittel für diese Studies von BCL kommen. Sollten diese Studies negativ ausfallen, dann ist das Geld natürlich weg.
Hat jemand eine Idee, wieviel diese Studies kosten werden?
Die Kosten einer Machbarkeitsstudie werden sich in der Regel nach dem erforderlichen Aufwand richten.
Da wir es hier mit einem Projekt zu tun haben das lange Zeit schon gewinnbringend gearbeitet hat wird der erforderliche Aufwand sowohl als auch das Ergebniss schon jetzt überschaubar und nicht das Problem sein.
Ich deute den Hinweis auf diese Studie so, das PT wohl meint: eine Machbarkeitsstudie mit den aktualisierten Zahlen und wichtig !! unter erweiterten Bedingungen des ´block cave mining´ das die Rentabilität der Mine weiter steigern wird.
nekro ist hier schon an anderer Stelle einige male auf diesen Minenbetrieb detailliert mit den entsprechenden Kennzahlen eingegangen. Vielleicht kann er ja einen Hinweis geben an welcher Stelle nachgelesen werden kann. ;-))))
Schaut Euch den Link an .... Und dann .... Use your imagination !!!!
Da wird es noch einige sehr positive Überraschungen im Rahmen der Feasibilty Phase geben
The possible size and shape of a re-opened Panguna mine have been outlined by Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) in an Order of Magnitude Study (OMS).
The OMS shows a mine that, if given the go-ahead, could have a longer life than the previous Panguna operation, which operated from 1972 to 1989.
He said the study considered a wider range of development and production options, including higher mining and processing rates, alternative power, infrastructure and tailings options.
Source: Post-Courier
Compo to renew relations
THE compensation that will be paid out by Rio Tinto subsidiary Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) is not to re-open the Panguna mine.
This was the clearance from the reconciliation events and grounds committee in Arawa, which brushed aside speculation from the general public that the bel kol is for the re-opening of the mine.
After eight meetings since 2010, July 9 this year has been set aside for the bel kol ceremony to take place where the leadership of BCL and Rio Tinto will participate in the ceremony in Arawa.
Representative of the bel kol events committee Luke Aksilly told this newspaper that BCL will not open the mine after the compensation but this will mark the ground breaking ceremony enabling the construction of BCL’s liaison office in Arawa.
“The purpose of the bel kol is to re-establish relations between BCL and the people of Bougainville, which was severed during the crisis.
“It will pave the way for BCL to reestablish a presence in Arawa, presence of BCL in Arawa is critical with regard to timelines for negotiating the future of Panguna mine.” Year zero ‘0’ begins when BCL is on the ground, Mr Aksilly said, adding that BCL cannot properly scope urgent infrastructure maintenance, conduct pre and full feasibility studies, and hence decide whether or not to go ahead with the Panguna mine until it is on the ground and has access to the mine site.
The bel kol will come in three packages for North, Central and South Bougainville with a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed by BCL and Bougainville parties namely Ex-Combatants, Panguna Landowners, Me’ekamui and the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
Mr Aksilly confirmed awareness teams will be dispatched to the three regions of North, Central and South on 16 May.
The bel kol ceremony will take place in Arawa on 9 July with North to be allocated K120,000, South K110,000 and Central which will be the host region with a total of more than K300, 000 for the preparation of the ceremony.
Participants include heads of the Australian government, PNG government, United Kingdom, New Zealand, China, Japan and the Pacific region.
....“The purpose of the bel kol is to re-establish relations between BCL and the people of Bougainville, which was severed during the crisis.....
...endlich. ;-)))))
"Participants of the bel kol ceremony include heads of the Australian government, PNG government, United Kingdom, New Zealand, China, Japan and the Pacific region."
...das alles in die richtige Richtung läuft.
Ich bin überzeugt davon das bei der entsprechenden Hilfestellung, die ja offensichtlich immer intensiver gewährt wird, auch die letzten Wiederstände in ein konstruktives Miteinander und nicht wie in der Vergangenheit unsägliches Gegeneinander,
umgeleitet werden. Es muß halt erst in die Köpfe rein. ;-))))