Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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ein Käufer hat 10 k eingestellt zu 0,345...
Ein Verkäufer hat 7 k zu 0,365 ...
alles in Stuttgart...
Das wurde aber auch Zeit in einer Gesellschaft, in der Grund und Boden den Frauen gehört!
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Ein Blick in den heutigen Handel in Sydney:
as at 1:03:15 PM Wednesday, March 26, 2014
BOUGAINVILLE COPPER Trade Summary - Status
Last Change % Volume Trades Open High Low §
0.570§ 0.090 18.75 15,000 5 0.525 0.570 0.525
Last Traded 99 @ 0.57 - 12:22:51
PNG [and Bougainville] miners in Hong Kong meet
Post Courier
In recent years, Papua New Guinea’s mining regulator Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) has been taking a shift in its promotional focus from that of promoting traditional minerals like gold and copper to new minerals such as zink [sic] and coal.
As such the Mining Minister Hon Byron Chan and a delegation from the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) and the Autonomous Bougainville Government’s (ABG’s) Mining Department are in Hong Kong to attend the Hong Kong Mines & Money Conference and exhibition 2014. This conference begun on Monday (24/03/14) and will end on Friday (28.03.14) Acting Managing Director of the MRA Philip Samar said it was very important for the MRA to take this shift so as to cushion the effects of mineral price drop when it occurs.
He said for instance the recent drop in the price of gold affected mining and exploration programs of existing companies and the economy as a whole to some extent. Mining and exploration companies scaled down their programs and laid off employees because they could not sustain their operations given the drop in price of gold and associated financial implications. He said having other minerals would sustain the economy and the mining sector as we could depend on them. Organisors of the event said Mines and Money Hong Kong is Asia-Pacific’s premier event for mining and exploration investment deal-making and capital raising. The event showcases hundreds of mining companies in a 270-booth exhibition, connecting them with 1,000 investors from the world’s largest mining funds, private equity firms, alternative financiers and private wealth.
During five days of learning and networking, 3,000 attendees from across the globe will hear insights and analysis from the event’s largest ever speaker line-up of world-leading investors and mining entrepreneurs.
ramunickel | March 26, 2014 at 2:45 pm | Tags: ABG, Bougainville, Byron Chan, coal, copper, gold, Mineral Resource Authority, Philip Samar, PNG development, zinc | Categories: Exploration, Papua New Guinea | URL:
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Bougainville women hold mining forum
by ramunickel
Alex Munme | New Dawn
womens forumBougainville women are currently holding a two days mining forum at the Hutjena Secondary School Hall in Buka, Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
The forum is a great opportunity for the women to express their views on issues related to the possible reopening of Panguan and all mining on Bougainville.
Among the issues of discussions are the ABGs Approach to Preparations for and Conduct of Negotiations, Update on Landowner Preparations, Implementing Autonomy in relation to Mining, Bougainville Mining (Transitional Arrangements) Bill and Issues related to possible reopening of Panguna.
Those at the forum today include ABG President, Chief John Momis, Acting Chief Administrator, Chris Siriosi, ABG Minister for Mining, Michael Oni, Communications and LLG Minister, Joseph Nopei, Minister for Primary Industry, Nicholas Daku, other ABG Ministers and Members Senior Administration Staff and Women of South, Central and North Bougainville.
Speaking on behalf of all Women of Bougainville, President of Bougainville Women’s Federation, Hona Holan said the vision of Bougainville Women is bound by all including Cultural and Christian values.
She said Women must be considered as equal partners with men and are free to express concerns relating to environmental and other related issues on Bougainville.
The forum continues tomorrow with mainly open discussions and feedback from all parties involved to help ABG to properly prepare negotiations leading to reopening of the Mine.
ramunickel | March 26, 2014 at 4:35 pm | Tags: ABG, Bougainville, Landholders, Panguna, Papua New Guinea, Rio Tinto | Categories: Papua New Guinea | URL:
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This is not the decision of his government.
He made these remarks at the Official Opening of the Bougainville Women's Forum on mining at the the Hutjena Secondary School hall in Buka this morning.
President Momis said that the women have the power to decide for themselves and can not be pushed around by the ABG or anybody on this issue.
The two days Womens Forum on mining is the last of the several forums organized throughout the region by the Mining Division to get views from all sectors of the Bougainville Community on the future of the Panguna mine.
President Momis said that claims by some leaders as the ABG is getting all the supporters to re-open the mine is not true as these forums are avenues where the government can get opinions from the people.
The meeting is been attended by more than 200 women from over Bougainville.
The forum will end tomorrow
Bougainville President welcomes women
by ramunickel
Aloysius Laukai | New Dawn
womens forumABG President John Momis says that the people of Bougainville will have to make the decision to re-open the Closed Panguna mine or not.
This is not the decision of his government.
He made these remarks at the Official Opening of the Bougainville Women's Forum on mining at the the Hutjena Secondary School hall in Buka this morning.
President Momis said that the women have the power to decide for themselves and can not be pushed around by the ABG or anybody on this issue.
The two days Womens Forum on mining is the last of the several forums organized throughout the region by the Mining Division to get views from all sectors of the Bougainville Community on the future of the Panguna mine.
President Momis said that claims by some leaders as the ABG is getting all the supporters to re-open the mine is not true as these forums are avenues where the government can get opinions from the people.
The meeting is been attended by more than 200 women from over Bougainville.
The forum will end tomorrow.
ramunickel | March 26, 2014 at 4:49 pm | Tags: ABG, Bougainville, John Momis, Landholders, Panguna, Papua New Guinea, Rio Tinto | Categories: Human rights, Papua New Guinea | URL:
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New post on Papua New Guinea Mine Watch
Rio Tinto subsidiary responsible for environmental clean up at Panguna costing ‘hundreds of millions’
by ramunickel
UNEP to help Bougainville manage clean-up of Rio Tinto mine
Jemima Garrett | Australia Network News
With its wealth of precious metals underground, Bougainville is a treasure island. (ABC)
The United Nations Environment Program will help Papua New Guinea's island of Bougainville manage on-going environmental issues associated with the Rio Tinto-owned Panguna copper mine.
The mine, which was one of the world's largest, was closed in 1989 after it became the spark which lit the civil war on the island.
There was no mine closure process when Bougainville Copper, the Rio Tinto subsidiary which owns the mine, was driven out of Bougainville.
Pollution from mine tailings has since been flowing into the environment and Dr Gavin Mudd, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Engineering at Monash University says it's a continuing problem.
"There's a lot of acid mine drainage that is leaving the site, there is also tailings going down the river. And the acid mine drainage of course has extremely high levels of metals," Dr Mudd told Pacific Beat.
Heavy metals can accumulate in fish and vegetation and affect human health.
Inside the mine site itself, many buildings contain asbestos and some abandoned measuring instruments contain radio active material.
UNEP assistance
The United Nation's Environment Program's Geneva-based disaster risk reduction branch has agreed to help Bougainville to draw up terms of reference for the clean-up.
It will also assist with environmental studies that will help Bougainvilleans decide if they want to re-open the mine.
An international legal expert, Associate Professor Don Anton from the Australian National University, says the involvement of the United Nations Environment Program is a significant development and has a strong track record of similar problems.
"It is a very significant development in the sense that we have an independent, a proven independent third party coming in to look at a very contentious situation," Mr Anton said.
"It has been involved in other rehabilitation programs, like the Mau forest eco-system in Kenya, it has experience in remediation after hostilities, after Iraq and depleted uranium in Bosnia, so it has experience and a well respected track record in dealing with environmental problems."
Experts predict remediation of the old mine site will be a large-scale, and very expensive, exercise.
"I'd imagine you would be looking at hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions. It is really hard to know exactly," Dr Mudd said.
"It depends on the logistics involved and there is a whole bunch of complex factors involved in that so the simple message is it is not going to be cheap. Whichever level of remediation is done at Bougainville, it is certainly going to be a very costly exercise," Dr Mudd said.
Bougainville Copper Limited is legally responsible for the clean-up.
Wariness over re-opening
Public opinion on Bougainville has been shifting in favour of re-opening the mine, but many people who lived through the civil war remain wary.
Associate Prof
Zeitpunkt: 27.03.14 10:49
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Beleidigung - Bitte sachlich bleiben.
Zeitpunkt: 27.03.14 10:49
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Beleidigung - Bitte sachlich bleiben.
Women make presentations on future for Panguna…
by ramunickel
... but New Dawn doesn't tell us their conditions!
Aloysius Laukai | New Dawn
The two-days Bougainville women's forum this afternoon started getting recommendations on the future if the Panguna mine.
The women started presentations starting with South Bougainville, Central and North Bougainville.
On the Presentations, the Buin district women fully supported the ABG by recommending the immediate reopening of the mine but with conditions and for a certain period of time.
The women of Buin wanted funds from the mine and re-invested into Agriculture,Fisheries and Tourism.
The presentation by the Siwai women also supported the reopening but demanded other social issues that goes with the mine re opening.
Bana women also wanted the mine reopening but gave conditions.
Wenn Sie als "Moderator" Kritiken an solchen Teilnehmern eigenmächtig löschen, befördern Sie damit unseriöse Threadteilnehmer!
Deine Kraftausdrücke in Deinem Artikel wie bspw. "Idioten" und die Bezeichnung meiner Person als "naiver Zeitgenossen", "Basher" sowie "unseriös" empfinde ich durchaus als beleidigend (würdest Du doch auch oder?).
Wenn Du meine Beiträge lesen würdest, dann würdest Du erkennen, dass ich pro-mining und auch anti-mining stimmen ins Forum stelle. Als Aktionär bin ich an allen Meinungen interessiert und nicht nur an populistischen "Happy-Sunshine Comments". Durchaus kannst Du davon ausgehen, dass ich als Aktionär das größte Interesse an einer Eröffnung habe :-)
Happy Day immer die Bälle flachhalten ....
The mine is majority-owned by the Chinese State through its China Metallurgical Construction Corporation and will supply stainless steel mills in China.
A Triple Bottom Line Failure?
2.History of the Project
3.Doubts over predicted economic benefits and unproven technology
4.Community Concerns and Opposition
5.Inadequacy of Environmental Impact Assessment
a.Submarine Tailings Disposal in Basimuk Bay
b.Unresolved risks facingthe Ramu Catchment
6.Appendix 1: Letters and Statementsby Landowners Concerned with the Project
Vielleicht haben die Chinesen ganz einfach die Befürchtung dass eine sauber operierende wiedereröffnete Pangunamine Begehrlichkeiten bei den Ramu Lo`s wecken könnte ;-)))
Leider kann ich Dir nicht ersparen, Dich naiv oder zumindest blauäugig zu nennen, wenn Du Veröffentlichungen aus einem nachweislichen Anti-Mining Blog hier unkommentiert einstellst.
PNG Mine Watch ist nicht nur tendenziös in unserem mitteleuropäischen Sinne, sondern eine propagandistische Kampfplattform. Deren Autoren - und dabei bleibe ich - sind unseriös, kurz: verblendete Idioten. Das sind Leute, die etwa unsere wohlmeinenden Bemühungen, vor den Folgen des hochgiftigen alluvial mining zu warnen, unterlaufen und damit der Umwelt in Bougainville mehr schaden als BCL es in seiner ganzen Geschichte getan hat. Selbst auf den benachbarten Solomon Islands hat die Regierung die Problematik von alluvial mining erkannt und bekämpft es. Nur diese Leute von PNG Mine Watch, die hinterhältig aus der Anonymität heraus agieren, nannte ich Idioten. Wer allerdings deren Propaganda erliegt und diese auch noch unkommentiert verbreitet, ist eigentlich gut bedient, nur "naiv" genannt zu werden.
Ganz nebenbei: Die Kommentare der Leser dieses Blogs sprechen eine Sprache für sich: Das geht von einfachen Beschimpfungen meiner Person und der ESBC bis hin zu unverhohlenen Morddrohungen.
Du bist übrigens nicht allein damit, hier gelegentlich irreführende Informationen zu posten.
Ich empfehle Dir ganz einfach über Google zu überprüfen welche Quellen von diesen Leuten gebraucht oder aber missbraucht werden. Ein unkritisches Zitieren kann gefährlich sein, da die Leser hier oft nicht den Überblick über die Gesamtsituation auf der Insel haben und so neue Investoren leicht verunsichert werden können.
Nur zur Information: Mit der von mir gestalteten Homepage gibt es sehr wohl ein aktuelles Informationspaket, das das gesamte Informationsbedürfnis von BCL Aktionären abdeckt und ein einigermaßen realistisches Bild der Vorgänge auf der Insel gibt.
Leider war es mir nicht möglich in all den Jahren, alle militanten Mininggegner argumentativ in ihre Schranken zu weisen. Selbst die Londoner Antimininggruppe,Vikki John und andere haben es aufgegeben, mitmischen zu wollen. Selbst Clive Porabou von den Me'ekamui mäßigt sich zunehmend. Leider gibt es aber immer noch militante Spinner wie etwa Kris Lasslett aus Belfast oder Antony Loewenstein aus Australien.
Wer, so wie ich, die Aktie seit ca. 10 Jahren begleitet, wird bestätigen können, dass die Ausgangslage zur Wiedereröffnung der Mine nie so gut war wie heute. So wird es etwa eine Woche nach der HV eine erste Versöhnungsfeier zwischen BCL und den Landeignern geben.
Leider ticken die Uhren auf Bougainville sehr viel langsamer als im Rest der Welt. Auch ich leide darunter, das kannst Du mir glauben! Aber, und da bin ich vollkommen sicher: BCL wird Panguna wiedereröffnen...und, wenn Du so willst: Alles wird gut!
Wenn Du magst, kannst Du mich gerne einmal anrufen und wir können dann einmal ein paar Ideen und Erfahrungen austauschen.
Denk mal drüber nach!
Herzliche Grüße
By Alex Munme
TWO MEMORANDUM of Understanding between the Autonomous Bougainville Government and Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) were signed today in Buka.
They are the Extension of the existing MOU and the Work of Implementing the Inward Investment Act by IPA.
At the signing today ABG Acting Chief Administrator, Chris Siriosi welcomed and congratulated IPA through Managing Director, Ivan Pomaleu for his leadership in the process leading up to the signing of the MOUs.
The MOUs contain mainly screening mechanism for Business Investment in Bougainville.
He said although the MOUs are signed today there are issues that need to be looked into so that the ABG framework is truly autonomous.
He also thanked IPA Managing Director, Ivan Pomaleu for the good discussions leading to the signing of the legal documents today.
IPA Managing Director, Ivan Pomaleu said he was very delighted and will work in partnership and corporate with ABG as they have an office that will deal with registration and other processes and procedures of business in Buka.
Picture of the Signing ceremony in Buka yesterday
The Annual General Meeting of the company will be held at the Grand Papua Hotel, Port Moresby at 2.00pm on Tuesday 6th, May, 2014.
Hier ist ein guter Artikel, was die Einwohner darunter verstehen:
"Domang tamiri, or bel kol as the people now refer to it, will be a little promise in the form a feast and local projects to the people of Bougainville."
Google Übersetzung:
"Domang Tamiri oder bel kol wie die Menschen nun darauf verweisen, wird ein wenig Versprechen in der Form ein Fest und lokale Projekte für die Menschen in Bougainville sein."
“BCL can start physical presence on Bougainville with that simple promise.”
.....bei den Verhandlungen der ....lokalen Projekte für die Menschen in Bougainville.... Ich bin schon gespannt was da angeboten wird. ;-))))
zum Thema irreführende Nachrichten möchte ich gerne an Deine ESBC press release vom 17.10.2011 erinnern "ESBC President buys 1 million Bougainville Copper shares more" ..." within the next weeks" ... "A Strong Mark of Confidence!" .... ausser leeren Werthülsen war da nicht viel zu sehen...:-) ... auch eine Form wie sagtest Du so schön "Propagandistische Kampfplattform"???
Zudem habe ich mir die Mühe gemacht Deinen Artikel vom 04.09.2013 auf der ESBC Homepage abgeglichen und es gibt keine einzige Aussage in meinem posting, die Du nicht selbst bereits veröffentlich hast! Somit kann ich Dir zu Deinen Beleidigungen meiner Person nur den Spiegel vorhalten (sauber recherchiert, Glückwunsch!)
....aber da Du ja immer das letzte Worte haben möchtest ... feel free ... ich werde mich zu dieser Diskussion ab jetzt nicht mehr äußern und mich auf das Posting von Informationen zur Mine konzentrieren ... over and out
Wenigstens hier hat PNG Mine Watch ausnahmsweise etwas Wahres berichtet:
Dem und Ihren weiteren seltsamen Ausführungen ist nichts hinzuzufügen!
Wie auch immer, mind. 6 1/2 bis 8 1/2 Jahre bis zur Produktionsaufnahme, was soll's!? ;-))
Aber vielleicht hat sind es ja auch eher bewusst konservative Einschätzungen, um den Beteiligten mal ein wenig Feuer unter dem Hintern zu machen. Obgleich ich nicht glaube, dass diese Taktik bei der lokalen Bevölkerung wirklich zielführend wäre.
Wie auch immer: Axel hat Recht, dass die Aussichten noch nie besser waren. Und noch bevor gebuddelt werden wird, steht der Kurs schon so hoch, dass hier manche Millionäre sein werden (bzw ihr Millionenkonto vervielfacht haben werden).
Have a nice weekend!