VXRT 0,96$ (-36%)

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1806 Postings, 1528 Tage Leronlimabkann gut sein, dass man heute wieder wie gestern

03.02.21 14:19
anfänglich ein paar Gewinnmitnahmen sieht. Aber man hat ja dann gesehen, was darauf folgte und das waren kleine Retailinvestoren wie wir hier, die nur spekulieren können, was hinter den Kulissen passiert. Das waren hauptsächlich Käufer, die schon mehr wissen.  

2309 Postings, 2024 Tage BananiNews

03.02.21 14:40
Vaxart Announces Positive Preliminary Data from Phase 1 Clinical Trial Evaluating Its Oral COVID-19 Tablet Vaccine Candidate

-Study reached primary and secondary endpoints of safety and immunogenicity, respectively

-VXA-CoV2-1 induced potent CD8+ T-cell responses

-VXA-CoV2-1 potentially protective against new and emerging COVID-19 strains

-Data to be presented today at the New York Academy of Sciences Symposium “The Quest for a COVID-19 Vaccine”


293 Postings, 1374 Tage BavareseKurs taucht gleich mal böse ab.

03.02.21 14:45

1767 Postings, 7905 Tage hhsjgmrBanani

03.02.21 14:48
das ist aber schon heftig wie sie jetzt fällt  

293 Postings, 1374 Tage BavaresePhase 1

03.02.21 14:52
Ich denke man hat sich mehr erwartet als eine positive Phase 1.
Mal schauen was die nächsten Stunden noch so bringen ..  

2309 Postings, 2024 Tage BananiSchauen wir mal

03.02.21 15:00
wo der Kurs nach Eröffnung steht.

Was wohl negativ auffällt, dass keine neutralisierenden Antikörper nachgewiesen wurden.

T-cells can provide long-lasting cross-reactive protection against current and emerging strains of the virus. Our vaccine induced a high percentage of responding CD8+ T cells against both Spike (S) and Nucleoprotein (N) proteins, which may provide protection against variants with alterations in the faster-changing S protein. We expect that our vaccine will be less impacted by new variants than injectable vaccines,” Dr. Tucker added.  

42014 Postings, 8850 Tage RobinWahnsinn

03.02.21 15:23
da sind aber etliche mit Stoploss rausgeholt worden  . Wahnsinn  

42014 Postings, 8850 Tage Robinwas

03.02.21 15:26
ein Tageschart . PFEIL  

2309 Postings, 2024 Tage Banani...

03.02.21 15:27
Vaxart expects to broaden its COVID-19 vaccine development plans, with efforts that could include:

VXA-CoV2-1 in COVID-19 naïve subjects: Phase II studies to evaluate optimal dosing schedule, and to then assess efficacy against COVID-19

VXA-CoV2-1 in previously vaccinated or exposed subjects: investigating single dose boosting protocol to broaden and strengthen immune responses  

2309 Postings, 2024 Tage BananiVaxart's stock falls 42% after

03.02.21 15:31
disclosing preliminary results from early-stage COVID-19 vaccine study

Shares of Vaxart Inc. VXRT, -55.72% tumbled 42.9% in premarket trading on Wednesday after the company said its oral COVID-19 vaccine candidate was well-tolerated in a Phase 1 clinical trial but it did not generate neutralizing antibodies among participants. Vaxart said its experimental vaccine was immunogenic in the preliminary results; however, it also said that neutralizing antibodies were not detected in serum or IgG antibodies were not found in "most subjects." IgG antibodies are often detected in people who have recovered from a COVID-19 infection. The data was shared in a news release. The company said additional data from the Phase 1 trial will be presented Wednesday afternoon at a symposium in New York. The clinical study tested two dosing schedules in 20 participants. Vaxart's stock has soared 1,358.1% over the past year. The S&P 500 SPX, 0.30% is up 18.6% over the last 12 months.


42014 Postings, 8850 Tage Robinwas

03.02.21 15:46
haltet ihr von der Meldung ???  

9868 Postings, 2931 Tage Senseo2016Ziel 15 - Übertreibung

03.02.21 16:14

2309 Postings, 2024 Tage BananiDieser CNBC Bericht ist

03.02.21 16:19

An experimental coronavirus vaccine taken by mouth showed promising results in an early-stage clinical trial of 35 healthy adults, South San Francisco-based Vaxart said Wednesday. Despite the results, Vaxart’s stock plunged 60% in intraday trading.

Vaxart scientists divided volunteers between ages 18 and 54 into three groups. The first received two low doses of the vaccine – called VXA-CoV2-1 – 29 days apart, while the remaining groups received a single low or high dose.

The vaccine, which is in a small tablet, generated a type of T-cell responsible for destroying virus-infected cells in about 75% of volunteers who received a single low or high dose, the company said. It said the reported responses were higher than those seen in Moderna’s and Pfizer’s vaccines.

However, neutralizing antibodies were not detected in volunteers after a single dose, Vaxart said. Researchers believe the antibodies play an important role in defending cells against the virus. The company said it is now assessing antibody responses from second doses after antibodies were detected in nasal swab samples of two-dose volunteers.

Isaac Bogoch, an infectious disease specialist and professor at the University of Toronto, said the company’s stock could be falling due to the lack of neutralizing antibodies after the first dose.

“The immune response is multifaceted,” he said, adding that one aspect of the immune response is creating antibodies, in particular neutralizing antibodies. “While it’s great to see that there appears to be a decent T-cell response, the lack of antibodies detected is problematic and may reduce the effectiveness of this as a vaccine.”

The company said no severe adverse events were reported in the phase one trial, with side effects generally being mild. Volunteers reported common side effects such as headache and fatigue, and there was a “slight uptick” in the high-dose group of cases of loose stool, the company said.

The data will be presented Wednesday afternoon at the New York Academy of Sciences Symposium.

“The most exciting thing about the [phase one data] is we can get a very, very, strong T-cell response even after one dose,” Vaxart chief scientific officer Sean Tucker told CNBC in a phone interview, adding that T-cells are probably “underappreciated” compared to antibodies in fighting the virus.

The biotech firm said the vaccine has the potential to be more protective against current and emerging strains of the virus than existing vaccines. Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax in recent days have said their vaccines may be less potent against B.1.351, highly contagious strain found in South Africa. U.S. officials have expressed concerns about Covid potentially mutating further and evading the protection of existing vaccines.

Vaxart’s vaccine contains DNA instructions to make the spike protein, which enables the virus to enter human cells, as well as instructions to make the N protein, which is involved in other processes. Tucker said the inclusion of the N protein may make the vaccine retain its ability to work against emergent strains.

Many other vaccines under development chose the spike protein as a “major target,” he said. “But the problem with the [spike] protein is it definitely mutates more over time. What we did is add in the N protein as well, which is much conserved in the virus.”

Vaxart said its vaccine is the only oral tablet in the U.S. to be tested in humans. Similar technology is being used to develop vaccines for influenza and norovirus.

The company came under scrutiny and federal investigation late last year for allegedly exaggerating its involvement in Operation Warp Speed, former President Donald Trump’s program for vaccines and treatments. It said in a press release in June that “Vaxart’s Covid-19 Vaccine Selected for the US Government’s Operation Warp Speed,” sending its shares soaring.

But it turned out that the company had not received financial support from the federal government for vaccine doses and was only participating in preliminary U.S. studies to determine potential areas for possible Warp Speed partnership and support, according to The New York Times.

Tucker told CNBC the company is in talks with the U.S. and other governments to find potential opportunities to collaborate on its vaccine.

If Vaxart’s vaccine makes it through other clinical trials and U.S. approval, it could provide advantages over needle-based vaccines.

Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, said a vaccine taken by mouth may have better acceptance from those in the public who may be anxious about needles. Two Covid-19 vaccines authorized in the U.S. – from Pfizer and Moderna – are injected into the arm and require two shots about three to four weeks apart.

Vaxart said its vaccine is also stable at room temperature and does not require a freezer, meaning it can be “stockpiled and shipped to mass populations across the globe.” By comparison, Pfizer’s vaccine needs to be stored in ultra-cold freezers that keep it between negative 112 and negative 76 degrees Fahrenheit. Moderna’s vaccine needs to be shipped at between negative 13 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Vaxart said the vaccine also does not need special medical training to administer and can be taken at home. It said this will help with adhering to social distancing guidelines while reducing the burden on the health-care system.

The company said it is still determining if this will be a single or two-dose regimen.

A phase two study is expected “in the next couple of months,” Tucker said. In its “most accelerated timeline,” the company expects phase two and phase three studies to be completed by early 2022.



36 Postings, 1577 Tage AlleNamenVergeben...böse Überraschung

03.02.21 16:25
...aber zum nachladen super!  

198 Postings, 1552 Tage scapfel@Robin

03.02.21 16:54
Die Idee bzw. die Strategie ist gut, jedoch fehlt der Nachweis inform von Bildung von Antikörper,zumindest ist das mein Verständnis....

Entweder Warten oder sich Verabschieden, wie fast immer eine Glaubensfrage....

Gibt es andere Ansichten?


2309 Postings, 2024 Tage BananiIch spinne jetzt

03.02.21 17:38
und behaupte mal das Leronlimab mit seiner Vermutung richtig liegt und wir heute bzw. morgen eine weitere News über ein Funding sehen werden.


9868 Postings, 2931 Tage Senseo2016316

03.02.21 17:54
In Form einer KE ? das wäre nicht gut  

2086 Postings, 2901 Tage Unicorn71Senseo

03.02.21 18:19
Wenn das Funding kommt sollte keine KE nötig sein (meiner Meinung nach..)  

9868 Postings, 2931 Tage Senseo2016Mag nicht mehr up . Dann eben später

03.02.21 18:34
tests der Tiefs  

293 Postings, 1374 Tage BavareseAusblick

03.02.21 20:24
Ich denke das wars jetzt erst mal.
Jetzt heisst es abwarten für die nächsten Monate um wieder die Chance auf solche Kurse wie heute morgen zu haben.
Entscheidend wird sein ob und ab wann die Aussicht auf eine Markteinführung besteht

2309 Postings, 2024 Tage BananiPräsentation von

04.02.21 06:29

7 Postings, 1333 Tage AlexisLimaMich würde die Meinung von Leronlimab interessiere

04.02.21 20:40
Bin schon eine  Weile ein stiller Mitleser der Beitrage und vorallem derer von Leronlimab. Da er,zumindest ist es meine Wahrnehmung, vom Fach zu sein scheint. Mich würde interessieren warum du Leronlimab so überzeugt von Vaxart warst/bist und warum das jetzt so nach hinten losgehen konnte.  Da es doch hieß, dass die Studienergebnisse so gut sind. Warum stürzt die Aktie dann so ab? Danke und viele Grüße  

868 Postings, 6165 Tage mariosapfAlexisLima

04.02.21 21:27
Leronlimap erträgt es wohl nicht , dass er mit seinem " Fachwissen " nicht richtig gelegen ist.
Der Kurs sagt die Wahrheit. Die Hoffnung war groß , zu groß .
Ich hab den Einstieg letzten Freitag verpasst.
Bin aber froh , dass ich mich nicht  vom Fachwissen Leronlimap's  mich zu Kursen über 20 hab rein locken lassen ...

7 Postings, 1333 Tage AlexisLimaIch mag es sachlich ....ohne Spitzfindigkeiten

04.02.21 21:58
Es bringt niemand etwas, indirekt zu sticheln. Das geschieht bei anderen Aktien genug in den Foren und ich war froh hier etwas mehr Niveau vorzufinden. Ich selber war 240% im Plus und habe bei 17€ nachgekauft.  Aktuell bin jetzt ca. 20% im Minus. Aber es war meine Schuld, denn jeder handelt für sich und ich war wohl zu gierig, anstatt Gewinne mitzunehmen, habe ich noch viel mehr Geld gesehen....also selber schuld.
Mich würde interessieren, wie er die Chancen sieht, dass es nochmal hoch geht und Vaxart das Thema mit dem Antikörpern gelöst bekommen kann oder ob das ein größeres Problem darstellt und ob es der alleinige Grund für das abschmieren der Aktie war.  

2086 Postings, 2901 Tage Unicorn71Aus dem Yahoo Forum

05.02.21 00:44
A crash induced by "sell-the-[mistaken] news" sell-off can recover, if/when investors realize the trial data is indeed positive and the company carries on advancing the program diligently.”



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