Universal Express (920232) STRONG BUY!
und wenn er was zur Optimierung beitragen kann is das sehr verlockend..
d.h. ich denke mal das das ganze dann mit Spannung erwartet wird
Das Hauptthema ist die verbesserte Gepäckabwicklung und damit verbundene höhere Sicherheit.
Deswegen macht der das auch vorm Kongress. Wenn die zustimmen was meinst wie der Kurs knallt. Kann ich mir jedenfalls gut vorstellen.
Mein englisch ist auch nicht das beste, hab aber den obigen Text in Babelfish übersetzt *g* dat reicht schon um alles zu kapieren ;)
Ich hab heut erstmal ordentlich nachgelegt und wenn ich das richtig deute werden wir den richtigen HYPE erst in ca 40 Tagen erleben aber bis dahin wird USXP in den Startlöchern stehn...550 MIOS sind from JUDGE zugesprochen, also....wenn das nicht losgeht weiß ich es auch nicht mehr!!
OTC BB: USXP - .029
July 2003
The KonLin LetterTKL
Technical & Fundamental Analysis
Market Timing
Low-Priced Stocks
A different global economy has grown over the past decade.
With Internet and catalog sales increasing, it now mandates
an inexpensive and responsive final mile domestic and international
delivery network. USXP has evolved into a conglomerate
of supportive companies centered on its private postal
network utilizing the 20,000 potential North American private
postal retail stores presently grossing over $8 bil. in sales.
Strong strategic relationships are currently being established
with companies and manufacturers, which should empower
over 9,000 present members. Members now provide the public
with a possible complement to the U.S. Post Office for many
retail and business postal services. In addition, these private
Postal Service Centers offer individual and business customers
a variety of personal and business services and merchandise.
USXP believes that many companies will eventually need
an affordable distribution system to deliver what their consumers
purchase. Whoever controls the 20,000+ private postal stores
controls or greatly influences the choice of carrier for package
or luggage delivery. These locations have been initially outsourced
as USXP’s retail chain. With presently over 9,000 of
them, USXP has been able to offer countless services, programs,
and group buying opportunities rivaling FTD’s floral association.
With a private postal association initially developing,
USXP then created a luggage free pick-up service, a discounted
International delivery system, their own equipment and van
leasing company, and now is poised to acquire a domestic
delivery system, a cargo airline, a passenger airline, and even
some companies with logistical significance still on the drawing
board such as futuristic cargo and shipping concepts.
Revenues for the 1st 9 mos. of FY’03 leaped over 850% to
$2 mil., with the loss per share narrowing to (.01) vs. (.03) for
the same period in the prior year. The current financial
information for USXP, a developing 14-yr. old conglomerate,
tells only part of the story. It doesn’t show that at the onset
USXP was over $46 mil. in debt. It fails to reflect its vision of
14-yrs. ago to build a private postal system and all of the
necessary components without any initial IPO or even one
market maker. Today, USXP is debt free, has over 80 market
makers (massive liquidity), over 20,000 shareholders, and
financial commitments of over $300 mil. necessary to acquire
transportation companies seemingly more developed than
USXP. Most important, the $500+ mil. fraud judgment recently
awarded to USXP creates more possibilities for tax advantages
and future opportunities. Of the 419,051,268 shares outstanding,
nearly 2% are held by insiders.
The stock is trading in the .03 area with the first niche of
resistance at .07 then .18-.20. We would use all weakness to
accumulate for substantially higher prices in coming quarters.
In the past three years, we have seen so many stocks plunge
from $25, $50, even well over $100, falling down to pennies.
Here we have a .03 stock that could have enormous potential to
become a $30-$40 stock. Recommended last month at .03, we
would Add/Buy on weakness in anticipation of significantly
higher prices during the next 18 mos.
Nett oder wir sollten in der nächsten Woche Kures um 0.20 sehen!
Das ist meine Einschätzung kein push.Es sollte jeder selbst Entscheiden was er daraus macht! Immer dran denken es handelt sich hier um einen OTC wert
schönes WE gruss sam
davon aus, dass wir am Montag an der OTC bei 0,11-0,12$ eröffnen und uns
dann durchaus bis 0,15$ hocharbeiten können, da vor Dienstag sicher noch ne
Menge Leute rein wollen.
Bei Hammernews können wir Ende nächster Woche durchaus bei 0,30$ stehen, bei
schlechten News natürlich auch woanders (immer wieder angemerkt),bin
aber sehr positiv gestimmt.
Dein Posting is sehr interessant, habe eine ähnliche Version davon bereits gelesen,
ebenfalls auf nem Ami-board, dass war auch der Grund warum ich diese Aktie trotz der vielen Kritik empfohlen habe. Am besten finde ich, dass USXP seine Verbindlichkeiten von 46 Mio$ auf 0 reduzieren konnte. Der Wert erweckt immer mehr Aufsehen und der
Markt ist weltweit riesig. Wir sollten nochmal darauf aufmerksam machen in wievielen Bereichen USXP schon jetz tätig is und das obwohl das Unternehmen noch ne Development-Stage Company is und auch so vom CEO bezeichnet wird, schaut euch auf www.usxp.com die
verschiedenen Geschäftsfelder an und es sollen demnächst mehr werden.
USXP hat insgesamt 500 Mio $ Schadensersat zugesprochen bekommen, wenn sie das Geld erhalten, ist ihre Zukunft golden, die Aquisition von North America Airlines is geplant und soll 160 Mio $ an Umsatz garantieren. Darüberhinaus will USXP in vordester Front eine Neuregelung an der OTC schaffen, was das Naked-Short-Selling angeht.
Die SEC befasst sich damit, das könnte eine revolutionäre Änderung darstellen.
All das sind meiner Meinung nach Gründe bei USXP einzusteigen, auch wenn nur als Depotbeimischung.
Zu den Kritikern: Sicherlich hat der CEO in der Vergangenheit mit dem Vertrauen der Anleger gespielt, deshalb sind Zweifel angebracht, ob diesmal wirklich mehr hinter den ganzen Themen steckt, als nur heiße Luft.
Wenn wir aber Bedenken das USXP momentan überall Aufsehen erregt (SEC,Kongress,zahlreiche Interviews vom CEO), dann würde es ein Desaster
geben, wenn alles nur gelogen wäre.
Die nächsten Wochen werden es entscheiden.
wichtige Rede hält.
Darüberhinaus tagt nächste Woche auch die SEC zum Thema Naked-Short-Selling.
Natürlich können auch Meldungen von der geplanten Aquisition von
North America Airlines sowie den 500 Mio $ Schadensersatz, bei USXP
für einen Höhenflug in den nächsten Wochen sorgen.
Im KonLin Letter, den samy76 gepostet hat, wird USXP ein Kurspotenzial
von 30-40$ in den nächsten 18 Monaten zugesprochen.
Bei dem jetzigen Kurs von 0,105$ klingt das zwar utopisch, aber wir sollten
dabei Bedenken, dass diese Faktoren ihren Teil dazu beitragen können:
-über 500 Mio $ Schadensersatz zugesprochen
-erfolgreiche Abwicklung der Aquisition von NAA, garantiert USXP einen
Umsatzzuwachs von 160 Mio$
-Positive Resonanz der Pläne Altomares bei seiner Rede vorm Kongress
-Neuregelungen an der OTC hinsichtlich des Naked-Short-Selling
-weitere positve Unternehmensentwicklung, 550% Umsatzsteigerung im letzten
Alle diese Aspekte würden Kurse im Dollarbereich rechtfertigen.
Deshalb 1000% Chance bei hohem Risiko, da OTC-Wert.
Ich möchte hier nochmal darauf hinweisen das dies nur meine Meinung ist und jeder der investieren möchte sich selbst ein Bild machen sollte und er vor allem bedenken sollte das es sich um einen OTC Wert handelt!!
Gruss sam
WKN Börse Kurs Trade Vol. Tages Vol. Zeit Datum Bid Bid Vol. Ask Ask Vol. T.hoch T.tief Vortag Diff. Änd. Realtime
920232 FRA 0,098 8.500 73.000 09:00 20.10. 0,091 0 0,098 0 0,098 0,092 0,087 0,01 +12,64%
Da stehen wie man in anderen Foren lesen kann Versprechungen im Raum die nie eingehalten worden sind .
Kann mir aus Zeitgründen im Moment kein detailiertes eigenes Bild machen,bin aber mit einer kleinen Position dabei,sehe das aber als Zock bis Morgen oder dann vielleicht auch länger, je nachdem was am Dienstag passiert.
Grüße vom joker67
Devise abwarten
Grüsse sam
Aber das er unter den Augen der SEC steht wissen wir ja auch, wer Beschwerden wegen naked short selling einreicht sollte schon genau wissen was er so verbreitet und eine Rede vor dem Kongress ist auch nicht ohne.
Der wird sich dreimal überlegen was er so von sich gibt, schätze da könnte richtig was passieren, hoffe in die richtige Richtung für uns, also Augen auf und auf jede Neuigkeit reagieren, wird ne spannende Woche!
Jetzt schon mehr gehandelt in Frankfurt als am ganzen Freitag.
WKN Börse Frankfurt
WKN Börse Kurs Trade Vol. Tages Vol. Zeit Datum Bid Bid Vol. Ask Ask Vol. T.hoch T.tief Vortag Diff. Änd. Realtime
920232 FRA 0,097 200.000 517.660 10:31 20.10. 0,094 0 0,098 0 0,098 0,092 0,087 0,01 +11,49%
Oct 20, 2003 (financialwire.net via COMTEX) -- (FinancialWire) In a surprise announcement that has shot through the U.S. microcap securities community like a lightening bolt, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said late last week it will consider a new Regulation SHO Wednesday, October 22, at its 10 a.m. meeting. The regulation would require short sellers in all equity securities to locate securities to borrow before selling short, and add further requirements to address "naked" short selling.
The practice of selling stocks without securing certificates has pitted at least 13 market makers, including Deutsche Bank AG (NYSE: DB), Goldman, Sachs & Co. (NYSE: GS), Knight Securities, LP (NASDAQ: NITE), and Ladenburg Thalmann & Co., Inc. (AMEX: LHS), against some 106 public companies claiming "foul" for over a year now, and has also called into question the electronic settlement system run by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. more commonly referred to as the "DTC."
Despite its immense power in the securities industry, and its "old boy" network of directors, the Depository Trust has so far largely escaped the governance crises that have struck, first the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission itself under Harvey L. Pitt, and then the New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange, currently owned by NASDAQ (OTCBB: NDAQ).
Among other things, Regulation SHO would institute a new uniform bid test, applicable to exchange-listed and NASDAQ National Market System securities, that would allow short sales to be effected at a price above the consolidated best bid. Regulation SHO would also suspend the operation of the proposed bid test for specified highly liquid securities on a two-year pilot basis.
The hearing, and assuming the SEC approves the staff's proposal, the subsequent public comment period, is expected to attract immense interest, as shareholders and company executives vent their frustrations. SEC spokesperson John Heine told FinancialWire that the Wednesday hearings will be webcast directly from the SEC at www.sec.gov.
At the recent SEC Forum for Small Business, the CEO Council worked in the committees to support SEC action on this matter. Last year the CEO Council prevailed on the SEC to require the NASDAQ to preserve the over-the-counter bulletin board.
Like the research and other scandals, the SEC is more or less Johnny-come-lately to the issue but is trying to get ahead of what Financial Times recently termed "Wall Street's Next Nightmare."
Financial Times noted that the issue has attracted the attention of John O'Quinn, the 62-year-old senior partner of O'Quinn, Laminack & Pirtle, who has already, according to Forbes, won $1.5 billion from makers of silicon breast implants and cigarettes, and sees the manipulative trading damages on Wall Street as even bigger.
His firm is involved in some 15 lawsuits alleging that brokers such as Ameritrade and E-Trade and "marketmakers like Knight have destroyed his clients by helping to sell the companies' shares short in a scheme to run the stock prices in the ground." O'Quinn was quoted as saying that 1,000 companies have lost at least $100 billion in market capitalization, threatening "an honest market."
The Financial Times noted that the "fuss is over naked shorting, a practice that's been around for decades and that is sometimes legal. Normal short-selling involves borrowing real certificates for stock, selling the stock, buying new shares at a later date, and using the new certificates to replace the ones borrowed. Naked short-selling differs in that no real certificates change hands. Instead, the short-seller creates a paper entry showing that it owes shares to the stock buyer and will get around to delivering them later.
Naked short-selling is legal if done by a marketmaker in a temporary arrangement; it's normal for a marketmaker to be net short for a day or two and then close out the position by buying real shares later. Naked shorting can be illegal if done with the conscious intention of leaving the short position as a paper entry indefinitely."
FT notes that Depository Trust &Clearing Corp.'s subsidiary is one of the leaders in the clearing business. "In the normal course of business DTCC tolerates so-called failed-to-deliver entries of shares offered for sale by, say, brokers. This means the seller doesn't have the certificates on hand but promises to be good for them eventually. Is the clearing firm too tolerant of failed-to-delivers, thereby facilitating illegal naked shorting by brokers (or their customers)? That's the allegation in the lawsuits."
According to FT, O'Quinn and his top lawyer on these cases, James W. Christian, senior partner with Houston-based Christian, Smith & Jewell, claim that over the last three years billions of uncovered naked shares were sold; that marketmakers (and/or their clients) took profits after waiting for share prices to fall before buying in--if at all; and that brokerages allowed fictitious shares to be traded two, three and four times over, in possible violation of Securities & Exchange Commission rules.
One of the reasons the SEC is now moving more quickly is that according to FT, "New York's Attorney General, Eliot Spitzer, is interested in the case."
The Financial Times points out that "a lot of O'Quinn and Christian's success will rest on whether they can demonstrate hanky-panky within the DTCC's stock-lending pool. These are shares set aside to assist members that come up short during the day. Marketmakers, for example, borrow them and promise to make good on the missing certificates--eventually. But here's where it gets fuzzy. The SEC's Rule 15c3-3 allows for 'temporary lags' in possession of the shares, 'provided that the broker or dealer takes timely steps in good faith to establish control.' And therein lies an area of ambiguity larger than Texas."
It is this ambiguity that supposedly Regulation SHO will address.
There are 119 public companies that have so far been touched by the growing national financial scandal.
Some thirteen on the list of 119, such as A.G. Edwards, Inc. (NYSE: AGE), Ameritrade Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: AMTD), Deutsche Bank AG (NYSE: DB), E*Trade Group, Inc. (NYSE: ET), FleetBoston (NYSE: FBF), Goldman, Sachs & Co. (NYSE: GS), Knight Securities, LP (NASDAQ: NITE), Ladenburg Thalmann & Co., Inc. (AMEX: LHS), M. H. Myerson & Co., Inc. (NASDAQ: MHMY), Olde / H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), Charles Schwab (NYSE: SCH), Toronto-Dominion's (NYSE: TD), TD Waterhouse Group and vFinance, Inc. (OTCBB: VFIN), have been accused by one or more public companies as allegedly participating in short selling activities or abuses, or of failing to settle trades.
Observers have said that trades to not settle because broker-dealers do not effect buy-ins, as required by law, and that there is an unspoken understanding that any brokerage that tries to force a buy-in will be retaliated against.
The remaining 106 companies have issued press releases or been named in the media as having been victimized, or as taking various actions, either alone or in concert with other companies, to oppose manipulative trading in the form of illegal naked short selling. The actions have ranged from lawsuits to withdrawals and threatened withdrawals from the electronic trading system managed by the Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., to withdrawals from toxic financings, to the issuance of dividends or name changes designed to squeeze manipulators, to joining associations or networks or to contacting regulatory authorities to provide documentation of abuses or otherwise complain.
On June 4, the SEC stated "the issues surrounding naked short selling are not germane to the manner in which DTC operates as a depository registered as a clearing agency. Decisions to engage in such transactions are made by parties other than DTC. DTC does not allow its participants to establish short positions resulting from their failure to deliver securities at settlement. While the Commission appreciates commenters' concerns about manipulative activity, those concerns must be addressed by other means."
Nevertheless, short positions do in fact exist due to failures of the electronic settlement system to balance their electronic books, and the SEC has provided shareholders and small companies with no inkling of what the Commission has in mind in "addressing" these concerns "by other means."
However, in mid-September the SEC admitted in a Dow Jones interview that "naked short selling" is a problem, and said its market regulatory division is taking aim at the practice. However, one public company reported that two days later a field office of the SEC asked the public company to "prove naked short selling exists," once more seemingly sending mixed signals to shareholders trapped in the manipulators' vise.
Recently the NASD revealed its plan to stop the practices that have ravaged these public companies and their shareholders ' a wrist-slap to perpetrators such as Paragon Capital Markets, which was "censured" and fined $35,000 after the NASD said it had "executed short-sale orders in certain securities and failed to make an affirmative determination prior to executing such transactions." An even smaller fine was subsequently assessed against vFinance for similar allegations.
The complete list of those 106 companies include Advanced Viral Research Corp. (OTCBB: ADVR), AdZone Research, Inc. (OTCBB: ADZR), Amazon Natural Treasures (OTC: ANTD), America's Senior Financial Services (OTCBB: AMSE), American Ammunition, Inc. (OTCBB: AAMI), AngelCiti Entertainment (OTCBB: AGLC), ATSI Communications, Inc. (OTC: ATSC), Federal Agricultural Mortgage / Farmer Mac (NYSE: AGM) Allied Capital (NYSE: ALD), American Motorcycle (OTC: AMCYV), American International Industries (OTCBB: AMIN), Ameri-Dream (OTC: AMDR), Adirondack Pure Springs Mt. Water Co. (OTCBB: APSW), Bluebook International (OTCBB: BBIC), Blue Industries (OTCBB: BLIIV), Bentley Communications (OTCBB: BTLY), BIFS Technologies Corporation (OTCBB: BIFT), Biocurex (OTCBB: BOCX). Broadleaf Capital Partners, Inc. (OTCBB: BDLF), Chattem, Inc. (NASDAQ: CHTT), Critical Home Care (OTCBB: CCLH), Composite Holdings (OTC: COHIA), CyberDigital, Inc. (OTCBB: CYBD). Diamond International Group (OTCBB: DMND), Dobson Communications Corp. (NASDAQ: DCEL), Eagle Tech Communications (OTC: EATC), Edgetech Services (OTCBB: EDGH);
Also, Endovasc Ltd. (OTCBB: EVSC), Enviro-Energy Corporation (OTCBB: ENGY), Environmental Products & Technologies (OTC: EPTC), EPIXTAR Corp. (OTCBB: EPXR), eResearchTechnologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: ERES), Flight Safety Technologies (OTCBB: FLST), Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE), FreeStar Technologies (OTCBB: FSRCE), Geotec Thermal Generators, Inc. (OTCBB: GETC), Genesis Intermedia (OTC: GENI), GeneMax Corp. (OTCBB: GMXX), Global Explorations Inc (OTC: GXXL), Global Path (OTCBB: GBPI), GloTech Industries, Inc. (OTCBB: GTHI), Green Dolphin Systems (OTCBB: GLDS), Group Management (OTCBB: GPMT), Hop-On (OTC: HPON), H-Quotient, Inc., (OTCBB: HQNT), Hyperdynamics Corp. (OTCBB: HYPD), International Biochem (OTCBB: IBCL), Intergold Corp. (OTCBB: IGCO), International Broadcasting Corporation (OTCBB: IBCS), InternetStudios, Inc. (OTCBB: ISTO), ITIS Holdings (OTCBB: ITHH), Investco Corp. (OTCBB: IVCO), Lair Holdings (OTC: LAIR), Lifeline BioTechnologies Inc. (OTC: LBTT), Life Energy & Technology (OTCBB: LETH), MBIA (NYSE: MBI);
Also, MegaMania Interactive (OTC: MNIA), MetaSource Group, Inc. (OTCBB: MTSR), Midastrade.com (OTC: MIDS), Make Your Move (OTCBB: MKMV), Medinah Minerals (OTC: MDMN), MSM Jewelry Corp. (OTC: MSMC), Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: NPCT), Nutra Pharmaceutical (OTCBB: NPHC), Nutek (OTCBB: NUTK), Navigator Ventures (OTC: NVGV), Orbit E-Commerce, Inc. (OTCBB: OECI), Pitts & Spitts (OTC: PSPP), Sales OnLine Direct (OTCBB: PAID), Pacel Corp. (OTCBB: PACC), PayStar Corporation (OTC: PYST), Petrogen Corp. (OTCBB: PTGC), Pinnacle Business Management (OTC: PCBM), Premier Development & Investment, Inc. (OTCBB: PDVN), PrimeHoldings.com, Inc. (OTC: PRIM), Phlo Corporation (OTCBB: PHLC), Resourcing Solutions (OTC: RESG), Reed Holdings (OTC: RDHC), Rocky Mountain Energy Corp. (OTCBB: RMECE), RTIN Holdings (OTCBB: RTNHE), Saflink Corp. (NASDAQ: SFLK), Safe Travel Care (OTCBB: SFTVV), Sedona Corp. (OTCBB: SDNA);
Also, Sionix Corp. (OTCBB: SINX), Sonoran Energy (OTCBB: SNRN), Starmax Technologies (OTC: SMXIF), Storage Suites America (OTC: SSUA), Suncomm Technologies (OTC: STEH), Sports Resorts International (NASDAQ: SPRI), Technology Logistics (OTC: TLOS), Swiss Medica, Inc. (OTCBB: SWME), Ten Stix, Inc. (OTCBB: TNTI), Tidelands Oil (OTCBB: TIDE), Titan Construction (OTC: TTCS), Trezac Corp. (OTCBB: TRZAV), Universal Express, Inc. (OTCBB: USXP), Valesc Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB: VLSHV), Vega Atlantic (OTCBB: VGAC), Viragen (AMEX: VRA), Viragen International (OTCBB: VGNI), Vista Continental Corporation, (OTCBB: VICC), Viva International (OTCBB: VIVI), Vtex Energy (OTCBB: VXENE) and Wizzard Software (OTCBB: WIZD), WorldTradeShow.com (OTC: WTSW) and Y3K Secure Enterprise Software, Inc. (OTCBB: YTHK).
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Universal Express has enormous
potential to become a $30-$40 stock
Konrad Kuhn: "A different global economy has grown over the past decade. With Internet and catalog sales increasing, it now mandates an inexpensive and responsive final mile domestic and inter-national delivery network. Universal Express, Inc. (OTC BB USXP) has evolved into a conglomerate of supportive companies centered on its private postal network utilizing the 20,000 potential North American private postal retail stores presently grossing over $8 bil. in sales.
Strong strategic relationships are currently being established with companies and manufacturers, which should empower over 9,000 present members. Members now provide the public with a possible complement to the U.S. Post Office for many retail and business postal services. In addition, these private Postal Service Centers offer individual and business customers a variety of personal and business services and merchandise.
USXP believes that many companies will eventually need an affordable distribution system to deliver what their consumers purchase. Whoever controls the 20,000+ private postal stores controls or greatly influences the choice of carrier for package or luggage delivery. These locations have been initially out-sourced as USXP's retail chain. With presently over 9,000 of them, USXP has been able to offer countless services, programs, and group buying opportunities rivaling FTD's floral association. With a private postal association initially developing, USXP then created a luggage free pick-up service, a discounted International delivery system, their own equipment and van leasing company, and now is poised to acquire a domestic delivery system, a cargo airline, a passenger airline, and even some companies with logistical significance still on the drawing board such as futuristic cargo and shipping concepts.
Revenues for the 1st 9 mos. of FY'03 leaped over 850% to $2 mil., with the loss per share narrowing to (.01) vs. (.03) for the same period in the prior year. The current financial information for USXP, a developing 14-yr. old conglomerate, tells only part of the story. It doesn't show that at the onset USXP was over $46 mil. in debt. It fails to reflect its vision of 14-yrs. ago to build a private postal system and all of the necessary components without any initial IPO or even one market maker. Today, USXP is debt free, has over 80 market makers (massive liquidity), over 20,000 shareholders, and financial commitments of over $300 mil. necessary to acquire transportation companies seemingly more developed than USXP. Most important, the $500+ mil. fraud judgment recently awarded to USXP creates more possibilities for tax advantages and future opportunities. Of the 419,051,268 shares outstanding, nearly 2% are held by insiders.
The stock is trading in the .03 area with the first niche of resistance at .07 then .18-.20. We would use all weakness to accumulate for substantially higher prices in coming quarters. In the past three years, we have seen so many stocks plunge from $25, $50, even well over $100, falling down to pennies. Here we have a .03 stock that could have enormous potential to become a $30-$40 stock. Recommended last month at .03, we would Add/Buy on weakness in anticipation of significantly higher prices during the next 18 months."
Transportation Logistics Company Universal Express –USXP– to Capitol Hill on Tuesday: Presenting Transportation Security Plan to Members of Congress
NEW YORK, October 17, 2003—Universal Express (OTCBB: USXP), a transportation logistics company, announces CEO Richard Altomare will make a formal presentation on Capitol Hill to members of the House and Senate and congressional staff on Tuesday October 21. Mr. Altomare is proposing a plan expected to resolve the luggage check-in security problems inherent in the airline industry and reduce the exorbitant ongoing costs when the Federal Government took over the air transportation network. Implementation by Congress of the USXP plan can enhance the security of travelers, decrease the time spent in airports, improve the airlines financial health, and create an estimated 250k jobs in a new $22 billion parcel carrier industry segment.
"The USXP transportation security plan we are recommending to Congress will significantly reduce the amount of luggage carried by the airlines and the subsequent possibility of terror attacks. It is expected to save taxpayers up to $1.4 billion yearly in screening costs. Among other things, when rolled out, it also allows for the assignment of guards at train stations and bus terminals. USXP has extensive transportation industry knowledge and years of operating experience. Our proposal will boost confidence in the overall security of the travel industry, and dramatically improve the financial health of the airlines," stated Richard A. Altomare, President & C.E.O.
Altomare will present his plan to members of Congress on Tuesday October 21.