Der EUR/USD 2,0 Thread
Man kann diesen Witz nur noch mit einer 100Pip Kerze aushebeln - im positiven Sinne...:-)
— March 14, 2015 at 5:28 pm
For your info. After reviewing my calc’s today, it is very clear that large Commercial Bond Futures Traders (with very deep pockets) are running for the exits and dumping a majority of their long and short contracts. A similar event occurred during the collapse of 2008. It is not clear what their motive is at this point.
— March 16, 2015 at 11:50 pm
In addition to the note above, my calc’s indicate that within 30 days the Dollar should start a long decline and not stop until October 2015. Precious metal prices and the Euro should move higher during this time period.
Zur Erinnerung:
DEFINITION of 'Bond Futures'
A bond future is a contractual obligation for the contract holder to purchase or sell a bond on a specified date at a predetermined price. A bond future can be bought in a futures exchange market and the prices and dates are determined at the time the future is purchased.
Bond Futures sind nicht immer nur in USD ausgestellt...;-). Was, wenn ein contract holder insbesondere solche Bonds in den Taschen hält, die auf EUR lauten und er diese schnellst möglich los werden will?
Richtig: Er nimmt die Währung (EUR) zu jedem Kurs, soll heissen zu JEDEM! Und wenn er dann noch USD-Bonds hält und aus beidem raus will (Bond + USD), welche Währung wird er dann wohl bevorzugen (YEN od. EUR)?
We will see!