Plug Power - konspirativ und informativ
Ich hab die Frage gestellt, warum diese guten Aussichten für die Zukunft, die 2 neuen Verträge für die nahe Zukunft, Georgia fur die ganz nahe Zukunft und im Grunde die Umsatzerwartung der Analysten recht genau getroffen nicht für ein deutlich positiveren Kursverlauf gesorgt haben.
Ich bin schon deshalb kein Miesmacher, weil ich hier ziemlich dick drin bin und selbst noch im Minus.
Dann lieber auf ne Linde oder Air Liquide setzen. Vermutlich aber werden am Ende die großen Player wie Shell oder BP wieder dabei sein.
Und das die Aktie so beliebt bei dt. Kleinanlegern ist, sollte einem auch zu denken geben.
Da viele Hubs voraussichtlich das Doppelte oder sogar Dreifache der ursprünglichen Investition anziehen werden, könnte die Gesamtwirkung bis 2030 leicht 30 Milliarden US-Dollar übersteigen.
Potenzielle Gewinner könnten sein ARCHESH2 in Kalifornien, der Northeast Clean Hydrogen Hub für New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts und andere, der Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub für West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania und Kentucky, die Midwest Alliance für Michigan, Illinois und andere Indiana, der pazifische Nordwesten, der Washington und Oregon abdeckt, das Southwest Clean Hydrogen Innovation Network in Arizona, der Navajo Nation und Nevada sowie ein Hub in Texas, wo zwei Vorschläge eingereicht wurden.
wie geil ist das denn ??!!
Plug und Fortescue arbeiten nun doch zusammen!
Der ursprüngliche Deal, den sie vor ca. 2 Jahren geplant hatten, war geplatzt, aber nun bin ich gerade auf diese News gestoßen!!
Jetzt geht hier bald richtig die Post ab !! :)
Kann es kaum erwarten..
Fühle mich wie ein Kind vor der Bescherung an Heilig Abend! 8-)
Glaube dass Twiggy und Andy ein gutes Match sind. Habe die beiden mal in einem Video miteinander flirten sehen. Das läuft.
Deswegen hatte es mich auch enttäuscht dass sie den Deal haben platzen lassen.. aber egal jetzt..
Die 2 Unternehmen stehen Seite an Seite im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel.
Das wird glaub ich ne richtig dicke
Schnallen wir uns an!
Wieviel Tonnen H2 lassen sich damit täglich herstellen?
Mag das jemand beantworten ?
Up to $925M for the Appalachian Hydrogen Hub
The DOE said it chose the Appalachian Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2), proposed by West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, given its “strategic location” and development of hydrogen pipelines, multiple hydrogen fueling stations, and permanent CO2 storage. These facilities, located in a coal- and gas-rich region, have the potential to drive down the cost of hydrogen distribution and storage, the DOE said.
Lead project development partners under ARCH2 include Air Liquide, The Chemours Company, Clearway Energy Group, CNX Resources Corp, Dominion Energy Ohio, Empire Diversified Energy, EQT Corporation, Fidelis New Energy, First Mode, Hog Lick Aggregates, Hope Gas Inc., Independence Hydrogen Inc., KeyState Energy, MPLX, Plug Power, and TC Energy.
Up to $1B for the Midwest Hydrogen Hub
Led by the Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen (MachH2), the Midwest Hydrogen Hub covers Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. The hub is located in a “key U.S. industrial and transportation corridor,” the DOE said. It will “enable decarbonization through strategic hydrogen uses including steel and glass production, power generation, refining, heavy-duty transportation, and sustainable aviation fuel.”
After announcing its bid and initial concept paper in November of 2022, MachH2 received a letter of encouragement from the DOE in December of 2022. In February, MachH2 announced it had joined forces with the Indiana-led Midwest Hydrogen Corridor Consortium as a single hub.
“MachH2 will use the rich diversity of existing and new clean generation resources including nuclear and renewables in Illinois and Michigan, and blue hydrogen utilizing carbon capture and sequestration in Indiana,” MachH2 told POWER on Friday.
Power industry entities affiliated with MachH2 include Ameren Illinois, Big Rivers, Bloom Energy, BP, ComEd, Constellation, Exelon, Holtec, Invenergy, NiSource, and Plug Power.
Up to $925M for the Appalachian Hydrogen Hub
The DOE said it chose the Appalachian Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2), proposed by West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, given its “strategic location” and development of hydrogen pipelines, multiple hydrogen fueling stations, and permanent CO2 storage. These facilities, located in a coal- and gas-rich region, have the potential to drive down the cost of hydrogen distribution and storage, the DOE said.
Lead project development partners under ARCH2 include Air Liquide, The Chemours Company, Clearway Energy Group, CNX Resources Corp, Dominion Energy Ohio, Empire Diversified Energy, EQT Corporation, Fidelis New Energy, First Mode, Hog Lick Aggregates, Hope Gas Inc., Independence Hydrogen Inc., KeyState Energy, MPLX, Plug Power, and TC Energy.
Up to $1B for the Midwest Hydrogen Hub
Led by the Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen (MachH2), the Midwest Hydrogen Hub covers Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. The hub is located in a “key U.S. industrial and transportation corridor,” the DOE said. It will “enable decarbonization through strategic hydrogen uses including steel and glass production, power generation, refining, heavy-duty transportation, and sustainable aviation fuel.”
After announcing its bid and initial concept paper in November of 2022, MachH2 received a letter of encouragement from the DOE in December of 2022. In February, MachH2 announced it had joined forces with the Indiana-led Midwest Hydrogen Corridor Consortium as a single hub.
“MachH2 will use the rich diversity of existing and new clean generation resources including nuclear and renewables in Illinois and Michigan, and blue hydrogen utilizing carbon capture and sequestration in Indiana,” MachH2 told POWER on Friday.
Power industry entities affiliated with MachH2 include Ameren Illinois, Big Rivers, Bloom Energy, BP, ComEd, Constellation, Exelon, Holtec, Invenergy, NiSource, and Plug Power.
Bei den ganzen Hubs, die in verschiedenen Regionen der USA enstehen sollen ist es etwas undurchsichtig, wer wo beteiligt ist, bzw. Elektrolyseure liefert. Vielleicht bekommen wir dazu nächste Woche noch News. Dass man wieder mit FFI im Geschäft ist, werte ich ebenfalls als positives Zeichen!
"Details on the specific plans of individual consortia have been kept largely confidential. DOE officials revealed a bit of information during a Thursday press event, including the fact that all seven hubs will produce at least some hydrogen using renewable energy. But three will also use nuclear power, and most will also convert fossil gas to hydrogen and use carbon-capture technology to limit resulting emissions, they said. "
Leider ist bei meinem letzten post was schiefgelaufen, Hier also nochmals:
"Friday’s announcement about the hubs is not tied to a forthcoming Biden administration decision on which projects will be eligible for lucrative low-carbon hydrogen production tax credits created by the Inflation Reduction Act. But DOE officials pointed out that hydrogen producers involved in the hubs will doubtless seek to maximize the value of those tax credits by conforming to the regulations, which are expected to be released later this month. "