Rakuten wesentlich besser als Rocket
Das 5G Open RAN Network von Rakuten Mobile gewann den "Mcpc Award 2021" "First Judge's Special Award"!
Beim MCPC Award 2021, der vom Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium (MCPC) gesponsert wird, erhielt das auf Virtualisierungstechnologie basierende 5G Open RAN-Netzwerk von rakuten mobile den "First Jury Special Award".
Der MCPC Award wird seit 2003 vergeben und wird in diesem Jahr zum 19. Mal vergeben, um die Verbreitung mobiler Lösungen und IoT/AI-Systeme weiter zu fördern, indem Beispiele für Erfolge wie die Verbesserung der betrieblichen Effizienz, die Verbesserung der Leistung, die Verbesserung der Kundenzufriedenheit, die Förderung des sozialen Beitrags und die fortschrittliche mobile Nutzung im Bereich IoT / AI ausgezeichnet werden.
Rakuten Mobile wurde für die signifikante Reduzierung der Netzwerkentwicklungs- und Betriebskosten durch die Einführung von Virtualisierungstechnologie und Cloud sowie den Aufbau des weltweit ersten vollständig virtualisierten Cloud-nativen Mobilfunknetzes auf Basis von Open RAN ausgezeichnet.
Diese Initiativen haben den Nutzern einen beispiellosen neuen Wert und ein beispielloses Potenzial gebracht und einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Verbreitung von IoT/AI-Systemen und Mobile Computing geleistet, was zu dieser Auszeichnung geführt hat.
January 1, 2022
Rakuten has reached a milestone in striving to make affiliate marketing and cash back marketing more flexible, strategic and effective channels for increasing revenue from existing and new clients. Rakuten’s rewards capability allows brands – for the first time ever – to split cashback offers on a 1:1 basis with automated audience targeting and its results. Initial campaigns show an average of 128 percent increase in new shoppers and a 125 percent increase in sales.
“Affiliate marketing and cashback strategies will help brands of all sizes and industries thrive while meeting increasingly high standards of brand engagement and personalization,” he said. Amit PatelCEO of Rakuten Americas. “Customized rewards are just the first of many innovations we will roll out over the next year that will elevate affiliate marketing and cashback as key components of every evolving digital marketing mix.”
“Cashback and traditional approaches that deliver a unified show across a range of audiences are tried and true tactics,” Patel continued. “Now, by bringing together two of Rakuten Americas’ most powerful platforms, we can help brands interact with consumers at a 1:1 level and build a lifelong relationship that will increase marketing performance and increase sales.”
Many customers are already taking advantage of this new offer – including leading luxury retailer Saks Fifth Avenue and innovative shoe company FitFlop. FitFlop has used a dedicated rewards program to attract new customers to its full range of comfortable and stylish footwear. Rakuten has introduced targeted offers – with different levels of cashback rewards – to identify customers to incentivize purchase and conversion. The campaign has been very successful in helping FitFlop achieve its strategic goals on a monthly basis. The company saw a 149% increase in new buyers, 83% of whom were new to FitFlop. This improvement in new buyers of FitFlop helped drive an overall increase in shopping trips of 195%.
Und zu kompliziert ist das alles außerdem auch noch - da muss noch an Vereinfachungen gearbeitet werden.
RAKUTEN GROUP, INC. : Ex-Dividende Tag für Schlussdividende
Der Kurs der Aktie Rakuten Group, Inc. wird ab heute ex-Dividende notiert (Dividendenabschlag).
No conference on the future of telecom is complete without Rakuten, and FutureNet Asia was no exception. The thing to remember about Rakuten is that they are not offering just a blueprint of the future – they are already living in the house they built. When their Global Head of AI shares that he shifted from “federated AI” to “democratized AI”, that’s important information to take on board.
Publlsher Discovery veröffentlich neue Zahlen zum Affiliate-Markt. Statistiken zeigen, dass die Affiliate Branche weltweit ungefähr 16 % aller Umsätze im E-Commerce generiert. Gerade in den schwierigen Jahren 2020 / 2021 ist der Schwerpunkt Affiliate zunehmend wichtiger geworden. In Zukunft wird erwartet, dass die Ausgaben für Affiliate Marketing allein in den USA bis zum Jahr 2022 auf 8,2 Milliarden Dollar ansteigen werden. Dabei würden 80% auf B2C entfallen.
Affiliate-Tracking hat sich seit Beginn der Branche erheblich weiterentwickelt. Die neuesten Entwicklungen zeigen eine völlige Abkehr vom Cookie-Tracking von Drittanbietern und eine zunehmende Anwendung von Server-Tracking, Naked Linking und Multi-Touch Attribution.
Anteile der Netzwerke an Publishern:
•§Auf die 6 wichtigsten Netzwerke entfallen 50% aller weltweiten Affiliate-Links
•§Auf die 17 größten Affiliate-Netzwerke entfallen 80% aller Affiliate-Links
•§CJ ist das größte globale Netzwerk gemessen am Volumen der Publisher
•§Rakuten, Tradedoubler, Awin und Shareasale sind die nächstgrößten weltweit nach der Anzahl der verlinkenden Publisher – Awin hat den größten Anteil an Backlinks mit großem Abstand
•§20% aller Verlage arbeiten mit 5 oder mehr Netzwerken zusammen
•§Nur 6% der Verlage arbeiten mit einem einzigen Netzwerk zusammen
Deutsch-Übersetzer einschalten!
The renewed partnership will allow Rakuten to launch enterprise-focused private 5G and IoT services
Rakuten Mobile created a new type of mobile service that didn't exist prior to the partnership, which is still going strong today. For those not familiar with Cisco CX, it is the services team at Cisco. It's branded "CX" because the services are designed around customer outcomes versus traditional infrastructure services, which are more technology-centric.
In 2018, Rakuten Mobile called on Cisco CX to play a program management role in its network buildout. Together, Rakuten Mobile and Cisco architected and deployed an efficient infrastructure for networking, storage, and computing. This helped Rakuten Mobile provide a variety of new services without placing additional strain on the network.
"The orchestration of these workloads on any cloud is a daunting challenge already, whether it's Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud. The fact that you could take a cloud workload and move it to any cloud does not automatically mean you have achieved productivity and efficiency," Rakuten Mobile's chief technology officer Tareq Amin said during a recent call with analysts. "It's important to have a good software foundation. With Cisco, we were able to migrate traffic in less than a second without sending anyone to any of our data centers."
Three factors differentiate Rakuten Mobile, Amin said:
• How it orchestrates and automates application workloads: Rakuten Mobile's technology runs near real-time, latency-sensitive workloads on a virtualized infrastructure across a vast number of distributed data centers.
• How it drives artificial intelligence: Rakuten Mobile's platform has built-in conversational and engagement AI services.
• Compelling private cloud solutions: Many customers continue to have a preference for private cloud deployments, in which both Rakuten Mobile and Cisco specialize.
This year, Rakuten Mobile began deploying Cisco's segment routing over IPv6 (SRv6) equipment, enabling fixed-mobile convergence on Rakuten Mobile's existing internet protocol (IP) backbone.
One thought on “Telefónica Deutschland/O2 “pure 5G” with DSS, Open RAN and 5G SA”
Alan Weissberger says:
October 6, 2021 at 20:02
5G open RAN is slated for small scale deployments in Telefónica Germany’s network in the first and second quarter of 2022, making Germany home to the “first sites in Europe working in a pure open RAN ecosystem,” Enrique Blanco, chief technology and information officer at Telefónica said.
“We will be starting in Germany, but later on we will do it in the rest of the countries in Europe (where Telefónica operates) and Brazil,” he said. “Germany is important. It is field testing real traffic. Not looking to see if the solution works. It works.”
By Rakuten Advertising | December 2, 2021 | INSIGHTS
Diverse Publisher Models for Driving Creativity and Innovation within Affiliate CampaignsNew and diverse publisher models are helping to elevate the affiliate channel to one of strategic significance. Gone are the days when advertisers could rely on one or two publishers to drive performance. Shifting consumer behavior means publisher diversity with an affiliate program is more important than ever in reaching and engaging consumers.
As the end of the year edges closer, the Rakuten Advertising Publisher Development team shares insight into the new publisher models expected to grow and drive success in 2022.
Financial Technology Partners and Loyalty Enablers
Buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) solutions and card-linked offers (CLO) have increased in popularity over recent years and will become mainstream affiliate partners in 2022. The trend of financial technology partners using affiliate will grow next year with Digital Wallet providers and Loyalty Enablers such as YouTrip or ING Dealwise.
Digital wallet provider YouTrip is Singapore’s first multi-currency mobile wallet with a prepaid Mastercard, allowing consumers to pay for purchases in over 150 currencies with no fees. As a perk for members, YouTrip Perks give consumers cashback for purchasing with their partners – meaning brands can target international online shoppers and travelers via a platform that makes purchasing in different currencies easy.
Additionally, financial institutions have recognized the value in enabling consumer loyalty and have launched affiliate offerings. For example, ING Dealwise allows brands to employ personalization strategies to connect with consumers in a trusted environment.
Content Commerce
The demand for content consumption has increased and maintaining a user’s attention amongst the various places that content is consumers can be challenging. Content and media houses have had to evolve how they monetize their sites and drive revenue. That’s where content commerce, otherwise known as ‘shoppable content’, comes into play.
Consumers are now more confident in transacting at the point of inspiration. The ability to transact without leaving the publishers environment has led to the natural evolution of content partners. Social platforms also recognize the value of shoppable content, with many integrating shopping capabilities that enable users to shop at the point of inspiration.
Partners like Tipser and Bonsai enable publishers to use technology to deliver shoppable moments within content on an affiliate CPA basis.
Influencers and Live Shopping
Over the last two years, the disruption to the in-store experience has led to greater creative collaboration between brands and influencers. Influencers have stepped into the role of sales assistant to help showcase the inner workings of products, with their reviews and opinions becoming more influential than ever before.
Instagram has recently removed the 10K follower limitation on the swipe-up function within stories. The removal of the follower limits means that anyone can link to a brand or specific product page regardless of whether they’re a macro or micro-influencer. This change will lead to an increase in niche content creators that can partner with brands.
Additionally, the ability to link in stories and the introduction of live shopping platforms like Sauce will lead to more brands and influencers connecting for live shopping events. Sauce is a South Korean partner that creates new consumer experiences through the aggregation of content, commerce, and live streaming.
Rakuten Mobile's next generation smart network pushes the envelope of self-organizing networks by combining multiple data sources, advanced artificial intelligence techniques and the knowledge of its engineers to not only detect but also identify the root causes of any anomalies and recommend steps for their resolution.At the heart of this network is a highly resilient, scalable, geo-distributed data platform that delivers single digital millisecond access to data for core network functions. In this session, Miro Salem and Joji John describe the design considerations and requirements underlying the data architecture of Rakuten Mobile's autonomous network.
Delivery Hero übernimmt Mehrheit an Liefer-App Glovo
So, 02.01.22 14:08· Quelle: dpa-AFX
BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - Der Berliner Lieferdienst Delivery Hero will die Mehrheit an dem spanischen Konkurrenten Glovo übernehmen. Es sei eine Vereinbarung mit einer Reihe von Glovo-Aktionären unterzeichnet worden, um weitere Anteile in Höhe von 39,4 Prozent im Tausch gegen eigene Aktien zu erwerben, teilte der Dax -Konzern kurz vor dem Jahreswechsel mit. "Infolge der Transaktion wird Delivery Hero zum Mehrheitsaktionär von Glovo." Der Anteil wird demnach auf über 80 Prozent steigen.
Für die dafür angebotenen 7,9 Millionen Delivery-Hero-Aktien ergebe sich gemessen am Schlusskurs vom 30. Dezember 2021 ein Wert von circa 780 Millionen Euro. Glovo werde im Zuge der Transaktion mit 2,3 Milliarden Euro bewertet. Der Abschluss der Übernahme hänge "von bestimmten Bedingungen und behördlichen Genehmigungen ab, einschließlich der fusionskontrollrechtlichen Freigabe in mehreren Ländern, und wird voraussichtlich im zweiten Quartal 2022 erfolgen".
Glovo-Chef Oscar Pierre begrüßte den Schritt. Delivery-Hero-Chef Niklas Östberg sagte, Glovo habe eine Vorreiterrolle in der Branche übernommen und in 16 von 25 Ländern eine führende Marktposition inne.
Rakuten will in das Blockchain-gestützte NFT-Geschäft einsteigen
Montag, 6. September 2021 um 14:36
TOKIO (IT-Times) - Der größte japanische E-Commerce Konzern Rakuten Group hat seine Absicht erklärt, in das Geschäft mit nicht handelbaren digitalen Vermögenswerten (NFTs) einzusteigen.
The following metal products are available to trade from today.
– XAUEUR (Gold/Euro)
– XAUGBP (Gold/Sterling)
– XAUAUD (Gold/Australian Dollar)
– XAUCHF (Gold/Swiss Franc)
– XAUJPY (Gold/Yen)
– XAGEUR (Silver/Euro)
– XAGAUD (Silver/Australian Dollar)
– XPDUSD (Palladium)
– XPTUSD (Platinum)
You will be able to trade a wider variety of products with Rakuten Securities Australia.
Jan 3, 2022
Rakuten Viber has joined hands with SLT-MOBITEL Mobile to offer “Viber Free” data packages that help users stay connected, no matter where they are. This joint endeavour will enable SLT-MOBITEL Mobile subscribers to enjoy unlimited data when using Viber across popular data plans, Rakuten Viber said in a media release.
Both Mobitel Pre-Paid and Post-Paid subscribers can now get access to unlimited Viber data to enjoy unparalleled features such as free VoIP calls, group video chats, communities, utilities chatbots, and fun stickers on Viber’s messaging platform that offer enhanced security to preserve user data privacy. Pre-Paid customers with anytime plans ranging from Rs. 399, Rs.499, Rs.699, Rs.999, and Rs.1999 are eligible for this offer and Post-Paid customers with anytime plans ranging Rs.1290, Rs.1690, Rs.2090, Rs.2990 and Rs.3890 can enjoy the free Viber offer.
By ALICIA RANCILIO August 20, 2021
NEW YORK (AP) — Most nights around 10 p.m. when her family heads off to bed, Carol Holaday signs onto her computer. She’s not falling down Internet rabbit holes of random information or combing through social media at her San Diego home. Holoday is signing on to volunteer with the subtitle translation of Korean TV shows —often referred to as K-dramas— on the streaming platform Rakuten Viki.
Viki has both original and licensed content from Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan and subscribers around the globe. Its largest audience is from the U.S., 75% of which is non-Asian. It offers a tiered subscription, or limited content is available for free with ads.
Viki translations aren’t just to English. “A drama can translate into 20 different languages within 24 hours,” said Yasuda. He said there’s also often waiting lists to help translate on more popular shows. There are a small number of translators who do get paid, if it’s on a show that doesn’t have volunteers or a licensed series that already has subtitles.
The awareness of K-dramas outside Korea seems to be growing, said MacDonald. “The number of people that contacted me in the last year and a half to say, ‘Oh, I just discovered K-dramas, what do you recommend?’ It’s significant.”
Die besten Kryptos 2021: Spiele-Token stehlen Bitcoin und Co. die Show
Weder Bitcoin, noch Ethereum, Tether oder Solana: Keine der großen Kryptowährungen konnte Gala im Jahr 2021 das Wasser reichen. Mit einem Kursplus von über 42.000 Prozent setzte sie sich an die Spitze.
Rakuten NFT: The digital media revolution is coming to Japan
September 15, 2021
The new Rakuten NFT service will open its doors early next year, allowing users to buy and sell NFTs as well as enable IP holders to issue NFTs and build sales websites.
NFTs: What are they all about?
NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, harness the power of blockchain technology to assign unique identifiers to specific pieces of digital media.
In recent months, the tokens have gained prominence as a way to transfer and verify ownership of assets such as digital art — bringing it closer, in a sense, to physical art. While a piece of digital art (think, a JPEG file) can be duplicated pixel for pixel with a couple of taps on your keyboard, having possession of the NFT assigned to that particular piece of media means that you are the owner of the ‘original’ art.
Most of the headlines surrounding NFTs have focused on visual media such as digital images, GIFs and video clips, but the tokens can be assigned to any unique set of ones and zeroes — music, books and even games. Rakuten’s NFT platform will focus on sports media alongside entertainment assets such as anime and music.
The platform will host a marketplace that will allow users to buy and sell NFTs. However, Rakuten NFT is aiming to be more than a simple marketplace: the team is also looking to provide a one-stop platform for holders of major intellectual property — in categories like sports, anime and music — to issue their own NFTs for users to buy and exchange.
Integrating Rakuten NFT to the Rakuten Ecosystem
The new platform will be integrated fully into the Rakuten Ecosystem, meaning any of Rakuten’s millions of members in Japan can sign in and check out using their existing Rakuten ID. This integration will also allow for collaboration with other Rakuten services, which could potentially pay out gifts or benefits in the form of NFTs.
The earning and spending of Rakuten Points — Rakuten’s ever-popular loyalty program — is also likely to be implemented.
This new venture is hardly Rakuten’s first foray into the world of blockchain. In 2016, the Rakuten Blockchain Lab was established to explore potential applications of blockchain in the fields of e-commerce and fintech. Three years later, Rakuten began providing spot trading services of cryptocurrencies through Rakuten Wallet.
The NFT industry — still in its infancy — remains dominated by tech-savvy crypto enthusiasts. With the launch of this new platform, Rakuten is hoping to simplify NFT technology to the point that holders of intellectual property can issue and trade tokens regardless of their technical knowledge, empowering creators and giving rise to a new digital market.
Tokyo, January 4, 2022 – Rakuten Bank, Ltd. today announced that its total balance of deposits (non-consolidated) has surpassed seven trillion yen as of the end of December 2021.
Rakuten Bank became the first online bank in Japan*1 to surpass 11 million accounts*2 in July 2021, and the number of Rakuten Bank accounts continues to grow steadily. In recent years, the company has strengthened collaborations across the Rakuten Group’s diverse portfolio of services, with initiatives such as the Super Point Up Program*3, which scales up the percentage of points earned on Rakuten Ichiba, and provision of the Money Bridge service, which connects Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities accounts. The number of Money Bridge-linked accounts surpassed three million in December 2021, the same month in which the amount of total balance of deposits surpassed four trillion yen, as the number of customers using multiple Rakuten financial services continues to increase.
Recently, the pandemic has kept people indoors and necessitated new lifestyle choices. Rakuten Bank offers the convenience of an entirely-online banking service — one that never requires a visit to a physical location — and the number of public utilities offering Rakuten Bank as an option for automatic money transfers has increased. Rakuten Bank continues to improve its existing services while offering new ones, including a recently-added function which allows users to check their Rakuten Bank account balance using the Rakuten Pay smartphone app, and extending the viewable time frame for account activity histories to include the full account history on the Rakuten Bank website. As a result, after exceeding six trillion yen in (non-consolidated) total deposit balance in June 2021, Rakuten Bank was able to surpass seven trillion yen in approximately six months.
Going forward, Rakuten Bank will continue working to offer innovative and convenient products and services to customers.
*1 As of July 5, 2021. Research by Rakuten Bank.
*2 Excludes closed accounts.
*3 If a customer uses their Rakuten Card to pay when purchasing products on Rakuten Ichiba and the account used to pay is a Rakuten Bank account, they will earn an additional +1% point-back incentive.
2022-01-04 by rehow
Rakuten Securities, Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Yuji Kusunoki, hereinafter “Rakuten Securities”) is listed in the “2022 Oricon Customer Satisfaction (R) Ranking Net Securities” announced today by oricon ME Co., Ltd. We are pleased to inform you that we have won the first place overall for the second consecutive year.
The online securities ranking of “Oricon Customer Satisfaction (R) Ranking” was started by oricon ME Co., Ltd. in 2008, and 9 items are aggregated for customers who are actually investing and forming assets at a securities company. It will be analyzed and evaluated.
In this survey, Rakuten Securities has six items: “account opening / benefits,” “ease of transactions,” “analysis tools,” “asset management,” “information provided,” and “system stability.” We received the top evaluation and were able to receive the first place in the overall evaluation for the second consecutive year.
Since receiving the award last year, we are the first major domestic securities company to purchase and reserve US stocks with (*) points, “Point investment (US stocks, yen settlement)”, and propose the optimal course from the answers to nine questions, NISA account. In addition to launching the new RoboAdvisor service “Raku-Raku Investment” that can be operated in Japan, the functions of the cutting-edge stock trading tool “MARKETSPEED II (R)” and the trading app for smartphones “iSPEED (R)” have been added. We have been making efforts to improve customer convenience, such as strengthening security by introducing two-factor authentication using images at login for the first time in major online securities companies. As a result, the total number of accounts, which was 5 million in December 2020, exceeded 7 million in December 2021, and a large number of customers are using Rakuten Securities’ services.
1 Nutzer wurde vom Verfasser von der Diskussion ausgeschlossen: tradeconto