Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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1364 Postings, 5835 Tage tomixAktienkurs Bougainville Copper Ltd.Shs

06.03.09 09:53

 0,62 USD     +0,37 USD     +146,00 %




382 Postings, 6349 Tage centwatchHandel USA

06.03.09 09:56
Der Handel in USA ist ziemlich strange. Gehandelt wurden 1.500 Stück am 3.3. zu USD 0,615  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroPräsident Tanis/Panguna Landowners Meeting

06.03.09 10:39
The President has advised that this meeting will be at the Holiday Inn on Monday evening. So be there between 5.30 pm and 6.00 pm.

Tok Save from Office of Bougainville Affairs.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroProposed Action Plan

06.03.09 12:42
National Government Gives [Joint Supervisory Board March 2009]:
        1.§National Govt’s 76.4 million shares will be given in a trust for Bougainvilleans. Trust to be supervised by UN, World Bank or some such eminent body.
        2.§The tax from mining will be shared equally between ABG and the National Govt until such time as the autonomy referendum takes place in 2015. First three years after signing of New BCA tax free.

ABG Gives [March 2009] and Forgives [Joint Supervisory Board March 2009]:
        1.§Peace, good law and order and favourable investment climate and tax regime that includes exemption from dividend withholding tax and interest withholding tax
        2.§All Guns to be surrendered: Bougainville to be a Gun Free Zone. Combatants to be paid two rates: one rate for each home made gun surrendered already (the records of this exist already) another rate for automatic guns. Negotiations with Meekamui; removal of road blocks.
        3.§Opening of Arawa port and Aropa airport
        4.§Elections of a properly constituted body of representatives of Landowners

Landowners Give [April 2009] and Forgive:
        1.§Support for New BCA unanimously endorsed in a Mining forum meeting
        2.§Unrestricted and free access to BCL without any fear

New BCA signed [April 2009]:
Jointly signed [ABG, National Govt, Landowners and BCL] New Bougainville Copper Agreement [BCA] that includes lifting of moratorium on leases and permission to mine
New BCA to be signed as a Supplemental Agreement appended with the Old BCA preferred time frame April 2009.

BCL Gives [April/May 2009] after signing of the New BCA:
        1.§K11 million plus interest to landowners at signing of New BCA
        2.§Agreement to give royalty of 3.5% of sales to landowners; cashflow to commence when ore ready for milling is processed [commencing early to mid 2010]
        3.§Debt raising by RIO against future copper and gold production maybe by issuing copper bonds to Chinalco

AUSAID support in critical bottleneck areas so as to speedily move forward.
1. Critical bottleneck areas include Landowner elections, monthly JSB meetings [travel costs]
2. Training facilities for Bougainville youth, support for Radio Bougainville [Ausaid support]
3. Law and Order: police technical support


Gold USD 942.60 per troy ounce, Copper USD 1.58 per pound; K1=USD 0.3785  K1=AUD 0.5667 AUD1=  0.66 USD. Interest rate 7.5%
Three streams of ongoing sustainable cashflow from BCL and their proposed beneficiaries:
        1.§Taxes: Approx K 458 million per annum split 50:50 between ABG and National Govt about K 229 million per annum to each.
        2.§Dividends on 76.4 Million shares: Beneficiaries to be split 50:50 between 50% for all adult Bougainvilleans, and the remaining 50% for Landowners. Quarterly dividend payments to them to be managed jointly by the National Govt and ABG. The ownership of shares to be held in trust by the ABG and BCL. The dividend stream is K 133 million per annum.
        3.§Royalties: 3.5% of revenue attributable to mining area to be mapped and paid out to individual title holders on a monthly basis. Annual royalties of K100 million per annum; this is about K 19,937 per annum per adult landowner or K 1,661 per adult landowner per month. No dividend withholding tax will be applicable on dividends paid on BCL shares.
Non Recurring one-off payment: At the time of signing of the New BCA BCL will pay Landowners payable to them since 1990 of K1.4 million per annum plus interest plus expenses incurred.

I. Root Cause of the Problem
The root cause of the problem was the unfair distribution of income amongst the three main interest groups namely Landowners, North Solomon Provincial Government and the National Government. During its 17 years of life from 1972 to 1989, 58.4% of benefits received from the mine went to the National Government, and only 4.8% to the Provincial Government with merely 0.2% going to Landowners. The remaining 36.6% went to Non Government shareholders for their risk capital, technology and management; that was quite fair.                                                    

II. 1987 Production and Prices
In 1987 when there was no Additional Profits Tax, when average copper price was US 81 cents per pound and gold price was USD 446.7 per troy ounce, the Earnings per share were 24.83 USc (Earnings of USD 99.55 Million). Total concentrate produced was 585,500 Tonnes grading 30.4% Copper, and 25.1 grams per tonne of gold. This corresponds to 177,992 Tonnes of copper or 392 Million pounds worth USD 318 Million at US 81 c per pound plus 585,500 x 25.8/31.1 = 485,720 troy ounces worth USD 217 Million. Total sales of USD535 million per annum and net profit of about USD100 million per annum.

III. Valuation of Shares, Taxation & Royalty as a going concern
If we assume the same level of production as in 1987 and the current price of copper at
USD 1.58 per pound and gold at USD 942.60 per troy ounce the extra sales will be
392 Million pounds x [1.58 -0.81] = USD 302 Million
485,720 x [942.60 – 446.7] = USD 241 Million
Incremental Sales = USD 302 + 241 = USD 543Million

Total Sales per annum = 535 + 543= USD 1078 Million

It is proposed to pay a royalty of 3.5% of sales to landowners
This will be USD 37.73 Million or K 99.7 Million per annum
If we assume there are 5000 adult descendents of the original 510 titleholders, this corresponds to K 19,937 per annum or K 1,661 gross per adult landowner per month.
Royalties must be 3.5% Special Mining Lease Title landowners only; no sharing with ABG who are separately getting generous revenue from taxation (not available to Landowners). These shall be split 70% to individual title holders and 30% to a Future Generation Fund or Non Renewable Resources Fund. Should this split occur monthly payment to individual landowners will be 0.7 x 1,661 = K 1,163 net per month.

Income Tax
Income Tax in 1987 =  USD 55.7 Million
Interest Cost in Year 1 = USD 113 Million 7.5% interest rate on US$1.5 Billion
Incremental Tax = 0.3 x [543 – 113-  38 ] = USD 118 Million
Tax per annum = 55.7 + 118 = USD 173 Million = K 458 Million

Earnings per share
Incremental Profit After Tax = 0.7 x [543-113-38] = USD 274.4 Million
Total Profit After Tax = 100 +274.4  = USD 374.4 Million
Incremental Eps = USD 0.68
Total Earnings per share = USD0.93 per share

Dividends per share
The loan of US$1.5 Billion will be fully repaid in 7 years. Let us assume a dividend payout ratio of 70%.
Dividends per share in first 6 years while loan is being repaid = USD 0.651 or $A 0.99 or K 1.74
Dividends on 76.43 Million shares = K 133 Million per annum

Valuation of shares Copper prices have increased from 81 US cents a pound in 1988 to about US 1.58 cents a pound and if the mine were running at the pre-89 capacity, earnings per share would be about 3.7 times the then eps of 25 US cents a share. In the late eighties the shares hit a high of $A7.20; on a similar valuation basis the shares could hit a high of $7.20 times 9.6 or $A26.78 .
On a more conservative P/E multiple of 12, the shares should be valued at USD 11.16  or AUD 16.90 provided no new shares are issued.  This corresponds to K 29.84 per share
The 76.43 Million shares would be valued at K 2,280 Million.  Hard facts requiring negotiation and distribution predominantly for Bougainvilleans:
Shares with an intrinsic value K2.3 billion plus Annual Income available to Bougainvilleans/PNG of K 458+133+100= 691 Million per annum or about K 2.7 million per working day comprising:
- Annual Tax of some K 458 Million; shared equally between ABG and PNG Govt
- Annual Dividends worth K 133 Million to Bougainvilleans

- Annual Royalty to landowners worth K 100 Million
If we assume there are 70,000 adult Bougainvilleans and the dividends are distributed equally amongst them , each adult Bougainvillean will receive about  K 1,428 per year.

Kina Values 1988 figures are actual, NEW BCA 2008
The mine life based on proven reserves is 14 years. But if the moratorium on exploration is lifted, the mine life will extend to about 30 years. Also, that will provide greater benefits of royalty to the new landowners in whose leases those areas exist.

There is a big quantum leap in benefits for Bougainville:
         •§New BCA provides ABG/Bougainville income from dividends and taxation of about K229 Million p.a, from 2012; this is a whopping increase from merely K5.5 Million received per annum in the pre 1988 era.
         •§New BCA provides for Landowners to receive about K 100 million per annum from Royalty and half of K 133 Million per annum from dividends or total of K 166.5 Million from about 2011 compared with about K0.2 Million p.a. in the pre 1988 era
         •§New BCA provides equity ownership by Bougainvilleans and Landowners each of some K1.15 Billion worth of shares in BCL compared with zero shares earlier.

It is obvious that this will be the biggest step forward for Bougainville in their history and all Bougainvilleans need to be united in the pursuit of this goal. The Supplemental Bougainville Copper Agreement (2008) needs to be agreed by the initiators viz Landowners together with the ABG, the National Govt and BCL. This bottom up approach will help in fast tracking development which will deliver K5 million per day of benefits from the mine.

IV. Stock of Ore & Waste Removed
If we add the 18-year data of the two rows from the Table in the last two pages of the Annual Report we find that:
- Ore and Waste Removed in the 18 years was 1248 M Tonnes
- Ore Milled was 675 M Tonnes
- On average the company mined about 69.3 Million tonnes per year [or 1248/18] and milled about 37.5 Million tonnes per year [or 675/18]. The difference between these two figures is 573 M Tonnes. The company has not stated what percent of the mined ore was waste. But it is believed the ore stockpile is enough for 2 to 3 years of milling. So the mining equipment can come after 2 years of start-up. The mining equipment costs more. It is also believed a phased expansion is possible. This means maybe a few hundred million dollars of investment at start will be enough; later a billion dollar worth of investment would be required. That will be easier to raise once a profitable operation has commenced at Panguna. That is a big plus for speedy cashflows: tax revenue for ABG, royalties and dividends for landowners and Bougainvilleans.

V Mine life
Panguna has a mine life left of more than twenty years based on known proven reserves, on top of the 17 years in the period 1972-89. If the moratorium on exploration is lifted over the 7 other leases held by BCL there is a high probability that another Panguna sized deposit will be found with a further mine life of 37 years. That is twenty years proven reserves plus 37 years likely reserves.

VI. Why should Bougainvilleans sell the copper and gold for developing their economy and human resources?
In the book “Stocks for the Long-Term” Jeremy Siegel has compared the relative performance of US stocks vs gold, inflation and bank deposits. The Wharton research he headed revealed that a dollar invested 200 years ago was worth $7.2 million if invested in U.S.stocks, about $11,500 if invested in bank deposits but merely $13 if invested in gold. Given that copper price has risen only six fold in the last 100 years it is best that Bougainvilleans sell this and use the proceeds for development of their most precious resources which are their human resources; also tourism, cocoa and fisheries. Sell mining resources to build human resources over the three next generations. America sold their copper and gold in the nineteenth century so they could invest the profits from underground deposits to what was above ground including its people. Finally, the impact of global warming is already evident on the atolls. In another hundred years some of the copper and gold mines may be harder to mine because of rising sea levels.

VII. Assumptions
        1)§Current price of copper at USD 1.58 per pound and gold at USD 942.60 per troy ounce.
        2)§A capital investment of USD 1,500 Million which will be made wholly via non-recourse loans or non-voting preference shares by BCL at an interest rate of  7.5%  per annum, with loan repayment in about 7 years of  USD 273 Million per annum. This is the current yield of RIO’s bonds which are publicly listed. In Year 1 the interest cost would be USD150 Million. The loan of USD 1500 Million would be fully repaid in seven years from profits.
        3)§No new ordinary voting shares will be issued by BCL. (This will help in maximizing the value of shares as well as Dividends received by the National Government, ABG and Landowners).
        4)§To allow for carried forward tax losses to be used fully and to encourage BCL to speedily invest a larger amount of capital (which will help Landowners to earn more royalty and the ABG/National Government to earn more from dividends and taxes) offer BCL a tax free status for first two years of full production viz 2010 2011 . There shall be no dividend withholding tax.
        5)§A tax rate of 30% will apply from 2012. (It will take BCL at least 2 years to get into production so this tax concession will be available for only 3 years during which time they would anyway utilize their carried forward tax losses). This tax will be split equally and paid directly by BCL to the ABG and the National Government
        6)§Current exchange rate of K1 equals US 37.85 c and Aus 56.67 cents.
        7)§Landowners will get royalty at 3.5% of sales per annum. This is higher than the rate of 2% provided in the Mining Act. As a quid pro quo there shall be no dividend withholding tax paid on shares of Bougainville Copper, which will also be beneficial to landowners as shareholders of BOC. The dividend withholding tax rate is currently 10%
        8)§No credits are assumed for Molybdenum and Silver

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroWas haben KUPFER und RedBull gemeinsam ?

07.03.09 14:13

Die Sache mit den Flügeln ..."

Scherz beiseite.  

Der heutige Tage ist durch impulsive Kurserholungen am breiten Aktienmarkt in Asien, Europa und auch in den USA gekennzeichnet.  Darüberhinaus ist die Stärke des  Kupfers auffallend.

Wir haben das Industriemetall in den vergangenen Handelstagen bereits mehrfach charttechnisch kommentiert. Tatsächlich beginnt sich ein kleiner Boden und eine Ausbruchbewegung nach oben zu etablieren.

Alleine heute steigtr Kupfer an den US Terminbörsen um fast 8% auf fast 1,73 $.  

KUPFER - ISIN: XC0007203216

Kursstand: 1,73 $ an der NYMEX/COMEX.

Charttechnische Kursziele liegen jetzt bei 1,80 und 2,25 $.

S. charttechnische Vorgänger-Kommentierung, die als Kopie unten angehängt ist.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroI agree with the ESBC ideas:

08.03.09 11:41
1. Sam Akoitai as Chief Administrator. I would go further to suggest that
Sam gets a 5-year contract which will achieve several objectives:
- he and Tanis will form a formidable Bougainville unity group
representing more than 90% of Bougainvilleans
- Tanis may be fearful that Sam will challenge him again in next year's
election but if Sam is on a 5-year contract he would prefer the safety of
a firm contract.

Mal sehen was Tanis dazu sagt ;-))))))))))))

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroMining, all laws to be followed

09.03.09 00:32

THE Government will ensure all mining and other developmental projects in the country comply with all environment and mining legislations.
Mining Minister Dr Puka Temu gave the assurance in Parliament last Friday when responding to queries from Bulolo MP Sam Basil.
Mr Basil had raised concerns over mining projects in his electorate and their impacts on the environment.
Dr Temu said the Ok Tedi and Misima mines had taught the Government some very important lessons, especially with regards to waste disposal and the Government did not want a repetition with existing and new projects.
However, he admitted that current mining and environmental laws needed to be reviewed, especially the country’s environmental impacts legislation.
Dr Temu said with funding from the European Union, a Scottish firm had been engaged to devise a tailings disposal policy for PNG.
“My department is also finalising the deep sea tailings guideline.
“The technical specifications are nearing completion and, as soon as all the requirements are done, we will review our environmental laws, particularly environmental impact laws,” Dr Temu added.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBougainville village appeal

09.03.09 00:33

MONGAI village in Buin, South Bougainville, has appealed for assistance from the ABG to welcome and feed people who are surrendering to the police and home guards. Mongai chiefs made the call during their meeting with ABG President James Tanis recently. They want a police presence until peace is restored in their area. Mongai people have also petitioned the ABG to stop illegal activities in their area.

140 Postings, 6349 Tage pezz88Rio Tinto verkauft...

09.03.09 09:27

09. März 2009 08:17Uhr

Rio Tinto verkauft US-Kohlebergwerk für 761 Mio USD

SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--Der Bergbaukonzern Rio Tinto hat ein  Kohlebergwerk in den USA verkauft. Das US-Unternehmen Arch Coal Inc werde die  Förderstätte "Jacobs Ranch" im US-Bundesstaat Wyoming  übernehmen, teilte die Londoner Rio Tinto plc am Montag mit. Der Kaufpreis betrage  761 Mio USD.
Mit dem Verkauf der Mine seien in diesem Jahr bereits  Geschäftsbereiche für insgesamt 2,5 Mrd USD veräußert worden,  erklärte Rio Tinto. Im gesamten Jahr 2008 betrugen die  Veräußerungserlöse nach Konzernangaben fast 3 Mrd USD. Rio Tinto hat sich zum Ziel  gesetzt, in diesem Jahr die Verschuldung um 10 Mrd USD zu reduzieren.


15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroChinas Staatsfonds CIC will in Rohstoff-Sektor ein

09.03.09 12:07

( Die China Investment Corp. (CIC) macht auf Grund der deutlich gefallenen Preise im Energie- und Rohstoffsektor interessante Investmentgelegenheiten aus, sagte ein hoher Verantwortlicher des 200 Milliarden Dollar schweren chinesischen Staatsfonds am Mittwoch. CIC plant offenbar, sein Portfolio in den Rohstoffbereich auszudehnen, nachdem man auf Grund von Investments im US-Finanzsektor schwere Verluste hatte hinnehmen müssen.

CIC ist der Ansicht, dass die globale Rezession gerade erst begonnen habe und sieht deshalb die Möglichkeit für weitere Preisrückgänge bei Rohstoffen. Um das Portfolio auszubalancieren werde man sich deshalb nach als unterbewertet anzusehenden Rohstoff-Assets umschauen, die ein Investment lohnend erscheinen lassen.

Mit diesem Strategiewechsel hin zum Rohstoffsektor von CIC würde sich eine Investitionswelle Chinas in diesem Bereich fortsetzen, die bereits im Februar mit Öldeals in Russland und Brasilien sowie Beteiligungen an den australischen Bergbauunternehmen Rio Tinto und OZ Minerals Rekordausmaße erreichte.

Bereits im vergangenen Monat reiste CIC-Chairman Lou Jiwei nach Australien, um sich dort mit dem australischen Schatzkanzler Wayne Swan zu treffen, der für chinesische Investitionen wie zum Beispiel die Beteiligung an Rio Tinto verantwortlich ist. Neben langfristigen Öldeals hat China in den vergangenen Monaten die niedrigen Preise genutzt, um sich mit einer breiten Palette an Rohstoffen einzudecken. Zum Beispiel hat das Reich der Mitte Öl  für seine strategischen Reserven importiert, die ungefähr 100 Millionen Barrel fassen und baut gerade an Lagerstätten, die weitere 169 Millionen Barrel fassen werden.

Nach dem Preisrückgang insbesondere bei Industrierohstoffen auf Grund des Einbruchs der Nachfrage Ende des vergangenen Jahres sind die Käufe Chinas eine seltene Quelle der Nachfrage auf einem globalen Markt, der unter einem Überangebot an Rohstoffen leidet.
Und: Zheng Xinli, ein Berater der Regierung ist darüber hinaus der Ansicht, dass China seine 1,95 Billionen Yuan an Fremdwährungsreserven neben der direkten Übernahme von ausländischen Unternehmen in Energieressourcen investieren sollte. Man sollte sich darauf konzentrieren, ausländische Firmen zu übernehmen und die Rechte an der Exploration nach und der Ausbeutung von Energieressourcen erwerben, die China in Zukunft benötigen werde, so Zheng Xinli.

Quelle: Rohstoffe-Go, Autor: (bj)

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroChinesische Beteiligung an Rio Tinto noch nicht du

09.03.09 15:06

19,5 Milliarden Dollar will sich der chinesische Aluminium-Hersteller Chinalco eine Beteiligung an dem Minengiganten Rio Tinto (ISIN AU000000RIO1) kosten lassen. Doch 100-prozentig sicher scheint der Deal noch nicht zu sein.

Denn während der CEO des australisch-britischen Rohstoffkonzerns Tom Albanese gegenüber australischen Medien erklärte, dass die anfängliche Ablehnung der Vereinbarung durch die Rio Tinto-Aktionäre langsam schwinde, halten zwei der zehn größten Anteilseigner des Konzerns dagegen. Es gebe durchaus noch fundamentale Bedenken, hieß es. Und einer der Großinvestoren geht sogar davon aus, dass die Institutionen dem Deal in der jetzigen Form nicht zustimmen würden.

Albanese, der von London aus operiert, hält sich diese Woche in Australien auf, um dortigen Aktionären die Vereinbarung, durch die die in Staatsbesitz befindliche chinesische Gruppe ihre Beteiligung an Rio Tinto auf 18 Prozent erhöhen würde, schmackhaft zu machen.

Einige Anteilseigner hatten protestiert, dass man sie bei den Plänen zur Erhöhung des Kapitals nicht mit einbezogen habe, nachdem der Deal im Februar verkündet worden war. Und diese Einwände sind trotz der Aussagen von Albanese immer noch gültig.

Man sehe keine Anzeichen dafür, dass die Aktionäre heute glücklicher über die Vereinbarung sind, als sie es waren, als sie zum ersten Mal davon hörten, so die Großinvestoren aus dem Vereinigten Königreich. Das einzige, was die Masse der Aktionäre ein wenig positiver Stimme sei der Preis, den die Chinesen zahlen wollen.

Robert Talbut beispielsweise, Chief Investment Officer bei Royal London Asset Management, Nummer 25 auf der Liste der größten Rio Tinto-Investoren erklärte eindeutig, dass man den Deal so nicht absegnen werde.

Autor: Sven Olsson

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroOn the issue of arms disposal in the region.......

10.03.09 06:16

............Mr Toro flatly says guns on Bougainville pose no real major obstacle to socio-economic and political developments as only 1 per cent of the ex-combatants still treasure their weapons while 99 per cent of the people of Bougainville are busy scratching the earth for survival. Any vision for tangible development in the region is clouded by lack of appreciation for opportune employment in the administration work commitment. “On Bougainville guns are in the homes of the owners, while on streets of Port Moresby, Lae, New York, Sydney and Hong Kong for that matter, guns are a matter of life and death.” This issue of “a gun free Bougainville” is yet another political conspiracy to suppress the Bougainville economy and the Bougainvillians’ dream for political liberation and independence. There is a need to control arms other than total disarmament. No country in the world that has experienced a rebellion has ever been disarmed but yet gained political and economic independence anyway; you do not need to look far to prove this,’’ he says.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroThe dreams and illusions

10.03.09 06:44

Bougainville's dream for Independence will only become a substantial global and rural reality when the majority of Bougainville children and public are educated. The majority of Bougainville children missed out on formal education during the 10 year Bougainville Crisis which left many illiterate and therefore gullible to superstitious beliefs and fantasies.e current education reform is reforming Bougainvillians and Papua New Guineans, so to speak, into professional sub standard citizens and "international slaves" feeding the international markets with the constant supply of coffee, cocoa and copra. The system must be urgently reviewed and replaced with an appropriate system of education that will lift Bougainvilleans up from the cold ashes of the bloody Bougainville Crisis, according to one better known Bougainville "philosopher" Albert Toro, the founder of the
Bougainville Labour Party (BLP). Mr Toro wants the next Autonomous Bougainville Government in 2010 to review the current education system and introduce a new education curriculum /syllabus with no allowance for drop-outs in any grade assisted by hip-hopping academic upgrades between vocational centres, specialised training centres and high and secondary schools."That is to say after a child fails to score the required standards in any class after grade eight , the child is streamed into STCs or VTCs to learn a trade while engaged in up-grading through correspondence studies in order to qualify for re-entry into high or secondary schools to continue
formal education," he says. This, Mr Toro believes, will minimise the huge number of school dropouts that
add on annually to the current 50,000 on Bougainville since 1990 when the reforms were introduced.
On the issue of arms disposal in the region, Mr Toro flatly says guns on Bougainville pose no real major obstacle to socio-economic and political developments as only 1 per cent of the ex-combatants still treasure
their weapons while 99 per cent of the people of Bougainville are busy scratching the earth for survival. Any vision for tangible development in the region is clouded by lack of appreciation for opportune employment in the administration work commitment. "On Bougainville guns are in the homes of the owners, while on streets of Port
Moresby, Lae, New York, Sydney and Hong Kong for that matter, guns are a matter of life and death." This issue of "a gun free Bougainville" is yet another political conspiracy to suppress the Bougainville economy and the
Bougainvillians' dream for political liberation and independence. There is a need to control arms other
than total disarmament. No country in the world that has experienced a rebellion has ever been disarmed but yet gained political and economic independence anyway; you do not need to look far to prove this,'' he
says. The Papua New Guinea Government must be explicit in its terms for liberation of Bougainville. He also says that the 10-year Bougainville Crisis and the total destruction of the Bougainville social fabric and economy, including infrastructure, was a matter for the PNG Government to explain and compensate; morally, financially and politically. Bougainville Copper Limited must be sidelined from any discussion concerning the
crisis as the company is also a victim of Bougainville Crisis through professional negligence by the PNG Government, Mr Toro says. "Murders on Bougainville in recent times aren't committed with guns but knives,
so why so concerned about guns when there is more to the issue of educating the masses of children and developing a sustainable financial base for Bougainville than these harmless guns; personal post Bougainville
Crisis souvenirs and treasures more than anything harmful?" In addition, according to Toro, social disorder is becoming the region's number one development enemy due to unemployment, conveniently enabled by open drug dealings and consumptions on streets and in schools and a lack of industry to provide employment opportunities to many young men and women. The problem is a time bomb which will add on to the stable but increasing social disorder; a result of a good lack of vision for good socio-economic development
by the current ABG Government and Administration, both in the headquarters and districts. In the rural areas of the region, the majority of the people, remain un-aware of governance and government services and live a "Once upon a time" lifestyle. What tomorrow brings is not an issue here. Everyday is the same.
On the other hand, he continues, the Bougainville Police Service is poorly resourced to properly counter criminal activities or any uprising. This he emphasised is conveniently enabled by the Bougainville Peace
Agreement. "The Bougainville police service is a crocodile without teeth", subjected to blind political rhetoric. Members of the force therefore live a risky state employment while the region's public servants drive in
luxurious 4WD 10-sitter Landcruisers lacked in most rural districts. While the circus is on in Buka town, the people of the Carterets Islands are trapped in a vulnerable global climate death trap parachute. The islanders are the first global victims of global warming, whose K2 million rescue funds have gracefully vanished from the local
treasury while, similarly, the ABG treats the islanders' plight like a comedy show presented to the international audience. "I believe we have a very weak administration not seriously relating development policies to
the past choruses of a "Nupela Bogenvil" dream and the "Bottom Up Approach" strategies for empowering rural chiefs. The village elders continue to wonder whether there is any opportunity for partnership in
governance at all. On the final analysis, conclusively, Bougainville is currently being over-governed while many public servants continue to appreciate operating and managing personal businesses from ABG offices without a concern by the governing hierarchy. Tourism, he reiterates, must be promoted substantially to alleviate much of the social and economic woes. Tourism cuts across all sectors of the community and benefits even the dogs, he simply said laughing. The current education reform is a national and regional disaster and disgrace; a calculated collective conspiracy by international consultants on education and aid donors to suppress academic excellence and progressive development in both PNG and Bougainville, he continued. The Cuban economy, he continues, revolves sustainably well on tourism, agriculture and education and the country exports its excess human resource to countries far and wide. What can Bougainville learn from its past to philosophically walk its dream to
self determination using the Cuban, South Korean, Japanese, Spanish and Viet Nam experiences?
Interestingly, nearly K20 million departed the shores of Bougainville for students schools fees in tertiary and vocational institutions in East and West New Britain, ships and airline fares, living allowances and
contingencies. The BSP Buka Bank branch on Bougainville in January 2009 could not appropriately handle heavy withdrawals forcing the bank to sometimes start business, at times, after 1pm daily in February this year because of lack of deposits and reserve cash in the vaults. Coupled with that, Bougainville lost nearly K60 million from export cocoa bounties and taxes and a K38 per bag of copra levy to East New Britain and the Madang copra mills in return for a low K47 million funds allocation to the ABG for 2009.
"Generally education and tourism can offer equal and vast open socio-economic opportunities and benefits to the majority of Bougainvillians in the formal and informal sectors. Tourism, other than mining, must be addressed seriously as a major export and import commodity.
In the long term tourism is sustainable investment, environmentally-friendly and promotes unity and world peace, philosophically. A massive multimedia awareness/promotion must be conducted throughout the region
for the masses to understand tourism and the Division of Commerce should be the key player in this pursuit."
Mr Toro was a board member of the PNG Tourism Development Corporation and National Cultural Commission from 1987 to 2002 and had travelled worldwide attending International Cultural Festivals, Human Rights
Symposiums and Film Festivals. Toro played the iconic character "Tukana-Husait I Asua" in the classic
Bougainville international award winning movie of the same name in the early 80s.
He supports and promotes education as a key to peace and prosperity on Bougainville. Education assists in the alleviation of capital poverty, promotes advocacy in HIV AIDS and the reduction of law and order problems. Mining he says only contributes to the manufacturing of war hardware, arsenal accessory supplies and contingencies like fuel and salaries. World peace will depend very much on global understanding and the promotion of universal
education as a weapon for peace and an admitted consensus for global appreciation for a "No Mining No War Policy".

Graeme Binin is a photojournalist attached to Devare Media Productions in Buka.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroWe are committed to invest in remote parts of the

10.03.09 07:28 and we are proud of being part of the process when people benefit from what we do," Mr Civelli said.

Radars turned on PNG with gas find


THE discovery of the massive gas reserve in the Gulf Province by InterOil Corp has put Papua New Guinea on the radar screen of every oil and gas company in the world.
Representative of the major financial institution Clarion Finanz AG Nico Civelli revealed this when he visited the Autonomous Region of Bougainville over the weekend.
Mr Civelli, whose father Marco Civelli owns one of the largest fund management companies in the world, was in Papua New Guinea with his father representing their investors at the flaring of the massive gas find at Elk-2.
The younger Civelli then decided to head to Bougainville, which he described as “Paradise on Earth” to look at investment opportunities as well as see the destruction done by the operator of the Panguna mine, Bougainville Copper Ltd when they were dumping waste into the Kawerong River when the mine was still operating.
Mr Civelli said PNG would “pop up” on the radar screen of every oil ad gas company in the world as it still had some significant reserves of oil and gas that needed to be explored.
“The last two wells were great. This one was just extraordinary,” Mr Civelli said of the discovery of the gas reserve in the Gulf Province.
Mr Civelli also said Papua New Guineans needed platforms that ensured benefits from major resource projects were distributed fairly to all landowners and did not go to “just a few greedy” individuals and he highly commended the Bogenville Resources Development concept or the “Kabui Economic Model” that was created to tap into resource development throughout the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
He said Clarion Finanz was first doubted when it decided to invest money in InterOil’s pursuit to search for oil and gas in Papua New Guinea but the doubt became a reality when InterOil struck a massive gas deposit from its Elk-2 property.
“We are committed to invest in remote parts of the world and we are proud of being part of the process when people benefit from what we do,” Mr Civelli said.

6 Postings, 6341 Tage NewbocNachricht/ Bericht

10.03.09 17:37

Hab die Nachricht bekommen.... Weis nicht ob es interessant ist oder schon publiziert wurde...... ;-)

Ansonsten lösche es ruhig wieder nekro... ;-)  

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekro.

11.03.09 00:28

Seite 8

Nico Civelli, VP Finance, Europe
With his professional experience as an independent professional advisor Mr. Civelli brings
multilingual, cross-cultural expertise to FinMetal's efforts. His company, Niconsult Ltd., is involved
mainly in corporate finance and money management for clients in Zurich and throughout Europe.
Mr. Civelli holds a Master’s degree in Applied Finance from the University of Southern Queensland,
Australia. He also studied at the Universities of Zürich and St. Gallen.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroPress Release 10 March 2009

11.03.09 11:25

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroRio Tinto stößt Liegenschaften im Wert von........

11.03.09 11:42
....... 5,5 Milliarden Dollar ab

................Trotz der nicht eben entspannten Schuldensituation plant Rio Tinto aber, ohne Verzögerungen den Ausbau des Kupfer-Gold-Projekts Oyu Tolgoi in der Mongolei voran zu treiben

Der hoch verschuldete Bergbauriese Rio Tinto (ISIN AU000000RIO1) ließ am Montag wissen, dass man eine weitere Mine veräußert hat – 761 Millionen Dollar brachte der Verkauf der US-amerikanischen Kohlemine Jacobs Ranch ein. Damit hat der Konzern bisher Liegenschaften im Wert von rund 5,5 Milliarden Dollar abgestoßen. 2,5 Milliarden Dollar davon entfallen allein auf 2009.

Und der Prozess geht weiter: Wie Rio Tinto mitteilt, schreitet man bei der Veräußerung von Rio Tinto Energy America, einer Unternehmenseinheit, die in den USA Kohle abbaut, voran. Dieser Schritt war allerdings bereits Ende 2007 beschlossen worden, klar bevor der Abschwung der Weltwirtschaft an Fahr aufnahm.

Trotz der nicht eben entspannten Schuldensituation plant Rio Tinto aber, ohne Verzögerungen den Ausbau des Kupfer-Gold-Projekts Oyu Tolgoi in der Mongolei voran zu treiben. In einem extra verbreiteten Statement trat CEO Tom Albanese anders lautenden Berichten entgegen, dass man gemeinsam mit Jointventure-Partner Ivanhoe Mines eine langsamere Gangart einschlagen wolle. Derzeit befindet man sich in Verhandlungen mit den mongolischen Behörden, die angeblich eine Beteiligung von 34 Prozent an Oyu Tolgoi erlangen wollen. Sobald eine Vereinbarung getroffen ist, wird sich Rio Tintos Anteil von 9,9 auf 19,8 Prozent verdoppeln.

Autor: Sven Olsson

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroRallye am Start ?!

11.03.09 11:53

Konjunkturindikatoren KUPFER und ÖL wollen uns etwas sagen! - Und das ist POSITIV!
16:11 07.03.09

Wenn man derzeit die Schlagzeilen der Meldungen in der Mainstream Presse liest, muß einem Angst und Bange werden.  Das Blut fließt sprichwörtlich auf den Straßen, wie Mark Moebius zu sagen pflegt.  Die Industrieproduktion in Japan bricht um fast die Hälfte ein, die Absatzzahlen der Automobilhersteller in den USA brechen um vergleichbare Größenordnungen ein, die US Häuserpreise brechen weiter ein, die Arbeitslosenzahlen in den Industrienationen schnellen nach oben, GM in den letzten Atemzügen, AIG mit einem weiteren Rekordverlust, staatliche Stützungsmaßnahmen hier und da.   Das ist der Status quo des konjunkturellen Geschehens.

Der Status quo ist in der Regel von den Finanzmärkten bereits eingepreist.

Kupfer- und Ölpreis dienen als valide Konjunkturindikatoren.    Juli 2008 bildete der Kupferpreis im 4 $ Bereich sein Hoch aus, um bis Dezember 2008 einen formidablen Crash bis 1,25 $ hinzulegen.   Der Ölpreis bildete ebenfalls im Juli 2008 bei 147 $ pro Barrel sein Hoch aus, ging ebenfalls in einen Crash über und bildete Anfang 2009 bei 33 $ sein bisheriges Tief aus.    Die Preise beider Rohstoffe stabilisieren sich nun seit Anfang 2009.

Man kann sogar soweit gehen, diese Stabilisierungen als temporäre Böden zu klassifizieren. Und das ist, wie ich finde, eine gute Nachricht.   Zu den Kurszielen von Kupfer und Öl aber später ...

In den Medien sind seit einigen Wochen immer wieder Meldungen zu lesen, wonach die Weltmacht China die Gunst der Stunde nutzt und zu günstigen Konditionen Rohstoffe einkauft.  Dabei nutzen die Chinesen die wirtschaftlichen Zwangslagen ihrer Handelspartner aus.  Beispielsweise mit Rußland wurde ein Milliarden-schwerer Vertrag abgeschlossen, der Öl-Lieferungen über einen längeren Zeitraum zu einem festgesetzten Preis vorsieht.  Außerdem ist zu hören, dass die Chinesen derzeit weltweit unterwegs sind und Firmenaquisitionen planen.

Schauen Sie den folgenden Chart an.  Die Kursverläufe von DOW Jones und Shanghai A Index im direkten Vergleich.  Der chinesische Index befindet sich seit Oktober 2008 in einem Aufwärtstrend während sich der DOW Jones von einem Tief zum nächsten fräst.   Im Rahmen seiner Korrektur hatte der chinesische Aktienmarkt zuvor allerdings deutlich mehr verloren als der DOW.

Wie dem auch sei.  Warum der Schlenker zu dem China-Thema ?  Nun.  Weil die Preisstabilisierungen von Kupfer und Öl zu einem wesentlichen Teil auf das Konto der Chinesen geht.

Bisher galt immer. Wenn es dem amerikanischen Konsumenten gut geht, dann geht es auch uns gut, weil unsere Volkswirtschaft von der US-amerikanischen profitiert.   Bereits in den zurückliegenden Jahren wurde diskutiert, dass unser Wohl sehr Wohl vom Wohl (ich mag diese Formulierung)  des chinesischen Konsumenten abhängen könnte ... und zwar in einem immer ausgeprägteren Maße.  Die Decoupling Theorie mußte zwischenzeitlich verworfen werden, könnte jetzt aber angesichts der sich abzeichnenden Entwicklung wieder aufgefrischt werden.

Kommen wir nun zu den beiden eingangs erwähnten Rohstoffen, zum Kupfer- und Ölpreis.  

Beide befinden sich in mittelfristigen temporären Bodenbildungsprozessen.  Der Prozess ist bei Kupfer schon weiter fortgeschritten.

KUPFER - ISIN: XC0007203216

Kursstand: 3.652 $ pro Tonne an der LME (London Metal Exchange)

Kursstand: 1,65 $ an der NYMEX/COMEX.

Im Folgenden wird das Nymex-Kupfer ausgewertet.

Kupfer notiert derzeit bei 1,65 $.  Im Dezember 2008 konnte der steile Abwärtstrendlinie nach oben gebrochen werden.  In einem Unterstützungsbereich bei 1,39-1,48 $  gelang die Ausbildung eines "higher lows" und "higher highs", was nach der DOW Theorie für die Etablierung eines Aufrwärtstrends maßgeblich ist.   Die charttechnischen Kursziele für die laufende Erholung liegen bei 1,80 und 2,25 $.  Sie ergeben sich durch zwischengeschaltete Widerstandsmarken.   Maximal halte ich auch 2,38 $ für möglich.  

Kursverlauf  seit 1999  (log. Linienchart als Übersichtsdarstellung)
Kursverlauf  seit August 2008 (log. Kerzendarstellung / 1 Kerze = 1 Tag)

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroNEU: Die Bougainville-Copper-Rente

11.03.09 13:37

Sind die Renten noch sicher?

Die Einführung der sogenannten „Riester-Rente“ ist Beweis genug: Renten allein sind nicht mehr sicher!

Aus diesem Grund möchte ich Ihnen heute die „Bougainville-Copper-Rente“ vorstellen:

Sie werden fragen „Was ist denn das?“ Nun, lassen Sie es mich erklären. Diese Rente funktioniert verblüffend einfach und ist ähnlich sicher oder unsicher wie viele der heutigen Geldmarktprodukte. Mit einem Unterschied: Sie rentiert besser!

Was müssen Sie tun?

Ganz einfach: Sie kaufen in diesen Tagen 100.000 Originalaktien von Bougainville Copper Limited zu – sagen wir einmal zu 0,40 Euro pro Stück (heutiger Schlusskurs in Frankfurt: 0,342 Euro). Das entspricht einem Investment von 40.000,00 Euro plus Spesen. Dann folgen Sie der Empfehlung von André Kostolany: Sie vergessen Ihre Aktien und legen sich schlafen.

Nach etwa 5 Jahren erwachen Sie und stellen fest, dass die Pangunamine inzwischen wieder eröffnet wurde und dort eifrig gearbeitet wird. Bougainville Copper veröffentlicht seine Jahresbilanz und schlägt eine Dividendenzahlung in Höhe von 0,40 AUD (ca. 0,20 Euro) vor. Sie erinnern sich an die 100.000 Aktien, die Sie seit dem Jahr 2009 in Ihrem Depot liegen haben. Beim Blick auf den aktuellen Kurszettel durchzuckt es Sie: Aus Ihrer Anfangsinvestition von 40.000 Euro sind inzwischen 400.000 Euro geworden – innerhalb von 5 Jahren. Sie denken sofort daran, zu verkaufen. Doch dann aber überlegen Sie: 20 Cents pro Aktie entsprechen immerhin 20.000 Euro Dividende abzüglich 25% Steuer. Das sind immerhin 15.000 Euro netto per Anno! Sie rechnen noch einmal nach und kommen auf eine verblüffende Zahl: Ihr Ursprungsinvestment hat sich nicht nur im Wert verzehnfacht, es verzinst sich nun auch mit 37,5% pro Jahr! Eine Rendite, die Ihnen kein Festgeldkontrakt garantiert, von Bundesschatzbriefen einmal ganz zu schweigen. Sie überlegen nun, was Sie tun sollen und entscheiden richtig: Sie tun nichts und freuen sich.


Wer heute zu günstigen Preisen Originalaktien von Bougainville Copper kauft, wird mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit in ca. 5 Jahren in den Genuss einer sehr hohen Rendite kommen. Die Chancen für eine Minenwiedereröffnung sind in den letzten Monaten massiv gestiegen. Zwar sind momentan noch einige bürokratische Hürden zu überwinden, die Zeit spielt indes für uns Investoren. Vergessen Sie nicht: Ihre Investition entspricht dem Preis eines gut ausgestatteten Mittelklassewagens – mehr nicht!

Welches Risiko gehen Sie ein? Lassen Sie mich das so beantworten: Auch mit einem exzellenten Mittelklassewagen kann man einen Totalschaden haben. Es kommt darauf an, wie man fährt und ob man Glück oder Pech im Straßenverkehr hat.

Einziger Unterschied: Nach heutigem Wissensstand wird Ihr Bougainville-Copper-Depot vermutlich dann immer noch mehr wert sein als ein Haufen Schrott, denn Sie haben die Aktien ja extrem billig gekauft!

177 Postings, 6274 Tage joeboRechenexempel

11.03.09 21:00
"Nach etwa 5 Jahren erwachen Sie und stellen fest, dass die Pangunamine inzwischen wieder eröffnet wurde und dort eifrig gearbeitet wird. Bougainville Copper veröffentlicht seine Jahresbilanz und schlägt eine Dividendenzahlung in Höhe von 0,40 AUD (ca. 0,20 Euro) vor. Sie erinnern sich an die 100.000 Aktien, die Sie seit dem Jahr 2009 in Ihrem Depot liegen haben. Beim Blick auf den aktuellen Kurszettel durchzuckt es Sie: Aus Ihrer Anfangsinvestition von 40.000 Euro sind inzwischen 400.000 Euro geworden – innerhalb von 5 Jahren. Sie denken sofort daran, zu verkaufen. Doch dann aber überlegen Sie: 20 Cents pro Aktie entsprechen immerhin 20.000 Euro Dividende abzüglich 25% Steuer. Das sind immerhin 15.000 Euro netto per Anno! Sie rechnen noch einmal nach und kommen auf eine verblüffende Zahl: Ihr Ursprungsinvestment hat sich nicht nur im Wert verzehnfacht, es verzinst sich nun auch mit 37,5% pro Jahr! Eine Rendite, die Ihnen kein Festgeldkontrakt garantiert, von Bundesschatzbriefen einmal ganz zu schweigen. Sie überlegen nun, was Sie tun sollen und entscheiden richtig: Sie tun nichts und freuen sich."

also nun wirklich, dass sind schon fast mathematische Taschenspielertricks,

und das du, lieber nekro, auf diese Dinge auch noch hereinfällst, bzw.,  sie nicht bemerkst,

nun gut, dir ist ja auch die "enorme" Bedeutung der Orderbücher bei den zuletzt fallenden Kursen nicht aufgefallen,

clever und geschickt fomuliert, nicht wirlich anfechtbar und dennoch danneben,

ich wache also auf und stelle fest, dass ich 37,5 % Verzinsung bekommen, na,  da werde ich doch nicht verkaufen,

auf das Vermögen, was ich dann allerdings - nach deiner, sagen wir lieber Mr. Sturms Rechnung - habe, sind es allerdings nur 3,75 % (netto), und die könnte man evtl. zu dem Zeitpunkt dann auch günstiger anlegen,

aber man soll ja nicht verkaufen, der ESBC will ja noch höhere Kurse für den VK, und drückt daher mal den avisierten Kurs für eine laufende und eifrig arbeitende Panguna-Mine auf gerade mal 4 €, Jungs, wer soll euch euch denn überhaupt noch eine Prognose glauben, sie wird immer so gedreht, dass sie in eure Rechenspielchen passt, dass kann nun wirklich jeder hier nachlesen,

hier wird leider mal wieder die Diskrepanz deutlich, die zwischen den einerseits gelegentlich durchaus geschätzen Informationen durch die ESBC und den andererseits immer wieder geäußerten völlig jeder Grundlage entbehrenden Kursprognosen und -spekulationen liegen,
wer das hier lange genug verfolgt, weiss sicher, wovon ich rede,

nicht für ungut,


15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekro@Joebo

12.03.09 10:06
Du kannst dich ja auch gerne auf das "Rechenexempel" des Landowners Proposal stützen,die in Axels Beispiel angenommenen (fiktiven) 4 € können bei voller BCL Produktion alleine der Pangunamine wohl als sehr konservativ gelten,oder? ;-)))))))))))

Earnings per share
Incremental Profit After Tax = 0.7 x [543-113-38] = USD 274.4 Million
Total Profit After Tax = 100 +274.4  = USD 374.4 Million
Incremental Eps = USD 0.68
Total Earnings per share = USD0.93 per share

Dividends per share
The loan of US$1.5 Billion will be fully repaid in 7 years. Let us assume a dividend payout ratio of 70%.
Dividends per share in first 6 years while loan is being repaid = USD 0.651 or $A 0.99 or K 1.74
Dividends on 76.43 Million shares = K 133 Million per annum

Valuation of shares Copper prices have increased from 81 US cents a pound in 1988 to about US 1.58 cents a pound and if the mine were running at the pre-89 capacity, earnings per share would be about 3.7 times the then eps of 25 US cents a share. In the late eighties the shares hit a high of $A7.20; on a similar valuation basis the shares could hit a high of $7.20 times 9.6 or $A26.78 .
On a more conservative P/E multiple of 12, the shares should be valued at USD 11.16  or AUD 16.90 provided no new shares are issued.  This corresponds to K 29.84 per share

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroRio Tinto reaches agreement to sell Jacobs Ranch..

13.03.09 02:00
...coal mine for US$761 million

Press release

Rio Tinto reaches agreement to sell Jacobs Ranch coal mine for US$761 million
9 March 2009
Rio Tinto has signed a sale and purchase agreement to sell its Jacobs Ranch coal mine to Arch Coal, Inc. for a total cash consideration of US$761 million. Completion of the transaction remains subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals.
“The sale of Jacobs Ranch is a further illustration of the high quality of our assets and the strong value we are able to obtain for shareholders,” said Guy Elliott, chief financial officer, Rio Tinto. “This brings the total asset sales announced this year to US$2.5 billion.”
Jacobs Ranch, located south of Gillette, Wyoming in the southern portion of the Powder River Basin, mines steam coal and ships it to customers throughout the United States. In November 2007, Rio Tinto Energy America (RTEA) – a business unit that operates US coal mines mainly in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana, including Jacobs Ranch – was identified for divestment. The process of divesting RTEA, which will remain one of the largest coal producers in the U.S. following this transaction, will continue.
During 2008, Rio Tinto realised almost US$3 billion from asset sales, comprising the Greens Creek mine in Alaska for US$750 million, its interest in the Cortez operation in Nevada for US$1.695 billion and the Kintyre uranium project in Western Australia for US$495 million. In January 2009, the Group announced the divestment of its interest in the Ningxia aluminum smelter in China for US$125 million as well as its potash assets and Brazilian iron ore operation for US$1.6 billion.
Credit Suisse advised Rio Tinto on the transaction.
About Jacobs Ranch Mine
Jacobs Ranch mine, located approximately 55 miles south of Gillette, Wyoming, extracts steam coal from the Wyodak Seams, using dragline and truck-and-shovel methods. Two products are produced from the Jacobs Ranch mine with varying sulphur content. The mine shipped 42.1 million tons of coal in 2008 with an estimated average as delivered heat value of approximately 8,800 Btu, ash content of 5.4% and sulphur content of 0.45% (1.0 lbs SO2/mmBtu). Jacobs Ranch had approximately 381 million tons of proven and probable reserves at December 31, 2008.
About Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto is a leading international mining group headquartered in the UK, combining Rio Tinto plc, a London and NYSE listed company, and Rio Tinto Limited, which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBougainville peace talks resume next weekend

13.03.09 02:03

« Peace intervention heads for success in Mongai

The President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, James Tanis, will visit the Mongai region of south Bougainville again next weekend as he works to strengthen the peace process. Mr Tanis will hold talks with the Mekamui breakaway region’s Commander Damien Koike [seen left with Mr Tanis] and will spend two days at the village of Mogoroi.

Mr Koike has already agreed to establish a stable Bougainville by peaceful means and has foresworn the force of arms, saying he will not fight any more.

Mr Tanis is now working on a process to get all the commanders out of Bougainville so they can negotiate true peace on neutral ground.

Upon his return from Madang last night, Mr Tanis said he had succeeded in getting the former Bougainville Affairs Minister Sir Peter Barter to co-chair a meeting along with the head of the United Nations Development Program in PNG.

The President also talked to PNG Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare to get funding support for this process.

Meanwhile, PNG Deputy Prime Minister, Puka Temu [with Mr Tanis, right], this week submitted a budget for the weapons disposal program on Bougainville, which will strongly support the work of the ABG.

Story & photos by Aloysius Laukai

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroPresident moves to fast track weapons disposal

13.03.09 02:04

The ABG President Mr James Tanis is in Port Moresby rallying the support of the Papua New Guinea government and the International Community on the latest moves by his government to fast track the weapons disposal program on Bougainville.

He has so far succeeded in moving from where the last President left the weapons disposal process three years ago and has already talked with the Papua New Guinea National government on ways to fast track the process.

All other stakeholders including the UN, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and the United Kingdom had been approached through their High Commission offices and  are ready to work with the ABG and the Papua New Guinea National Government to speed up the process of reconciliation and weapons disposal.

The ABG delegation also met with other groups, including the big mobile phone company Digicel on their program to cover all of Bougainville with mobile phone services. Digicel has already covered many parts of Bougainville even the Morgan roadblock and beyond Panguna.

After Mr Tanis's meeting with the Digicel CEO today, the company will move next week to connect its voice and data services.

Story by Aloysius Laukai

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