Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroPNG justice minister denies pay-off allegations

20.02.09 10:17

Vielleicht sollten Altaktionäre von vor 89 auch eine Klage gegen PNG erwägen,bei Nakitu hat's ja anscheinend geklappt ;-))))))))))))))

PS:Sehr schönes Photo der Pangunamine im Originalbericht,zur Abwechslung mal aus einem anderen Blickwinkel.

Last Updated: 13 hours 3 minutes ago

Papua New Guinea justice minister, Allan Marat, has denied using $US850,000 in public funds to pay-off a local company.

The issue of the payment was raised former Attorney General Francis Damem while he was giving evidence at a finance department inquiry this week.

Mr Damem alleges that he was pressed by Dr Marat and another minister to make the payments to a company known as Nakitu.

Nakitu claimed it had a contract with the Bougainville Copper mine, but lost business when the Bougainville crisis started in 1989 and had been looking to claim more than $US2 million from the PNG government.

Dr Marat accused Mr Damem of failing to get his statement right, saying the alleged pay-off to Nakitu were made in 2005, after he had ceased being a minister.

Dr Marat told local media he left the trade minister post in 2003, and had no knowledge of the payments in question.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekro#2024

20.02.09 17:25
Wer Musingkus Tricks und Kniffe schon einige Jahre verfolgt hat wird sich wohl die Frage stellen wieso Tanis einen solchen Schwätzer und Betrüger überhaupt besucht statt ihn einfach verhaften zu lassen,noch dazu mit so "einem grossen Bahnhof."

The president led a delegation of Autonomous Bougainville Government ministers and officials including Public Service Minister Robert Hamal Sawa, Health Minister Thomas Lugabai, Minister for Veterans Affairs Glen Tovirika, Minister for Women Laura Ampa, Minister for Local Level Government Jonathan Ngati and South Bougainville National Government MP Steven Pirika Kama.

Mr Tanis described Mr Musingku, a self-proclaimed “king” of the “kingdom of Papala”, as a leader in his own right, saying a man or woman who has some followers was a leader regardless of the number of followers.

Fakt ist dass Musingku "der King" einer der 2  Gruppierung ist,welche noch im Besitz von grösseren Mengen an Waffen ist.

Auch wenn der Typ mit seiner gestrickten Krone und seinem Anzug aus der Kleidersammlung wohl kaum in einem drittklassigen Karnevalsverein aufgenommen würde,    so könnten die auf dem Photo gezeigten Waffen wohl jede Menge Unheil anrichten.

Hinzukommt dass eine Menge "Investoren" in sein Money-scam immer noch an eine zukünftige Auszahlung ihrer Gelder glauben (incl. 100% Zinsen pro Monat) Durch eine Verhaftung Musingkus würde diese Hoffnung wohl zerstört und könnte den Unmut der "Investoren" auch gegen Tanis richten.
(Zur letzten angekündigten Auszahlung sollte Greenspan in Aropa landen,was aber nicht geklappt hat weil der Flughafen in einem zu schlechten Zustand war.Trotzdem waren einige 100 "Investoren" in teils tagelangen Fussmärschen zum Flughafen gekommen.(Es wundert mich übrigens dass da keiner dieser Witzfigur den Hals umgedreht hat)

Mr Tanis said his first visit to Tonu had opened up the “narrow gate”. So wird man wohl Musingku noch eine zeitlang in seinem Dorf Tonu weiter "King spielen" lassen und erst später einknasten.;-)))))))))

Bleibt zu hoffen dass dadurch L.D's Einschätzung sich auch kurzfristig realisiert:

The peace deal with Musingku will make Bougainville a guns free area once again.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroFragen an den Vorstand!

21.02.09 18:58
Die ESBC (European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper) erstellen zurzeit einen Fragenkatalog, der dem BCL Vorstand auf der HV im April zur Beantwortung vorgelegt werden soll. Alle Interessenten an Bougainville Copper können ihre Fragen unmittelbar über diesen Link eingeben !

Angesichts der positiven Entwicklungen der letzten Wochen, die eine Wiedereröffnung der Pangunamine in greifbare Nähe rücken liessen, stellen sich für Investoren eine Fülle von Fragen. Fragen auch Sie!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Axel G. Sturm

Escaldes-Engordany, 21.02.2009

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroPNG clears way for Panguna mine reopening

22.02.09 10:05
The Papua New Guinea Government has moved closer to reopening Bougainville's Panguna copper mine, which was the centre of a secessionist war that claimed thousands of lives in the 1980s and 90s.

Over the past 18 months Bougainville's autonomous government has been seeking control of its mineral and gas resources.

That request has largely been ignored by the PNG Government until now.

Both governments have signed a step-by-step process to hand mining powers back to Bougainville.

PNG Mining Minister Dr Puka Temu hopes the initiative is the first step in reopening the Bougainville copper mine.

"It's already there and an enormous deposit is still there and we basically agreed to start bringing the reopening of Bougainville copper mine on the table," he said.

Dr Temu says both governments need to focus on lifting the moratorium on mining that was put in place there after the war.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekro2009 by the GeoScienceWorld.

22.02.09 15:15

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroEconomic development first

23.02.09 00:42

AUTONOMOUS Region of Bougainville Governor Fidelis Semoso says that before his people can talk about political autonomy, they will need to be economically independent. They must have the capacity to raise their own revenue and not be dependent on the Government and international donor agencies for aid. Health, education and infrastructural services must be of the best standards, maternal and infant death rates lowered, universal education for all must be obtained and the people must have a sound economic base and good infrastructural facilities. And while he has started working toward achieving his vision for development from the region, he admits the road ahead is long and he cannot travel it alone but needs the cooperation of the region’s political and administrative leadership as well as assistance from the private sector and the people.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroOB

23.02.09 02:51
Hier wird mit Mini VK Orders ohne Umsatz versucht einen Downmove zu suggerieren.

BOC Sellers

Price Quantity

0.650 1,000  
0.680 300  
0.690 1,000  
0.750 3,128  
0.810 642  
0.890 8,000  
0.895 8,050  

Total 22120 St

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroConcern in Solomons over border crossers from PNG

23.02.09 15:49
Bougainville province

Posted at 01:37 on 23 February, 2009 UTC

People living in the Shortland Islands on the Solomon Islands side of the border with Papua New Guinea have raised grave concerns at the increasing numbers entering the country from Bougainville.

The Solomon Star newspaper says local people fear this might lead to the illegal movement of people or drug smuggling.

Their concern was presented to the Solomon Islands National Parliament Foreign Relations Committee in Gizo in Western Province recently.

The Foreign Relations Committee is reviewing the work of RAMSI in the country.

Representatives appearing before the Committee say many foreigners illegally entered Solomon Islands through Bougainville.

News Content © Radio New Zealand International

103 Postings, 6349 Tage DonnBOC +5.8%

24.02.09 08:42
BOC erholt sich in Australien trotz rundum fallender Kurse um 4 ct = 5,8%. Naja, wer will denn so eine Perle jetzt verkaufen, wohl nur jemand der die Kohle unbedingt braucht...


15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroSeitdem der The National Artikel "untold riches"

24.02.09 10:10
auf steht, (unter RIO ;-) interessieren sich auch jeweils 80-500 Aussies dafür.(ist ein update unter BOC gepostet,so sind es nur lediglich ca 5-50)

Was jetzt noch fehlt ist die Meldung dass

die Landowners ihren "Panguna Body" gewählt haben,
Meeting zwischen ABG u.BCL in Buka
Aufhebung der No-Go-Zone
Besichtigung der Mine durch BCL
Uebertragung der Mining Power + Shares von PNG ans ABG
Ueberweisung der 6 Mio € der Weltbank für die Eröffnung der neuen Boug. MRA (Mineral Ressources Autority)
Beginn der Verhandlungen zum neuen BCA (Bougainville Copper Agreement)

Bei jeder dieser Meldungen kann wie Manraaj Sing schreibt "the shareprice go into super drive" ;-)))))))

Das Orderbuch in AU zumindest "schreit" nach Ausbruch ;-)))

BOC Sellers

Price Quantity

0.810 642
0.890 8,000  
0.895 8,050

Our Bougainville Gold and Copper Mining Play Is Way Up - And Climbing

"I got a call from our man in Bougainville" say's emerging markets expert Manraaj Singh, "I'll get to the rest of the story in a minute. It's a long story. But worth telling...because shares in this company are set to take-off. Let me explain..."

We received some absolutely brilliant news from a far corner of the world yesterday. Exciting moves are afoot on the island of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea...

We’ve got a brilliant copper and gold mining play on the island... so far we are up by 122% on this investment and the news just keeps on getting better. The international media is taking a much greater interest in the Bougainville story... which means that our gains could be looking to jump up even further.

The mine shut down nineteen years ago due to civil unrest - but these problems have been sorted out, and money is now rolling in the direction of our investors.

Yesterday, Pacific Magazine ran an article on the improving situation on the island. The crucial bit was an interview with the Vice-Chairman of the local Landowners’ Association (PLA). He said that the PLA fully supports the re-opening of the mine after the feasibility studies are completed. "We are content with the way negotiations are going on and we fully support the initiative taken to restart the mine."

Which is excellent, because it means that there will be no local disruption to the re-starting of the mining operation.

But there’s more to this story...

Our contact in Bougainville has sent us the latest version of the so-called "landowner’s proposal" which gives details on what the revised Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) might look like. No other financial publication has reported on it yet. So my Profit Hunter readers are probably the first ones to receive exclusive information.

The four-page-long document written by a long-time adviser to Bougainvillean landowners is supposed to provide the basis for an update of the BCA. It aims for a fairer division of future earnings than the old agreement - especially for local landowners.

It was the unfair distribution of profits that led to rebels attacking the mining site and forcing the closure of the mine. You can’t really blame them. Under the old agreement, local landowners received only 0.2% of profits between 1972 and 1989. The new proposal suggests paying them a royalty of 3.5% of sales.

It also suggests splitting taxes at the ratio of 50:50 between the Autonomous region of Bougainville (ABG) and the National Government.

Of course we would be happy to see the local population get a better deal than the old one. But what really grabbed our attention is the value that the proposal places on our plays mining shares should the mine re-open soon.

The proposal’s calculations are based on the following assumptions: the current price of copper is US$3.88 per pound and the price for one troy ounce of gold is $878; US$1.5bn capital investment is needed to reopen the mine, repayable at an interest rate of 7.5% over 7 years; there will be no issue of additional ordinary shares by the company; The company gets a tax free status for the first two years of production; there will be no dividend withholding tax; the tax rate will be 30% from year three on; there will be a royalty payment of 3.5% of sales to landowners.

We could be looking at a 2,414% gain

Assuming that the mine produces the same amount of copper and gold it did in 1987, total sales per annum would amount to US$1,948m. Even after the operating costs, loan repayment, royalties and taxes, the company would be left with a total profit after tax of US$1,157m, or US$2.49 per share.

On a conservative price earnings ratio of 12, that would value the shares at US$29.88 or A$31.17. That target is a lot higher than we had estimated and translates into a potential gain of 2,414% on the price of A$1.24 at the time of writing! And the company owns several additional licences on the island as well - so there could be additional upward potential beyond that.

This isn’t going to happen overnight though. And nothing is ever guaranteed - especially in Bougainville. But if things play out as we believe they will, we could bank the biggest gains that we have ever made in Profit Hunter’s history.

Our contact tells us that there is now a three-step plan in effect. Step one aims to get all, or most, of the 510 local landowners to sign the proposal. Secondly, to win support for the draft from a majority of ABG MPs. Finally, to attend the planned joint supervisory board meeting in July and win backing for the proposal. They have obviously got their work cut out for them...

The coming months are going to be very exciting for everyone who holds shares in this company. Reaching each off those three milestones should provide a further boost to the share price. And the mid- to long-term potential on this share remains huge.

As a subscriber to Profit Hunter you would have access to this and all our other investment recommendations.

At present we’re looking at one African company we think can do very well as it involves a small company that holds all the cards in a huge oil deal - involving the biggest super-powers and billions of dollars...

If gains of 122% (and that’s just for starters) are of interest to you... learn more about Profit Hunter opportunities right now


Manraaj Singh
Profit Hunter

103 Postings, 6349 Tage DonnMeilensteine

24.02.09 10:21

naja, da sind noch viele Meilensteine aus dem Weg zu räumen, aber alle sind machbar und jedesmal könnte der Kurs einige Prozente nach oben gehen...
Wie schon mal erwähnt, sehr wichtig ist die Übertragung (oder Teilübertragung) der Shares von PNG an ABG, dann muss nicht mehr gedrückt werden, dann kann sich der Kurs voll entfalten...


15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroArmy of deadly ants invade Bougainville

24.02.09 14:45
......noch gut dass diese Biester keine Edelmetalle fressen ;-))))))))))

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroPresident Tanis must not pardon Musingku

25.02.09 02:23

I am concerned by the call of James Tanis, President of Bougainville, for the National Government to pardon Noah Mosinghu as part of the peace process as it appeared in the Post -Courier of February 18.
Mr Musingku broke the law of the country in conducting his illegal financial scheme, U-Vistract and defrauded millions of kina from most of the unsuspecting investors from PNG.
To date he has never paid these investors their dues or even repaid what they have invested and most of the investors have suffered financially as a consequence since then.
The Government of PNG will be foolish to pardon Mr Musingku because he stole millions of kina from ordinary Papua New Guineans, hence the Government has a responsibility to bring Mr Musingku to justice for the sake of these unfortunate Papua New Guineans.
While most of us, including the National Government, are supporting the Bougainville peace process, we feel that seeking pardon for Mr Musingku is not proper considering the crime and suffering he caused to other Papua New Guineans.
I therefore suggest that the National Government treat every request made by any leader from Bougainville or for that matter the ABG on matters relating to devolution of powers or compensation or on any matters, on a case by case basis to assess its merits.
The Government should not for the sake of peace on Bougainville succumb to pressures and accept a blanket request by any authority on Bougainville as it will be injustice to other Papua New Guineans, especially with the granting of a pardon to Noah Musingku.
As to the issue of building peace on Bougainville, all of us will have to play a part, including Bougainvillians themselves and Mr Musingku.
We can not expect only the national government to play a leading role in that process because it will fall short. Mr Musingku owes it to the people of Bougainville to instruct his armed forces to surrender their weapons and that simple gesture should not be bargained with a pardon for a crime he committed against innocent investors and importantly a crime not related to the Bougainville Crisis.
Mr Tanis should also know that Mr Musingku committed a crime against many innocent people of PNG and therefore he as a leader should be mindful about that and not push his interest to have Noah pardoned.
Mr President has stepped so low to seek a pardon for a criminal who is yet to face justice in PNG.
Mr Musingku’s case is an in-house matter for the President of Bougainville to deal with rather than bring it to the attention of the National Government of Papua New Guinea, therefore I urge the National Government not to grant a pardon to Mr Musingku.
The Government of Papua New Guinea must be equally fair to all the citizens of Papua New Guinea.

– Victim No ... of Musingku
Port Moresby, NCD

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroLand disputes are a threat

25.02.09 02:48

OUR country is breaking out in land disputes again. This regular epidemic is a sickness that keeps recurring, just like malaria. In its own way, wrangling over land is just about as damaging to the country as the anopheles mosquito which brings on malaria!
Look at one of the latest instances, the bid by clans in the Western Highlands to take over much of a valley where a church has an array of schools and other educational institutions.
These were built on land given to the Catholic Church in 1948. The church had not sat back on the land. It built up hugely important public institutions that later led to the education and grooming of thousands of young Highlanders and advancement into high positions in public and private sectors.
The lease on the land expired five years ago. A demand for K12 million is being made. This is just one example of the sort of destructive land claim that will set us back a generation or more in development terms if it is allowed to interfere with the developments on that land.
If every district in the country was to follow this example, we might as well throw away the key to the 21st century.
Major developments along the Highlands Highway are frequently held to ransom by clans claiming compensation for improvements to the roadway. Many are the documented incidences of “smart’’ villagers erecting shacks and transplanting bananas on the edge of the road as a prelude to claiming hundreds of thousands of kina . . . and we bow down to such highway robbery!

Sleepy Buka is reportedly confronted with an upsurge in land disputes and officials warn that the grasping ones are risking disputes within clans because of the greediness.

Land is vitally important to all rural Papua New Guineans, there is no doubting that. But in cases where the public good is most important, especially where national assets have been developed, there must be a sterner approach taken by national and provincial authorities.
They should not ... cannot .. . succumb to threats and demands without a good look at things. There will be cases where clans or groups will be suffering land deprivation and inability to cope with the needs of farming land. Is this the case at Fatima?
Authorities need to study the case well before yielding.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroTanis woos Musingku

25.02.09 08:17

PRESIDENT of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) James Tanis have started dialogue with the principal of U-Vistract Noah Musingku to pave way for reconciliation ceremony in Tonu, South Bougainville.
Mr Tanis led a delegation of ABG ministers and paid a visit to Mr Musingku at his Tonu camp in Siwai district last Wednesday.
The visit gave the duo the opportunity to discuss personally the issues affecting Siwai, particularly Tonu.
Mr Tanis also had the privilege to address the people of Tonu village, briefing them on the outcome of his talks with Mr Musingku.
Mr Tanis, on behalf of Mr Musingku, announced to the people of Tonu that they had reached an agreement to conduct a major reconciliation in relations to the 2007 Tonu raid.
“I would like to announce that Mr Musingku and I have agreed that the process is to begin with the conduct of a major reconciliation in the area,” Mr Tanis said.
He told the people that the reconciliation would be facilitated jointly by U-Vistract and ABG.
“I am happy to put in place a process with Mr Musingku to bridge the gap between U-Vistract and ABG,” Mr Tanis said.
He said the foundation of the reconciliation process had been established and his visit signified a new era for better things to come.
Mr Tanis also appealed to the people of Tonu and Siwai for their cooperation to bring about peace in the area.
He said there was no more time for killing and fighting

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroPlan to boost partnership

25.02.09 08:23


BOUGAINVILLE, Donor Partners and Co-ordination Group, (BDPCG) a new plan by the Bougainville administration to strengthen partnership with
aid donors and authorities was launched on Friday.
Present at the launching were representatives of donors currently on Bougainville and administration officials.
The group was launched by Acting Administrator Raymond Masono.
The aim of the development group is to improve co-ordination of the initiatives of the partnership between the administrations, National
Government and development agencies.
The group was established in response to the need for more co-ordination of sub-national development activities in Bougainville region.
This need arose due to:
nTHE volume of aid directed into the region both through and outside of the administration
nAN increasing number of development partners and agencies becoming involved in development activities in the region.
nTHE emphasis on aid effectiveness and managing for results through aid harmonisation and alignment as stipulated in the Paris
Mr Masono said that the ABG had appreciated the assistance by donors because it was important.
“Donors bring into Bougainville additional resources that enables the ABG to concentrate its limited resources in the most priority
areas.” he said.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBOC Sellers

25.02.09 08:52
BOC Sellers
Price Quantity Sell
0.770 527 1
0.810 642 1
0.890 8,000 2

Total 9169 ;-)))))))))))))

Thanks for your update.

Has any of you  seen today's Post Courier on page 9? I was informed about this discussions last Thursday when it was in progress by our Panguna District Administration officers.

Let's look positively at what our new President is doing.

Looking forward to the future of a better Bougainville with our new President.


15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroESBC News ;-))))))))))

26.02.09 03:01

BOC AU RT 0,80 AUD (0,4067 €) +9,6%

(Lauter kleine Order,allles aus dem ASK gekauft ;-)))

BID/ASK 0,81/0,845

BOC Sellers

Price Quantity Sell

0.845 7,600 2
0.850 11,000 1  
0.890 8,000 2 3
1.000 12,000 1

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroWorld class financial solutions at your door step

26.02.09 10:49
International Bank Of Meekamui


Have Fun and Thank You for visiting IBOM's website. ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Registration for this new facility is easy.  All you need to do is completely fill out and sign off our Internet Banking application form

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroFür den 1 Maerz...........

26.02.09 11:26 ein Meeting  Somare/Tanis in POM geplant,bei dem es u.A. um die nach seinem letzten Besuch erzielten Fortschritte geht sowie um die konkrete Umsetzung des "Weapons Disposal Programm" zu terminieren.

Tanis hat in den letzten Wochen mit allen Fraktionen gesprochen und ihr prinzipielles Einverständnis  zur Waffenniederlegung erhalten.Gewünscht ist dass das Einsammeln der Waffen überall simultan erfolgt.

The arms disposal was the main topic of the trip. All factions wanted a neutral body to collect all the weapons. In Buin The team went as far as Lukauko and Kaitu. They all expressed their felling that now ABG President who cares to visit them in their own areas. The former President had no luksave long all people blong em na i nosave go round lukim ol all. In two weeks time they expect the President to make another trip to visit them personally.

Wilmo, Koike, Konou, Thomas Tari, Noah Musingku all wanted a neutral body to collect the weapons at the same time. Panguna is also ready . Central and south are ready to surrender their weapons to the neutral body.
The President will be travelling from Arawa to Buka today for the selection of the Chief Administrator.
The sad thing was the Member for Konou did not go with the team.
In Buin Town on Saturday thousands of people came to hear the President speak. All werer happy and satisfied with the President's speech.
They commented that at last they have a President who is more committed to the peace process and willing to visit his own people.

Nachdem nun allen klar ist dass die Pangunamine wiedereröffnet wird,so gibt es jetzt auch schon erste konkrete Vorstellungen über das Wie.

We do not know how much ore is stockpiled, waiting to be milled. We also do not know the molybdenum credits in that stockpile.

If we add the 18-year data of the two rows from the Table in the last two pages of the Annual Report we find that:

- Ore and Waste Removed in the 18 years was 1248 M Tonnes

- Ore Milled  was 675 M Tonnes

- On average the company mined about 69.3 Million tonnes per year [or 1248/18] and milled about 37.5 Million tonnes per year [or 675/18]. The difference between these two figures is 573 M Tonnes. The company has not stated what percent of the mined ore was waste. But I asked P. T. this question about three years ago and he confirmed the ore stockpile was enough for 2 to 3 years of milling. So the mining equipment can come after2 years of start-up.

Mit dem noch auf Halde liegenden Erz lässt sich also nach von BOC bestätigten Aussagen mit rel. geringen Kosten eine ProduKtion von 2-3 Jahren fahren.

Zum Einen könnten sowohl BOC als auch das ABG und die Landeigner schnellstens Einnahmen generieren,ein Fakt,welcher wohl im Interesse aller liegen dürfte.

Mit BCL als "Going Company" sollte der aktuelle Sharepreis dann definitiv "Geschichte" sein. ;-)))))))))))))))))

103 Postings, 6349 Tage DonnMeilensteine

26.02.09 11:34
das Niederlegen und Einsammeln der Waffen gehört auch zu den vielen Meilensteinen in der story um Bougainville. Das sollte auch bald in Angriff genommen werden um die positive Entwicklung in den nächsten Schritt weiterzuleiten.

Das mit dem vorhandenen Erz ist hingegen eine TOP-Information, die die ganze Entwicklung von BOC noch viel sicherer und schneller macht und für die Bevölkerung, Landeigner und PNG und ABG zu viel schnelleren Einnahmen führen wird, was den ganzen Prozess natürlich wesentlich unterstützen wird.

Warten wir auf die nächsten Meilensteine...


15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroBougainville Copper hits a four-month high ;-)))))

26.02.09 12:25

Auch charttechnisch könnte der Ausbruch unmittelbar bevorstehen,da reicht schon die Meldung dass ABG u. BCL die Wiedereröffnung der Pangunamine jetzt gemeinsam vorantreiben. ;-)))

Bougainville Copper (BOC.AU), Australia's third largest Copper company by market capitalisation, traded at its 78-day high of 81.0c. The share price soared 8.0c (or 11.0%) to 81.0c. Compared with the All Ordinaries index which rose 15.9 points (or 0.5%) on the day, this represented a relative price change of 10.5%.

Price Trend: The price soared 20.9% in the last month.
Relativities: Today its percentile rank in the Australian market was 93.
Breakout: The stock traded at a four-month high of 81.0c today. The bulls are maintaining control with price open, high, low and close exceeding yesterday's levels.
Support: The support price is hovering at the 60.0c level. Volume traded at the weak support price zone was 0.7 times average during the two occasions when the support price was breached. In the last one month the first low was at 60.0c on Feb 24, the second decline halted at 61.0c on Jan 29.

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroKurs in Fra mit 0,37 €..........

26.02.09 13:31
..........über 10% unter Aussikurs von 0,81 AUD (0,4122€)

Dafür aber 10x mehr VOL ;-))))))))))))

15640 Postings, 6353 Tage nekroAuswirkungen chin. Maßnahmen auf Rohstoffpreise

26.02.09 14:28

Volkswirtin Patricia Mohr vom Institut Scotiabank analysiert in dem monatlich erscheinenden Bericht "Scotiabank Commodity Price Index Analysis" die Auswirkungen der Maßnahmen der chinesischen Regierung auf die Rohstoffpreise.

Demnach werde die Nachfrage nach Metallen und anderen Rohstoffen durch die Infrastrukturprogramme Chinas stark zunehmen. Schon jetzt seien dadurch die Preise für Industriemetalle seit den Tiefständen im Dezember angestiegen.

Auch durch die Aufstockung der "Strategischen Reserven" des Landes an Kupfer und Zink hätten die Preise angezogen. Auch zur Stützung der heimischen Rafinerien und Hüttenwerke habe der chinesische Staat die hier erzeugten Rohstoffe aufgekauft.

Noch vor dem Nationalen Volkskongress am 5. März würden Maßnahmen zur Stützung von 9 Branchen bekannt gegeben werden: Eisen & Stahl, Schiffbau, Öl & Chemie, Textilien, Nicht-Eisen-Metalle, Ausrüstungsproduktion und Elektronik & Informationstechnologie.

Vor allem die Preise für Eisen, Zink, Aluminium und Kupfer würden von den Maßnahmen profitieren.

Seite: < 1 | ... | 79 | 80 | 81 |
| 83 | 84 | 85 | ... 979  >  
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