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177 Postings, 6275 Tage joebo@pp2205

09.11.09 09:30
nein, ich erwarte keine Mauscheleien bei den ESBC-Mitglieder, so sollte das nicht verstanden sein,

ich denke und vermute eher, dass es bei den Gebühren doch beträchtliche Unterschiede gibt, das war mit Ungereimtheiten gemeint, hätte ich wohl etwas deutlicher formulieren sollen,

und da unter den ESBC-Mitglieder eine ganze Reihe auch ADR´s haben (oder hatten), ging meine Frage in die Richtung, ob es dort irgendwelche Erkenntnisse dazu gibt,


14459 Postings, 5443 Tage pandabärchenMein Tausch

09.11.09 16:07
5 US Cent pro ADR,fremde Kosten 50 €,eigene Kosten 25 € für 145000 Stück  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroABG starts capacity building training

10.11.09 10:52
from: Post-Courier:

ABG starts capacity building training

THE Autonomous Bougainville Government’s Department of Mining officially started its capacity building training program for its technical staff last week with the attachment of two staff with the Department of Mineral Policy & Geohazards Management (DMPGM) and the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA).
The training is in line with the ABG’s desire to build its capacity to be able to draw down on mining powers and functions which would enable the Autonomous Government to manage the mining sector on Bougainville.
Department of Mineral Policy & Geohazards Management Secretary Nellie James received and welcomed the ABG staff on Monday this week. “I am pleased to finally implement the National Government’s commitment to the ABG and particularly to its Department of Mining and welcome on board their two technical staff who will be attached with us and the Mineral Resources Authority for the next three months. Between the MRA and us, we are committed to providing the best possible training for them including placing them with the various operating mines in the country,” she said. The two staff are Leslie Siowi, a graduate environmental scientist and Simon Jaintong, a communications and project liaison officer. Chief executive officer of the ABG Department of Mining Steven Burain expressed his appreciation and looked forward to the successful outcome of the training program. “This is the start of what will be a milestone achievement for us and I look forward to the successful outcome of this training program. The DMPGM and the MRA have been very supportive and played a pivotal role in the implementation of the recommendations of the Joint Supervisory Body (JSB) on the drawdown of mining powers and functions”, he said. Mr Burain said that the training attachments will see both his staff spending equal amounts of time over the next three months between DMPGM and MRA concentrating on mineral policy and mining regulation.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroNächstes JSB Meeting u. weitere Fragen an.........

10.11.09 15:47

Will there be another JSB Meeting in 2009?

Yes JSB will be sitting this month and the review of BCA will definitely be on the agenda.  

103 Postings, 6350 Tage DonnUmtausch ADRs

11.11.09 13:44
nun ist auch mein Umtausch durchgeführt worden. Die ADRs wurden ausgebucht und die Originale eingebucht. Spesenabrechnung habe ich aber noch keine und die neuen Aktien sind auch noch gesperrt. Daher werde ich demnächst mal eine Anfrage stellen, weshalb das so ist.


15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroNew US-Ambassador in PNG to visit Bougainville

11.11.09 16:01

555 Postings, 6350 Tage BOCandorraESBC bietet kostenlosen News Alert an !

11.11.09 22:07

Nützlicher Service für Anleger!

Ab sofort können Anleger, die sich für Bougainville Copper interessieren, einen kostenlosen News Alert per Email abonnieren.

Die European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) haben diesen Service eingerichtet, um Investoren die Orientierung zu erleichtern: Abonnenten erhalten somit zeitnah nach wesentlichen Änderungen auf der ESBC-Homepage eine Benachrichtigung per Email. Dies gilt speziell für den Bereich News, aber auch für andere Bereiche!

Ohnehin ist die ESBC Homepage das umfassendste Informationsmedium in Sachen Bougainville Copper überhaupt: Neben aktuellen Nachrichten finden Interessierte umfassende Background-Wissen bis hin zu den aktuellen Börsenkursen der Bougainville Copper Limited in Sydney, Frankfurt und New York!

Der Service kann übrigens über den Bereich FREE NEWS ALERT (auf der linken Navigationsleiste) der ESBC Homepage erreicht werden!




177 Postings, 6275 Tage joeboUmtausch ADR´s

12.11.09 19:46
reden wir doch ´mal einen Tick offener,

interessanterweise hat mein Bank den Umtausch ohne (!) stückbezogene Kosten abgewickelt (die 5 $cent pro Stück wurden nicht in Rechnung gestellt)

also nur mit pauschalen Kosten für die Lagerstätten und eigenen Gebühren, in der Summe ca. 140 € und ein paar Cent,

würde mich schon interessieren, ob es ähnliche Fälle gibt,


15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro@joebo

13.11.09 06:09
"interessanterweise hat mein Bank den Umtausch ohne (!) stückbezogene Kosten abgewickelt "

Freu dich da nicht zu früh

Bei meinem 1 Tausch hat es ca. 3 Monate gedauert bis mir die 5ct/St in Rechnung gestellt wurden  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro...the real people in Bougainville

13.11.09 06:33

‘Mosquito land’ – the real people in Bougainville’s squatter camps

Buka airport ... the Mosquito urban camp is nearby. Photo: PMC
By Gorethey Kenneth in Buka

Today we bring you a report from the back of the Buka airport and – to be precise – the Mosquito urban camp where a lot of people regarded as “illegal squatters” live.

But this piece will also detail how they are influential and contribute to the development and human resource of Bougainville.

This is just one part of the settlement areas on Buka Island.

The Buka airport camp or dump site settlement accommodates a lot of families from Siwai, Nagovis in south Bougainville, those from the Tsitalato and Halia constituencies in north Bougainville and a growing number of Nissan, Carterets and Mortlock islanders not to mention the ever increasing number of people from Southern Highlands who have either married into the region or moved to be with their extended families and made this place their home.

Or they simply found themselves new homes because the place is good to do business.

Apolonia Anugu is from Nissan, but she is married to Augustine, a Siwai man and they live at the Buka Airport dump side camp.

They moved there in 2002 and have been there since with an extended family.

Rented house
Another family, Jude and Clare Posara, also from Siwai, live in a rented house at that camp like every other person living there.

Jude Posara is a security guard with a recognised organisation in Buka town.

Many other families like that of Christine Ukulu from Nagovis have also made their home in that part of the world and are living with families that are working or running small businesses.

But the most interesting is the Highlands camp, still at the back of the Buka airport where numbers are growing each day.

Johnny Yomo, from Southern Highlands is married to Nancy from Wakunai. Johnny has been in that place since 2000 and since then has attracted a lot of his relatives, friends and wantoks who now live at their base camp.

All these people are either renting semi-permanent houses built by those that legally made agreements with the landowners for about K100 a month, K50 a month or give K10 or K20 every time a landowner visits to collect money – or many have their own houses built.

But these people are no ordinary people, they sell newspapers, they are involved in scrap metal sales and sell vegetables.

Security guards
Some of these are the ones supplying food and vegetables to the main business houses in Buka town.

Most work as security guards everywhere in town, they are cleaners (or janitors) drivers, and some women work in shops, schools and business houses while many stay at home with other youths spending the day either drinking, gardening or just lazing around listening to music.

Yesterday Buka police said these people moved in with good intentions and motives but as time passed, things went wrong halfway and problems started arising.

North Bougainville police commander Cletus Tsien when interviewed yesterday raised several concerns that the influx of people was a burden to them.

“The rate of stealing is high in urban Buka, the rate of break, enter and stealing is also high.

The urban settlements are beginning to affect the crime system and that is why it is now becoming a problem to us,” he said.

In Kokopau town it is different. By 4.06pm people desert the place and go to their homes.

But in Buka town, it is not the same.

Crime rate
After 4 and up to 8pm, people are still walking around town and these are people from the settlements.

The increase in the crime rate has raised eyebrows as the urban drift contributes to the crime situation and its problems .

Buka Urban Council manager Brenda Tohiana has a different story. She blames the landowners for the influx of people rather than the people themselves.

She says the land under scrutiny is mostly customary land and the government does not have an influence over this.

“It’s a little bit harder now because all these people you are talking about are not really illegally occupying these bits of land, this is because it is customary land and rather than we talk about repatriating them, maybe we should start with the landowners,” Tohiana said.

She said recently they held a forum on the issue of settlers in Buka town and they found out that most of the land these people live on is customarily owned.

Gorethy Kenneth is a Post-Courier journalist based in Buka, Bougainville, and is a University of Papua New Guinea graduate.  

177 Postings, 6275 Tage joebo@nekro

13.11.09 07:25
klar ist mir das auch durch den Kopf gegangen, dass da eventuell noch was nachkommen könnte, warten wir mal ab,


15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro28 women join rural police force in Bougainville

13.11.09 12:29

28 women have joined the part time rural police force in Bougainville in a drive to make the police more accessible to women in the communities.

The New Zealand police is heading the project to recruit and retain female community auxiliary police, or CAP, officers.

The New Zealand police on Bougainville team leader, Inspector, Murray Lewis, says women need access to female officers.

“The thing on Bougainville is that the ladies are very reluctant to talk to male police officer about any issue at all, really, so we set about recruiting females, in particular for the CAPs and we want to reach 20 percent, which is the mark that will see women in very part of Bougainville having access to a female police officer.”
Murray Lewis says the number of part-time female rural police officers stood at only four percent in April last year.

News Content © Radio New Zealand International
PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand  

666 Postings, 5776 Tage havannaBCA! Was ist bis wann zu erwarten?

15.11.09 16:20
Laut einer der letzten News steht auf Bougainville eine Neuverhandlung des BCA von 1967 auf der Agenda!
Zweifelsfrei ein wichtiger und nötiger Schritt um eine Mineneröffnung zu ermöglichen!
Einer der Hauptpunkte dürfte eine Neuordnung der Lizenzeinnahmen aus dem Minenbetrieb sein, die ja bisher zu gering veranschlagt waren, und auch zum Teil für die Unruhen verantwortlich waren.
Welche Punkte gehören neu verhandelt werden?
Da das BCA eines der grundliegendsten Verträge für eine Mineneröffnung ist, könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass sich da langwierige Verhandlungen anbahnen könnten, je nach der Fülle an neu zu betimmenden Details, was meint ihr dazu?

Noch einen schönen Sonntag!  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroJSB Meet cancelled "in fear of" no trust vote

16.11.09 06:16

Das für letzten Samstag in Buka geplante JSB Meeting wurde aus Angst um ein gegen die Somare Regierung geplantes Misstrauensvotum auf nächsten Monat verschoben ;-(((((((((((


FEARS of a possible vote of no confidence in the Government led to the cancellation of a crucial meeting in Buka over the weekend.
Deputy Prime Minister Sir Puka Temu, Higher Education Minister Michael Ogio and other important dignitaries were scheduled to be in Buka on Saturday for the Joint Supervisory Body meeting yesterday.
All preparations were in line, but an hour before the flight landed, word reached the Bougainvillean leaders from Sir Puka Temu that he had cancelled his trip because of the flight delay.
But word from the Government reaching the events committee on the island claimed because of the budget sitting and the looming vote of no confidence talks against the Government, the leaders had to stay back in Port Moresby. The meeting will now be scheduled for next month. Autonomous Bougainville Government president James Tanis, although disappointed because of the last minute postponement, said he accepted it with reluctance as it would be ideal to hold the meeting after the budget session. He said he would be meeting with Sir Puka Temu tonight before leaving for Australia tomorrow to meet with Australia’s Foreign Minister Stephen Smith.
The budget is to be handed down tomorrow by the Finance Minister and Treasurer Patrick Pruaitch.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroBCA @ havanna

16.11.09 11:12
Das neue BCA könnte mit leichten Aenderungen auf dem "alten" BCA basieren.

Ueber die Aufteilung der Steuereinnahmen wurde sich zwischen PNG u. ABG schon auf einem der vorherigen JSB Meetings geeinigt.Auch die Uebertragung der BCL Shares von PNG ans ABG wurde zugesagt.

Nur über die den Landeignern zustehenden Royaltys (zwischen 2-3%) muss eine Einigung erzielt werden.  

1528 Postings, 6350 Tage CCLSCUma

16.11.09 19:57
Na, dann muss man nur noch den Uma bestechen..... ähm, ich meine, überzeugen!


382 Postings, 6350 Tage centwatchAbsage JSB Meeting

17.11.09 14:57
Einerseits ist es natürlich bitter, dass das JSB Meeting abgesagt wurde. Andererseits ist schon erstaunlich wie schnell das JSB Meeting angesetzt wurde. Zumal ja LD gesagt hatte, dass das BCA definitiv auf der Agenda gewesen wäre. Es scheint also wirklich Zug dahinter zu sein.

Interessant in diesem Zusammenhang finde ich, dass Tanis just nach dem geplanten JSB Meeting nach Australien fliegt.

Es mag natürlich alles zufällig sein, aber folgende These entbehrt meines Erachtens nicht gänzlich einer gewissen Logik: JSB Meeting mit BCA auf der Agenda (evtl. sogar Entscheidung über Aufnahme Neuverhandlungen); JSB abgesagt, aber zumindest Treffen mit PNG Miningminster Temu; unmittelbar danach Abflug nach Australien und Treffen mit australischem Aussenminister und wenn wir schon zufällig dort sind Treffen mit BOC-Chef Peter Taylor und den Rio-Chefs um Details BCA Verhandlungen abzusprechen?????  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroBalanced plan

18.11.09 11:39

THE National Government has handed down a massive K7.5 billion money plan for 2010 that reflects its priority of promoting economic growth through empowering and transforming the rural economy.
Treasurer and Finance Minister Patrick Pruaitch yesterday handed down the Somare Government’s eighth consecutive budget since taking office in 2002 and the third since it was returned to power in the 2007 elections.
The total revenue and grants are expected to be K7,489.7 million, which is substantially higher – K850.1 million, or 12.8% higher than the revised 2009 estimate of K6,639.6 million – due to an increase in tax revenues and the expected start of construction work on the PNG LNG project.
The 2010 Budget is balanced, with expenditure in line with the forecast revenue and a comparatively small deficit of K86 million.
The recurrent expenditure is K4,095.5 million comprising K2,380.2 million for National Departments, K925.2 million for provincial governments, K58 million for the Autonomous Bougainville  Government, K269.4 million for commercial statutory authorities and K471.1 million for interest payments.n From Page 1
The total development budget will be a record K3,393.8 million, of which K1,771 million is from direct Government funding, K268.9 million from concessional loans and K60 million from infrastructure tax credits.
There are no new taxes or increases in income tax for workers.
Consumers of alcohol and tobacco products have also been spared.
Public servants will be happy as the Government has allocated K15 million to meet the pay increases negotiated between the Public Employees Association and the Department of Personnel Management in 2010.
The district services improvement programme (DSIP) will continue, with K2 million for each of the 89 districts and the 20 governors have also not been forgotten.
They will now each receive K1 million under the new provincial services improvement programme (PSIP).
Despite the global financial crisis, which led to a significant deterioration of the global economic environment, Mr Pruaitch said that the real economic activity in PNG was expected to grow by 8.5%, which represented a significant increase from very credible 4.5% growth rate forecast in 2009.
However, there are inherent risks to the 2010 Budget.
These include any delays to the PNG LNG project, unforeseen mine shutdowns, volatility or fall in commodity prices and any unforeseen stalling in the global economic recovery.
The Treasurer said that the Budget might have to be reviewed and adjusted in line with any of these unforeseen setbacks.
Mr Pruaitch said that as a consequence of this strong economic growth, inflation was expected to remain relatively high at 7.4% forecast in 2009 and was expected to rise to 9.5%.
This is due to the expected start of construction on the LNG project and high Government spending – from trust funds and measures announced in the 2010 Budget.
He said while the Government had been realistic with its economic assumptions and revenue forecasts, it recognised that the expenditure would need to be closely monitored in 2010 and, if needed, might need to be adjusted to reflect changing economic circumstances.
Mr Pruaitch said that economic prospects in the medium term look promising, particularly as a decision on the LNG project proceeding was imminent.
“However, the Government is mindful about the development challenges the country faces and uncertainties that may lie ahead,” he said.
The Opposition will present its Budget reply next week.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDas nächste JSB Meeting.........

18.11.09 12:07
.........welches das wegen einem möglichen Misstrauensvotums gegen die Somare Regierung anlässlich der Budgetdebatten abgesagte ersetzen soll wurde laut LD jetzt für das Wochenende vom 27-29.11 terminiert.
Sowohl von der PLA als auch von der PLO wurde ein Vertreter eingeladen um die Landeigner zu repräsentieren.

Noch ausstehende (nachrangige) Versöhnungsfeiern sollen am 26.11 stattfinden.

Der Prozess um die Wiedereröffnung gewinnt also weiter an Dynamik,gut möglich dass das von centwatch beschriebene Szenario der Realität entspricht.

Vielleicht gibt es ja nächste Woche (wie aus heiterem Himmel) die langersehnte positive News ;-)))))))))))  

666 Postings, 5776 Tage havannaMmmmhhhh?

18.11.09 17:56
Kann mir nicht wirklich vorstellen, dass bei diesem ersten Meeting schon Nägel mit Köpfen gemacht werden, bzw. grosse Ergebnisse erzielt werden, die Einfluss auf den Kurs nehmen...
Ich glaube das bleibt aktuell noch Wunschdenken, aber grundsätzlich hätte ich auch nicht damit gerechnet, dass so kurz bzw. während den Reconsiliations noch laufen schon das BCA zum Thema wird, von dem her lassen wir uns überraschen ;-)

So weit so gut...  

382 Postings, 6350 Tage centwatchNächstes JSB Meeting.....

18.11.09 18:22 kann es zumindest nicht ausschließen, dass eine Einladung an BOC zur Aufnahme des BCA rausgeht. Ich habe vor einigen Wochen mit PC gesprochen. Meine Frage war, ob er BCA Verhandlungen noch vor den Wahlen für grundsätzlich möglich hielte. Seine Antwort lautete ja. Mal schauen, kann natürlich auch ganz anders kommen...  

885 Postings, 7847 Tage QADSANLöschung

18.11.09 22:24

Zeitpunkt: 19.11.09 14:46
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic - Das gehört nicht hier hin.Bitte dazugehörige threads benutzen.



15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro"the redevelopment and reopening of the Panguna...

19.11.09 10:02

Facilitating a broad-based economy in B’ville

By Sonia Kenu
The deputy administrator of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Raymond Masono has said one of the big responsibilities of governments is to manage the economy in a way that ensures sustained economic growth.

“When the economy is mismanaged, the population suffers from high interest rates, high cost of goods and services, high unemployment and, in the case of PNG, increased criminal activities,” he said.

Governments should not only be concerned about the economy but should actually intervene through policies that reduce the effect of adverse impacts on the living standards of citizens.

A broad-based economy is one where no single industry dominates and every major economic sector is developed and contributing to revenue.

Mr Masono stressed that the ABG can implement strategies to develop agriculture, tourism and mining in order to facilitate broad-based economic development in Bougainville.

This might mean the redevelopment and reopening of the Panguna mine rather than the development of a completely new mining project which could take between 15 and 20 years, time which the ABG does not have.

Mr Masono concluded by emphasising that a broad-based economy will also require the development of an integrated transport network, an effective health system and an inclusive education system.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPNG govt must show commitment says Tanis

19.11.09 10:05

PNG govt must show commitment says Tanis

By Fidelis Lucio

Autonomous Bougainville Government President James Tanis has expressed disappointment at the last minute postponement of a Joint Supervisory Board meeting scheduled for last weekend.

The Board is a high powered committee made up of senior ministers of the PNG government and the ABG and their technical advisors.

Mr Tanis said the PNG government must begin to show commitment towards preparing the agreed referendum on Bougainville‘s independence by keeping to its schedules and implementing agreed resolutions on the drawdown of powers.

He added that the last minute cancellation of the meeting showed that the PNG government was unprepared for the meeting which could mean it had not implemented certain decisions that had previously been collectively made.

Mr Tanis understands that both governments were giving budget preparations priority.

“The national budget is important to us in the ABG,” Mr. Tanis said.

“However not everyone was involved in the budget preparations and the Board meeting, if it had been held, would have given us a better understanding of whether or not the resolutions were being followed up and implemented as agreed,” he said.

Mr Tanis has left Buka to spend a week in Australia at the invitation of Australian Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith. While there he will discuss matters of mutual interest with Mr Smith, other senior federal ministers and with various Australian state premiers.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroTax revenues are inadequate for self-reliance

19.11.09 10:06

By Aloysius Laukai

ABG’s tax collector, Peter Siana, says Bougainville will depend on outside assistance for many years as its internal revenue is in sufficient to run government activities.

Speaking to an economic development seminar, Mr Siana said Bougainville desperately needed one big impact project to boost its capacity for fiscal self reliance.

He said current revenue raised through company taxes and GST is not enough.

He also revealed that many Bougainville companies are not paying their tax, including income tax.

Mr Siana said the people of Bougainville needed to be aware of their obligations and support their government.  

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