Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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177 Postings, 6275 Tage joeboZusatz und @nekro

28.10.09 20:25
das kann schon irgendwie passen,

obwohl ich zugeben muss, dass ich da so langsam auch nicht mehr ganz durchblicke,

laut telefonischer Auskunft meiner Bank hat der Tausch unter anderem deshalb etwas länger gedauert, weil die Lagerstelle der ORG´s in PNG (!) gewesen sei,

sei es darum, so ich die Aktien jetzt hier habe, ist mir dieses egal,

evtl. haben tatsächlich US-Banken ADR´s ausgegeben, für die sie selber keine Aktien besaßen,
allerdings spricht der bisherige problemlose Tausch dafür, dass es zumindest "verbriefte Rechte" oder so ähnlich gab und gibt,

und da könnten die ESBC doch ´mal was produktives tun, wie sieht denn die Bilanz Eurer Mitglieder-Tauschaktivitäten aus,

für mich nicht mehr so sehr interessant, da damit durch, aber vielleicht für andere,


15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro@joebo

28.10.09 23:24
Dass die US Banken keinen Investor auf seinen ADRs sitzen lassen (können) ist klar.Ich gehe auch davon aus dass alle ADR Besitzer (früher oder später) in den Besitz ihrer Aktien gelangen.Die "Conditions" des Tauschs sind allerdings sehr schwammig,so ist z.B. nirgends eine genaue max. Frist angegeben in der der Tausch ausgeführt sein müsste.Auch wenn zum ende der Tauschfrist mehr ADRs eingereicht werden als ORGs hinterlegt sind besteht laut ASX Rule 19.5 für die Banken die Möglichkeit bis zu 10% (40 Mill St) short zu gehen/bleiben.

Die Frage ist vielmehr wieviele ADRs sind ausgegeben u. wieviele Originale sind dafür wo hinterlegt.Geht es an für short ausgegebene ADRs trotzdem Reconversionsgebühren zu verlangen??????

Da ist jede Detailinfo hilfreich,50% der Gebühren gebe ich da gerne für Anwaltshonorare aus. ;-)))))))))))))  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPolice check vehicles

30.10.09 09:40

BOUGAINVILLE police for the first time since the crisis have set up a police roadblock in Wakunai, Central Bougainville with the aim of having a trouble free area.
They aim to create awareness on drug and alcohol and to discourage youths from engaging in severe offences such as stabbing or unlawful wounding.
The police roadblock is also to raise awareness on on unroad worthy vehicles and PMVs travelling up the high way from Arawa to Buin and back to Buka. Community auxiliary police are helping by checking travelling vehicles for seat belts, licenses, registration and others.
Led by sergeant Oscar Tugein, the operation is now up and running, several Public Motor Vehicles (PMVs) viand private vehicles have been warned.
“We can’t do arrests and charge these motorists and also crime doers because we do not have a lock up and reliable vehicle to get this wrongdoers to Arawa or Buka for lock up. At the moment we are taking statements but this is helping in our awareness among youths in Wakunai,” Mr Tugein said. Mr Tugein said the operation is simultaneously run with a big awareness program focusing on drug and alcohol, especially marijuana consumption and homebrew. This is also a follow up on outstanding cases in that area backdated to 2004.
He said crimes in Central Bougainville especially in Wakunai is heavily related on drug and alcohol. “We also have a big aim in our awareness in that part of Bougainville and that is to get youths discouraged from carrying knives, axes and other weapons in public and we have the full backing from the youths themselves and the awareness is being carried out by our auxiliary police,” Tugein said.
“We want a trouble free Wakunai, a knife free area especially in sporting grounds and in towns.”
He said more road blocks will be set up in other parts of Bougainville depending on funding.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroNew Dawn FM plans to fund a station in Arawa

01.11.09 13:14

By Fabian Hakalits in Buka

Bougainville’s locally owned pioneering radio station New Dawn FM has become the first media organisation in the Pacific to win the global Communications and Social Change award – and the autonomous government now plans to fund a second station in Arawa.

New Dawn won the 2009 award from the University of Queensland’s Centre for Communication and Social Change ahead of organisations nominated from 14 other countries.

They were Bangladesh, Burundi, Canada, Congo, Fiji, India, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra, Leone, Uganda and the United States.

Managing director and owner Aloysius Laukai was in Brisbane last week to receive the CSC award from the university’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Paul Greenfield, and present a story on the sinking of the Carteret’s atolls of Bougainville.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDie ESBC.............

01.11.09 13:39
..........könnten sich einmal überlegen den New Dawn finanziell zu unterstützen.Infos aus erster Hand sind ja immer willkommen,da wäre ein Korrespondent 20 Km von der Mine entfernt sicher sehr hilfreich ;-))))))

Nach der Eröffnung der ABG Repräsentanz und des Offices der PLA wird sich mit den Vorbereitungen zur Eröffnung der Panguna Mine auch der wirtschaftliche Schwerpunkt Bougainvilles mit der Zeit immer mehr von Buka nach Arawa verlegen.

Die Entscheidung Arawa wieder zur Inselhauptstadt zu machen traf das ABG schon vor längerer Zeit.Das aktuelle Problem dabei ist die unzureichende Strassenverbindung,auf dem Weg Buka-Arawa gilt es 20 Flussdurchquerungen zu schaffen.Binnen des nächsten Jahres werden die Brücken über diese Flüsse unter einem japanischen Hilfsprogramm wieder instand gesetzt.Die Verträge sind schon unterzeichnet,im Januar soll es losgehen ;-))))  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroFree News Alert + Free service for you...........

02.11.09 00:10
...........registrieren unter:  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroTechnical assistance

02.11.09 03:20

Die Weltbank legt sich für ihren Einsatz der technischen Assistenz für die MRA weiter ins Zeug ;-)))))))))))

The mining industry will continue to be the target of a technical assistance program funded by the World Bank and conducted by the Mineral Resource Authority.Institutional strengthening and capacity building continues to be the main aim of the technical assistance project funded by the World Bank and implemented by the Mineral Resource Authority.
Initiated in 2000, the project targets the mine sector with an emphasis to develop outcomes from the extractive industries. Special projects manager for MRA Philip Samar said improving effectiveness of key institutions.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroAustralia Announces Bouganville and

02.11.09 11:42

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDie wohl besten News der letzten 10 Jahre ;-))))

03.11.09 12:04

Dass Puka Temu (als PNG Mining Minister) nach seiner Rückkehr aus Arawa sofort die Review des Bougainville Copper Agreement angehen will lässt darauf hoffen dass es noch in diesem Jahr zu beachtlichen Fortschritten kommen könnte.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPanguna to benefit ABG and national Govt

03.11.09 12:10
THE once lucrative Panguna copper and gold mine will become another major contributor to the economy of the Bougainville and Papua New Guinea as a whole.
Any progress made on the ground so far is being closely watched by the owners, Bougainville Copper Limited as well as the National Government which still owns 19 per cent of the mine.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mining, Lands and Physical Planning Sir Puka Temu said during the 2009 mining seminar that recent developments under the joint supervisory body (JSB) in relation to the peace process on Bougainville and the commencement of the process towards discussions relating to the Panguna mine “are huge milestones” that give credit to the National Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government for their willingness to establish lasting peace on the island.
In another plus towards progress on peace process on Bougainville, Sir Puka announced this year that the long awaited Bougainville copper agreement (BCA) would soon be reviewed in accordance with the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the National Executive Council’s decision of November 2006.
It was reported in a Mineral Resources Authority newsletter Mineral Tok, the Department of Mineral Policy and Geo-hazard Management’s priority under its corporate plan was to review the Mining Act 1992 and the Mining Safety Act Chapter 195A and the Mineral Policy.
“With the current favourable political scenario between the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the National Government, the Bougainville Copper Agreement will soon be reviewed in accordance with the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the NEC decision of November 2006,” Sir Puka told Mineral Tok.
The newsletter further reported that given the sensitivity of the issue, the National Government would ensure a transparent process was maintained with the engagement of an independent facilitator and that there is landowner participation.
“In doing so we hope to install confidence in our people on Bougainville and to have the decisions emanating from the review to be fair and justifiable to all affected parties,” Sir Puka said.
“DMPGM (Department of Mineral Policy and Geo-hazard Management has prioritised the review of the BCA under its strategic plan and will spearhead the BCA review under the JSB process in consultation with the National Co-ordination Office of Bougainville Affairs and all other relevant Government agencies,” said the Deputy Prime Minister  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroA small but moving ceremony was held in POM.......

03.11.09 12:26
Nachdem es gestern auch (endlich)  zur Versöhnung zwischen Lawrence Daveona u. seinem Onkel Dr Pisi (ABG) gekommen ist, sind damit wohl auch die Differenzen zwischen PLA u. PLO,den beiden Landowner Organisationen beigelegt und der Wahl eines gemeinsamen Landownersbody steht nichts mehr im Wege.


382 Postings, 6350 Tage centwatchNews....

03.11.09 13:23
....dass jetzt Miningminster Temu nach vorne geschickt wird, dürfte ein geschickter Schachzug sein. Dann kann Tanis weiter als Moderator und nicht als Pusher auftreten.

Dass Temu mit dem Review "bald" beginnen will, überrascht mich schon etwas. Setzt das doch voraus, dass a) die Landeigner gewählt haben müssen und b) man beim weapon disposal und der Aufhebung der Straßensperren zumindest gut vorankommt.

Wäre nett, wenn man hierzu eine Bestätigung hätte. Dass sich die Landeigner in Form von Pisi/Daveona versöhnt haben ist zumindest ein gutes Indiz.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDie Arbeitsteilung...........

03.11.09 16:01
.......zwischen Tanis,Puka u. Akoitai ist sehr gut organisiert.Die Vorgaben des letzten JSB Meetings werden konsequent abgearbeitet.

Wenn die B'viller MRA wie allgemein erwartet von Akoitai übernommen wird sind alle zur Wiedereröffnung massgeblichen Positionen von dem Trio besetzt.

Der Kurs leidet zwar im Moment noch unter den vielen Ankündigungen der letzten Jahre,welche nicht (zeitnah) umgesetzt wurden,wenn jedoch erstmal PNG,ABG,PLA u. BOC beim nächsten JSB Meeting gemeinsam an einem Tisch sitzen wird auch dem letzten klar dass es mit der Wiedereröffnung ERNST wird.

Wie schnell es dann nach oben gehen kann erkennt man am Chart,zumal die meisten Longs wohl kaum auf ein paar %%% +  spekulieren.


15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro@centwatch

03.11.09 16:34
Zum weapon disposal bestand das Problem dass keine der Parteien seine Waffen als erste abgeben wollte und alle auf einer simultanen übergabe bestanden.Nach dem Abschluss der Reconciliations entfällt die Notwendigkeit der Bewaffnung,die BRA u. BRF sind ja jetzt quasi wieder "Brüder" ;-)))))

Darüber hinaus glaube ich kaum dass UN u. AusAID dem Tanis ihre Mithilfe zugesagt hätten ohne konkrete Vorgaben zu den Waffenübergaben zu machen.Da werden auch einige $$$ den Besitzer wechseln,so dass man den Meekamuis die Knarren wohl ganz einfach abkauft.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroCouncils of Elders need more support

05.11.09 09:38

By Anthony Kaybing

The Councils of Elders in Bougainville are not running properly due to lack of support from the Autonomous Bougainville Government, says chairman of the Buka District Councils of Elders, Joseph Gatana.

Mr Gatana says the annual budget allocation of K40,500 is insufficient for the councils to effectively manage their affairs.

“The councils are part of the ABG’s bottom up approach to bringing a more direct form of governance and service to the people of Bougainville,” he said. “The powers of the councils are well stipulated in the ABG’s constitution.”

He said these powers are useless when they aren’t put into practical effect. There is an urgent need for support from the ABG in the form of vehicles and more trained staff.

Mr Gatana added that there is also an urgent need for capacity building of the councils around Bougainville.

In the area of self sustainability, councils had to wait for the Bougainville Executive Council to approve for the collection of head tax. He said the slow enactment of the policy had led to a late and ineffective tax collection this year.

He also called for the early release of the Councils of Elders review, undertaken to examine areas where the council system might be strengthened and governed in ways that are more traditionally oriented.

He said the release of the review would greatly help the councils to improve their services to the people of Bougainville.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekrotheir job must be completed by the end of the year

05.11.09 09:52
ABG peace ministry outlines plans for region
The National
THE newly created peace, reconciliation and weapons disposal ministry in Bougainville last Friday presented its plans  for the entire autonomous region.
Minister responsible Robert Hamal presented its programme to the ABG witnessed by UNDP officials.
Mr Hamal said creating peace and harmony in the communities was the work of everyone and not just a few individuals.
The new division chief executive officer Dennis Kuiai said their job must be completed by the end of the year.
Works minister Patrick Nisira said the work of addressing issues must be made throughout Bougainville and not concentrated in Central and South Bougainville.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroB"villeans urged to vote good leaders

05.11.09 10:46


THE second general elections for the Autonomous Bougainville Government is around the corner and Bougainvilleans have been urged to look for quality leadership and vote positively.
Acting Electoral Commissioner Reitama Taravaru said it was important for voters to choose and vote quality leaders.
He asked the people to start thinking about the qualities the intending candidates needed to possess to run Bougainville’s affairs.
He said to help Bougainvilleans achieve its dreams, voters have to choose wisely.
He said people complain about not receiving services from leaders they voted for but it is the peoples’ votes which determine the type of leader who will lead them.
“More often there are complaints from people not receiving the services they have voted leaders for. Let me instill in you that these are the facts why it is important who you vote for,” he said.
He said good decisions must be made before voters cast their votes.
“Your vote counts and this will determine who would be the next leader and also the future of Bougainville,” he said.
He said some voters were careless and this resulted in the drop in the expected number of eligible voters.
He said quality leadership was one important criteria voters need to consider before they cast their votes to get developments.
Mr Taravaru appealled to all eligible voters in the region to make sure that they are enrolled and invited them to be at the scheduled venues to enroll.
“In providing opportunities for the future of Bougainville, it is a requirement for all voters to enroll to cast their votes. This will also include all citizens of Bougainville and abroad.” he said.
He said he was satisfied with the overall plan towards the ABG’s second general election.
He said the overall plan for the elections was for five weeks of more awareness on the limited preferential voting (LPV system).
Polling and counting will be conducted by the electoral office, he said.
Mr Taravaru also challenged the new system to be implemented for the election and called for co-operation from all involved in the elections.  

177 Postings, 6275 Tage joeboich wiederhole mal meine Frage

07.11.09 20:45
weil ich denke, da gibt es einige Ungereimtheiten,

und, dass es da keine Antwort gab, macht mich schon stutzig,

mich würde schon interessieren, wie die Tauschaktivitäten der ESBC-Mitgleider gelaufen sind,

Fixkosten + Stückkosten,



15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro#2843

08.11.09 22:03
Einige haben schon getauscht,einige noch nicht u. etliche warten darauf dass der Tausch durchgeführt,bzw. die Orgs eingebucht werden.

Fixkosten od. Stückkosten wurden hier schon einige gepostet.

Wenn du eine detaillierte Tabelle erwartest wirst du wohl enttäuscht sein,eine solche wurde (noch) nicht erstelltganz einfach weil nur ein paar Investierte ihre Tauschunterlagen zur Verfügung gestellt haben.  

140 Postings, 6350 Tage pezz88Umtausch...

08.11.09 22:37
Mein Umtausch läuft auch noch > ConSors!

Werde informieren, wenn der abgeschlossen ist.


15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroBougainville development must be phased

09.11.09 07:13

By Tapo Tovilu

The ABG Minister for Works, Hon Patrick Nisira, has said the government has developed a phased approach towards development in the autonomous province.

“The government has many challenges in development it must overcome,” he Nisira said, identifying four fundamental development aims the ABG government is working towards: human resource development, a communications system, a good and reliable transport system, and electricity generation.

He said that currently the ABG government is limited in what ti can do by the shortage of funds for development work.

The government has responded by taking a phased approach to development.

Tapo Tovilu is a journalism student at the Divine Word University  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekrothe war in Bougainville had ended

09.11.09 07:17

Wakunai reconciliation with Siwai after murder
By Anthony Kaybing
People from Siwai in south Bougainville can now move freely in the Wakunai area after a peace and reconciliation ceremony last Wednesday.

The ceremony included a compensation payment for a young man from Rotokas who was shot dead in the Siwai District in August by someone from Noah Misingku’s Mekamui faction.

After the incident, all vehicles from south Bougainville were barred from travelling in the Siwai area.

An initial payment of K27,000, two mimis (shell money) and two pigs were given as belkol to settle the matter before the total payment of K200,000 is made.

Present at the ceremony was Autonomous Bougainville Government Minister for Peace and Reconciliation, Robert Hamal Sawa, Minister for Veterans Affairs, Glen Tovirika and other ABG members and officials.

Mr Sawa congratulated both parties for their understanding and quick reaction in resolving the matter. He said it was the ABG’s wish to see all conflicts settled peacefully.

Mr Sawa also made an appeal to people to respect each other and refrain from taking the law into their own hands in resolving conflicts.

Mr Tovirika said the war in Bougainville had ended and that all differences between groups must follow the right channels in letting Police handle the matter.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPNG commissioner makes first visit to Panguna

09.11.09 07:23

By Anthony Kaybing
PNG police commissioner, Gary Baki, has arrived in Buka for a five day tour of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.

The commissioner began his tour by meeting with ABG officials, the Bougainville Administration and the Bougainville Police Service.

He also paid a courtesy call on acting chief Administrator, Patrick Koles, and ABG Police and Justice Minister, Hon Ezekiel Massatt.

Mr Baki will visit the Tinputz district office and the Wakunai community justice centre. He will inspect two new police houses in Wakunai and the proposed site for the new Wakunai Police Station.

Panguna executive manager, Otto Noruka, will meet the commissioner at Morgan Junction to escort them to Panguna which is a first for a commander of PNG’s disciplinary forces.

Other plans include a visit to Buin to talk to police personnel and Siwai to inspect the proposed new Ameu police station site.  

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroPeace finally reigns

09.11.09 08:40


A BIG peace ceremony was held last Wednesday at the Wakunai station between the Wakunai people from central Bougainville and the Siwai from south Bougainville.
The reconciliation was over the death of a youth from Wakunai who was shot dead by armed men while he was in Siwai last August.
The ceremony was witnessed by senior Autonomous Bougainville Government ministers Robert Hamal Sawa (Peace and Reconciliations) and Glyn Tovirika (Veteran Affairs). It started off with the acceptance of the traditional Siwai ritual known as “smesme” by the Wakunai people.
The smesme contained K2000 in cash and two contributions of shell money. These were given by the Siwais as a start of the reconciliation process to the Wakunai people to create peace.
Following the acceptance of the smesme, the Siwai group led by chief Jonathan Ngati then paid K27,000 as part compensation to relatives of the dead man. Chief Ngati, who is also the ABG minister responsible for Local Level Government thanked the Wakunai chiefs and people for accepting the smesme and K27,000 part compensation payment.
Mr Ngati said they were late in paying the compensation because they (Siwai) had wanted to do the payment “in a very customary way.”
While accepting the smesme and compensation payment chief Amos Tevaria of the Wakunai people said they were “receiving the payment with happy hearts’’.
Chief Tevaria also assured the Siwai people that their safety would be guaranteed while travelling through Wakunai on their way to Siwai or Buka.
The relatives of the dead youth initially asked for the total compensation payment of K200,000 and this K27,000 is part payment done by the Siwais.  

143 Postings, 6298 Tage p2205#2843 Umtausch

09.11.09 08:58

joebo: ich wiederhole mal meine Frage 07.11.09 20:45 #2843
weil ich denke, da gibt es einige Ungereimtheiten,  und, dass es da keine Antwort gab, macht mich schon stutzig,  mich würde schon interessieren, wie die Tauschaktivitäten der ESBC-Mitgleider gelaufen sind,  Fixkosten + Stückkosten,

Deine Frage klingt, als ob Du Mauscheleien bei den ESBC-Mitgliedern erwartetst, oder warum fragst Du gezielt nach dieser Gruppe? Was für Ungereimtheiten siehst Du denn?

Ich für meinen Teil habe getauscht und das Ergebnis hier auch gepostet. Die Kosten waren im erwarteten Rahmen (DAB). Nochmal: Warum sollte es da Ungereimtheiten geben?

Die ESBC ist übrigens die Vertretung der Aktionäre und nicht die der ADR-Besitzer. Daß hier Überschneidungen aufgetreten sind, sollte klar sein.


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