Platina Energy,der neue Explorer-Stern?!
las mal den dax oder den daw runter gehen sagen wir mal um 400- 500 punkten
wiest ihr was dann pasiert
schliemmer wie 2001
dann sind die rohrstoffwerte nicht einmal 0,10 cent wert
der grung hadgefonds ziehen ihre geld raus weil sie dies auf kredit aufgenommen haben
oder lasen wir mal die ersten pleiten kommen in amerika was dann woll pasiert mus ich wohl nicht sagen
ich will euch keine angst machen aber die krise ist grade mal am anfang der der eisbergspitze enfach raus und viellecht wenn der richtige cras kommt dann verbilligen oder nachkaufen ich habe innerhalb 3 wochen 28000 euro verloren was soll ich sagen
grüsse an alle
Ich denke, sie lassen die News erstmal und wenn es wieder langsam Bergauf geht, kommen wieder die News um den Kurs hoch zu treiben ;-)
ABer andere Explorer bringen nicht mal ein Viertel von den News.
Na ja warten wir mal ab was der September so bringen wird.
Mike Neuling
Wäre mir ja inzwischen recht, wenn hier ein paar Zocker einsteigen und das Teil hochtreiben. Mal sehen, was gleich die Amis machen.
Würde ja auch gerne mal was positives über Platina hier reinstellen. Kann aber nix mehr finden. Alles schon gesagt. Wir müssen einfach abwarten.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Aug 21, 2007 Platina Energy Group, Inc. (OTCBB:PLTG)(FWB:O5Y):
From the Desk of Blair Merriam, President and CEO
Dear Shareholder,
We'd like to update our loyal shareholders as to the latest events, resulting from the recent market turmoil, which was instigated by a rash of short selling. To summarize our news releases commencing on April 1, we devised a plan which we have been executing, that includes a multi-faceted approach.
Strategic acquisitions have now been translated into proven reserves thereby giving the Company an asset return on investment many times in excess of its cost basis, according to expert evaluation reports.
The Company has strategically enhanced its asset base in anticipation of production revenues, with tax loss carry forwards, particularly as they appear in the most recent quarter. Most importantly, operational losses were nominal, and in line with projections.
The Company is pleased to report that it has secured joint venture financing in the aggregate amount of $23,000,000.00 for its current two proven organic oil and gas production prospects. These financing commitments were the result of an equity investment, and did not involve floating PLTG share issuances or share pricing.
In addition to the increased revenues from the proven reserves, and lucrative operating agreements, the Company has negotiated a carried interest of 25% in the operations. Up to $6 million will be spent in development on the Company's behalf with no risk or outlay.
As part of an enhanced income strategy the Company has entered into an agreement to syndicate its carried interests through a reduced tax base investment program. The Company will increase profits throughout fiscal 2007, while generating additional income from high yield investor note profits. The bottom line to the Company is accelerated earnings for 2007 and beyond.
The implementation of these systems is expected to increase revenues by several million dollars for this year.
Although management is confident that earnings will reflect changing models such as those currently underway, there are inherent risks in the oil and gas business that could affect profits including: substantially lower energy prices; weather obstacles; equipment shortages; unforeseen business interruptions.
Any of the foregoing events are legitimate concerns which could affect the company for which investors should be aware.
In the second fiscal quarter for 2007, we will be reporting first revenues from production which will demonstrate our trend toward operational profitability perhaps as soon as the current quarter but most expectedly by the third quarter.
Habe mir mal die Sache durchgelesen und man kann zusammenfassen, dass der Wert mit Risiko behaftet ist (was aber bei solchen Explorern normal ist) aber gute Pläne und Ziele hat - hier muss man wohl wirklich abwarten, aber es ist keine Panik angesagt!!!
Viel Erfolg
Platina Energy Group, Inc. (OTCBB: PLTG) (FRANKFURT: O5Y) is an independent exploration and production company with multiple oil and gas lease properties in North America and a proprietary enhanced recovery technology. The Company, headquartered in Cheyenne, Wyoming, owns proved reserves valued in excess of $60 million and is currently producing oil from wells on its Young County prospect in Texas.
Platina operates as a publicly-traded holding company for several acquired energy firms and properties. The Company's strategy is to minimize risk by holding a diversified portfolio of energy and related investments. Through its subsidiaries, the Company currently owns oil and gas leases in the Palo Duro Basin in Texas, the Appalachian Basin in eastern Tennessee and in Young County, Texas. With each acquisition, the Company has acquired new management talent as part of various restricted share incentive packages. Through its Permian Energy subsidiary, the Company also holds rights to a proprietary technology, Thermal Pulse Unit (TPU), designed for cost-effective and environmentally friendly oil well stimulation and enhanced recovery. An independent geologist report on the Company's Appalachian Basin property indicates that proved reserves have a present value discounted over ten years exceeding $60 million. Estimated recoverable reserves associated with the Appalachian Basin property are substantially higher than $60 million. The Palo Duro Basin prospect, which is currently being evaluated for development, has been compared to the Barnett Shale discovery. Barnett Shale is estimated to contain some 30 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Management believes Palo Duro could prove to be one of the largest natural gas deposits in North America. Platina has current production at modest levels from its Young County, Texas property and has formed a joint venture with Zone Petroleum for additional drilling expected to lead to greatly increased production from this prospect.
Mal sehen ob es dem Kurs hilft?!? Der gestrige Quartalsbericht ist ja nicht ganz so optimal aber trotzdem hoffnungsvoll - allerdings wenn die Projekte floppen, dann geht es auch wieder ganz schnell unter die 0,10 € - darüber sollte sich jeder Anlager im klaren sein. Wer hier investieren will, sollte etwas Zeit haben und notfalls auch mal auf seinen Einsatz verzichten können - trotzdem viel Glück (bin selbst noch dick im Minus und verkaufe trotzdem nicht!)
22% ist nicht einfach aber wir haben es geschafft...
lauf platina, lauf..... ;-)