Oriental Minerals = Blue Pearl 2
Profiler Magazin
Illertissen (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Experten vom "Profiler Magazin" sehen bei der Aktie von Oriental Minerals (ISIN CA68619L1031 / WKN A0KFUA) gewaltiges Potenzial.
Um es kurz und bündig auf einen Nenner zu bringen: Der Deal, der jetzt in trockenen Tüchern sei, bringe die Gesellschaft in eine völlig neue Dimension.
Mit der Sangdong Wolfram-Molybdän-Mine in Südkorea habe man sich eine der historisch größten Wolfram-Minen der Welt einverleibt. Allein die historische Wolfram-"Restressource" liege bei 189 Millionen Pounds Wolframoxyd (WO3) aus 17 Millionen Tonnen mit Anteilen von 0,5 Prozent WO3 je Tonne. Hinzu komme eine Molybdänlagerstätte unterhalb der Wolfram-Minenarbeiten mit einer historischen Ressource von 140 Millionen Pfund MoS2 aus 16 Millionen Tonnen mit Graden von 0,40 Prozent MoS2 pro Tonne (oder 8,8 Pfund MoS2 ) und zusätzlichen 199 Millionen Pfund MoS2 aus 104 Millionen Tonnen mit Graden von 1,9 Pfund MoS2.
Was recht kompliziert klinge, könne man ganz profan als "Hammer" bezeichnen. Der Clou: Das sei nur ein Teil des jüngsten Deals, denn Oriental Minerals habe sich weitere Wolfram-Molybdän- und Gold-Explorationsprojekte gesichert: MUGUK sei früher Südkoreas größter Goldproduzent gewesen. Die Ressourcen würden sich auf 332.712 Unzen Gold und 1,9 Millionen Unzen Silber belaufen. Hinzu komme eine zurechenbare Ressource von 283.508 Unzen Gold und 1,4 Millionen Unzen Silber. Gasado sei ein Gold-Silber-Projekt mit erheblichem Explorations-Upside. Hinzu komme eine Optionsvereinbarung an 22 fortgeschrittenen Mineralprojekten.
Dieses Konglomerat werde an der Börse mit aktuell lediglich rund 22 Millionen Euro bewertet. Vor dem Hintergrund der gerade gezeigten Ressourcen sei das eine eklatante Unterbewertung. Die Wolframpreise seien von 4 USD je Pfund 1992 auf derzeit 70 USD je Pfund gestiegen. Daraus rechne sich ein In Situ-Wert von 13,2 Milliarden USD. Molybdän sei im gleichen Zeitraum von weniger als 2 USD je Pfund auf aktuell 38 USD pro Pfund geklettert - das ergebe einen Wert von rund 12,8 Milliarden USD.
Allein die Molybdän- und Wolframressourcen würden damit einen Wert von 26 Milliarden USD repräsentieren. Dabei seien die erheblichen Gold- und Silbervorkommen noch nicht einmal eingerechnet. Branchenüblich sei eine Bewertung von zehn Prozent der Ressourcen, das wären bei Oriental Minerals 2,5 Milliarden Dollar.
Wie günstig Oriental Minerals sei, sehe man auch im Vergleich zu Blue Pearl Mining, die immer wieder als Hoffnung im Rohstoffmarkt gehandelt werde. Diese Aktie komme ebenfalls auf Molybdän- und Wolframvorkommen im Wert von rund 25 Milliarden USD, koste an der Börse aber mit 239 Millionen Euro gut zehnmal soviel wie Oriental Minerals.
Das Potenzial von Oriental Minerals ist gewaltig, zumal hier mit Damien Reynolds einer der Top-Männer an der Spitze steht, so die Experten vom "Profiler Magazin". (26.10.2006/ac/a/a)
Das könnte was ganz großes werden wenn in naher Zukunft die Großinvestoren auf den Wert aufmerksam werden!!! Riesiges Volumen und ein traumhafter Chart.
Bin investiert!
Date10/27/2006 §
Time§05:08:29 AM
Title§Oriental Minerals Launches Website and Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listing
CDNX Symbol: OTL
Press Release
FOR: Oriental Minerals Inc.
Friday, October 27, 2006
FSC / Press Release
Oriental Minerals Launches Website and Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listing
Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, October 27, 2006 /FSC/ - Oriental Minerals
Inc. (OTL - TSX Venture, OZ4 - FWB), is pleased to announce the launch of its
new Website (www.orientalminerals.com) as part of a long-term commitment to
e-communication with the investment community.
The site is feature-rich and focused on conveying up-to-date information about
the Company. Consistent growth has increased the demand for information about
Oriental Minerals Inc. The website is designed to provide visitors with links
to personnel and stock information, project updates, news releases and more.
Oriental Minerals also announced today that it has commenced trading on the
Frankfurt Stock Exchange ("FWB" --Frankfurter Wertpapierborse) in Germany under
the trading symbol "OZ4".
Damien Reynolds, Co-Chairman, said, "The listing on the Frankfurt Stock
Exchange is a milestone in our long-term growth strategy. With a strong
interest in metals and mining among European investors, the FWB listing will
increase the Company's visibility. Trading in both Canada and Germany will
provide Oriental Minerals additional opportunities to rapidly advance the
Sangdong moly-tungsten mine, along with our portfolio of precious and
base-metal projects."
FWB(r)Frankfurter Wertpapierborse (Frankfurt Stock Exchange) is one of the
world's largest trading centers for securities. Operated by theDeutsche Borse
AG, FWB is the largest of the eight Germany stock exchanges.
Malcolm Stevens - Chairman
For More Information:
Anna Dalaire
Investor Relations
(604) 681-5755
About Oriental Minerals Inc.
Oriental Minerals is a Canadian-based exploration company exploring for
world-class mineral deposits in South Korea. The Company's current projects
include tungsten-molybdenum, base metals and gold-silver properties with
significant known mineralization and excellent regional potential.
South Korea is an independent country with strong ties to the USA and key
trading partner with Canada and Australia. The country has an excellent
infrastructure, established and workable Mining Laws, and available trained
mining workforce. These factors combined with an in-country bi-lingual team,
assists OTL in capturing a first class country wide, diversified minerals
Maximum News Dissemination by Filing Services Canada Inc.
Date10/26/2006 §
Time§05:24:24 AM
CDNX Symbol: OTL
Press Release
FOR: Oriental Minerals Inc.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
FSC / Press Release
Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, October 26, 2006 /FSC/ - Oriental Minerals
Inc. (OTL - TSX Venture), is pleased to announce acquisitions, and an option
agreement, that dramatically expand its world-class mineral portfolio. In
addition to agreeing to acquire what was one of the largest tungsten mines in
the world, the Sangdong tungsten-molybdenum mine in South Korea, OTL has
secured South Korea's largest (historically) producing gold mine and additional
tungsten-molybdenum and gold exploration projects. The size and quality of
Oriental Minerals' portfolio demonstrates the excellent geological
prospectivity of the Korean peninsula.
Highlights include:
SANGDONG: Formerly one of the world's largest tungsten mines
* reported tungsten historical "remnant reserve" of 189 million lbs of tungsten
oxide (WO3) from 17 million tonnes grading 0.5% WO3 per tonne.
* extensions to tungsten deposit - prospective strike length of at least 10
* above ground ore stockpiles, and reported molybdenum deposit beneath the
tungsten mine workings, with a historical resource of 140 million lbs of MoS2
from 16 million tonnes grading 0.40% MoS2 per tonne (or 8.8 lbs MoS2 ) and an
additional 199 million lbs of MoS2 from 104 million tonnes grading 0.0.087%
MoS2 per tonne (or 1.9 lbs MoS2).
* former molybdenum-tungsten mine, closed in 1977,
* bulk open-pit potential.
MUGUK: Formerly South Korea's largest gold producing mine
* epithermal gold-silver style,
* reported by KORES to contain a measured resource of 332,712 oz of gold and
1,915,962 oz of silver from 713,610 tonnes grading 14.5 g/t gold and 83.5 g/t
silver just prior to mine closure. An additional inferred resource was
reported of 283,508 oz of gold and 1,408,472 oz of silver from 705,370 tonnes
grading 12.5 g/t Au and 62.1 g/t Ag.
* epithermal gold-silver project,
* robust gold-silver exploration upside
Option to acquire a portfolio of 22 advanced mineral projects;
A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify any of these
historical resources as current mineral resources. The issuer is not treating
any of the historical estimates as current mineral resources and the historical
estimates should not be relied upon. Historical resource and reserve estimates
are also subject to independent confirmation as to whether categorization is NI
43-101 compliant.
The Sangdong Mining titles cover the Sangdong tungsten-molybdenum mine, one of
the largest in the world when it was closed in 1992 due to low metals prices.
Tungsten prices have increased from US$4 per pound in 1992 to $70 per pound
currently, while molybdenum prices have increased from less than US$2 per pound
in 1992 to a high of $38 per pound now.
Approximately half of the identified original historical tungsten resources are
reported to remain with extensions of the mineralization to the east and to the
west. The reported "remnant ore reserve" is estimated at 15.6 million tonnes
at 0.5% WO3 in the "Main ore body" and 1.4 million tonnes at 0.55% WO3 in the
"East ore body". Total strike length of horizon with known tungsten
mineralization is at least 10 kilometres. Tungsten mineralization occurs as
three individual stacked stratiform manto skarn horizons.
The former mine stockpiles represent attractive early development ore at
current market prices.
The molybdenum deposit reported beneath the existing tungsten mine workings was
drill tested by KORES, the Korean government mining organization from 1980 to
1987. Drilling was carried out from the historical underground Tungsten mine
workings, with 24 diamond holes completed.
Work undertaken by the Korea Engineering Co. estimated the deeper high grade
molybdenum deposit at Sangdong contains a historical resource of 140 million
pounds of molybdenum sulphide from 16 million tonnes grading 0.40% MoS2 per
tonne (or 8.8 lbs MoS2). An additional resource of 199 million pounds from
104 million tonnes grading 0.087% MoS2 per tonne (or 1.9 lbs MoS2) is also
reported. This unmined high grade historical molybdenum resource is hosted
within quartz vein stockworks above a granite intrusion.
A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify these historical
"reserves"/resources as current mineral "reserves"/resources. The issuer is not
treating the historical estimates as current mineral resources and the
historical estimates should not be relied upon. As the historically reported
"reserve" is not yet accompanied by operating permits or positive economic
modeling, the estimate should be considered as a historical resource.
An extensive database of technical information is being reviewed by Oriental,
as well as the preparation of a technical report compliant to National
Instrument 43-101.
The Company has a multi-pronged evaluation strategy at Sangdong, as follows:
- review the deeper high-grade molybdenum deposit.
- determine potential for early cash flow from the former operating mine ore
- consider remaining ore blocks in the tungsten mine workings.
- consider potential for open pit mining on existing tungsten-molybdenum
- examine the significant exploration potential along strike.
The portfolio also includes the Chongyang tungsten mine, which ceased
production in 1977. Consisting of a sheeted quartz-sericite-pyrite "greisen"
system hosted in a porphyritic granite stock, the Chongyang vein system is 200m
wide by 400m long, and can be traced over a 1400m strike length. Oriental will
initiate an evaluation of the bulk tonnage open pit potential of this deposit
by drill testing.
Historically, Muguk was South Korea's largest gold producer, with recorded
production of 8.15 tonnes of gold mined between 1934 and 1972 and resumed
production at a rate of 200 tonnes per day from 1987 to 1998, all from the No.
2 vein. The previous explorers identified more than 20 separate sub parallel
vein systems, with at least 6 individual vein systems traceable over 1.3 - 2.2
km strike lengths. Individual veins are 0.1 to 3.0m wide and are hosted in
Cretaceous granite. Individual shoots within the No.2 vein have been exploited
down to 750m depth, with mill recoveries historically averaging 95.7%.
In 1998, Muguk was reported by KORES to contain a measured resource of 332,712
oz of gold and 1,915,962 oz of silver from 713,610 tonnes grading 14.5 g/t gold
and 83.5 g/t silver just prior to mine closure. An additional inferred
resource was reported of 283,508 oz of gold and 1,408,472 oz of silver from
705,370 tonnes grading 12.5 g/t Au and 62.1 g/t Ag. These historical resources
were estimated using a polygonal longitudinal method.
A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify this historical
resource as current mineral resources, nor confirm that the categorization
conforms to CIM Standards. The issuer is not treating the historical estimate
as current mineral resources and the historical estimate should not be relied
Mineralization at Muguk is considered to be a low sulphidation epithermal
system, comprising grey chalcedonic banded veins and stockworks. Higher gold
grades are associated with electrum-bearing sulphide bands on the margins of
these veins.
The Company proposes to evaluate the potential at Muguk to establish a high
grade gold-silver mine or a bulk tonnage low to medium grade gold-silver mine
exploitable by open pit. If established, a central milling complex at Muguk
could potentially exploit additional high grade resources identified in the
surrounding region.
Gasado is an epithermal gold-silver deposit held under 4 Mining Rights on
Gasado Island, 5 km off the south-west coast of South Korea.
Gasado is considered to be a high level, low sulphidation epithermal system
developed over the 7 km long by 3 km wide island. Historical exploration by the
previous operator indicated the existence of robust gold and silver
mineralization 4 to 7 metres wide. Individual vein structures can be traced
over up to 2.5 km strike lengths, with 9 separate mineralised vein systems
identified. The vein systems are hosted within Cretaceous acid volcanic rocks.
Gasado has a reported historical resource estimate of 143,088 tonnes averaging
6 grams per tonne Au, and 434 g/t Ag, (using 6 g/t Au equivalent cutoff)
defined by 55 drill holes. Within the historical resource estimate are
high-grade shoots (greater than 10 g/t Au, 1000 g/t Ag) hosted in banded
epithermal veins up to 9 m wide and surrounding stockwork network veins up to
35 m wide.
A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical
resource as current mineral resources. The issuer is not treating the
historical estimate as current mineral resources and the historical estimate
should not be relied upon.
The Sangdong Acquisition Agreement calls for the following:
a. US$80,000 upon signing (paid), US$8,000 November 8, 2006, and US$16,000
January 7, 2007.
b. US$720,000 cash and $US800,000 in Company stock issued at a deemed price of
the then current 10 day market average at Closing (by February 28, 2007).
c. US$2.4 million cash and US$800,000 in Company stock issued at 6 months after
Closing; same amounts to be paid again 18 and 30 months after Closing.
d. Spend US$800,000 in each of first and second years.
e. Spend US$2.4 million in each of years 3, 4 & 5, except spend at least US$16
million if undertaking commercial production.
f. Oriental is Operator of the project, earns 51% ownership interest at
Closing, 19% by completing pre-feasibility within 5 years, and earns the final
30% by commencing a feasibility study during year 5 and completing the study
within 18 months.
g. As consideration for the payments and share issuances noted in a-c above,
the Vendor shall provide Oriental with clear title to Sangdong free of all
encumbrances in exchange for retaining a 2% net smelter return on all
production from Sangdong.
The Gasado Acquisition Agreement calls for the following:
a. US$20,000 upon signing (paid), US$2,000 on November 8, 2006, and US$4,000 on
January 8, 2007.
b. US$180,000 cash and US$200,000 in Company stock issued at a deemed price of
the then current 10 day market average at Closing (by February 28, 2007).
c. US$600,000 cash and US$200,000 in Company stock issued at 6 months after
Closing; same amounts to be paid again 18 and 30 months after Closing.
d. Spend US$200,000 in each of first and second years.
e. Spend US$600,000 in each of years 3, 4 & 5, except spend at least US$4
million if undertaking commercial production.
f. Oriental is Operator of the project, earns 51% ownership interest at
Closing, 19% by completing pre-feasibility within 5 years, and earns final 30%
by commencing feasibility during year 5 and completing within 18 months of year
g. As consideration for the payments and share issuances noted in a-c above,
the Vendor shall provide Oriental with clear title to Gasado free of all
encumbrances in exchange for retaining a 2% net smelter return royalty on all
production from Gasado.
Option to acquire a portfolio of 22 advanced mineral projects
Terms for exercise of the Option are (a) US$10,000 upon signing the Option
(paid), (b) US$50,000 cash and US$50,000 in Company stock issued at the then
current market average, upon Closing, (c) US$1 million cash and US$1 million in
Company stock issued at the then current market average, upon commencement of
commercial production, and (d) reservation of 2% net smelter return royalty in
favor of the vendor.
Oriental has given immediate notice of exercise of its Option right on the
Muguk gold-silver project and the Chongyang tungsten project.
The Acquisition and Option Agreements and Option exercises referenced above are
all subject to regulatory approval and the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.
A comprehensive exploration program is being initiated in Korea involving:
- Continued acquisition of additional identified molybdenum-tungsten,
gold-silver and copper-lead-zinc properties of high merit.
- Application for mining rights has commenced over large areas highly
prospective for base metal skarns.
- Helicopter-borne magnetometer geophysical survey over the base metal skarn
- Mapping, sampling and delineation of drill targets on the acquired properties.
- Drill testing of acquired properties.
- Pre-feasibility studies on the Sangdong molybdenum deposit.
Oriental Minerals will take advantage of technical staff seconded by the
vendor, consultants such as Bob Skrzeczynski from Longview Technical and
in-country geological expertise such as Mr. Kim Wanjoong (12 years experience)
and Mr. Christopher Sennitt (26 years experience), both with specific South
Korean expertise. Bob Skrzeczynski has particular expertise in tungsten from
his involvement in the discovery of the Watershed Tungsten deposit in Australia
with the former Utah Development Company and is the former Commercial Manager
for BHP Minerals Exploration in the Australasian region.
The Company's Co-Chairman, Damien Reynolds, said, "I am very excited that
Oriental has capitalized on its current advantage as the only Western company
involved in mineral exploration in Korea. The remaining resources at Sangdong
alone represent an enormous opportunity for the Company and we think there is
considerable potential to add to the historical resource base at each of the
projects. We look forward to working closely with the vendor, Mr. Jae Youl Sim
to maximize the value of these projects."
OTL has appointed Tom Needham as Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Needham is a
financial executive with over 15 years experience working with public companies
in mineral exploration and oil and gas sectors, including companies with
multi-national operating subsidiaries.
The qualified person for the purposes of this release is Mr. Mark Dugmore.
About Oriental Minerals Inc.
Oriental Minerals is a Canadian-based exploration company exploring for
world-class mineral deposits in South Korea. The Company's current projects
include tungsten-molybdenum, base metals and gold-silver properties with
significant known mineralization and excellent regional potential.
South Korea is an independent country with strong ties to the USA and key
trading partner with Canada and Australia. The country has an excellent
infrastructure, established and workable Mining Laws, and available trained
mining workforce. These factors combined with an in-country bi-lingual team,
assists OTL in capturing a first class country wide, diversified minerals
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Damien Reynolds
Director and Co-Chairman
Statements in this news release, other than purely historical information,
including statements relating to the Company's future plans and objectives or
expected results, constitute Forward-looking statements. Such statements are
based on numerous assumptions and are subject to all the risks and
uncertainties inherent in the Company's business, including risks related to
mineral exploration and development. Consequently, actual results may vary
materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.
Oriental Minerals Inc.
Damien Reynolds
Director and Co-Chairman
Phone (604) 681-5755
The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or
accuracy of this release.
Maximum News Dissemination by Filing Services Canada Inc.
Habe da so einen Verdacht, dass es aktuell ähnlich wie bei Blue Pearl ablaufen wird bis sich die Übernahmen der Sangdong tungsten-molybdenum Mine sowie der Süd-Koreas größten Goldproduktionsfirma in Süd-Korea auf den Kurs auswirken wird;o)
Ich denke, dass wir hier erst am Anfang einer langfristigen Hausse stehen.
Sehe das Invest langfristig (Min. 6Mon.).
Historische Daten
Datum Eröffnung Hoch Tief Schluss Volumen
27.10.06 20:12 0,8100 1,1300 0,8100 0,9300 2.684.278
26.10.06 20:15 0,7000 0,8500 0,6900 0,7400 889.856
25.10.06 09:22 0,5800 0,5800 0,5800 0,5800 0
Nach meiner Meinuung wir sich hier massivst eingekauft von irgendwelchen Insidern!
Gibt es hier jemanden der das herausfinden kann???
Hier läuft doch was ganz fettes ab ohne, dass der Wert großartig bekannt ist!!!
schönen sonntag noch.
2.) Wir haben hier eine aktuelle Marktkapitalisierung von sage & schreibe "nur" 23Mio.EUR.gegenüber einer fairen Bewertung von 2,5Mrd.EUR bei einem KGV von ca. 5.
4.) Blue Pearl hat aktuell ein KGV v. 1,5 und eine Markkapitalisierung v. ca. 230Mio."EUR" und ist gnadenlos unterbewertet!!!, d.h., dass sich der Kurs v. Oriental Minerals jetzt erstmal verzehnfachen müsste (ca.10EUR) um nur auf das Niveau von BLUE PEARL zu kommen.
5.) Ein hervorragendes Managemnet = nachzulesen unter www.orientalminerals.com
6.) Ich vermute Insidergeschäfte da der Wert noch überhaupt nicht bekannt ist.
Ich könnte meinen Allerwertesten darauf verwetten, dass uns der Wert erst zu 2 o. 3EUR angeboten wird, wenn sich die Börsenbriefe eingedeckt haben.
Ach ja, gute Einstiegswerte = alles um die 1EUR.
Werde auf jeden Fall weiter zukaufen!
Ich habe hier die oft beschworene Rohstoffanalyse vor mir liegen. Oriental Minerals erfüllt alle geforderten Kriterien ein Highflyer der besonderen Art zu werden.
Ausserdem musst Du zugeben, dass es schon extrem selten ist, dass ein Wert nach 3 Handelstagen so ein megamäßiges Handelsvolumen hinlegt. D.h., dass der Wert schon vorher auf der Watchlist von Insidern gewesen sein muss.
Was meinst Du, lese Dir doch mal die Homepage durch.
aber auch ohne die börsenbriefe klingts gut
Hab mir auch mal angeschaut was da am Feitag abgegangen ist.. sieht echt so aus als ob es da Anleger gibt, die ein gesteigertes Interesse daran haben,eine möglichst große position aufzubauen...
Kurz und gut.... ich bin am morgen auch dabei.....
***genau wie BPM.
Das in der überschrift noch extra zu erwähnen ist da schon fast überflüssig.
Ich seh bei mir allerdings keine Kurse....also nichts vorbörsliches und auch nichts im bid und im ask! So als wär sie vom Handel ausgesetzt!
Ist das normal? Oder liegt das an meinem Broker? Hatte ich bis jetzt noch nie!
Habt ihr irgendwas?