Kann bloß gut für unsere Aquila sein....

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429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestNun sollte sich bei Aquila was tun...

14.12.07 19:58
Kennecott hat in Michigan heute die Minen-Genehmigung erhalten:


Kennecott Eagle Minerals Company Receives Principal Permits Needed for U.P. Mine Project

   MARQUETTE, Mich., Dec. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Kennecott Eagle Minerals
Company today received state regulatory approval of the three principal
environmental permits needed to launch construction of the Eagle nickel and
copper mine in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality (MDEQ) issued mine, air, and groundwater discharge
permits, following an extensive application review process that began in
February 2006.

   "This is good news not only for Kennecott, but also for job creation,
building a stronger economy, and providing additional opportunities for
area businesses to grow," said Eagle project general manager Jon Cherry.
"We are very pleased that our efforts over the last several years to work
with regulators and many parties in the community to develop a good,
environmentally responsible project have been realized. We look forward to
getting the project underway."

   Eagle's mine permit is the first issued by Michigan under its
2004-enacted nonferrous metallic mine law, considered among the most
protective in the U.S. The three permits issued today contain extensive and
specific compliance conditions consistent with requirements for ensuring
safeguard of the environment and ecosystems.

   Kennecott has designed Eagle for the smallest environmental footprint
possible. The mine will be completely underground, accessed through a
tunnel opening located in the same area where a water treatment plant, ore
loading equipment and other facilities will be contained to less than 100
acres. All above ground facilities will be removed once mining ends to
restore the area to its current conditions. The mine itself will be
backfilled as mining occurs to protect workers inside, and the earth's
surface. Ore will be processed off site.

   Construction and operation of the project will mean the making of more
than 500 new local jobs, including those directly connected with Eagle, and
others created as a result of the project's presence. The two-year mine
construction phase will get underway in 2008. Construction will trigger the
start of tax payments to local communities.

   The permit review process has included several series of public
hearings and comment periods. Cherry said the company would continue its
efforts to engage with residents as the project moves forward. "It's
important to us that we listen to and address people's concerns - that
responsibility continues."

   Separately, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources on December 6,
2007 recommended the State Natural Resources Commission approve two
additional project authorizations - Kennecott's plan for reclaiming the
site once mining ends, and a land surface use lease agreement for the area
where above-ground operations will take place.

   Permits and related information can be found at http://www.michigan.gov/deq,
then click on Kennecott Eagle Project.

   Kennecott Eagle Minerals Company is a member of Rio Tinto, one of the
world's leading mining companies, located in London. All Rio Tinto
subsidiary companies are committed to becoming ISO 14001:2004 certified.
The U.P. Eagle Project received its ISO 14001:2004 certification in 2005.

  SOURCE Kennecott Eagle Minerals Company  

60 Postings, 6412 Tage crassus....

14.12.07 22:28
schönes Weihnachtsgeschenk  

4 Postings, 6168 Tage burschleGenügend Platz nach oben

15.12.07 13:05
Platz nach oben wäre genügend vorhanden:  
Angehängte Grafik:
bild_6.jpg (verkleinert auf 74%) vergrößern

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestAquila ist wieder auf dem Weg nach oben...

15.12.07 17:37
Schlusskurs gestern in Canada:


Anstieg um 13,04 %

0,78 CAD entspricht ca. 0,53 EUR

...Info kam ein bisschen spaet am Freitag, aber am Montag wird's wohl hier richtig abgehen...

zur Info:
Kennecott ist die Mine von Rio Tinto in Michigan, die nun diese Minengenehmigung erhalten hat.
Die Annahme, dass es in Michigan keine Minen genehmigt werden, hat Aquila (m.M.n.) so stark nachgeben
lassen, nun ist der Weg frei...

Schoenes WE  

60 Postings, 6412 Tage crassusNachlegen?

17.12.07 09:27
Mal schauen was RSR heut machen? Wollten sie ja bei guten News wieder ins Depot nehmen.
Bin mal gespannt....  

628 Postings, 6496 Tage Memory1931Nachgelegt!

17.12.07 11:30

So, hab noch mal nachgelegt...........

.....mal sehen ob´s bald losgeht.......

.....mal sehen ob´s überhaupt losgeht........

.....aber was soll dagegen sprechen wenn beim´ Nachbarn eine Genehmigung zum
     Abbau bzw. Minenbau erteilt wird, wieso sollte dann Aquila keine Genehmigung

Kennt jemand evtl. Grpnde/Hintergründe für oder gegen eine Genehmigung?



429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestNa also...

17.12.07 14:11

Aquila Resources Inc.: Michigan Grants Mine Permit

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 17, 2007) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today commented on the favorable impact of a mine permit issued to Kennecott Eagle Minerals Company (Rio Tinto) for its Eagle Project located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The decision by the State of Michigan's Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) is the first issued under the new Part 632 legislation which governs the regulation and permitting of surface and underground non-ferrous metallic mines in the state. Part 632 legislation was unanimously passed by the Michigan legislature in 2004. Aquila's Back Forty Project is also located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Aquila's President, Tom Quigley, stated, "Aquila applauds the MDEQ for its comprehensive review and scientific analysis of the Eagle Project mine plan, including addressing public comments. This process, as required by Part 632 as well as other laws, enabled the State to reach technically and legally appropriate decisions to grant the mine permit. The process and decision issued last week, demonstrate the state's ability and sets precedence that would be used to evaluate future mine plans such as for Aquila's Back Forty Project."

Back Forty Baseline Studies

Part 632 provides a modern framework for environmentally sound development of a mineral resource such as the Back Forty Project, and Aquila Resources, in conjunction with its qualified consultants, have initiated baseline environmental monitoring of water, wetlands, air, plants, animals, and fisheries in the Back Forty Project area as a precedent to applying for a mining permit under the statute. Through its baseline environmental work Aquila continues to strive to achieve the high levels of scientific standards required by Part 632.

About Aquila

Aquila Resources Inc. is actively advancing the Back Forty Project located in Menominee County, Michigan. The Back Forty Project is focused on a volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit containing significant quantities of zinc, copper, gold and silver with a measured and indicated resource of 6.6 million tonnes and an inferred resource of an additional 1.75 million tonnes. Since this resource was calculated in April of 2007, an additional 107 holes totalling more than 20,000 meters have been drilled, and these results will be incorporated into an updated 43-101 compliant resource to be completed in 2008. SRK Consulting has been selected to perform the resource update, and preliminary modelling and other evaluations of the new Back Forty resource, including metallurgical studies and preliminary mine designing, have begun.

The updated resource, along with metallurgical test results and mine design, will form the basis for a preliminary economic assessment - also anticipated to be completed in 2008. In anticipation of these advanced studies, Aquila is increasing its interaction with the local community with stepped up public relations and outreach. It is the company's goal to inform and educate the local community about potential developments at the project, and to listen and consider community concerns and questions.

Additional information about Aquila and the Back Forty Project are available on the company's website at www.aquilaresources.com.  

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestKennecotts Eagle Project

17.12.07 17:01
Rio Tinto investiert weitere 300 Mio. USD in das Kennecott Eagle Project, die Mine,
die am Freitag die Minengenehmigung in Michigan erhalten hat.

Rio Tinto to invest $300 million to develop Michigan Ni-Cu Mine

Rio Tinto said it's going to invest $300 million in the development of Eagle, a high-grade nickel and copper mine in Michigan.

Das sollte selbst die letzten Zweifler ueberzeugen, dass die Minengenehmigung
auch fuer Aquila nun kein (Kurs-UP-)Hindernis mehr ist.  

60 Postings, 6412 Tage crassus?

17.12.07 17:55
Da bin ich ja mal gespannt ob es für die die teurer eingekauft haben und den Kursverlauf durchgehalten haben noch ein kleines Weihnachtsgeschenk im Kursverlauf gibt?  

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestINteressanter Artikel vom Nachbar-Thread

20.12.07 14:02
...Vor allem den Schluss finde ich interessant!:

Rohstoffmarkt - Ist dem Markt noch zu helfen?! Chance oder Risiko??

Was sich in den letzten Wochen am Rohstoffsektor abgespielt hat, ist schon gar nicht mehr zu beschreiben. So schlimm wie heuer hat es uns eigentlich noch nie erwischt. Vor allem werden fast alle Titel ohne Rücksicht, ob Produzent oder Explorer, ob das Unternehmen Gewinn oder Verlust macht, oder ob das Unternehmen von guten Ergebnissen berichtet, verkauft. Eigentlich ist derzeit alles egal. Es wird am Markt verkauft, was das Depot (und wahrscheinlich noch viel mehr) hergibt.

Hier nur einige Beispiele:

Comeco (WKN 882017) immerhin der größte Uranproduzent –30 % seit Anfang November

Globex Mining (WKN 911712) -50 % in 7 Wochen!

Moly Mines (WKN A0EAPA) -40 % in 10 Wochen

Crowflight Minerals (WKN 358036) -40 % in 2 Monaten

Oceanagold (WKN ) -35 % in 2 Monaten

Thompson Creek Metals (WKN A0MR6Q) -40 % in 7 Wochen

Commerce Res. (WKN A0J2Q3) -35 % in 6 Wochen

Wealth Minerals (WKN A0CADP) -55 % in 2 Monaten

Aquila Resources (WKN A0JMCL) -45% in 3 Monaten

Fieldex Mining (WKN A0HND3) -60 % in 10 Wochen!

Die Liste würde sich fast ewig fortsetzen lassen und es gibt nur wenige Unternehmen, die nicht diese Prozentsätze verloren haben, oder gar zulegen konnten.

Was sind aber die Ursachen für diese Ausverkäufe – ist es wirklich nur das Tax-Selling, oder hat sich das fundamentale Umfeld massiv geändert???

Nun, diese Frage können wir seriöser Weise eigentlich nicht beantworten, aber viel wichtiger für uns ist doch, ob die Rahmendaten noch in Ordnung sind. Also wie schaut es mit den Rohstoffpreisen im Allgemeinen aus??

Da wäre einmal Gold!

Das Edelmetall notiert mit rund 800 US$ pro Unze, nur gut 5 % unter seinem Jahreshoch und „Allzeithoch“ von 845 /850 US$ – und die Aussichten sind weiterhin hervorragend. Kann dieser 5 %ige Rückgang für solchen Verluste ausreichen?? – Wir glauben sicher nicht, vor allem da Gold rund 60 % höher notiert als vor 2 Jahren!

Silberpreis notiert bei rund 14 US$ pro Unze und damit gute 10 % unter seinem Jahreshoch von 15,50/16 US$ - Da Silber einen größeren Hebel als Gold besitzt, ist auch die Korrektur absolut normal. Das Edelmetall notiert aber um gut 70 % über den Preisen von vor 2 Jahren


Bei den Basismetallen wie Kupfer, gab es sehr wohl eine Korrektur. Kupfer notiert derzeit bei rund 2,85 US$ pro Pfund. Den Höchststand notiert das Metall bei rund 3,80 / 3,90 US$. Aber auch Kupfer notiert noch immer am oberen Preisband und deutlich über den Preisen von vor 2 Jahren.

Nickel & Zink!

Beide Metalle haben am deutlichsten konsolidiert, sind aber auch in der Spitze am stärksten gelaufen (Nickel rund 400 % Preisanstieg und Zink rund 300 %). Aber auch diese Metalle notieren noch deutlich über dem Niveau von vor 2/2,5 Jahre.

Uran ist eigentlich die interessanteste Story – hier notiert das Metall zwar gut 35 % unter dem Höchststand vom Juli, jedoch noch immer auf demselben Niveau wie im März/April, was damals der stärkste Kursanstieg bei den Uranexplorern war. Jetzt, wo wir auf demselben Niveau sind, notieren die meisten Uranexplorer, aber auch Produzenten, deutlich tiefer. Mache Explorer haben 50, 60 oder mehr Prozente verloren. Da der Markt aber so eingeschränkt ist, bestehen hier die interessantesten Chancen!

Also nach meiner Einschätzung, kommt dieser Rückgang der Explorer und Rohstoffaktien nicht vom Kursrückgang bei den Rohstoffpreisen und schon gar nicht bei Gold oder Silber, die nahe ihrer Jahreshochstände notieren. Alle Metalle notieren auf einem Niveau, das den Unternehmen ermöglicht, einen erfolgreichen Minenbetrieb zu errichten bzw. bankfähige Studien zu erarbeiten, um die Projekte zu finanzieren bzw. zu verkaufen.

Das zweite wichtige Thema ist die Finanzierung!

Ist es dem Unternehmen nicht mehr möglich, sich rechtzeitig über ein Privat Placement zu finanzieren, dann besteht akute Gefahr, dass die Projekte nicht mehr vorangetrieben werden können und das würde gleichzeitig den Stillstand des Unternehmens bedeuten.

Derzeit können wir aber auch auf dieser Front Entwarnung geben. Uns ist von keinem Unternehmen bekannt, dass es akute Schwierigkeiten hat, sich zu finanzieren. Keiner der Firmen ist mit dem Ausgabepreis der Aktien zufrieden, aber jeder könnte sich, wenn er will finanzieren. Hier könnte auch eine mögliche Ursache des Kursrückganges liegen.

Was könnten nun aber Gründe für einen so dramatischen Kursrückgang sein??


Ein Grund könnte darin liegen, dass viele Investoren gerade im aktuellen Umfeld mit einer Rezession in den USA usw. rechnen. Dies könnte zu einem massiven Nachfragerückgang bei den Metallen führen und damit würde es natürlich auch logisch sein, dass die Investoren. Explorations- und Rohstoffproduzenten jetzt verkaufen.

Dieses Argument ist sicher nachvollziehbar, jedoch darf man auch nicht vergessen, dass die FED und alle anderen Notenbanken alles tun werden um dies zu verhindern. Sie überschütten den Markt derzeit gerade mit Geld und das führt wiederum zu steigender Inflation, die vor allem den Edelmetallen hilft!

Auch Uran steht hier außen vor, denn durch die bestehenden Kernkraftwerke wird bereits jetzt pro Jahr deutlich mehr verbraucht, als produziert und daher sind weitere Minen in den nächsten Jahren zwingend notwendig. Überhaupt im Hinblick darauf, dass man die Abhängigkeit von Öl reduzieren möchte.

Die restlichen Metalle wie Kupfer, Zink, Blei usw. haben korrigiert, jedoch notieren alle noch auf Preisen, die es einem Unternehmen ermöglicht vernünftige bis teilweise sehr gute Margin im Bergbau zu erwirtschaften.

Risiko Finanzierung!

Hier sprechen wir von einem anderen Risiko, als oben erwähnt. Viele institutionelle Marktteilnehmer haben sich auf Privat Placements spezialisiert. Dazu muss man wissen, dass PP (Privat Placements) in der Regel unter dem aktuellen Aktienkurs durchgeführt werden. Wenn nun Investoren merken, dass ein Unternehmen kurz vor einer weiteren Finanzierung steht, drücken diese den Kurs im Vorfeld, um noch billiger an die Aktie zu kommen. Das Positive daran ist für sie, dass sie die Aktien bereits im Vorfeld zu einem besseren Preis verkauft haben, also eigentlich Short sind und sich dann beim PP nur mehr rück decken. Dass diese Methode nicht neu ist, konnten wir bei vielen PP´s in diesem Jahr verfolgen!


Auch in Deutschland wird Shorttrading, also Aktieverkauf ohne dass man die Aktie besitzt, mit der Spekulationsabsicht, dass man sie später wieder billiger zurückkaufen kann, immer beliebter. Dieses Geschäft funktioniert vor allem in Märkten wie diesem, also bei fallenden Kursen, wo quasi derzeit ein „Käuferstreik“ stattfindet. Dieses „böse“ Spiel wird vor allem in Deutschland und Nordamerika praktiziert!


Vom Tax-Selling haben wir in den letzten Wochen schon mehrmals berichtet. Diese Anomalie tritt jedes Jahr auf, jedoch heuer ist diese durch das extrem gute erste Halbjahr besonders ausgeprägt. Doch diesen Feiertag laufen die Tax-Selling Verkäufe endgültig aus. 30 Tage später können dann dieselben Aktien wieder zurückgekauft werden. Aber bei den billigen Kursen kann ich mir vorstellen, dass viele nordamerikanische Investoren bei anderen billigeren Aktien zuschlagen werden.

Tax-Selling ist auch ein Grund warum die Shortverkäufer so stark am Markt tätig sind, das heißt ab nächster Woche werden die Shorthändler wieder deutlich vorsichtiger agieren, da die regelmäßigen Verkäufe von den Tax-Sellern beendet sind.

Wenige Unternehmensmeldungen – die besten werden derzeit zurückgehalten!

Viele Unternehmen, gerade aus der Explorationsbranche, sehen dass sich der Markt derzeit in einer Art „Käuferstreik“ befindet, daher versuchen viele ihre besten Unternehmensmeldungen nach hinten zu verschieben, denn sie wissen, dass auch die besten Meldungen im günstigsten Fall, nur kurzfristig eine positive Reaktion bringen. Natürlich kann man dies nicht endlos nach hinten verschieben, daher erwarte ich vor allem im Jänner, vor der Vancouver Rohstoffkonferenz (20. -21. Jänner) einen massiven Anstieg der Pressemeldungen.

Denn: Aktienkurse können nur durch positive Unternehmensmeldungen angetrieben werden.

Fazit: Was heißt das für uns???

Im Allgemeinen kann gesagt werden, dass das Umfeld für Rohstoff- und Explorationsunternehmen nach wie vor voll intakt ist. Sowohl die Rohstoffpreise sind hoch genug um eine erfolgreiche Exploration zu gewährleisten, als auch die Finanzierung ist gesichert!

Das Umfeld wird derzeit von schlechter Stimmung, Tax-Selling, Shorties usw. bestimmt. Dieses Umfeld könnte sich aber bald drehen, denn langfristig kann es durch die guten Ergebnisse eigentlich nur nach oben gehen.

Eigentlich ist es schon ein Wahnsinn, dass trotz guter Meldungen manche Explorer 60, 70 ja viele sogar 80 % oder mehr unter ihren Höchstkursen liegen. Sie finden jetzt viele Werte auf Schnäppchenniveau – teilweise notieren sie auf ihrem Cashniveau und die Projekte werden eigentlich überhaupt nicht mehr bewertet.

Viele erwarten jetzt vielleicht Einzelempfehlungen, jedoch ist das aufgrund der Vielzahl der billigen Aktien gar nicht mehr möglich. Die einzige Alternative die ich Ihnen mit ruhigem Gewissen empfehlen kann, ist das First Junior Zertifikat (WKN LS1JEX), bei dem ich selber Berater bin. Derzeit sind wir in über 40 Titel investiert, die auch teilweise massiv Land unter sind. Wir werden unsere Cashposition nützen um verschieden Positionen aufzustocken oder neu aufzubauen, denn ich glaube nach wie vor, dass die Rohstoffwerte im nächsten Jahr vor einem großen Comeback stehen!!!

Wir haben mit diesem First Junior Zertifikat (WKN LS1JEX) fast die gleiche Entwicklung wie der TSX-V Index – Wer also an den Rohstoffzyklus glaubt, der findet hier eine interessante Investmentmöglichkeit!

Kurs auf!


Joachim Brunner

Achtung: Joachim Brunner ist Berater des First Junior Zertifikates (WKN LS1JEX) und des Fond PI global one (WKN 0A0636). Es ist daher möglich, dass sich die in diesem Artikel beschriebenen Aktien im Fond/Depot bzw. dem dazugehörigen Index befinden.

Laut 34b möchten wir darauf hinweisen, dass Mitarbeiter Aktien von Comeco, Globex Mining, Moly Mine, Crowflight Minerals, Oceanagold, Thompson Creek Metals, Commerce Res., Wealth Minerals, Aquila Resources, Fieldex Mining halten und somit ein möglicher Interessenskonflikt besteht.  

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestHeutiger Verlust ist mal wieder voellig

27.12.07 20:31
uebertrieben. Die Minengegner sind beleidigt, dass das Department die Genehmigung
erteilt hat und nun suchen sie halt in den Krümeln...voellig normal.
Selbst wenn an den Vorwürfen was dran sein sollte, dann heisst das doch nur, dass
die Auflagen seitens Kenencott nicht erfüllt wurden/würden.

Das wichtige für Aquila ist doch m.M.n., dass es unter Einhaltung aller Auflagen
GRUNDSÄTZLICH möglich ist, die Genehmigung für eine Mine in Michigan zu erhalten,
was ja hier lange Zeit bezweifelt wurde.

Hier mal der Link:


und der Artikel:

Michigan DEQ Sued for Issuing Illegal Permits

December 26 2007 Comments Print Friendly Page
photo of yellow dog plains

Last week, opponents of a proposed sulfide mine near Marquette in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula announced that they are suing the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) for issuing an illegal permit. The National Wildlife Federation, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Huron Mountain Club, and Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve filed a contested case petition and a lawsuit against MDEQ on Friday. In a press release, National Wildlife Federation attorney Michelle Halley stated:

   “The opponents of the mine have presented MDEQ with over 1000 pages of unequivocal evidence that Kennecott’s proposed sulfide mine does not meet the state’s legal requirements and would result in profound pollution, impairment, and destruction of air, water and other natural resources… The MDEQ has issued permits that are based upon defective, inadequate and incomplete applications and are therefore illegal.”

The case will give opponents another opportunity to argue that the mine’s construction will result in pollution and environmental harm due both to the inherent dangers of sulfide mining as well as specific flaws in the design of the mine.

Since approval was granted for the mine on the 14th, the mining corporation Rio Tinto has announced that it intends to open an additional six mines in the Upper Peninsula. Consequently, opponents of the Eagle Project mine are warning that it is absolutely essential that the first permit set a precedent for strict adherence to the law. Halley asserted that “Setting a precedent that starts with defective, incomplete, inaccurate applications and ends with a dangerous new mine is not in the best interest of the people of Michigan, nor its environment.”

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429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestNEWS

03.01.08 15:30
Aquila Resources Inc.
 Other Recent News
 January 3, 2008
 Aquila Resources Inc.: New Resource Study Planned for 2008
  TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 3, 2008) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced plans for continued exploration and development activities at the Back Forty Project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The Company's key asset is the Back Forty volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit located in Menominee County, Michigan. A National Instrument (NI) 43-101 compliant Back Forty resource currently stands at 6.6 million tonnes grading 5.32% zinc, 2.28 g/t gold, 28.76 g/t silver and .52% copper in the Measured and Indicated category with an additional 1.7 million tonnes grading 2.61% zinc, 2.82 g/t gold, 32.41 g/t silver and .15% copper in the Inferred category - making the Back Forty one of North America's major, undeveloped gold rich VMS deposits.

New Resource and Scoping Study Planned for 2008

Key activities and milestones planned by Aquila in 2008 include:

- Exploration and Resource Expansion. Exploration will continue throughout the Back Forty Project area. New exploration targets generated by down hole and regional airborne geophysics will be tested in 2008. In addition, ongoing massive sulfide delineation and expansion, as well as further definition and expansion of several gold mineralized zones on the project will continue. A total of 44 drill holes are still pending from the current drilling program. Three drills will continue to operate in 2008.

- Update resource calculation. An updated resource will be completed during the second or third quarter of 2008. The resource will incorporate drill holes completed since May, 2007 (115 to date) as well as drill holes planned for early 2008. Significant expansion of the existing resource has occurred in several key areas including the Pinwheel, South Limb, and 90 Gold Zone. SRK Consulting has been retained to complete the NI 43-101 updated resource calculation.

- Completion of a NI 43-101 compliant preliminary assessment (scoping study). In order to evaluate the economic potential of the updated resource, Aquila intends to engage independent third party consulting engineers to complete preliminary mine and processing plans in order to assess the preliminary economic parameters of the project.

- Advancement of metallurgical test work program. Metallurgical test work is well underway for massive sulfide ore types as well as oxide (gossan), 90 Gold Zone and PM Zone gold ores. The Company anticipates that preliminary results will be ready for release during the first quarter of 2008.

- Progression of environmental baseline studies. Studies monitoring baseline water, air, flora, fauna, and cultural resources are currently being completed by independent consulting firms and will continue through 2008.

- Community outreach. The Company will continue its community outreach program with the normal regularly scheduled meetings in the local township, as well as an expanded meeting venue throughout broader Menominee County.

Additional information about Aquila and the Back Forty Project are available on the company's website at www.aquilaresources.com.

Tom Quigley, P.Geo., and President of Aquila is the Qualified Person as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Back Forty Project and is responsible for the content of this press release.

Certain information regarding the Company contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Such statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. The securities being offered have not and will not be registered in the United States under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account of benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities in the United States.

Shares Outstanding: 70,109,478

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this release.
Aquila Resources Inc. (Toronto)
Robin Dunbar
(416) 203-1404
Email: info@aquilaresourcesinc.com


Aquila Resources Inc. (U.S.)
Thomas O. Quigley
(218) 733-1452
Email: toquigley@qwest.net
Website: www.aquilaresources.com


Renmark Financial Communications, Inc.
Christine Stewart
(514) 939-3989
Email: cstewart@renmarkfinancial.com


First Canadian Capital Corp.
Dan Boase
(416) 742-5600
Email: request@firstcanadiancapital.com
   INDUSTRY: Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals  

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestwieder top-news

08.01.08 14:15
January 8, 2008
 Aquila Resources Inc.: Gold and Zinc Values Highlight Pinwheel Zone
  TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced drill results from seven holes targeting expansion of the Pinwheel Zone massive sulfide at the Back Forty Project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Step out drilling testing the down dip and southwest strike extension of the Pinwheel massive sulfide encountered multiple zones of zinc and copper bearing massive sulfides, as well as associated gold and copper bearing stringer sulfide mineralization. One hole was extended to depth, encountering deeper sulfide mineralization related to extensions of the Main Zone South Limb massive sulfide.

Highlights included 18 meters of 12.2% zinc including 5.3 meters of 25% zinc in massive sulfide, as well as significant gold mineralization including 2.2 meters of 15.1 grams/tonne (g/t) gold, 41.1 meters of 1.4 g/t gold and 3.2 meters of 12.1 g/t gold. Significant silver values were also encountered in all holes.

Results for another 15 holes testing an additional 300 meters of strike extension of the Pinwheel Zone along the Menominee River are pending and expected later in January.

Drill results are shown in the table below:

         Intervals in    
            Meters        Est.
         ------------    True    g/T    g/T     %     %      %    Descri-
Hole #    From     To   Width     Au     Ag    Cu    Pb     Zn      ption
LK-194PE   32.1   57.5    18.0   0.68  49.81  0.38  1.32  12.20   Pinwheel
including  50.0   57.5     5.3   0.34  27.18  0.37  0.47  24.98   Pinwheel
LK-196PE   29.8   57.8    28.0   1.05  15.26  0.41  0.70   3.83   Pinwheel
including  29.8   35.5     5.8   0.60  33.81  0.36  3.14  14.04   Pinwheel
          69.5   71.5   2.0(i)  3.84  24.11  0.26  0.13   0.55   Stringer
LK-205PE   31.1   36.0   4.9(i)  0.25  20.28  0.27  0.81  10.42   Pinwheel
          51.7   57.0   5.4(i)  2.38  31.04  1.14  0.14   1.23    Massive,
          71.0   74.0   3.0(i)  4.14   5.02  0.04  0.02   0.87   Stringer
         106.9  109.1   2.2(i) 15.12  96.85  0.09  0.28   0.32   Stringer
         110.6  138.0    22.0   1.13  16.15  0.43  0.17   0.29      Lower
LK-206PE   51.0   53.8     2.8   1.72  31.95  0.67  0.12   0.06   Pinwheel
         210.2  222.5  12.3(i)  1.59  15.52  0.17  0.21   0.36      Lower
         273.5  279.0   5.5(i)  6.32 248.51  0.29  1.24   0.48   Stringer
         306.0  313.7   7.7(i)  2.68  39.39  0.14  0.65  10.00  New South
LK-213PE   46.0   56.2    10.2   0.92   6.73  0.20  0.12   0.27   Pinwheel
         441.5  444.5   3.0(i)  3.85   8.10  0.02  0.32   0.41   Stringer
LK-216PE   57.5   79.1    12.5   1.14   9.66  0.13  0.14   0.42   Pinwheel
         101.7  105.5   3.8(i)  1.53  12.66  0.41  0.07   0.34       Semi
LK-218PE   65.7   78.9     9.9   5.81  42.45  0.16  0.10   0.48    Massive
including  68.2   72.5     3.2  12.09  67.54  0.11  0.12   0.35    Massive
          78.9  134.7    41.8   1.14  20.50  0.63  0.11   0.96   Pinwheel
including  78.9   83.4     3.3   1.00  13.38  0.32  0.11   8.04   Pinwheel
(i)Drilled thickness, true thickness unknown

 These drill results are from two fans of holes oriented nearly east west, designed to intercept the westerly dipping Pinwheel and related stratigraphy at 20 to 30 meter spacing between holes, with individual fans spaced 30 meters apart, representing approximately 90 meters of expansion of the Pinwheel Zone along strike and greater than 125 meters down dip.

The extension of Pinwheel hole LK-206PE to depth encountered massive sulfide mineralization at 306 meters - an apparent up dip extension of the Main Zone South Limb. Five follow up holes have been drilled to date with results pending, to further define this area of potential South Limb expansion. Significant gold values (2.68 g/t) as well as zinc (10%) are associated with this developing horizon. A map showing the latest drill holes, zone expansions and general information about Aquila and the Back Forty Project are available on the company's website at www.aquilaresources.com.

Tom Quigley, P.Geo., and President of Aquila is the Qualified Person as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Back Forty Project and is responsible for the content of this press release.

Certain information regarding the Company contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Such statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. The securities being offered have not and will not be registered in the United States under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account of benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities in the United States.

Shares Outstanding: 70,109,478

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this release.
Aquila Resources Inc. (Toronto)
Robin Dunbar
(416) 203-1404
Email: info@aquilaresourcesinc.com  

60 Postings, 6412 Tage crassus...

08.01.08 18:10
Hoffentlich bringen die restlichen Bohrlöcher genauso gute Ergebnisse wie die jetzigen.
Wird bestimmt noch ein sehr interessanter Januar.:-))  

628 Postings, 6496 Tage Memory1931.....wenn die mal endlich die Genehmigungen erhalten würden.....

08.01.08 20:41
.....wäre die Sache noch viel interessanter..... :-(  

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestGenehmigungen?

10.01.08 20:43
Aquila ist doch AFAIK noch gar nicht soweit, dass Genehmigungen faellig werden, oder?
Die Frage war doch, ob es ueberhaupt Genehmigungen in Michigan fuer neue Minen
gibt bzw. geben wird. Kennecott hat eine gekriegt, auch wenn die Minengegner
derzeit dort Kennecott und der Behörde die Hölle heiss machen (wollen).
Die Minengegner sind offenbar der Ansicht, dass die Umweltverschmutzung durch
die Behördenauflagen nicht genug ausgeschlossen werden.

OK, ueber Umweltauflagen zu diskutieren macht hier wenig Sinn, weil lediglich
der Umstand zaehlt, dass


Hab ich was vergessen?  

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestNews

14.01.08 14:13
January 14, 2008
 Aquila Discovers New Extensions of East Zone and 90 Gold Zones
  TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 14, 2008) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced drill results from 14 holes drilled at the Back Forty Project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Multiple intercepts demonstrate several new distinct zones of mineralization and enhance the overall precious metal enrichment of the deposit. The results

- extend the gold bearing 90 Gold Horizon 300 meters along strike to the east;

- expand the gold potential of the PM Gold Zone (the central porphyry intrusion); and

- define a new zinc rich massive sulfide zone south of the central porphyry intrusion in the East Zone.

Highlights include 10.6 meters of 28.1% zinc in a new massive sulfide zone, 6 meters of 3.4 grams/tonne (g/t) gold in siliceous sediments in an extension of the 90 Gold Zone and 1.3 meters of 14.1 g/t gold in the PM Gold Zone porphyry.

Drilling targeting the PM Gold Zone encountered previously unknown massive sulfide mineralization as well as altered and gold mineralized siliceous sediments typical of those associated with the 90 Gold Zone. This new zone is 300 meters northeast of the 90 Gold Zone. The holes returned some of the highest zinc values encountered to date, as well as broad zones of gold mineralization associated with near surface sediments and high grade gold mineralization associated with porphyry margins.

East end drill results include:

            in Meters     Est.
          -----------    True   g/T    g/T    %     %      %
Hole #     From     To   Width    Au     Ag   Cu    Pb     Zn  Description
LK-208     70.5   80.3     3.9  4.47  37.52 0.15  0.49   0.92       Quartz
                                                                 (PM Zone)
including  78.1   80.3     0.9 11.61  33.20 0.20  0.27   2.25       Quartz
                                                                 (PM Zone)
          80.3   90.9    10.6  1.42  45.75 0.14  1.38  28.14    East Zone
                                                               (south ext)
including  80.3   89.0     8.7  1.34  49.72 0.13  1.64  32.27    East Zone
                                                               (south ext)
LK-209     75.0   81.4     6.5  0.26  10.44 0.25  0.11  13.55    East Zone
LK-211     11.0   15.5     4.3  1.59   0.50 0.00  0.07   0.01    Siliceous
                                                             (90 Zone ext)
         100.5  103.5     1.8  4.57 157.88 0.12  4.54   0.13       Quartz
                                                                 (PM Zone)
         163.1  164.5   1.4(i) 9.48 155.61 0.21  2.06   0.74     Rhyolite
LK-214      7.6   15.3     4.6  3.39   8.19 0.00  0.09   0.00    Siliceous
                                                             (90 Zone ext)
          57.5   59.5     2(i) 3.53  73.13 0.05  2.97   0.04     Rhyolite
          76.6   98.1    16.0  1.02  18.82 0.05  0.45  13.16    East Zone
                                                               (south ext)
LK-217     31.0   47.0    11.3  1.68  20.28 0.02  0.16   0.08    Siliceous
                                                             (90 Zone ext)
          66.0   68.0     2(i) 0.64  15.35 0.01  0.26   1.83     Stringer
         110.5  114.5     3.2  0.43   9.99 0.03  0.21   2.44    East Zone
                                                               (south ext)
LK-219     14.1   26.5    10.6  0.71   0.90 0.00  0.02   0.00    Siliceous
                                                             (90 Zone ext)
          67.5   69.5     2(i) 5.32 350.70 0.10  6.94   1.34     Stringer
LK-223     27.0   33.0     6.0  3.35  25.51 0.04  0.09   0.02    Siliceous
                                                             (90 Zone ext)
          55.5   58.5     3(i) 1.20  81.48 0.02  1.00   0.61     Stringer
          67.0   74.5   7.5(i) 0.50   1.15 0.02  0.04   2.60     Stringer
          98.5  100.0     1.3 14.17  51.06 0.06  0.56   0.15       Quartz
                                                                 (PM Zone)
         113.5  119.5     5.2  1.48  15.99 0.03  0.26   0.07       Quartz
                                                                 (PM Zone)
LK-225     40.5   59.0    18.5  1.44  14.36 0.02  0.19   0.32    Siliceous
                                                             (90 Zone ext)
LK-226     46.0   55.0     8.8  1.52   7.86 0.02  0.10   0.11    Siliceous
                                                             (90 Zone ext)
LK-229     12.6   16.0     3.4  2.08   3.41 0.00  0.04   0.01    Siliceous
                                                             (90 Zone ext)
          86.6   92.1     4.0  3.63  91.39 0.10  1.18   0.75       Quartz
                                                                 (PM Zone)
LK-239     90.0  100.0     7.1  2.83  12.51 0.16  0.08   0.20       Quartz
                                                                 (PM Zone)
LK-243    127.8  137.0   9.2(i) 0.91  20.19 0.01  0.24   2.63  Massive and
including 131.0  134.0   3.0(i) 2.83  62.74 0.04  0.75   8.16  Massive and
LK-244     94.5   97.0     2.0  2.99  48.80 0.05  1.96   0.17       Quartz
                                                                 (PM Zone)
LK-247    No significant values                                   Rhyolite
(i)Drilled thickness, true thickness unknown

 90 Gold Zone

The 90 Gold Zone is associated with the shallow updip portion of tuffaceous sediments and chloritic tuffs, also associated with the Tuff Zone massive sulfide. Further drilling is planned to expand the extent of these zones along strike and to depth. This sequence of sediments is also associated with the Tuff Zone massive sulfide, and deeper drilling along this horizon will be required to test for the presence of this zone.

PM Zone

Drilling at the PM Zone continues to intercept significant mineralization associated with the central porphyry intrusion. Significant silver values continue to be intersected in the PM Zone. More drilling is planned to continue definition of this precious metal rich horizon.

East Zone

The massive sulfide intercepts in LK-214 and LK-217 represent the first known extension of the East Zone massive sulfide south of the porphyry, and although follow up drilling to the east failed to intercept extensions, it remains open to the west. Expansion in this direction could result in eventual continuity with the South Limb massive sulfide.

A map showing the latest drill holes, zone expansions and general information about Aquila and the Back Forty Project are available on the company's website at www.aquilaresources.com.

Tom Quigley, P.Geo. and President of Aquila, is the Qualified Person as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Back Forty Project and is responsible for the content of this press release.

Certain information regarding the Company contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Such statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. The securities being offered have not and will not be registered in the United States under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account of benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities in the United States.

Shares Outstanding: 70,109,478

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this release.
Aquila Resources Inc. (Toronto)
Robin Dunbar
(416) 203-1404
Email: info@aquilaresourcesinc.com


Aquila Resources Inc. (U.S.)
Thomas O. Quigley
(218) 733-1452
Email: toquigley@qwest.net
Website: www.aquilaresources.com


Renmark Financial Communications, Inc.
Christine Stewart
(514) 939-3989
Email: cstewart@renmarkfinancial.com


First Canadian Capital Corp.
Dan Boase
(416) 742-5600
Email: request@firstcanadiancapital.com
   INDUSTRY: Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals  

628 Postings, 6496 Tage Memory1931Die Nachrichten sind ja ale sehr schön, aber........

14.01.08 15:18
Mit guten Nachrichten und Bohrlöchern kann man keine Investoren zum Wertpapierkauf mehr animieren.

Die sollten mal langsam anfangen sich um ihre Minen zu
kümmern. Das wäre mal eine gute Nachricht die wieder
potenzielle Aktionäre auf das Papier aufmerksam werden
lassen würde.......

Ich häng da jetzt schon über ein Jahr drinn....:-(

628 Postings, 6496 Tage Memory1931Gab es erfreuliche Neuigkeiten....

16.01.08 10:49
USA + 16,88% ?  

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestAsenjo Energy

24.01.08 09:04
Asenjo Energy appoints Geosearch Botswana as drilling contractor
By: Olivia Spadavecchia
Published: 24 Jan 08 - 9:50
Asenjo Energy, the joint venture (JV) between Aquila Resources, Jonah Capital and Sentula Mining, said on Wednesday that it had awarded the drilling contract on its Botswana tenements to Geosearch Botswana.  

Drilling at the Dukwe prospect began on January 15, while the drilling at the Mmamabula West project was expected to start as soon as access to the site was cleared.

The contract was for over 300 boreholes, totaling about 3 0000 m of drilling, and would take place in the Mmamabula West, Dukwe, and Lechana/Tshimoyapula areas in Botswana. The three areas cover a nearly 5 000 km2.

"The competitive tender was sent out to a number of major drilling contractors at the end of 2007. We believe that with over twenty five years of drilling experience in Africa, Geosearch International is best placed to help us speed up the evaluation process of our coal resources," Asenjo COO Malcolm Campbell commented.

This southern African energy JV was formed in September to accelerate the evaluation and development of significant coal resources in Botswana and to progress plans to construct related power generation facilities in the region.  

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestAquila Drills New Near Surface Gold Mineralization

29.01.08 14:20

Aquila Drills New Near Surface Gold Mineralization
Results include 11.24 meters of 5.7 grams per tonne gold and 28.0 grams per tonne silver

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 29, 2008) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced more drilling results from 11 holes from the ongoing drilling program at the Back Forty Project in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Ten out of 11 holes encountered significant gold and silver values in multiple zones, including near surface gold mineralization in a new zone south of the Pinwheel massive sulfide and gossan encountered in LK-220. High grade zinc mineralization in extensions of both the Hinge and South Limb areas of the Main Zone massive sulfide were also encountered.

Results include:

        All Intervals     Est.
          in Meters      True   g/t    g/t    %     %      %
Hole #     From     To   Width    Au     Ag   Cu    Pb     Zn  Description
LK-220     11.9   12.5     0.6  0.72  46.25 1.62  0.09   0.03  Pinwheel
          15.3   26.5 11.24(i) 5.67  28.00 0.03  0.03   0.01  Altered
                                                               tuff (new
                                                               gold zone)
including 19.0   23.5    4.5(i) 9.90  45.84 0.03  0.02   0.02  Altered

LK-203   115.0  125.0   10.0(i) 0.18  15.47 0.02  0.69   2.11  Stringer
        170.3  174.3      3.6  2.08  20.75 0.61  0.15  10.54  Hinge Zone
LK-204          No Significant Values
LK-210    90.0   92.0    2.0(i) 7.68 163.39 0.02  1.96   1.75  Chlorite
        103.0  104.5    1.5(i) 3.52 147.92 0.02  0.93   0.58  Chlorite
        212.0  214.9    2.9(i) 6.12  64.89 0.11  1.25   0.49  Chlorite
        214.9  238.8     10.6  1.02   5.52 0.05  0.15  10.51  South Limb
        103.0  104.5    1.5(i) 2.32  28.04 1.19  0.19   0.10  Unknown
LK-212    86.5   95.0    8.5(i) 2.05  70.74 0.02  0.41   2.02  Tuffaceous
                                                               w/ thin
including 89.0   90.5    1.5(i) 5.28 231.13 0.08  1.59  10.17  Unknown
        280.5  296.4     14.3  1.43   8.89 0.09  0.24   9.34  South Limb
LK-215   317.0  319.9      2.9  0.60   2.26 0.06  0.15  20.54  South Limb
        348.5  351.0    2.5(i) 4.70  24.26 0.05  1.61   0.02  PM Gold
(i)Drilled thickness, true thickness unknown

        All Intervals    Est.
          in Meters     True    g/t    g/t    %     %      %
Hole #     From     To  Width     Au     Ag   Cu    Pb     Zn   Description
LK-222    109.5  112.5  3.0(i) 12.20  32.00 0.04  0.66   1.07   Altered
         229.5  246.0 16.5(i)  1.82   9.62 0.19  0.11  13.04   South Limb
LK-227    141.5  160.5   11.0   2.60  47.86 0.07  0.21   0.34   South Limb
including 153.0  154.5    1.0  20.44  10.45 0.25  0.04   1.21   Stringer
LK-232    211.0  214.0    3.0   4.00  76.57 0.07  0.68   0.07   Altered
         233.0  243.3 10.3(i)  5.24  43.97 0.22  0.47   0.12  South Limb
including 233.0  235.5  2.5(i) 16.64 137.48 0.22  1.46   0.16  South Limb
LK-237    208.3  249.5   13.2   1.12  41.47 0.54  0.30   6.19  South Limb
including 229.5  238.5    2.9   1.73  52.30 0.62  0.23  14.31  South Limb
LK-241    322.5  341.3 18.8(i)  3.26  20.58 0.20  0.31   2.87  South Limb
including 333.0  339.0  6.0(i)  6.53  22.14 0.17  0.37   2.32  South Limb
(i)Drilled thickness, true thickness unknown

New Near Surface Gold Mineralization

LK-220 targeted an undrilled region of the main fold hinge south of the Pinwheel massive sulfide and intersected a shallow massive sulfide interpreted to be an outlier of the Pinwheel Zone, underlain by gold bearing altered and oxidized rhyolite tuff representing another new, near surface gold occurrence at the project. Follow up drilling to assess the relationship of this intercept with the nearby Pinwheel gossan and massive sulfide is underway. "New intercepts like this are expected to add significantly to the growing gold and silver inventory at the Back Forty Project," stated Tom Quigley, Aquila's President.

Main Zone South Limb Expansion

Three drill holes (LK-210, -212, -215) targeted the South Limb of the Main Zone massive sulfide along section 435050E, extending and further defining massive sulfide in this area. Significant gold and silver mineralization was also encountered in these holes in overlying chloritic tuffs, siliceous sediments and along the central porphyry margin (PM Zone).

Drill holes LK-222, -227, -232, -237, and -241 were step outs from two previously reported intercepts (LK-202PE - 13 meters of 8.7% zinc and LK-206PE - 7.7 meters of 10% zinc) in a new area of South Limb massive sulfide mineralization. These step out holes successfully intercepted base and precious metal mineralization related to the South Limb and peripheral host rocks and significantly expand the South Limb and related gold mineralization into this area.

Main Zone Hinge

At the western extent of the Hinge zone, where it appears to be thinning, LK-203 extended the Hinge zone to the north by an additional 25 meters beyond previous intercepts. LK-204, drilled to the north of LK-203, returned no significant values, closing off the north limb of the Hinge on this section.

Ongoing Drilling

Drilling at the Back Forty project continues to intersect widespread zinc, copper, gold and sliver mineralization, and the focus of ongoing drilling in 2008 will be directed at providing information required for computing an updated 43-101 mineral resource estimate, which will include not only the expanded massive sulfide and stringer mineralization, but will also include a distinct gold and silver component.

An up to date plan map of completed and pending holes is available on the company's website at http://www.aquilaresources.com/projects.php#map.

Sample preparation and analyses for this release were conducted by Accurassay Labs in Thunder Bay, Ontario on split drill core supplied by Aquila. Standards were inserted in the sample sequences with check assays and re-run's routinely conducted. Tom Quigley, P.Geo. and President of Aquila is the Qualified Person as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Back Forty Project and is responsible for the content of this press release.

Certain information regarding the Company contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Such statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. The securities being offered have not and will not be registered in the United States under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account of benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities in the United States.

Shares Outstanding: 70,109,478

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this release.

For more information, please contact
Aquila Resources Inc. (Toronto)
Robin Dunbar
(416) 203-1404
Email: info@aquilaresourcesinc.com


Aquila Resources Inc. (U.S.)
Thomas O. Quigley
(218) 733-1452
Email: toquigley@qwest.net
Website: www.aquilaresources.com


Renmark Financial Communications, Inc.
Christine Stewart
(514) 939-3989
Email: cstewart@renmarkfinancial.com


First Canadian Capital Corp.
Dan Boase
(416) 742-5600
Email: request@firstcanadiancapital.com

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestKennecott

01.02.08 19:25
DNR recommends approving Kennecott mine

LANSING -- A company that wants to operate a nickel and copper mine in Michigan's Upper Peninsula may soon get a final answer from a state agency.

Department of Natural Resources Director Rebecca Humphries is expected to announce Feb. 7 whether she will approve Kennecott Minerals Co.'s plan for the mine in western Marquette County.

The DNR is considering whether to lease public land for the mine's aboveground operations and whether its plans meet state standards.

After Humphries postponed a decision last month, the company has provided more information and made some changes. DNR staffers are recommending approval.

The Department of Environmental Quality has already granted permits for the mine. Opponents have filed a lawsuit to block them.

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestNa also, tschuess Ihr Zweifler:

08.02.08 07:17
Kennecott Completes State Approval Process for New U.P. Michigan Nickel and Copper Mine
Thu Feb 7, 8:10 PM

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MARQUETTE, Mich., Feb. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Kennecott Eagle Minerals Company today received the final approvals the company needs from the State of Michigan before beginning construction of an underground mine in the state's Upper Peninsula. The Eagle Mine will serve as the only primary nickel mine in the United States, and will employ hundreds of area workers over the coming decade during construction and operations.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources authorized a land surface use agreement, and also approved Kennecott's proposed post-mining reclamation plan. These approvals complete the state's permitting role. In December 2007 the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality issued three principal permits needed for the project.

"Completion of the state approval phase marks an important milestone in the development of the Eagle project, as it moves the project to realization" said Eagle General Manager Jon Cherry. "Achieving the necessary state approvals has been the focus of our activities over the last four years, and obtaining them literally moves the project 'off of paper and onto the ground'. The approval process has been thorough and rigorous, as expected of the first new mine in Michigan's modern era."

The land surface use agreement covers a 120-acre area of state-owned land where aboveground facilities and equipment will be built to service mine operations, along with the portal to the underground deposit. Approval of the reclamation plan provides additional regulatory agency oversight of Kennecott's activities related to removing facilities and returning the land to pre-mining conditions once mining operations have concluded. The MDEQ also has oversight of post-mining activities at the site.

The Eagle project will provide a significant boost to the region's economy over the next decade. Kennecott officials have said the company has additional exploration activities underway that could potentially extend the role mining plays in the economy for many years to come. Kennecott's production of minerals from the underground ore body at Eagle could generate a royalty of up to $50 million to the state's Natural Resources Trust Fund, based on commodity prices for nickel and copper. The NRTF secures revenues and royalties from nonrenewable resource development -- oil, gas, and minerals -- and is used by the state to purchase new recreational lands for public use. At the local level, area school districts will be among the primary beneficiaries of the project's economic infusion, with property tax payments based on the fair market value of the mine.


SOURCE Kennecott Eagle Minerals Company


Jon Cherry
or Deborah Muchmore
for Kennecott
+1-517-372-4400 or +1-517-449-9811  

429 Postings, 6464 Tage andrebestund nochmal

08.02.08 07:20
DNR says yes to Kennecott
The controversial mine gets the go-ahead.

Posted: Thursday, February 07, 2008 at 6:43 p.m.

LANSING -- Kennecott Minerals has cleared another hurdle in its efforts to build a controversial nickel and copper mine on the Yellow Dog Plains of Marquette County.

Rebecca Humphries, the director of Michigan's Department of Natural Resources, late Thursday approved using 120 acres of state land for the surface facilities of the mine.

She also signed off on the mine's reclamation plan at Thursday's Natural Resources Commission.

The mine still needs a permit approved by the federal Environmental Protection Agency, but Kennecott officials don't expect that to be a problem.

What could be more problematic for Kennecott is an attempt in court by opponents of the mine to stop the construction. Opponents claim the mine could damage the fragile environment of the Yellow Dog Plains.

"It is unfortunate that the DNR has forgotten the premise for which it was formed--to protect and conserve our natrual resources for use by the public," said Cynthia Pryor of the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve. "This decision turns state forest lands into an industrial outlot and our region into a paradise lost."

Kennecott has said it plans to invest about 300 million dollars in the development of the mine. It's hoping to start to construction early this year, and begin production in 2009.  

628 Postings, 6496 Tage Memory1931Aquila

21.02.08 10:27

Gibt es irgendwelche Erkenntnisse bezüglich.......Genehmigungen etc......

oder ist der Laden den Bach runtergegangen....


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